Пример #1
void catalog_request(JCR *jcr, BSOCK *bs)
   MEDIA_DBR mr, sdmr;
   char Job[MAX_NAME_LENGTH];
   char pool_name[MAX_NAME_LENGTH];
   int index, ok, label, writing;
   POOLMEM *omsg;
   POOL_DBR pr;
   uint32_t Stripe, Copy;
   uint64_t MediaId;
   utime_t VolFirstWritten;
   utime_t VolLastWritten;

   memset(&sdmr, 0, sizeof(sdmr));
   memset(&jm, 0, sizeof(jm));

    * Request to find next appendable Volume for this Job
   Dmsg1(100, "catreq %s", bs->msg);
   if (!jcr->db) {
      omsg = get_memory(bs->msglen+1);
      pm_strcpy(omsg, bs->msg);
      bs->fsend(_("1990 Invalid Catalog Request: %s"), omsg);
      Jmsg1(jcr, M_FATAL, 0, _("Invalid Catalog request; DB not open: %s"), omsg);
    * Find next appendable medium for SD
   if (sscanf(bs->msg, Find_media, &Job, &index, &pool_name, &mr.MediaType) == 4) {
      memset(&pr, 0, sizeof(pr));
      bstrncpy(pr.Name, pool_name, sizeof(pr.Name));
      ok = db_get_pool_record(jcr, jcr->db, &pr);
      if (ok) {
         mr.PoolId = pr.PoolId;
         set_storageid_in_mr(jcr->res.wstore, &mr);
         mr.ScratchPoolId = pr.ScratchPoolId;
         ok = find_next_volume_for_append(jcr, &mr, index, fnv_create_vol, fnv_prune);
         Dmsg3(050, "find_media ok=%d idx=%d vol=%s\n", ok, index, mr.VolumeName);
       * Send Find Media response to Storage daemon
      if (ok) {
         send_volume_info_to_storage_daemon(jcr, bs, &mr);
      } else {
         bs->fsend(_("1901 No Media.\n"));
         Dmsg0(500, "1901 No Media.\n");

    * Request to find specific Volume information
   } else if (sscanf(bs->msg, Get_Vol_Info, &Job, &mr.VolumeName, &writing) == 3) {
      Dmsg1(100, "CatReq GetVolInfo Vol=%s\n", mr.VolumeName);
       * Find the Volume
      if (db_get_media_record(jcr, jcr->db, &mr)) {
         const char *reason = NULL;           /* detailed reason for rejection */
          * If we are reading, accept any volume (reason == NULL)
          * If we are writing, check if the Volume is valid
          *   for this job, and do a recycle if necessary
         if (writing) {
             * SD wants to write this Volume, so make
             *   sure it is suitable for this job, i.e.
             *   Pool matches, and it is either Append or Recycle
             *   and Media Type matches and Pool allows any volume.
            if (mr.PoolId != jcr->jr.PoolId) {
               reason = _("not in Pool");
            } else if (!bstrcmp(mr.MediaType, jcr->res.wstore->media_type)) {
               reason = _("not correct MediaType");
            } else {
                * Now try recycling if necessary
                *   reason set non-NULL if we cannot use it
               check_if_volume_valid_or_recyclable(jcr, &mr, &reason);
         if (!reason && mr.Enabled != 1) {
            reason = _("is not Enabled");
         if (reason == NULL) {
             * Send Find Media response to Storage daemon
            send_volume_info_to_storage_daemon(jcr, bs, &mr);
         } else {
            /* Not suitable volume */
            bs->fsend(_("1998 Volume \"%s\" catalog status is %s, %s.\n"), mr.VolumeName,
               mr.VolStatus, reason);

      } else {
         bs->fsend(_("1997 Volume \"%s\" not in catalog.\n"), mr.VolumeName);
         Dmsg1(100, "1997 Volume \"%s\" not in catalog.\n", mr.VolumeName);

