Пример #1
/* write data to extended socket */
static long s_sockexWrite( PHB_SOCKEX pSock, const void * data, long len, HB_MAXINT timeout )
   if( pSock->sd == HB_NO_SOCKET )
      hb_socketSetError( HB_SOCKET_ERR_INVALIDHANDLE );
      return -1;
   return hb_socketSend( pSock->sd, data, len, 0, timeout );
Пример #2
static long s_sockexWrite( PHB_SOCKEX pSock, const void * data, long len, HB_MAXINT timeout )
   if( pSock->sd == HB_NO_SOCKET )
      hb_socketSetError( HB_SOCKET_ERR_INVALIDHANDLE );
      return -1;
   return pSock->cargo ? hb_znetWrite( HB_ZNET_GET( pSock ), pSock->sd, data, len, timeout, NULL ) :
                         hb_socketSend( pSock->sd, data, len, 0, timeout );
Пример #3
static HB_SIZE s_fileWrite( PHB_FILE pFile, const void * data,
                            HB_SIZE nSize, HB_MAXINT timeout )
   long lSend = nSize > LONG_MAX ? LONG_MAX : ( long ) nSize;

   if( timeout == -1 )
      timeout = pFile->timeout;
   lSend = hb_socketSend( pFile->sd, data, lSend, 0, timeout );
   hb_fsSetError( hb_socketGetError() );

   if( lSend < 0 )
      lSend = 0;

   return lSend;
Пример #4
HB_BOOL hb_lppSend( PHB_LPP pSocket, const void * data, HB_SIZE len, HB_MAXINT timeout )
   HB_MAXINT  nTime = 0;
   long       lSend;

   if( ! pSocket->pSendBuffer )
      pSocket->pSendBuffer = ( char * ) hb_xgrab( len + 4 );
      HB_PUT_LE_UINT32( pSocket->pSendBuffer, len );
      hb_xmemcpy( pSocket->pSendBuffer + 4, data, len );
      pSocket->nSendLen = len + 4;
      pSocket->nSendPos = 0;

   if( timeout > 0 )
      nTime = ( HB_MAXINT ) hb_dateMilliSeconds() + timeout;

   for( ;; )
      if( pSocket->nSendLen - pSocket->nSendPos < ( HB_SIZE ) LONG_MAX )
         lSend = ( long ) ( pSocket->nSendLen - pSocket->nSendPos );
         lSend = LONG_MAX;

      lSend = hb_socketSend( pSocket->sd, pSocket->pSendBuffer + pSocket->nSendPos, lSend, 0, timeout );
      if( lSend == -1 )
         pSocket->iError = hb_socketGetError();
         return HB_FALSE;
      pSocket->nSendPos += lSend;
      if( pSocket->nSendPos == pSocket->nSendLen )
         hb_xfree( pSocket->pSendBuffer );
         pSocket->pSendBuffer = NULL;
         pSocket->iError = 0;
         return HB_TRUE;
      if( timeout == 0 ||
          ( timeout > 0 && ( timeout = nTime - ( HB_MAXINT ) hb_dateMilliSeconds() ) <= 0 ) )
         pSocket->iError = HB_SOCKET_ERR_TIMEOUT;
         return HB_FALSE;
Пример #5
static long s_srvSendAll( PHB_CONSRV conn, void * buffer, long len )
   HB_BYTE * ptr = ( HB_BYTE * ) buffer;
   long lSent = 0, lLast = 1, l;
   HB_MAXUINT end_timer;

   if( ! conn->mutex || hb_threadMutexLock( conn->mutex ) )
      end_timer = conn->timeout > 0 ? hb_dateMilliSeconds() + conn->timeout : 0;

      while( lSent < len && ! conn->stop )
         if( conn->zstream )
            l = hb_znetWrite( conn->zstream, conn->sd, ptr + lSent, len - lSent, 1000, &lLast );
            l = lLast = hb_socketSend( conn->sd, ptr + lSent, len - lSent, 0, 1000 );
         if( l > 0 )
            lSent += l;
            conn->wr_count += l;
         if( lLast <= 0 )
            if( hb_socketGetError() != HB_SOCKET_ERR_TIMEOUT ||
                hb_vmRequestQuery() != 0 ||
                ( end_timer != 0 && end_timer <= hb_dateMilliSeconds() ) )
      if( conn->zstream && lLast > 0 && ! conn->stop )
         if( hb_znetFlush( conn->zstream, conn->sd,
                           conn->timeout > 0 ? conn->timeout : -1 ) != 0 )
            lSent = -1;

      if( conn->mutex )
         hb_threadMutexUnlock( conn->mutex );
   return lSent;
Пример #6
static void s_inetSendInternal( HB_BOOL lAll )
   PHB_ITEM pBuffer = hb_param( 2, HB_IT_STRING );
   const char * buffer;
   int iLen, iSent, iSend;
   long lLastSnd = 1;

   if( socket == NULL || pBuffer == NULL )
   else if( ! hb_inetIsOpen( socket ) )
      hb_retni( -1 );
      buffer = hb_itemGetCPtr( pBuffer );
      iSend = ( int ) hb_itemGetCLen( pBuffer );
      if( HB_ISNUM( 3 ) )
         iLen = hb_parni( 3 );
         if( iLen < iSend )
            iSend = iLen;

      socket->iError = HB_INET_ERR_OK;

