jobject ClassLoaderData::add_handle(Handle h) { MutexLockerEx ml(metaspace_lock(), Mutex::_no_safepoint_check_flag); if (handles() == NULL) { set_handles(JNIHandleBlock::allocate_block()); } return handles()->allocate_handle(h()); }
void MainThreadDebugger::contextCreated(ScriptState* scriptState, LocalFrame* frame, SecurityOrigin* origin) { ASSERT(isMainThread()); v8::HandleScope handles(scriptState->isolate()); DOMWrapperWorld& world = scriptState->world(); debugger()->contextCreated(V8ContextInfo(scriptState->context(), contextGroupId(frame), world.isMainWorld(), origin ? origin->toRawString() : "", world.isIsolatedWorld() ? world.isolatedWorldHumanReadableName() : "", IdentifiersFactory::frameId(frame), scriptState->getExecutionContext()->isDocument())); }
void V8ConsoleMessage::appendArguments(protocol::Console::ConsoleMessage* result, V8InspectorSessionImpl* session, bool generatePreview) const { if (!m_arguments.size() || !m_contextId) return; InspectedContext* inspectedContext = session->debugger()->getContext(session->contextGroupId(), m_contextId); if (!inspectedContext) return; v8::Isolate* isolate = inspectedContext->isolate(); v8::HandleScope handles(isolate); v8::Local<v8::Context> context = inspectedContext->context(); std::unique_ptr<protocol::Array<protocol::Runtime::RemoteObject>> args = protocol::Array<protocol::Runtime::RemoteObject>::create(); if (m_type == TableMessageType && generatePreview) { v8::Local<v8::Value> table = m_arguments[0]->Get(isolate); v8::Local<v8::Value> columns = m_arguments.size() > 1 ? m_arguments[1]->Get(isolate) : v8::Local<v8::Value>(); std::unique_ptr<protocol::Runtime::RemoteObject> wrapped = session->wrapTable(context, table, columns); if (wrapped) args->addItem(std::move(wrapped)); else args = nullptr; } else { for (size_t i = 0; i < m_arguments.size(); ++i) { std::unique_ptr<protocol::Runtime::RemoteObject> wrapped = session->wrapObject(context, m_arguments[i]->Get(isolate), "console", generatePreview); if (!wrapped) { args = nullptr; break; } args->addItem(std::move(wrapped)); } } if (args) result->setParameters(std::move(args)); }
std::unique_ptr<InjectedScript> InjectedScript::create(InspectedContext* inspectedContext) { v8::Isolate* isolate = inspectedContext->isolate(); v8::HandleScope handles(isolate); v8::Local<v8::Context> context = inspectedContext->context(); v8::Context::Scope scope(context); std::unique_ptr<InjectedScriptNative> injectedScriptNative(new InjectedScriptNative(isolate)); v8::Local<v8::Object> scriptHostWrapper = V8InjectedScriptHost::create(context, inspectedContext->inspector()); injectedScriptNative->setOnInjectedScriptHost(scriptHostWrapper); // Inject javascript into the context. The compiled script is supposed to evaluate into // a single anonymous function(it's anonymous to avoid cluttering the global object with // inspector's stuff) the function is called a few lines below with InjectedScriptHost wrapper, // injected script id and explicit reference to the inspected global object. The function is expected // to create and configure InjectedScript instance that is going to be used by the inspector. String16 injectedScriptSource(reinterpret_cast<const char*>(InjectedScriptSource_js), sizeof(InjectedScriptSource_js)); v8::Local<v8::Value> value; if (!inspectedContext->inspector()->compileAndRunInternalScript(context, toV8String(isolate, injectedScriptSource)).ToLocal(&value)) return nullptr; DCHECK(value->IsFunction()); v8::Local<v8::Function> function = v8::Local<v8::Function>::Cast(value); v8::Local<v8::Object> windowGlobal = context->Global(); v8::Local<v8::Value> info[] = { scriptHostWrapper, windowGlobal, v8::Number::New(isolate, inspectedContext->contextId()) }; v8::MicrotasksScope microtasksScope(isolate, v8::MicrotasksScope::kDoNotRunMicrotasks); v8::Local<v8::Value> injectedScriptValue; if (!function->Call(context, windowGlobal, PROTOCOL_ARRAY_LENGTH(info), info).ToLocal(&injectedScriptValue)) return nullptr; if (!injectedScriptValue->IsObject()) return nullptr; return wrapUnique(new InjectedScript(inspectedContext, injectedScriptValue.As<v8::Object>(), std::move(injectedScriptNative))); }
void V8HeapProfilerAgentImpl::getObjectByHeapObjectId(ErrorString* error, const String16& heapSnapshotObjectId, const protocol::Maybe<String16>& objectGroup, std::unique_ptr<protocol::Runtime::RemoteObject>* result) { bool ok; int id = heapSnapshotObjectId.toInt(&ok); if (!ok) { *error = "Invalid heap snapshot object id"; return; } v8::HandleScope handles(m_isolate); v8::Local<v8::Object> heapObject = objectByHeapObjectId(m_isolate, id); if (heapObject.IsEmpty()) { *error = "Object is not available"; return; } if (!m_session->inspector()->client()->isInspectableHeapObject(heapObject)) { *error = "Object is not available"; return; } *result = m_session->wrapObject(heapObject->CreationContext(), heapObject, objectGroup.fromMaybe(""), false); if (!result) *error = "Object is not available"; }
void InspectorRuntimeAgent::evaluate(ErrorString* errorString, const String& expression, const Maybe<String>& objectGroup, const Maybe<bool>& includeCommandLineAPI, const Maybe<bool>& doNotPauseOnExceptionsAndMuteConsole, const Maybe<int>& optExecutionContextId, const Maybe<bool>& returnByValue, const Maybe<bool>& generatePreview, OwnPtr<protocol::Runtime::RemoteObject>* result, Maybe<bool>* wasThrown, Maybe<protocol::Runtime::ExceptionDetails>* exceptionDetails) { int executionContextId; if (optExecutionContextId.isJust()) { executionContextId = optExecutionContextId.fromJust(); } else { v8::HandleScope handles(defaultScriptState()->isolate()); executionContextId = m_v8RuntimeAgent->ensureDefaultContextAvailable(defaultScriptState()->context()); } MuteConsoleScope<InspectorRuntimeAgent> muteScope; if (doNotPauseOnExceptionsAndMuteConsole.fromMaybe(false)) muteScope.enter(this); m_v8RuntimeAgent->evaluate(errorString, expression, objectGroup, includeCommandLineAPI, doNotPauseOnExceptionsAndMuteConsole, executionContextId, returnByValue, generatePreview, result, wasThrown, exceptionDetails); TRACE_EVENT_INSTANT1(TRACE_DISABLED_BY_DEFAULT("devtools.timeline"), "UpdateCounters", TRACE_EVENT_SCOPE_THREAD, "data", InspectorUpdateCountersEvent::data()); }
void InjectedScript::getProperties(ErrorString* errorString, v8::Local<v8::Object> object, const String16& groupName, bool ownProperties, bool accessorPropertiesOnly, bool generatePreview, std::unique_ptr<Array<PropertyDescriptor>>* properties, Maybe<protocol::Runtime::ExceptionDetails>* exceptionDetails) { v8::HandleScope handles(m_context->isolate()); V8FunctionCall function(m_context->inspector(), m_context->context(), v8Value(), "getProperties"); function.appendArgument(object); function.appendArgument(groupName); function.appendArgument(ownProperties); function.appendArgument(accessorPropertiesOnly); function.appendArgument(generatePreview); v8::TryCatch tryCatch(m_context->isolate()); v8::Local<v8::Value> resultValue = function.callWithoutExceptionHandling(); if (tryCatch.HasCaught()) { *exceptionDetails = createExceptionDetails(tryCatch.Message()); // FIXME: make properties optional *properties = Array<PropertyDescriptor>::create(); return; } std::unique_ptr<protocol::Value> protocolValue = toProtocolValue(m_context->context(), resultValue); if (hasInternalError(errorString, !protocolValue)) return; protocol::ErrorSupport errors(errorString); std::unique_ptr<Array<PropertyDescriptor>> result = Array<PropertyDescriptor>::parse(protocolValue.get(), &errors); if (!hasInternalError(errorString, errors.hasErrors())) *properties = std::move(result); }
