Пример #1
static void s_fileClose( PHB_FILE pFile )
   hb_fsSetError( 0 );
   hb_threadEnterCriticalSection( &s_fileMtx );

   if( --pFile->used == 0 )
      if( pFile->pNext )
         pFile->pPrev->pNext = pFile->pNext;
         pFile->pNext->pPrev = pFile->pPrev;
         if( pFile == s_openFiles )
            s_openFiles = pFile->pNext;
            if( pFile == s_openFiles )
               s_openFiles = NULL;
      if( pFile->hFile != FS_ERROR )
         hb_fsClose( pFile->hFile );
      if( pFile->hFileRO != FS_ERROR )
         hb_fsClose( pFile->hFileRO );

      if( pFile->pLocks )
         hb_xfree( pFile->pLocks );

      hb_xfree( pFile );

   hb_threadLeaveCriticalSection( &s_fileMtx );
Пример #2
 * Lˆ um arquivo do disco para a memoria e retorna uma string com o conteudo do
 * mesmo... no segundo parametro ela retorna o tamanho de bytes lidos do arquivo. 
 * O primeiro parametro ‚ o nome do arquivo que deve ser lido do hd 
 * 19/11/2006 09:58:59
char *xStrReadFile(char *s, ULONG * BytesRead )
   int fh;
   char *Buff; 
   ULONG nEnd, nStart, Length;

   HB_TRACE( HB_TR_DEBUG, (" xStrReadFile( '%s' )", s ));
   *BytesRead = 0; // 31/07/2008 - 16:35:30
   if (!hb_spFile( ( BYTE * ) s, NULL ))
      HB_TRACE( HB_TR_DEBUG, ("  Arquivo nao existe: %s",  s ));
      return NULL;
   } else { 
      HB_TRACE( HB_TR_DEBUG, ("  Arquivo existe: %s",  s ));

   fh   = hb_fsOpen( ( BYTE * ) s , 0  ); // 0 -> FO_READ
   HB_TRACE( HB_TR_DEBUG, (" HANDLE: %d",  fh ));

   nEnd = hb_fsSeek( fh, 0 , 2 );
   nStart = hb_fsSeek( fh , 0 , 0 );

   HB_TRACE( HB_TR_DEBUG, (" Start .: %lu",  nStart ));
   HB_TRACE( HB_TR_DEBUG, (" End ...: %lu",  nEnd ));
   Length = nEnd - nStart;

   Buff = (char *) hb_xgrab( Length+1 ); 

   * BytesRead = hb_fsReadLarge( fh , ( BYTE * ) Buff, Length );
   Buff[ * BytesRead ] = '\0';
   hb_fsClose( fh );
   return Buff;
Пример #3
static HB_SIZE ct_StrFile( const char * pFileName, const char * pcStr, HB_SIZE nLen,
                           HB_BOOL bOverwrite, HB_FOFFSET nOffset, HB_BOOL bTrunc )
   HB_FHANDLE hFile;
   HB_BOOL bOpen = HB_FALSE;
   HB_BOOL bFile = hb_fsFile( pFileName );
   HB_SIZE nWrite = 0;

   if( bFile && bOverwrite )
      hFile = hb_fsOpen( pFileName, FO_READWRITE );
      bOpen = HB_TRUE;
   else if( ! bFile || ! ct_getsafety() )
      hFile = hb_fsCreate( pFileName, ct_getfcreate() );
      hFile = FS_ERROR;

   if( hFile != FS_ERROR )
      if( nOffset )
         hb_fsSeekLarge( hFile, nOffset, FS_SET );
      else if( bOpen )
         hb_fsSeek( hFile, 0, FS_END );

      nWrite = hb_fsWriteLarge( hFile, pcStr, nLen );
      if( ( nWrite == nLen ) && bOpen && bTrunc )
         hb_fsWrite( hFile, NULL, 0 );

      hb_fsClose( hFile );
   return nWrite;
Пример #4
HB_FOFFSET hb_fsFSize( const char * pszFileName, HB_BOOL bUseDirEntry )
   if( bUseDirEntry )
#if defined( HB_OS_WIN )
      PHB_FFIND ffind = hb_fsFindFirst( pszFileName, HB_FA_ALL );
      hb_fsSetIOError( ffind != NULL, 0 );
      if( ffind )
         HB_FOFFSET size = ffind->size;
         hb_fsFindClose( ffind );
         return size;
#elif defined( HB_USE_LARGEFILE64 )
      char * pszFree;
      HB_BOOL fResult;
      struct stat64 statbuf;
      pszFileName = hb_fsNameConv( pszFileName, &pszFree );
      statbuf.st_size = 0;
      fResult = stat64( pszFileName, &statbuf ) == 0;
      hb_fsSetIOError( fResult, 0 );
      if( pszFree )
         hb_xfree( pszFree );
      if( fResult )
         return ( HB_FOFFSET ) statbuf.st_size;
      char * pszFree;
      HB_BOOL fResult;
      struct stat statbuf;
      pszFileName = hb_fsNameConv( pszFileName, &pszFree );
      statbuf.st_size = 0;
      fResult = stat( ( char * ) pszFileName, &statbuf ) == 0;
      hb_fsSetIOError( fResult, 0 );
      if( pszFree )
         hb_xfree( pszFree );
      if( fResult )
         return ( HB_FOFFSET ) statbuf.st_size;
      HB_FHANDLE hFileHandle = hb_fsOpen( pszFileName, FO_READ | FO_COMPAT );

      if( hFileHandle != FS_ERROR )
         HB_FOFFSET nPos = hb_fsSeekLarge( hFileHandle, 0, FS_END );
         hb_fsClose( hFileHandle );
         return nPos;
   return 0;
Пример #5
static HB_BOOL hb_zipGetFileInfo( const char * szFileName, HB_U32 * pulCRC, HB_BOOL * pfText )
   HB_FHANDLE hFile;
   HB_BOOL    fResult;

   hFile   = hb_fsOpen( szFileName, FO_READ );
   fResult = hb_zipGetFileInfoFromHandle( hFile, pulCRC, pfText );
   if( hFile != FS_ERROR )
      hb_fsClose( hFile );

   return fResult;
Пример #6
void hb_dbQSortExit( LPDBQUICKSORT pQuickSort )
   /* Close and delete temp file */
   hb_fsClose( pQuickSort->hFile );
   hb_fsDelete( pQuickSort->szTempName );

   /* Free buffers */
   hb_xfree( pQuickSort->pBuffer );
   hb_xfree( pQuickSort->pSwapBufferA );
   hb_xfree( pQuickSort->pSwapBufferB );
   hb_xfree( pQuickSort->pCmpBufferA );
   hb_xfree( pQuickSort->pCmpBufferB );
Пример #7
static PHRB_BODY hb_hrbLoadFromFile( const char * szHrb, HB_USHORT usMode )
   char szFileName[ HB_PATH_MAX ];
   PHRB_BODY pHrbBody = NULL;
   PHB_FNAME pFileName;
   HB_FHANDLE hFile;

   /* Create full filename */

   pFileName = hb_fsFNameSplit( szHrb );
   if( pFileName->szExtension == NULL && hb_stackSetStruct()->HB_SET_DEFEXTENSIONS )
      pFileName->szExtension = ".hrb";
   hb_fsFNameMerge( szFileName, pFileName );
   hb_xfree( pFileName );

   /* Open as binary */

      hFile = hb_fsOpen( szFileName, FO_READ );
   while( hFile == FS_ERROR &&
          hb_errRT_BASE_Ext1( EG_OPEN, 6102, NULL, szFileName, hb_fsError(),
                              EF_CANDEFAULT | EF_CANRETRY,
                              HB_ERR_ARGS_BASEPARAMS ) == E_RETRY );

   if( hFile != FS_ERROR )
      HB_SIZE nBodySize = hb_fsSeek( hFile, 0, FS_END );

      if( nBodySize )
         char * pbyBuffer;

         pbyBuffer = ( char * ) hb_xgrab( nBodySize + sizeof( char ) + 1 );
         hb_fsSeek( hFile, 0, FS_SET );
         hb_fsReadLarge( hFile, pbyBuffer, nBodySize );
         pbyBuffer[ nBodySize ] = '\0';

         pHrbBody = hb_hrbLoad( ( const char * ) pbyBuffer, nBodySize, usMode, szFileName );
         hb_xfree( pbyBuffer );
      hb_fsClose( hFile );

   return pHrbBody;
Пример #8
static char * filetoBuff( const char * fname, unsigned long * size )
   char *     buffer = NULL;
   HB_FHANDLE handle = hb_fsOpen( fname, FO_READWRITE );

   if( handle != FS_ERROR )
      *size = hb_fsSeek( handle, 0, FS_END );
      hb_fsSeek( handle, 0, FS_SET );
      buffer = ( char * ) hb_xgrab( *size + 1 );
      *size  = ( unsigned long ) hb_fsReadLarge( handle, buffer, *size );
      buffer[ *size ] = '\0';
      hb_fsClose( handle );
      *size = 0;

   return buffer;
Пример #9
static HB_BOOL hb_copyfile( const char * szSource, const char * szDest, PHB_ITEM pBlock )
   HB_BOOL    bRetVal = HB_FALSE;
   HB_FHANDLE fhndSource;

   HB_TRACE( HB_TR_DEBUG, ( "hb_copyfile(%s, %s)", szSource, szDest ) );

   while( ( fhndSource = hb_spOpen( szSource, FO_READ | FO_SHARED | FO_PRIVATE ) ) == FS_ERROR )
      HB_USHORT uiAction = hb_errRT_BASE_Ext1( EG_OPEN, 2012, NULL, szSource, hb_fsError(), EF_CANDEFAULT | EF_CANRETRY, 0 );

      if( uiAction != E_RETRY )

   if( fhndSource != FS_ERROR )
      HB_FHANDLE fhndDest;

      while( ( fhndDest = hb_spCreate( szDest, FC_NORMAL ) ) == FS_ERROR )
         HB_USHORT uiAction = hb_errRT_BASE_Ext1( EG_CREATE, 2012, NULL, szDest, hb_fsError(), EF_CANDEFAULT | EF_CANRETRY, 0 );

         if( uiAction != E_RETRY )

      if( fhndDest != FS_ERROR )
#if defined( HB_OS_UNIX )
         struct stat struFileInfo;
         int         iSuccess = fstat( fhndSource, &struFileInfo );
         HB_BYTE * buffer = ( HB_BYTE * ) hb_xgrab( BUFFER_SIZE );
         HB_SIZE nRead;

         bRetVal = HB_TRUE;

         if( hb_itemType( pBlock ) != HB_IT_BLOCK )
            pBlock = NULL;

         while( ( nRead = hb_fsReadLarge( fhndSource, buffer, BUFFER_SIZE ) ) != 0 )
            while( hb_fsWriteLarge( fhndDest, buffer, nRead ) != nRead )
               HB_USHORT uiAction = hb_errRT_BASE_Ext1( EG_WRITE, 2016, NULL, szDest, hb_fsError(), EF_CANDEFAULT | EF_CANRETRY, 0 );

               if( uiAction != E_RETRY )
                  bRetVal = HB_FALSE;

            if( pBlock )
               PHB_ITEM pCnt = hb_itemPutNS( NULL, nRead );

               hb_vmEvalBlockV( pBlock, 1, pCnt );

               hb_itemRelease( pCnt );

         hb_xfree( buffer );

#if defined( HB_OS_UNIX )
         if( iSuccess == 0 )
            fchmod( fhndDest, struFileInfo.st_mode );

         hb_fsClose( fhndDest );

      hb_fsClose( fhndSource );

   return bRetVal;
Пример #10
HB_FHANDLE hb_fsProcessOpen( const char * pszFileName,
                             HB_FHANDLE * phStdin, HB_FHANDLE * phStdout,
                             HB_FHANDLE * phStderr,
                             HB_BOOL fDetach, HB_ULONG * pulPID )
   HB_FHANDLE hPipeIn [ 2 ] = { FS_ERROR, FS_ERROR },
              hPipeOut[ 2 ] = { FS_ERROR, FS_ERROR },
              hPipeErr[ 2 ] = { FS_ERROR, FS_ERROR };
   HB_ERRCODE errCode;
   HB_BOOL fError = HB_FALSE;

   HB_TRACE( HB_TR_DEBUG, ( "hb_fsProcessOpen(%s, %p, %p, %p, %d, %p)", pszFileName, phStdin, phStdout, phStderr, fDetach, pulPID ) );

   if( phStdin != NULL )
      fError = ! hb_fsPipeCreate( hPipeIn );
   if( ! fError && phStdout != NULL )
      fError = ! hb_fsPipeCreate( hPipeOut );
   if( ! fError && phStderr != NULL )
      if( phStdout == phStderr )
         hPipeErr[ 0 ] = hPipeOut[ 0 ];
         hPipeErr[ 1 ] = hPipeOut[ 1 ];
         fError = ! hb_fsPipeCreate( hPipeErr );

   if( ! fError )
#if defined( HB_OS_WIN )

      DWORD dwFlags = 0;
      LPTSTR lpCommand = HB_CHARDUP( pszFileName );

#  if ! defined( HB_OS_WIN_CE )
      if( phStdin != NULL )
         SetHandleInformation( ( HANDLE ) hb_fsGetOsHandle( hPipeIn [ 1 ] ), HANDLE_FLAG_INHERIT, 0 );
      if( phStdout != NULL )
         SetHandleInformation( ( HANDLE ) hb_fsGetOsHandle( hPipeOut[ 0 ] ), HANDLE_FLAG_INHERIT, 0 );
      if( phStderr != NULL && phStdout != phStderr )
         SetHandleInformation( ( HANDLE ) hb_fsGetOsHandle( hPipeErr[ 0 ] ), HANDLE_FLAG_INHERIT, 0 );
#  endif

      memset( &pi, 0, sizeof( pi ) );
      memset( &si, 0, sizeof( si ) );
      si.cb = sizeof( si );
      si.dwFlags = STARTF_USESTDHANDLES;
#  endif
      if( fDetach )
         si.dwFlags |= STARTF_USESHOWWINDOW;
#  endif
         si.wShowWindow = SW_HIDE;
         si.hStdInput  = ( HANDLE ) hb_fsGetOsHandle( hPipeIn [ 0 ] );
         si.hStdOutput = ( HANDLE ) hb_fsGetOsHandle( hPipeOut[ 1 ] );
         si.hStdError  = ( HANDLE ) hb_fsGetOsHandle( hPipeErr[ 1 ] );
         dwFlags |= DETACHED_PROCESS;
#  endif
         si.hStdInput  = phStdin  ? ( HANDLE ) hb_fsGetOsHandle( hPipeIn [ 0 ] ) : GetStdHandle( STD_INPUT_HANDLE );
         si.hStdOutput = phStdout ? ( HANDLE ) hb_fsGetOsHandle( hPipeOut[ 1 ] ) : GetStdHandle( STD_OUTPUT_HANDLE );
         si.hStdError  = phStderr ? ( HANDLE ) hb_fsGetOsHandle( hPipeErr[ 1 ] ) : GetStdHandle( STD_ERROR_HANDLE );
      fError = ! CreateProcess( NULL,           /* lpAppName */
                                NULL,           /* lpProcessAttr */
                                NULL,           /* lpThreadAttr */
                                TRUE,           /* bInheritHandles */
                                dwFlags,        /* dwCreationFlags */
                                NULL,           /* lpEnvironment */
                                NULL,           /* lpCurrentDirectory */
                                &pi );
      hb_fsSetIOError( ! fError, 0 );
      hb_xfree( lpCommand );
      if( ! fError )
         if( phStdin != NULL )
            *phStdin = ( HB_FHANDLE ) hPipeIn[ 1 ];
            hPipeIn[ 1 ] = FS_ERROR;
         if( phStdout != NULL )
            *phStdout = ( HB_FHANDLE ) hPipeOut[ 0 ];
            hPipeOut[ 0 ] = FS_ERROR;
         if( phStderr != NULL )
            *phStderr = ( HB_FHANDLE ) hPipeErr[ 0 ];
            hPipeErr[ 0 ] = FS_ERROR;
         if( pulPID )
            *pulPID = pi.dwProcessId;
         CloseHandle( pi.hThread );
         hResult = ( HB_FHANDLE ) pi.hProcess;

