Пример #1
TEST(SimhashTest, Repeat)
    std::vector<Simhash::hash_t> hashes(100, 0xDEADBEEF);
    Simhash::hash_t expected = 0xDEADBEEF;
    EXPECT_EQ(expected, Simhash::compute(hashes));
Пример #2
void rom_load_manager::process_disk_entries(const char *regiontag, const rom_entry *parent_region, const rom_entry *romp, const char *locationtag)
	/* loop until we hit the end of this region */
	for ( ; !ROMENTRY_ISREGIONEND(romp); romp++)
		/* handle files */
		if (ROMENTRY_ISFILE(romp))
			auto chd = std::make_unique<open_chd>(regiontag);

			util::hash_collection hashes(ROM_GETHASHDATA(romp));
			chd_error err;

			/* make the filename of the source */
			std::string filename = std::string(ROM_GETNAME(romp)).append(".chd");

			/* first open the source drive */
			LOG(("Opening disk image: %s\n", filename.c_str()));
			err = chd_error(open_disk_image(machine().options(), &machine().system(), romp, chd->orig_chd(), locationtag));
			if (err != CHDERR_NONE)
				handle_missing_file(romp, std::string(), err);
				chd = nullptr;

			/* get the header and extract the SHA1 */
			util::hash_collection acthashes;

			/* verify the hash */
			if (hashes != acthashes)
				m_errorstring.append(string_format("%s WRONG CHECKSUMS:\n", filename));
				dump_wrong_and_correct_checksums(hashes, acthashes);
			else if (hashes.flag(util::hash_collection::FLAG_BAD_DUMP))
				m_errorstring.append(string_format("%s CHD NEEDS REDUMP\n", filename));

			/* if not read-only, make the diff file */
			if (!DISK_ISREADONLY(romp))
				/* try to open or create the diff */
				err = open_disk_diff(machine().options(), romp, chd->orig_chd(), chd->diff_chd());
				if (err != CHDERR_NONE)
					m_errorstring.append(string_format("%s DIFF CHD ERROR: %s\n", filename, chd_file::error_string(err)));
					chd = nullptr;

			/* we're okay, add to the list of disks */
			LOG(("Assigning to handle %d\n", DISK_GETINDEX(romp)));
Пример #3
media_auditor::summary media_auditor::audit_media(const char *validation)
	// start fresh

	// store validation for later
	m_validation = validation;

// temporary hack until romload is update: get the driver path and support it for
// all searches
const char *driverpath = m_enumerator.config().devicelist().find("root")->searchpath();

	// iterate over ROM sources and regions
	int found = 0;
	int required = 0;
	int sharedFound = 0;
	int sharedRequired = 0;
	for (const rom_source *source = rom_first_source(m_enumerator.config()); source != NULL; source = rom_next_source(*source))
		// determine the search path for this source and iterate through the regions
		m_searchpath = source->searchpath();

		// also determine if this is the driver's specific ROMs or not
		bool source_is_gamedrv = (dynamic_cast<const driver_device *>(source) != NULL);

		// now iterate over regions and ROMs within
		for (const rom_entry *region = rom_first_region(*source); region != NULL; region = rom_next_region(region))
// temporary hack: add the driver path & region name
astring combinedpath(source->searchpath(), ";", driverpath);
m_searchpath = combinedpath;

			for (const rom_entry *rom = rom_first_file(region); rom; rom = rom_next_file(rom))
				hash_collection hashes(ROM_GETHASHDATA(rom));
				bool shared = also_used_by_parent(hashes) >= 0;

				// if a dump exists, then at least one entry is required
				if (!hashes.flag(hash_collection::FLAG_NO_DUMP))
					if (shared)

				// audit a file
				audit_record *record = NULL;
				if (ROMREGION_ISROMDATA(region))
					record = audit_one_rom(rom);

				// audit a disk
				else if (ROMREGION_ISDISKDATA(region))
					record = audit_one_disk(rom);

				// skip if no record
				if (record == NULL)

				// if we got a record back,
				if (record->status() != audit_record::STATUS_NOT_FOUND && source_is_gamedrv)
					if (shared)

	// if we found nothing unique to this set & the set needs roms that aren't in the parent or the parent isn't found either, then we don't have the set at all
	if (found == sharedFound && required > 0 && (required != sharedRequired || sharedFound == 0))