void ClassLoaderData::dump(outputStream * const out) { ResourceMark rm; out->print("ClassLoaderData CLD: "PTR_FORMAT", loader: "PTR_FORMAT", loader_klass: "PTR_FORMAT" %s {", p2i(this), p2i((void *)class_loader()), p2i(class_loader() != NULL ? class_loader()->klass() : NULL), loader_name()); if (claimed()) out->print(" claimed "); if (is_unloading()) out->print(" unloading "); out->print(" handles " INTPTR_FORMAT, p2i(handles())); out->cr(); if (metaspace_or_null() != NULL) { out->print_cr("metaspace: " INTPTR_FORMAT, p2i(metaspace_or_null())); metaspace_or_null()->dump(out); } else { out->print_cr("metaspace: NULL"); } #ifdef CLD_DUMP_KLASSES if (Verbose) { ResourceMark rm; Klass* k = _klasses; while (k != NULL) { out->print_cr("klass "PTR_FORMAT", %s, CT: %d, MUT: %d", k, k->name()->as_C_string(), k->has_modified_oops(), k->has_accumulated_modified_oops()); assert(k != k->next_link(), "no loops!"); k = k->next_link(); } } #endif // CLD_DUMP_KLASSES #undef CLD_DUMP_KLASSES if (_jmethod_ids != NULL) { Method::print_jmethod_ids(this, out); } out->print_cr("}"); }
void MainThreadDebugger::contextCreated(ScriptState* scriptState, LocalFrame* frame, SecurityOrigin* origin) { ASSERT(isMainThread()); v8::HandleScope handles(scriptState->isolate()); DOMWrapperWorld& world = scriptState->world(); std::unique_ptr<protocol::DictionaryValue> auxDataValue = protocol::DictionaryValue::create(); auxDataValue->setBoolean("isDefault", world.isMainWorld()); auxDataValue->setString("frameId", IdentifiersFactory::frameId(frame)); String auxData = auxDataValue->toJSONString(); String humanReadableName = world.isIsolatedWorld() ? world.isolatedWorldHumanReadableName() : String(); String originString = origin ? origin->toRawString() : String(); v8_inspector::V8ContextInfo contextInfo( scriptState->context(), contextGroupId(frame), toV8InspectorStringView(humanReadableName)); contextInfo.origin = toV8InspectorStringView(originString); contextInfo.auxData = toV8InspectorStringView(auxData); contextInfo.hasMemoryOnConsole = scriptState->getExecutionContext() && scriptState->getExecutionContext()->isDocument(); v8Inspector()->contextCreated(contextInfo); }
bool CallSuccess() { HandleSecurity sec(ident_, g_pCoreIdent); // Allocate all the handles for calling the success callback. Handle_t dbh = CreateLocalHandle(g_DBMan.GetDatabaseType(), db_, &sec); if (dbh == BAD_HANDLE) { error_ = "unable to allocate handle"; return false; } // Add an extra refcount for the handle. db_->AddRef(); assert(results_.length() == txn_->entries.length()); ke::AutoArray<cell_t> data(new cell_t[results_.length()]); ke::AutoArray<cell_t> handles(new cell_t[results_.length()]); for (size_t i = 0; i < results_.length(); i++) { CombinedQuery *obj = new CombinedQuery(results_[i], db_); Handle_t rh = CreateLocalHandle(hCombinedQueryType, obj, &sec); if (rh == BAD_HANDLE) { // Messy - free handles up to what we've allocated, and then // manually destroy any remaining result sets. delete obj; for (size_t iter = 0; iter < i; iter++) handlesys->FreeHandle(handles[iter], &sec); for (size_t iter = i; iter < results_.length(); iter++) results_[iter]->Destroy(); handlesys->FreeHandle(dbh, &sec); results_.clear(); error_ = "unable to allocate handle"; return false; } handles[i] = rh; data[i] = txn_->entries[i].data; } success_->PushCell(dbh); success_->PushCell(data_); success_->PushCell(txn_->entries.length()); success_->PushArray(handles, results_.length()); success_->PushArray(data, results_.length()); success_->Execute(NULL); // Cleanup. Note we clear results_, since freeing their handles will // call Destroy(), and we don't want to double-free in ~TTransactOp. for (size_t i = 0; i < results_.length(); i++) handlesys->FreeHandle(handles[i], &sec); handlesys->FreeHandle(dbh, &sec); results_.clear(); return true; }
void InjectedScript::setCustomObjectFormatterEnabled(bool enabled) { v8::HandleScope handles(m_context->isolate()); V8FunctionCall function(m_context->inspector(), m_context->context(), v8Value(), "setCustomObjectFormatterEnabled"); function.appendArgument(enabled); bool hadException = false;; DCHECK(!hadException); }
bool mi::EventFilterChain::handles(const MirEvent &event) { for (auto it = filters.begin(); it != filters.end(); it++) { auto filter = *it; if (filter->handles(event)) return true; } return false; }
TSemaphoreSet::TLock::TLock(ulong msgMask, const TSemaphoreSet& set, TWaitWhat wait, ulong timeOut) { TAPointer<THandle> handles(newHandles(set)); if (InitLock(set.Count, wait, ::MsgWaitForMultipleObjects(set.Count, handles, wait, timeOut, msgMask))) Set = &set; }
void SkelSmoothTerm::buildA() { Solver::DeformPetal& deform_petal = Solver::deform_petals_[petal_id_]; Solver::HandleMatrix& handle_matrix = deform_petal._handle_matrix; Solver::BranchList& branch_list = deform_petal._branch_list; int handle_number = handle_matrix.rows(); A_.resize(3); // biharmonic weights for handles themselves Eigen::MatrixXd weight_matrix(handle_number, handle_number); weight_matrix.setIdentity(); // handle coordinates Eigen::MatrixXd handles(handle_number, 4); handles.setOnes(); handles.block(0, 0, handle_number, 3) = handle_matrix; // M(convert affine) for handles Eigen::MatrixXd M(handle_number, 4*handle_number); for (size_t j = 0, j_end = handle_number; j < j_end; ++ j) { M.block(0, 4*j, handle_number, 4) = weight_matrix.col(j).asDiagonal() * handles; } // A for relationship between neighbor handles int a_cols = handle_number; int a_rows = 0; for (size_t i = 0; i < branch_list.size(); ++ i) { a_rows += (branch_list[i].size() - 2); } Eigen::MatrixXd A(a_rows, a_cols); A.setZero(); int row_count = 0; for (size_t i = 0, i_end = branch_list.size(); i < i_end; ++ i) { std::vector<int> branch = branch_list[i]; for (size_t j = 1, j_end = branch.size()-1; j < j_end; ++ j) { A(row_count, branch[j]) = -2; A(row_count, branch[j-1]) = 1; A(row_count, branch[j+1]) = 1; row_count++; } } // lambda_skel_smooth matrix Eigen::MatrixXd lambda_ss(a_rows, a_rows); lambda_ss.setIdentity(); lambda_ss = Solver::lambda_skel_smooth_ * lambda_ss; A_[0] = 2 * M.transpose() * A.transpose() * lambda_ss * A * M; A_[1] = 2 * M.transpose() * A.transpose() * lambda_ss * A * M; A_[2] = 2 * M.transpose() * A.transpose() * lambda_ss * A * M; }
void V8HeapProfilerAgentImpl::getHeapObjectId(ErrorString* errorString, const String16& objectId, String16* heapSnapshotObjectId) { v8::HandleScope handles(m_isolate); v8::Local<v8::Value> value = m_session->findObject(errorString, objectId); if (value.IsEmpty() || value->IsUndefined()) return; v8::SnapshotObjectId id = m_isolate->GetHeapProfiler()->GetObjectId(value); *heapSnapshotObjectId = String16::fromInteger(id); }