    * Request to update Media record. Comes typically at the end
    *  of a Storage daemon Job Session, when labeling/relabeling a
    *  Volume, or when an EOF mark is written.
   } else if (sscanf(bs->msg, Update_media, &Job, &sdmr.VolumeName,
                     &sdmr.VolJobs, &sdmr.VolFiles, &sdmr.VolBlocks, &sdmr.VolBytes,
                     &sdmr.VolMounts, &sdmr.VolErrors, &sdmr.VolWrites, &sdmr.MaxVolBytes,
                     &VolLastWritten, &sdmr.VolStatus, &sdmr.Slot, &label, &sdmr.InChanger,
                     &sdmr.VolReadTime, &sdmr.VolWriteTime, &VolFirstWritten) == 18) {
      Dmsg3(400, "Update media %s oldStat=%s newStat=%s\n", sdmr.VolumeName,
         mr.VolStatus, sdmr.VolStatus);
      bstrncpy(mr.VolumeName, sdmr.VolumeName, sizeof(mr.VolumeName)); /* copy Volume name */
      if (!db_get_media_record(jcr, jcr->db, &mr)) {
         Jmsg(jcr, M_ERROR, 0, _("Unable to get Media record for Volume %s: ERR=%s\n"),
              mr.VolumeName, db_strerror(jcr->db));
         bs->fsend(_("1991 Catalog Request for vol=%s failed: %s"),
            mr.VolumeName, db_strerror(jcr->db));
         goto bail_out;

      /* Set first written time if this is first job */
      if (mr.FirstWritten == 0) {
         if (VolFirstWritten == 0) {
            mr.FirstWritten = jcr->start_time;   /* use Job start time as first write */
         } else {
            mr.FirstWritten = VolFirstWritten;
         mr.set_first_written = true;
      /* If we just labeled the tape set time */
      if (label || mr.LabelDate == 0) {
         mr.LabelDate = jcr->start_time;
         mr.set_label_date = true;
         if (mr.InitialWrite == 0) {
            mr.InitialWrite = jcr->start_time;
         Dmsg2(400, "label=%d labeldate=%d\n", label, mr.LabelDate);
      } else {
          * Insanity check for VolFiles get set to a smaller value
         if (sdmr.VolFiles < mr.VolFiles) {
            Jmsg(jcr, M_FATAL, 0, _("Volume Files at %u being set to %u"
                 " for Volume \"%s\". This is incorrect.\n"),
               mr.VolFiles, sdmr.VolFiles, mr.VolumeName);
            bs->fsend(_("1992 Update Media error. VolFiles=%u, CatFiles=%u\n"),
               sdmr.VolFiles, mr.VolFiles);
            goto bail_out;

      Dmsg2(400, "Update media: BefVolJobs=%u After=%u\n", mr.VolJobs, sdmr.VolJobs);

       * Check if the volume has been written by the job,
       * and update the LastWritten field if needed.
      if (mr.VolBlocks != sdmr.VolBlocks && VolLastWritten != 0) {
         mr.LastWritten = VolLastWritten;

       * Update to point to the last device used to write the Volume.
       *   However, do so only if we are writing the tape, i.e.
       *   the number of VolWrites has increased.
      if (jcr->res.wstore && sdmr.VolWrites > mr.VolWrites) {
         Dmsg2(050, "Update StorageId old=%d new=%d\n",
               mr.StorageId, jcr->res.wstore->StorageId);
         /* Update StorageId after write */
         set_storageid_in_mr(jcr->res.wstore, &mr);
      } else {
         /* Nothing written, reset same StorageId */
         set_storageid_in_mr(NULL, &mr);

      /* Copy updated values to original media record */
      mr.VolJobs      = sdmr.VolJobs;
      mr.VolFiles     = sdmr.VolFiles;
      mr.VolBlocks    = sdmr.VolBlocks;
      mr.VolBytes     = sdmr.VolBytes;
      mr.VolMounts    = sdmr.VolMounts;
      mr.VolErrors    = sdmr.VolErrors;
      mr.VolWrites    = sdmr.VolWrites;
      mr.Slot         = sdmr.Slot;
      mr.InChanger    = sdmr.InChanger;
      bstrncpy(mr.VolStatus, sdmr.VolStatus, sizeof(mr.VolStatus));
      mr.VolReadTime  = sdmr.VolReadTime;
      mr.VolWriteTime = sdmr.VolWriteTime;

