Пример #1
static void main_outerloop_finished (MAYBE_UNUSED hashcat_ctx_t *hashcat_ctx, MAYBE_UNUSED const void *buf, MAYBE_UNUSED const size_t len)
  hashcat_user_t *hashcat_user = hashcat_ctx->hashcat_user;
  status_ctx_t   *status_ctx   = hashcat_ctx->status_ctx;

  // wait for outer threads

  status_ctx->shutdown_outer = true;

  for (int thread_idx = 0; thread_idx < hashcat_user->outer_threads_cnt; thread_idx++)
    hc_thread_wait (1, &hashcat_user->outer_threads[thread_idx]);

  hcfree (hashcat_user->outer_threads);

  hashcat_user->outer_threads_cnt = 0;
Пример #2
static int inner2_loop (hashcat_ctx_t *hashcat_ctx)
  hashes_t             *hashes              = hashcat_ctx->hashes;
  induct_ctx_t         *induct_ctx          = hashcat_ctx->induct_ctx;
  logfile_ctx_t        *logfile_ctx         = hashcat_ctx->logfile_ctx;
  opencl_ctx_t         *opencl_ctx          = hashcat_ctx->opencl_ctx;
  restore_ctx_t        *restore_ctx         = hashcat_ctx->restore_ctx;
  status_ctx_t         *status_ctx          = hashcat_ctx->status_ctx;
  user_options_extra_t *user_options_extra  = hashcat_ctx->user_options_extra;
  user_options_t       *user_options        = hashcat_ctx->user_options;

  //status_ctx->run_main_level1   = true;
  //status_ctx->run_main_level2   = true;
  //status_ctx->run_main_level3   = true;
  status_ctx->run_thread_level1 = true;
  status_ctx->run_thread_level2 = true;

  status_ctx->devices_status = STATUS_INIT;

  logfile_generate_subid (hashcat_ctx);

  logfile_sub_msg ("START");

  status_progress_reset (hashcat_ctx);

  status_ctx->msec_paused = 0;

  status_ctx->words_off = 0;
  status_ctx->words_cur = 0;

  if (restore_ctx->rd)
    restore_data_t *rd = restore_ctx->rd;

    if (rd->words_cur > 0)
      status_ctx->words_off = rd->words_cur;
      status_ctx->words_cur = status_ctx->words_off;

      rd->words_cur = 0;

      // --restore always overrides --skip

      user_options->skip = 0;

  if (user_options->skip > 0)
    status_ctx->words_off = user_options->skip;
    status_ctx->words_cur = status_ctx->words_off;

    user_options->skip = 0;

  opencl_session_reset (hashcat_ctx);

  cpt_ctx_reset (hashcat_ctx);

   * Update attack-mode specific stuff based on mask

  const int rc_mask_ctx_update_loop = mask_ctx_update_loop (hashcat_ctx);

  if (rc_mask_ctx_update_loop == -1) return 0;

   * Update attack-mode specific stuff based on wordlist

  const int rc_straight_ctx_update_loop = straight_ctx_update_loop (hashcat_ctx);

  if (rc_straight_ctx_update_loop == -1) return 0;

  // words base

  const u64 amplifier_cnt = user_options_extra_amplifier (hashcat_ctx);

  status_ctx->words_base = status_ctx->words_cnt / amplifier_cnt;


  if (user_options->keyspace == true) return 0;

  // restore stuff

  if (status_ctx->words_off > status_ctx->words_base)
    event_log_error (hashcat_ctx, "Restore value is greater than keyspace.");

    return -1;

  const u64 progress_restored = status_ctx->words_off * amplifier_cnt;

  for (u32 i = 0; i < hashes->salts_cnt; i++)
    status_ctx->words_progress_restored[i] = progress_restored;

   * limit kernel loops by the amplification count we have from:
   * - straight_ctx, combinator_ctx or mask_ctx for fast hashes
   * - hash iteration count for slow hashes
   * this is required for autotune

  opencl_ctx_devices_kernel_loops (hashcat_ctx);

   * prepare thread buffers

  thread_param_t *threads_param = (thread_param_t *) hccalloc (opencl_ctx->devices_cnt, sizeof (thread_param_t));

  hc_thread_t *c_threads = (hc_thread_t *) hccalloc (opencl_ctx->devices_cnt, sizeof (hc_thread_t));

