Пример #1
main( int argc, char *argv[] )
	extern void dummy( void * );

	float aa, *a, *b, *c, *x, *y;
	double aad, *ad, *bd, *cd, *xd, *yd;
	int i, j, n;
	int inner = 0;
	int vector = 0;
	int matrix = 0;
	int double_precision = 0;
	int retval = PAPI_OK;
	char papi_event_str[PAPI_MIN_STR_LEN] = "PAPI_FP_OPS";
	int papi_event;
	int EventSet = PAPI_NULL;

/* Parse the input arguments */
	for ( i = 0; i < argc; i++ ) {
		if ( strstr( argv[i], "-i" ) )
			inner = 1;
		else if ( strstr( argv[i], "-v" ) )
			vector = 1;
		else if ( strstr( argv[i], "-m" ) )
			matrix = 1;
		else if ( strstr( argv[i], "-e" ) ) {
			if ( ( argv[i + 1] == NULL ) || ( strlen( argv[i + 1] ) == 0 ) ) {
				print_help( argv );
				exit( 1 );
			strncpy( papi_event_str, argv[i + 1], sizeof ( papi_event_str ) );
		} else if ( strstr( argv[i], "-d" ) )
			double_precision = 1;
		else if ( strstr( argv[i], "-h" ) ) {
			print_help( argv );
			exit( 1 );

	/* if no options specified, set all tests to TRUE */
	if ( inner + vector + matrix == 0 )
		inner = vector = matrix = 1;

	tests_quiet( argc, argv );	/* Set TESTS_QUIET variable */

	if ( !TESTS_QUIET )
		printf( "Initializing..." );

	/* Initialize PAPI */
	retval = PAPI_library_init( PAPI_VER_CURRENT );
	if ( retval != PAPI_VER_CURRENT )
		test_fail( __FILE__, __LINE__, "PAPI_library_init", retval );

	/* Translate name */
	retval = PAPI_event_name_to_code( papi_event_str, &papi_event );
	if ( retval != PAPI_OK )
		test_fail( __FILE__, __LINE__, "PAPI_event_name_to_code", retval );

	if ( PAPI_query_event( papi_event ) != PAPI_OK )
		test_skip( __FILE__, __LINE__, "PAPI_query_event", PAPI_ENOEVNT );

	if ( ( retval = PAPI_create_eventset( &EventSet ) ) != PAPI_OK )
		test_fail( __FILE__, __LINE__, "PAPI_create_eventset", retval );

	if ( ( retval = PAPI_add_event( EventSet, papi_event ) ) != PAPI_OK )
		test_fail( __FILE__, __LINE__, "PAPI_add_event", retval );

	printf( "\n" );

	retval = PAPI_OK;

	/* Inner Product test */
	if ( inner ) {
		/* Allocate the linear arrays */
	   if (double_precision) {
	        xd = malloc( INDEX5 * sizeof(double) );
	        yd = malloc( INDEX5 * sizeof(double) );
		if ( !( xd && yd ) )
			retval = PAPI_ENOMEM;
	   else {
	        x = malloc( INDEX5 * sizeof(float) );
		y = malloc( INDEX5 * sizeof(float) );
		if ( !( x && y ) )
			retval = PAPI_ENOMEM;

		if ( retval == PAPI_OK ) {
			headerlines( "Inner Product Test", TESTS_QUIET );

			/* step through the different array sizes */
			for ( n = 0; n < INDEX5; n++ ) {
				if ( n < INDEX1 || ( ( n + 1 ) % 50 ) == 0 ) {

					/* Initialize the needed arrays at this size */
					if ( double_precision ) {
						for ( i = 0; i <= n; i++ ) {
							xd[i] = ( double ) rand(  ) * ( double ) 1.1;
							yd[i] = ( double ) rand(  ) * ( double ) 1.1;
					} else {
						for ( i = 0; i <= n; i++ ) {
							x[i] = ( float ) rand(  ) * ( float ) 1.1;
							y[i] = ( float ) rand(  ) * ( float ) 1.1;

					/* reset PAPI flops count */
					reset_flops( "Inner Product Test", EventSet );

					/* do the multiplication */
					if ( double_precision ) {
						aad = inner_double( n, xd, yd );
						dummy( ( void * ) &aad );
					} else {
						aa = inner_single( n, x, y );
						dummy( ( void * ) &aa );
					resultline( n, 1, EventSet );
		if (double_precision) {
			free( xd );
			free( yd );
		} else {
			free( x );
			free( y );

