Пример #1
void legion_network::neuron_states(const double t, const differ_state<double> & inputs, const differ_extra<void *> & argv, differ_state<double> & outputs) {
	unsigned int index = *(unsigned int *) argv[1];

	const double x = inputs[0];
	const double y = inputs[1];
	const double p = inputs[2];

	double potential_influence = heaviside(p + std::exp(-m_params.alpha * t) - m_params.teta);

	double stumulus = 0.0;
	if ((*m_stimulus)[index] > 0) {
		stumulus = m_params.I;

	double dx = 3.0 * x - std::pow(x, 3) + 2.0 - y + stumulus * potential_influence + m_oscillators[index].m_coupling_term + m_oscillators[index].m_noise;
	double dy = m_params.eps * (m_params.gamma * (1.0 + std::tanh(x / m_params.betta)) - y);

	std::vector<unsigned int> * neighbors = get_neighbors(index);
	double potential = 0.0;

	for (std::vector<unsigned int>::const_iterator index_iterator = neighbors->begin(); index_iterator != neighbors->end(); index_iterator++) {
		unsigned int index_neighbor = *index_iterator;
		potential += m_params.T * heaviside(m_oscillators[index_neighbor].m_excitatory - m_params.teta_x);

	delete neighbors;

	double dp = m_params.lamda * (1 - p) * heaviside(potential - m_params.teta_p) - m_params.mu * p;

Пример #2
hs(int x, int y, int z)
   double h=heaviside(x)*heaviside(y)*heaviside(z);
	return 8.;
   else if(h==.5)
	return 4.;
	return 2;
Пример #3
int main(void)
    double data[8] = {2, 4, 4, 4, 5, 5, 7, 9};

    double x = sum(data, 8);
    printf("%f\n", x);

    double m = mean(data, 8);
    printf("%f\n", m);

    double v = variance_mean(data, m, 8);
    printf("%f\n", v);

    double sd = standard_dev_mean(data, m, 8);
    printf("%f\n", sd);

    double obs[5] = {13,17,18,20,24};
    double sim[5] = {12,15,20,22,24};

    double mean_square_error = mse_c(obs, sim, 5);
    printf("%f\n", mean_square_error);

    double pobs[5] = {1,2,3,4,5};
    double psim[5] = {1,2,3,4,5};
    double ns = nse_c(pobs, psim, 5);
    printf("%f\n", ns);

    double kge = kge_c(obs, sim, 5);
    printf("KGE: %f\n", kge);

    kge = kge_c(pobs, psim, 5);
    printf("Perfect KGE: %f\n", kge);

    double cv = covariance(obs, sim, 5);
    printf("Covariance: %f\n", cv);

    cv = covariance(pobs, psim, 5);
    printf("Covariance: %f\n", cv);

    double h_data[5] = {-3,-2,-1,1,2};
    double out_data[6] = {0,0,0,0,0,0};
    heaviside(h_data, out_data, 6);

    int i;
    for (i = 0; i < 5; i++) {
        printf("Heaviside %d: %f\n", i, out_data[i]);

    return 0;
Пример #4
MAT *MGVF(MAT *I, double vx, double vy) {
    % MGVF calculate the motion gradient vector flow (MGVF)
    %  for the image 'I'
    % Based on the algorithm in:
    %  Motion gradient vector flow: an external force for tracking rolling
    %   leukocytes with shape and size constrained active contours
    %  Ray, N. and Acton, S.T.
    %  IEEE Transactions on Medical Imaging
    %  Volume: 23, Issue: 12, December 2004
    %  Pages: 1466 - 1478
    % INPUTS
    %   I...........image
    %   vx,vy.......velocity vector
    % OUTPUT
    %   IMGVF.......MGVF vector field as image
    % Matlab code written by: DREW GILLIAM (based on work by GANG DONG /
    %                                                        NILANJAN RAY)
    % Ported to C by: MICHAEL BOYER

    // Constants
    double converge = 0.00001;
    double mu = 0.5;
    double epsilon = 0.0000000001;
    double lambda = 8.0 * mu + 1.0;
    // Smallest positive value expressable in double-precision
    double eps = pow(2.0, -52.0);
    // Maximum number of iterations to compute the MGVF matrix
    int iterations = 500;

    // Find the maximum and minimum values in I
    int m = I->m, n = I->n, i, j;
    double Imax = m_get_val(I, 0, 0);
    double Imin = m_get_val(I, 0, 0);
    for (i = 0; i < m; i++) {
        for (j = 0; j < n; j++) {
            double temp = m_get_val(I, i, j);
            if (temp > Imax) Imax = temp;
            else if (temp < Imin) Imin = temp;

