std::string BundleAuthenticationBlock::calcMAC(const dtn::data::Bundle& bundle, const dtn::security::SecurityKey &key, const bool with_correlator, const dtn::data::Number &correlator) { std::string hmac_key = key.getData(); ibrcommon::HMacStream hms((const unsigned char*)hmac_key.c_str(), static_cast<int>(hmac_key.length())); dtn::security::StrictSerializer ss(hms, BUNDLE_AUTHENTICATION_BLOCK, with_correlator, correlator); (dtn::data::DefaultSerializer&)ss << bundle; hms << std::flush; return ibrcommon::HashStream::extract(hms); }
void jd_to_gregorian(jd_t jd, year_t& year, month_t& month, day_t& day, hour_t& hour, minute_t& minute, second_t& second) { hms(hms_from_jd(jd), hour, minute, second); jd = floor(jd - 0.5) + 0.5; long long a = static_cast<long long>(jd + 0.5) + 32044; long long b = (4 * a + 3) / 146097; long long c = a - b * 146097 / 4; long long d = (4 * c + 3) / 1461; long long e = c - 1461 * d / 4; long long m = (5 * e + 2) / 153; day = static_cast<day_t>(e - (153 * m + 2) / 5 + 1); month = static_cast<month_t>(m + 3 - 12 * (m / 10)); year = b * 100 + d - 4800 + m / 10; }
void jd_to_hebrew(jd_t jd, year_t& year, month_t& month, day_t& day, hour_t& hour, minute_t& minute, second_t& second) { hms(hms_from_jd(jd), hour, minute, second); jd = floor(jd) + 0.5; year_t count = static_cast<year_t>(floor(((jd - HEBREW_EPOCH) * 98496) / 35975351.0)); year = count - 1; year_t i = count; while (jd >= hebrew_to_jd(i++, 7, 1)) ++year; month_t first = jd < hebrew_to_jd(year, 1, 1) ? 7 : 1; month = first; month_t j = first; while (jd > hebrew_to_jd(year, j++, hebrew_days_in_month(year, j))) ++month; day = static_cast<day_t>(floor(jd - hebrew_to_jd(year, month, 1) + 1)); }
void DISPLAY::drawData(int page) { char s[80]; switch(page) { case 0: if (EventCatch(EVT_PRN)) { sprintf(s, "%2d %3.0f", StatPRN, StatSNR); writeAt(4, 0, s); } if (EventCatch(EVT_BARS)) { setCursor(0, 1); for (int i=0; i<NUM_CHANS; i++) write(StatBars[i]); } break; case 1: if (EventCatch(EVT_POS)) { sprintf(s, "%-5d %8.5f %c", StatChans, StatLat, StatNS); writeAt(0, 0, s); sprintf(s, "%-5.0f %8.5f %c", StatAlt, StatLon, StatEW); writeAt(0, 1, s); } break; case 2: if (EventCatch(EVT_POS)) { UMS lat(StatLat), lon(StatLon); sprintf(s, "%2d\xDF%3d\xDF%7.3f %c", lat.u, lat.m, lat.s, StatNS); writeAt(0, 0, s); sprintf(s, "%2d\xDF%3d\xDF%7.3f %c", lon.u, lon.m, lon.s, StatEW); writeAt(0, 1, s); } break; case 3: if (EventCatch(EVT_TIME)) { UMS hms(StatSec/60/60); sprintf(s, "%s %02d:%02d:%02.0f", Week[StatDay], hms.u, hms.m, hms.s); writeAt(0, 0, s); } } }
static void Command_Cd_f (void) { LPCSTR s; int i,j; if (!cdaudio_started) return; if (COM_Argc()<2) { CONS_Printf ("cd [on] [off] [remap] [reset] [open]\n" " [info] [play <track>] [loop <track>]\n" " [stop] [resume]\n"); return; } s = COM_Argv(1); // activate cd music if (!strncmp(s,"on",2)) { cdEnabled = true; return; } // stop/deactivate cd music if (!strncmp(s,"off",3)) { if (cdPlaying) I_StopCD (); cdEnabled = false; return; } // remap tracks if (!strncmp(s,"remap",5)) { i = (int)COM_Argc() - 2; if (i <= 0) { CONS_Printf ("CD tracks remapped in that order :\n"); for (j = 1; j < MAX_CD_TRACKS; j++) if (cdRemap[j] != j) CONS_Printf (" %2d -> %2d\n", j, cdRemap[j]); return; } for (j = 1; j <= i; j++) cdRemap[j] = (UINT8)atoi (COM_Argv (j+1)); return; } // reset the CD driver, useful on some odd cd's if (!strncmp(s,"reset",5)) { cdEnabled = true; if (cdPlaying) I_StopCD (); for (i = 0; i < MAX_CD_TRACKS; i++) cdRemap[i] = (UINT8)i; CD_Reset(); cdValid = CD_ReadTrackInfo(); return; } // any other command is not allowed until we could retrieve cd information if (!cdValid) { CONS_Printf ("CD is not ready.\n"); return; } /* faB: not with MCI, didn't find it, useless anyway if (!strncmp(s,"open",4)) { if (cdPlaying) I_StopCD (); bcd_open_door(); cdValid = false; return; }*/ if (!strncmp(s,"info",4)) { if (!CD_ReadTrackInfo()) { cdValid = false; return; } cdValid = true; if (m_nTracksCount <= 0) CONS_Printf ("No audio tracks\n"); else { // display list of tracks // highlight current playing track for (i = 0; i < m_nTracksCount; i++) { CONS_Printf("%s%2d. %s %s\n", cdPlaying && (cdPlayTrack == i) ? "\2 " : " ", i+1, m_nTracks[i].IsAudio ? "audio" : "data ", hms(m_nTracks[i].Length)); } CONS_Printf ("\2Total time : %s\n", hms(CD_TotalTime())); } if (cdPlaying) { CONS_Printf ("%s track : %d\n", cdLooping ? "looping" : "playing", cdPlayTrack); } return; } if (!strncmp(s,"play",4)) { I_PlayCD ((UINT8)atoi(COM_Argv (2)), false); return; } if (!strncmp(s,"stop",4)) { I_StopCD (); return; } if (!strncmp(s,"loop",4)) { I_PlayCD ((UINT8)atoi(COM_Argv (2)), true); return; } if (!strncmp(s,"resume",4)) { I_ResumeCD (); return; } CONS_Printf ("cd command '%s' unknown\n", s); }
void screen(char *source,double *lst_disp,double *utc_disp,double *tjd_disp, double *ra_disp,double *dec_disp, double *ra_cat_disp, double *dec_cat_disp, double *az_disp, double *el_disp,int *icount,double *azoff,double *eloff,int *icflag, double *az_actual_corrected,double *el_actual_disp,double *tiltx, double *tilty,int *initflag,int *pvt,float *pressure, float *temperature, float *humidity, double *az_error, double *el_error,double *scan_unit, char *messg, unsigned short *track_flag, unsigned short *slew_flag,double *focus_counts, double *subx_counts, double *suby_counts,double *subtilt_counts, double *subtilt_arcseconds, double *total_power_disp,double *syncdet_disp, int *integration, float *magnitude, char *sptype, float *windspeed, float *winddirection,float *refraction, float *pmdaz, float *pmdel, double *smoothed_tracking_error, double *tsys, short *errorflag, short *waitflag, unsigned short *pmac_command_flag, int *antennaNumber, int *radio_flag,int *padid,double *planetdistance,double *Az_cmd, double *El_cmd, double *Az_cmd_rate,double *El_cmd_rate,int *milliseconds, int *servomilliseconds,char *m3StateString) { int i,j,l; short az_act_sign,az_sign,el_sign,dec_dum_sign,dec_app_sign,dec_cat_sign; char k; char str[2]; int