   * create autotune threads


  status_ctx->devices_status = STATUS_AUTOTUNE;

  for (u32 device_id = 0; device_id < opencl_ctx->devices_cnt; device_id++)
    thread_param_t *thread_param = threads_param + device_id;

    thread_param->hashcat_ctx = hashcat_ctx;
    thread_param->tid         = device_id;

    hc_thread_create (c_threads[device_id], thread_autotune, thread_param);

  hc_thread_wait (opencl_ctx->devices_cnt, c_threads);


   * autotune modified kernel_accel, which modifies opencl_ctx->kernel_power_all

  opencl_ctx_devices_update_power (hashcat_ctx);

   * Begin loopback recording

  if (user_options->loopback == true)
    loopback_write_open (hashcat_ctx);

   * Prepare cracking stats

  hc_timer_set (&status_ctx->timer_running);

  hc_time_t runtime_start;

  hc_time (&runtime_start);

  status_ctx->runtime_start = runtime_start;

   * create cracker threads


  status_ctx->devices_status = STATUS_RUNNING;

  status_ctx->accessible = true;

  for (u32 device_id = 0; device_id < opencl_ctx->devices_cnt; device_id++)
    thread_param_t *thread_param = threads_param + device_id;

    thread_param->hashcat_ctx = hashcat_ctx;
    thread_param->tid         = device_id;

    if (user_options_extra->wordlist_mode == WL_MODE_STDIN)
      hc_thread_create (c_threads[device_id], thread_calc_stdin, thread_param);
      hc_thread_create (c_threads[device_id], thread_calc, thread_param);

  hc_thread_wait (opencl_ctx->devices_cnt, c_threads);

  hcfree (c_threads);

  hcfree (threads_param);

  if ((status_ctx->devices_status == STATUS_RUNNING) && (status_ctx->checkpoint_shutdown == true))
    myabort_checkpoint (hashcat_ctx);

  if ((status_ctx->devices_status != STATUS_CRACKED)
   && (status_ctx->devices_status != STATUS_ABORTED)
   && (status_ctx->devices_status != STATUS_ABORTED_CHECKPOINT)
   && (status_ctx->devices_status != STATUS_ABORTED_RUNTIME)
   && (status_ctx->devices_status != STATUS_QUIT)
   && (status_ctx->devices_status != STATUS_BYPASS))
    status_ctx->devices_status = STATUS_EXHAUSTED;

  // update some timer

  hc_time_t runtime_stop;

  hc_time (&runtime_stop);

  status_ctx->runtime_stop = runtime_stop;

  logfile_sub_uint (runtime_start);
  logfile_sub_uint (runtime_stop);

  if (hashcat_get_status (hashcat_ctx, status_ctx->hashcat_status_final) == -1)
    fprintf (stderr, "Initialization problem: the hashcat status monitoring function returned an unexpected value\n");

  status_ctx->accessible = false;


  // mark sub logfile

  logfile_sub_var_uint ("status-after-work", status_ctx->devices_status);

  logfile_sub_msg ("STOP");

  // stop loopback recording

  if (user_options->loopback == true)
    loopback_write_close (hashcat_ctx);

  // New induction folder check, which is a controlled recursion

  if (induct_ctx->induction_dictionaries_cnt == 0)
    induct_ctx_scan (hashcat_ctx);

    while (induct_ctx->induction_dictionaries_cnt)
      for (induct_ctx->induction_dictionaries_pos = 0; induct_ctx->induction_dictionaries_pos < induct_ctx->induction_dictionaries_cnt; induct_ctx->induction_dictionaries_pos++)
        if (status_ctx->devices_status == STATUS_EXHAUSTED)
          const int rc_inner2_loop = inner2_loop (hashcat_ctx);

          if (rc_inner2_loop == -1) myabort (hashcat_ctx);

          if (status_ctx->run_main_level3 == false) break;

        unlink (induct_ctx->induction_dictionaries[induct_ctx->induction_dictionaries_pos]);

      hcfree (induct_ctx->induction_dictionaries);

      induct_ctx_scan (hashcat_ctx);

  return 0;
Пример #3
static int outer_loop (hashcat_ctx_t *hashcat_ctx)
  hashes_t       *hashes        = hashcat_ctx->hashes;
  mask_ctx_t     *mask_ctx      = hashcat_ctx->mask_ctx;
  opencl_ctx_t   *opencl_ctx    = hashcat_ctx->opencl_ctx;
  outcheck_ctx_t *outcheck_ctx  = hashcat_ctx->outcheck_ctx;
  restore_ctx_t  *restore_ctx   = hashcat_ctx->restore_ctx;
  status_ctx_t   *status_ctx    = hashcat_ctx->status_ctx;
  straight_ctx_t *straight_ctx  = hashcat_ctx->straight_ctx;
  user_options_t *user_options  = hashcat_ctx->user_options;

  status_ctx->devices_status = STATUS_INIT;

