Пример #1
/* _osx_evolve()
 * Everytime this function is called, one event is processed. 
void _osx_evolve( void * osxptr, TiEvent * e )
	bool pop = false;
    TiOSX * osx = (TiOSX *)osxptr;

	if (e == NULL)
		e = osx_queue_front( osx->eventqueue );
		pop = true;

	if (e != NULL)
		if (e->handler == NULL)
			hal_assert(e->id != 0);
			dispa_send( osx->dispatcher, e );
			e->handler( e->objectto, e );

	if (pop)
Пример #2
TiBlockDeviceInterface * uart_get_blockinterface( TiUartAdapter * uart, TiBlockDeviceInterface * intf )
    hal_assert( intf != NULL );
    memset( intf, 0x00, sizeof(TiBlockDeviceInterface) );
    intf->provider = uart;
    intf->read = (TiFunBlockDeviceWrite)uart_read;
    intf->write = (TiFunBlockDeviceWrite)uart_write;
    intf->evolve = NULL;
    intf->switchtomode = NULL;
    return intf;
Пример #3
 * assume: the timer object is initialized successfully.
TiAloha * aloha_open( TiAloha * mac, TiFrameTxRxInterface * rxtx, uint8 chn, uint16 panid, 
	uint16 address, TiTimer * timer, TiFunEventHandler listener, void * lisowner, uint8 option )
    void * provider;

    // assert( the rxtx driver has already been opened );
    // assert( mac->timer is already opened but not start yet );

	rtl_assert((rxtx != NULL) && (timer != NULL));

	mac->state = ALOHA_STATE_IDLE;
    mac->rxtx = rxtx;
	mac->timer = timer;
	mac->listener = listener;
	mac->lisowner = lisowner;
	mac->retry = 0;
    mac->panto = panid;
    mac->shortaddrto = FRAME154_BROADCAST_ADDRESS;
    mac->panfrom = panid;
    mac->shortaddrfrom = address;
    mac->seqid = 0;
    mac->sendoption = 0x00;
    mac->sendfailed = 0;
	mac->option = option;
    mac->txbuf = frame_open( &(mac->txbuf_memory[0]), FRAME_HOPESIZE(CONFIG_ALOHA_MAX_FRAME_SIZE), 0, 0, 0 );
    hal_assert( mac->timer != NULL );

    // initialize the frame transceiver component
	// attention enable ACK support for aloha protocol. the current implementation depends
    // on low level transceiver component to provide ACK mechanism. 

    provider = rxtx->provider;
	rxtx->setchannel( provider, chn );
	rxtx->setpanid( provider, panid );
	rxtx->setshortaddress( provider, address );
    rxtx->enable_addrdecode( provider );
	rxtx->enable_autoack( provider );

    ieee802frame154_open( &(mac->desc) );

    // initialize the random number generator with a random seed. you can replace 
    // the seed with other values.
    // @attention: generally, the random generator can be initialized when the whole
    // application started. if so, you needn't call rand_open() to initialize it 
    // again here.

    rand_open( 0x3212 );

    return mac;
Пример #4
 * @TODO 20061013
 * if the uart adapter is driven by interrupt, then you should enable the interrupt 
 * in configure function. however, whether the ISR really works or not still depends
 * on the global interrupt flag. 
 * @assume: the global interrupt should be disabled before calling this function.
 * @todo stop bits input is actually no use now.
TiUartAdapter * uart_open( TiUartAdapter * uart, uint8 id, uint16 baudrate, uint8 databits, uint8 stopbits, uint8 option )
    //USART_InitTypeDef USART_InitStructure;

	/* assume: 
	 * - the global interrupt is disabled when calling this function 
	 * - you have already call HAL_SET_PIN_DIRECTIONS. the pin should initialized correctly. or else it doesn't work.

	uart->id = id;
	uart->baudrate = baudrate;
	uart->databits = databits;
	uart->stopbits = stopbits;
	uart->option = option;

    uart->txlen = 0;
	uart->txidx = 0;
    uart->rxlen = 0;
    uart->listener = NULL;
	uart->lisowner = NULL;

	switch (id)
	    case 0:

            UART_SETUP(0, 38400, HIGH_STOP);
            //UART_SETUP(0, 57600, HIGH_STOP);
            UTX0IF = 1;

	    case 1:

        case 2:

            // not support now.
		    uart = NULL;

	return uart;
Пример #5
void _osx_execute( TiOSX * osx )
	/*  register default handler for dispatching later */

	//dispa_attach( osx->dispatcher, EVENT_SLEEP, _osx_target_sleep );
	//dispa_attach( osx->dispatcher, EVENT_WAKEUP, _osx_target_wakeup );
	//dispa_attach( osx->dispatcher, EVENT_REBOOT, _osx_target_handler );
	//dispa_attach( sche->dispatcher, EVENT_SHUTDOWN, _osx_target_shutdown );

	//hal_setlistener( (TiFunEventHandler)_osx_post, osx );

    hal_assert( g_osx != NULL );

	while (1)
		_osx_evolve( osx, NULL );
	_osx_close( g_osx );
Пример #6
TiFloodNetwork * flood_open( TiFloodNetwork * net, TiAloha * mac, TiFunEventHandler listener, 
	void * lisowner, uint16 pan, uint16 localaddress )
	net->state = FLOOD_STATE_IDLE;
	net->mac = mac;
	net->panto = pan;
	net->panfrom = pan;
	net->localaddress = localaddress;
	net->distance = ~0;
	net->seqid = 0;
	net->listener = listener;
	net->lisowner = lisowner;

	net->txque = frame_open( (char * )( &net->txque_mem), FLOOD_FRAMEOBJECT_SIZE, 3, 20, 0);
	net->rxque = frame_open( (char *)( &net->rxque_mem), FLOOD_FRAMEOBJECT_SIZE, 3, 20, 0);
	net->rxbuf = frame_open( (char *)( &net->rxbuf_mem), FLOOD_FRAMEOBJECT_SIZE, 3, 20, 0);

	net->cache = flood_cache_open( (char *)( &net->cache_mem), FLOOD_CACHE_HOPESIZE );
	hal_assert( net->cache != NULL );

	return net;
Пример #7
 * open TiI2cAdapter for putchar/getchar
TiI2cAdapter * i2c_open( TiI2cAdapter * i2c, uint8 id, uint8 rate )
    i2c->id = id;
    // i2c->rate = rate;

    switch (i2c->id)
    case 0:
        TWBR = rate;     // 设置比特率,根据SCL频率公式设定,主机模式下不小于10//
        TWDR = 0xFF;     // Default content = SDA released//
        TWCR = 0x04;     // TWEN置位,使能TWI接口;Disable Interupt and No Signal requests//
    case 1:
        // not supported now
        hal_assert( false );
        i2c = NULL;
    return i2c;
Пример #8
void cpu_cli( void )
Пример #9
void cpu_sti( void )
Пример #10
void cpu_reboot( void )
Пример #11
void cpu_sleep( void )
Пример #12
 * Construct a TiTimerAdapter object in the memory. This function should always be 
 * success. 
TiTimerAdapter * timer_construct( char * buf, uint8 size )
	hal_assert( sizeof(TiTimerAdapter) <= size );
	memset( buf, 0x00, size );
	return (TiTimerAdapter *)buf;
Пример #13
/* Construct a empty TiLightSensor object in the memory */
TiLightSensor * light_construct( char * buf, uint16 size )
	hal_assert( sizeof(TiLightSensor) <= size );
	memset( buf, 0x00, size );
	return (TiLightSensor *)buf;
Пример #14
TiFloodNetwork * flood_construct( void * mem, uint16 size )
	hal_assert( sizeof(TiFloodNetwork) <= size );
	memset( mem, 0x00, size );
	return (TiFloodNetwork *)mem;
Пример #15
TiUartAdapter * uart_construct( char * buf, uint16 size )
    hal_assert( sizeof(TiUartAdapter) <= size );
    memset( buf, 0x00, size );
    return (TiUartAdapter *)buf;
Пример #16
void _osx_futurepost( TiOSX * osx, TiEvent * e, uint16 future )
	//osx_queue_pushback( osx->futqueue, e, future );
Пример #17
void _osx_rtpost( TiOSX * osx, TiEvent * e, uint16 deadline )
	//osx_queue_pushback( osx->rtqueue, e, deadline );
Пример #18
TiRtc * rtc_construct( char * buf, uint8 size )
	hal_assert( sizeof(TiRtc) <= size );
	memset( buf, 0x00, size );
	return (TiRtc *)buf;
Пример #19
TiNanoSync * nanosync_construct( char * buf,uintx size)
	hal_assert( sizeof(TiNanoSync)<=size);
	return ( TiNanoSync *)buf;
Пример #20
TiAloha * aloha_construct( char * buf, uint16 size )
	hal_assert( sizeof(TiAloha) <= size );
	memset( buf, 0x00, size );
	return (TiAloha *)buf;
Пример #21
int main(void)
	uint16 value, count;
	uint8 len;
	char * request;
	char * response;
    char * payload;
	char * msg = "welcome to node...";