bool MyExportCommand::write_connectivity(std::ofstream& output_file,MeshExportInterface *iface) { output_file << " List of Elements" << std::endl; output_file << " Element Type, ID, Block, Connectivity" << std::endl; // Get the list of blocks std::vector<BlockHandle> blocks; iface->get_block_list(blocks); // Test for get_block_size int num_elements = 0; for (size_t i = 0; i < blocks.size(); i++) { int nelems; bool status = iface->get_block_size(blocks[i], nelems); if (status) num_elements += nelems; } // Get a batch of elements in an initialized block int buf_size = 100; std::vector<ElementType> element_type(buf_size); std::vector<ElementHandle> handles(buf_size); // Elements in a buffer set will be of the same element type and in the same block for (size_t i = 0; i < blocks.size(); i++) { int num_elems; int start_index = 0; BlockHandle block = blocks[i]; while( (num_elems = iface->get_block_elements(start_index, buf_size, block, element_type, handles)) > 0) { // Get ids for the element handles std::vector<int> ids(num_elems); iface->get_element_ids(num_elems, handles, ids); int block_id = iface->id_from_handle(block); // Write out the connectivity for (int i = 0; i < num_elems; i++) { std::vector<int> conn(27); int num_nodes = iface->get_connectivity(handles[i], conn); output_file << (int) element_type[i] << " " << ids[i] << " " << block_id << " "; for (int j = 0; j < num_nodes; j++) output_file << conn[j] << " "; output_file << std::endl; } start_index += num_elems; } } return true; }
EXPORT_C CMemSpyEngineChunkList* CMemSpyEngineHelperChunk::ListForProcessL( TProcessId aPid ) { RArray<TAny*> handles( 128 ); CleanupClosePushL( handles ); // GetChunkHandlesL( handles, EProcess, aPid ); CMemSpyEngineChunkList* list = CreateListFromHandlesL( handles ); // CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( &handles ); return list; }
TSemaphoreSet::TLock::TLock(const TSemaphoreSet& set, TWaitWhat wait, ulong timeOut, bool alertable) : Set(0) { TAPointer<THandle> handles(newHandles(set)); if (InitLock(set.Count, wait, ::WaitForMultipleObjectsEx(set.Count, handles, wait, timeOut, alertable))) Set = &set; }
void V8HeapProfilerAgentImpl::getHeapObjectId(ErrorString* errorString, const String16& objectId, String16* heapSnapshotObjectId) { v8::HandleScope handles(m_isolate); v8::Local<v8::Value> value; v8::Local<v8::Context> context; String16 objectGroup; if (!m_session->unwrapObject(errorString, objectId, &value, &context, &objectGroup) || value->IsUndefined()) return; v8::SnapshotObjectId id = m_isolate->GetHeapProfiler()->GetObjectId(value); *heapSnapshotObjectId = String16::fromInteger(id); }
std::unique_ptr<protocol::Runtime::RemoteObject> InjectedScript::wrapObject(ErrorString* errorString, v8::Local<v8::Value> value, const String16& groupName, bool forceValueType, bool generatePreview) const { v8::HandleScope handles(m_context->isolate()); v8::Local<v8::Value> wrappedObject; if (!wrapValue(errorString, value, groupName, forceValueType, generatePreview).ToLocal(&wrappedObject)) return nullptr; protocol::ErrorSupport errors; std::unique_ptr<protocol::Runtime::RemoteObject> remoteObject = protocol::Runtime::RemoteObject::parse(toProtocolValue(m_context->context(), wrappedObject).get(), &errors); if (!remoteObject) *errorString = "Object has too long reference chain"; return remoteObject; }
void GetAllWindowHandlesCommandHandler::ExecuteInternal( const IECommandExecutor& executor, const ParametersMap& command_parameters, Response* response) { Json::Value handles(Json::arrayValue); std::vector<std::string> handle_list; executor.GetManagedBrowserHandles(&handle_list); for (unsigned int i = 0; i < handle_list.size(); ++i) { handles.append(handle_list[i]); } response->SetSuccessResponse(handles); }