	/* Matrix Vector test */
	if ( vector && retval != PAPI_ENOMEM ) {
		/* Allocate the needed arrays */
	  if (double_precision) {
	        ad = malloc( INDEX5 * INDEX5 * sizeof(double) );
	        xd = malloc( INDEX5 * sizeof(double) );
	        yd = malloc( INDEX5 * sizeof(double) );
		if ( !( ad && xd && yd ) )
			retval = PAPI_ENOMEM;
	  } else {
	        a = malloc( INDEX5 * INDEX5 * sizeof(float) );
	        x = malloc( INDEX5 * sizeof(float) );
	        y = malloc( INDEX5 * sizeof(float) );
		if ( !( a && x && y ) )
			retval = PAPI_ENOMEM;

		if ( retval == PAPI_OK ) {
			headerlines( "Matrix Vector Test", TESTS_QUIET );

			/* step through the different array sizes */
			for ( n = 0; n < INDEX5; n++ ) {
				if ( n < INDEX1 || ( ( n + 1 ) % 50 ) == 0 ) {

					/* Initialize the needed arrays at this size */
					if ( double_precision ) {
						for ( i = 0; i <= n; i++ ) {
							yd[i] = 0.0;
							xd[i] = ( double ) rand(  ) * ( double ) 1.1;
							for ( j = 0; j <= n; j++ )
								ad[i * n + j] =
									( double ) rand(  ) * ( double ) 1.1;
					} else {
						for ( i = 0; i <= n; i++ ) {
							y[i] = 0.0;
							x[i] = ( float ) rand(  ) * ( float ) 1.1;
							for ( j = 0; j <= n; j++ )
								a[i * n + j] =
									( float ) rand(  ) * ( float ) 1.1;

					/* reset PAPI flops count */
					reset_flops( "Matrix Vector Test", EventSet );

					/* compute the resultant vector */
					if ( double_precision ) {
						vector_double( n, ad, xd, yd );
						dummy( ( void * ) yd );
					} else {
						vector_single( n, a, x, y );
						dummy( ( void * ) y );
					resultline( n, 2, EventSet );
		if (double_precision) {
			free( ad );
			free( xd );
			free( yd );
		} else {
			free( a );
			free( x );
			free( y );

	/* Matrix Multiply test */
	if ( matrix && retval != PAPI_ENOMEM ) {
		/* Allocate the needed arrays */
	  if (double_precision) {
	        ad = malloc( INDEX5 * INDEX5 * sizeof(double) );
	        bd = malloc( INDEX5 * INDEX5 * sizeof(double) );
	        cd = malloc( INDEX5 * INDEX5 * sizeof(double) );
		if ( !( ad && bd && cd ) )
			retval = PAPI_ENOMEM;
	  } else {
	        a = malloc( INDEX5 * INDEX5 * sizeof(float) );
	        b = malloc( INDEX5 * INDEX5 * sizeof(float) );
	        c = malloc( INDEX5 * INDEX5 * sizeof(float) );
		if ( !( a && b && c ) )
			retval = PAPI_ENOMEM;

		if ( retval == PAPI_OK ) {
			headerlines( "Matrix Multiply Test", TESTS_QUIET );

			/* step through the different array sizes */
			for ( n = 0; n < INDEX5; n++ ) {
				if ( n < INDEX1 || ( ( n + 1 ) % 50 ) == 0 ) {

					/* Initialize the needed arrays at this size */
					if ( double_precision ) {
						for ( i = 0; i <= n * n + n; i++ ) {
							cd[i] = 0.0;
							ad[i] = ( double ) rand(  ) * ( double ) 1.1;
							bd[i] = ( double ) rand(  ) * ( double ) 1.1;
					} else {
						for ( i = 0; i <= n * n + n; i++ ) {
							c[i] = 0.0;
							a[i] = ( float ) rand(  ) * ( float ) 1.1;
							b[i] = ( float ) rand(  ) * ( float ) 1.1;

					/* reset PAPI flops count */
					reset_flops( "Matrix Multiply Test", EventSet );