	TiTimerAdapter * timeradapter;
	TiTimerManager * vtm;
	TiTimer * mac_timer;
	TiCc2420Adapter * cc;
	TiFrameRxTxInterface * rxtx;
	TiNioAcceptor * nac;
    TiAloha * mac;
	TiAdcAdapter * adc;
	TiLumSensor * lum;
	TiDataTreeNetwork * dtp;
	TiFrame * rxbuf;
	TiFrame * txbuf;


	led_on( LED_ALL );
	hal_delay( 500 );
	led_off( LED_ALL );

	rtl_init( (void *)dbio_open(38400), (TiFunDebugIoPutChar)dbio_putchar, (TiFunDebugIoGetChar)dbio_getchar, hal_assert_report );
	dbc_write( msg, strlen(msg) );

	timeradapter   = timer_construct( (void *)(&m_timeradapter), sizeof(m_timeradapter) );
	vtm            = vtm_construct( (void*)&m_vtm, sizeof(m_vtm) );
	cc             = cc2420_construct( (char *)(&m_cc), sizeof(TiCc2420Adapter) );
	nac            = nac_construct( &m_nacmem[0], NAC_SIZE );
	mac            = aloha_construct( (char *)(&m_aloha), sizeof(TiAloha) );
	dtp            = dtp_construct( (char *)(&m_dtp), sizeof(TiDataTreeNetwork) );
	adc            = adc_construct( (void *)&m_adc, sizeof(TiAdcAdapter) );
	lum            = lum_construct( (void *)&m_lum, sizeof(TiLumSensor) );
	txbuf          = frame_open( (char*)(&m_txbuf), FRAME_HOPESIZE(MAX_IEEE802FRAME154_SIZE), 3, 20, 0 );
	rxbuf          = frame_open( (char*)(&m_rxbuf), FRAME_HOPESIZE(MAX_IEEE802FRAME154_SIZE), 3, 20, 0 );
	// timeradapter is used by the vtm(virtual timer manager). vtm require to enable the 
	// period interrupt modal of vtm

	//timeradapter   = timer_open( timeradapter, 0, NULL, NULL, 0x01 ); 
	vtm            = vtm_open( vtm, timeradapter, CONFIG_VTM_RESOLUTION );
	cc             = cc2420_open(cc, 0, NULL, NULL, 0x00 );
	rxtx           = cc2420_interface( cc, &m_rxtx );
	mac_timer      = vtm_apply( vtm );
	mac_timer      = vti_open( mac_timer, NULL, mac_timer);
	hal_assert( rxtx != NULL );
	hal_assert( nac != NULL ); 

	mac             = aloha_open( mac, rxtx,nac, CONFIG_NODE_CHANNEL, CONFIG_NODE_PANID, CONFIG_NODE_ADDRESS,mac_timer, NULL, NULL,0x01);

	adc            = adc_open( adc, 0, NULL, NULL, 0 );
	lum            = lum_open( lum, 0, adc );
	dtp            = dtp_open( dtp, mac, CONFIG_NODE_ADDRESS, NULL, NULL, 0x00 );


	cc2420_setchannel( cc, CONFIG_NODE_CHANNEL );
	cc2420_setrxmode( cc );							            // enable RX mode
	cc2420_setpanid( cc, CONFIG_NODE_PANID  );					// network identifier, seems no use in sniffer mode
	cc2420_setshortaddress( cc, CONFIG_NODE_ADDRESS );	// in network address, seems no use in sniffer mode
	cc2420_enable_autoack( cc );

	cc2420_settxpower( cc, CC2420_POWER_1);//cc2420_settxpower( cc, CC2420_POWER_2);
	cc2420_enable_autoack( cc );