CMemSpyEngineCodeSegList* CMemSpyEngineHelperCodeSegment::CodeSegmentListRamLoadedL() { RArray<TAny*> handles( 16 ); CleanupClosePushL( handles ); // Get just RAM-loaded GetCodeSegmentHandlesL( handles, NULL, ETrue ); CMemSpyEngineCodeSegList* list = ListFromHandlesLC( handles ); // CleanupStack::Pop( list ); CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( &handles ); // return list; }
EXPORT_C CMemSpyEngineCodeSegList* CMemSpyEngineHelperCodeSegment::CodeSegmentListL() { RArray<TAny*> handles( 16 ); CleanupClosePushL( handles ); // Get everything GetCodeSegmentHandlesL( handles, NULL, EFalse ); CMemSpyEngineCodeSegList* list = ListFromHandlesLC( handles ); // CleanupStack::Pop( list ); CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( &handles ); // return list; }
double traverse(std::string name) { double ret=0; RMF::FileConstHandle rh= RMF::open_rmf_file_read_only(name); RMF::Categories kcs= rh.get_categories<1>(); ret+=show_xml(rh.get_root_node(), kcs); RMF::NodePairConstHandles ps= rh.get_node_sets<2>(); for (unsigned int i=0; i< ps.size(); ++i) { std::pair< RMF::NodeConstHandle, RMF::NodeConstHandle> handles (ps[i].get_node(0),ps[i].get_node(1)); ret+=handles.first.get_id().get_index(); ret+=handles.second.get_id().get_index(); } return ret; }
std::unique_ptr<protocol::Runtime::RemoteObject> V8ConsoleMessage::wrapException(V8InspectorSessionImpl* session, bool generatePreview) const { if (!m_arguments.size() || !m_contextId) return nullptr; DCHECK_EQ(1u, m_arguments.size()); InspectedContext* inspectedContext = session->debugger()->getContext(session->contextGroupId(), m_contextId); if (!inspectedContext) return nullptr; v8::Isolate* isolate = inspectedContext->isolate(); v8::HandleScope handles(isolate); // TODO(dgozman): should we use different object group? return session->wrapObject(inspectedContext->context(), m_arguments[0]->Get(isolate), "console", generatePreview); }
EXPORT_C CMemSpyEngineCodeSegList* CMemSpyEngineHelperCodeSegment::CodeSegmentListL( TProcessId aProcess ) { TUint processId = aProcess; // RArray<TAny*> handles( 16 ); CleanupClosePushL( handles ); // Get process-specific list GetCodeSegmentHandlesL( handles, &processId, EFalse ); CMemSpyEngineCodeSegList* list = ListFromHandlesLC( handles ); // CleanupStack::Pop( list ); CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( &handles ); // return list; }
std::unique_ptr<protocol::Runtime::RemoteObject> InjectedScript::wrapTable(v8::Local<v8::Value> table, v8::Local<v8::Value> columns) const { v8::HandleScope handles(m_context->isolate()); V8FunctionCall function(m_context->inspector(), m_context->context(), v8Value(), "wrapTable"); function.appendArgument(table); if (columns.IsEmpty()) function.appendArgument(false); else function.appendArgument(columns); bool hadException = false; v8::Local<v8::Value> r =; if (hadException) return nullptr; protocol::ErrorSupport errors; return protocol::Runtime::RemoteObject::parse(toProtocolValue(m_context->context(), r).get(), &errors); }