	// return a summary
	return summarize();
Пример #4
void info_xml_creator::output_rom(device_t &device)
	// iterate over 3 different ROM "types": BIOS, ROMs, DISKs
	for (int rom_type = 0; rom_type < 3; rom_type++)
		for (const rom_entry *region = rom_first_region(device); region != NULL; region = rom_next_region(region))
			bool is_disk = ROMREGION_ISDISKDATA(region);

			// disk regions only work for disks
			if ((is_disk && rom_type != 2) || (!is_disk && rom_type == 2))

			// iterate through ROM entries
			for (const rom_entry *rom = rom_first_file(region); rom != NULL; rom = rom_next_file(rom))
				bool is_bios = ROM_GETBIOSFLAGS(rom);
				const char *name = ROM_GETNAME(rom);
				int offset = ROM_GETOFFSET(rom);
				const char *merge_name = NULL;
				char bios_name[100];

				// BIOS ROMs only apply to bioses
				if ((is_bios && rom_type != 0) || (!is_bios && rom_type == 0))

				// if we have a valid ROM and we are a clone, see if we can find the parent ROM
				hash_collection hashes(ROM_GETHASHDATA(rom));
				if (!hashes.flag(hash_collection::FLAG_NO_DUMP))
					merge_name = get_merge_name(hashes);
				if (&device != &m_drivlist.config().root_device())
					merge_name = NULL;
				// scan for a BIOS name
				bios_name[0] = 0;
				if (!is_disk && is_bios)
					// scan backwards through the ROM entries
					for (const rom_entry *brom = rom - 1; brom != m_drivlist.driver().rom; brom--)
							strcpy(bios_name, ROM_GETNAME(brom));

				astring output;

				// opening tag
				if (!is_disk)

				// add name, merge, bios, and size tags */
				if (name != NULL && name[0] != 0)
					output.catprintf(" name=\"%s\"", xml_normalize_string(name));
				if (merge_name != NULL)
					output.catprintf(" merge=\"%s\"", xml_normalize_string(merge_name));
				if (bios_name[0] != 0)
					output.catprintf(" bios=\"%s\"", xml_normalize_string(bios_name));
				if (!is_disk)
					output.catprintf(" size=\"%d\"", rom_file_size(rom));

				// dump checksum information only if there is a known dump
				if (!hashes.flag(hash_collection::FLAG_NO_DUMP))
					// iterate over hash function types and print m_output their values
					astring tempstr;
					output.catprintf(" %s", hashes.attribute_string(tempstr));
					output.cat(" status=\"nodump\"");

				// append a region name
				output.catprintf(" region=\"%s\"", ROMREGION_GETTAG(region));

				// for non-disk entries, print offset
				if (!is_disk)
					output.catprintf(" offset=\"%x\"", offset);

				// for disk entries, add the disk index
					output.catprintf(" index=\"%x\"", DISK_GETINDEX(rom));
					output.catprintf(" writable=\"%s\"", DISK_ISREADONLY(rom) ? "no" : "yes");

				// add optional flag
				if (ROM_ISOPTIONAL(rom))
					output.cat(" optional=\"yes\"");


				fprintf(m_output, "%s", output.c_str());
Пример #5
bool CompressFileToBlob(const std::string& infile, const std::string& outfile, u32 sub_type,
						int block_size, CompressCB callback, void* arg)
	bool scrubbing = false;

	if (IsGCZBlob(infile))
		PanicAlertT("\"%s\" is already compressed! Cannot compress it further.", infile.c_str());
		return false;

	File::IOFile inf(infile, "rb");
	if (!inf)
		PanicAlertT("Failed to open the input file \"%s\".", infile.c_str());
		return false;

	File::IOFile f(outfile, "wb");
	if (!f)
		PanicAlertT("Failed to open the output file \"%s\".\n"
		            "Check that you have permissions to write the target folder and that the media can be written.",
		return false;

	if (sub_type == 1)
		if (!DiscScrubber::SetupScrub(infile, block_size))
			PanicAlertT("\"%s\" failed to be scrubbed. Probably the image is corrupt.", infile.c_str());
			return false;

		scrubbing = true;

	z_stream z = {};
	if (deflateInit(&z, 9) != Z_OK)
		return false;

	callback("Files opened, ready to compress.", 0, arg);

	CompressedBlobHeader header;
	header.magic_cookie = kBlobCookie;
	header.sub_type   = sub_type;
	header.block_size = block_size;
	header.data_size  = File::GetSize(infile);

