Пример #1
int pack_export_symbols(yaml_emitter_t * emitter, yaml_event_t *event, vita_export_symbol **symbols, size_t symbol_n)

	if(!yamlemitter_mapping_start(emitter, event))
		return 0;
	for (int i = 0; i < symbol_n; ++i)

		if(!yamlemitter_key_value(emitter, event, symbols[i]->name, hextostr(symbols[i]->nid)))
			return 0;
	if (!yaml_emitter_emit(emitter, event))
		return 0;
	return -1;
Пример #2
 * The first step to hash the password. We got two unsigned char arrays
 * as input, the first is generated in hash_password_v2(), the second is
 * some kind of unsigned char password, maybe generated by other functions,
 * we join the two arrays together, and make SHA1 on it, as we know, the
 * result of SHA1 is an unsigned char array, then we converted it into
 * a signed char array using hextostr(), and then return.
 * NOTE: the function will finally be called by hash_password_v4()
static gchar*
hash_password_v1(const guchar *b0, gint b0len, const guchar *password,
                 gint psdlen)
    guchar   tmp[20];
    gchar   *res;
    SHA_CTX  ctx;
    guchar  *dst = (guchar*)g_malloc0(b0len + psdlen + 1);

    memset(tmp, 0, sizeof(tmp));
    memcpy(dst, b0, b0len);
    memcpy(dst + b0len, password, psdlen);

    SHA1_Update(&ctx, dst, b0len + psdlen);
    SHA1_Final(tmp, &ctx);

    res = hextostr(tmp , 20);

    return res;
Пример #3
    int send_login_auth()
        if (challenge.empty()) return -1;
        U31_LOG_INFO("Send Login Auth." << std::endl);
        U31_LOG_DBG("username = "******", password = "******"Send Login Auth");
            if (recv[0] != 0x04 && recv[0] != 0x05) // Success/Failure
                return -1;
            if (recv[0] == 0x05) // Failure
                switch (recv[4])
                    case 0x01: // Already online
                        U31_LOG_ERR("This account has already been online at IP: " << (int)recv[5] << "." << (int)recv[6] << "." << (int)recv[7] << "." << (int)recv[8] << ", MAC: " << hextostr(&recv[9], 6, ':') << std::endl);
                    case 0x03: // Username or password wrong!
                        U31_LOG_ERR("Username or password wrong!" << std::endl);
                    case 0x05: // No money
                        U31_LOG_ERR("No money in your account!" << std::endl);
                    case 0x0b: // Wrong MAC
                        U31_LOG_ERR("Wrong MAC, should be " << hextostr(&recv[5], 6, ':') << std::endl);
                        U31_LOG_ERR("Unkown failure: 0x" << std::hex << (int)recv[4] << std::endl);
                return 1; // Don't retry when failure
            U31_LOG_INFO("Gateway return: Success." << std::endl);
            // Success
            auth_info.insert(auth_info.end(), recv.begin() + 23, recv.begin() + 23 + 16); // 16 bytes from Success
            // Captured
            memcpy(&total_time, &recv[5], 4);
            memcpy(&total_flux, &recv[9], 4);
            memcpy(&balance, &recv[13], 4);
#ifdef OPENWRT
            // network order on openwrt
            total_time = TO_LITTLE_ENDIAN(total_time);
            total_flux = TO_LITTLE_ENDIAN(total_flux);
            balance = TO_LITTLE_ENDIAN(balance);
            U31_LOG_INFO("Login auth succeeded! User info: " << std::endl);
            U31_LOG_INFO("Used Time: " << total_time << " Minutes, Used Flux: " << (total_flux & 0x0FFFFFFFF) / 1024.0 << " MB, Balance: " << (balance & 0x0FFFFFFFF) / 100.0 << " RMB" << std::endl);
            return 0;
        U31_HANDLE_ERROR("Send Login Auth");
        U31_AUTO_RETRY("Send Login Auth");
Пример #4
int main(int argc, char *argv[])
	int ret = 0, input = -1;
	wpa_printf(MSG_DEBUG, "%s", "Hello rild");

		scanf("%d", &input);
		printf("Input %d\n", input);

		switch (input)
			case 0:
					char *pSimResult1 = "8944F433373A7603DE84C000";
					char *pSimResult2 = "ERROR,rild is not setup up";
					char *pAkaSuccess = "DB083F7D8D419277AE1C1080BB43519D0175C139187861DC01A31A10AC98E8D86AF2D92CA0CAC30B5C50E88A08B5F110E377A2E77D";
					char *pAkaFailure = "DC0E8944F438944F438944F438944F43";
					u8  i = 0xcd, ia;
					char *a = "f4", ai[2];
					u8   ii[2] = {0x44, 0xfb}, aaii[2];
					char *aa = "ffee", iiaa[4];