lsth,lstm,ra_cat_h,ra_cat_m,dec_cat_d,dec_cat_m; int dec_app_d,dec_app_m; int ra_app_h,ra_app_m; int utch,utcm; int epochint; int az_cmd_d,az_cmd_m,el_cmd_d,el_cmd_m; int az_act_d,az_act_m,el_act_d,el_act_m; double ra_cat_s,dec_cat_s,ra_app_s,dec_app_s,lsts,utcs; double az_cmd_s,el_cmd_s,az_act_s,el_act_s; int lstsi,utcsi,az_cmd_si,az_act_si,el_cmd_si,el_act_si; double ha; ha=*lst_disp-*ra_disp; if((*icount%30)==0) initialize(); if(*icount==1) initialize(); /* if((*icount%2)!=0) return; */ *az_disp=*az_disp/0.017453293; *el_disp=*el_disp/0.017453293; hms(ra_disp,&ra_app_h,&ra_app_m,&ra_app_s,&dec_dum_sign); hms(dec_disp,&dec_app_d,&dec_app_m,&dec_app_s,&dec_app_sign); hms(ra_cat_disp,&ra_cat_h,&ra_cat_m,&ra_cat_s,&dec_dum_sign); hms(dec_cat_disp,&dec_cat_d,&dec_cat_m,&dec_cat_s,&dec_cat_sign); hms(lst_disp,&lsth,&lstm,&lsts,&dec_dum_sign); hms(utc_disp,&utch,&utcm,&utcs,&dec_dum_sign); hms(az_disp,&az_cmd_d,&az_cmd_m,&az_cmd_s,&az_sign); hms(el_disp,&el_cmd_d,&el_cmd_m,&el_cmd_s,&el_sign); hms(az_actual_corrected,&az_act_d,&az_act_m,&az_act_s,&az_act_sign); hms(el_actual_disp,&el_act_d,&el_act_m,&el_act_s,&dec_dum_sign); lstsi=(int)lsts; utcsi=(int)utcs; az_cmd_si=(int)az_cmd_s; el_cmd_si=(int)el_cmd_s; az_act_si=(int)az_act_s; el_act_si=(int)el_act_s; box(stdscr, '|','-'); move(1,59); printw("M3:%7s",m3StateString); /* move(1,2); printw("%f %f %f %f %d %d %f",*Az_cmd/3600000.,*El_cmd/3600000.,*Az_cmd_rate/3600000.,*El_cmd_rate/3600000.,*milliseconds,*servomilliseconds,*utc_disp); move(2,2); printw("%f %f %f",*az_disp,*el_disp,*utc_disp); */ move(2,2); if(*antennaNumber==1) addstr("SMA Antenna-1 tracking "); if(*antennaNumber==2) addstr("SMA Antenna-2 tracking "); if(*antennaNumber==3) addstr("SMA Antenna-3 tracking "); if(*antennaNumber==4) addstr("SMA Antenna-4 tracking "); if(*antennaNumber==5) addstr("SMA Antenna-5 tracking "); if(*antennaNumber==6) addstr("SMA Antenna-6 tracking "); if(*antennaNumber==7) addstr("SMA Antenna-7 tracking "); if(*antennaNumber==8) addstr("SMA Antenna-8 tracking "); move(3,2); printw("on pad: %d",*padid); move(4,5); addstr("LST"); move (4,15); addstr("UTC"); move(4,25); addstr("TJD"); /* move(2,25); addstr("SOURCE="); */ move(2,32); addstr(source); move(3,32); addstr(sptype); move(4,32); printw("%3.1f",*magnitude); move (5,3); af(&lsth,str); addch(str[0]); addch(str[1]); move(5,6); af(&lstm,str); addch(str[0]); addch(str[1]); move(5,9); af(&lstsi,str); addch(str[0]); addch(str[1]); move(5,13); af(&utch,str); addch(str[0]); addch(str[1]); move(5,16); af(&utcm,str); addch(str[0]); addch(str[1]); move(5,19); af(&utcsi,str); addch(str[0]); addch(str[1]); move(5,23); printw("%lf",*tjd_disp); move(6,3); printw("%.4f",ha); move(7,14); addstr("RA"); move(7,30); addstr("DEC"); move(9,2); addstr("CATALOG"); move(9,12); af(&ra_cat_h,str); addch(str[0]); addch(str[1]); move(9,15); af(&ra_cat_m,str); addch(str[0]); addch(str[1]); move(9,18); printw("%.3f",ra_cat_s); move(9,27); if (dec_cat_sign>0) addch('+'); if (dec_cat_sign<0) addch('-'); if (dec_cat_sign==0) addch(' '); af(&dec_cat_d,str); addch(str[0]); addch(str[1]); move(9,31); af(&dec_cat_m,str); addch(str[0]); addch(str[1]); move(9,34); printw("%.2f",dec_cat_s); move(11,2); printw("APPARENT"); move(11,12); af(&ra_app_h,str); addch(str[0]); addch(str[1]); move(11,15); af(&ra_app_m,str); addch(str[0]); addch(str[1]); move(11,18); printw("%.3f",ra_app_s); move(11,27); if(dec_app_sign>0)addch('+'); if(dec_app_sign<0)addch('-'); if(dec_app_sign==0)addch(' '); af(&dec_app_d,str); addch(str[0]); addch(str[1]); move(11,31); af(&dec_app_m,str); addch(str[0]); addch(str[1]); move(11,34); printw("%.2f",dec_app_s); move(13,14); addstr("AZ"); move(13,30); addstr("EL"); move(15,2); addstr("CMD"); move(15,9); if((az_sign<0)&&(az_cmd_d==0))addch('-'); move(15,10); printw("%03d",az_cmd_d); move(15,15); af(&az_cmd_m,str); addch(str[0]); addch(str[1]); move(15,18); af(&az_cmd_si,str); addch(str[0]); addch(str[1]); move(15,27); if(el_sign>=0)addch(' '); if(el_sign<0)addch('-'); move(15,28); af(&el_cmd_d,str); addch(str[0]); addch(str[1]); move(15,31); af(&el_cmd_m,str); addch(str[0]); addch(str[1]); move(15,34); af(&el_cmd_si,str); addch(str[0]); addch(str[1]); move(17,2); addstr("ACTUAL"); move(17,9); if((az_act_sign<0)&&(az_act_d==0))addch('-'); move(17,10); printw("%03d",az_act_d); move(17,15); af(&az_act_m,str); addch(str[0]); addch(str[1]); move(17,18); af(&az_act_si,str); addch(str[0]); addch(str[1]); move(17,28); af(&el_act_d,str); addch(str[0]); addch(str[1]); move(17,31); af(&el_act_m,str); addch(str[0]); addch(str[1]); move(17,34); af(&el_act_si,str); addch(str[0]); addch(str[1]); move(19,2); addstr("ERROR"); move(19,11); printw("%7.1f\"",(*az_error*3600.)); move(19,28); printw("%7.1f\"",(*el_error*3600.)); /*move(18,23); printw("(%.1f\")",*smoothed_tracking_error); */ move(20,12); printw("(%6.0f)",*pmdaz); move(20,32); printw("(%6.0f)",*pmdel); move(21,2); addstr("OFFSETS(\")"); move(21,12); printw("%6.0f",*azoff); move(21,32); printw("%6.0f",*eloff); move(22,2); printw("%6.0f",*scan_unit); move(21,42); addstr("TILTS"); move(21,50); printw("%.1f",*tiltx); move(21,63); printw("%.1f",*tilty); move(21,73); printw("%5d",*integration); /* move(22,42); printw("%3d",*errorflag); move(22,50); printw("%3d",*waitflag); move(22,55); printw("%3d",*pmac_command_flag); */ move(22,42); printw("Planet dist.=%.6f AU",*planetdistance); /* move(22,42); addstr("PVT"); move(22,46); printw("%4d",*pvt); move(22,52); addstr("TF="); printw("%1d",*track_flag); move(22,57); addstr("SF="); printw("%1d",*slew_flag); */ move(18,42); addstr("REFRACTION:"); move(18,53); if(*radio_flag==1) printw("%5.1f \" (radio) ",*refraction); if(*radio_flag==0) printw("%5.1f \" (optical) ",*refraction); move(19,42); addstr("WEATHER:"); move(19,51); printw("%4.1f C",*temperature); move(19,59); printw("%5.1f%%",*humidity); move(19,67); printw("%6.1f mbar",*pressure); move(20,51); printw("wind: %4.1f m/s, %5.1f deg",*windspeed,*winddirection); move(2,42); addstr(messg); move(17,42); addstr("SUB_Z:"); move(17,49); printw("%8.0f