#elif defined( HB_OS_OS2 )

      HFILE hNull = ( HFILE ) FS_ERROR;
      ULONG ulState = 0;
      APIRET ret = NO_ERROR;
      PID pid = ( PID ) -1;
      PHB_GT pGT;

      if( fDetach && ( ! phStdin || ! phStdout || ! phStderr ) )
         HB_FHANDLE hFile;

         ret = hb_fsOS2DosOpen( "NUL:", &hFile, &ulState, 0,
                                FILE_NORMAL, OPEN_ACCESS_READWRITE,
                                OPEN_ACTION_OPEN_IF_EXISTS );
         if( ret == NO_ERROR )
            hNull = ( HFILE ) hFile;

      if( ret == NO_ERROR && phStdin != NULL )
         ret = DosQueryFHState( hPipeIn[ 1 ], &ulState );
         if( ret == NO_ERROR && ( ulState & OPEN_FLAGS_NOINHERIT ) == 0 )
            ret = DosSetFHState( hPipeIn[ 1 ], ( ulState & 0xFF00 ) | OPEN_FLAGS_NOINHERIT );
      if( ret == NO_ERROR && phStdout != NULL )
         ret = DosQueryFHState( hPipeOut[ 0 ], &ulState );
         if( ret == NO_ERROR && ( ulState & OPEN_FLAGS_NOINHERIT ) == 0 )
            ret = DosSetFHState( hPipeOut[ 0 ], ( ulState & 0xFF00 ) | OPEN_FLAGS_NOINHERIT );
      if( ret == NO_ERROR && phStderr != NULL && phStdout != phStderr )
         ret = DosQueryFHState( hPipeErr[ 0 ], &ulState );
         if( ret == NO_ERROR && ( ulState & OPEN_FLAGS_NOINHERIT ) == 0 )
            ret = DosSetFHState( hPipeErr[ 0 ], ( ulState & 0xFF00 ) | OPEN_FLAGS_NOINHERIT );

      if( ret == NO_ERROR && ( pGT = hb_gt_Base() ) != NULL )
         ULONG ulStateIn, ulStateOut, ulStateErr;
         HFILE hStdIn, hStdErr, hStdOut, hDup;

         ulStateIn = ulStateOut = ulStateErr = OPEN_FLAGS_NOINHERIT;
         hStdIn  = hStdErr = hStdOut = ( HFILE ) FS_ERROR;

         if( ret == NO_ERROR && ( phStdin != NULL || fDetach ) )
            hDup = 0;
            ret = DosDupHandle( hDup, &hStdIn );
            if( ret == NO_ERROR )
               ret = DosQueryFHState( hStdIn, &ulStateIn );
               if( ret == NO_ERROR && ( ulStateIn & OPEN_FLAGS_NOINHERIT ) == 0 )
                  ret = DosSetFHState( hStdIn, ( ulStateIn & 0xFF00 ) | OPEN_FLAGS_NOINHERIT );
               if( ret == NO_ERROR )
                  ret = DosDupHandle( phStdin != NULL ? ( HFILE ) hPipeIn[ 0 ] : hNull, &hDup );

         if( ret == NO_ERROR && ( phStdout != NULL || fDetach ) )
            hDup = 1;
            ret = DosDupHandle( hDup, &hStdOut );
            if( ret == NO_ERROR )
               ret = DosQueryFHState( hStdOut, &ulStateOut );
               if( ret == NO_ERROR && ( ulStateOut & OPEN_FLAGS_NOINHERIT ) == 0 )
                  ret = DosSetFHState( hStdOut, ( ulStateOut & 0xFF00 ) | OPEN_FLAGS_NOINHERIT );
               if( ret == NO_ERROR )
                  ret = DosDupHandle( phStdout != NULL ? ( HFILE ) hPipeOut[ 1 ] : hNull, &hDup );

         if( ret == NO_ERROR && ( phStderr != NULL || fDetach ) )
            hDup = 2;
            ret = DosDupHandle( hDup, &hStdErr );
            if( ret == NO_ERROR )
               ret = DosQueryFHState( hStdErr, &ulStateErr );
               if( ret == NO_ERROR && ( ulStateErr & OPEN_FLAGS_NOINHERIT ) == 0 )
                  ret = DosSetFHState( hStdErr, ( ulStateErr & 0xFF00 ) | OPEN_FLAGS_NOINHERIT );
               if( ret == NO_ERROR )
                  ret = DosDupHandle( phStderr != NULL ? ( HFILE ) hPipeErr[ 1 ] : hNull, &hDup );

         if( ret == NO_ERROR )
            char * pArgs = hb_buildArgsOS2( pszFileName, &ret );
            char uchLoadError[ CCHMAXPATH ] = { 0 };
            RESULTCODES ChildRC = { 0, 0 };

            if( pArgs )
               ret = DosExecPgm( uchLoadError, sizeof( uchLoadError ),
                                 fDetach ? EXEC_BACKGROUND : EXEC_ASYNCRESULT,
                                 ( PCSZ ) pArgs, NULL /* env */,
                                 ( PCSZ ) pArgs );
               if( ret == NO_ERROR )
                  pid = ChildRC.codeTerminate;
               hb_freeArgsOS2( pArgs );

         if( hNull != ( HFILE ) FS_ERROR )
            DosClose( hNull );

         if( hStdIn != ( HFILE ) FS_ERROR )
            hDup = 0;
            DosDupHandle( hStdIn, &hDup );
            DosClose( hStdIn );
            if( ( ulStateIn & OPEN_FLAGS_NOINHERIT ) == 0 )
               DosSetFHState( hDup, ulStateIn & 0xFF00 );
         if( hStdOut != ( HFILE ) FS_ERROR )
            hDup = 1;
            DosDupHandle( hStdOut, &hDup );
            DosClose( hStdOut );
            if( ( ulStateOut & OPEN_FLAGS_NOINHERIT ) == 0 )
               DosSetFHState( hDup, ulStateOut & 0xFF00 );
         if( hStdErr != ( HFILE ) FS_ERROR )
            hDup = 2;
            DosDupHandle( hStdErr, &hDup );
            DosClose( hStdErr );
            if( ( ulStateErr & OPEN_FLAGS_NOINHERIT ) == 0 )
               DosSetFHState( hDup, ulStateErr & 0xFF00 );

         hb_gt_BaseFree( pGT );
         if( hNull != ( HFILE ) FS_ERROR )
            DosClose( hNull );
         if( ret == NO_ERROR )
            ret = ( APIRET ) FS_ERROR;

      fError = ret != NO_ERROR;
      if( ! fError )
         if( phStdin != NULL )
            *phStdin = ( HB_FHANDLE ) hPipeIn[ 1 ];
            hPipeIn[ 1 ] = FS_ERROR;
         if( phStdout != NULL )
            *phStdout = ( HB_FHANDLE ) hPipeOut[ 0 ];
            hPipeOut[ 0 ] = FS_ERROR;
         if( phStderr != NULL )
            *phStderr = ( HB_FHANDLE ) hPipeErr[ 0 ];
            hPipeErr[ 0 ] = FS_ERROR;
         if( pulPID )
            *pulPID = pid;
         hResult = ( HB_FHANDLE ) pid;

      hb_fsSetError( ( HB_ERRCODE ) ret );

#elif defined( HB_OS_UNIX ) && \
      ! defined( HB_OS_VXWORKS ) && ! defined( HB_OS_SYMBIAN )

      char ** argv = hb_buildArgs( pszFileName );
      pid_t pid = fork();

      if( pid == -1 )
         fError = HB_TRUE;
      else if( pid != 0 )    /* parent process */
         if( phStdin != NULL )
            *phStdin = ( HB_FHANDLE ) hPipeIn[ 1 ];
            hPipeIn[ 1 ] = FS_ERROR;
         if( phStdout != NULL )
            *phStdout = ( HB_FHANDLE ) hPipeOut[ 0 ];
            hPipeOut[ 0 ] = FS_ERROR;
         if( phStderr != NULL )
            *phStderr = ( HB_FHANDLE ) hPipeErr[ 0 ];
            hPipeErr[ 0 ] = FS_ERROR;
         if( pulPID )
            *pulPID = pid;
         hResult = ( HB_FHANDLE ) pid;
      else                    /* child process */
         if( fDetach && ( ! phStdin || ! phStdout || ! phStderr ) )
            HB_FHANDLE hNull = open( "/dev/null", O_RDWR );

            if( ! phStdin )
               dup2( hNull, 0 );
            if( ! phStdout )
               dup2( hNull, 1 );
            if( ! phStderr )
               dup2( hNull, 2 );

            if( hNull != FS_ERROR )
               hb_fsClose( hNull );

         if( phStdin != NULL )
            dup2( hPipeIn[ 0 ], 0 );
            hb_fsClose( hPipeIn[ 1 ] );
         if( phStdout != NULL )
            dup2( hPipeOut[ 1 ], 1 );
            hb_fsClose( hPipeOut[ 0 ] );
         if( phStderr != NULL )
            dup2( hPipeErr[ 1 ], 2 );
            if( phStdout != phStderr )
               hb_fsClose( hPipeErr[ 0 ] );

         /* close all non std* handles */
            int iMaxFD, i;
            iMaxFD = sysconf( _SC_OPEN_MAX );
            if( iMaxFD < 3 )
               iMaxFD = 1024;
            for( i = 3; i < iMaxFD; ++i )
               hb_fsClose( i );

         /* reset extended process attributes */
         if( setuid( getuid() ) == -1 ) {}
         if( setgid( getgid() ) == -1 ) {}

         /* execute command */
#  if defined( __WATCOMC__ )
            execvp( argv[ 0 ], ( const char ** ) argv );
#  else
            execvp( argv[ 0 ], argv );
#  endif
            exit( -1 );
      hb_fsSetIOError( ! fError, 0 );

      hb_freeArgs( argv );

#elif defined( HB_OS_OS2 ) || defined( HB_OS_WIN )

      int hStdIn, hStdOut, hStdErr;
      char ** argv;
      int pid;

      hStdIn  = dup( 0 );
      hStdOut = dup( 1 );
      hStdErr = dup( 2 );

      if( fDetach && ( ! phStdin || ! phStdout || ! phStderr ) )
         HB_FHANDLE hNull = open( "NUL:", O_RDWR );

         if( ! phStdin )
            dup2( hNull, 0 );
         if( ! phStdout )
            dup2( hNull, 1 );
         if( ! phStderr )
            dup2( hNull, 2 );

         if( hNull != FS_ERROR )
            close( hNull );

      if( phStdin != NULL )
         dup2( hPipeIn[ 0 ], 0 );
      if( phStdout != NULL )
         dup2( hPipeOut[ 1 ], 1 );
      if( phStderr != NULL )
         dup2( hPipeErr[ 1 ], 2 );

      argv = hb_buildArgs( pszFileName );

#if defined( _MSC_VER ) || defined( __LCC__ ) || \
    defined( __XCC__ ) || defined( __POCC__ )
      pid = _spawnvp( _P_NOWAIT, argv[ 0 ], argv );
#elif defined( __MINGW32__ ) || defined( __WATCOMC__ )
      pid = spawnvp( P_NOWAIT, argv[ 0 ], ( const char * const * ) argv );
      pid = spawnvp( P_NOWAIT, argv[ 0 ], ( char * const * ) argv );
      hb_freeArgs( argv );

      dup2( hStdIn,  0 );
      close( hStdIn );

      dup2( hStdOut, 1 );
      close( hStdOut );

      dup2( hStdErr, 2 );
      close( hStdErr );

      if( pid < 0 )
         fError = HB_TRUE;
      else if( pid != 0 )    /* parent process */
         if( phStdin != NULL )
            *phStdin = ( HB_FHANDLE ) hPipeIn[ 1 ];
            hPipeIn[ 1 ] = FS_ERROR;
         if( phStdout != NULL )
            *phStdout = ( HB_FHANDLE ) hPipeOut[ 0 ];
            hPipeOut[ 0 ] = FS_ERROR;
         if( phStderr != NULL )
            *phStderr = ( HB_FHANDLE ) hPipeErr[ 0 ];
            hPipeErr[ 0 ] = FS_ERROR;
         if( pulPID )
            *pulPID = pid;
         hResult = ( HB_FHANDLE ) pid;

      hb_fsSetIOError( ! fError, 0 );

      int iTODO; /* TODO: for given platform */

      HB_SYMBOL_UNUSED( pszFileName );
      HB_SYMBOL_UNUSED( fDetach );

      hb_fsSetError( ( HB_ERRCODE ) FS_ERROR );

   errCode = hb_fsError();

   if( hPipeIn[ 0 ] != FS_ERROR )
      hb_fsClose( hPipeIn[ 0 ] );
   if( hPipeIn[ 1 ] != FS_ERROR )
      hb_fsClose( hPipeIn[ 1 ] );
   if( hPipeOut[ 0 ] != FS_ERROR )
      hb_fsClose( hPipeOut[ 0 ] );
   if( hPipeOut[ 1 ] != FS_ERROR )
      hb_fsClose( hPipeOut[ 1 ] );
   if( phStdout != phStderr )
      if( hPipeErr[ 0 ] != FS_ERROR )
         hb_fsClose( hPipeErr[ 0 ] );
      if( hPipeErr[ 1 ] != FS_ERROR )
         hb_fsClose( hPipeErr[ 1 ] );

   hb_fsSetError( errCode );

   return hResult;
Пример #11
static int hb_fsProcessExec( const char * pszFileName,
                             HB_FHANDLE hStdin, HB_FHANDLE hStdout,
                             HB_FHANDLE hStderr )
   int iResult = FS_ERROR;

   HB_TRACE( HB_TR_DEBUG, ( "hb_fsProcessExec(%s, %p, %p, %p)", pszFileName, ( void * ) ( HB_PTRUINT ) hStdin, ( void * ) ( HB_PTRUINT ) hStdout, ( void * ) ( HB_PTRUINT ) hStderr ) );

#if defined( HB_OS_WIN_CE )
   LPTSTR lpAppName, lpParams;
   HB_BOOL fError;