      Dmsg2(400, "db_update_media_record. Stat=%s Vol=%s\n", mr.VolStatus, mr.VolumeName);
       * Update the database, then before sending the response to the
       *  SD, check if the Volume has expired.
      if (!db_update_media_record(jcr, jcr->db, &mr)) {
         Jmsg(jcr, M_FATAL, 0, _("Catalog error updating Media record. %s"),
         bs->fsend(_("1993 Update Media error\n"));
         Dmsg0(400, "send error\n");
      } else {
         (void)has_volume_expired(jcr, &mr);
         send_volume_info_to_storage_daemon(jcr, bs, &mr);


      Dmsg1(400, ">CatReq response: %s", bs->msg);
      Dmsg1(400, "Leave catreq jcr 0x%x\n", jcr);
    * Request to create a JobMedia record
   } else if (sscanf(bs->msg, Create_job_media, &Job,
      &jm.FirstIndex, &jm.LastIndex, &jm.StartFile, &jm.EndFile,
      &jm.StartBlock, &jm.EndBlock, &Copy, &Stripe, &MediaId) == 10) {

      if (jcr->mig_jcr) {
         jm.JobId = jcr->mig_jcr->JobId;
      } else {
         jm.JobId = jcr->JobId;
      jm.MediaId = MediaId;
      Dmsg6(400, "create_jobmedia JobId=%d MediaId=%d SF=%d EF=%d FI=%d LI=%d\n",
         jm.JobId, jm.MediaId, jm.StartFile, jm.EndFile, jm.FirstIndex, jm.LastIndex);
      if (!db_create_jobmedia_record(jcr, jcr->db, &jm)) {
         Jmsg(jcr, M_FATAL, 0, _("Catalog error creating JobMedia record. %s"),
         bs->fsend(_("1992 Create JobMedia error\n"));
      } else {
         Dmsg0(400, "JobMedia record created\n");

   } else {
      omsg = get_memory(bs->msglen+1);
      pm_strcpy(omsg, bs->msg);
      bs->fsend(_("1990 Invalid Catalog Request: %s"), omsg);
      Jmsg1(jcr, M_FATAL, 0, _("Invalid Catalog request: %s"), omsg);

   Dmsg1(400, ">CatReq response: %s", bs->msg);
   Dmsg1(400, "Leave catreq jcr 0x%x\n", jcr);
Пример #2
 *  Items needed:
 *   mr.PoolId must be set
 *   mr.StorageId should also be set
 *   mr.ScratchPoolId could be set (used if create==true)
 *   jcr->wstore
 *   jcr->db
 *   jcr->pool
 *   MEDIA_DBR mr with PoolId set
 *   create -- whether or not to create a new volume
int find_next_volume_for_append(JCR *jcr, MEDIA_DBR *mr, int index,             
                                bool create, bool prune)
   int retry = 0;
   bool ok;
   bool InChanger;
   STORE *store = jcr->wstore;

   bstrncpy(mr->MediaType, store->media_type, sizeof(mr->MediaType));
   Dmsg3(100, "find_next_vol_for_append: JobId=%u PoolId=%d, MediaType=%s\n", 
         (uint32_t)jcr->JobId, (int)mr->PoolId, mr->MediaType);
    * If we are using an Autochanger, restrict Volume
    *   search to the Autochanger on the first pass
   InChanger = store->autochanger;
    * Find the Next Volume for Append
   for ( ;; ) {
      bstrncpy(mr->VolStatus, "Append", sizeof(mr->VolStatus));  /* want only appendable volumes */
       *  1. Look for volume with "Append" status.
      ok = db_find_next_volume(jcr, jcr->db, index, InChanger, mr);