cts, %4.2f mm ",*focus_counts, (*focus_counts)/2000.); move(13,42); addstr("SUB_X:"); move(13,49); printw("%8.0f cts, %4.2f mm ",*subx_counts, (*subx_counts)/1000.); move(15,42); addstr("SUB_Y:"); move(15,49); printw("%8.0f cts, %4.2f mm ",*suby_counts, (*suby_counts)/500.); move(11,42); addstr("SUB_TILT:"); move(11,52); printw("%8.0f cts, %4.2f \" ",*subtilt_counts, *subtilt_arcseconds); move(9,42); addstr("CONT. DET. O/P:"); move(9,58); printw("%8.2f mV", (*total_power_disp)*1000.); move(7,42); addstr("SYNC. DET. O/P:"); move(7,58); printw("%8.2f mV", (*syncdet_disp)*1000.); move(5,42); addstr("TSYS:"); move(5,48); printw("%05.0f", *tsys); move(5,55); addstr("K"); /* for(l=1;l<23;l++) { move(l,40); addstr("|"); } */ refresh(); }
void w2a_admin(void *param) { int n, i, j; conn_t *conn = (conn_t *) param; static char json_buf[16384]; u4_t ka_time = timer_sec(); // send initial values send_msg(conn, SM_NO_DEBUG, "ADM init=%d", RX_CHANS); nbuf_t *nb = NULL; while (TRUE) { if (nb) web_to_app_done(conn, nb); n = web_to_app(conn, &nb); if (n) { char *cmd = nb->buf; cmd[n] = 0; // okay to do this -- see nbuf.c:nbuf_allocq() ka_time = timer_sec(); if (rx_common_cmd("W/F", conn, cmd)) continue; //printf("ADMIN: %d <%s>\n", strlen(cmd), cmd); i = strcmp(cmd, "SET init"); if (i == 0) { continue; } i = strcmp(cmd, "SET gps_update"); if (i == 0) { gps_stats_t::gps_chan_t *c; char *cp = json_buf; n = sprintf(cp, "{ \"FFTch\":%d, \"ch\":[ ", gps.FFTch); cp += n; for (i=0; i < gps_chans; i++) { c = &[i]; int un = c->ca_unlocked; n = sprintf(cp, "%s{ \"ch\":%d, \"prn\":%d, \"snr\":%d, \"rssi\":%d, \"gain\":%d, \"hold\":%d, \"wdog\":%d" ", \"unlock\":%d, \"parity\":%d, \"sub\":%d, \"sub_renew\":%d, \"novfl\":%d }", i? ", ":"", i, c->prn, c->snr, c->rssi, c->gain, c->hold, c->wdog, un, c->parity, c->sub, c->sub_renew, c->novfl); cp += n; c->parity = 0; for (j = 0; j < SUBFRAMES; j++) { if (c->sub_renew & (1<<j)) { c->sub |= 1<<j; c->sub_renew &= ~(1<<j); } } } n = sprintf(cp, " ]"); cp += n; UMS hms(gps.StatSec/60/60); unsigned r = (timer_ms() - gps.start)/1000; if (r >= 3600) { n = sprintf(cp, ", \"run\":\"%d:%02d:%02d\"", r / 3600, (r / 60) % 60, r % 60); cp += n; } else { n = sprintf(cp, ", \"run\":\"%d:%02d\"", (r / 60) % 60, r % 60); cp += n; } if (gps.ttff) { n = sprintf(cp, ", \"ttff\":\"%d:%02d\"", gps.ttff / 60, gps.ttff % 60); cp += n; } else { n = sprintf(cp, ", \"ttff\":null"); cp += n; } if (gps.StatDay != -1) { n = sprintf(cp, ", \"gpstime\":\"%s %02d:%02d:%02.0f\"", Week[gps.StatDay], hms.u, hms.m, hms.s); cp += n; } else { n = sprintf(cp, ", \"gpstime\":null"); cp += n; } if (gps.StatLat) { n = sprintf(cp, ", \"lat\":\"%8.6f %c\"", gps.StatLat, gps.StatNS); cp += n; n = sprintf(cp, ", \"lon\":\"%8.6f %c\"", gps.StatLon, gps.StatEW); cp += n; n = sprintf(cp, ", \"alt\":\"%1.0f m\"", gps.StatAlt); cp += n; n = sprintf(cp, ", \"map\":\"<a href='' target='_blank'></a>\"", gps.sgnLat, gps.sgnLon); cp += n; } else { n = sprintf(cp, ", \"lat\":null"); cp += n; } n = sprintf(cp, ", \"acq\":%d, \"track\":%d, \"good\":%d, \"fixes\":%d, \"adc_clk\":%.6f, \"adc_corr\":%d", gps.acquiring? 