    // Normalize the image I
    double scale = 1.0 / (Imax - Imin + eps);
    for (i = 0; i < m; i++) {
        for (j = 0; j < n; j++) {
            double old_val = m_get_val(I, i, j);
            m_set_val(I, i, j, (old_val - Imin) * scale);

    // Initialize the output matrix IMGVF with values from I
    MAT *IMGVF = m_get(m, n);
    for (i = 0; i < m; i++) {
        for (j = 0; j < n; j++) {
            m_set_val(IMGVF, i, j, m_get_val(I, i, j));

    // Precompute row and column indices for the
    //  neighbor difference computation below
    int *rowU = (int *) malloc(sizeof(int) * m);
    int *rowD = (int *) malloc(sizeof(int) * m);
    int *colL = (int *) malloc(sizeof(int) * n);
    int *colR = (int *) malloc(sizeof(int) * n);
    rowU[0] = 0;
    rowD[m - 1] = m - 1;
    for (i = 1; i < m; i++) {
        rowU[i] = i - 1;
        rowD[i - 1] = i;
    colL[0] = 0;
    colR[n - 1] = n - 1;
    for (j = 1; j < n; j++) {
        colL[j] = j - 1;
        colR[j - 1] = j;

    // Allocate matrices used in the while loop below
    MAT *U    = m_get(m, n), *D    = m_get(m, n), *L    = m_get(m, n), *R    = m_get(m, n);
    MAT *UR   = m_get(m, n), *DR   = m_get(m, n), *UL   = m_get(m, n), *DL   = m_get(m, n);
    MAT *UHe  = m_get(m, n), *DHe  = m_get(m, n), *LHe  = m_get(m, n), *RHe  = m_get(m, n);
    MAT *URHe = m_get(m, n), *DRHe = m_get(m, n), *ULHe = m_get(m, n), *DLHe = m_get(m, n);

    // Precompute constants to avoid division in the for loops below
    double mu_over_lambda = mu / lambda;
    double one_over_lambda = 1.0 / lambda;

    // Compute the MGVF
    int iter = 0;
    double mean_diff = 1.0;
    while ((iter < iterations) && (mean_diff > converge)) {

        // Compute the difference between each pixel and its eight neighbors
        for (i = 0; i < m; i++) {
            for (j = 0; j < n; j++) {
                double subtrahend = m_get_val(IMGVF, i, j);
                m_set_val(U, i, j, m_get_val(IMGVF, rowU[i], j) - subtrahend);
                m_set_val(D, i, j, m_get_val(IMGVF, rowD[i], j) - subtrahend);
                m_set_val(L, i, j, m_get_val(IMGVF, i, colL[j]) - subtrahend);
                m_set_val(R, i, j, m_get_val(IMGVF, i, colR[j]) - subtrahend);
                m_set_val(UR, i, j, m_get_val(IMGVF, rowU[i], colR[j]) - subtrahend);
                m_set_val(DR, i, j, m_get_val(IMGVF, rowD[i], colR[j]) - subtrahend);
                m_set_val(UL, i, j, m_get_val(IMGVF, rowU[i], colL[j]) - subtrahend);
                m_set_val(DL, i, j, m_get_val(IMGVF, rowD[i], colL[j]) - subtrahend);

        // Compute the regularized heaviside version of the matrices above
        heaviside( UHe,  U, -vy,      epsilon);
        heaviside( DHe,  D,  vy,      epsilon);
        heaviside( LHe,  L, -vx,      epsilon);
        heaviside( RHe,  R,  vx,      epsilon);
        heaviside(URHe, UR,  vx - vy, epsilon);
        heaviside(DRHe, DR,  vx + vy, epsilon);
        heaviside(ULHe, UL, -vx - vy, epsilon);
        heaviside(DLHe, DL,  vy - vx, epsilon);

        // Update the IMGVF matrix
        double total_diff = 0.0;
        for (i = 0; i < m; i++) {
            for (j = 0; j < n; j++) {
                // Store the old value so we can compute the difference later
                double old_val = m_get_val(IMGVF, i, j);

                // Compute IMGVF += (mu / lambda)(UHe .*U  + DHe .*D  + LHe .*L  + RHe .*R +
                //                                URHe.*UR + DRHe.*DR + ULHe.*UL + DLHe.*DL);
                double vU  = m_get_val(UHe,  i, j) * m_get_val(U,  i, j);
                double vD  = m_get_val(DHe,  i, j) * m_get_val(D,  i, j);
                double vL  = m_get_val(LHe,  i, j) * m_get_val(L,  i, j);
                double vR  = m_get_val(RHe,  i, j) * m_get_val(R,  i, j);
                double vUR = m_get_val(URHe, i, j) * m_get_val(UR, i, j);
                double vDR = m_get_val(DRHe, i, j) * m_get_val(DR, i, j);
                double vUL = m_get_val(ULHe, i, j) * m_get_val(UL, i, j);
                double vDL = m_get_val(DLHe, i, j) * m_get_val(DL, i, j);
                double vHe = old_val + mu_over_lambda * (vU + vD + vL + vR + vUR + vDR + vUL + vDL);

