Пример #1
void custom_kw_config_deserialize(custom_kw_config_type * config, stringlist_type * config_set) {
    pthread_rwlock_wrlock(& config->rw_lock);

        for (int i = 0; i < stringlist_get_size(config_set); i++) {
            const char * items = stringlist_iget(config_set, i);

            char key[128];
            int index;
            int is_double;

            int count = sscanf(items, "%s %d %d", key, &index, &is_double);
            if (count == 3) {
              hash_insert_int(config->custom_keys, key, index);
              hash_insert_int(config->custom_key_types, key, is_double);
            } else
              util_abort("%s: internal error - deserialize failed\n",__func__);
        config->undefined = false;
        config->key_definition_file = util_alloc_string_copy("from storage"); //Todo: Handle this differently?
    pthread_rwlock_unlock(& config->rw_lock);
Пример #2
static bool custom_kw_config_setup__(custom_kw_config_type * config, const char * result_file) {
    FILE * stream = util_fopen__(result_file, "r");
    if (stream != NULL) {
        bool read_ok = true;
        config->key_definition_file = util_alloc_string_copy(result_file);

        int counter = 0;
        char key[128];
        char value[128];
        int read_count;
        while ((read_count = fscanf(stream, "%s %s", key, value)) != EOF) {
            if (read_count == 1) {
                fprintf(stderr ,"[%s] Warning: Key: '%s:%s' is missing value in file: '%s'\n", __func__, config->name, key, result_file);
                read_ok = false;

            if (custom_kw_config_has_key(config, key)) {
                fprintf(stderr ,"[%s] Warning: Key: '%s:%s' already defined!\n", __func__, config->name, key);
            } else {
                hash_insert_int(config->custom_keys, key, counter++);
                hash_insert_int(config->custom_key_types, key, util_sscanf_double(value, NULL));

        return read_ok;
    return false;
Пример #3
void ecl_config_add_fixed_length_schedule_kw(ecl_config_type * ecl_config, const char * kw, int length)
  hash_insert_int(ecl_config->fixed_length_kw, kw, length);
  if (ecl_config->sched_file != NULL )
    sched_file_add_fixed_length_kw(ecl_config->sched_file, kw, length);

Пример #4
bool summary_key_set_fread(summary_key_set_type * set, const char * filename) {
    bool file_exists = false;
    pthread_rwlock_wrlock( &set->rw_lock );

        if (util_file_exists(filename)) {
            FILE * stream = util_fopen(filename, "r");
            if (stream) {
                stringlist_type * key_set = stringlist_fread_alloc(stream);

                for (int i = 0; i < stringlist_get_size(key_set); i++) {
                    hash_insert_int(set->key_set, stringlist_iget(key_set, i), 1);
                fclose( stream );
            } else {
                util_abort("%s: failed to open: %s for reading \n",__func__ , filename );
            file_exists = true;
    pthread_rwlock_unlock( &set->rw_lock );
    return file_exists;
Пример #5
bool set_add_key(set_type * set, const char * key) {
  if (hash_has_key(set->key_hash , key))
    return false;
  else {
    hash_insert_int(set->key_hash , key , 1);
    return true;
Пример #6
int hash_inc_counter(hash_type * hash , const char * counter_key) {
  if (hash_has_key( hash , counter_key)) {
    node_data_type * node_data = hash_get_node_data(hash , counter_key);
    return node_data_fetch_and_inc_int( node_data );
  } else {
    hash_insert_int(hash , counter_key , 0);
    return 0;
Пример #7
custom_kw_config_type * custom_kw_config_alloc_with_definition(const char * key, const hash_type * definition) {
    custom_kw_config_type * custom_kw_config = custom_kw_config_alloc_empty(key, NULL, NULL);

    stringlist_type * keys = hash_alloc_stringlist((hash_type *) definition);

    for(int index = 0; index < stringlist_get_size(keys); index++) {
        const char * definition_key = stringlist_iget_copy(keys, index);
        int type_value = hash_get_int(definition, definition_key);

        if(type_value < 0 || type_value > 1) {
            fprintf(stderr ,"[%s] Warning: Value type not 0 or 1 for key: '%s', defaulting to string!\n", __func__, key);
            type_value = 0;
        hash_insert_int(custom_kw_config->custom_keys, definition_key, index);
        hash_insert_int(custom_kw_config->custom_key_types, definition_key, type_value);

    custom_kw_config->undefined = false;
    custom_kw_config->key_definition_file = util_alloc_string_copy("custom definition");


    return custom_kw_config;
Пример #8
static bool custom_kw_config_read_data__(const custom_kw_config_type * config, const char * result_file, stringlist_type * result) {
    FILE * stream = util_fopen__(result_file, "r");
    if (stream != NULL) {
        bool read_ok = true;

        stringlist_iset_ref(result, hash_get_size(config->custom_keys) - 1, NULL);
        hash_type * read_keys = hash_alloc();

        char key[128];
        char value[128];
        int read_count;
        while ((read_count = fscanf(stream, "%s %s", key, value)) != EOF) {
            if (read_count == 1) {
                fprintf(stderr ,"[%s] Warning: Key: '%s:%s' missing value in file: %s!\n", __func__, config->name, key, result_file);
                read_ok = false;

            if (custom_kw_config_has_key(config, key)) {
                if (hash_has_key(read_keys, key)) {
                    fprintf(stderr ,"[%s] Warning:  Key: '%s:%s' has appeared multiple times. Only the last occurrence will be used!\n", __func__, config->name, key);

                hash_insert_int(read_keys, key, 1);
                int index = custom_kw_config_index_of_key(config, key);
                stringlist_iset_copy(result, index, value);

            } else {
                fprintf(stderr ,"[%s] Warning: Key: '%s:%s' not in the available set. Ignored!\n", __func__, config->name, key);


        if (read_ok) {
            read_ok = hash_key_list_compare(read_keys, config->custom_keys);

        return read_ok;
    return false;
Пример #9
bool summary_key_set_add_summary_key(summary_key_set_type * set, const char * summary_key) {
    bool writable_and_non_existent = true;

    pthread_rwlock_wrlock( &set->rw_lock);

        if(hash_has_key(set->key_set, summary_key)) {
            writable_and_non_existent = false;

        if(set->read_only) {
            writable_and_non_existent = false;

        if(writable_and_non_existent) {
            hash_insert_int(set->key_set, summary_key, 1);
    pthread_rwlock_unlock( &set->rw_lock );

    return writable_and_non_existent;
Пример #10
void summary_key_matcher_add_summary_key(summary_key_matcher_type * matcher, const char * summary_key) {
    if(!hash_has_key(matcher->key_set, summary_key)) {
        hash_insert_int(matcher->key_set, summary_key, !util_string_has_wildcard(summary_key));
Пример #11
void sched_file_add_fixed_length_kw( sched_file_type * sched_file , const char * kw , int length ) {
  hash_insert_int( sched_file->fixed_length_table, kw , length );