   HB_SYMBOL_UNUSED( hStdin );
   HB_SYMBOL_UNUSED( hStdout );
   HB_SYMBOL_UNUSED( hStderr );

   hb_getCommand( pszFileName, &lpAppName, &lpParams );

   fError = ! CreateProcess( lpAppName,      /* lpAppName */
                             lpParams,       /* lpCommandLine */
                             NULL,           /* lpProcessAttr */
                             NULL,           /* lpThreadAttr */
                             FALSE,          /* bInheritHandles */
                             0,              /* dwCreationFlags */
                             NULL,           /* lpEnvironment */
                             NULL,           /* lpCurrentDirectory */
                             NULL,           /* lpStartupInfo */
                             NULL );         /* lpProcessInformation */
   hb_fsSetIOError( ! fError, 0 );
   if( ! fError )
      iResult = 0;

   if( lpAppName )
      hb_xfree( lpAppName );
   if( lpParams )
      hb_xfree( lpParams );
#elif defined( HB_OS_DOS ) || defined( HB_OS_WIN ) || defined( HB_OS_OS2 ) || \
      defined( HB_OS_UNIX )
   int iStdIn, iStdOut, iStdErr;
   char ** argv;

   argv = hb_buildArgs( pszFileName );


   iStdIn = iStdOut = iStdErr = FS_ERROR;

   if( hStdin != FS_ERROR )
      iStdIn  = dup( 0 );
      dup2( hStdin,  0 );
   if( hStdout != FS_ERROR )
      iStdOut = dup( 1 );
      dup2( hStdout, 1 );
   if( hStderr != FS_ERROR )
      iStdErr = dup( 2 );
      dup2( hStderr, 2 );
#if defined( HB_OS_UNIX ) && ! defined( HB_OS_VXWORKS ) && ! defined( HB_OS_SYMBIAN )
      pid_t pid = fork();
      if( pid == 0 )
         /* close all non std* handles */
            int iMaxFD, i;
            iMaxFD = sysconf( _SC_OPEN_MAX );
            if( iMaxFD < 3 )
               iMaxFD = 1024;
            for( i = 3; i < iMaxFD; ++i )
               hb_fsClose( i );
         /* reset extended process attributes */
         ( void ) setuid( getuid() );
         ( void ) setgid( getgid() );

         /* execute command */
         execvp( argv[ 0 ], argv );
         exit( -1 );
      else if( pid != -1 )
         int iStatus;
         iResult = waitpid( pid, &iStatus, 0 );
         if( iResult < 0 && errno != ERESTARTSYS )
         if( iResult < 0 )
            iResult = -2;
         else if( iResult == 0 )
            iResult = -1;
            iResult = WIFEXITED( iStatus ) ? WEXITSTATUS( iStatus ) : 0;
#elif defined( _MSC_VER ) || defined( __LCC__ ) || \
    defined( __XCC__ ) || defined( __POCC__ )
   iResult = _spawnvp( _P_WAIT, argv[ 0 ], argv );
#elif defined( __MINGW32__ ) || defined( __WATCOMC__ )
   iResult = spawnvp( P_WAIT, argv[ 0 ], ( const char * const * ) argv );
   iResult = spawnvp( P_WAIT, argv[ 0 ], ( char * const * ) argv );
   hb_fsSetIOError( iResult >= 0, 0 );

   if( iStdIn != FS_ERROR )
      dup2( iStdIn,  0 );
      close( iStdIn );
   if( iStdOut != FS_ERROR )
      dup2( iStdOut, 1 );
      close( iStdOut );
   if( iStdErr != FS_ERROR )
      dup2( iStdErr, 2 );
      close( iStdErr );

   hb_freeArgs( argv );
   int iTODO; /* TODO: for given platform */

   HB_SYMBOL_UNUSED( pszFileName );
   HB_SYMBOL_UNUSED( hStdin );
   HB_SYMBOL_UNUSED( hStdout );
   HB_SYMBOL_UNUSED( hStderr );

   hb_fsSetError( ( HB_ERRCODE ) FS_ERROR );

   return iResult;
Пример #12
int hb_fsProcessRun( const char * pszFileName,
                     const char * pStdInBuf, HB_SIZE nStdInLen,
                     char ** pStdOutPtr, HB_SIZE * pulStdOut,
                     char ** pStdErrPtr, HB_SIZE * pulStdErr,
                     HB_BOOL fDetach )
   HB_FHANDLE hStdin, hStdout, hStderr, *phStdin, *phStdout, *phStderr;
   char * pOutBuf, *pErrBuf;
   HB_SIZE nOutSize, nErrSize, nOutBuf, nErrBuf;
   int iResult;

   HB_TRACE( HB_TR_DEBUG, ( "hb_fsProcessRun(%s, %p, %" HB_PFS "u, %p, %p, %p, %p, %d)", pStdInBuf, pStdInBuf, nStdInLen, pStdOutPtr, pulStdOut, pStdErrPtr, pulStdErr, fDetach ) );

   nOutBuf = nErrBuf = nOutSize = nErrSize = 0;
   pOutBuf = pErrBuf = NULL;
   hStdin = hStdout = hStderr = FS_ERROR;
   phStdin = pStdInBuf ? &hStdin : NULL;
   phStdout = pStdOutPtr && pulStdOut ? &hStdout : NULL;
   phStderr = pStdErrPtr && pulStdErr ?
              ( pStdOutPtr == pStdErrPtr ? phStdout : &hStderr ) : NULL;

#if defined( HB_PROCESS_USEFILES )

#if defined( HB_OS_WIN_CE )
#  define _HB_NULLHANDLE()    FS_ERROR
#elif defined( HB_OS_UNIX )
#  define _HB_NULLHANDLE()    open( "/dev/null", O_RDWR )
#  define _HB_NULLHANDLE()    open( "NUL:", O_RDWR )
   char sTmpIn[ HB_PATH_MAX ];
   char sTmpOut[ HB_PATH_MAX ];
   char sTmpErr[ HB_PATH_MAX ];

   HB_SYMBOL_UNUSED( phStdin );
   HB_SYMBOL_UNUSED( nOutSize );
   HB_SYMBOL_UNUSED( nErrSize );

   sTmpIn[ 0 ] = sTmpOut[ 0 ] = sTmpErr[ 0 ] = '\0';
   if( pStdInBuf )
      hStdin = hb_fsCreateTempEx( sTmpIn, NULL, NULL, NULL, FC_NORMAL );
      if( nStdInLen )
         hb_fsWriteLarge( hStdin, pStdInBuf, nStdInLen );
         hb_fsSeek( hStdin, 0, FS_SET );
   else if( fDetach )
      hStdin = _HB_NULLHANDLE();

   if( pStdOutPtr && pulStdOut )
      hStdout = hb_fsCreateTempEx( sTmpOut, NULL, NULL, NULL, FC_NORMAL );
   else if( fDetach )
      hStdout = _HB_NULLHANDLE();

   if( pStdErrPtr && pulStdErr )
      if( phStdout == phStderr )
         hStderr = hStdout;
         hStderr = hb_fsCreateTempEx( sTmpErr, NULL, NULL, NULL, FC_NORMAL );
   else if( fDetach )
      hStderr = _HB_NULLHANDLE();

   iResult = hb_fsProcessExec( pszFileName, hStdin, hStdout, hStderr );

   if( hStdin != FS_ERROR )
      hb_fsClose( hStdin );
      if( sTmpIn[ 0 ] )
         hb_fsDelete( sTmpIn );
   if( hStdout != FS_ERROR )
      if( pStdOutPtr && pulStdOut )
         nOutBuf = hb_fsSeek( hStdout, 0, FS_END );
         if( nOutBuf )
            pOutBuf = ( char * ) hb_xgrab( nOutBuf + 1 );
            hb_fsSeek( hStdout, 0, FS_SET );
            nOutBuf = hb_fsReadLarge( hStdout, pOutBuf, nOutBuf );
      hb_fsClose( hStdout );
      if( sTmpOut[ 0 ] )
         hb_fsDelete( sTmpOut );
   if( hStderr != FS_ERROR && hStderr != hStdout )
      if( pStdErrPtr && pulStdErr )
         nErrBuf = hb_fsSeek( hStderr, 0, FS_END );
         if( nErrBuf )
            pErrBuf = ( char * ) hb_xgrab( nErrBuf + 1 );
            hb_fsSeek( hStderr, 0, FS_SET );
            nErrBuf = hb_fsReadLarge( hStderr, pErrBuf, nErrBuf );
      hb_fsClose( hStderr );
      if( sTmpErr[ 0 ] )
         hb_fsDelete( sTmpErr );

   HB_FHANDLE hProcess;


   iResult = -1;
   hProcess = hb_fsProcessOpen( pszFileName, phStdin, phStdout, phStderr,
                                fDetach, NULL );
   if( hProcess != FS_ERROR )
#if defined( HB_OS_WIN )

      HB_BOOL fFinished = HB_FALSE, fBlocked;
      int iPipeCount = 0;

      if( nStdInLen == 0 && hStdin != FS_ERROR )
         hb_fsClose( hStdin );
         hStdin = FS_ERROR;
      if( hStdout == hStderr )
         hStderr = FS_ERROR;

      if( hStdin != FS_ERROR )
      if( hStdout != FS_ERROR )
      if( hStderr != FS_ERROR )

      fBlocked = iPipeCount <= 1;
      if( ! fBlocked )
         if( hStdin != FS_ERROR )
            hb_fsPipeUnblock( hStdin );
         if( hStdout != FS_ERROR )
            hb_fsPipeUnblock( hStdout );
         if( hStderr != FS_ERROR )
            hb_fsPipeUnblock( hStderr );

      for( ;; )
         DWORD dwResult, dwWait;
         HB_SIZE nLen;

         dwWait = 1000;

         if( hStdout != FS_ERROR )
            if( nOutBuf == nOutSize )
               if( nOutSize == 0 )
                  nOutSize = HB_STD_BUFFER_SIZE;
                  nOutSize += nOutSize >> 1;
               pOutBuf = ( char * ) hb_xrealloc( pOutBuf, nOutSize + 1 );
            nLen = hb_fsReadLarge( hStdout, pOutBuf + nOutBuf, nOutSize - nOutBuf );
            if( nLen > 0 )
               nOutBuf += nLen;
            else if( fBlocked )
               hb_fsClose( hStdout );
               hStdout = FS_ERROR;
            dwWait = nLen > 0 ? 0 : 10;

         if( hStderr != FS_ERROR )
            if( nErrBuf == nErrSize )
               if( nErrSize == 0 )
                  nErrSize = HB_STD_BUFFER_SIZE;
                  nErrSize += nErrSize >> 1;
               pErrBuf = ( char * ) hb_xrealloc( pErrBuf, nErrSize + 1 );
            nLen = hb_fsReadLarge( hStderr, pErrBuf + nErrBuf, nErrSize - nErrBuf );
            if( nLen > 0 )
               nErrBuf += nLen;
            else if( fBlocked )
               hb_fsClose( hStderr );
               hStderr = FS_ERROR;
            if( dwWait )
               dwWait = nLen > 0 ? 0 : 10;

         if( fFinished )
            if( dwWait != 0 )
         else if( hStdin != FS_ERROR )
            nLen = ! fBlocked && nStdInLen > 4096 ? 4096 : nStdInLen;
            nLen = hb_fsWriteLarge( hStdin, pStdInBuf, nLen );
            pStdInBuf += nLen;
            nStdInLen -= nLen;
            if( nStdInLen == 0 || ( fBlocked && nLen == 0 ) )
               hb_fsClose( hStdin );
               hStdin = FS_ERROR;
            else if( dwWait )
               dwWait = nLen > 0 ? 0 : 10;

         if( iPipeCount == 0 )
            dwWait = INFINITE;
         dwResult = WaitForSingleObject( ( HANDLE ) hb_fsGetOsHandle( hProcess ), dwWait );
         if( dwResult == WAIT_OBJECT_0 )
            if( GetExitCodeProcess( ( HANDLE ) hb_fsGetOsHandle( hProcess ), &dwResult ) )
               iResult = ( int ) dwResult;
               iResult = -2;
            fFinished = HB_TRUE;

      if( hStdin != FS_ERROR )
         hb_fsClose( hStdin );
      if( hStdout != FS_ERROR )
         hb_fsClose( hStdout );
      if( hStderr != FS_ERROR )
         hb_fsClose( hStderr );

      CloseHandle( ( HANDLE ) hb_fsGetOsHandle( hProcess ) );

#elif defined( HB_OS_OS2 ) || defined( HB_OS_WIN )

      HB_MAXINT nTimeOut = 0;
      int iPipeCount = 0;

      if( nStdInLen == 0 && hStdin != FS_ERROR )
         hb_fsClose( hStdin );
         hStdin = FS_ERROR;
      if( hStdout == hStderr )
         hStderr = FS_ERROR;

      if( hStdin != FS_ERROR )
      if( hStdout != FS_ERROR )
      if( hStderr != FS_ERROR )

      while( iPipeCount > 0 )
         HB_MAXINT nNextTOut = 10;
         HB_SIZE nLen;

         if( hStdin != FS_ERROR )
            if( iPipeCount == 1 )
               nLen = hb_fsWriteLarge( hStdin, pStdInBuf, nStdInLen );
               nLen = hb_fsPipeWrite( hStdin, pStdInBuf, nStdInLen, nTimeOut );
            if( nLen == ( HB_SIZE ) ( iPipeCount == 1 ? 0 : FS_ERROR ) )
               nStdInLen = 0;
            else if( nLen > 0 )
               pStdInBuf += nLen;
               nStdInLen -= nLen;
               nNextTOut = 0;
            if( nStdInLen == 0 )
               hb_fsClose( hStdin );
               hStdin = FS_ERROR;

         if( hStdout != FS_ERROR )
            if( nOutBuf == nOutSize )
               if( nOutSize == 0 )
                  nOutSize = HB_STD_BUFFER_SIZE;
                  nOutSize += nOutSize >> 1;
               pOutBuf = ( char * ) hb_xrealloc( pOutBuf, nOutSize + 1 );
            if( iPipeCount == 1 )
               nLen = hb_fsReadLarge( hStdout, pOutBuf + nOutBuf, nOutSize - nOutBuf );
               nLen = hb_fsPipeRead( hStdout, pOutBuf + nOutBuf, nOutSize - nOutBuf, nTimeOut );
            if( nLen == ( HB_SIZE ) ( iPipeCount == 1 ? 0 : FS_ERROR ) )
               hb_fsClose( hStdout );
               hStdout = FS_ERROR;
            else if( nLen > 0 )
               nOutBuf += nLen;
               nNextTOut = 0;

         if( hStderr != FS_ERROR )
            if( nErrBuf == nErrSize )
               if( nErrSize == 0 )
                  nErrSize = HB_STD_BUFFER_SIZE;
                  nErrSize += nErrSize >> 1;
               pErrBuf = ( char * ) hb_xrealloc( pErrBuf, nErrSize + 1 );
            if( iPipeCount == 1 )
               nLen = hb_fsReadLarge( hStderr, pErrBuf + nErrBuf, nErrSize - nErrBuf );
               nLen = hb_fsPipeRead( hStderr, pErrBuf + nErrBuf, nErrSize - nErrBuf, nTimeOut );
            if( nLen == ( HB_SIZE ) ( iPipeCount == 1 ? 0 : FS_ERROR ) )
               hb_fsClose( hStderr );
               hStderr = FS_ERROR;
            else if( nLen > 0 )
               nErrBuf += nLen;
               nNextTOut = 0;

         nTimeOut = nNextTOut;

      if( hStdin != FS_ERROR )
         hb_fsClose( hStdin );
      if( hStdout != FS_ERROR )
         hb_fsClose( hStdout );
      if( hStderr != FS_ERROR )
         hb_fsClose( hStderr );

      iResult = hb_fsProcessValue( hProcess, HB_TRUE );

