Пример #1
plot_dataset_type * plot_alloc_new_dataset(plot_type * plot , const char * __label , plot_data_type data_type) {
  if (data_type == PLOT_HIST) {
    if (vector_get_size( plot->dataset) > 0)
      util_abort("%s: sorry - when using histograms you can *only* have one dataset\n",__func__);
    plot->is_histogram = true;
  } else if (plot->is_histogram)
    util_abort("%s: sorry - when using histograms you can *only* have one dataset\n",__func__);
    char * label;
    if (__label == NULL)
      label = util_alloc_sprintf("data_%d" , vector_get_size( plot->dataset ));
      label = (char *) __label;
    if (hash_has_key( plot->dataset_hash , label))
      util_abort("%s: sorry - the label %s is already in use - must be unique \n",__func__ , label);
      plot_dataset_type * dataset = plot_dataset_alloc(data_type, label , plot->logx , plot->logy);
      vector_append_owned_ref(plot->dataset , dataset , plot_dataset_free__);
      hash_insert_ref( plot->dataset_hash , label , dataset);
      if (__label == NULL)
      return dataset;
Пример #2
void well_state_add_wellhead( well_state_type * well_state , const ecl_rsthead_type * header , const ecl_kw_type * iwel_kw , int well_nr , const char * grid_name , int grid_nr) {
  well_conn_type * wellhead = well_conn_alloc_wellhead( iwel_kw , header , well_nr );

  if (wellhead != NULL) {
    vector_safe_iset_owned_ref( well_state->index_wellhead , grid_nr , wellhead , well_conn_free__ );
    hash_insert_ref( well_state->name_wellhead , grid_name , wellhead );

Пример #3
void rms_tag_add_tagkey(rms_tag_type *tag , const rms_tagkey_type *tagkey, int mem_mode) {
    rms_tagkey_type * tagkey_copy;

    switch (mem_mode) {
        tagkey_copy = rms_tagkey_copyc(tagkey);
        vector_append_owned_ref( tag->key_list , tagkey_copy , rms_tagkey_free_ );
        hash_insert_ref(tag->key_hash , rms_tagkey_get_name(tagkey_copy) , tagkey_copy);
        vector_append_owned_ref( tag->key_list , tagkey , rms_tagkey_free_ );
        hash_insert_ref(tag->key_hash , rms_tagkey_get_name(tagkey) , tagkey);
        vector_append_ref( tag->key_list , tagkey );
        hash_insert_ref(tag->key_hash , rms_tagkey_get_name(tagkey) , tagkey);
Пример #4
bool local_obsdata_add_node( local_obsdata_type * data , local_obsdata_node_type * node ) {
  const char * key = local_obsdata_node_get_key( node );
  if (local_obsdata_has_node(data , key))
    return false; 
  else {
    vector_append_owned_ref( data->nodes_list , node , local_obsdata_node_free__ );
    hash_insert_ref( data->nodes_map , key , node );
    return true;
Пример #5
void site_config_update_pathvar( site_config_type * site_config , const char * pathvar , const char * value) {
  if (site_config->user_mode) {
    stringlist_append_copy( site_config->path_variables_user , pathvar );
    stringlist_append_copy( site_config->path_values_user    , value   );
    if (!hash_has_key( site_config->path_variables_site , pathvar )) 
      hash_insert_ref( site_config->path_variables_site , pathvar , NULL); /* This path variable has not been touched in the
                                                                              site_config. We store a NULL, so can roll back
                                                                              (i.e. call unsetenv()). */
  util_update_path_var( pathvar , value , false );
Пример #6
void site_config_setenv( site_config_type * site_config , const char * variable, const char * __value) {
  const char * value = util_interp_setenv( variable , __value );