					/* compute the resultant matrix */
					if ( double_precision ) {
						matrix_double( n, cd, ad, bd );
						dummy( ( void * ) c );
					} else {
						matrix_single( n, c, a, b );
						dummy( ( void * ) c );
					resultline( n, 3, EventSet );
		if (double_precision) {
			free( ad );
			free( bd );
			free( cd );
		} else {
			free( a );
			free( b );
			free( c );

	/* exit with status code */
	if ( retval == PAPI_ENOMEM )
		test_fail( __FILE__, __LINE__, "malloc", retval );
		test_pass( __FILE__, NULL, 0 );
	exit( 1 );
Пример #2
int bam12auxmerge(::libmaus2::util::ArgInfo const & arginfo)
	if ( isatty(STDIN_FILENO) )
		::libmaus2::exception::LibMausException se;
		se.getStream() << "Refusing to read binary data from terminal, please redirect standard input to pipe or file." << std::endl;
		throw se;

	if ( isatty(STDOUT_FILENO) )
		::libmaus2::exception::LibMausException se;
		se.getStream() << "Refusing write binary data to terminal, please redirect standard output to pipe or file." << std::endl;
		throw se;

	std::string const prefilename = arginfo.getRestArg<std::string>(0);
	libmaus2::bambam::BamDecoder bampredec(prefilename);

	int const level = libmaus2::bambam::BamBlockWriterBaseFactory::checkCompressionLevel(arginfo.getValue<int>("level",getDefaultLevel()));
	int const verbose = arginfo.getValue<int>("verbose",getDefaultVerbose());
	int const ranksplit = arginfo.getValue<int>("ranksplit",getDefaultRankSplit());
	int const rankstrip = arginfo.getValue<int>("rankstrip",getDefaultRankSplit());
	int const clipreinsert = arginfo.getValue<int>("clipreinsert",getDefaultClipReinsert());
	int const zztoname = arginfo.getValue<int>("zztoname",getDefaultZZToName());
	int const sanity = arginfo.getValue<int>("sanity",getDefaultSanity());
	uint64_t const mod = arginfo.getValue<int>("mod",getDefaultMod());
	uint64_t const bmod = libmaus2::math::nextTwoPow(mod);
	uint64_t const bmask = bmod-1;

	libmaus2::autoarray::AutoArray<char> Aread;

	::libmaus2::bambam::BamDecoder bamdec(std::cin,false);
	::libmaus2::bambam::BamHeader const & header = bamdec.getHeader();
	::libmaus2::bambam::BamHeader const & preheader = bampredec.getHeader();

	std::string const headertext(header.text);
	std::string const preheadertext(libmaus2::bambam::HeaderLine::removeSequenceLines(preheader.text));

	libmaus2::bambam::ProgramHeaderLineSet headerlines(headertext);
	libmaus2::bambam::ProgramHeaderLineSet preheaderlines(preheadertext);

	std::vector<libmaus2::bambam::HeaderLine> allheaderlines = libmaus2::bambam::HeaderLine::extractLines(headertext);

	std::string const lastid = preheaderlines.getLastIdInChain();

	std::stack < std::pair<uint64_t,std::string> > pgtodo;
	for ( uint64_t i = 0; i < headerlines.roots.size(); ++i )

	std::string upheadtext = preheadertext;
	while ( pgtodo.size() )
		uint64_t const hid = pgtodo.top().first;
		std::string const PP = pgtodo.top().second;
		libmaus2::bambam::HeaderLine const & line = headerlines.lines[hid];

		// ID, PP, PN, CL, VN
		std::string       ID = (line.M.find("ID") != line.M.end()) ? line.M.find("ID")->second : "";
		std::string const PN = (line.M.find("PN") != line.M.end()) ? line.M.find("PN")->second : "";
		std::string const CL = (line.M.find("CL") != line.M.end()) ? line.M.find("CL")->second : "";
		std::string const VN = (line.M.find("VN") != line.M.end()) ? line.M.find("VN")->second : "";

		upheadtext = ::libmaus2::bambam::ProgramHeaderLineSet::addProgramLineRef(

		if ( headerlines.edges.find(hid) != headerlines.edges.end() )
			std::vector<uint64_t> const & children = headerlines.edges.find(hid)->second;

			for ( uint64_t j = 0; j < children.size(); ++j )

	/* copy SQ lines */
	std::ostringstream sqconcstr;
	sqconcstr << upheadtext;
	for ( uint64_t i = 0; i < allheaderlines.size(); ++i )
		if ( allheaderlines[i].type == "SQ" )
			sqconcstr << allheaderlines[i].line << "\n";
	upheadtext = sqconcstr.str();