	// round upwards!
	header.num_blocks = (u32)((header.data_size + (block_size - 1)) / block_size);

	std::vector<u64> offsets(header.num_blocks);
	std::vector<u32> hashes(header.num_blocks);
	std::vector<u8> out_buf(block_size);
	std::vector<u8> in_buf(block_size);

	// seek past the header (we will write it at the end)
	f.Seek(sizeof(CompressedBlobHeader), SEEK_CUR);
	// seek past the offset and hash tables (we will write them at the end)
	f.Seek((sizeof(u64) + sizeof(u32)) * header.num_blocks, SEEK_CUR);

	// Now we are ready to write compressed data!
	u64 position = 0;
	int num_compressed = 0;
	int num_stored = 0;
	int progress_monitor = std::max<int>(1, header.num_blocks / 1000);
	bool success = true;

	for (u32 i = 0; i < header.num_blocks; i++)
		if (i % progress_monitor == 0)
			const u64 inpos = inf.Tell();
			int ratio = 0;
			if (inpos != 0)
				ratio = (int)(100 * position / inpos);

			std::string temp = StringFromFormat("%i of %i blocks. Compression ratio %i%%", i, header.num_blocks, ratio);
			bool was_cancelled = !callback(temp, (float)i / (float)header.num_blocks, arg);
			if (was_cancelled)
				success = false;

		offsets[i] = position;

		size_t read_bytes;
		if (scrubbing)
			read_bytes = DiscScrubber::GetNextBlock(inf, in_buf.data());
			inf.ReadArray(in_buf.data(), header.block_size, &read_bytes);
		if (read_bytes < header.block_size)
			std::fill(in_buf.begin() + read_bytes, in_buf.begin() + header.block_size, 0);

		int retval = deflateReset(&z);
		z.next_in   = in_buf.data();
		z.avail_in  = header.block_size;
		z.next_out  = out_buf.data();
		z.avail_out = block_size;

		if (retval != Z_OK)
			ERROR_LOG(DISCIO, "Deflate failed");
			success = false;

		int status = deflate(&z, Z_FINISH);
		int comp_size = block_size - z.avail_out;

		u8* write_buf;
		int write_size;
		if ((status != Z_STREAM_END) || (z.avail_out < 10))
			//PanicAlert("%i %i Store %i", i*block_size, position, comp_size);
			// let's store uncompressed
			write_buf = in_buf.data();
			offsets[i] |= 0x8000000000000000ULL;
			write_size = block_size;
			// let's store compressed
			//PanicAlert("Comp %i to %i", block_size, comp_size);
			write_buf = out_buf.data();
			write_size = comp_size;

		if (!f.WriteBytes(write_buf, write_size))
				"Failed to write the output file \"%s\".\n"
				"Check that you have enough space available on the target drive.",
			success = false;

		position += write_size;

		hashes[i] = HashAdler32(write_buf, write_size);

	header.compressed_data_size = position;

	if (!success)
		// Remove the incomplete output file.
		// Okay, go back and fill in headers
		f.Seek(0, SEEK_SET);
		f.WriteArray(&header, 1);
		f.WriteArray(offsets.data(), header.num_blocks);
		f.WriteArray(hashes.data(), header.num_blocks);

	// Cleanup

	if (success)
		callback("Done compressing disc image.", 1.0f, arg);
	return success;
Пример #6
media_auditor::summary media_auditor::audit_media(const char *validation)
	// start fresh

	// store validation for later
	m_validation = validation;

// temporary hack until romload is update: get the driver path and support it for
// all searches
const char *driverpath = m_enumerator.config().root_device().searchpath();

	int found = 0;
	int required = 0;
	int shared_found = 0;
	int shared_required = 0;

	// iterate over devices and regions
	device_iterator deviter(m_enumerator.config().root_device());
	for (device_t *device = deviter.first(); device != NULL; device = deviter.next())
		// determine the search path for this source and iterate through the regions
		m_searchpath = device->searchpath();

		// now iterate over regions and ROMs within
		for (const rom_entry *region = rom_first_region(*device); region != NULL; region = rom_next_region(region))
// temporary hack: add the driver path & region name
astring combinedpath(device->searchpath(), ";", driverpath);
if (device->shortname())
m_searchpath = combinedpath;

			for (const rom_entry *rom = rom_first_file(region); rom; rom = rom_next_file(rom))
				const char *name = ROM_GETNAME(rom);
				hash_collection hashes(ROM_GETHASHDATA(rom));
				device_t *shared_device = find_shared_device(*device, name, hashes, ROM_GETLENGTH(rom));