  if (site_config->user_mode) {
    /* In the table meant for user-export we store the literal $var strings. */
    hash_insert_hash_owned_ref( site_config->env_variables_user , variable , util_alloc_string_copy( __value ) , free);
    if (!hash_has_key( site_config->env_variables_site , variable))
      hash_insert_ref( site_config->env_variables_site , variable , NULL);   /* We insert a NULL so we can recover a unsetenv() in _clear_env(). */
  } else
    hash_insert_hash_owned_ref( site_config->env_variables_site , variable , util_alloc_string_copy( value ) , free);
Пример #7
hash_type * config_content_item_alloc_hash(const config_content_item_type * item , bool copy) {
  hash_type * hash = hash_alloc();
  if (item != NULL) {
    int inode;
    for (inode = 0; inode < vector_get_size( item->nodes ); inode++) {
      const config_content_node_type * node = config_content_item_iget_node(item , inode);
      const stringlist_type * src_list = config_content_node_get_stringlist( node );
      const char * key = stringlist_iget(src_list , 0);
      const char * value = stringlist_iget(src_list , 1);
      if (copy) {
        hash_insert_hash_owned_ref(hash , 
                                   key ,
                                   util_alloc_string_copy(value) , 
      } else
        hash_insert_ref(hash , key , value );
  return hash;
Пример #8
static void sched_history_install_group_index( sched_history_type * sched_history , group_index_type * group_index , const char ** var_list , const char * group_name) {
  int          index   = 0;
  char       * gen_key = NULL;
  const char * var     = var_list[ index ];
  bool  first          = true;

  while ( var != NULL ) {
    gen_key = util_realloc_sprintf( gen_key , "%s%s%s" , var , sched_history->sep_string , group_name );
    if (first) {
      first = false;
      hash_insert_hash_owned_ref( sched_history->index , gen_key , group_index , group_index_free__);
    } else
      hash_insert_ref( sched_history->index , gen_key , group_index );
    var  = var_list[ index ];
  if (first)
    util_abort("%s: internal error - empty var_list \n",__func__);
  free( gen_key );
Пример #9
void sched_history_install_index( sched_history_type * sched_history ) {
  /*1: Installing well based keys like WOPRH. */
    hash_iter_type * well_iter = hash_iter_alloc( sched_history->well_history );
    while (!hash_iter_is_complete( well_iter )) {
      const char * well_name         = hash_iter_get_next_key( well_iter );
      const well_history_type * well = hash_get( sched_history->well_history , well_name );
      /* WOPR */
        well_index_type * well_index = well_index_alloc( well_name , "WOPRH" , well , WCONHIST , wconhist_state_iget_WOPRH );
        sched_history_install_well_index( sched_history , well_index , VAR_LIST("WOPR" , "WOPRH") , well_name);
      /* WGPR */
        well_index_type * well_index = well_index_alloc( well_name , "WGPRH" , well , WCONHIST , wconhist_state_iget_WGPRH );
        sched_history_install_well_index( sched_history , well_index , VAR_LIST("WGPR" , "WGPRH") , well_name);
      /* WWPR */
        well_index_type * well_index = well_index_alloc( well_name , "WWPRH" , well , WCONHIST , wconhist_state_iget_WWPRH );
        sched_history_install_well_index( sched_history , well_index , VAR_LIST("WWPR" , "WWPRH") , well_name);
      /* WWCT */
        well_index_type * well_index = well_index_alloc( well_name , "WWCTH" , well , WCONHIST , wconhist_state_iget_WWCTH );
        sched_history_install_well_index( sched_history , well_index , VAR_LIST("WWCT" , "WWCTH") , well_name);

      /* WGOR */
        well_index_type * well_index = well_index_alloc( well_name , "WGORH" , well , WCONHIST , wconhist_state_iget_WGORH );
        sched_history_install_well_index( sched_history , well_index , VAR_LIST("WGOR" , "WGORH") , well_name);

      /* WGPT */
        well_index_type * well_index = well_index_alloc( well_name , "WGPTH" , well , WCONHIST , wconhist_state_iget_WGPTH );
        sched_history_install_well_index( sched_history , well_index , VAR_LIST("WGPT" , "WGPTH") , well_name);