1:0, gps.tracking, gps.good, gps.fixes, (adc_clock - adc_clock_offset)/1e6, gps.adc_clk_corr); cp += n; n = sprintf(cp, " }"); cp += n; send_encoded_msg_mc(conn->mc, "ADM", "gps_update", "%s", json_buf); continue; } i = strcmp(cmd, "SET sdr_hu_update"); if (i == 0) { gps_stats_t::gps_chan_t *c; char *cp = json_buf; n = sprintf(cp, "{ "); cp += n; if (gps.StatLat) { n = sprintf(cp, "\"lat\":\"%8.6f\", \"lon\":\"%8.6f\"", gps.sgnLat, gps.sgnLon); cp += n; } n = sprintf(cp, " }"); cp += n; send_encoded_msg_mc(conn->mc, "ADM", "sdr_hu_update", "%s", json_buf); continue; } int force_check; i = sscanf(cmd, "SET force_check=%d force_build=%d", &force_check, &force_build); if (i == 2) { check_for_update(force_check); continue; } i = strcmp(cmd, "SET reload_index_params"); if (i == 0) { reload_index_params(); continue; } i = strcmp(cmd, "SET extint_load_extension_configs"); if (i == 0) { extint_load_extension_configs(conn); continue; } i = strcmp(cmd, "SET restart"); if (i == 0) { lprintf("ADMIN: restart requested by admin..\n"); exit(0); } i = strcmp(cmd, "SET reboot"); if (i == 0) { lprintf("ADMIN: reboot requested by admin..\n"); system("reboot"); while (true) usleep(100000); } i = strcmp(cmd, "SET power_off"); if (i == 0) { lprintf("ADMIN: power off requested by admin..\n"); system("poweroff"); while (true) usleep(100000); } printf("ADMIN: unknown command: <%s>\n", cmd); continue; } conn->keep_alive = timer_sec() - ka_time; bool keepalive_expired = (conn->keep_alive > KEEPALIVE_SEC); if (keepalive_expired) { printf("ADMIN KEEP-ALIVE EXPIRED\n"); rx_server_remove(conn); return; } TaskSleep(250000); } }
/* Calculate geometric position of the Moon and apply * approximate corrections to find apparent position, * phase of the Moon, etc. for AA.ARC. */ int domoon() { int i, prtsav; double ra0, dec0, r; double x, y, z, lon0; double c, s, temp; double pp[3], qq[3]; double acos(); /* Compute obliquity of the ecliptic, coseps, and sineps */ epsiln(TDT); /* Run the orbit calculation twice, at two different times, * in order to find the rate of change of R.A. and Dec. */ /* Calculate for 0.001 day ago */ prtsav = prtflg; prtflg = 0; /* disable display */ moonll(TDT-0.001, moonpp, moonpol); /* lonlat( rearth, TDT, eapolar ); // precess earth to date // lonlat( rearth, TDT, eapolar, 1 ); */ ra0 = ra; dec0 = dec; lon0 = l; prtflg = prtsav; /* Calculate for present instant. */ moonll(TDT, moonpp, moonpol); /* The rates of change. These are used by altaz() to * correct the time of rising, transit, and setting. */ dradt = ra - ra0; if (dradt >= PI) dradt = dradt - 2.0 * PI; if (dradt <= -PI) dradt = dradt + 2.0 * PI; dradt = 1000.0 * dradt; ddecdt = 1000.0*(dec-dec0); /* Post the ecliptic longitude and latitude, in radians, * and the radius in au. */ obpolar[0] = l; obpolar[1] = B; r = 1.0/sin(p); /* distance in earth-radii */ ra0 = Rearth*r; /* factor