	::libmaus2::bambam::BamHeader uphead(upheadtext);

	 * start index/md5 callbacks
	std::string const tmpfilenamebase = arginfo.getValue<std::string>("tmpfile",arginfo.getDefaultTmpFileName());
	std::string const tmpfileindex = tmpfilenamebase + "_index";

	std::string md5filename;
	std::string indexfilename;

	std::vector< ::libmaus2::lz::BgzfDeflateOutputCallback * > cbs;
	::libmaus2::lz::BgzfDeflateOutputCallbackMD5::unique_ptr_type Pmd5cb;
	if ( arginfo.getValue<unsigned int>("md5",getDefaultMD5()) )
		if ( arginfo.hasArg("md5filename") &&  arginfo.getUnparsedValue("md5filename","") != "" )
			md5filename = arginfo.getUnparsedValue("md5filename","");
			std::cerr << "[V] no filename for md5 given, not creating hash" << std::endl;

		if ( md5filename.size() )
			::libmaus2::lz::BgzfDeflateOutputCallbackMD5::unique_ptr_type Tmd5cb(new ::libmaus2::lz::BgzfDeflateOutputCallbackMD5);
			Pmd5cb = UNIQUE_PTR_MOVE(Tmd5cb);
	libmaus2::bambam::BgzfDeflateOutputCallbackBamIndex::unique_ptr_type Pindex;
	if ( arginfo.getValue<unsigned int>("index",getDefaultIndex()) )
		if ( arginfo.hasArg("indexfilename") &&  arginfo.getUnparsedValue("indexfilename","") != "" )
			indexfilename = arginfo.getUnparsedValue("indexfilename","");
			std::cerr << "[V] no filename for index given, not creating index" << std::endl;

		if ( indexfilename.size() )
			libmaus2::bambam::BgzfDeflateOutputCallbackBamIndex::unique_ptr_type Tindex(new libmaus2::bambam::BgzfDeflateOutputCallbackBamIndex(tmpfileindex));
			Pindex = UNIQUE_PTR_MOVE(Tindex);
	std::vector< ::libmaus2::lz::BgzfDeflateOutputCallback * > * Pcbs = 0;
	if ( cbs.size() )
		Pcbs = &cbs;
	 * end md5/index callbacks

	::libmaus2::bambam::BamWriter::unique_ptr_type writer(new ::libmaus2::bambam::BamWriter(std::cout,uphead,level,Pcbs));

	::libmaus2::bambam::BamAlignment & algn = bamdec.getAlignment();
	::libmaus2::bambam::BamAlignment & prealgn = bampredec.getAlignment();
	int64_t curid = -1;

	libmaus2::autoarray::AutoArray< std::pair<uint8_t,uint8_t> > auxpre;
	libmaus2::autoarray::AutoArray< std::pair<uint8_t,uint8_t> > auxnew;

	libmaus2::bambam::BamAuxFilterVector auxfilter;

	// helpers for clipReinsert
	libmaus2::autoarray::AutoArray < std::pair<uint8_t,uint8_t> > auxtags;
	libmaus2::autoarray::AutoArray<libmaus2::bambam::cigar_operation> cigop;
	std::stack < libmaus2::bambam::cigar_operation > hardstack;
	libmaus2::bambam::BamAlignment::D_array_type Tcigar;
	libmaus2::bambam::BamAuxFilterVector bafv;
	libmaus2::bambam::BamAuxFilterVector auxfilterout;

	// helpers for zztoname
 	libmaus2::bambam::BamAuxFilterVector zzbafv;

    	// tag filters for secondary/supplementary reads
	libmaus2::bambam::BamAuxFilterVector auxfiltersec;


	// loop over aligned BAM file
	while ( bamdec.readAlignment() )
		if ( ranksplit )

		// extract rank
		char const * name = algn.getName();
		char const * u1 = name;
		bool ok = true;
		uint64_t rank = 0;
		while ( *u1 && *u1 != '_' )
			rank *= 10;
			rank += (*u1-'0');
			ok = ok && isdigit(*u1);

		// unable to find rank?	write out as is and continue
		if ( ! ok )

