void *map_get(struct _map *map, const char *key) { int hash = hash_sdbm((unsigned char *)key, map->size); struct _map_entry *entry = &map->buckets[hash]; for (; entry; entry = entry->next) { /* linear search. */ if (entry->hash == hash) break; } if (!entry) /* We haven't found the key. */ return NULL; return entry->value; }
int main(int argc, char *argv[]) { //unsigned long hash; jhash_t hash; char *str; if (argc < 2) { printf("No string input\n"); exit(0); } str = argv[1]; printf("Input: %s\n", str); hash = hash_djb2(str); printf("djb2 Hash: %lu\n", hash); hash = hash_sdbm(str); printf("sdbm Hash: %lu\n", hash); hash = hash_lose(str); printf("lose Hash: %lu\n", hash); return 0; }
void map_add(struct _map *map, const char *key, void *value) { if (!map || !key || !value) return; struct _map_entry *entry; unsigned long hash = hash_sdbm((unsigned char *)key, map->size); struct _map_entry *last_entry = &map->buckets[hash]; if (!map->buckets[hash].value) { /* bucket is empty. */ entry = &map->buckets[hash]; } else { for (; last_entry->next != NULL; last_entry = last_entry->next); entry = malloc(sizeof(struct _map_entry)); } if (last_entry != entry) last_entry->next = entry; entry->value = value; entry->hash = hash; entry->next = NULL; }
/* helper function to invoke the correct hash method */ static unsigned int gen_hash(const struct proxy* px, const char* key, unsigned long len) { unsigned int hash; switch (px->lbprm.algo & BE_LB_HASH_FUNC) { case BE_LB_HFCN_DJB2: hash = hash_djb2(key, len); break; case BE_LB_HFCN_WT6: hash = hash_wt6(key, len); break; case BE_LB_HFCN_CRC32: hash = hash_crc32(key, len); break; case BE_LB_HFCN_SDBM: /* this is the default hash function */ default: hash = hash_sdbm(key, len); break; } return hash; }
/* ============================================================================= * hashSegment * -- For hashtable * ============================================================================= */ static ulong_t hashSegment (const void* keyPtr) { return (ulong_t)hash_sdbm((char*)keyPtr); /* can be any "good" hash function */ }
int main (int argc, char *argv[]) { paper_rec_t DedupeRecord; dd_uint64_t Unique_CRID; /* Unique CR_ID = (C_ID << 16) | CR_ID */ long victim_index = 0, cache_size, window_size, bloom_filter_size; long i, j=0, temp_index; int Initial_Flag = 0, cache_algorithm; dd_uint8_t *sha1_value=NULL; int nLen = 0; long max_counter=0; HTItem *chunk_item, *item; long byte_len, temp, offset, ver, temp1; /* to read a trace file */ unsigned long hash1, hash2; /* Heap Data structure variables */ Cache_Memory Dataitem; std::vector<Cache_Memory>::iterator itr; unsigned long writeCounter = 0; unsigned long access_counter; long file_position; FILE *fp1, *fp; size_t keySize=0,iCnt; clock_t start = clock(); time_t begin,end; time(&begin); if (argc < 5) { /* 0 1 2 3 4 */ fprintf(stderr, "usage: %s <Cache Size> <Window Size> <Cache Algorithm (0, 1, 2)> <Trace File>\n", argv[0]); fprintf(stderr, " - Cache Size: Dedupe read cache size in terms of # of data chunk (e.g. 500 chunks = 4MB (500*8KB))\n"); fprintf(stderr, " - Window Size: Future sliding window size in terms of TIMES of cache size.