//	ledtune        = ledtune_construct( (void*)(&m_ledtune), sizeof(m_ledtune), vti );
//	ledtune        = ledtune_open( ledtune );

	/* assert: all the above open() functions return non NULL values */

	hal_assert((timeradapter != NULL) && (cc != NULL) && (mac != NULL) && (adc != NULL) && (lum != NULL)
		&& (rxbuf != NULL) && (txbuf != NULL) && (dtp != NULL));


    dtp->state = DTP_STATE_IDLE;//todo for testing 临时用这一句必须删掉

	//todo for testing
	//dtp->root = 0x01;//todo for testing
	//dtp->parent = 0x03;//todo for testing
	while ( 1)//todo for testing
		response = frame_startptr( txbuf );

		value = lum_value( lum ); 
		payload = DTP_PAYLOAD_PTR(response);
		payload[0] = 0x13;
		payload[1] = 0x14;
		if (dtp_send_response(dtp, txbuf, 0x01) > 0)
			led_toggle( LED_RED);//todo for testing

        dtp_evolve( dtp, NULL );
		hal_delay( 2000);//todo for testing



		/* Only the following two kinds of frames will be put into "rxbuf" by dtp_recv()
		 * - broadcast frames. the destination address of these frames are 0xFFFF.
		 * - destination is the current node. 

		len = dtp_recv( dtp, rxbuf, 0x00 );
		if (len > 0)
  		    //ieee802frame154_dump( rxbuf);

			request = frame_startptr( rxbuf );

			switch (DTP_CMDTYPE(request))
			/* if the frame is DTP_DATA_REQUEST, then the node will measure the data and 
			 * encapsulate the data into the txbuf, which is a TiOpenFrame and sent it back.


				//payload = DTP_PAYLOAD_PTR( frame_startptr(txbuf) );
				//ledtune_write( ledtune, MAKE_WORD(payload[1], payload[0]) );

				// response frame = PHY Length 1B 
				//	+ Frame Control 2B 
				//	+ Sequence No 1B
				//	+ Destination Pan & Address 4B 
				//	+ Source Pan & Address 4B 
				//	+ DTP Section 15B

				//opf_cast( txbuf, 50, OPF_DEF_FRAMECONTROL_DATA_ACK );
				response = frame_startptr( txbuf );

				value = lum_value( lum );
				DTP_SET_MAX_HOPCOUNT( response,0x03);//todo for testing
				payload = DTP_PAYLOAD_PTR(response);

                //payload[0] = 0x17;//todo 第三个节点数据
				//payload[1] = 0x18;//todo 第三个节点数据

			    //payload[1] = 0x13;
				//payload[2] = 0x14;

				payload[1] = 0x15;//todo 另一个节点
			    payload[2] = 0x16;//todo 另一个节点

				/* call dtp_send_response() to send the data in txbuf out.
				 * modified by zhangwei on 20091230
				 *	- Bug fix. In the past, there's no delay between two adjacent 
				 * dtp_send_response() calls. This policy is too ambitious and this
				 * node will occupy the whole time so that the other nodes will lost 
				 * chances to send, or encounter much higher frame collision probabilities. 
				 * so I add a little time delay here. 
				 *    Attention the delay time here shouldn't be too large because
				 * we don't want the hal_delay() to occupy all the CPU time. If this 
				 * occurs, it may lead to unnecessary frame lossing. 
				// try some times until the RESPONSE is successfully sent

                for (count=0; count<10; count++)
					//hal_delay( 500);
					if (dtp_send_response(dtp, txbuf, 0x03) > 0)
                        led_toggle( LED_RED);//todo for testing
					//hal_delay( 50 );

        nac_evolve( nac,NULL);//todo for tesitng
		aloha_evolve( mac,NULL);//todo for testing
		dtp_evolve( dtp, NULL );
		hal_delay( 50 );
Пример #22
void CC2520_ACTIVATE(void)
    //int i;

    // enable the SPI module which is used for communication between MCU and cc2520.