#elif defined( HB_OS_UNIX ) && ! defined( HB_OS_SYMBIAN )

      if( nStdInLen == 0 && hStdin != FS_ERROR )
         hb_fsClose( hStdin );
         hStdin = FS_ERROR;
      if( hStdout == hStderr )
         hStderr = FS_ERROR;

      if( hStdin != FS_ERROR )
         hb_fsPipeUnblock( hStdin );
      if( hStdout != FS_ERROR )
         hb_fsPipeUnblock( hStdout );
      if( hStderr != FS_ERROR )
         hb_fsPipeUnblock( hStderr );

      for( ;; )
         HB_BOOL fStdout, fStderr, fStdin;
         HB_SIZE nLen;

#if defined( HB_HAS_POLL )
            struct pollfd fds[ 3 ];
            nfds_t nfds = 0;

            if( hStdout != FS_ERROR )
               fds[ nfds ].fd = hStdout;
               fds[ nfds ].events = POLLIN;
               fds[ nfds++ ].revents = 0;
            if( hStderr != FS_ERROR )
               fds[ nfds ].fd = hStderr;
               fds[ nfds ].events = POLLIN;
               fds[ nfds++ ].revents = 0;
            if( hStdin != FS_ERROR )
               fds[ nfds ].fd = hStdin;
               fds[ nfds ].events = POLLOUT;
               fds[ nfds++ ].revents = 0;
            if( nfds == 0 )

            iResult = poll( fds, nfds, -1 );
            hb_fsSetIOError( iResult >= 0, 0 );
            if( iResult == -1 && hb_fsOsError() == ( HB_ERRCODE ) EINTR &&
                hb_vmRequestQuery() == 0 )
            else if( iResult <= 0 )

            nfds = 0;
            fStdout = fStderr = fStdin = HB_FALSE;
            if( hStdout != FS_ERROR )
               if( ( fds[ nfds ].revents & POLLIN ) != 0 )
                  fStdout = HB_TRUE;
               else if( ( fds[ nfds ].revents & ( POLLHUP | POLLNVAL | POLLERR ) ) != 0 )
                  hb_fsClose( hStdout );
                  hStdout = FS_ERROR;
            if( hStderr != FS_ERROR )
               if( ( fds[ nfds ].revents & POLLIN ) != 0 )
                  fStderr = HB_TRUE;
               else if( ( fds[ nfds ].revents & ( POLLHUP | POLLNVAL | POLLERR ) ) != 0 )
                  hb_fsClose( hStderr );
                  hStderr = FS_ERROR;
            if( hStdin != FS_ERROR )
               if( ( fds[ nfds ].revents & POLLOUT ) != 0 )
                  fStdin = HB_TRUE;
               else if( ( fds[ nfds ].revents & ( POLLHUP | POLLNVAL | POLLERR ) ) != 0 )
                  hb_fsClose( hStdin );
                  hStderr = FS_ERROR;
#else /* ! HB_HAS_POLL */
            fd_set rfds, wfds, *prfds, *pwfds;
            HB_FHANDLE fdMax;

            fdMax = 0;
            prfds = pwfds = NULL;
            if( hStdout != FS_ERROR || hStderr != FS_ERROR )
               FD_ZERO( &rfds );
               if( hStdout != FS_ERROR )
                  FD_SET( hStdout, &rfds );
                  if( hStdout > fdMax )
                     fdMax = hStdout;
               if( hStderr != FS_ERROR )
                  FD_SET( hStderr, &rfds );
                  if( hStderr > fdMax )
                     fdMax = hStderr;
               prfds = &rfds;
            if( hStdin != FS_ERROR )
               FD_ZERO( &wfds );
               FD_SET( hStdin, &wfds );
               if( hStdin > fdMax )
                  fdMax = hStdin;
               pwfds = &wfds;
            if( prfds == NULL && pwfds == NULL )

            iResult = select( fdMax + 1, prfds, pwfds, NULL, NULL );
            hb_fsSetIOError( iResult >= 0, 0 );
            if( iResult == -1 && hb_fsOsError() != ( HB_ERRCODE ) EINTR &&
                hb_vmRequestQuery() == 0 )
            else if( iResult <= 0 )
            fStdout = hStdout != FS_ERROR && FD_ISSET( hStdout, &rfds );
            fStderr = hStderr != FS_ERROR && FD_ISSET( hStderr, &rfds );
            fStdin = hStdin != FS_ERROR && FD_ISSET( hStdin, &wfds );
#endif /* ! HB_HAS_POLL */

         if( fStdout )
            if( nOutBuf == nOutSize )
               if( nOutSize == 0 )
                  nOutSize = HB_STD_BUFFER_SIZE;
                  nOutSize += nOutSize >> 1;
               pOutBuf = ( char * ) hb_xrealloc( pOutBuf, nOutSize + 1 );
            nLen = hb_fsReadLarge( hStdout, pOutBuf + nOutBuf, nOutSize - nOutBuf );
            if( nLen == 0 )
               /* zero bytes read after positive Select()
                * - writing process closed the pipe
               hb_fsClose( hStdout );
               hStdout = FS_ERROR;
               nOutBuf += nLen;

         if( fStderr )
            if( nErrBuf == nErrSize )
               if( nErrSize == 0 )
                  nErrSize = HB_STD_BUFFER_SIZE;
                  nErrSize += nErrSize >> 1;
               pErrBuf = ( char * ) hb_xrealloc( pErrBuf, nErrSize + 1 );
            nLen = hb_fsReadLarge( hStderr, pErrBuf + nErrBuf, nErrSize - nErrBuf );
            if( nLen == 0 )
               /* zero bytes read after positive Select()
                * - writing process closed the pipe
               hb_fsClose( hStderr );
               hStderr = FS_ERROR;
               nErrBuf += nLen;

         if( fStdin )
            nLen = hb_fsWriteLarge( hStdin, pStdInBuf, nStdInLen );
            pStdInBuf += nLen;
            nStdInLen -= nLen;
            if( nStdInLen == 0 )
               hb_fsClose( hStdin );
               hStdin = FS_ERROR;

      if( hStdin != FS_ERROR )
         hb_fsClose( hStdin );
      if( hStdout != FS_ERROR )
         hb_fsClose( hStdout );
      if( hStderr != FS_ERROR )
         hb_fsClose( hStderr );

      iResult = hb_fsProcessValue( hProcess, HB_TRUE );


      int iTODO;

      HB_SYMBOL_UNUSED( nStdInLen );
      HB_SYMBOL_UNUSED( nOutSize );
      HB_SYMBOL_UNUSED( nErrSize );

Пример #13
static HB_BOOL hb_copyfile( const char * szSource, const char * szDest )
   HB_BOOL bRetVal = HB_FALSE;
   HB_FHANDLE fhndSource;
   PHB_ITEM pError = NULL;

   HB_TRACE( HB_TR_DEBUG, ( "hb_copyfile(%s, %s)", szSource, szDest ) );

      fhndSource = hb_fsExtOpen( szSource, NULL,
                                 FO_READ | FXO_DEFAULTS | FXO_SHARELOCK,
                                 NULL, pError );
      if( fhndSource == FS_ERROR )
         pError = hb_errRT_FileError( pError, NULL, EG_OPEN, 2012, szSource );
         if( hb_errLaunch( pError ) != E_RETRY )
   while( fhndSource == FS_ERROR );

   if( fhndSource != FS_ERROR )
      HB_FHANDLE fhndDest;

         fhndDest = hb_fsExtOpen( szDest, NULL,
                                  FXO_TRUNCATE | FO_READWRITE | FO_EXCLUSIVE |
                                  FXO_DEFAULTS | FXO_SHARELOCK,
                                  NULL, pError );
         if( fhndDest == FS_ERROR )
            pError = hb_errRT_FileError( pError, NULL, EG_CREATE, 2012, szDest );
            if( hb_errLaunch( pError ) != E_RETRY )
      while( fhndDest == FS_ERROR );

      if( fhndDest != FS_ERROR )
#if defined( HB_OS_UNIX )
         struct stat struFileInfo;
         int iSuccess = fstat( fhndSource, &struFileInfo );
         void * buffer;
         HB_USHORT usRead;

         buffer = hb_xgrab( BUFFER_SIZE );

         bRetVal = HB_TRUE;

         while( ( usRead = hb_fsRead( fhndSource, buffer, BUFFER_SIZE ) ) != 0 )
            while( hb_fsWrite( fhndDest, buffer, usRead ) != usRead )
               pError = hb_errRT_FileError( pError, NULL, EG_WRITE, 2016, szDest );
               if( hb_errLaunch( pError ) != E_RETRY )
                  bRetVal = HB_FALSE;

         hb_xfree( buffer );

#if defined( HB_OS_UNIX )
         if( iSuccess == 0 )
            fchmod( fhndDest, struFileInfo.st_mode );

         hb_fsClose( fhndDest );

      hb_fsClose( fhndSource );

   if( pError )
      hb_itemRelease( pError );

   return bRetVal;
Пример #14
static PHB_FILE s_fileExtOpen( PHB_FILE_FUNCS pFuncs, const char * pszFileName, const char * pDefExt,
                               HB_FATTR nExFlags, const char * pPaths,
                               PHB_ITEM pError )
   PHB_FILE pFile = NULL;
#if defined( HB_OS_UNIX )
   HB_BOOL fSeek = HB_FALSE;
#  if defined( HB_USE_LARGEFILE64 )
   struct stat64 statbuf;
#  else
   struct stat statbuf;
#  endif
   HB_BOOL fResult, fShared;
   int iMode;
   HB_FHANDLE hFile;
   char * pszFile;

   HB_SYMBOL_UNUSED( pFuncs );

   fShared = ( nExFlags & ( FO_DENYREAD | FO_DENYWRITE | FO_EXCLUSIVE ) ) == 0;
   iMode = ( int ) ( nExFlags & ( FO_READ | FO_WRITE | FO_READWRITE ) );
   pszFile = hb_fsExtName( pszFileName, pDefExt, nExFlags, pPaths );

#if ! defined( HB_OS_UNIX )
   fResult = HB_TRUE;
#  if defined( HB_USE_SHARELOCKS ) && ! defined( HB_USE_BSDLOCKS )
   if( nExFlags & FXO_SHARELOCK )
      if( iMode == FO_WRITE && fShared )
         if( access( ( char * ) pszFile, R_OK ) == 0 ||
             access( ( char * ) pszFile, F_OK ) != 0 )
            nExFlags = ( nExFlags ^ FO_WRITE ) | FO_READWRITE;
            iMode = FO_READWRITE;
            nExFlags ^= FXO_SHARELOCK;
      else if( iMode == FO_READ && ! fShared )
         nExFlags &= ~ ( HB_FATTR ) ( FO_DENYREAD | FO_DENYWRITE | FO_EXCLUSIVE );
         fShared = HB_TRUE;
#  endif

   hb_threadEnterCriticalSection( &s_fileMtx );

#  if defined( HB_USE_LARGEFILE64 )
   fResult = stat64( ( char * ) pszFile, &statbuf ) == 0;
#  else
   fResult = stat( ( char * ) pszFile, &statbuf ) == 0;
#  endif
   hb_fsSetIOError( fResult, 0 );

   if( fResult )
      pFile = hb_fileFind( ( HB_ULONG ) statbuf.st_dev,
                           ( HB_ULONG ) statbuf.st_ino );
      if( pFile )
         if( ! fShared || ! pFile->shared || ( nExFlags & FXO_TRUNCATE ) != 0 )
            fResult = HB_FALSE;
            pFile = NULL;
         else if( pFile->mode != FO_READWRITE && pFile->mode != iMode )
            iMode = FO_READWRITE;
            pFile = NULL;
            if( ( nExFlags & FXO_NOSEEKPOS ) == 0 )
#  if defined( HB_OS_VXWORKS )
               fSeek  = ! S_ISFIFO( statbuf.st_mode );
#  else
               fSeek  = ! S_ISFIFO( statbuf.st_mode ) && ! S_ISSOCK( statbuf.st_mode );
#  endif
      fResult = HB_TRUE;

   if( fResult && pFile == NULL )
#endif /* HB_OS_UNIX */
      hFile = hb_fsExtOpen( pszFile, NULL,
                            nExFlags & ~ ( HB_FATTR ) ( FXO_DEFAULTS | FXO_COPYNAME ),
                            NULL, NULL );
      if( hFile != FS_ERROR )
         HB_ULONG device = 0, inode = 0;
#if ! defined( HB_OS_UNIX )
         hb_threadEnterCriticalSection( &s_fileMtx );
#  if defined( HB_USE_LARGEFILE64 )
         if( fstat64( hFile, &statbuf ) == 0 )
#  else
         if( fstat( hFile, &statbuf ) == 0 )
#  endif
            device = ( HB_ULONG ) statbuf.st_dev;
            inode  = ( HB_ULONG ) statbuf.st_ino;
            if( ( nExFlags & FXO_NOSEEKPOS ) == 0 )
#  if defined( HB_OS_VXWORKS )
               fSeek  = ! S_ISFIFO( statbuf.st_mode );
#  else
               fSeek  = ! S_ISFIFO( statbuf.st_mode ) && ! S_ISSOCK( statbuf.st_mode );
#  endif
#endif /* HB_OS_UNIX */

         pFile = hb_fileNew( hFile, fShared, iMode, device, inode, HB_TRUE );
         if( pFile->hFile != hFile )
            if( pFile->mode != FO_READWRITE && iMode == FO_READWRITE )
               HB_FHANDLE hTemp = pFile->hFileRO;
               pFile->hFileRO = pFile->hFile;
               pFile->hFile = hFile;
               pFile->mode = iMode;
               hFile = hTemp;

            if( ! fShared || ! pFile->shared || pFile->mode != FO_READWRITE )
               fResult = HB_FALSE;
               if( pFile->hFileRO == FS_ERROR && pFile->uiLocks != 0 )
                  pFile->hFileRO = hFile;
                  hFile = FS_ERROR;

            if( pFile->uiLocks == 0 )
#if ! defined( HB_USE_SHARELOCKS ) || defined( HB_USE_BSDLOCKS )
               if( pFile->hFileRO != FS_ERROR )
                  hb_fsClose( pFile->hFileRO );
                  pFile->hFileRO = FS_ERROR;
               if( hFile != FS_ERROR )
                  hb_fsClose( hFile );
                  hFile = FS_ERROR;
#if defined( HB_USE_SHARELOCKS ) && ! defined( HB_USE_BSDLOCKS )
                  /* TOFIX: possible race condition */
                  hb_fsLockLarge( pFile->hFile, HB_SHARELOCK_POS, HB_SHARELOCK_SIZE,
                                  FL_LOCK | FLX_SHARED );
            if( !fResult )
               if( pFile )
                  pFile = NULL;
               if( hFile != FS_ERROR )
                  /* TOFIX: possible race condition in MT mode,
                   *        close() is not safe due to existing locks
                   *        which are removed.
                  hb_fsClose( hFile );
#if ! defined( HB_OS_UNIX )
         hb_threadLeaveCriticalSection( &s_fileMtx );