  //status_ctx->run_main_level1   = true;
  status_ctx->run_main_level2   = true;
  status_ctx->run_main_level3   = true;
  status_ctx->run_thread_level1 = true;
  status_ctx->run_thread_level2 = true;

   * setup variables and buffers depending on hash_mode

  const int rc_hashconfig = hashconfig_init (hashcat_ctx);

  if (rc_hashconfig == -1)
    event_log_error (hashcat_ctx, "Unknown hash-type '%u' selected.", user_options->hash_mode);

    return -1;

   * load hashes, stage 1

  const int rc_hashes_init_stage1 = hashes_init_stage1 (hashcat_ctx);

  if (rc_hashes_init_stage1 == -1) return -1;

  if ((user_options->keyspace == false) && (user_options->stdout_flag == false))
    if (hashes->hashes_cnt == 0)
      event_log_error (hashcat_ctx, "No hashes loaded.");

      return -1;

   * load hashes, stage 2, remove duplicates, build base structure

  hashes->hashes_cnt_orig = hashes->hashes_cnt;

  const int rc_hashes_init_stage2 = hashes_init_stage2 (hashcat_ctx);

  if (rc_hashes_init_stage2 == -1) return -1;

   * potfile removes

  if (user_options->potfile_disable == false)

    if (user_options->loopback == true)
      loopback_write_open (hashcat_ctx);

    potfile_remove_parse (hashcat_ctx);

    if (user_options->loopback == true)
      loopback_write_close (hashcat_ctx);


   * load hashes, stage 3, update cracked results from potfile

  const int rc_hashes_init_stage3 = hashes_init_stage3 (hashcat_ctx);

  if (rc_hashes_init_stage3 == -1) return -1;

   * potfile show/left handling

  if (user_options->show == true)
    outfile_write_open (hashcat_ctx);

    const int rc = potfile_handle_show (hashcat_ctx);

    if (rc == -1) return -1;

    outfile_write_close (hashcat_ctx);

    return 0;
  else if (user_options->left == true)
    outfile_write_open (hashcat_ctx);

    const int rc = potfile_handle_left (hashcat_ctx);

    if (rc == -1) return -1;

    outfile_write_close (hashcat_ctx);

    return 0;

   * maybe all hashes were cracked, we can exit here

  if (status_ctx->devices_status == STATUS_CRACKED)
    if ((user_options->remove == true) && (hashes->hashlist_mode == HL_MODE_FILE))
      if (hashes->digests_saved != hashes->digests_done)
        const int rc = save_hash (hashcat_ctx);

        if (rc == -1) return -1;


    return 0;

   * load hashes, stage 4, automatic Optimizers

  const int rc_hashes_init_stage4 = hashes_init_stage4 (hashcat_ctx);

  if (rc_hashes_init_stage4 == -1) return -1;

   * load hashes, selftest

  const int rc_hashes_init_selftest = hashes_init_selftest (hashcat_ctx);

  if (rc_hashes_init_selftest == -1) return -1;

   * Done loading hashes, log results

  hashes_logger (hashcat_ctx);

   * bitmaps


  const int rc_bitmap_init = bitmap_ctx_init (hashcat_ctx);

  if (rc_bitmap_init == -1) return -1;


   * cracks-per-time allocate buffer

  cpt_ctx_init (hashcat_ctx);

   * Wordlist allocate buffer

  const int rc_wl_data_init = wl_data_init (hashcat_ctx);

  if (rc_wl_data_init == -1) return -1;

   * straight mode init

  const int rc_straight_init = straight_ctx_init (hashcat_ctx);

  if (rc_straight_init == -1) return -1;

   * straight mode init

  const int rc_combinator_init = combinator_ctx_init (hashcat_ctx);

  if (rc_combinator_init == -1) return -1;

   * charsets : keep them together for more easy maintainnce

  const int rc_mask_init = mask_ctx_init (hashcat_ctx);

  if (rc_mask_init == -1) return -1;

   * prevent the user from using --skip/--limit together with maskfile and/or multiple word lists

  if (user_options->skip != 0 || user_options->limit != 0)
    if ((mask_ctx->masks_cnt > 1) || (straight_ctx->dicts_cnt > 1))
      event_log_error (hashcat_ctx, "Use of --skip/--limit is not supported with --increment or mask files.");

      return -1;