      if (!ok) {
         Dmsg4(150, "after find_next_vol ok=%d index=%d InChanger=%d Vstat=%s\n",
               ok, index, InChanger, mr->VolStatus);
          * 2. Try finding a recycled volume
         ok = find_recycled_volume(jcr, InChanger, mr);
         Dmsg2(150, "find_recycled_volume ok=%d FW=%d\n", ok, mr->FirstWritten);
         if (!ok) {
             * 3. Try recycling any purged volume
            ok = recycle_oldest_purged_volume(jcr, InChanger, mr);
            if (!ok) {
                * 4. Try pruning Volumes
               if (prune) {
                  Dmsg0(150, "Call prune_volumes\n");
                  prune_volumes(jcr, InChanger, mr);
               ok = recycle_oldest_purged_volume(jcr, InChanger, mr);
               if (!ok && create) {
                  Dmsg4(150, "after prune volumes_vol ok=%d index=%d InChanger=%d Vstat=%s\n",
                        ok, index, InChanger, mr->VolStatus);
                   * 5. Try pulling a volume from the Scratch pool
                  ok = get_scratch_volume(jcr, InChanger, mr);
                  Dmsg4(150, "after get scratch volume ok=%d index=%d InChanger=%d Vstat=%s\n",
                        ok, index, InChanger, mr->VolStatus);
                * If we are using an Autochanger and have not found
                * a volume, retry looking for any volume. 
               if (!ok && InChanger) {
                  InChanger = false;
                  continue;           /* retry again accepting any volume */

         if (!ok && create) {
             * 6. Try "creating" a new Volume
            ok = newVolume(jcr, mr);
          *  Look at more drastic ways to find an Appendable Volume
         if (!ok && (jcr->pool->purge_oldest_volume ||
                     jcr->pool->recycle_oldest_volume)) {
            Dmsg2(200, "No next volume found. PurgeOldest=%d\n RecyleOldest=%d",
                jcr->pool->purge_oldest_volume, jcr->pool->recycle_oldest_volume);
            /* Find oldest volume to recycle */
            ok = db_find_next_volume(jcr, jcr->db, -1, InChanger, mr);
            Dmsg1(200, "Find oldest=%d Volume\n", ok);
            if (ok && prune) {
               UAContext *ua;
               Dmsg0(200, "Try purge Volume.\n");
                * 7.  Try to purging oldest volume only if not UA calling us.
               ua = new_ua_context(jcr);
               if (jcr->pool->purge_oldest_volume && create) {
                  Jmsg(jcr, M_INFO, 0, _("Purging oldest volume \"%s\"\n"), mr->VolumeName);
                  ok = purge_jobs_from_volume(ua, mr);
                * 8. or try recycling the oldest volume
               } else if (jcr->pool->recycle_oldest_volume) {
                  Jmsg(jcr, M_INFO, 0, _("Pruning oldest volume \"%s\"\n"), mr->VolumeName);
                  ok = prune_volume(ua, mr);
               if (ok) {
                  ok = recycle_volume(jcr, mr);
                  Dmsg1(400, "Recycle after purge oldest=%d\n", ok);
      Dmsg2(100, "VolJobs=%d FirstWritten=%d\n", mr->VolJobs, mr->FirstWritten);
      if (ok) {
         /* If we can use the volume, check if it is expired */
         if (has_volume_expired(jcr, mr)) {
            if (retry++ < 200) {            /* sanity check */
               continue;                    /* try again from the top */
            } else {
               Jmsg(jcr, M_ERROR, 0, _(
"We seem to be looping trying to find the next volume. I give up.\n"));
   } /* end for loop */
   Dmsg1(150, "return ok=%d find_next_vol\n", ok);
   return ok;
Пример #3
 * Prune at least one Volume in current Pool. This is called from
 *   catreq.c => next_vol.c when the Storage daemon is asking for another
 *   volume and no appendable volumes are available.
void prune_volumes(JCR *jcr, bool InChanger,
                   MEDIA_DBR *mr, STORERES *store)
   int i;
   int count;
   POOL_DBR spr;
   UAContext *ua;
   dbid_list ids;
   struct del_ctx prune_list;
   char ed1[50], ed2[100], ed3[50];