                // Compute IMGVF -= (1 / lambda)(I .* (IMGVF - I))
                double vI = m_get_val(I, i, j);
                double new_val = vHe - (one_over_lambda * vI * (vHe - vI));
                m_set_val(IMGVF, i, j, new_val);

                // Keep track of the absolute value of the differences
                //  between this iteration and the previous one
                total_diff += fabs(new_val - old_val);

        // Compute the mean absolute difference between this iteration
        //  and the previous one to check for convergence
        mean_diff = total_diff / (double) (m * n);


    // Free memory

    return IMGVF;
Пример #5
void legion_network::calculate_states(const legion_stimulus & stimulus, const solve_type solver, const double t, const double step, const double int_step) {
	std::vector<void *> argv(2, NULL);
	std::vector<differ_result<double> > next_states(size());

	argv[0] = (void *) this;

	unsigned int number_int_steps = (unsigned int) (step / int_step);

	for (unsigned int index = 0; index < size(); index++) {
		argv[1] = (void *) &index;

		differ_state<double> inputs { m_oscillators[index].m_excitatory, m_oscillators[index].m_inhibitory };
		if (m_params.ENABLE_POTENTIAL) {

		switch(solver) {
			case solve_type::FAST: {
				throw std::runtime_error("Forward Euler first-order method is not supported due to low accuracy.");

			case solve_type::RK4: {
				if (m_params.ENABLE_POTENTIAL) {
					runge_kutta_4(&legion_network::adapter_neuron_states, inputs, t, t + step, number_int_steps, false /* only last states */, argv, next_states[index]);
				else {
					runge_kutta_4(&legion_network::adapter_neuron_simplify_states, inputs, t, t + step, number_int_steps, false /* only last states */, argv, next_states[index]);


			case solve_type::RKF45: {
				if (m_params.ENABLE_POTENTIAL) {
					runge_kutta_fehlberg_45(&legion_network::adapter_neuron_states, inputs, t, t + step, 0.00001, false /* only last states */, argv, next_states[index]);
				else {
					runge_kutta_fehlberg_45(&legion_network::adapter_neuron_simplify_states, inputs, t, t + step, 0.00001, false /* only last states */, argv, next_states[index]);

			default: {
				throw std::runtime_error("Unknown type of solver");

		std::vector<unsigned int> * neighbors = get_neighbors(index);
		double coupling = 0.0;

		for (std::vector<unsigned int>::const_iterator index_neighbor_iterator = neighbors->begin(); index_neighbor_iterator != neighbors->end(); index_neighbor_iterator++) {
			coupling += m_dynamic_connections[index][*index_neighbor_iterator] * heaviside(m_oscillators[*index_neighbor_iterator].m_excitatory - m_params.teta_x);

		delete neighbors;

		m_oscillators[index].m_buffer_coupling_term = coupling - m_params.Wz * heaviside(m_global_inhibitor - m_params.teta_xz);

	differ_result<double> inhibitor_next_state;
	differ_state<double> inhibitor_input { m_global_inhibitor };

	switch (solver) {
		case solve_type::RK4: {
			runge_kutta_4(&legion_network::adapter_inhibitor_state, inhibitor_input, t, t + step, number_int_steps, false /* only last states */, argv, inhibitor_next_state);
		case solve_type::RKF45: {
			runge_kutta_fehlberg_45(&legion_network::adapter_inhibitor_state, inhibitor_input, t, t + step, 0.00001, false /* only last states */, argv, inhibitor_next_state);

	m_global_inhibitor = inhibitor_next_state[0].state[0];

	for (unsigned int i = 0; i < size(); i++) {
		m_oscillators[i].m_excitatory = next_states[i][0].state[0];
		m_oscillators[i].m_inhibitory = next_states[i][0].state[1];

		if (m_params.ENABLE_POTENTIAL) {
			m_oscillators[i].m_potential = next_states[i][0].state[2];

		m_oscillators[i].m_coupling_term = m_oscillators[i].m_buffer_coupling_term;
		m_oscillators[i].m_noise = m_noise_distribution(m_generator);
Пример #6
void CTempConvs::compute(MATRIX& P,
	CLagrange_interp& intTB, CLagrange_interp& TB, CLagrange_interp& dTB,
	const UINT num_partitions( intTB.m_partition.size() - 1 );
	const UINT num_degree( intTB.m_coeffs.n_cols - 1 );

	double *Ia, *Ib, *dIa, *dIb;

	int i, n, ii;
#pragma omp parallel default(shared) private(i, ii, n, Ia, Ib, dIa, dIb)
		Ia = (double*)(calloc(sizeof(double), num_degree+1));
		Ib = (double*)(calloc(sizeof(double), num_degree + 1));
		dIa = (double*)(calloc(sizeof(double), num_degree + 1));
		dIb = (double*)(calloc(sizeof(double), num_degree + 1));