					wpa_printf(MSG_DEBUG, "FIXED TEST\n");
					hextoa(&i, ai);		
					wpa_printf(MSG_DEBUG, "%x -> %c%c", i, ai[0], ai[1]);
					atohex(a, &ia);
					wpa_printf(MSG_DEBUG, "%s -> %x", a, ia);
					hextostr(ii, sizeof(ii)/sizeof(ii[0]), iiaa);
					wpa_printf(MSG_DEBUG, "%x%x -- > %c%c%c%c", ii[0], ii[1],
							iiaa[0], iiaa[1], iiaa[2], iiaa[3]);
					strtohex(aa, strlen(aa), aaii);
					wpa_printf(MSG_DEBUG, "%s --> %x%x", aa,
							aaii[0], aaii[1]);

					uint8 *strParm = (uint8 *)pSimResult1, strLen = strlen(pSimResult1);
					uint8 sres[SIM_SRES_LEN], kc[SIM_KC_LEN];
					uint8 res[50];
					size_t res_len = 0;
					uint8 ck[50], ik[50], auts[50];
					parseSimResult(strParm, strLen, sres, kc);
					strParm = (uint8 *)pSimResult2, strLen = strlen(pSimResult2);
					parseSimResult(strParm, strLen, sres, kc);
					parseAkaResult(pAkaSuccess, strlen(pAkaSuccess),
						res, &res_len, ck, ik, auts);
					parseAkaResult(pAkaFailure, strlen(pAkaFailure),
						res, &res_len, ck, ik, auts);
			case 1:	
					int sock = -1;
					int i = 0;
					char *simInput = "EAP_SIM,0,5a01d5224f14222c5554102a10df5896";
					int slotId = 0;
					uint8 sres[SIM_SRES_LEN], kc[SIM_KC_LEN];
					uint8 rand[] = {0x5a, 0x01, 0xd5, 0x22, 0x4f, 0x14, 0x22, 0x2c, 0x55, 0x5, 0x4, 0x10, 0x2a, 0x10, 0xdf, 0x58, 0x96};					
					uint8 randLeon[3][16] = {{0x89, 0xab, 0xcb, 0xee, 0xf9, 0xab, 0xcd, 0xef, 
																0x89, 0xab, 0xcd, 0xef, 0x89, 0xab, 0xcd, 0xef}, 
																{0x9a, 0xbc, 0xde, 0xf8, 0x9a, 0xbc, 0xde, 0xf8, 
																	0x9a, 0xbc, 0xde, 0xf8, 0x9a, 0xbc, 0xde, 0xf8},
																{0xab, 0xcd, 0xef, 0x89, 0xab, 0xcd, 0xef, 0x89, 
																	0xab, 0xcd, 0xef, 0x89, 0xab, 0xcd, 0xef, 0x89}};
					for(i = 0; i < 3; i++){
						sock = connectToRild(&slotId);
						eapSimSetParam(sock, 0, randLeon[i]);
						eapSimQueryResult(sock, sres, kc); 
			case 2:
					int sock = -1;
					char *akaInput = "EAP_AKA,0, 8090a966d69c5dd3b5fb0ae975596961,d7ac9c65801a3412af8d47b4ce54ee1e";
					int slotId = 0;
					uint8 rand[] = {0x80, 0x90, 0xa9, 0x66, 0xd6, 0x9c, 0x5d, 0xd3, 
							0xb5, 0xfb, 0x0a, 0xe9, 0x75, 0x59, 0x69, 0x61};
					uint8 autn[] = {0xd7,0xac,0x9c,0x65,0x80,0x1a,0x34,0x12,
					uint8 res[100], ik[100], ck[100], auts[100];
					size_t res_len;
					sock = connectToRild(&slotId);
					eapAkaSetParam(sock, 0, rand, autn);
					eapAkaQueryResult(sock, res, &res_len,
		     					ik, ck, auts);
				printf("wrong input %d\n", input);


	return 0;
Пример #5
static gchar*
generate_response(const gchar *nouce, const gchar *userid,
        const gchar *password, const gchar *publickey, const gchar *aeskey_raw)
    gchar  *psdhex = hash_password_v4(userid, password);
    gchar   modulus[257];
    gchar   exponent[7];
    gint    ret, flen;
    BIGNUM *bnn, *bne;
    guchar *out;
    guchar *nonce, *aeskey, *psd, *res;
    gint    nonce_len, aeskey_len, psd_len;
    RSA    *r      = RSA_new();

    memset(modulus, 0, sizeof(modulus));
    memset(exponent, 0, sizeof(exponent));

    memcpy(modulus, publickey, 256);
    memcpy(exponent, publickey + 256, 6);

    nonce = (guchar*)g_malloc0(strlen(nouce) + 1);
    memcpy(nonce, (guchar*)nouce, strlen(nouce));
    nonce_len = strlen(nouce);

    psd = strtohex(psdhex, &psd_len);

    aeskey = strtohex(aeskey_raw, &aeskey_len);

    res = (guchar*)g_malloc0(nonce_len + aeskey_len + psd_len + 1);
    memcpy(res, nonce, nonce_len);
    memcpy(res + nonce_len, psd, psd_len);
    memcpy(res + nonce_len + psd_len, aeskey, aeskey_len);

    bnn = BN_new();
    bne = BN_new();
    BN_hex2bn(&bnn, modulus);
    BN_hex2bn(&bne, exponent);
    r->n = bnn;    r->e = bne;    r->d = NULL;