#if defined( HB_OS_UNIX )
   hb_threadLeaveCriticalSection( &s_fileMtx );
   if( pFile && fSeek )
      pFile = hb_fileposNew( pFile );

   if( ! fResult )
      hb_fsSetError( ( nExFlags & FXO_TRUNCATE ) ? 5 : 32 );
   if( ( nExFlags & FXO_COPYNAME ) != 0 && pFile )
      hb_strncpy( ( char * ) HB_UNCONST( pszFileName ), pszFile, HB_PATH_MAX - 1 );
   if( pError )
      hb_errPutFileName( pError, pszFile );
      if( ! fResult )
         hb_errPutOsCode( pError, hb_fsError() );
         hb_errPutGenCode( pError, ( HB_ERRCODE ) ( ( nExFlags & FXO_TRUNCATE ) ? EG_CREATE : EG_OPEN ) );

   hb_xfree( pszFile );


   return pFile;
Пример #15
static PHB_FILE s_fileExtOpen( PHB_FILE_FUNCS pFuncs, const char * pszFileName, const char * pDefExt,
                               HB_USHORT uiExFlags, const char * pPaths,
                               PHB_ITEM pError )
   PHB_FILE pFile = NULL;

#if defined( HB_OS_UNIX )
   HB_BOOL fResult, fSeek = HB_FALSE;
#  if defined( HB_USE_LARGEFILE64 )
   struct stat64 statbuf;
#  else
   struct stat statbuf;
#  endif
   HB_BOOL fShared, fReadonly;
   HB_FHANDLE hFile;
   char * pszFile;

   HB_SYMBOL_UNUSED( pFuncs );

   fShared = ( uiExFlags & ( FO_DENYREAD | FO_DENYWRITE | FO_EXCLUSIVE ) ) == 0;
   fReadonly = ( uiExFlags & ( FO_READ | FO_WRITE | FO_READWRITE ) ) == FO_READ;
   pszFile = hb_fsExtName( pszFileName, pDefExt, uiExFlags, pPaths );

#if defined( HB_OS_UNIX )
#  if defined( HB_USE_LARGEFILE64 )
   fResult = stat64( ( char * ) pszFile, &statbuf ) == 0;
#  else
   fResult = stat( ( char * ) pszFile, &statbuf ) == 0;
#  endif
   hb_fsSetIOError( fResult, 0 );

   if( fResult )
      hb_threadEnterCriticalSection( &s_fileMtx );
      pFile = hb_fileFind( statbuf.st_dev, statbuf.st_ino );
      if( pFile )
         if( ! fShared || ! pFile->shared || ( uiExFlags & FXO_TRUNCATE ) != 0 )
            fResult = HB_FALSE;
         else if( ! fReadonly && pFile->readonly )
            pFile = NULL;

         if( ( uiExFlags & FXO_NOSEEKPOS ) == 0 )
#  if defined( HB_OS_VXWORKS )
            fSeek  = ! S_ISFIFO( statbuf.st_mode );
#  else
            fSeek  = ! S_ISFIFO( statbuf.st_mode ) && ! S_ISSOCK( statbuf.st_mode );
#  endif
      hb_threadLeaveCriticalSection( &s_fileMtx );

   if( pFile )
      if( ! fResult )
         hb_fsSetError( ( uiExFlags & FXO_TRUNCATE ) ? 5 : 32 );
         pFile = NULL;
      else if( uiExFlags & FXO_COPYNAME )
         hb_strncpy( ( char * ) pszFileName, pszFile, HB_PATH_MAX - 1 );

      if( pError )
         hb_errPutFileName( pError, pszFile );
         if( ! fResult )
            hb_errPutOsCode( pError, hb_fsError() );
            hb_errPutGenCode( pError, ( HB_ERRCODE ) ( ( uiExFlags & FXO_TRUNCATE ) ? EG_CREATE : EG_OPEN ) );
      hFile = hb_fsExtOpen( pszFileName, pDefExt, uiExFlags, pPaths, pError );
      if( hFile != FS_ERROR )
         HB_ULONG device = 0, inode = 0;
#if defined( HB_OS_UNIX )
#  if defined( HB_USE_LARGEFILE64 )
         if( fstat64( hFile, &statbuf ) == 0 )
#  else
         if( fstat( hFile, &statbuf ) == 0 )
#  endif
            device = ( HB_ULONG ) statbuf.st_dev;
            inode  = ( HB_ULONG ) statbuf.st_ino;
            if( ( uiExFlags & FXO_NOSEEKPOS ) == 0 )
#  if defined( HB_OS_VXWORKS )
               fSeek  = ! S_ISFIFO( statbuf.st_mode );
#  else
               fSeek  = ! S_ISFIFO( statbuf.st_mode ) && ! S_ISSOCK( statbuf.st_mode );
#  endif

         hb_threadEnterCriticalSection( &s_fileMtx );
         pFile = hb_fileNew( hFile, fShared, fReadonly, device, inode, HB_TRUE );
         if( pFile->hFile != hFile )
            if( pFile->hFileRO == FS_ERROR && ! fReadonly && pFile->readonly )
               pFile->hFileRO = pFile->hFile;
               pFile->hFile = hFile;
               pFile->readonly = HB_FALSE;
               hFile = FS_ERROR;
            if( pFile->uiLocks == 0 )
#if ! defined( HB_USE_SHARELOCKS ) || defined( HB_USE_BSDLOCKS )
               if( pFile->hFileRO != FS_ERROR )
                  hb_fsClose( pFile->hFileRO );
                  pFile->hFileRO = FS_ERROR;
               if( hFile != FS_ERROR )
                  hb_fsClose( hFile );
                  hFile = FS_ERROR;
#if defined( HB_USE_SHARELOCKS ) && ! defined( HB_USE_BSDLOCKS )
                  /* TOFIX: possible race condition */
                  hb_fsLockLarge( hFile, HB_SHARELOCK_POS, HB_SHARELOCK_SIZE,
                                  FL_LOCK | FLX_SHARED );
            hFile = FS_ERROR;
         hb_threadLeaveCriticalSection( &s_fileMtx );

         if( hFile != FS_ERROR )
            /* TOFIX: possible race condition in MT mode,
             *        close() is not safe due to existing locks
             *        which are removed.
            hb_fsClose( hFile );
   hb_xfree( pszFile );

#if defined( HB_OS_UNIX )
   if( pFile && fSeek )
      pFile = hb_fileposNew( pFile );


   return pFile;
Пример #16
HB_BOOL hb_printerIsReady( const char * pszPrinterName )
   HB_BOOL bIsPrinter;

#if defined( HB_OS_DOS )

   /* NOTE: MS-DOS specific solution, using BIOS interrupt */

      int iPort;

      if( pszPrinterName == NULL )
         pszPrinterName = "LPT1";

      if( hb_strnicmp( pszPrinterName, "PRN", 3 ) == 0 )
         union REGS regs;

         regs.h.ah = 2;
         regs.HB_XREGS.dx = 0; /* LPT1 */

         HB_DOS_INT86( 0x17, &regs, &regs );

         bIsPrinter = ( regs.h.ah == 0x90 );
      else if( strlen( pszPrinterName ) >= 4 &&
               hb_strnicmp( pszPrinterName, "LPT", 3 ) == 0 &&
               ( iPort = atoi( pszPrinterName + 3 ) ) > 0 )
         union REGS regs;

         regs.h.ah = 2;
         regs.HB_XREGS.dx = iPort - 1;

         HB_DOS_INT86( 0x17, &regs, &regs );

         bIsPrinter = ( regs.h.ah == 0x90 );
         bIsPrinter = HB_FALSE;


   /* NOTE: Platform independent method, at least it will compile and run
            on any platform, but the result may not be the expected one,
            since Unix/Linux doesn't support LPT/COM by nature, other OSs
            may not reflect the actual physical presence of the printer when
            trying to open it, since we are talking to the spooler.
            [vszakats] */

      HB_FHANDLE fhnd;

      if( pszPrinterName == NULL )
#if defined( HB_OS_UNIX )
         pszPrinterName = "/dev/lp0";
         pszPrinterName = "LPT1";

      fhnd = hb_fsOpen( pszPrinterName, FO_WRITE | FO_SHARED | FO_PRIVATE );
      bIsPrinter = ( fhnd != FS_ERROR );
      hb_fsClose( fhnd );


   return bIsPrinter;
Пример #17
static int hb_zipStoreFile( zipFile hZip, const char * szFileName, const char * szName, const char * szPassword, const char * szComment )
   char *       szZipName, * pString;
   HB_FHANDLE   hFile;
   HB_SIZE      nLen;
   HB_FATTR     ulExtAttr;
   zip_fileinfo zfi;
   int          iResult;
   HB_BOOL      fError;
   HB_BOOL      fText;
   HB_U32       ulCRC;

   if( szName )
      /* change path separators to '/' */
      szZipName = hb_strdup( szName );

      nLen    = strlen( szZipName );
      pString = szZipName;
      while( nLen-- )
         if( pString[ nLen ] == '\\' )
            pString[ nLen ] = '/';
      /* get file name */
      szZipName = hb_strdup( szFileName );

      nLen    = strlen( szZipName );
      pString = szZipName;

      while( nLen-- )
         if( pString[ nLen ] == '/' || pString[ nLen ] == '\\' )
            memmove( szZipName, &pString[ nLen + 1 ], strlen( szZipName ) - nLen );

   memset( &zfi, 0, sizeof( zfi ) );
   fError    = HB_FALSE;
   ulExtAttr = 0;

#if defined( HB_OS_WIN )
      LPTSTR  lpFileNameFree;
      LPCTSTR lpFileName = HB_FSNAMECONV( szFileName, &lpFileNameFree );
      DWORD   attr       = GetFileAttributes( lpFileName );

      if( attr != INVALID_FILE_ATTRIBUTES )
         ulExtAttr = hb_translateExtAttr( szFileName, attr &
                                          ( FILE_ATTRIBUTE_READONLY | FILE_ATTRIBUTE_HIDDEN |
                                            FILE_ATTRIBUTE_SYSTEM | FILE_ATTRIBUTE_DIRECTORY |
                                            FILE_ATTRIBUTE_ARCHIVE ) );
         fError = HB_TRUE;

      if( lpFileNameFree )
         hb_xfree( lpFileNameFree );
#elif defined( HB_OS_UNIX )
      struct stat statbuf;
      struct tm   st;
      char *      pszFree;

      if( stat( hb_fsNameConv( szFileName, &pszFree ), &statbuf ) == 0 )
         if( S_ISDIR( statbuf.st_mode ) )
            ulExtAttr |= 0x40000000;
            ulExtAttr |= 0x10; /* FILE_ATTRIBUTE_DIRECTORY */
            ulExtAttr |= 0x80000000;
            ulExtAttr |= 0x20; /* FILE_ATTRIBUTE_ARCHIVE */

         ulExtAttr |= ( ( statbuf.st_mode & S_IXOTH ) ? 0x00010000 : 0 ) |
                      ( ( statbuf.st_mode & S_IWOTH ) ? 0x00020000 : 0 ) |
                      ( ( statbuf.st_mode & S_IROTH ) ? 0x00040000 : 0 ) |
                      ( ( statbuf.st_mode & S_IXGRP ) ? 0x00080000 : 0 ) |
                      ( ( statbuf.st_mode & S_IWGRP ) ? 0x00100000 : 0 ) |
                      ( ( statbuf.st_mode & S_IRGRP ) ? 0x00200000 : 0 ) |
                      ( ( statbuf.st_mode & S_IXUSR ) ? 0x00400000 : 0 ) |
                      ( ( statbuf.st_mode & S_IWUSR ) ? 0x00800000 : 0 ) |
                      ( ( statbuf.st_mode & S_IRUSR ) ? 0x01000000 : 0 );

#  if defined( HB_HAS_LOCALTIME_R )
         localtime_r( &statbuf.st_mtime, &st );
#  else
         st = *localtime( &statbuf.st_mtime );
#  endif

         zfi.tmz_date.tm_sec  = st.tm_sec;
         zfi.tmz_date.tm_min  = st.tm_min;
         zfi.tmz_date.tm_hour = st.tm_hour;
         zfi.tmz_date.tm_mday = st.tm_mday;
         zfi.tmz_date.tm_mon  = st.tm_mon;
         zfi.tmz_date.tm_year = st.tm_year;
         fError = HB_TRUE;

      if( pszFree )
         hb_xfree( pszFree );
#elif defined( HB_OS_DOS )
#  if defined( __DJGPP__ ) || defined( __RSX32__ ) || defined( __GNUC__ )
      int    attr;
      char * pszFree;

      attr = _chmod( hb_fsNameConv( szFileName, &pszFree ), 0, 0 );

      if( pszFree )
         hb_xfree( pszFree );

      if( attr != -1 )
#  else
      HB_FATTR attr;

      if( hb_fsGetAttr( szFileName, &attr ) )
#  endif
         ulExtAttr = attr & ( HB_FA_READONLY | HB_FA_HIDDEN | HB_FA_SYSTEM |
                              HB_FA_DIRECTORY | HB_FA_ARCHIVE );

         ulExtAttr = hb_translateExtAttr( szFileName, ulExtAttr );
         fError = HB_TRUE;
#elif defined( HB_OS_OS2 )
      FILESTATUS3 fs3;
      APIRET      ulrc;
      HB_FATTR    ulAttr;
      char *      pszFree;

      ulrc = DosQueryPathInfo( ( PCSZ ) hb_fsNameConv( szFileName, &pszFree ), FIL_STANDARD, &fs3, sizeof( fs3 ) );

      if( pszFree )
         hb_xfree( pszFree );

      if( ulrc == NO_ERROR )
         ulAttr = 0;
         if( fs3.attrFile & FILE_READONLY )
            ulAttr |= HB_FA_READONLY;
         if( fs3.attrFile & FILE_HIDDEN )
            ulAttr |= HB_FA_HIDDEN;
         if( fs3.attrFile & FILE_SYSTEM )
            ulAttr |= HB_FA_SYSTEM;
         if( fs3.attrFile & FILE_DIRECTORY )
            ulAttr |= HB_FA_DIRECTORY;
         if( fs3.attrFile & FILE_ARCHIVED )
            ulAttr |= HB_FA_ARCHIVE;

         ulExtAttr = hb_translateExtAttr( szFileName, ulAttr );

         zfi.tmz_date.tm_sec  = fs3.ftimeLastWrite.twosecs * 2;
         zfi.tmz_date.tm_min  = fs3.ftimeLastWrite.minutes;
         zfi.tmz_date.tm_hour = fs3.ftimeLastWrite.hours;
         zfi.tmz_date.tm_mday = fs3.fdateLastWrite.day;
         zfi.tmz_date.tm_mon  = fs3.fdateLastWrite.month;
         zfi.tmz_date.tm_year = fs3.fdateLastWrite.year + 1980;
         fError = HB_TRUE;
      HB_FATTR attr;

