Пример #1
List *Path(World *world, Point *source, Point *destination)
  int tentative_gscore;
  List *result = NULL;
  int tries = 0;

  Hashmap *nodes = Hashmap_create(cmp, hash);
  Hashmap *closedset = Hashmap_create(cmp, hash);
  PQueue *openset = PQueue_create(cmp, hash);

  Node *current;
  Node *start = Node_create(source, 0, 0, NULL);
  Hashmap_set(nodes, start, start);

  start->fscore = start->gscore + heuristic_cost_estimate(start->point, destination);
  PQueue_push(openset, start, start->fscore);

  while(!PQueue_empty(openset) &&
	tries < 300) {

    current = PQueue_pop(openset);
    Hashmap_set(closedset, current, current);

    if(POINT_EQ(current->point, destination)) {
      result = reconstruct_path(current);

    } else {

      List *neighbours = neighbours_list(world, current->point, destination, nodes);

      LIST_FOREACH(neighbours, first, next, cur) {
	Node *neighbour = cur->value;

	if(Hashmap_get(closedset, neighbour) == NULL) {
	  tentative_gscore =  current->gscore + 1;

	  if(!PQueue_contains(openset, neighbour) ||
	     tentative_gscore > neighbour->gscore) {
	    if(!PQueue_contains(openset, neighbour)) {
	      neighbour->came_from = current;
	      neighbour->gscore = tentative_gscore;
	      neighbour->fscore = neighbour->gscore + heuristic_cost_estimate(neighbour->point, destination);
	      PQueue_push(openset, neighbour, neighbour->fscore);

Пример #2
void PathPlanner::fill_heuristic( )
	double hVal;
	for (int i = 0; i < _grid.size(); i++)
		for(int j = 0; j< _grid[i].size(); j++)
			if(_grid[i][j].cell_color == 0){
				cell cl(j, i);
				hVal = heuristic_cost_estimate(cl);
				_grid[i][j].h_val = hVal;
Пример #3
// Implementation from:
// https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/A*_search_algorithm#Pseudocode
int a_star(list_t graph, int width, int height, point_t* start, point_t* goal)
    list_t closed;
    list_create(&closed, width * height);

    start->dist = 0;
    f_score[start->x][start->y] = start->dist + heuristic_cost_estimate(start, goal);

    heap_t open;
    heap_create(&open, width * height);

    heap_insert(open, 0, start);

    while (heap_size(open) > 0)
        // find node with minimal f_score value
        point_t* current;
        heap_remove(open, &current);

        if (current == goal)
            list_free(closed, NULL, NULL);
            heap_free(open, NULL, NULL);
            return EXIT_SUCCESS;

        // remove from open list and insert into closed list
        list_insert(closed, current->id, current);

        // for neighbours of current
        for (int i = MAX(current->x - 1, 0); i <= MIN(current->x + 1, width - 1); ++i)
            for (int j = MAX(current->y - 1, 0); j <= MIN(current->y + 1, height - 1); ++j)
                if (i != current->x || j!= current->y) // skip self
                    point_t* neighbour = graph_find(graph, width, height, i, j);

                    if (list_search(closed, neighbour->id, NULL))
                        continue; // ignore neighbour which is already evaluated

                    int tentative_g_score = current->dist + neighbour->cost;

                    if (tentative_g_score < neighbour->dist)
                        neighbour->prev = current;
                        neighbour->dist = tentative_g_score;
                        f_score[i][j] = neighbour->dist + heuristic_cost_estimate(neighbour, goal);

                        heap_insert(open, neighbour->dist, neighbour);

    list_free(closed, NULL, NULL);
    heap_free(open, NULL, NULL);
    return EXIT_FAILURE;