Пример #1
HCountedArray *h_carray_new_sized(HArena * arena, size_t size) {
  HCountedArray *ret = h_arena_malloc(arena, sizeof(HCountedArray));
  if (size == 0)
    size = 1;
  ret->used = 0;
  ret->capacity = size;
  ret->arena = arena;
  ret->elements = h_arena_malloc(arena, sizeof(void*) * size);
  return ret;
Пример #2
void h_hashtable_put(HHashTable* ht, void* key, void* value) {
  // # Start with a rebalancing
  //h_hashtable_ensure_capacity(ht, ht->used + 1);

  HHashValue hashval = ht->hashFunc(key);
  assert((ht->capacity & (ht->capacity - 1)) == 0); // capacity is a power of 2

  HHashTableEntry *hte = &ht->contents[hashval & (ht->capacity - 1)];
  if (hte->key != NULL) {
    do {
      if (hte->hashval == hashval && ht->equalFunc(key, hte->key))
	goto insert_here;
      if (hte->next != NULL)
	hte = hte->next;
    } while (hte->next != NULL);
    // Add a new link...
    assert (hte->next == NULL);
    hte->next = h_arena_malloc(ht->arena, sizeof(HHashTableEntry));
    hte = hte->next;
    hte->next = NULL;
  } else

  hte->key = key;
  hte->value = value;
  hte->hashval = hashval;
Пример #3
HParsedToken *h_make_bytes(HArena *arena, size_t len)
    HParsedToken *ret = h_make_(arena, TT_BYTES);
    ret->bytes.len = len;
    ret->bytes.token = h_arena_malloc(arena, len);
    return ret;
Пример #4
HLRAction *h_shift_action(HArena *arena, size_t nextstate)
  HLRAction *action = h_arena_malloc(arena, sizeof(HLRAction));
  action->type = HLR_SHIFT;
  action->nextstate = nextstate;
  return action;
Пример #5
void h_slist_push(HSlist *slist, void* item) {
  HSlistNode *hnode = h_arena_malloc(slist->arena, sizeof(HSlistNode));
  hnode->elem = item;
  hnode->next = slist->head;
  // write memory barrier here.
  slist->head = hnode;
Пример #6
void h_hashtable_put_raw(HHashTable* ht, HHashTableEntry *new_entry) {
  assert((ht->capacity & (ht->capacity - 1)) == 0); // capacity is a power of 2

  HHashTableEntry *hte = &ht->contents[new_entry->hashval & (ht->capacity - 1)];
  if (hte->key != NULL) {
    for(;;) {
      // check each link, stay on last if not found
      if (hte->hashval == new_entry->hashval && ht->equalFunc(new_entry->key, hte->key))
	goto insert_here;
      if (hte->next == NULL)
      hte = hte->next;
    // Add a new link...
    assert (hte->next == NULL);
    hte->next = h_arena_malloc(ht->arena, sizeof(HHashTableEntry));
    hte = hte->next;
    hte->next = NULL;
  } else

  hte->key = new_entry->key;
  hte->value = new_entry->value;
  hte->hashval = new_entry->hashval;
Пример #7
HHashTable* h_hashtable_new(HArena *arena, HEqualFunc equalFunc, HHashFunc hashFunc) {
  HHashTable *ht = h_arena_malloc(arena, sizeof(HHashTable));
  ht->hashFunc = hashFunc;
  ht->equalFunc = equalFunc;
  ht->capacity = 64; // to start; should be tuned later...
  ht->used = 0;
  ht->arena = arena;
  ht->contents = h_arena_malloc(arena, sizeof(HHashTableEntry) * ht->capacity);
  for (size_t i = 0; i < ht->capacity; i++) {
    ht->contents[i].key = NULL;
    ht->contents[i].value = NULL;
    ht->contents[i].next = NULL;
    ht->contents[i].hashval = 0;
  //memset(ht->contents, 0, sizeof(HHashTableEntry) * ht->capacity);
  return ht;
Пример #8
Файл: rr.c Проект: spease/hammer
const HParsedToken *act_txt(const HParseResult *p) {
  dns_rr_txt_t *txt = H_ALLOC(dns_rr_txt_t);

  const HCountedArray *arr = H_CAST_SEQ(p->ast);
  uint8_t **ret = h_arena_malloc(arr->arena, sizeof(uint8_t*)*arr->used);
  for (size_t i=0; i<arr->used; ++i) {
    size_t len = h_seq_len(arr->elements[i]);
    uint8_t *tmp = h_arena_malloc(arr->arena, sizeof(uint8_t)*len);
    for (size_t j=0; j<len; ++j)
      tmp[j] = H_INDEX_UINT(arr->elements[i], j);
    ret[i] = tmp;

