Пример #1
void testRemoveNode() {
    printf("Test removing a node...\n");
    hash_ring_t *ring = hash_ring_create(1, HASH_FUNCTION_SHA1);
    hash_ring_node_t *node;
    char *mynode = "mynode";
    char *mynode1 = "mynode1";
    char *mynode2 = "mynode2";
    char *mykey = "mykey";
    assert(hash_ring_add_node(ring, (uint8_t*)mynode, strlen(mynode)) == HASH_RING_OK);
    assert(hash_ring_add_node(ring, (uint8_t*)mynode1, strlen(mynode2)) == HASH_RING_OK);
    assert(hash_ring_add_node(ring, (uint8_t*)mynode2, strlen(mynode2)) == HASH_RING_OK);
    assert(ring->numNodes == 3);
    node = hash_ring_find_node(ring, (uint8_t*)mykey, strlen(mykey));
    assert(node != NULL && node->nameLen == strlen(mynode) && memcmp(mynode, node->name, node->nameLen) == 0);
    assert(hash_ring_remove_node(ring, (uint8_t*)mynode, strlen(mynode)) == HASH_RING_OK);
    assert(ring->numNodes == 2);
    assert(hash_ring_get_node(ring, (uint8_t*)mynode, strlen(mynode)) == NULL);
    // remove node1, and try to search for a key that went to it before, and verify it goes to node2
    assert(hash_ring_remove_node(ring, (uint8_t*)mynode1, strlen(mynode1)) == HASH_RING_OK);
    assert(ring->numNodes == 1);
    node = hash_ring_find_node(ring, (uint8_t*)mykey, strlen(mykey));
    assert(node != NULL && node->nameLen == strlen(mynode2) && memcmp(mynode2, node->name, node->nameLen) == 0);
Пример #2
void testKnownSlotsOnRing() {
    printf("Test getting known nodes on ring...\n");
    hash_ring_t *ring = hash_ring_create(8, HASH_FUNCTION_SHA1);
    char *slotA = "slotA";
    char *slotB = "slotB";
    char *keyA = "keyA";
    char *keyB = "keyBBBB";
    char *keyC = "keyB_";
    hash_ring_node_t *node;
    assert(hash_ring_add_node(ring, (uint8_t*)slotA, strlen(slotA)) == HASH_RING_OK);
    assert(hash_ring_add_node(ring, (uint8_t*)slotB, strlen(slotB)) == HASH_RING_OK);
    node = hash_ring_find_node(ring, (uint8_t*)keyA, strlen(keyA));
    assert(node != NULL && node->nameLen == strlen(slotA) && memcmp(node->name, slotA, strlen(slotA)) == 0);
    node = hash_ring_find_node(ring, (uint8_t*)keyB, strlen(keyB));
    assert(node != NULL && node->nameLen == strlen(slotA) && memcmp(node->name, slotA, strlen(slotA)) == 0);
    node = hash_ring_find_node(ring, (uint8_t*)keyC, strlen(keyC));
    assert(node != NULL && node->nameLen == strlen(slotB) && memcmp(node->name, slotB, strlen(slotB)) == 0);

Пример #3
void testAddMultipleTimes() {
    printf("Test adding a node multiple times...\n");
    hash_ring_t *ring = hash_ring_create(1, HASH_FUNCTION_SHA1);
    assert(ring != NULL);
    char *mynode = "mynode";
    hash_ring_add_node(ring, (uint8_t*)mynode, strlen(mynode));

    assert(ring->numNodes == 1);
    assert(hash_ring_add_node(ring, (uint8_t*)mynode, strlen(mynode)) == HASH_RING_ERR);
    assert(ring->numNodes == 1);
Пример #4
static void publisher_updater(void *args, zctx_t *ctx, void *pipe){
	publishers_info *pub_interface = (struct publisher_list_struct*)args;
	void *publisher_updater_socket = create_socket(ctx, ZMQ_SUB, SOCK_CONNECT, DISPATCHER_NOTIFY_ADDR);
	zmq_setsockopt (publisher_updater_socket, ZMQ_SUBSCRIBE, "", strlen (""));
		int size;
		char *publisher_addr = _recv_buff(publisher_updater_socket, &size);
		char *publisher_addr_dup  = to_c_string(publisher_addr, strlen(publisher_addr), strlen(publisher_addr)+1);

		hash_ring_add_node(pub_interface->publisher_ring, (uint8_t*)publisher_addr, strlen(publisher_addr));
		void *dispatch_socket = create_socket(ctx, ZMQ_PUB, SOCK_CONNECT, publisher_addr);
		g_rw_lock_writer_lock (&lock);

		g_hash_table_insert(pub_interface->publisher_socks, publisher_addr, dispatch_socket);