   * prevent the user from using --keyspace together with maskfile and/or multiple word lists

  if (user_options->keyspace == true)
    if ((mask_ctx->masks_cnt > 1) || (straight_ctx->dicts_cnt > 1))
      event_log_error (hashcat_ctx, "Use of --keyspace is not supported with --increment or mask files.");

      return -1;

   * status progress init; needs hashes that's why we have to do it here and separate from status_ctx_init

  const int rc_status_init = status_progress_init (hashcat_ctx);

  if (rc_status_init == -1) return -1;

   * main screen


   * Tell user about cracked hashes by potfile


   * inform the user


  const int rc_session_begin = opencl_session_begin (hashcat_ctx);

  if (rc_session_begin == -1) return -1;


   * create self-test threads


  thread_param_t *threads_param = (thread_param_t *) hccalloc (opencl_ctx->devices_cnt, sizeof (thread_param_t));

  hc_thread_t *selftest_threads = (hc_thread_t *) hccalloc (opencl_ctx->devices_cnt, sizeof (hc_thread_t));

  status_ctx->devices_status = STATUS_SELFTEST;

  for (u32 device_id = 0; device_id < opencl_ctx->devices_cnt; device_id++)
    thread_param_t *thread_param = threads_param + device_id;

    thread_param->hashcat_ctx = hashcat_ctx;
    thread_param->tid         = device_id;

    hc_thread_create (selftest_threads[device_id], thread_selftest, thread_param);

  hc_thread_wait (opencl_ctx->devices_cnt, selftest_threads);

  hcfree (threads_param);

  hcfree (selftest_threads);

  status_ctx->devices_status = STATUS_INIT;


   * (old) weak hash check is the first to write to potfile, so open it for writing from here
   * the weak hash check was removed maybe we can move this more to the bottom now

  const int rc_potfile_write = potfile_write_open (hashcat_ctx);

  if (rc_potfile_write == -1) return -1;

   * status and monitor threads

  int inner_threads_cnt = 0;

  hc_thread_t *inner_threads = (hc_thread_t *) hccalloc (10, sizeof (hc_thread_t));

  status_ctx->shutdown_inner = false;

    * Outfile remove

  if (user_options->keyspace == false && user_options->stdout_flag == false && user_options->speed_only == false)
    hc_thread_create (inner_threads[inner_threads_cnt], thread_monitor, hashcat_ctx);


    if (outcheck_ctx->enabled == true)
      hc_thread_create (inner_threads[inner_threads_cnt], thread_outfile_remove, hashcat_ctx);


  // main call

  if (restore_ctx->rd)
    restore_data_t *rd = restore_ctx->rd;

    if (rd->masks_pos > 0)
      mask_ctx->masks_pos = rd->masks_pos;

      rd->masks_pos = 0;


  if (mask_ctx->masks_cnt)
    for (u32 masks_pos = mask_ctx->masks_pos; masks_pos < mask_ctx->masks_cnt; masks_pos++)
      mask_ctx->masks_pos = masks_pos;

      const int rc_inner1_loop = inner1_loop (hashcat_ctx);

      if (rc_inner1_loop == -1) myabort (hashcat_ctx);

      if (status_ctx->run_main_level2 == false) break;

    if (mask_ctx->masks_pos + 1 == mask_ctx->masks_cnt) mask_ctx->masks_pos = 0;
    const int rc_inner1_loop = inner1_loop (hashcat_ctx);

    if (rc_inner1_loop == -1) myabort (hashcat_ctx);

  // wait for inner threads

  status_ctx->shutdown_inner = true;

  for (int thread_idx = 0; thread_idx < inner_threads_cnt; thread_idx++)
    hc_thread_wait (1, &inner_threads[thread_idx]);

  hcfree (inner_threads);


  // finalize potfile

  potfile_write_close (hashcat_ctx);

  // finalize opencl session

  opencl_session_destroy (hashcat_ctx);

  // clean up

  bitmap_ctx_destroy      (hashcat_ctx);
  combinator_ctx_destroy  (hashcat_ctx);
  cpt_ctx_destroy         (hashcat_ctx);
  hashconfig_destroy      (hashcat_ctx);
  hashes_destroy          (hashcat_ctx);
  mask_ctx_destroy        (hashcat_ctx);
  status_progress_destroy (hashcat_ctx);
  straight_ctx_destroy    (hashcat_ctx);
  wl_data_destroy         (hashcat_ctx);

  return 0;