status_t CameraAcc::waitForAndExecuteMessage() { LOG2("@%s", __FUNCTION__); status_t status = NO_ERROR; Message msg; mMessageQueue.receive(&msg); switch ( { case MESSAGE_ID_EXIT: status = handleExit(); break; case MESSAGE_ID_HOST_ALLOC: status = handleMessageHostAlloc(; break; case MESSAGE_ID_MAP: status = handleMessageMap(; break; case MESSAGE_ID_WAIT_STANDALONE: status = handleMessageWaitStandalone(); break; default: status = INVALID_OPERATION; break; } if (status != NO_ERROR) { ALOGE("operation failed, ID = %d, status = %d",, status); } return status; }
status_t PanoramaThread::PanoramaStitchThread::waitForAndExecuteMessage() { LOG2("@%s", __FUNCTION__); status_t status = NO_ERROR; Message msg; mMessageQueue.receive(&msg); switch ( { case MESSAGE_ID_STITCH: status = handleMessageStitch(; break; case MESSAGE_ID_EXIT: status = handleExit(); break; case MESSAGE_ID_FLUSH: status = handleFlush(); break; default: status = INVALID_OPERATION; break; } if (status != NO_ERROR) { LOGE("operation failed, ID = %d, status = %d",, status); } return status; }
status_t PostCaptureThread::waitForAndExecuteMessage() { LOG2("@%s", __FUNCTION__); status_t status = NO_ERROR; Message msg; mMessageQueue.receive(&msg); switch ( { case MESSAGE_ID_PROCESS_ITEM: status = handleProcessItem(; break; case MESSAGE_ID_CANCEL_PROCESS_ITEM: status = handleCancelProcessItem(); break; case MESSAGE_ID_EXIT: status = handleExit(); break; default: status = INVALID_OPERATION; break; } if (status != NO_ERROR) { LOGE("operation failed, ID = %d, status = %d",, status); } return status; }
void AppExceptionHandler::handleUnknown() { if(d_->defexit_) { handleExit(); } else { handleLogOnly(); } }
status_t AccManagerThread::waitForAndExecuteMessage() { LOG2("@%s", __FUNCTION__); status_t status = NO_ERROR; Message msg; mMessageQueue.receive(&msg); switch ( { case MESSAGE_ID_EXIT: status = handleExit(); break; case MESSAGE_ID_LOAD: status = handleMessageLoad(; break; case MESSAGE_ID_ALLOC: status = handleMessageAlloc(; break; case MESSAGE_ID_FREE: status = handleMessageFree(; break; case MESSAGE_ID_MAP: status = handleMessageMap(; break; case MESSAGE_ID_UNMAP: status = handleMessageUnmap(; break; case MESSAGE_ID_SEND_ARG: status = handleMessageSetArgToBeSend(; break; case MESSAGE_ID_CONFIGURE_ISP_STANDALONE: status = handleMessageConfigureIspStandalone(; break; case MESSAGE_ID_RETURN_BUFFER: status = handleMessageReturnBuffer(; break; case MESSAGE_ID_LOAD_ISP_EXTENSIONS: status = handleMessageLoadIspExtensions(); break; case MESSAGE_ID_UNLOAD_ISP_EXTENSIONS: status = handleMessageUnloadIspExtensions(); break; case MESSAGE_ID_FRAME: status = handleMessageFrame(; break; default: status = INVALID_OPERATION; break; } if (status != NO_ERROR) { LOGE("operation failed, ID = %d, status = %d",, status); } return status; }
status_t PanoramaThread::waitForAndExecuteMessage() { LOG2("@%s", __FUNCTION__); status_t status = NO_ERROR; Message msg; mMessageQueue.receive(&msg); switch ( { case MESSAGE_ID_STITCH: status = handleStitch(; break; case MESSAGE_ID_EXIT: status = handleExit(); break; case MESSAGE_ID_FRAME: status = handleFrame(; break; case MESSAGE_ID_FINALIZE: status = handleMessageFinalize(); break; case MESSAGE_ID_START_PANORAMA: status = handleMessageStartPanorama(); break; case MESSAGE_ID_STOP_PANORAMA: status = handleMessageStopPanorama(; break; case MESSAGE_ID_START_PANORAMA_CAPTURE: status = handleMessageStartPanoramaCapture(); break; case MESSAGE_ID_STOP_PANORAMA_CAPTURE: status = handleMessageStopPanoramaCapture(); break; case MESSAGE_ID_THUMBNAILSIZE: status = handleMessageThumbnailSize(; break; case MESSAGE_ID_FLUSH: status = handleMessageFlush(); break; default: status = INVALID_OPERATION; break; } if (status != NO_ERROR) { LOGE("operation failed, ID = %d, status = %d",, status); } return status; }