		GMutex m;
		g_mutex_init (&m);
		g_hash_table_insert(pub_interface->publisher_socks_locks, publisher_addr_dup, &m);

		g_rw_lock_writer_unlock (&lock);
		fprintf(stderr, "New Publisher was added at %s", publisher_addr);
Пример #5
void addNodes(hash_ring_t *ring, int numNodes) {
    int x;
    uint8_t nodeName[16];
    printf("generating and sorting %d nodes...", numNodes);
    for(x = 0; x < numNodes; x++) {
        fillRandomBytes(nodeName, sizeof(nodeName));
        hash_ring_add_node(ring, nodeName, sizeof(nodeName));
Пример #6
int main() {
    hash_ring_t *ring = hash_ring_create(8, HASH_FUNCTION_SHA1);
    char *slot = malloc(10);
    char *keyA = "keyA";

    hash_ring_node_t *node;
    sprintf(slot, "%d", 12313);
    assert(hash_ring_add_node(ring, (uint8_t*)slot, strlen(slot)) == HASH_RING_OK);

    node = hash_ring_find_node(ring, (uint8_t*)keyA, strlen(keyA));
    assert(node != NULL && node->nameLen == strlen(slot) && memcmp(node->name, slot, strlen(slot)) == 0);
Пример #7
void testKnownNextHighestItemOnRing() {
    printf("Test getting next highest item on ring...\n");
    hash_ring_t *ring = hash_ring_create(8, HASH_FUNCTION_SHA1);
    char *slotA = "slotA";
    char *slotB = "slotB";
    assert(hash_ring_add_node(ring, (uint8_t*)slotA, strlen(slotA)) == HASH_RING_OK);
    assert(hash_ring_add_node(ring, (uint8_t*)slotB, strlen(slotB)) == HASH_RING_OK);
    // next highest for first item should yield the second
    assert(hash_ring_find_next_highest_item(ring, 2351641940735260693u)->number == 2584980261350711786u);
    // number less than the first should yield the first
    assert(hash_ring_find_next_highest_item(ring, 2351641940735260692u)->number == 2351641940735260693u);
    // number in the middle should yield the next
    assert(hash_ring_find_next_highest_item(ring, 5908063426886290069u)->number == 6065789416862870789u);
    // number equal to the last should wrap around to the first
    assert(hash_ring_find_next_highest_item(ring, 17675051572751928939u)->number == 2351641940735260693u);
Пример #8
void testRingSorting(int num) {
    printf("Test that the ring is sorted [%d item(s)]...\n", num);
    hash_ring_t *ring = hash_ring_create(num, HASH_FUNCTION_SHA1);
    char *slotA = "slotA";
    assert(hash_ring_add_node(ring, (uint8_t*)slotA, strlen(slotA)) == HASH_RING_OK);
    int x;
    uint64_t cur = 0;
    for(x = 0; x < ring->numItems; x++) {
        assert(ring->items[x]->number > cur);
        cur = ring->items[x]->number;
Пример #9
static void hash_ring_drv_output(ErlDrvData handle, char *buff, ErlDrvSizeT bufflen)
    hash_ring_data* d = (hash_ring_data*)handle;
    char res = RETURN_ERR;
    // Check the command
    if(bufflen == 6 && buff[0] == COMMAND_CREATE_RING) {
        uint32_t numReplicas;
        memcpy(&numReplicas, &buff[1], 4);
        numReplicas = ntohl(numReplicas);

        int index = find_open_ring_space(d);
        if(index != -1) {
            d->ring_usage[index] = 1;
            d->rings[index] = hash_ring_create(numReplicas, buff[5]);
            index = htonl(index);
            driver_output(d->port, (char*)&index, 4);
    else if(bufflen == 5 && buff[0] == COMMAND_DELETE_RING) {
        uint32_t index;
        memcpy(&index, &buff[1], 4);
        index = ntohl(index);