      /* WOPT */
        well_index_type * well_index = well_index_alloc( well_name , "WOPTH" , well , WCONHIST , wconhist_state_iget_WOPTH );
        sched_history_install_well_index( sched_history , well_index , VAR_LIST("WOPT" , "WOPTH") , well_name);
      /* WWPT */
        well_index_type * well_index = well_index_alloc( well_name , "WWPTH" , well , WCONHIST , wconhist_state_iget_WWPTH );
        sched_history_install_well_index( sched_history , well_index , VAR_LIST("WWPT" , "WWPTH") , well_name);

      /* STAT */
        well_index_type * well_index = well_index_alloc( well_name , "STAT" , well , WCONHIST , wconhist_state_iget_STAT );
        sched_history_install_well_index( sched_history , well_index , VAR_LIST("STAT" ) , well_name);

      /* WWIRH - this can be got from _either_ the WCONINJH keyowrord
         or the WCONINJE keyword (provided the latter is in rate
         controlled mode. ) */
        well_index_type * well_index = well_index_alloc( well_name , "WWIRH" , well , WCONINJH , wconinjh_state_iget_WWIRH );   /* The first type */
        well_index_add_type( well_index , WCONINJE , wconinje_state_iget_WWIRH );                         /* The second type */
        sched_history_install_well_index( sched_history , well_index , VAR_LIST("WWIRH" , "WWIR") , well_name);
      /* WGIRH - this can be got from _either_ the WCONINJH keyowrord
         or the WCONINJE keyword (provided the latter is in rate
         controlled mode. ) */
        well_index_type * well_index = well_index_alloc( well_name , "WGIRH" , well , WCONINJH , wconinjh_state_iget_WGIRH );   /* The first type */
        well_index_add_type( well_index , WCONINJE , wconinje_state_iget_WGIRH );                         /* The second type */
        sched_history_install_well_index( sched_history , well_index , VAR_LIST("WGIRH" , "WGIR") , well_name);
    hash_iter_free( well_iter );

  /*2: Installing group based indices */
    hash_iter_type * group_iter = hash_iter_alloc( sched_history->group_history );
    while (!hash_iter_is_complete( group_iter )) {
      const char * group_name          = hash_iter_get_next_key( group_iter );
      const group_history_type * group = hash_get( sched_history->group_history , group_name );
      /* GOPR */
        group_index_type * group_index = group_index_alloc( group_name , "GOPRH" , group , group_history_iget_GOPRH );
        sched_history_install_group_index( sched_history , group_index , VAR_LIST("GOPR" , "GOPRH") , group_name);

      /* GGPR */
        group_index_type * group_index = group_index_alloc( group_name , "GGPRH" , group , group_history_iget_GGPRH );
        sched_history_install_group_index( sched_history , group_index , VAR_LIST("GGPR" , "GGPRH") , group_name);

      /* GWPR */
        group_index_type * group_index = group_index_alloc( group_name , "GWPRH" , group , group_history_iget_GWPRH );
        sched_history_install_group_index( sched_history , group_index , VAR_LIST("GWPR" , "GWPRH") , group_name);

      /* GWCT */
        group_index_type * group_index = group_index_alloc( group_name , "GWCTH" , group , group_history_iget_GWCTH );
        sched_history_install_group_index( sched_history , group_index , VAR_LIST("GWCT" , "GWCTH") , group_name);

      /* GGOR */
        group_index_type * group_index = group_index_alloc( group_name , "GGORH" , group , group_history_iget_GGORH );
        sched_history_install_group_index( sched_history , group_index , VAR_LIST("GGOR" , "GGORH") , group_name);

      /* GOPT */
        group_index_type * group_index = group_index_alloc( group_name , "GOPTH" , group , group_history_iget_GOPTH );
        sched_history_install_group_index( sched_history , group_index , VAR_LIST("GOPT" , "GOPTH") , group_name);