				// count the number of files with hashes
				if (!hashes.flag(hash_collection::FLAG_NO_DUMP) && !ROM_ISOPTIONAL(rom))
					if (shared_device != NULL)

				// audit a file
				audit_record *record = NULL;
				if (ROMREGION_ISROMDATA(region))
					record = audit_one_rom(rom);

				// audit a disk
				else if (ROMREGION_ISDISKDATA(region))
					record = audit_one_disk(rom);

				if (record != NULL)
					// count the number of files that are found.
					if (record->status() == audit_record::STATUS_GOOD || (record->status() == audit_record::STATUS_FOUND_INVALID && find_shared_device(*device, name, record->actual_hashes(), record->actual_length()) == NULL))
						if (shared_device != NULL)


	// if we only find files that are in the parent & either the set has no unique files or the parent is not found, then assume we don't have the set at all
	if (found == shared_found && required > 0 && (required != shared_required || shared_found == 0))
		return NOTFOUND;

	// return a summary
	return summarize(m_enumerator.driver().name);
Пример #7
//  audit_software
media_auditor::summary media_auditor::audit_software(const char *list_name, software_info *swinfo, const char *validation)
	// start fresh

	// store validation for later
	m_validation = validation;

	astring combinedpath(swinfo->shortname, ";", list_name, PATH_SEPARATOR, swinfo->shortname);
	m_searchpath = combinedpath;

	int found = 0;
	int required = 0;

	// now iterate over software parts
	for ( software_part *part = software_find_part( swinfo, NULL, NULL ); part != NULL; part = software_part_next( part ) )
		// now iterate over regions
		for ( const rom_entry *region = part->romdata; region; region = rom_next_region( region ) )
			// now iterate over rom definitions
			for (const rom_entry *rom = rom_first_file(region); rom; rom = rom_next_file(rom))
				hash_collection hashes(ROM_GETHASHDATA(rom));

				// count the number of files with hashes
				if (!hashes.flag(hash_collection::FLAG_NO_DUMP) && !ROM_ISOPTIONAL(rom))

				// audit a file
				audit_record *record = NULL;
				if (ROMREGION_ISROMDATA(region))
					record = audit_one_rom(rom);
				// audit a disk
				else if (ROMREGION_ISDISKDATA(region))
					record = audit_one_disk(rom);

				// count the number of files that are found.
				if (record != NULL && (record->status() == audit_record::STATUS_GOOD || record->status() == audit_record::STATUS_FOUND_INVALID))

	if (found == 0 && required > 0)
		return NOTFOUND;

	// return a summary
	return summarize(list_name);
Пример #8
    void run ()
        testcase ("add/traverse");

        beast::Journal const j;                            // debug journal
        tests::TestFamily f(j);

        // h3 and h4 differ only in the leaf, same terminal node (level 19)
        uint256 h1, h2, h3, h4, h5;
        h1.SetHex ("092891fe4ef6cee585fdc6fda0e09eb4d386363158ec3321b8123e5a772c6ca7");
        h2.SetHex ("436ccbac3347baa1f1e53baeef1f43334da88f1f6d70d963b833afd6dfa289fe");
        h3.SetHex ("b92891fe4ef6cee585fdc6fda1e09eb4d386363158ec3321b8123e5a772c6ca8");
        h4.SetHex ("b92891fe4ef6cee585fdc6fda2e09eb4d386363158ec3321b8123e5a772c6ca8");
        h5.SetHex ("a92891fe4ef6cee585fdc6fda0e09eb4d386363158ec3321b8123e5a772c6ca7");