    RSA_print_fp(stdout, r, 5);
    flen = RSA_size(r);
    out =  (guchar*)g_malloc0(flen);
    hybrid_debug_info("fetion", "start encrypting response");
    ret = RSA_public_encrypt(nonce_len + aeskey_len + psd_len,
            res, out, r, RSA_PKCS1_PADDING);

    if (ret < 0) {
        hybrid_debug_info("fetion", "encrypt response failed!");
        return NULL;

    hybrid_debug_info("fetion", "encrypting reponse success");

    return hextostr(out , ret);
Пример #6
int main(int argc, char *argv[])
	if (argc != 5)
		return EXIT_FAILURE;
	const char *type = argv[1];
	const char *elf_path = argv[2];
	const char *export_path = argv[3];
	const char *import_path = argv[4];
	char buffer[100];

	int is_kernel = 0;
	// check if kernel or user
	if (strcmp(type, "kernel") == 0 || strcmp(type, "k") == 0)
		is_kernel = 1;
	else if (strcmp(type, "user") == 0 || strcmp(type, "u") == 0)
		is_kernel = 0;
		fprintf(stderr, "error: invalid mod-type '%s'. see usage for more info\n", type);
		return EXIT_FAILURE;
	// load our exports
	vita_export_t *exports = vita_exports_load(export_path, elf_path, 0);
	if (!exports)
		return EXIT_FAILURE;
	yaml_emitter_t emitter;
	yaml_event_t event;

	/* Create the Emitter object. */
	FILE *fp = fopen(import_path, "w");

	if (!fp)
		// TODO: handle this
		fprintf(stderr, "could not open '%s' for writing\n", import_path);
		return EXIT_FAILURE;

	yaml_emitter_set_output_file(&emitter, fp);

	/* Create and emit the STREAM-START event. */
	if(!yamlemitter_stream_start(&emitter, &event))
		goto error;
	if(!yamlemitter_document_start(&emitter, &event))
		goto error;
	if(!yamlemitter_mapping_start(&emitter, &event))
		goto error;
	if(!yamlemitter_key(&emitter, &event,"modules"))
		goto error;
	if(!yamlemitter_mapping_start(&emitter, &event))
		goto error;
	if(!yamlemitter_key(&emitter, &event,exports->name))
		goto error;

	if(!yamlemitter_mapping_start(&emitter, &event))
		goto error;
	if(!yamlemitter_key_value(&emitter, &event,"nid",hextostr(exports->nid)))
		goto error;
	if(!yamlemitter_key(&emitter, &event,"libraries"))
		goto error;
	if(!yamlemitter_mapping_start(&emitter, &event))
		goto error;
	for (int i = 0; i < exports->module_n; ++i)
		vita_library_export *lib = exports->modules[i];
		int kernel_lib = is_kernel;
		if (lib->syscall)
			if (is_kernel)
				kernel_lib = 0;
				fprintf(stderr, "error: got syscall flag for user module. did you mean to pass as kernel module?");
				return EXIT_FAILURE;
		if(!yamlemitter_key(&emitter, &event, lib->name))
			goto error;
		if(!yamlemitter_mapping_start(&emitter, &event))
			goto error;
		if(!yamlemitter_key_value(&emitter, &event,"nid",hextostr(lib->nid)))
			goto error;
		if(!yamlemitter_key_value(&emitter, &event,"kernel",booltostr(kernel_lib)))
			goto error;
			if(!yamlemitter_key(&emitter, &event, "functions"))
				goto error;
			if(!pack_export_symbols(&emitter, &event, lib->functions, lib->function_n))
				goto error;
			if(!yamlemitter_key(&emitter, &event, "variables"))
				goto error;
			if(!pack_export_symbols(&emitter, &event, lib->variables, lib->variable_n))
				goto error;
		if (!yaml_emitter_emit(&emitter, &event))
			goto error;
	if(!yamlemitter_mapping_end(&emitter, &event))
		goto error;
	if(!yamlemitter_mapping_end(&emitter, &event))
		goto error;

	if(!yamlemitter_mapping_end(&emitter, &event))
		goto error;
	if(!yamlemitter_mapping_end(&emitter, &event))
		goto error;

	if(!yamlemitter_document_end(&emitter, &event))
		goto error;
	if(!yamlemitter_stream_end(&emitter, &event))
		goto error;

	/* On error. */
	/* Destroy the Emitter object. */
	// TODO: free exports, free json
	return 0;