		// loop over unaligned BAM file
		while ( curid != static_cast<int64_t>(rank) )
			bool const a_ok = bampredec.readAlignment();

			if ( ! a_ok )
				libmaus2::exception::LibMausException se;
				se.getStream() << "Found unexpected EOF on file " << prefilename << std::endl;
				throw se;
			assert ( a_ok );

			if ( verbose && (! (curid & bmask)) )
				std::cerr << "[V] " << (curid / bmod) << std::endl;

		if ( verbose > 1 )
			std::cerr << "Merging:\n" << algn.formatAlignment(header) << "\n" << prealgn.formatAlignment(preheader) << std::endl;

		uint64_t pretagnum = prealgn.enumerateAuxTags(auxpre);
		uint64_t newtagnum = algn.enumerateAuxTags(auxnew);

		// do some sanity checking
		if ( sanity )
		    	// first do a name check
			char const * prename = prealgn.getName();
			u1++; // put on the first letter of readname

			if ( verbose > 1 )
    	    	    	    	std::cerr << "Sanity: comparing " << name << " and " << prename << std::endl;

			if ( !is_suffix(prename, u1) ) // names do not match
			    	libmaus2::exception::LibMausException se;
			    	se.getStream() << "Sanity check failed on read names, found " << name << " and " << prename << std::endl;
				throw se;

			// now the names match so try the flags

			if ( !(algn.isPaired() == prealgn.isPaired() &&
			     algn.isRead1() == prealgn.isRead1() &&
			     algn.isRead2() == prealgn.isRead2()) )
			    	libmaus2::exception::LibMausException se;
				se.getStream() << "Sanity check failed on flags, " << std::endl
				    	       << "Aligned " << name << " paired " << algn.isPaired() << " first " << algn.isRead1() << " last " << algn.isRead2() << std::endl
			    	    	       << "Unaligned " << prename << " paired " << prealgn.isPaired() << " first " << prealgn.isRead1() << " last " << prealgn.isRead2() << std::endl;
				throw se;

			if ( verbose > 1 )
			    std::cerr << "Sanity check on flags: " << std::endl
				    	       << "Aligned " << name << " paired " << algn.isPaired() << " first " << algn.isRead1() << " last " << algn.isRead2() << std::endl
			    	    	       << "Unaligned " << prename << " paired " << prealgn.isPaired() << " first " << prealgn.isRead1() << " last " << prealgn.isRead2() << std::endl;



		if ( verbose > 1 )
			std::cerr << "pretagnum=" << pretagnum << " newtagnum=" << newtagnum << std::endl;

		std::pair<uint8_t,uint8_t> * prec = auxpre.begin();
		std::pair<uint8_t,uint8_t> * pree = prec + pretagnum;
		std::pair<uint8_t,uint8_t> * preo = prec;

		std::pair<uint8_t,uint8_t> * newc = auxnew.begin();
		std::pair<uint8_t,uint8_t> * newe = newc + newtagnum;
		std::pair<uint8_t,uint8_t> * newo = newc;

		while ( prec != pree && newc != newe )
			// pre which is not in new
			if ( *prec < *newc )
				*(preo++) = *(prec++);
			// tag in both, drop pre
			else if ( *prec == *newc )
				*(newo++) = *(newc++);
			// new not in pre
				*(newo++) = *(newc++);

		while ( prec != pree )
			*(preo++) = *(prec++);
		while ( newc != newe )
			*(newo++) = *(newc++);

		pretagnum = preo-auxpre.begin();
		newtagnum = newo-auxnew.begin();

		for ( uint64_t i = 0; i < pretagnum; ++i )

		algn.copyAuxTags(prealgn, auxfilter);

		for ( uint64_t i = 0; i < pretagnum; ++i )

		if ( verbose > 1 )
			std::cerr << "pretagnum=" << pretagnum << " newtagnum=" << newtagnum << std::endl;
			std::cerr << "result: " << algn.formatAlignment(header) << std::endl;

		if ( algn.isSecondary() || algn.isSupplementary() )
		    	// adding adapter clip data to secondary/supplementary reads
			// can lead to incorrect clip reinserts so remove these tags


		// copy QC fail flag from original file to aligner output
		if ( prealgn.isQCFail() )
			algn.putFlags( algn.getFlags() | libmaus2::bambam::BamFlagBase::LIBMAUS2_BAMBAM_FQCFAIL );

		if ( rankstrip )

		if ( clipreinsert )

		if ( zztoname )



	if ( Pmd5cb )
	if ( Pindex )