  txt->count = arr->used;
  txt->txt_data = ret;

  return H_MAKE(dns_rr_txt_t, txt);
Пример #9
static inline HLRTransition *transition(HArena *arena,
                                        size_t x, const HCFChoice *A, size_t y)
  HLRTransition *t = h_arena_malloc(arena, sizeof(HLRTransition));
  t->from = x;
  t->symbol = A;
  t->to = y;
  return t;
Пример #10
Файл: rr.c Проект: spease/hammer
const HParsedToken *act_null(const HParseResult *p) {
  dns_rr_null_t *null = H_ALLOC(dns_rr_null_t);

  size_t len = h_seq_len(p->ast);
  uint8_t *buf = h_arena_malloc(p->arena, sizeof(uint8_t)*len);
  for (size_t i=0; i<len; ++i)
    buf[i] = H_FIELD_UINT(i);

  return H_MAKE(dns_rr_null_t, null);
Пример #11
HLRAction *h_reduce_action(HArena *arena, const HLRItem *item)
  HLRAction *action = h_arena_malloc(arena, sizeof(HLRAction));
  action->type = HLR_REDUCE;
  action->production.lhs = item->lhs;
  action->production.length = item->len;
#ifndef NDEBUG
  action->production.rhs = item->rhs;
  return action;
Пример #12
void h_carray_append(HCountedArray *array, void* item) {
  if (array->used >= array->capacity) {
    HParsedToken **elements = h_arena_malloc(array->arena, (array->capacity *= 2) * sizeof(HCountedArray*));
    for (size_t i = 0; i < array->used; i++)
      elements[i] = array->elements[i];
    for (size_t i = array->used; i < array->capacity; i++)
      elements[i] = 0;
    array->elements = elements;
  array->elements[array->used++] = item;
Пример #13
Файл: rr.c Проект: spease/hammer
const HParsedToken* act_wks(const HParseResult *p) {
  dns_rr_wks_t *wks = H_ALLOC(dns_rr_wks_t);

  wks->address  = H_FIELD_UINT(0);
  wks->protocol = H_FIELD_UINT(1);
  wks->len      = H_FIELD_SEQ(2)->used;
  wks->bit_map  = h_arena_malloc(p->arena, sizeof(uint8_t)*wks->len);
  for (size_t i=0; i<wks->len; ++i)
    wks->bit_map[i] = H_INDEX_UINT(p->ast, 2, i);

  return H_MAKE(dns_rr_wks_t, wks);
Пример #14
Файл: rr.c Проект: spease/hammer
const HParsedToken* act_cstr(const HParseResult *p) {
  dns_cstr_t *cs = H_ALLOC(dns_cstr_t);

  const HCountedArray *arr = H_CAST_SEQ(p->ast);
  uint8_t *ret = h_arena_malloc(arr->arena, sizeof(uint8_t)*arr->used);
  for (size_t i=0; i<arr->used; ++i)
    ret[i] = H_CAST_UINT(arr->elements[i]);
  assert(ret[arr->used-1] == '\0'); // XXX Is this right?! If so, shouldn't it be a validation?
  *cs = ret;

  return H_MAKE(dns_cstr_t, cs);
Пример #15
HLRTable *h_lrtable_new(HAllocator *mm__, size_t nrows)
  HArena *arena = h_new_arena(mm__, 0);    // default blocksize
  assert(arena != NULL);

  HLRTable *ret = h_new(HLRTable, 1);
  ret->nrows = nrows;
  ret->ntmap = h_arena_malloc(arena, nrows * sizeof(HHashTable *));
  ret->tmap = h_arena_malloc(arena, nrows * sizeof(HStringMap *));
  ret->forall = h_arena_malloc(arena, nrows * sizeof(HLRAction *));
  ret->inadeq = h_slist_new(arena);
  ret->arena = arena;
  ret->mm__ = mm__;

  for(size_t i=0; i<nrows; i++) {
    ret->ntmap[i] = h_hashtable_new(arena, h_eq_symbol, h_hash_symbol);
    ret->tmap[i] = h_stringmap_new(arena);
    ret->forall[i] = NULL;

  return ret;
Пример #16
static HParsedToken* reshape_optional(const HParseResult *p, void* user_data) {
  assert(p->ast->token_type == TT_SEQUENCE);

  if (p->ast->seq->used > 0) {
    HParsedToken *res = p->ast->seq->elements[0];
      return res;