      iSent = iLen = 0;
      while( iSent < iSend )
         if( socket->sendFunc )
            iLen = socket->sendFunc( socket->stream, socket->sd,
                                     buffer + iSent, iSend - iSent,
                                     socket->iTimeout, &lLastSnd );
            if( lLastSnd <= 0 && iLen > 0 )
               iSent += iLen;
               iLen = ( int ) lLastSnd;
            iLen = hb_socketSend( socket->sd, buffer + iSent, iSend - iSent,
                                  0, socket->iTimeout );
         if( iLen > 0 )
            iSent += iLen;
            if( ! lAll )
            hb_inetGetError( socket );
      socket->iCount = iSent;

      if( socket->flushFunc && ( lLastSnd > 0 || ( lLastSnd == -1 &&
             socket->iTimeout >= 0 && socket->iTimeout < 10000 &&
             s_inetIsTimeout( socket ) ) ) )
         /* TODO: safe information about unflushed data and try to call
                  flush before entering receive wait sate */
         socket->flushFunc( socket->stream, socket->sd, socket->iTimeout < 0 ?
                            socket->iTimeout : HB_MAX( socket->iTimeout, 10000 ),
                            HB_FALSE );

      hb_retni( iSent > 0 ? iSent : iLen );
Пример #7
static long hb_znetStreamWrite( PHB_ZNETSTREAM pStream, HB_SOCKET sd, HB_MAXINT timeout )
   long tosnd = HB_ZNET_BUFSIZE - pStream->wr.avail_out;
   long snd = 0, rest =  0;

   if( pStream->crypt )
      long size = ( long ) ( pStream->wr.next_out - pStream->crypt_out );

      if( size > 2 )
         HB_U16 uiLen = ( HB_U16 ) ( size - 2 );
         HB_PUT_BE_UINT16( pStream->crypt_out, uiLen );
         uiLen = ( HB_U16 ) ( ( ( size + 7 ) ^ 0x07 ) & 0x07 );
         if( ( uInt ) uiLen > pStream->wr.avail_out )
            /* it may happen only if encryption was enabled in non empty
             * buffer and the unencrypted part has not been flushed yet.
            rest = size;
            while( uiLen-- )
               *pStream->wr.next_out++ = ( Byte ) 0; /* TODO: use better hashing data */
            /* encrypt the buffer */
            for( tosnd = 0; tosnd < size; tosnd += 8 )
               hb_znetEncrypt( pStream, pStream->crypt_out + tosnd );
            pStream->crypt_out = pStream->wr.next_out;
            pStream->wr.next_out += 2;
            if( pStream->wr.avail_out < 2 )
               pStream->skip_out = 2 - pStream->wr.avail_out;
            pStream->wr.avail_out -= 2 - pStream->skip_out;
         tosnd = ( long ) ( pStream->crypt_out - pStream->outbuf );
         tosnd -= 2;

   if( tosnd > 0 )
      snd = hb_socketSend( sd, pStream->outbuf, tosnd, 0, timeout );
      if( snd > 0 )
         tosnd += rest - snd;
         if( tosnd > 0 )
            memmove( pStream->outbuf, pStream->outbuf + snd, tosnd );
         pStream->wr.avail_out += ( uInt ) snd;
         pStream->wr.next_out -= snd;
         pStream->crypt_out -= snd;
         if( pStream->skip_out )
            if( pStream->skip_out <= pStream->wr.avail_out )
               pStream->wr.avail_out -= pStream->skip_out;
               pStream->skip_out = 0;
               pStream->skip_out -= pStream->wr.avail_out;
               pStream->wr.avail_out = 0;
   return snd;
Пример #8
static long hb_znetStreamWrite( PHB_ZNETSTREAM pStream, HB_SOCKET sd, HB_MAXINT timeout )
   long snd = 0, rest =  0, tosnd;

   if( pStream->crypt )
      rest = ( long ) ( pStream->wr.next_out - pStream->crypt_out );
      if( rest > 2 )
         HB_U16 uiLen = ( HB_U16 ) ( rest - 2 );
         HB_PUT_BE_UINT16( pStream->crypt_out, uiLen );
         uiLen = ( HB_U16 ) ( ( ( rest + 0x07 ) ^ 0x07 ) & 0x07 );
         if( ( uInt ) uiLen <= pStream->wr.avail_out )
            while( uiLen-- )
               *pStream->wr.next_out++ = ( Byte ) 0; /* TODO: use better hashing data */
            /* encrypt the buffer */
            for( tosnd = 0; tosnd < rest; tosnd += 8 )
               hb_znetEncrypt( pStream, pStream->crypt_out + tosnd );
            rest = 0;
            pStream->crypt_out = pStream->wr.next_out;
            pStream->wr.next_out += 2;
            if( pStream->wr.avail_out < 2 )
               pStream->skip_out = 2 - pStream->wr.avail_out;
            pStream->wr.avail_out -= 2 - pStream->skip_out;
         rest = 0;
      tosnd = ( long ) ( pStream->crypt_out - pStream->outbuf );
      tosnd = HB_ZNET_BUFSIZE - pStream->wr.avail_out;

   if( tosnd > 0 )
      snd = hb_socketSend( sd, pStream->outbuf, tosnd, 0, timeout );
      if( snd > 0 )
         tosnd += rest - snd;
         if( tosnd > 0 )
            memmove( pStream->outbuf, pStream->outbuf + snd, tosnd );
         pStream->wr.avail_out += ( uInt ) snd;
         pStream->wr.next_out -= snd;
         pStream->crypt_out -= snd;
         if( pStream->skip_out )
            if( pStream->skip_out <= pStream->wr.avail_out )
               pStream->wr.avail_out -= pStream->skip_out;
               pStream->skip_out = 0;
               pStream->skip_out -= pStream->wr.avail_out;
               pStream->wr.avail_out = 0;
   return snd;