      /* GGPT */
        group_index_type * group_index = group_index_alloc( group_name , "GGPTH" , group , group_history_iget_GGPTH );
        sched_history_install_group_index( sched_history , group_index , VAR_LIST("GGPT" , "GGPTH") , group_name);
      /* GWPT */
        group_index_type * group_index = group_index_alloc( group_name , "GWPTH" , group , group_history_iget_GWPTH );
        sched_history_install_group_index( sched_history , group_index , VAR_LIST("GWPT" , "GWPTH") , group_name);
    hash_iter_free( group_iter );

  /*3: Installing field based indices (which is just an alias to the FIELD group); */
    const group_history_type * group = hash_get( sched_history->group_history , FIELD_GROUP );
    const char * group_name          = FIELD_GROUP;
    /* FWPRH */
      group_index_type * group_index   = group_index_alloc( group_name , "GWPRH" , group , group_history_iget_GWPRH );
      hash_insert_hash_owned_ref( sched_history->index , "FWPRH" , group_index , group_index_free__ );
      hash_insert_ref( sched_history->index , "FWPR" , group_index);

    /* FOPRH */
      group_index_type * group_index   = group_index_alloc( group_name , "GOPRH" , group , group_history_iget_GOPRH );
      hash_insert_hash_owned_ref( sched_history->index , "FOPRH" , group_index , group_index_free__ );
      hash_insert_ref( sched_history->index , "FOPR" , group_index);

    /* FGPRH */
      group_index_type * group_index   = group_index_alloc( group_name , "GGPRH" , group , group_history_iget_GGPRH );
      hash_insert_hash_owned_ref( sched_history->index , "FGPRH" , group_index , group_index_free__ );
      hash_insert_ref( sched_history->index , "FGPR" , group_index);

    /* FWPTH */
      group_index_type * group_index   = group_index_alloc( group_name , "GWPTH" , group , group_history_iget_GWPTH );
      hash_insert_hash_owned_ref( sched_history->index , "FWPTH" , group_index , group_index_free__ );
      hash_insert_ref( sched_history->index , "FWPT" , group_index);

    /* FOPTH */
      group_index_type * group_index   = group_index_alloc( group_name , "GOPTH" , group , group_history_iget_GOPTH );
      hash_insert_hash_owned_ref( sched_history->index , "FOPTH" , group_index , group_index_free__ );
      hash_insert_ref( sched_history->index , "FOPT" , group_index);

    /* FGPTH */
      group_index_type * group_index   = group_index_alloc( group_name , "GGPTH" , group , group_history_iget_GGPTH );
      hash_insert_hash_owned_ref( sched_history->index , "FGPTH" , group_index , group_index_free__ );
      hash_insert_ref( sched_history->index , "FGPT" , group_index);

    /* FGORH */
      group_index_type * group_index   = group_index_alloc( group_name , "GGORH" , group , group_history_iget_GGORH );
      hash_insert_hash_owned_ref( sched_history->index , "FGORH" , group_index , group_index_free__ );
      hash_insert_ref( sched_history->index , "FGOR" , group_index);

    /* FWCTH */
      group_index_type * group_index   = group_index_alloc( group_name , "GWCTH" , group , group_history_iget_GWCTH );
      hash_insert_hash_owned_ref( sched_history->index , "FWCTH" , group_index , group_index_free__ );
      hash_insert_ref( sched_history->index , "FWCT" , group_index);
Пример #10
static void ecl_grav_survey_add_phase( ecl_grav_survey_type * survey, ecl_phase_enum phase , ecl_grav_phase_type * grav_phase ) {
  vector_append_owned_ref( survey->phase_list , grav_phase , ecl_grav_phase_free__ );
  hash_insert_ref( survey->phase_map , ecl_util_get_phase_name( phase ) , grav_phase );
Пример #11
void ert_workflow_list_add_alias( ert_workflow_list_type * workflow_list , const char * real_name , const char * alias) {
  if (!util_string_equal( real_name , alias))
    hash_insert_ref( workflow_list->alias_map , alias , real_name );
Пример #12
void local_ministep_add_dataset( local_ministep_type * ministep , const local_dataset_type * dataset) {
  hash_insert_ref( ministep->datasets , local_dataset_get_name( dataset ) , dataset );