Пример #1
//Send a frame of bytes via SPI
unsigned char spiSendFrame(unsigned char* pBuffer, unsigned int size)
#ifndef withDMA
  unsigned long i = 0;
  // clock the actual data transfer and receive the bytes; spi_read automatically finds the Data Block
  for (i = 0; i < size; i++){
    while (halSPITXREADY ==0);   // wait while not ready for TX
    halSPI_SEND(pBuffer[i]);     // write
    while (halSPIRXREADY ==0);   // wait for RX buffer (full)
    pBuffer[i] = halSPIRXBUF;
      /* Get the block */
      /* DMA trigger is UART send */
      DMACTL0 &= ~(DMA0TSEL_15);
      DMACTL0 |= (DMA0TSEL_9);
      /* Source DMA address: the data buffer.  */
      DMA0SA = (unsigned short)pBuffer;
      /* Destination DMA address: the UART send register. */
      DMA0DA = U1TXBUF_;
      /* The size of the block to be transferred */
      DMA0SZ = count;
      /* Configure the DMA transfer*/
      DMA0CTL =
        DMAREQ  |                           /* start transfer */
        DMADT_0 |                           /* Single transfer mode */
        DMASBDB |                           /* Byte mode */
        DMAEN |                             /* Enable DMA */
        DMASRCINCR1 | DMASRCINCR0;          /* Increment the source address */
Пример #2
//Send one byte via SPI
unsigned char spiSendByte(const unsigned char data)
  while (halSPITXREADY ==0);    // wait while not ready for TX
  halSPI_SEND(data);            // write
  while (halSPIRXREADY ==0);    // wait for RX buffer (full)
  return (halSPIRXBUF);
Пример #3
void halSPISetup(void)
    U0CSR |= 0X40;				
    U0UCR = 0x80;
    U0CSR = 0x00; 
    PERCFG |= 0x00;
    //IO_DIR_PORT_PIN(0,3,IO_OUT); // txd / MOSI
    //IO_DIR_PORT_PIN(0,2,IO_IN); // Rxd / MISO
    //IO_DIR_PORT_PIN(0,4,IO_OUT); // CTS / SS_N
    //IO_DIR_PORT_PIN(0,5,IO_OUT); // txd / SCK
    U0GCR = BAUD_E(115200, CLKSPD);
    U0BAUD = BAUD_M(115200);
    //U0GCR |= (SPI_MASTER & 0xE0)+ 0x20;
     //Configure SPI Polarity, Clock Phase, and Bit Order
    U0CSR =   U0CSR & ~0x80;    // Set U0CSR bit 7 to 0 for SPI Mode
    U0CSR =   U0CSR & ~0x20;    // Set U0CSR bit 5 to 0 for Master
    U0GCR =  (U0GCR | 0x80);   // Set U0GCR bit 7   to 1 for CPOL = 1
    U0GCR =  (U0GCR | 0x20);    // Set U0GCR bit 5 to 1 for MSB first
    U0GCR =  (U0GCR & ~0x40);    // Set U0GCR bit 6 to 0 for CPHA = 0
    U0CSR |= 0x40;	
    URX0IF = 0;

Пример #4
//Send one byte via SPI
unsigned char spiSendByte(const unsigned char data)
  while (halSPITXREADY);    // wait while not ready for TX
  halSPI_SEND(data);            // write
  while(!(U0CSR & U0CSR_TX_BYTE));            // wait
  U0CSR &= ~U0CSR_TX_BYTE;                       // clear flag
  while (halSPIRXREADY ==0);    // wait for RX buffer (full)
  return (halSPIRXBUF);
Пример #5
//Read a frame of bytes via SPI
unsigned char spiReadFrame(unsigned char* pBuffer, unsigned int size)
#ifndef withDMA
  unsigned long i = 0;
  // clock the actual data transfer and receive the bytes; spi_read automatically finds the Data Block
  for (i = 0; i < size; i++){
    while (halSPITXREADY ==0);   // wait while not ready for TX
    halSPI_SEND(DUMMY_CHAR);     // dummy write
    while (halSPIRXREADY ==0);   // wait for RX buffer (full)
    pBuffer[i] = halSPIRXBUF;
        U1IFG &= ~(URXIFG1 + URXIFG1);      /* clear flags */
        /* Get the block */
        /* DMA trigger is UART1 receive for both DMA0 and DMA1 */
        DMACTL0 &= ~(DMA0TSEL_15 | DMA1TSEL_15);
        DMACTL0 |= (DMA0TSEL_9 | DMA1TSEL_9);
        /* Source DMA address: receive register.  */
        DMA0SA = U1RXBUF_;
        /* Destination DMA address: the user data buffer. */
        DMA0DA = (unsigned short)pBuffer;
        /* The size of the block to be transferred */
        DMA0SZ = size;
        /* Configure the DMA transfer*/
        DMA0CTL =
          DMAIE   |                         /* Enable interrupt */
          DMADT_0 |                         /* Single transfer mode */
          DMASBDB |                         /* Byte mode */
          DMAEN |                           /* Enable DMA */
          DMADSTINCR1 | DMADSTINCR0;        /* Increment the destination address */

        /* We depend on the DMA priorities here.  Both triggers occur at
           the same time, since the source is identical.  DMA0 is handled
           first, and retrieves the byte.  DMA1 is triggered next, and
           sends the next byte. */
        /* Source DMA address: constant 0xFF (don't increment)*/
        DMA1SA = U1TXBUF_;
        /* Destination DMA address: the transmit buffer. */
        DMA1DA = U1TXBUF_;
        /* Increment the destination address */
        /* The size of the block to be transferred */
        DMA1SZ = count-1;
        /* Configure the DMA transfer*/
        DMA1CTL =
          DMADT_0 |                         /* Single transfer mode */
          DMASBDB |                         /* Byte mode */
          DMAEN;                            /* Enable DMA */

        /* Kick off the transfer by sending the first byte */
        _EINT(); LPM0;  // wait till done
Пример #6
//Send a frame of bytes via SPI
unsigned char spiSendFrame(unsigned char* pBuffer, unsigned int size)
  unsigned long i = 0;
  // clock the actual data transfer and receive the bytes; spi_read automatically finds the Data Block
  for (i = 0; i < size; i++){
    while (halSPITXREADY);   // wait while not ready for TX
    halSPI_SEND(pBuffer[i]);     // write
    while(!(U0CSR & U0CSR_TX_BYTE));            // wait
    U0CSR &= ~U0CSR_TX_BYTE;                       // clear fl
    pBuffer[i] = halSPIRXBUF;