void handleComm(int comid, int args, char* p1, char* p2) { switch (comid) { case 0: if (args != 1) handleError("load", compareargs(1, args)); else handleLoad(p1); break; case 1: if (args != 0) handleError("execute", 1); else handleExecute(); break; case 2: if (args != 0) handleError("debug", 1); else handleDebug(); break; case 3: if (args != 2) handleError("dump", compareargs(2, args)); else handleDump(p1, p2); break; case 4: if (args != 0) handleError("help", 1); else handleHelp(); break; case 5: if (args != 1) handleError("assemble", compareargs(1, args)); else handleAssemble(p1); break; case 6: if (args != 0) handleError("directory", 1); else handleDirectory(); break; case 7: handleExit(); // no argscheck for exit; break; default: handleError("command not recognized\n", -2); } }// </editor-fold>
status_t PostProcThread::waitForAndExecuteMessage() { LOG2("@%s", __FUNCTION__); status_t status = NO_ERROR; Message msg; mMessageQueue.receive(&msg); switch ( { case MESSAGE_ID_FRAME: status = handleFrame(; break; case MESSAGE_ID_EXIT: status = handleExit(); break; case MESSAGE_ID_START_FACE_DETECTION: status = handleMessageStartFaceDetection(); break; case MESSAGE_ID_STOP_FACE_DETECTION: status = handleMessageStopFaceDetection(); break; case MESSAGE_ID_CAPTURE_ON_TRIGGER: status = handleMessageCaptureOnTrigger(); break; case MESSAGE_ID_STOP_CAPTURE_ON_TRIGGER: status = handleMessageStopCaptureOnTrigger(); break; case MESSAGE_ID_START_SMART_SHUTTER: status = handleMessageStartSmartShutter(; break; case MESSAGE_ID_STOP_SMART_SHUTTER: status = handleMessageStopSmartShutter(; break; case MESSAGE_ID_IS_SMILE_RUNNING: status = handleMessageIsSmileRunning(); break; case MESSAGE_ID_GET_SMILE_THRESHOLD: status = handleMessageGetSmileThreshold(); break; case MESSAGE_ID_IS_BLINK_RUNNING: status = handleMessageIsBlinkRunning(); break; case MESSAGE_ID_GET_BLINK_THRESHOLD: status = handleMessageGetBlinkThreshold(); break; case MESSAGE_ID_IS_SMART_CAPTURE_TRIGGERED: status = handleMessageIsSmartCaptureTriggered(); break; case MESSAGE_ID_RESET_SMART_CAPTURE_TRIGGER: status = handleMessageResetSmartCaptureTrigger(); break; case MESSAGE_ID_FORCE_SMART_CAPTURE_TRIGGER: status = handleMessageForceSmartCaptureTrigger(); break; case MESSAGE_ID_START_FACE_RECOGNITION: status = handleMessageStartFaceRecognition(); break; case MESSAGE_ID_STOP_FACE_RECOGNITION: status = handleMessageStopFaceRecognition(); break; case MESSAGE_ID_IS_FACE_RECOGNITION_RUNNING: status = handleMessageIsFaceRecognitionRunning(); break; case MESSAGE_ID_LOAD_ISP_EXTENSIONS: status = handleMessageLoadIspExtensions(; break; case MESSAGE_ID_UNLOAD_ISP_EXTENSIONS: status = handleMessageUnloadIspExtensions(); break; case MESSAGE_ID_SET_ZOOM: status = handleMessageSetZoom(; break; case MESSAGE_ID_SET_ROTATION: status = handleMessageSetRotation(; break; case MESSAGE_ID_SET_AUTO_LOW_LIGHT: status = handleMessageSetAutoLowLight(; break; default: status = INVALID_OPERATION; break; } if (status != NO_ERROR) { LOGE("operation failed, ID = %d, status = %d",, status); } return status; }
void settings_frame::OnClose(wxCloseEvent& /*unused*/) { if (!alreadyCalled) { handleExit(); } }
void settings_frame::OnMenuChoice(wxCommandEvent& event) { switch (event.GetId()) { case ID_MENUITEM_SAVE: if (saveSettingsAbstract()) (abstract_panel::settingsChanged) = false; if (simpleTab != 0) simpleTab->saveCbxChoices(); break; case ID_MENUITEM_QUIT: handleExit(); break; case ID_MENUITEM_RESET: if ((customMessageBox(SS_MAIN_ICON, _("Reset ALL settings to default values?"), _("Confirmation needed"), wxYES_NO | wxCANCEL)) == wxYES) { resetSettings(); } break; case ID_MENUITEM_SIMPLE: if (sett().getMode() == SET_MODE_EXPERT) { sett().setMode(SET_MODE_SIMPLE); simpleTab = new tab_simple(this, notebook, ID_SIMPLE); notebook->InsertPage(0, simpleTab, simpleTabCap); simpleTab->updateControls(UPDATE_ALL); //if not on ui page goto simple if (notebook->GetSelection() != 1) { notebook->SetSelection(0); } for (int i = notebook->GetPageCount() - 