      if( ! hb_fsGetAttr( szFileName, &attr ) )
         ulExtAttr = 0x81B60020;  /* FILE_ATTRIBUTE_ARCHIVE | rw-rw-rw- */
         ulExtAttr = attr & ( HB_FA_READONLY | HB_FA_HIDDEN | HB_FA_SYSTEM |
                              HB_FA_DIRECTORY | HB_FA_ARCHIVE );

         ulExtAttr = hb_translateExtAttr( szFileName, ulExtAttr );

   if( fError )
      hb_xfree( szZipName );
      return -200;

   fText = HB_FALSE;
   ulCRC = 0;

   zfi.external_fa = ulExtAttr;
   /* TODO: zip.exe test: 0 for binary file, 1 for text. Does not depend on
      extension. We should analyse content of file to determine this??? */
   zfi.internal_fa = 0;

   if( ulExtAttr & 0x40000000 )
      iResult = zipOpenNewFileInZip3( hZip, szZipName, &zfi, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, szComment,
                                      Z_DEFLATED, Z_DEFAULT_COMPRESSION, 0,
                                      -MAX_WBITS, DEF_MEM_LEVEL, Z_DEFAULT_STRATEGY,
                                      szPassword, ulCRC );
      if( iResult == 0 )
         zipCloseFileInZip( hZip );
      hFile = hb_fsOpen( szFileName, FO_READ );

      if( hFile != FS_ERROR )
#if defined( HB_OS_WIN )
            FILETIME   ftutc, ft;
            SYSTEMTIME st;

            if( GetFileTime( ( HANDLE ) hb_fsGetOsHandle( hFile ), NULL, NULL, &ftutc ) &&
                FileTimeToLocalFileTime( &ftutc, &ft ) &&
                FileTimeToSystemTime( &ft, &st ) )
               zfi.tmz_date.tm_sec  = st.wSecond;
               zfi.tmz_date.tm_min  = st.wMinute;
               zfi.tmz_date.tm_hour = st.wHour;
               zfi.tmz_date.tm_mday = st.wDay;
               zfi.tmz_date.tm_mon  = st.wMonth - 1;
               zfi.tmz_date.tm_year = st.wYear;
         if( szPassword )
            if( hb_zipGetFileInfo( szFileName, &ulCRC, &fText ) )
               zfi.internal_fa = fText ? 1 : 0;

         iResult = zipOpenNewFileInZip3( hZip, szZipName, &zfi, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, szComment,
                                         Z_DEFLATED, Z_DEFAULT_COMPRESSION, 0,
                                         -MAX_WBITS, DEF_MEM_LEVEL, Z_DEFAULT_STRATEGY,
                                         szPassword, ulCRC );
         if( iResult == 0 )
            pString = ( char * ) hb_xgrab( HB_Z_IOBUF_SIZE );
            while( ( nLen = hb_fsReadLarge( hFile, pString, HB_Z_IOBUF_SIZE ) ) > 0 )
               zipWriteInFileInZip( hZip, pString, ( unsigned ) nLen );

            hb_xfree( pString );

            zipCloseFileInZip( hZip );
         hb_fsClose( hFile );
         iResult = -200 - hb_fsError();
   hb_xfree( szZipName );
   return iResult;
Пример #18
static int hb_zipDeleteFile( const char * szZipFile, const char * szFileMask )
   char            szTempFile[ HB_PATH_MAX ];
   char            szCurrFile[ HB_PATH_MAX ];
   PHB_FNAME       pFileName;
   HB_FHANDLE      hFile;
   unzFile         hUnzip;
   zipFile         hZip;
   unz_global_info ugi;
   unz_file_info   ufi;
   zip_fileinfo    zfi;
   char *          pszGlobalComment = NULL;
   char *          pszFileComment   = NULL;
   void *          pExtraField      = NULL;
   void *          pLocalExtraField = NULL;
   int    iFilesLeft = 0;
   int    iFilesDel  = 0;
   int    iExtraFieldLen;
   int    method;
   int    level;
   int    iResult;
   char * pszFree;

   /* open source file */
   hUnzip = unzOpen( hb_fsNameConv( szZipFile, &pszFree ) );

   if( pszFree )
      hb_xfree( pszFree );

   if( hUnzip == NULL )
      return UNZ_ERRNO;

   pFileName = hb_fsFNameSplit( szZipFile );
   hFile     = hb_fsCreateTemp( pFileName->szPath, NULL, FC_NORMAL, szTempFile );
   hZip      = NULL;
   if( hFile != FS_ERROR )
      hb_fsClose( hFile );
      hZip = zipOpen( szTempFile, APPEND_STATUS_CREATE );
   hb_xfree( pFileName );

   if( hZip == NULL )
      unzClose( hUnzip );
      return UNZ_ERRNO;

   iResult = unzGetGlobalInfo( hUnzip, &ugi );
   if( iResult == UNZ_OK )
      if( ugi.size_comment > 0 )
         pszGlobalComment = ( char * ) hb_xgrab( ugi.size_comment + 1 );
         if( ( uLong ) unzGetGlobalComment( hUnzip, pszGlobalComment,
                                            ugi.size_comment ) != ugi.size_comment )
            iResult = UNZ_ERRNO;
         pszGlobalComment[ ugi.size_comment ] = '\0';
      if( iResult == UNZ_OK )
         iResult = unzGoToFirstFile( hUnzip );

   while( iResult == UNZ_OK )
      iResult = unzGetCurrentFileInfo( hUnzip, &ufi, szCurrFile, HB_PATH_MAX - 1, NULL, 0, NULL, 0 );
      if( iResult != UNZ_OK )

      if( hb_strMatchFile( szCurrFile, szFileMask ) )
         if( ufi.size_file_extra )
            pExtraField = ( char * ) hb_xgrab( ufi.size_file_extra );
         if( ufi.size_file_comment )
            pszFileComment = ( char * ) hb_xgrab( ufi.size_file_comment + 1 );

         iResult = unzGetCurrentFileInfo( hUnzip, &ufi, NULL, 0,
                                          pExtraField, ufi.size_file_extra,
                                          pszFileComment, ufi.size_file_comment );
         if( pszFileComment )
            pszFileComment[ ufi.size_file_comment ] = '\0';
         if( iResult != UNZ_OK )

         iResult = unzOpenCurrentFile2( hUnzip, &method, &level, 1 );
         if( iResult != UNZ_OK )

         iExtraFieldLen = unzGetLocalExtrafield( hUnzip, NULL, 0 );
         if( iExtraFieldLen < 0 )
            iResult = UNZ_ERRNO;
         else if( iExtraFieldLen > 0 )
            pLocalExtraField = hb_xgrab( iExtraFieldLen );
            if( unzGetLocalExtrafield( hUnzip, pLocalExtraField, iExtraFieldLen ) != iExtraFieldLen )
               iResult = UNZ_ERRNO;

         memset( &zfi, 0, sizeof( zfi ) );
         memcpy( &zfi.tmz_date, &ufi.tmu_date, sizeof( tm_unz ) );
         zfi.dosDate     = ufi.dosDate;
         zfi.internal_fa = ufi.internal_fa;
         zfi.external_fa = ufi.external_fa;

         iResult = zipOpenNewFileInZip2( hZip, szCurrFile, &zfi, pLocalExtraField, iExtraFieldLen, pExtraField, ufi.size_file_extra, pszFileComment, method, level, 1 );
         if( iResult != UNZ_OK )

         if( ufi.compressed_size )
            void * buffer = hb_xgrab( HB_Z_IOBUF_SIZE );
            uLong  ulLeft = ufi.compressed_size;

            while( ulLeft > 0 )
               int iRead = HB_MIN( ulLeft, HB_Z_IOBUF_SIZE );
               iResult = unzReadCurrentFile( hUnzip, ( voidp ) buffer, iRead );
               if( iResult < 0 )
               if( iResult != iRead )
                  iResult = UNZ_ERRNO;
               iResult = zipWriteInFileInZip( hZip, ( voidp ) buffer, iRead );
               if( iResult != UNZ_OK )
               ulLeft -= iRead;
            hb_xfree( buffer );
            if( iResult != UNZ_OK )

         iResult = zipCloseFileInZipRaw( hZip, ufi.uncompressed_size, ufi.crc );
         if( iResult != UNZ_OK )

         iResult = unzCloseCurrentFile( hUnzip );
         if( iResult != UNZ_OK )

         if( pExtraField )
            hb_xfree( pExtraField );
            pExtraField = NULL;
         if( pszFileComment )
            hb_xfree( pszFileComment );
            pszFileComment = NULL;
         if( pLocalExtraField )
            hb_xfree( pLocalExtraField );
            pLocalExtraField = NULL;
      iResult = unzGoToNextFile( hUnzip );

   if( pExtraField )
      hb_xfree( pExtraField );
   if( pszFileComment )
      hb_xfree( pszFileComment );
   if( pLocalExtraField )
      hb_xfree( pLocalExtraField );

   if( iFilesDel == 0 )
      iResult = UNZ_ERRNO;
   else if( iResult == UNZ_END_OF_LIST_OF_FILE )
      iResult = UNZ_OK;

   if( iResult != UNZ_OK )
      zipClose( hZip, NULL );
      iResult = zipClose( hZip, pszGlobalComment );
   unzClose( hUnzip );
   if( pszGlobalComment )
      hb_xfree( pszGlobalComment );

   if( iResult != UNZ_OK )
      hb_fsDelete( szTempFile );
      hb_fsDelete( szZipFile );

      if( iFilesLeft == 0 )
         hb_fsDelete( szTempFile );
      else if( ! hb_fsRename( szTempFile, szZipFile ) )
         iResult = UNZ_ERRNO;

   return iResult;
Пример #19
static int hb_unzipExtractCurrentFile( unzFile hUnzip, const char * szFileName, const char * szPassword )
   char          szName[ HB_PATH_MAX ];
   HB_SIZE       nPos, nLen;
   char          cSep, * pString;
   unz_file_info ufi;
   int        iResult;
   HB_FHANDLE hFile;

   iResult = unzGetCurrentFileInfo( hUnzip, &ufi, szName, HB_PATH_MAX - 1,
                                    NULL, 0, NULL, 0 );
   if( iResult != UNZ_OK )
      return iResult;

   iResult = unzOpenCurrentFilePassword( hUnzip, szPassword );

   if( iResult != UNZ_OK )
      return iResult;

   if( szFileName )
      hb_strncpy( szName, szFileName, sizeof( szName ) - 1 );

   nLen = strlen( szName );

   /* Test shows that files in subfolders can be stored to zip file without
      explicitly adding folder. So, let's create a required path */

   nPos = 1;
   while( nPos < nLen )
      cSep = szName[ nPos ];

      /* allow both path separators, ignore terminating path separator */
      if( ( cSep == '\\' || cSep == '/' ) && nPos < nLen - 1 )
         szName[ nPos ] = '\0';
         hb_fsMkDir( szName );
         szName[ nPos ] = cSep;

   if( ufi.external_fa & 0x40000000 ) /* DIRECTORY */
      hb_fsMkDir( szName );
      iResult = UNZ_OK;
      hFile = hb_fsCreate( szName, FC_NORMAL );

      if( hFile != FS_ERROR )
         pString = ( char * ) hb_xgrab( HB_Z_IOBUF_SIZE );

         while( ( iResult = unzReadCurrentFile( hUnzip, pString, HB_Z_IOBUF_SIZE ) ) > 0 )
            hb_fsWriteLarge( hFile, pString, ( HB_SIZE ) iResult );

         hb_xfree( pString );

#if defined( HB_OS_WIN )
            FILETIME   ftutc, ft;
            SYSTEMTIME st;

            st.wSecond       = ( WORD ) ufi.tmu_date.tm_sec;
            st.wMinute       = ( WORD ) ufi.tmu_date.tm_min;
            st.wHour         = ( WORD ) ufi.tmu_date.tm_hour;
            st.wDay          = ( WORD ) ufi.tmu_date.tm_mday;
            st.wMonth        = ( WORD ) ufi.tmu_date.tm_mon + 1;
            st.wYear         = ( WORD ) ufi.tmu_date.tm_year;
            st.wMilliseconds = 0;

            if( SystemTimeToFileTime( &st, &ft ) &&
                LocalFileTimeToFileTime( &ft, &ftutc ) )
               SetFileTime( ( HANDLE ) hb_fsGetOsHandle( hFile ), &ftutc, &ftutc, &ftutc );

         hb_fsClose( hFile );
         iResult = -200 - hb_fsError();
   unzCloseCurrentFile( hUnzip );

#if defined( HB_OS_WIN )
      LPTSTR  lpFileNameFree;
      LPCTSTR lpFileName = HB_FSNAMECONV( szName, &lpFileNameFree );

      SetFileAttributes( ( LPCTSTR ) lpFileName, ufi.external_fa & 0xFF );

      if( lpFileNameFree )
         hb_xfree( lpFileNameFree );
#elif defined( HB_OS_UNIX ) || defined( __DJGPP__ )
      struct utimbuf utim;
      struct tm      st;
      time_t         tim;

      char *       pszFree;
      const char * szNameOS = hb_fsNameConv( szName, &pszFree );

#  if defined( __DJGPP__ )
      _chmod( szNameOS, 1, ufi.external_fa & 0xFF );
#  else
      HB_FATTR ulAttr = ufi.external_fa;

      if( ( ulAttr & 0xFFFF0000 ) == 0 )
         ulAttr = hb_translateExtAttr( szName, ulAttr );

      chmod( szNameOS,
             ( ( ulAttr & 0x00010000 ) ? S_IXOTH : 0 ) |
             ( ( ulAttr & 0x00020000 ) ? S_IWOTH : 0 ) |
             ( ( ulAttr & 0x00040000 ) ? S_IROTH : 0 ) |
             ( ( ulAttr & 0x00080000 ) ? S_IXGRP : 0 ) |
             ( ( ulAttr & 0x00100000 ) ? S_IWGRP : 0 ) |
             ( ( ulAttr & 0x00200000 ) ? S_IRGRP : 0 ) |
             ( ( ulAttr & 0x00400000 ) ? S_IXUSR : 0 ) |
             ( ( ulAttr & 0x00800000 ) ? S_IWUSR : 0 ) |
             ( ( ulAttr & 0x01000000 ) ? S_IRUSR : 0 ) );
#  endif
      memset( &st, 0, sizeof( st ) );

      st.tm_sec  = ufi.tmu_date.tm_sec;
      st.tm_min  = ufi.tmu_date.tm_min;
      st.tm_hour = ufi.tmu_date.tm_hour;
      st.tm_mday = ufi.tmu_date.tm_mday;
      st.tm_mon  = ufi.tmu_date.tm_mon;
      st.tm_year = ufi.tmu_date.tm_year - 1900;

      tim = mktime( &st );
#  if defined( HB_HAS_LOCALTIME_R )
      gmtime_r( &tim, &st );
#  else
      st = *gmtime( &tim );
#  endif
      utim.actime = utim.modtime = mktime( &st );

      utime( szNameOS, &utim );

      if( pszFree )
         hb_xfree( pszFree );
#elif defined( HB_OS_DOS )
#  if defined( __RSX32__ ) || defined( __GNUC__ )
      char * pszFree;