        if(d->numRings > index) {
            if(d->ring_usage[index] == 1) {
                d->ring_usage[index] = 0;
                res = RETURN_OK;
    else if(bufflen >= 9 && buff[0] == COMMAND_ADD_NODE) {
        uint32_t index = readUint32((unsigned char*)&buff[1]);
        uint32_t nodeLen = readUint32((unsigned char*)&buff[5]);
        if((bufflen - 9) == nodeLen && d->numRings > index && d->ring_usage[index] == 1) {
            hash_ring_add_node(d->rings[index], (unsigned char*)&buff[9], nodeLen);
            res = RETURN_OK;
    else if(bufflen >= 9 && buff[0] == COMMAND_REMOVE_NODE) {
        uint32_t index = readUint32((unsigned char*)&buff[1]);
        uint32_t nodeLen = readUint32((unsigned char*)&buff[5]);
        if((bufflen - 9) == nodeLen && d->numRings > index && d->ring_usage[index] == 1) {
            hash_ring_remove_node(d->rings[index], (unsigned char*)&buff[9], nodeLen);
            res = RETURN_OK;
    else if(bufflen >= 9 && buff[0] == COMMAND_FIND_NODE) {
        uint32_t index = readUint32((unsigned char*)&buff[1]);
        uint32_t keyLen = readUint32((unsigned char*)&buff[5]);
        if((bufflen - 9) == keyLen && d->numRings > index && d->ring_usage[index] == 1) {
            hash_ring_node_t *node = hash_ring_find_node(d->rings[index], (unsigned char*)&buff[9], keyLen);
            if(node != NULL) {
                driver_output(d->port, (char*)node->name, node->nameLen);
    else if(bufflen == 6 && buff[0] == COMMAND_SET_MODE) {
        uint32_t index = readUint32((unsigned char*)&buff[1]);
        uint8_t mode = (uint8_t)buff[5];
        if(d->numRings > index && d->ring_usage[index] == 1) {
            if(hash_ring_set_mode(d->rings[index], mode) == HASH_RING_OK) {
               res = RETURN_OK;
    // default return
    driver_output(d->port, &res, 1);
Пример #10
void testKnownMultipleSlotsOnRing() {
    printf("\n\nTest getting multiple known nodes on ring...\n\n");

    hash_ring_t *ring = hash_ring_create(8, HASH_FUNCTION_SHA1);
    char *slotA = "slotA";
    char *slotB = "slotB";
    char *slotC = "slotC";

    // hashes to a low number
    char *keyA = "keyA";
    // hashes to high number
    char *keyB = "keyB*_*_*_";

    int x;
    hash_ring_node_t *nodes[3];

    assert(hash_ring_add_node(ring, (uint8_t*)slotA, strlen(slotA)) == HASH_RING_OK);
    assert(hash_ring_add_node(ring, (uint8_t*)slotB, strlen(slotB)) == HASH_RING_OK);

    x = hash_ring_find_nodes(ring, (uint8_t*)keyA, strlen(keyA), nodes, 3);
        x == 2 &&
        nodes[0] != NULL &&
            nodes[0]->nameLen == strlen(slotA) &&
            memcmp(nodes[0]->name, slotA, strlen(slotA)) == 0 &&
        nodes[1] != NULL &&
            nodes[1]->nameLen == strlen(slotB) &&
            memcmp(nodes[1]->name, slotB, strlen(slotB)) == 0);

    x = hash_ring_find_nodes(ring, (uint8_t*)keyB, strlen(keyB), nodes, 3);
        x == 2 &&
        nodes[0] != NULL &&
            nodes[0]->nameLen == strlen(slotB) &&
            memcmp(nodes[0]->name, slotB, strlen(slotB)) == 0 &&
        nodes[1] != NULL &&
            nodes[1]->nameLen == strlen(slotA) &&
            memcmp(nodes[1]->name, slotA, strlen(slotA)) == 0);

    assert(hash_ring_add_node(ring, (uint8_t*)slotC, strlen(slotC)) == HASH_RING_OK);

    x = hash_ring_find_nodes(ring, (uint8_t*)keyA, strlen(keyA), nodes, 3);
        x == 3 &&
        nodes[0] != NULL &&
            nodes[0]->nameLen == strlen(slotC) &&
            memcmp(nodes[0]->name, slotC, strlen(slotC)) == 0 &&
        nodes[1] != NULL &&
            nodes[1]->nameLen == strlen(slotA) &&
            memcmp(nodes[1]->name, slotA, strlen(slotA)) == 0 &&
        nodes[2] != NULL &&
            nodes[2]->nameLen == strlen(slotB) &&
            memcmp(nodes[2]->name, slotB, strlen(slotB)) == 0);

    x = hash_ring_find_nodes(ring, (uint8_t*)keyB, strlen(keyB), nodes, 3);
        x == 3 &&
        nodes[0] != NULL &&
            nodes[0]->nameLen == strlen(slotC) &&
            memcmp(nodes[0]->name, slotC, strlen(slotC)) == 0 &&
        nodes[1] != NULL &&
            nodes[1]->nameLen == strlen(slotB) &&
            memcmp(nodes[1]->name, slotB, strlen(slotB)) == 0 &&
        nodes[2] != NULL &&
            nodes[2]->nameLen == strlen(slotA) &&
            memcmp(nodes[2]->name, slotA, strlen(slotA)) == 0);