    RCC_APB1PeriphClockCmd(RCC_APB1Periph_SPI2,  ENABLE);
    RCC_APB2PeriphClockCmd(RCC_APB2Periph_GPIOC, ENABLE);
    RCC_APB2PeriphClockCmd(RCC_APB2Periph_GPIOB, ENABLE);
    RCC_APB2PeriphClockCmd(RCC_APB2Periph_GPIOA, ENABLE);

    // configure Port B Pin 14
    // Port B Pin 14 is used for SPI's MISO (IPD means Input Pull Down). 

    GPIO_InitStructure.GPIO_Pin = GPIO_Pin_14;
    GPIO_InitStructure.GPIO_Speed = GPIO_Speed_50MHz;
    GPIO_InitStructure.GPIO_Mode = GPIO_Mode_IPD;

    // Port B Pin 1 is used for cc2520 RST   
    // Port B Pin 5 is used for VREG_EN
    // Port B Pin 12 is used for NSS  
    // GPIO_Mode_Out_PP here means Push Pull(推挽输出)

    GPIO_InitStructure.GPIO_Pin = GPIO_Pin_1 | GPIO_Pin_5 | GPIO_Pin_12;
    GPIO_InitStructure.GPIO_Speed = GPIO_Speed_50MHz;
    GPIO_InitStructure.GPIO_Mode = GPIO_Mode_Out_PP;
    GPIO_Init(GPIOB, &GPIO_InitStructure);

    // reset the cc2520 nRST
    GPIO_ResetBits(GPIOB, GPIO_Pin_1);
    // set VREG_EN which will enable the cc2520's internal voltage regulator
    GPIO_SetBits( GPIOB,GPIO_Pin_5);
    // wait for the regulator to be stabe.
    // @todo
    //for ( i=0;i<13500;i++);
    // hal_delayus(?)

    // set the cc2520 nRST

    // reset the cc2520 CSn
    GPIO_ResetBits( GPIOB,GPIO_Pin_12);
    // @todo: shall we need to wait a little while after CS and then RST for stable?
    // @todo repalce with hal_delayus(?)
    hal_delayms(2); // todo
    //for ( i=0;i<13500;i++);//wait for the output of SO to be 1//todo for testing
    hal_assert(GPIO_ReadInputDataBit(GPIOB, GPIO_Pin_14));//todo该语句报错,可能是因为SO引脚的 输出模式改变的原
    // set the cc2520 CSn
    GPIO_SetBits(GPIOB, GPIO_Pin_12);

    // configure Port B Pin 13 for SCK 
    // configure Port B Pin 15 for SPI's MOSI 

    GPIO_InitStructure.GPIO_Pin = SPI_pin_MOSI | SPI_pin_SCK;
    GPIO_InitStructure.GPIO_Speed = GPIO_Speed_50MHz;
    GPIO_InitStructure.GPIO_Mode = GPIO_Mode_AF_PP;
    GPIO_Init( GPIO_SPI, &GPIO_InitStructure);

    // configure Port B Pin 14 for MISO

    GPIO_InitStructure.GPIO_Pin = SPI_pin_MISO;
    GPIO_InitStructure.GPIO_Speed = GPIO_Speed_50MHz;
    GPIO_InitStructure.GPIO_Mode = GPIO_Mode_IN_FLOATING;
    GPIO_Init(GPIO_SPI, &GPIO_InitStructure);

    // configure Port B Pin 12 for NSS

    GPIO_InitStructure.GPIO_Pin = SPI_pin_SS;
    GPIO_InitStructure.GPIO_Speed = GPIO_Speed_50MHz;
    GPIO_InitStructure.GPIO_Mode = GPIO_Mode_Out_PP;