      _chmod( hb_fsNameConv( szName, &pszFree ), 1, ufi.external_fa & 0xFF );

      if( pszFree )
         hb_xfree( pszFree );
#  else
      hb_fsSetAttr( szName, ufi.external_fa & 0xFF );
#  endif

#elif defined( HB_OS_OS2 )
      FILESTATUS3 fs3;
      APIRET      ulrc;
      HB_FATTR    ulAttr = FILE_NORMAL;
      int         iAttr  = ufi.external_fa & 0xFF;

      char *       pszFree;
      const char * szNameOS = hb_fsNameConv( szName, &pszFree );

      if( iAttr & HB_FA_READONLY )
         ulAttr |= FILE_READONLY;
      if( iAttr & HB_FA_HIDDEN )
         ulAttr |= FILE_HIDDEN;
      if( iAttr & HB_FA_SYSTEM )
         ulAttr |= FILE_SYSTEM;
      if( iAttr & HB_FA_ARCHIVE )
         ulAttr |= FILE_ARCHIVED;

      ulrc = DosQueryPathInfo( ( PCSZ ) szNameOS, FIL_STANDARD, &fs3, sizeof( fs3 ) );

      if( ulrc == NO_ERROR )
         FDATE fdate;
         FTIME ftime;

         fdate.year    = ufi.tmu_date.tm_year - 1980;
         fdate.month   = ufi.tmu_date.tm_mon;
         fdate.day     = ufi.tmu_date.tm_mday;
         ftime.hours   = ufi.tmu_date.tm_hour;
         ftime.minutes = ufi.tmu_date.tm_min;
         ftime.twosecs = ufi.tmu_date.tm_sec / 2;

         fs3.attrFile = ulAttr;

         fs3.fdateCreation = fs3.fdateLastAccess = fs3.fdateLastWrite = fdate;
         fs3.ftimeCreation = fs3.ftimeLastAccess = fs3.ftimeLastWrite = ftime;
         ulrc = DosSetPathInfo( ( PCSZ ) szNameOS, FIL_STANDARD,
                                &fs3, sizeof( fs3 ), DSPI_WRTTHRU );

      if( pszFree )
         hb_xfree( pszFree );
      hb_fsSetAttr( szName, ufi.external_fa );

   return iResult;
Пример #20
HB_FHANDLE hb_fsProcessOpen( const char * pszFilename,
                             HB_FHANDLE * phStdin, HB_FHANDLE * phStdout,
                             HB_FHANDLE * phStderr,
                             HB_BOOL fDetach, HB_ULONG * pulPID )
   HB_FHANDLE hPipeIn [ 2 ] = { FS_ERROR, FS_ERROR },
              hPipeOut[ 2 ] = { FS_ERROR, FS_ERROR },
              hPipeErr[ 2 ] = { FS_ERROR, FS_ERROR };
   HB_BOOL fError = HB_FALSE;

   HB_TRACE( HB_TR_DEBUG, ( "hb_fsProcessOpen(%s, %p, %p, %p, %d, %p)", pszFilename, phStdin, phStdout, phStderr, fDetach, pulPID ) );

   if( phStdin != NULL )
      fError = ! hb_fsPipeCreate( hPipeIn );
   if( ! fError && phStdout != NULL )
      fError = ! hb_fsPipeCreate( hPipeOut );
   if( ! fError && phStderr != NULL )
      if( phStdout == phStderr )
         hPipeErr[ 0 ] = hPipeOut[ 0 ];
         hPipeErr[ 1 ] = hPipeOut[ 1 ];
         fError = ! hb_fsPipeCreate( hPipeErr );

   if( ! fError )
#if defined( HB_OS_WIN )

      DWORD dwFlags = 0;
      LPTSTR lpCommand = HB_CHARDUP( pszFilename );

#  if ! defined( HB_OS_WIN_CE )
      if( phStdin != NULL )
         SetHandleInformation( ( HANDLE ) hb_fsGetOsHandle( hPipeIn [ 1 ] ), HANDLE_FLAG_INHERIT, 0 );
      if( phStdout != NULL )
         SetHandleInformation( ( HANDLE ) hb_fsGetOsHandle( hPipeOut[ 0 ] ), HANDLE_FLAG_INHERIT, 0 );
      if( phStderr != NULL && phStdout != phStderr )
         SetHandleInformation( ( HANDLE ) hb_fsGetOsHandle( hPipeErr[ 0 ] ), HANDLE_FLAG_INHERIT, 0 );
#  endif

      memset( &pi, 0, sizeof( pi ) );
      memset( &si, 0, sizeof( si ) );
      si.cb = sizeof( si );
      si.dwFlags = STARTF_USESTDHANDLES;
#  endif
      if( fDetach )
         si.dwFlags |= STARTF_USESHOWWINDOW;
#  endif
         si.wShowWindow = SW_HIDE;
         si.hStdInput  = ( HANDLE ) hb_fsGetOsHandle( hPipeIn [ 0 ] );
         si.hStdOutput = ( HANDLE ) hb_fsGetOsHandle( hPipeOut[ 1 ] );
         si.hStdError  = ( HANDLE ) hb_fsGetOsHandle( hPipeErr[ 1 ] );
         dwFlags |= DETACHED_PROCESS;
#  endif
         si.hStdInput  = phStdin  ? ( HANDLE ) hb_fsGetOsHandle( hPipeIn [ 0 ] ) : GetStdHandle( STD_INPUT_HANDLE );
         si.hStdOutput = phStdout ? ( HANDLE ) hb_fsGetOsHandle( hPipeOut[ 1 ] ) : GetStdHandle( STD_OUTPUT_HANDLE );
         si.hStdError  = phStderr ? ( HANDLE ) hb_fsGetOsHandle( hPipeErr[ 1 ] ) : GetStdHandle( STD_ERROR_HANDLE );
      fError = ! CreateProcess( NULL,           /* lpAppName */
                                NULL,           /* lpProcessAttr */
                                NULL,           /* lpThreadAttr */
                                TRUE,           /* bInheritHandles */
                                dwFlags,        /* dwCreationFlags */
                                NULL,           /* lpEnvironment */
                                NULL,           /* lpCurrentDirectory */
                                &pi );
      hb_fsSetIOError( ! fError, 0 );
      hb_xfree( lpCommand );
      if( ! fError )
         if( phStdin != NULL )
            *phStdin = ( HB_FHANDLE ) hPipeIn[ 1 ];
            hPipeIn[ 1 ] = FS_ERROR;
         if( phStdout != NULL )
            *phStdout = ( HB_FHANDLE ) hPipeOut[ 0 ];
            hPipeOut[ 0 ] = FS_ERROR;
         if( phStderr != NULL )
            *phStderr = ( HB_FHANDLE ) hPipeErr[ 0 ];
            hPipeErr[ 0 ] = FS_ERROR;
         if( pulPID )
            *pulPID = pi.dwProcessId;
         CloseHandle( pi.hThread );
         hResult = ( HB_FHANDLE ) pi.hProcess;

#elif defined( HB_OS_UNIX ) && \
      ! defined( HB_OS_VXWORKS ) && ! defined( HB_OS_SYMBIAN )

      pid_t pid = fork();

      if( pid == -1 )
         fError = HB_TRUE;
      else if( pid != 0 )    /* parent process */
         if( phStdin != NULL )
            *phStdin = ( HB_FHANDLE ) hPipeIn[ 1 ];
            hPipeIn[ 1 ] = FS_ERROR;
         if( phStdout != NULL )
            *phStdout = ( HB_FHANDLE ) hPipeOut[ 0 ];
            hPipeOut[ 0 ] = FS_ERROR;
         if( phStderr != NULL )
            *phStderr = ( HB_FHANDLE ) hPipeErr[ 0 ];
            hPipeErr[ 0 ] = FS_ERROR;
         if( pulPID )
            *pulPID = pid;
         hResult = ( HB_FHANDLE ) pid;
      else                    /* child process */
         if( fDetach && ( ! phStdin || ! phStdout || ! phStderr ) )
            HB_FHANDLE hNull = open( "/dev/null", O_RDWR );

            if( ! phStdin )
               dup2( hNull, 0 );
            if( ! phStdout )
               dup2( hNull, 1 );
            if( ! phStderr )
               dup2( hNull, 2 );

            if( hNull != FS_ERROR )
               hb_fsClose( hNull );

         if( phStdin != NULL )
            dup2( hPipeIn[ 0 ], 0 );
            hb_fsClose( hPipeIn[ 1 ] );
         if( phStdout != NULL )
            dup2( hPipeOut[ 1 ], 1 );
            hb_fsClose( hPipeOut[ 0 ] );
         if( phStderr != NULL )
            dup2( hPipeErr[ 1 ], 2 );
            if( phStdout != phStderr )
               hb_fsClose( hPipeErr[ 0 ] );

         /* close all non std* handles */
            int iMaxFD, i;
            iMaxFD = sysconf( _SC_OPEN_MAX );
            if( iMaxFD < 3 )
               iMaxFD = 1024;
            for( i = 3; i < iMaxFD; ++i )
               hb_fsClose( i );

         /* reset extended process attributes */
         setuid( getuid() );
         setgid( getgid() );

         /* execute command */
            char ** argv;

            argv = hb_buildArgs( pszFilename );
#  if defined( __WATCOMC__ )
            execvp( argv[ 0 ], ( const char ** ) argv );
#  else
            execvp( argv[ 0 ], argv );
#  endif
            hb_freeArgs( argv );
            exit( -1 );

#elif defined( HB_OS_OS2 ) || defined( HB_OS_WIN )

      int hStdIn, hStdOut, hStdErr;
      char ** argv;
      int pid;

      hStdIn  = dup( 0 );
      hStdOut = dup( 1 );
      hStdErr = dup( 2 );

      if( fDetach && ( ! phStdin || ! phStdout || ! phStderr ) )
         HB_FHANDLE hNull = open( "NUL:", O_RDWR );

         if( ! phStdin )
            dup2( hNull, 0 );
         if( ! phStdout )
            dup2( hNull, 1 );
         if( ! phStderr )
            dup2( hNull, 2 );

         if( hNull != FS_ERROR )
            close( hNull );

      if( phStdin != NULL )
         dup2( hPipeIn[ 0 ], 0 );
      if( phStdout != NULL )
         dup2( hPipeOut[ 1 ], 1 );
      if( phStderr != NULL )
         dup2( hPipeErr[ 1 ], 2 );

      argv = hb_buildArgs( pszFilename );

#if defined( _MSC_VER ) || defined( __LCC__ ) || \
    defined( __XCC__ ) || defined( __POCC__ )
      pid = _spawnvp( _P_NOWAIT, argv[ 0 ], argv );
#elif defined( __MINGW32__ ) || defined( __WATCOMC__ )
      pid = spawnvp( P_NOWAIT, argv[ 0 ], ( const char * const * ) argv );
      pid = spawnvp( P_NOWAIT, argv[ 0 ], ( char * const * ) argv );
      hb_freeArgs( argv );

      dup2( hStdIn,  0 );
      close( hStdIn );

      dup2( hStdOut, 1 );
      close( hStdOut );

      dup2( hStdErr, 2 );
      close( hStdErr );

      if( pid < 0 )
         fError = HB_TRUE;
      else if( pid != 0 )    /* parent process */
         if( phStdin != NULL )
            *phStdin = ( HB_FHANDLE ) hPipeIn[ 1 ];
            hPipeIn[ 1 ] = FS_ERROR;
         if( phStdout != NULL )
            *phStdout = ( HB_FHANDLE ) hPipeOut[ 0 ];
            hPipeOut[ 0 ] = FS_ERROR;
         if( phStderr != NULL )
            *phStderr = ( HB_FHANDLE ) hPipeErr[ 0 ];
            hPipeErr[ 0 ] = FS_ERROR;
         if( pulPID )
            *pulPID = pid;
         hResult = ( HB_FHANDLE ) pid;

   int iTODO; /* TODO: for given platform */

   HB_SYMBOL_UNUSED( pszFilename );
   HB_SYMBOL_UNUSED( fDetach );

   hb_fsSetError( ( HB_ERRCODE ) FS_ERROR );

   hb_fsSetIOError( ! fError, 0 );

   if( hPipeIn[ 0 ] != FS_ERROR )
      hb_fsClose( hPipeIn[ 0 ] );
   if( hPipeIn[ 1 ] != FS_ERROR )
      hb_fsClose( hPipeIn[ 1 ] );
   if( hPipeOut[ 0 ] != FS_ERROR )
      hb_fsClose( hPipeOut[ 0 ] );
   if( hPipeOut[ 1 ] != FS_ERROR )
      hb_fsClose( hPipeOut[ 1 ] );
   if( phStdout != phStderr )
      if( hPipeErr[ 0 ] != FS_ERROR )
         hb_fsClose( hPipeErr[ 0 ] );
      if( hPipeErr[ 1 ] != FS_ERROR )
         hb_fsClose( hPipeErr[ 1 ] );

   return hResult;
Пример #21
int hb_fsProcessRun( const char * pszFilename,
                     const char * pStdInBuf, HB_SIZE nStdInLen,
                     char ** pStdOutPtr, HB_SIZE * pulStdOut,
                     char ** pStdErrPtr, HB_SIZE * pulStdErr,
                     HB_BOOL fDetach )
   HB_FHANDLE hStdin, hStdout, hStderr, *phStdin, *phStdout, *phStderr;
   char * pOutBuf, *pErrBuf;
   HB_SIZE nOutSize, nErrSize, nOutBuf, nErrBuf;
   int iResult;

   HB_TRACE( HB_TR_DEBUG, ( "hb_fsProcessRun(%s, %p, %" HB_PFS "u, %p, %p, %p, %p, %d)", pStdInBuf, pStdInBuf, nStdInLen, pStdOutPtr, pulStdOut, pStdErrPtr, pulStdErr, fDetach ) );

   nOutBuf = nErrBuf = nOutSize = nErrSize = 0;
   pOutBuf = pErrBuf = NULL;
   hStdin = hStdout = hStderr = FS_ERROR;
   phStdin = pStdInBuf ? &hStdin : NULL;
   phStdout = pStdOutPtr && pulStdOut ? &hStdout : NULL;
   phStderr = pStdErrPtr && pulStdErr ?
              ( pStdOutPtr == pStdErrPtr ? phStdout : &hStderr ) : NULL;

#if defined( HB_OS_DOS ) || defined( HB_OS_OS2 ) || defined( HB_OS_WIN_CE )

#if defined( HB_OS_WIN_CE )
#  define _HB_NULLHANDLE()    FS_ERROR
#elif defined( HB_OS_UNIX )
#  define _HB_NULLHANDLE()    open( "/dev/null", O_RDWR )
#  define _HB_NULLHANDLE()    open( "NUL:", O_RDWR )
   char sTmpIn[ HB_PATH_MAX ];
   char sTmpOut[ HB_PATH_MAX ];
   char sTmpErr[ HB_PATH_MAX ];