void StarShape::moveHandleAction(int handleId, const QPointF & point, Qt::KeyboardModifiers modifiers) { if (modifiers & Qt::ShiftModifier) { QPointF handle = handles()[handleId]; QPointF tangentVector = point - handle; qreal distance = sqrt(tangentVector.x()*tangentVector.x() + tangentVector.y()*tangentVector.y()); QPointF radialVector = handle - m_center; // cross product to determine in which direction the user is dragging qreal moveDirection = radialVector.x()*tangentVector.y() - radialVector.y()*tangentVector.x(); // make the roundness stick to zero if distance is under a certain value float snapDistance = 3.0; if (distance >= 0.0) distance = distance < snapDistance ? 0.0 : distance-snapDistance; else distance = distance > -snapDistance ? 0.0 : distance+snapDistance; // control changes roundness on both handles, else only the actual handle roundness is changed if (modifiers & Qt::ControlModifier) m_roundness[handleId] = moveDirection < 0.0f ? distance : -distance; else m_roundness[base] = m_roundness[tip] = moveDirection < 0.0f ? distance : -distance; } else { QPointF distVector = point - m_center; // unapply scaling distVector.rx() /= m_zoomX; distVector.ry() /= m_zoomY; m_radius[handleId] = sqrt(distVector.x()*distVector.x() + distVector.y()*distVector.y()); qreal angle = atan2(distVector.y(), distVector.x()); if (angle < 0.0) angle += 2.0*M_PI; qreal diffAngle = angle-m_angles[handleId]; qreal radianStep = M_PI / static_cast<qreal>(m_cornerCount); if (handleId == tip) { m_angles[tip] += diffAngle-radianStep; m_angles[base] += diffAngle-radianStep; } else { // control make the base point move freely if (modifiers & Qt::ControlModifier) m_angles[base] += diffAngle-2*radianStep; else m_angles[base] = m_angles[tip]; } } }
void CMemSpyEngineHelperChunk::DoOutputChunkInfoForObjectL( TUint aId, TDes& aLineBuffer, TType aType ) { TFullName ownerName; // RArray<TAny*> handles( 128 ); CleanupClosePushL( handles ); // GetChunkHandlesL( handles, aType, aId ); CMemSpyEngineChunkList* list = CreateListFromHandlesL( handles ); // CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( &handles ); CleanupStack::PushL( list ); // const TInt count = list->Count(); for (TInt i=0; i<count; i++) { const CMemSpyEngineChunkEntry& entry = list->At( i ); // _LIT(KLine1, "Name"); iEngine.Sink().OutputItemAndValueL( KLine1, entry.Name() ); // _LIT(KLine2, "Owner"); entry.OwnerName( ownerName ); iEngine.Sink().OutputItemAndValueL( KLine2, ownerName ); // _LIT(KLine3, "Address"); _LIT(KLine3Format, "0x%08x - 0x%08x"); aLineBuffer.Format(KLine3Format, entry.BaseAddress(), entry.UpperAddress() ); iEngine.Sink().OutputItemAndValueL( KLine3, aLineBuffer ); // _LIT(KLine4, "Size (max)"); _LIT(KLine4Format, "%d (%d)"); aLineBuffer.Format(KLine4Format, entry.Size(), entry.MaxSize()); iEngine.Sink().OutputItemAndValueL( KLine4, aLineBuffer ); // if ( i < count - 1 ) { iEngine.Sink().OutputBlankLineL(); } } // CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( list ); }
// Compute MatchData array for lossy compression. static void compute_matchdata_lossy(JB2Image *jimg, MatchData *lib, int dpi, mdjvu_matcher_options_t options) { int i; int nshapes = jimg->get_shape_count(); // Prepare MatchData GTArray<mdjvu_pattern_t> handles(nshapes); for (i=0; i<nshapes; i++) { JB2Shape &jshp = jimg->get_shape(i); lib[i].bits = 0; lib[i].area = 0; lib[i].match = -1; handles[i] = 0; if (! jshp.bits) continue; if (jshp.userdata & JB2SHAPE_SPECIAL) continue; lib[i].bits = jshp.bits; lib[i].area = compute_area(jshp.bits); handles[i] = compute_comparable_image(jshp.bits); } // Run Ilya's pattern matcher. GTArray<int> tags(nshapes); int maxtag = mdjvu_classify_patterns(handles, tags, nshapes, dpi, options); // Extract substitutions GTArray<int> reps(maxtag); for (i=0; i<=maxtag; i++) reps[i] = -1; for (i=0; i<nshapes; i++) if (handles[i]) { int r = reps[tags[i]]; lib[i].match = r; if (r < 0) reps[tags[i]] = i; } // Free Ilya's data structures. for (i=0; i<nshapes; i++) if (handles[i]) mdjvu_pattern_destroy(handles[i]); }