\n"); fprintf(stderr, " - Cache Algorithm: 0 (Belady MIN), 1 (Belady MIN with a future window), 2 (Lookahead read cache)\n"); fprintf(stderr, " - Trace File: Trace file name with path\n"); exit(1); } cache_size = atol(argv[1]); assert(cache_size > 0); /* cache size must be positive */ window_size = atol(argv[2]); assert(window_size > 0); /* window size must be positive */ cache_algorithm = atoi(argv[3]); assert((cache_algorithm == 0)||(cache_algorithm == 1)||(cache_algorithm == 2)); /* there are only three selections */ bloom_filter_size = cache_size*2; //No. of Hash functions for BF is 2 bloom_filter = (long *)malloc(sizeof(long)*bloom_filter_size); ht_cache = AllocateHashTable(SHA1_VALUE_LENGTH, 1); heap = newMinHeap((u32)cache_size); if((fp1 = fopen(argv[4], "rb")) == NULL){ //for reading data one by one DEBUG_INFO("File open error....1\n"); exit (-1); } if((fp = fopen(argv[4], "rb")) == NULL){ //for searching its future reference distance DEBUG_INFO("File open error....2\n"); exit (-1); } long c=0, d=0; u32 itemIndex; keySize = sizeof(DedupeRecord.fp_bytes); DEBUG_INFO("Record Size is: %d\n",keySize); while (1) { fread(&DedupeRecord, sizeof(struct _paper_rec_t),1, fp1); /*if(DedupeRecord.fp_bytes[0] == 0) DedupeRecord.fp_bytes[0] = '0';*/ /*for(iCnt = 0;iCnt<sizeof(DedupeRecord.fp_bytes);++iCnt) printf("%c",DedupeRecord.fp_bytes[iCnt]);*/ //DEBUG_INFO("Reading chunks : %ld\n", c++); c++; if(c%1000 == 0){ printf("Reading Chunks: %ld\n",c); } if (c % 10000 == 0) { printf("Cache hit ratio: %.3f = %lu / %lu \n", (double) (Hit_Count * 100) / (double) totalAccess , Hit_Count, totalAccess); } if(feof(fp1)) break; file_position = ftell(fp1); /* initially fill the cache. During this initialization process, we do not count the cache hit ratio. */ if (Initial_Flag == 0) { // Temporally store this current access chunk with its future reference distance in the cache chunk_item = HashFind(ht_cache, PTR_KEY(ht_cache,DedupeRecord.fp_bytes)); //Update Bloom filter counters hash1 = hash_djb2(DedupeRecord.fp_bytes,keySize)%bloom_filter_size; hash2 = hash_sdbm(DedupeRecord.fp_bytes,keySize)%bloom_filter_size; max_counter = bloom_filter[hash1]++; if((bloom_filter[hash2]++) > max_counter) max_counter = bloom_filter[hash2]; if(chunk_item) { //Cache Hit itemIndex = (u32)chunk_item->data; DEBUG_INFO("Index its updating is %ld:\n",itemIndex); heapUpdate(heap,max_counter,itemIndex,&ht_cache); } else { heapInsert(heap,DedupeRecord.fp_bytes, max_counter,&ht_cache); //Sandeep - Insert into Heap and Heapify cache_counter++; } if(cache_counter == cache_size) { DEBUG_INFO("\n#### Cache Initialization complete~!!####\n"); Initial_Flag = 1; //Sandeep - Construct Heap and Heapify //fnBuildHeap(cache_heap); #ifdef DEBUG printf("Heap Size is: %d\n",cache_heap.size()); /*PrintHashTable(ht_cache,-1,2); fnPrintHeap(cache_heap);*/ #endif } } else { /* Once the cache is full of data initially, we start to measure the cache hit ratio from now. */ totalAccess++; if((totalAccess % 100) == 0) { DEBUG_INFO("[CHECK] Current Access Number: %ld\n", totalAccess); } Unique_CRID = (DedupeRecord.cmc_id << 16) | DedupeRecord.creg_id; chunk_item = HashFind(ht_cache, PTR_KEY(ht_cache,DedupeRecord.fp_bytes)); if(chunk_item) { //Cache Hit Hit_Count++; DEBUG_INFO("Cache Hit\n"); //Update Bloom filter counters hash1 = hash_djb2(DedupeRecord.fp_bytes,keySize)%bloom_filter_size; hash2 = hash_sdbm(DedupeRecord.fp_bytes,keySize)%bloom_filter_size; //DEBUG_INFO("### Returned hash values