   Dmsg1(100, "Prune volumes PoolId=%d\n", jcr->jr.PoolId);
   if (!jcr->res.job->PruneVolumes && !jcr->res.pool->AutoPrune) {
      Dmsg0(100, "AutoPrune not set in Pool.\n");

   memset(&prune_list, 0, sizeof(prune_list));
   prune_list.max_ids = 10000;
   prune_list.JobId = (JobId_t *)malloc(sizeof(JobId_t) * prune_list.max_ids);

   ua = new_ua_context(jcr);

   /* Edit PoolId */
   edit_int64(mr->PoolId, ed1);
    * Get Pool record for Scratch Pool
   memset(&spr, 0, sizeof(spr));
   bstrncpy(spr.Name, "Scratch", sizeof(spr.Name));
   if (db_get_pool_record(jcr, jcr->db, &spr)) {
      edit_int64(spr.PoolId, ed2);
      bstrncat(ed2, ",", sizeof(ed2));
   } else {
      ed2[0] = 0;

   if (mr->ScratchPoolId) {
      edit_int64(mr->ScratchPoolId, ed3);
      bstrncat(ed2, ed3, sizeof(ed2));
      bstrncat(ed2, ",", sizeof(ed2));

   Dmsg1(100, "Scratch pool(s)=%s\n", ed2);
    * ed2 ends up with scratch poolid and current poolid or
    *   just current poolid if there is no scratch pool
   bstrncat(ed2, ed1, sizeof(ed2));

    * Get the List of all media ids in the current Pool or whose
    *  RecyclePoolId is the current pool or the scratch pool
   const char *select = "SELECT DISTINCT MediaId,LastWritten FROM Media WHERE "
        "(PoolId=%s OR RecyclePoolId IN (%s)) AND MediaType='%s' %s"
        "ORDER BY LastWritten ASC,MediaId";

   if (InChanger) {
      char changer[100];
      /* Ensure it is in this autochanger */
      bsnprintf(changer, sizeof(changer), "AND InChanger=1 AND StorageId=%s ",
         edit_int64(mr->StorageId, ed3));
      Mmsg(query, select, ed1, ed2, mr->MediaType, changer);
   } else {
      Mmsg(query, select, ed1, ed2, mr->MediaType, "");

   Dmsg1(100, "query=%s\n", query.c_str());
   if (!db_get_query_dbids(ua->jcr, ua->db, query, ids)) {
      Jmsg(jcr, M_ERROR, 0, "%s", db_strerror(jcr->db));
      goto bail_out;

   Dmsg1(100, "Volume prune num_ids=%d\n", ids.num_ids);

   /* Visit each Volume and Prune it until we find one that is purged */
   for (i=0; i<ids.num_ids; i++) {
      MEDIA_DBR lmr;
      lmr.MediaId = ids.DBId[i];
      Dmsg1(100, "Get record MediaId=%d\n", (int)lmr.MediaId);
      if (!db_get_media_record(jcr, jcr->db, &lmr)) {
         Jmsg(jcr, M_ERROR, 0, "%s", db_strerror(jcr->db));
      Dmsg1(100, "Examine vol=%s\n", lmr.VolumeName);
      /* Don't prune archived volumes */
      if (lmr.Enabled == 2) {
         Dmsg1(100, "Vol=%s disabled\n", lmr.VolumeName);
      /* Prune only Volumes with status "Full", or "Used" */
      if (bstrcmp(lmr.VolStatus, "Full") ||
          bstrcmp(lmr.VolStatus, "Used")) {
         Dmsg2(100, "Add prune list MediaId=%d Volume %s\n", (int)lmr.MediaId, lmr.VolumeName);
         count = get_prune_list_for_volume(ua, &lmr, &prune_list);
         Dmsg1(100, "Num pruned = %d\n", count);
         if (count != 0) {
            purge_job_list_from_catalog(ua, prune_list);
            prune_list.num_ids = 0;             /* reset count */
         if (!is_volume_purged(ua, &lmr)) {
            Dmsg1(050, "Vol=%s not pruned\n", lmr.VolumeName);
         Dmsg1(050, "Vol=%s is purged\n", lmr.VolumeName);