  HParsedToken *ret = h_arena_malloc(p->arena, sizeof(HParsedToken));
  ret->token_type = TT_NONE;
  return ret;
Пример #17
HLRItem *h_lritem_new(HArena *a, HCFChoice *lhs, HCFChoice **rhs, size_t mark)
  HLRItem *ret = h_arena_malloc(a, sizeof(HLRItem));

  size_t len = 0;
  for(HCFChoice **p=rhs; *p; p++) len++;
  assert(mark <= len);

  ret->lhs = lhs;
  ret->rhs = rhs;
  ret->len = len;
  ret->mark = mark;

  return ret;
Пример #18
static HParsedToken *act_bytes(const HParseResult *p, void *user)
    DNP3_Object *o = H_ALLOC(DNP3_Object);
    HCountedArray *a = H_CAST_SEQ(p->ast);
    size_t n = a->used;

    o->applid.len = n;
    o->applid.str = h_arena_malloc(p->arena, n+1);  // null-terminate

    for(size_t i=0; i<n; i++)
        o->applid.str[i] = H_CAST_UINT(a->elements[i]);
    o->applid.str[n] = '\0';

    return H_MAKE(DNP3_Object, o);
Пример #19
// no-op on terminal symbols
static void transform_productions(const HLRTable *table, HLREnhGrammar *eg,
                                  size_t x, HCFChoice *xAy)
  if (xAy->type != HCF_CHOICE) {

  HArena *arena = eg->arena;

  HCFSequence **seq = h_arena_malloc(arena, seqsize(xAy->seq)
                                            * sizeof(HCFSequence *));
  HCFSequence **p, **q;
  for(p=xAy->seq, q=seq; *p; p++, q++) {
    // trace rhs starting in state x and following the transitions
    // xAy -> ... iBj ...

    size_t i = x;
    HCFChoice **B = (*p)->items;
    HCFChoice **items = h_arena_malloc(arena, seqsize(B) * sizeof(HCFChoice *));
    HCFChoice **iBj = items;
    for(; *B; B++, iBj++) {
      size_t j = follow_transition(table, i, *B);
      HLRTransition *i_B_j = transition(arena, i, *B, j);
      *iBj = h_hashtable_get(eg->tmap, i_B_j);
      assert(*iBj != NULL);
      i = j;
    *iBj = NULL;

    *q = h_arena_malloc(arena, sizeof(HCFSequence));
    (*q)->items = items;
  *q = NULL;
  xAy->seq = seq;
Пример #20
static HCFChoice *new_enhanced_symbol(HLREnhGrammar *eg, const HCFChoice *sym)
  HArena *arena = eg->arena;
  HCFChoice *esym = h_arena_malloc(arena, sizeof(HCFChoice));
  *esym = *sym;

  HHashSet *cs = h_hashtable_get(eg->corr, sym);
  if (!cs) {
    cs = h_hashset_new(arena, h_eq_symbol, h_hash_symbol);
    h_hashtable_put(eg->corr, sym, cs);
  h_hashset_put(cs, esym);

  return esym;
Пример #21
static HParsedToken *act_segment(const HParseResult *p, void *user)
    DNP3_Segment *s = H_ALLOC(DNP3_Segment);

    s->fin = H_FIELD_UINT(0, 0);
    s->fir = H_FIELD_UINT(0, 1);
    s->seq = H_FIELD_UINT(0, 2);

    HCountedArray *a = H_FIELD_SEQ(1);
    s->len = a->used;
    s->payload = h_arena_malloc(p->arena, s->len);
    assert(s->payload != NULL);
    for(size_t i=0; i<s->len; i++) {
        s->payload[i] = H_CAST_UINT(a->elements[i]);

    return H_MAKE(DNP3_Segment, s);
Пример #22
HSlist* h_slist_copy(HSlist *slist) {
  HSlist *ret = h_slist_new(slist->arena);
  HSlistNode *head = slist->head;
  HSlistNode *tail;
  if (head != NULL) {
    h_slist_push(ret, head->elem);
    tail = ret->head;
    head = head->next;
    while (head != NULL) {
      // append head item to tail in a new node
      HSlistNode *node = h_arena_malloc(slist->arena, sizeof(HSlistNode));
      node->elem = head->elem;
      node->next = NULL;
      tail = tail->next = node;
      head = head->next;
  return ret;
Пример #23
void h_hashtable_ensure_capacity(HHashTable* ht, size_t n) {
  bool do_resize = false;
  size_t old_capacity = ht->capacity;
  while (n * 1.3 > ht->capacity) {
    ht->capacity *= 2;
    do_resize = true;
  if (!do_resize)
  HHashTableEntry *old_contents = ht->contents;
  HHashTableEntry *new_contents = h_arena_malloc(ht->arena, sizeof(HHashTableEntry) * ht->capacity);
  ht->contents = new_contents;
  ht->used = 0;
  memset(new_contents, 0, sizeof(HHashTableEntry) * ht->capacity);
  for (size_t i = 0; i < old_capacity; ++i)
    for (HHashTableEntry *entry = &old_contents[i];
	 entry = entry->next)
      if (entry->key)
	h_hashtable_put_raw(ht, entry);
  //h_arena_free(ht->arena, old_contents);
Пример #24
HParsedToken* act_domain(const HParseResult *p, void* user_data) {
  HParsedToken *ret = NULL;
  char *arr = NULL;

