main( void )
	v_t			angles;
	uint32_t		start;
	uint32_t		stop;


	sbi( TIMSK, TOIE1 );

	puts( "ahrs_init()\r\n" );
	ahrs_init( 0, 0, 1, 0 );

		puts( "\r\nstep: " );
		start = high_time();
		ahrs_step( angles, 0.1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0 );
		stop = high_time();

		put_uint16_t( (stop >> 16) & 0xFFFF );
		put_uint16_t( (stop >>  0) & 0xFFFF );
		puts( " - " );
		put_uint16_t( (start >> 16) & 0xFFFF );
		put_uint16_t( (start >>  0) & 0xFFFF );

		stop -= start;
		puts( " = " );
		put_uint16_t( (stop >> 16) & 0xFFFF );
		put_uint16_t( (stop >>  0) & 0xFFFF );
* Checks the downloaded data to see if it is all valid.
void genericSurfInitialization::checkForValidData()
    //just make up a "dummy" timezone for use here
    boost::local_time::time_zone_ptr zone(new boost::local_time::posix_time_zone("MST-07"));

    //get time list
    std::vector<boost::local_time::local_date_time> timeList( getTimeList(zone) );

    boost::posix_time::ptime pt_low(boost::gregorian::date(1900,boost::gregorian::Jan,1), boost::posix_time::hours(12));
    boost::posix_time::ptime pt_high(boost::gregorian::date(2100,boost::gregorian::Jan,1), boost::posix_time::hours(12));
    boost::local_time::local_date_time low_time(pt_low, zone);
    boost::local_time::local_date_time high_time(pt_high, zone);

    //check times
    for(unsigned int i = 0; i < timeList.size(); i++)
        if(timeList[i].is_special())    //if time is any special value (not_a_date_time, infinity, etc.)
            throw badForecastFile("Bad time in forecast file.");
        if(timeList[i] < low_time || timeList[i] > high_time)
            throw badForecastFile("Bad time in forecast file.");

    // open ds variable by variable
    GDALDataset *srcDS;
    std::string temp;
    std::string srcWkt;
    int nBands = 0;
    bool noDataValueExists;
    bool noDataIsNan;

    std::vector<std::string> varList = getVariableList();

    //Acquire a lock to protect the non-thread safe netCDF library
#ifdef _OPENMP
    omp_guard netCDF_guard(netCDF_lock);

    for( unsigned int i = 0;i < varList.size();i++ ) {

        temp = "NETCDF:" + wxModelFileName + ":" + varList[i];

        srcDS = (GDALDataset*)GDALOpen( temp.c_str(), GA_ReadOnly );
        if( srcDS == NULL )
            throw badForecastFile("Cannot open forecast file.");

        srcWkt = srcDS->GetProjectionRef();

        if( srcWkt.empty() )
            throw badForecastFile("Forecast file doesn't have projection information.");

        //Get total bands (time steps)
        nBands = srcDS->GetRasterCount();
        int nXSize, nYSize;
        GDALRasterBand *poBand;
        int pbSuccess;
        double dfNoData;
        double *padfScanline;

        nXSize = srcDS->GetRasterXSize();
        nYSize = srcDS->GetRasterYSize();

        //loop over all bands for this variable (bands are time steps)
        for(int j = 1; j <= nBands; j++)
            poBand = srcDS->GetRasterBand( j );

            pbSuccess = 0;
            dfNoData = poBand->GetNoDataValue( &pbSuccess );
            if( pbSuccess == false )
                noDataValueExists = false;
                noDataValueExists = true;
                noDataIsNan = CPLIsNan(dfNoData);

            //set the data
            padfScanline = new double[nXSize*nYSize];
            poBand->RasterIO(GF_Read, 0, 0, nXSize, nYSize, padfScanline, nXSize, nYSize,
                    GDT_Float64, 0, 0);
            for(int k = 0;k < nXSize*nYSize; k++)
                //Check if value is no data (if no data value was defined in file)
                            throw badForecastFile("Forecast file contains no_data values.");
                        if(padfScanline[k] == dfNoData)
                            throw badForecastFile("Forecast file contains no_data values.");

                if( varList[i] == "Temperature_height_above_ground" )   //units are Kelvin
                    if(padfScanline[k] < 180.0 || padfScanline[k] > 340.0)  //these are near the most extreme temperatures ever recored on earth
                        throw badForecastFile("Temperature is out of range in forecast file.");
                else if( varList[i] == "V-component_of_wind_height_above_ground" )  //units are m/s
                    if(std::abs(padfScanline[k]) > 220.0)
                        throw badForecastFile("V-velocity is out of range in forecast file.");
                else if( varList[i] == "U-component_of_wind_height_above_ground" )  //units are m/s
                    if(std::abs(padfScanline[k]) > 220.0)
                        throw badForecastFile("U-velocity is out of range in forecast file.");
                else if( varList[i] == "Total_cloud_cover" )  //units are percent
                    if(padfScanline[k] < 0.0 || padfScanline[k] > 100.0)
                        throw badForecastFile("Total cloud cover is out of range in forecast file.");

            delete [] padfScanline;

        GDALClose((GDALDatasetH) srcDS );