          * Since we are also pruning the Scratch pool, continue
          *   until and check if this volume is available (InChanger + StorageId)
          * If not, just skip this volume and try the next one
         if (InChanger) {
            if (!lmr.InChanger || (lmr.StorageId != mr->StorageId)) {
               Dmsg1(100, "Vol=%s not inchanger or correct StoreId\n", lmr.VolumeName);
               continue;                  /* skip this volume, ie not loadable */
         if (!lmr.Recycle) {
            Dmsg1(100, "Vol=%s not recyclable\n", lmr.VolumeName);

         if (has_volume_expired(jcr, &lmr)) {
            Dmsg1(100, "Vol=%s has expired\n", lmr.VolumeName);
            continue;                     /* Volume not usable */

          * If purged and not moved to another Pool,
          *   then we stop pruning and take this volume.
         if (lmr.PoolId == mr->PoolId) {
            Dmsg2(100, "Got Vol=%s MediaId=%d purged.\n", lmr.VolumeName, (int)lmr.MediaId);
            set_storageid_in_mr(store, mr);
            break;                        /* got a volume */

   Dmsg0(100, "Leave prune volumes\n");
   if (prune_list.JobId) {
Пример #4
 * Try hard to recycle the current volume
 *  Returns: on failure - reason = NULL
 *           on success - reason - pointer to reason
void check_if_volume_valid_or_recyclable(JCR *jcr, MEDIA_DBR *mr, const char **reason)
   int ok;

   *reason = NULL;

   if (!mr->Recycle) {
      *reason = _("volume has recycling disabled");

   /*  Check if a duration or limit has expired */
   if (has_volume_expired(jcr, mr)) {
      *reason = _("volume has expired");
      /* Keep going because we may be able to recycle volume */

    * Now see if we can use the volume as is
   if (strcmp(mr->VolStatus, "Append") == 0 ||
       strcmp(mr->VolStatus, "Recycle") == 0) {
      *reason = NULL;

    * Check if the Volume is already marked for recycling
   if (strcmp(mr->VolStatus, "Purged") == 0) {
      if (recycle_volume(jcr, mr)) {
         Jmsg(jcr, M_INFO, 0, _("Recycled current volume \"%s\"\n"), mr->VolumeName);
         *reason = NULL;
      } else {
         /* In principle this shouldn't happen */
         *reason = _("and recycling of current volume failed");

   /* At this point, the volume is not valid for writing */
   *reason = _("but should be Append, Purged or Recycle");

    * What we're trying to do here is see if the current volume is
    * "recyclable" - ie. if we prune all expired jobs off it, is
    * it now possible to reuse it for the job that it is currently
    * needed for?
   if ((mr->LastWritten + mr->VolRetention) < (utime_t)time(NULL)
         && mr->Recycle && jcr->pool->recycle_current_volume
         && (strcmp(mr->VolStatus, "Full") == 0 ||
            strcmp(mr->VolStatus, "Used") == 0)) {
       * Attempt prune of current volume to see if we can
       * recycle it for use.
      UAContext *ua;

      ua = new_ua_context(jcr);
      ok = prune_volume(ua, mr);

      if (ok) {
         /* If fully purged, recycle current volume */
         if (recycle_volume(jcr, mr)) {
            Jmsg(jcr, M_INFO, 0, _("Recycled current volume \"%s\"\n"), mr->VolumeName);
            *reason = NULL;
         } else {
            *reason = _("but should be Append, Purged or Recycle (recycling of the "
               "current volume failed)");
      } else {
         *reason = _("but should be Append, Purged or Recycle (cannot automatically "
            "recycle current volume, as it still contains unpruned data "
            "or the Volume Retention time has not expired.)");