are %ld and %ld\n",bloom_filter[hash1],bloom_filter[hash2]); max_counter = bloom_filter[hash1]++; if((bloom_filter[hash2]++) > max_counter) max_counter = bloom_filter[hash2]; itemIndex = (ulong)chunk_item->data; DEBUG_INFO("Index its updating is %ld:\n",itemIndex); assert(itemIndex>=0 && itemIndex<=cache_size); heapUpdate(heap,max_counter,itemIndex,&ht_cache); //Sandeep - Update heap counter val for this chunk with max_counter //fnUpdateHeap(cache_heap, Read_Cache[(ulong)chunk_item->data],max_counter); } else { heapPopMin(heap,&sha1_value,&access_counter,&ht_cache); if(!sha1_value) ERROR("SHA1 Value in main is NULL\n"); /*for(iCnt = 0;iCnt<sizeof(DedupeRecord.fp_bytes);++iCnt) printf("%c",sha1_value[iCnt]);*/ //Update Bloom filter counters hash1 = hash_djb2(sha1_value,sizeof(sha1_value))%bloom_filter_size; hash2 = hash_sdbm(sha1_value,sizeof(sha1_value))%bloom_filter_size; //DEBUG_INFO("### In Main before decrement %ld and %ld\n",bloom_filter[hash1],bloom_filter[hash2]); //Decrement BF counters bloom_filter[hash1]--; bloom_filter[hash2]--; free(sha1_value); //GP - Increment the BF counters for this chunk hash1 = hash_djb2(DedupeRecord.fp_bytes,keySize)%bloom_filter_size; hash2 = hash_sdbm(DedupeRecord.fp_bytes,keySize)%bloom_filter_size; //DEBUG_INFO("### Returned hash values are in main cache_miss %ld and %ld\n",bloom_filter[hash1],bloom_filter[hash2]); max_counter = bloom_filter[hash1]++; if((bloom_filter[hash2]++) > max_counter) max_counter = bloom_filter[hash2]; heapInsert(heap,DedupeRecord.fp_bytes,max_counter,&ht_cache); if(cache_algorithm == LOOKAHEAD){ /* Check if any other chunks in the current CR will appear within the future window. If we found one, we add such chunk(s) in the cache. */ Check_Unique_CRID(fp, Unique_CRID, file_position, 0, cache_size, window_size*cache_size, bloom_filter_size); } } } //else } //while printf("\n###################################################################\n"); printf("Cache hit ratio: %.3f = %lu / %lu \n", (double) (Hit_Count * 100) / (double) totalAccess , Hit_Count, totalAccess); printf("Cache size: %ld, window size: %ld\n", cache_size, window_size*cache_size); printf("Dedupe trace: %s\n", argv[4]); printf("###################################################################\n"); fclose(fp1); fclose(fp); FreeHashTable(ht_cache); deleteMinHeap(heap); time(&end); printf("###################################################################\n"); printf("Total time taken is %f \n",((double)clock()-start)/CLOCKS_PER_SEC); printf("###################################################################\n"); return 0; }
void Check_Unique_CRID(FILE *pFile, dd_uint64_t Current_Unique_CRID, long position, long distance, long cache_size, long window_size, long bloom_filter_size) { long i, victim_index; dd_uint64_t Temp_Unique_CRID; paper_rec_t Temp_DedupeTrace; long window_counter=0; long max_counter=0, temp_index=0; dd_uint8_t *sha1_value=NULL; HTItem *chunk_item, *item; unsigned long hash1, hash2; unsigned long access_counter; size_t keySize = sizeof(Temp_DedupeTrace.fp_bytes),iCnt; bool flag=true; std::list<paper_rec_t>::iterator itr; /* Heap Data structure variables */ /* Check the size of sliding window vector if its empty * the check unique crid has been called first time * initialize the vector with size of sliding window */ if(SlidingWindow.size() == 0) { fseek(pFile, position, SEEK_SET); while (1) { fread(&Temp_DedupeTrace, sizeof(struct _paper_rec_t),1, pFile); /*if(Temp_DedupeTrace.fp_bytes[0] == 0) Temp_DedupeTrace.fp_bytes[0] = '0';*/ if(feof(pFile)) break; SlidingWindow.push_back(Temp_DedupeTrace); if(SlidingWindow.size() >= window_size) { break; } } } else if(SlidingWindow.size() == window_size){ /* Remove one old record and insert the latest record */ SlidingWindow.pop_front(); fseek(pFile, position + window_size, SEEK_SET); fread(&Temp_DedupeTrace, sizeof(struct _paper_rec_t),1, pFile); SlidingWindow.push_back(Temp_DedupeTrace); } for(itr = SlidingWindow.begin();itr!=SlidingWindow.end();itr++){ Temp_Unique_CRID = ((*itr).cmc_id << 16) | (*itr).creg_id; /* if any data chunk in current CR appear within the future window */ if(Temp_Unique_CRID == Current_Unique_CRID) { DEBUG_INFO("[Found~!!] A chunk in current access CR will appeare within a future window.\n"); chunk_item = HashFind(ht_cache, PTR_KEY(ht_cache,(*itr).fp_bytes)); if(chunk_item) { //Cache Hit DEBUG_INFO("Cache Hit - New\n"); //Update Bloom filter counters hash1 = hash_djb2((*itr).fp_bytes,keySize)%bloom_filter_size; hash2 = hash_sdbm((*itr).fp_bytes,keySize)%bloom_filter_size; /* DEBUG_INFO("### Returned hash values are %ld and %ld\n",bloom_filter[hash1],bloom_filter[hash2]);*/ max_counter = bloom_filter[hash1]++; if((bloom_filter[hash2]++) > max_counter) max_counter = bloom_filter[hash2]; temp_index = (u32)chunk_item->data; /* DEBUG_INFO("Index its updating is %ld:\n",temp_index);*/ heapUpdate(heap, max_counter, temp_index,&ht_cache); } else { //Sandeep - Choose victim from heap and strcpy Sha1 Value of the victim chunk to "sha1_value" variable /*sha1_value = fnDeleteItemHeap(cache_heap);*/ //GP - Increment the BF counters for this chunk hash1 = hash_djb2((*itr).fp_bytes,keySize)%bloom_filter_size; hash2 = hash_sdbm((*itr).fp_bytes,keySize)%bloom_filter_size; //DEBUG_INFO("### Returned hash values are before insert cache miss %ld and %ld\n",bloom_filter[hash1],bloom_filter[hash2]); max_counter = bloom_filter[hash1]++; if((bloom_filter[hash2]++) > max_counter) max_counter = bloom_filter[hash2]; flag = checkMin(heap,max_counter); /* If Min on heap is less than the new chuck then only replace with new * else just skip */ if(flag){ heapPopMin(heap,&sha1_value,&access_counter,&ht_cache); if(!sha1_value) ERROR("SHA1 Value in Check Unique CR is NULL\n"); /*for(iCnt = 0;iCnt<sizeof((*itr).fp_bytes);++iCnt) printf("%c",sha1_value[iCnt]);*/ //Update Bloom filter counters hash1 = hash_djb2(sha1_value,sizeof(sha1_value))%bloom_filter_size; hash2 = hash_sdbm(sha1_value,sizeof(sha1_value))%bloom_filter_size; //DEBUG_INFO("### Before Decrementing values are %ld and %ld\n",bloom_filter[hash1],bloom_filter[hash2]); //Decrement BF counters bloom_filter[hash1]--; bloom_filter[hash2]--; free(sha1_value); //Sandeep - Insert chunk into Heap with max_counter heapInsert(heap,(*itr).fp_bytes,max_counter,&ht_cache); } } } } }
/* ============================================================================= * hashSegment * -- For hashtable * ============================================================================= */ static unsigned long hashSegment (const void* keyPtr) { return hash_sdbm((char*)keyPtr); /* can be any "good" hash function */ }