        SHAMap sMap (SHAMapType::FREE, f, beast::Journal());
        SHAMapItem i1 (h1, IntToVUC (1)), i2 (h2, IntToVUC (2)), i3 (h3, IntToVUC (3)), i4 (h4, IntToVUC (4)), i5 (h5, IntToVUC (5));
        unexpected (!sMap.addItem (i2, true, false), "no add");
        unexpected (!sMap.addItem (i1, true, false), "no add");

        std::shared_ptr<SHAMapItem> i;
        i = sMap.peekFirstItem ();
        unexpected (!i || (*i != i1), "bad traverse");
        i = sMap.peekNextItem (i->getTag ());
        unexpected (!i || (*i != i2), "bad traverse");
        i = sMap.peekNextItem (i->getTag ());
        unexpected (i, "bad traverse");
        sMap.addItem (i4, true, false);
        sMap.delItem (i2.getTag ());
        sMap.addItem (i3, true, false);
        i = sMap.peekFirstItem ();
        unexpected (!i || (*i != i1), "bad traverse");
        i = sMap.peekNextItem (i->getTag ());
        unexpected (!i || (*i != i3), "bad traverse");
        i = sMap.peekNextItem (i->getTag ());
        unexpected (!i || (*i != i4), "bad traverse");
        i = sMap.peekNextItem (i->getTag ());
        unexpected (i, "bad traverse");

        testcase ("snapshot");
        uint256 mapHash = sMap.getHash ();
        std::shared_ptr<SHAMap> map2 = sMap.snapShot (false);
        unexpected (sMap.getHash () != mapHash, "bad snapshot");
        unexpected (map2->getHash () != mapHash, "bad snapshot");
        unexpected (!sMap.delItem (sMap.peekFirstItem ()->getTag ()), "bad mod");
        unexpected (sMap.getHash () == mapHash, "bad snapshot");
        unexpected (map2->getHash () != mapHash, "bad snapshot");

        testcase ("build/tear");
            std::vector<uint256> keys(8);
            keys[0].SetHex ("b92891fe4ef6cee585fdc6fda1e09eb4d386363158ec3321b8123e5a772c6ca8");
            keys[1].SetHex ("b92881fe4ef6cee585fdc6fda1e09eb4d386363158ec3321b8123e5a772c6ca8");
            keys[2].SetHex ("b92691fe4ef6cee585fdc6fda1e09eb4d386363158ec3321b8123e5a772c6ca8");
            keys[3].SetHex ("b92791fe4ef6cee585fdc6fda1e09eb4d386363158ec3321b8123e5a772c6ca8");
            keys[4].SetHex ("b91891fe4ef6cee585fdc6fda1e09eb4d386363158ec3321b8123e5a772c6ca8");
            keys[5].SetHex ("b99891fe4ef6cee585fdc6fda1e09eb4d386363158ec3321b8123e5a772c6ca8");
            keys[6].SetHex ("f22891fe4ef6cee585fdc6fda1e09eb4d386363158ec3321b8123e5a772c6ca8");
            keys[7].SetHex ("292891fe4ef6cee585fdc6fda1e09eb4d386363158ec3321b8123e5a772c6ca8");

            std::vector<uint256> hashes(8);
            hashes[0].SetHex ("B7387CFEA0465759ADC718E8C42B52D2309D179B326E239EB5075C64B6281F7F");
            hashes[1].SetHex ("FBC195A9592A54AB44010274163CB6BA95F497EC5BA0A8831845467FB2ECE266");
            hashes[2].SetHex ("4E7D2684B65DFD48937FFB775E20175C43AF0C94066F7D5679F51AE756795B75");
            hashes[3].SetHex ("7A2F312EB203695FFD164E038E281839EEF06A1B99BFC263F3CECC6C74F93E07");
            hashes[4].SetHex ("395A6691A372387A703FB0F2C6D2C405DAF307D0817F8F0E207596462B0E3A3E");
            hashes[5].SetHex ("D044C0A696DE3169CC70AE216A1564D69DE96582865796142CE7D98A84D9DDE4");
            hashes[6].SetHex ("76DCC77C4027309B5A91AD164083264D70B77B5E43E08AEDA5EBF94361143615");
            hashes[7].SetHex ("DF4220E93ADC6F5569063A01B4DC79F8DB9553B6A3222ADE23DEA02BBE7230E5");

            SHAMap map (SHAMapType::FREE, f, beast::Journal());

            expect (map.getHash() == uint256(), "bad initial empty map hash");
            for (int i = 0; i < keys.size(); ++i)
                SHAMapItem item (keys[i], IntToVUC (i));
                map.addItem (item, true, false);
                expect (map.getHash() == hashes[i], "bad buildup map hash");
            for (int i = keys.size() - 1; i >= 0; --i)
                expect (map.getHash() == hashes[i], "bad teardown hash");
                map.delItem (keys[i]);
            expect (map.getHash() == uint256(), "bad final empty map hash");