  switch(p->ast->token_type) {
  case TT_UINT:
    arr = " ";
    // Sequence of subdomains separated by "."
    // Each subdomain is a label, which can be no more than 63 chars.
    arr = h_arena_malloc(p->arena, 64*p->ast->seq->used);
    size_t count = 0;
    for (size_t i=0; i<p->ast->seq->used; ++i) {
      HParsedToken *tmp = p->ast->seq->elements[i];
      for (size_t j=0; j<tmp->seq->used; ++j) {
	arr[count] = tmp->seq->elements[i]->uint;
      arr[count] = '.';
    arr[count-1] = '\x00';
    arr = NULL;
    ret = NULL;

  if(arr) {
    dns_domain_t *val = H_ALLOC(dns_domain_t);  // dns_domain_t is char*
    *val = arr;
    ret = H_MAKE(dns_domain_t, val);

  return ret;
Пример #25
static HLREnhGrammar *enhance_grammar(const HCFGrammar *g, const HLRDFA *dfa,
                                      const HLRTable *table)
  HAllocator *mm__ = g->mm__;
  HArena *arena = g->arena;

  HLREnhGrammar *eg = h_arena_malloc(arena, sizeof(HLREnhGrammar));
  eg->tmap = h_hashtable_new(arena, h_eq_transition, h_hash_transition);
  eg->smap = h_hashtable_new(arena, h_eq_ptr, h_hash_ptr);
  eg->corr = h_hashtable_new(arena, h_eq_symbol, h_hash_symbol);
  // XXX must use h_eq/hash_ptr for symbols! so enhanced CHARs are different
  eg->arena = arena;

  // establish mapping between transitions and symbols
  for(HSlistNode *x=dfa->transitions->head; x; x=x->next) {
    HLRTransition *t = x->elem;

    assert(!h_hashtable_present(eg->tmap, t));

    HCFChoice *sym = new_enhanced_symbol(eg, t->symbol);
    h_hashtable_put(eg->tmap, t, sym);
    h_hashtable_put(eg->smap, sym, t);

  // transform the productions
  H_FOREACH(eg->tmap, HLRTransition *t, HCFChoice *sym)
    transform_productions(table, eg, t->from, sym);

  // add the start symbol
  HCFChoice *start = new_enhanced_symbol(eg, g->start);
  transform_productions(table, eg, 0, start);

  eg->grammar = h_cfgrammar_(mm__, start);
  return eg;
Пример #26
  action->production.lhs = item->lhs;
  action->production.length = item->len;
#ifndef NDEBUG
  action->production.rhs = item->rhs;
  return action;

// adds 'new' to the branches of 'action'
// returns a 'action' if it is already of type HLR_CONFLICT
// allocates a new HLRAction otherwise
HLRAction *h_lr_conflict(HArena *arena, HLRAction *action, HLRAction *new)
  if(action->type != HLR_CONFLICT) {
    HLRAction *old = action;
    action = h_arena_malloc(arena, sizeof(HLRAction));
    action->type = HLR_CONFLICT;
    action->branches = h_slist_new(arena);
    h_slist_push(action->branches, old);
    h_slist_push(action->branches, new);
  } else {
    // check if 'new' is already among branches
    HSlistNode *x;
    for(x=action->branches->head; x; x=x->next) {
      if(x->elem == new)
    // add 'new' if it is not already in list
    if(x == NULL)
      h_slist_push(action->branches, new);
Пример #27
// Low-level helper for the h_make family.
HParsedToken *h_make_(HArena *arena, HTokenType type)
    HParsedToken *ret = h_arena_malloc(arena, sizeof(HParsedToken));
    ret->token_type = type;
    return ret;
Пример #28
// HSlist
HSlist* h_slist_new(HArena *arena) {
  HSlist *ret = h_arena_malloc(arena, sizeof(HSlist));
  ret->head = NULL;
  ret->arena = arena;
  return ret;