1; i > 1; i--) { //delete all pages expect page 0 + 1 notebook->DeletePage(i); } qualityTab = 0; detailTab = 0; audioTab = 0; // hotkeyTab = 0; SetTitle(TowxString(getSpringlobbyName()) + _("(simple mode)")); if (!sett().getDisableWarning()) { customMessageBox(SS_MAIN_ICON, expertModeWarning, _("Hint"), wxOK); } } break; case ID_MENUITEM_EXPERT: if (sett().getMode() == SET_MODE_SIMPLE) { switchToExpertMode(); } break; case ID_MENUITEM_DISABLE_WARN: sett().setDisableWarning(menuFile->IsChecked(ID_MENUITEM_DISABLE_WARN)); break; case ID_MENUITEM_ABOUT: aboutbox().Show(); break; case ID_MENUITEM_CONTACT: aboutbox().openContactPage(); break; case ID_MENUITEM_BUGREPORT: aboutbox().openNewTicket(); break; } }
void GrimEngine::mainLoop() { _movieTime = 0; _frameTime = 0; _frameStart = g_system->getMillis(); _frameCounter = 0; _timeAccum = 0; _frameTimeCollection = 0; _prevSmushFrame = 0; _savegameLoadRequest = false; _savegameSaveRequest = false; _savegameFileName = NULL; _refreshShadowMask = false; for (;;) { uint32 startTime = g_system->getMillis(); if (_savegameLoadRequest) { savegameRestore(); } if (_savegameSaveRequest) { savegameSave(); } g_imuse->flushTracks(); g_imuse->refreshScripts(); if (_mode == ENGINE_MODE_IDLE) { // don't kill CPU g_system->delayMillis(10); continue; } // Process events Common::Event event; while (g_system->getEventManager()->pollEvent(event)) { // Handle any buttons, keys and joystick operations if (event.type == Common::EVENT_KEYDOWN) { if (_mode != ENGINE_MODE_DRAW && _mode != ENGINE_MODE_SMUSH && (event.kbd.ascii == 'q')) { handleExit(); break; } else { handleChars(event.type, event.kbd.keycode, event.kbd.flags, event.kbd.ascii); } } if (event.type == Common::EVENT_KEYDOWN || event.type == Common::EVENT_KEYUP) { handleControls(event.type, event.kbd.keycode, event.kbd.flags, event.kbd.ascii); } // Check for "Hard" quit" if (event.type == Common::EVENT_QUIT) return; if (event.type == Common::EVENT_SCREEN_CHANGED) _refreshDrawNeeded = true; } luaUpdate(); if (_mode != ENGINE_MODE_PAUSE) { updateDisplayScene(); doFlip(); } if (g_imuseState != -1) { g_imuse->setMusicState(g_imuseState); g_imuseState = -1; } uint32 endTime = g_system->getMillis(); if (startTime > endTime) continue; uint32 diffTime = endTime - startTime; if (_speedLimitMs == 0) continue; if (diffTime < _speedLimitMs) { uint32 delayTime = _speedLimitMs - diffTime; g_system->delayMillis(delayTime); } } }
void settings_frame::OnMenuChoice(wxCommandEvent& event) { switch (event.GetId()) { case ID_MENUITEM_SAVE: if (abstract_panel::saveSettings()) (abstract_panel::settingsChanged) = false; if (simpleTab!=0) simpleTab->saveCbxChoices(); break; case ID_MENUITEM_QUIT: handleExit(); break; case ID_MENUITEM_RESET: if ((customMessageBox(SS_MAIN_ICON,_("Reset ALL settings to default values?"), _("Confirmation needed"), wxYES_NO)) == wxYES) { resetSettings(); } break; case ID_MENUITEM_SIMPLE: if (sett().getMode()==SET_MODE_EXPERT) sett().setMode(SET_MODE_SIMPLE); simpleTab = new tab_simple(this,notebook,ID_SIMPLE); notebook->InsertPage(0,simpleTab,simpleTabCap); simpleTab->updateControls(UPDATE_ALL); //if not on ui page goto simple if (notebook->GetSelection()!=1) notebook->SetSelection(0); notebook->DeletePage(4); notebook->DeletePage(3); notebook->DeletePage(2); qualityTab = 0; detailTab = 0; audioTab = 0; SetTitle(_("SpringSettings (simple mode)")); if (!sett().getDisableWarning()){ customMessageBox(SS_MAIN_ICON,expertModeWarning, _("Hint"), wxOK); } break; case ID_MENUITEM_EXPERT: if (sett().getMode()==SET_MODE_SIMPLE) { switchToExpertMode(); } break; case ID_MENUITEM_DISABLE_WARN: sett().setDisableWarning(menuFile->IsChecked(ID_MENUITEM_DISABLE_WARN)); break; case ID_MENUITEM_ABOUT: showAbout(); break; case ID_MENUITEM_CREDITS: showCredits(); break; case ID_MENUITEM_CONTACT: openContactPage(); break; case ID_MENUITEM_BUGREPORT: openNewTicket(); break; } }