   HB_SYMBOL_UNUSED( phStdin );
   HB_SYMBOL_UNUSED( nOutSize );
   HB_SYMBOL_UNUSED( nErrSize );

   sTmpIn[ 0 ] = sTmpOut[ 0 ] = sTmpErr[ 0 ] = '\0';
   if( pStdInBuf )
      hStdin = hb_fsCreateTempEx( sTmpIn, NULL, NULL, NULL, FC_NORMAL );
      if( nStdInLen )
         hb_fsWriteLarge( hStdin, pStdInBuf, nStdInLen );
         hb_fsSeek( hStdin, 0, FS_SET );
   else if( fDetach )
      hStdin = _HB_NULLHANDLE();

   if( pStdOutPtr && pulStdOut )
      hStdout = hb_fsCreateTempEx( sTmpOut, NULL, NULL, NULL, FC_NORMAL );
   else if( fDetach )
      hStdout = _HB_NULLHANDLE();

   if( pStdErrPtr && pulStdErr )
      if( phStdout == phStderr )
         hStderr = hStdout;
         hStderr = hb_fsCreateTempEx( sTmpErr, NULL, NULL, NULL, FC_NORMAL );
   else if( fDetach )
      hStderr = _HB_NULLHANDLE();

   iResult = hb_fsProcessExec( pszFilename, hStdin, hStdout, hStderr );

   if( hStdin != FS_ERROR )
      hb_fsClose( hStdin );
      if( sTmpIn[ 0 ] )
         hb_fsDelete( sTmpIn );
   if( hStdout != FS_ERROR )
      if( pStdOutPtr && pulStdOut )
         nOutBuf = hb_fsSeek( hStdout, 0, FS_END );
         if( nOutBuf )
            pOutBuf = ( char * ) hb_xgrab( nOutBuf + 1 );
            hb_fsSeek( hStdout, 0, FS_SET );
            nOutBuf = hb_fsReadLarge( hStdout, pOutBuf, nOutBuf );
      hb_fsClose( hStdout );
      if( sTmpOut[ 0 ] )
         hb_fsDelete( sTmpOut );
   if( hStderr != FS_ERROR && hStderr != hStdout )
      if( pStdErrPtr && pulStdErr )
         nErrBuf = hb_fsSeek( hStderr, 0, FS_END );
         if( nErrBuf )
            pErrBuf = ( char * ) hb_xgrab( nErrBuf + 1 );
            hb_fsSeek( hStderr, 0, FS_SET );
            nErrBuf = hb_fsReadLarge( hStderr, pErrBuf, nErrBuf );
      hb_fsClose( hStderr );
      if( sTmpErr[ 0 ] )
         hb_fsDelete( sTmpErr );

   HB_FHANDLE hProcess;


   iResult = -1;
   hProcess = hb_fsProcessOpen( pszFilename, phStdin, phStdout, phStderr,
                                fDetach, NULL );
   if( hProcess != FS_ERROR )
#if defined( HB_OS_WIN )
      HB_BOOL fFinished = HB_FALSE;
      int iPipeCount = 0;

      if( nStdInLen == 0 && hStdin != FS_ERROR )
         hb_fsClose( hStdin );
         hStdin = FS_ERROR;

      if( hStdin != FS_ERROR )
      if( hStdout != FS_ERROR )
      if( hStderr != FS_ERROR )

      if( iPipeCount > 1 )
         if( hStdin != FS_ERROR )
            hb_fsPipeUnblock( hStdin );
         if( hStdout != FS_ERROR )
            hb_fsPipeUnblock( hStdout );
         if( hStderr != FS_ERROR )
            hb_fsPipeUnblock( hStderr );

      for( ;; )
         DWORD dwResult, dwWait;
         HB_SIZE nLen;

         dwWait = 1000;

         if( hStdout != FS_ERROR  )
            if( nOutBuf == nOutSize )
               nOutSize += HB_STD_BUFFER_SIZE;
               pOutBuf = ( char * ) hb_xrealloc( pOutBuf, nOutSize + 1 );
            nLen = hb_fsReadLarge( hStdout, pOutBuf + nOutBuf, nOutSize - nOutBuf );
            if( nLen > 0 )
               nOutBuf += nLen;
            else if( iPipeCount == 1 )
               hb_fsClose( hStdout );
               hStdout = FS_ERROR;
               iPipeCount = 0;
            dwWait = nLen > 0 ? 0 : 10;

         if( hStderr != FS_ERROR )
            if( nErrBuf == nErrSize )
               nErrSize += HB_STD_BUFFER_SIZE;
               pErrBuf = ( char * ) hb_xrealloc( pErrBuf, nErrSize + 1 );
            nLen = hb_fsReadLarge( hStderr, pErrBuf + nErrBuf, nErrSize - nErrBuf );
            if( nLen > 0 )
               nErrBuf += nLen;
            else if( iPipeCount == 1 )
               hb_fsClose( hStderr );
               hStderr = FS_ERROR;
               iPipeCount = 0;
            if( dwWait )
               dwWait = nLen > 0 ? 0 : 10;

         if( fFinished )
            if( dwWait != 0 )
         else if( hStdin != FS_ERROR )
            nLen = hb_fsWriteLarge( hStdin, pStdInBuf, nStdInLen );
            pStdInBuf += nLen;
            nStdInLen -= nLen;
            if( nStdInLen == 0 || ( iPipeCount == 1 && nLen == 0 ) )
               hb_fsClose( hStdin );
               hStdin = FS_ERROR;
               if( iPipeCount == 1 )
                  iPipeCount = 0;
            else if( dwWait )
               dwWait = nLen > 0 ? 0 : 10;

         if( iPipeCount == 0 )
            dwWait = INFINITE;
         dwResult = WaitForSingleObject( ( HANDLE ) hb_fsGetOsHandle( hProcess ), dwWait );
         if( dwResult == WAIT_OBJECT_0 )
            if( GetExitCodeProcess( ( HANDLE ) hb_fsGetOsHandle( hProcess ), &dwResult ) )
               iResult = ( int ) dwResult;
               iResult = -2;
            fFinished = HB_TRUE;

      if( hStdin != FS_ERROR )
         hb_fsClose( hStdin );
      if( hStdout != FS_ERROR )
         hb_fsClose( hStdout );
      if( hStderr != FS_ERROR )
         hb_fsClose( hStderr );

      CloseHandle( ( HANDLE ) hb_fsGetOsHandle( hProcess ) );

#elif defined( HB_OS_UNIX ) && ! defined( HB_OS_SYMBIAN )

      fd_set rfds, wfds, *prfds, *pwfds;
      HB_FHANDLE fdMax;
      HB_SIZE ul;
      int n;

      if( nStdInLen == 0 && hStdin != FS_ERROR )
         hb_fsClose( hStdin );
         hStdin = FS_ERROR;

      if( hStdin != FS_ERROR )
         hb_fsPipeUnblock( hStdin );
      if( hStdout != FS_ERROR )
         hb_fsPipeUnblock( hStdout );
      if( hStderr != FS_ERROR )
         hb_fsPipeUnblock( hStderr );

      for( ;; )
         fdMax = 0;
         prfds = pwfds = NULL;
         if( hStdout != FS_ERROR || hStderr != FS_ERROR )
            FD_ZERO( &rfds );
            if( hStdout != FS_ERROR )
               FD_SET( hStdout, &rfds );
               if( hStdout > fdMax )
                  fdMax = hStdout;
            if( hStderr != FS_ERROR )
               FD_SET( hStderr, &rfds );
               if( hStderr > fdMax )
                  fdMax = hStderr;
            prfds = &rfds;
         if( hStdin != FS_ERROR )
            FD_ZERO( &wfds );
            FD_SET( hStdin, &wfds );
            if( hStdin > fdMax )
               fdMax = hStdin;
            pwfds = &wfds;
         if( prfds == NULL && pwfds == NULL )

         n = select( fdMax + 1, prfds, pwfds, NULL, NULL );
         if( n > 0 )
            if( hStdout != FS_ERROR && FD_ISSET( hStdout, &rfds ) )
               if( nOutBuf == nOutSize )
                  nOutSize += HB_STD_BUFFER_SIZE;
                  pOutBuf = ( char * ) hb_xrealloc( pOutBuf, nOutSize + 1 );
               ul = hb_fsReadLarge( hStdout, pOutBuf + nOutBuf, nOutSize - nOutBuf );
               if( ul == 0 )
                  /* zero bytes read after positive Select()
                   * - writing process closed the pipe
                  hb_fsClose( hStdout );
                  hStdout = FS_ERROR;
                  nOutBuf += ul;

            if( hStderr != FS_ERROR && FD_ISSET( hStderr, &rfds ) )
               if( nErrBuf == nErrSize )
                  nErrSize += HB_STD_BUFFER_SIZE;
                  pErrBuf = ( char * ) hb_xrealloc( pErrBuf, nErrSize + 1 );
               ul = hb_fsReadLarge( hStderr, pErrBuf + nErrBuf, nErrSize - nErrBuf );
               if( ul == 0 )
                  /* zero bytes read after positive Select()
                   * - writing process closed the pipe
                  hb_fsClose( hStderr );
                  hStderr = FS_ERROR;
                  nErrBuf += ul;

            if( hStdin != FS_ERROR && FD_ISSET( hStdin, &wfds ) )
               ul = hb_fsWriteLarge( hStdin, pStdInBuf, nStdInLen );
               pStdInBuf += ul;
               nStdInLen -= ul;
               if( nStdInLen == 0 )
                  hb_fsClose( hStdin );
                  hStdin = FS_ERROR;

      if( hStdin != FS_ERROR )
         hb_fsClose( hStdin );
      if( hStdout != FS_ERROR )
         hb_fsClose( hStdout );
      if( hStderr != FS_ERROR )
         hb_fsClose( hStderr );

      iResult = hb_fsProcessValue( hProcess, HB_TRUE );


      int iTODO;

      HB_SYMBOL_UNUSED( nStdInLen );


   if( phStdout )
      *pStdOutPtr = pOutBuf;
      *pulStdOut = nOutBuf;
   if( phStderr && phStdout != phStderr )
      *pStdErrPtr = pErrBuf;
      *pulStdErr = nErrBuf;

   return iResult;
Пример #22
HB_BOOL hb_fsCopy( const char * pszSource, const char * pszDest )
   HB_ERRCODE errCode;
   HB_BOOL bRetVal;
   HB_FHANDLE fhndSource;
   HB_FHANDLE fhndDest;

   /* TODO: Change to use hb_fileExtOpen() */
   if( ( fhndSource = hb_fsExtOpen( pszSource, NULL, FO_READ | FXO_SHARELOCK, NULL, NULL ) ) != FS_ERROR )
      /* TODO: Change to use hb_fileExtOpen() */
      if( ( fhndDest = hb_fsExtOpen( pszDest, NULL, FXO_TRUNCATE | FO_READWRITE | FO_EXCLUSIVE | FXO_SHARELOCK, NULL, NULL ) ) != FS_ERROR )
#if defined( HB_OS_UNIX )
         struct stat struFileInfo;
         int iSuccess = fstat( fhndSource, &struFileInfo );
         HB_SIZE nBytesRead;
         void * pbyBuffer = hb_xgrab( HB_FSCOPY_BUFFERSIZE );

         for( ;; )
            if( ( nBytesRead = hb_fsReadLarge( fhndSource, pbyBuffer, HB_FSCOPY_BUFFERSIZE ) ) > 0 )
               if( nBytesRead != hb_fsWriteLarge( fhndDest, pbyBuffer, nBytesRead ) )
                  errCode = hb_fsError();
                  bRetVal = HB_FALSE;
               errCode = hb_fsError();
               bRetVal = ( errCode == 0 );

         hb_xfree( pbyBuffer );

#if defined( HB_OS_UNIX )
         if( iSuccess == 0 )
            fchmod( fhndDest, struFileInfo.st_mode );

         hb_fsClose( fhndDest );
         errCode = hb_fsError();
         bRetVal = HB_FALSE;

      hb_fsClose( fhndSource );
      errCode = hb_fsError();
      bRetVal = HB_FALSE;

   hb_fsSetFError( errCode );

   return bRetVal;
Пример #23
HB_FOFFSET hb_fsFSize( const char * pszFileName, HB_BOOL bUseDirEntry )
    if( bUseDirEntry )
#if defined( HB_OS_WIN )
        static _HB_GETFILEATTRIBUTESEX s_pGetFileAttributesEx = ( _HB_GETFILEATTRIBUTESEX ) -1;

        if( s_pGetFileAttributesEx == ( _HB_GETFILEATTRIBUTESEX ) -1 )
            HMODULE hModule = GetModuleHandle( TEXT( "kernel32.dll" ) );
            if( hModule )
                s_pGetFileAttributesEx = ( _HB_GETFILEATTRIBUTESEX )
                                         HB_WINAPI_GETPROCADDRESST( hModule, "GetFileAttributesEx" );
                s_pGetFileAttributesEx = NULL;

        if( s_pGetFileAttributesEx )
            LPCTSTR lpFileName;
            LPTSTR lpFree;
            WIN32_FILE_ATTRIBUTE_DATA attrex;
            HB_BOOL fResult;

            lpFileName = HB_FSNAMECONV( pszFileName, &lpFree );
            memset( &attrex, 0, sizeof( attrex ) );
            fResult = s_pGetFileAttributesEx( lpFileName, GetFileExInfoStandard, &attrex ) &&
                      ( attrex.dwFileAttributes & FILE_ATTRIBUTE_DIRECTORY ) == 0;
            hb_fsSetIOError( fResult, 0 );
            if( lpFree )
                hb_xfree( lpFree );
            if( fResult )
                return ( HB_FOFFSET ) attrex.nFileSizeLow +
                       ( ( HB_FOFFSET ) attrex.nFileSizeHigh << 32 );
            PHB_FFIND ffind = hb_fsFindFirst( pszFileName, HB_FA_ALL );
            hb_fsSetIOError( ffind != NULL, 0 );
            if( ffind )
                HB_FOFFSET size = ffind->size;
                hb_fsFindClose( ffind );
                return size;
#elif defined( HB_USE_LARGEFILE64 )
        char * pszFree;
        HB_BOOL fResult;
        struct stat64 statbuf;
        pszFileName = hb_fsNameConv( pszFileName, &pszFree );
        statbuf.st_size = 0;
        fResult = stat64( pszFileName, &statbuf ) == 0;
        hb_fsSetIOError( fResult, 0 );
        if( pszFree )
            hb_xfree( pszFree );
        if( fResult )
            return ( HB_FOFFSET ) statbuf.st_size;
        char * pszFree;
        HB_BOOL fResult;
        struct stat statbuf;
        pszFileName = hb_fsNameConv( pszFileName, &pszFree );
        statbuf.st_size = 0;
        fResult = stat( ( char * ) pszFileName, &statbuf ) == 0;
        hb_fsSetIOError( fResult, 0 );
        if( pszFree )
            hb_xfree( pszFree );
        if( fResult )
            return ( HB_FOFFSET ) statbuf.st_size;
        HB_FHANDLE hFileHandle = hb_fsOpen( pszFileName, FO_READ | FO_COMPAT );

        if( hFileHandle != FS_ERROR )
            HB_FOFFSET nPos = hb_fsSeekLarge( hFileHandle, 0, FS_END );
            hb_fsClose( hFileHandle );
            return nPos;

    return 0;