#pragma omp for schedule(static)
		for (ii = 0; ii < (int)P.n_elem; ii++)

			//Current distance
			double PP(P(ii));

			for (i = 0; i<(int)num_partitions; i++)
				//Current partition properties
				double partition_start(intTB.m_partition(i));	   //(k-i)dt  
				double partition_end(intTB.m_partition(i + 1));    //(k-i+1)dt

				//Integration limits
				double a(max(PP, partition_start));
				double b(max(PP, partition_end));

				//Differentiated limits wrt P (using Heaviside)
				double da(heaviside(PP - partition_start));
				double db(heaviside(PP - partition_end));

				//Compute dI_1 term and set this term to 0 after threshold point
				double tmp1(a*da - PP);
				double tmp2(sqrt(a*a - PP*PP));
				double dI1a(dotdiv(tmp1, tmp2));
				if (dI1a>partition_start) dI1a = 0;

				double tmp3(b*db - PP);
				double tmp4(sqrt(b*b - PP*PP));
				double dI1b(dotdiv(tmp3, tmp4));
				if (dI1b > partition_end) dI1b = 0;

				//First integral equation, I_0 and dI_0
				tmp2 += a;
				tmp4 += b;
				Ia[0] = log(tmp2);
				Ib[0] = log(tmp4);
				dIa[0] = (da + dI1a) / tmp2;
				dIb[0] = (db + dI1b) / tmp4;

				//Convolve polynomial coefficients with solved integral
				tmp1 = Ib[0] - Ia[0];
				Fh.at(ii) += tmp1 * intTB.m_coeffs(i, num_degree);
				Fs.at(ii) += tmp1 * TB.m_coeffs(i, num_degree);
				dF.at(ii) += (dIb[0] - dIa[0]) * dTB.m_coeffs(i, num_degree);

				//Second integral equation, I_1
				if (num_degree > 0)
					Ia[1] = sqrt(a*a - PP*PP);
					Ib[1] = sqrt(b*b - PP*PP);

					dIa[1] = dI1a;
					dIb[1] = dI1b;

					tmp1 = Ib[1] - Ia[1];
					Fh.at(ii) += tmp1 * intTB.m_coeffs(i, num_degree - 1);
					Fs.at(ii) += tmp1 * TB.m_coeffs(i, num_degree - 1);
					dF.at(ii) += (dIb[1] - dIa[1]) * dTB.m_coeffs(i, num_degree - 1);

					//All other integral equations, I_2...I_p
					for (n = 2; n <= (int)num_degree; n++)
						double over_n(1 / (double)n);

						// I_2...I_p
						Ia[n] = (dotpow(a, n - 1) * Ia[1] + (n - 1) * PP*PP * Ia[n - 2]) * over_n;
						Ib[n] = (dotpow(b, n - 1) * Ib[1] + (n - 1) * PP*PP * Ib[n - 2]) * over_n;

						//dI_2 ... dI_p
						tmp1 = dotpow(da, n - 1) * Ia[1];
						tmp2 = dotpow(a, n - 1) * dIa[1];
						tmp3 = (n - 1)*(2 * PP * Ia[n - 2] + PP*PP * dIa[n - 2]);
						dIa[n] = (tmp1 + tmp2 + tmp3) * over_n;

						tmp1 = dotpow(db, n - 1) * Ib[1];
						tmp2 = dotpow(b, n - 1) * dIb[1];
						tmp3 = (n - 1)*(2 * PP * Ib[n - 2] + PP*PP * dIb[n - 2]);
						dIb[n] = (tmp1 + tmp2 + tmp3) * over_n;

						// Convolve
						tmp1 = Ib[n] - Ia[n];
						Fh.at(ii) += tmp1 * intTB.m_coeffs(i, num_degree - n);
						Fs.at(ii) += tmp1 * TB.m_coeffs(i, num_degree - n);
						dF.at(ii) += (dIb[n] - dIa[n]) * dTB.m_coeffs(i, num_degree - n);

					} // n -> num_degree
				} // if num_degree>0
			} // i -> num_partitions
		} // ii -> size(P)

		delete[] Ia;
		delete[] Ib;
		delete[] dIa;
		delete[] dIb;

	} // omp parallel

	const double over_2pi(1 / (2 * PI));
	Fh *= over_2pi;
	Fs *= over_2pi;
	dF *= over_2pi;