is radius of earth in au */ obpolar[2] = ra0; /* Rate of change in longitude, degrees per day * used for phase of the moon */ lon0 = 1000.0*RTD*(l - lon0); /* convert to ecliptic rectangular coordinates */ z = ra0 * cos(B); x = z * cos(l); y = z * sin(l); z = ra0 * sin(B); /* convert to equatorial coordinates */ pp[0] = x; pp[1] = y * coseps - z * sineps; pp[2] = y * sineps + z * coseps; /* Find sun-moon-earth angles */ precess( rearth, TDT, -1 ); for( i=0; i<3; i++ ) qq[i] = rearth[i] + pp[i]; angles( pp, qq, rearth ); /* Display answers */ if( prtflg ) { /* Apparent ecliptic coordinates. The nutation in longitude is added to the ecliptic longitude. See AA page C2. First rotate the coordinate system about the x axis from mean equator to ecliptic. Then rotate about the z axis by the nutation in longitude. */ x = Mapp[0]; y = Mapp[1]; z = Mapp[2]; temp = coseps * y + sineps * z; z = -sineps * y + coseps * z; y = temp; c = cos(nutl); s = sin(nutl); temp = c * x - s * y; y = s * x + c * y; x = temp; Mapp[0] = zatan2( x, y ); Mapp[1] = asin( z ); Mapp[2] = Rem; printf( "Apparent geocentric longitude %.3f deg", RTD*Mapp[0] ); printf( " latitude %.3f deg\n", RTD*Mapp[1] ); printf( "Distance %.3f Earth-radii\n", r ); printf( "Horizontal parallax" ); dms( p ); printf( "Semidiameter" ); x = 0.272453 * p + 0.0799/RTS; /* AA page L6 */ dms( x ); x = RTD * acos(-ep); printf( "\nElongation from sun %.2f deg,", x ); x = 0.5 * (1.0 + pq); printf( " Illuminated fraction %.2f\n", x ); /* Find phase of the Moon by comparing Moon's longitude * with Earth's longitude. * * The number of days before or past indicated phase is * estimated by assuming the true longitudes change linearly * with time. These rates are estimated for the date, but * do not stay constant. The error can exceed 0.15 day in 4 days. */ /* Apparent longitude of sun. * Moon's longitude was already corrected for light time. */ y = eapolar[0] - 20.496/(RTS*eapolar[2]); x = obpolar[0] - y; x = modtp( x ) * RTD; /* difference in longitude */ i = x/90; /* number of quarters */ x = (x - i*90.0); /* phase angle mod 90 degrees */ /* days per degree of phase angle */ z = 1.0/(lon0 - (0.9856/eapolar[2])); if( x > 45.0 ) { y = -(x - 90.0)*z; if( y > 1.0 ) printf( "Phase %.1f days before ", y ); else printf( "Phase %.2f days before ", y ); i = (i+1) & 3; } else { y = x*z; if( y > 1.0 ) printf( "Phase %.1f days past ", y ); else printf( "Phase %.2f days past ", y ); } switch(i) { case 0: printf( "Full Moon\n" ); break; case 1: printf( "Third Quarter\n" ); break; case 2: printf( "New Moon\n" ); break; case 3: printf( "First Quarter\n" ); break; } } /* if prtflg */ printf( " Apparent: R.A." ); hms(ra); printf( "Declination" ); dms(dec); printf( "\n" ); /* Compute and display topocentric position (altaz.c) */ pp[0] = ra; pp[1] = dec; pp[2] = r * Rearth; altaz( pp, UT ); return(0); }
static void filltwh(SCAN *scan, XSCAN *xscan, int rec) { int i, swapped = 0; float *next; float *twh; double fact; int CheckDataSize(int); twh = (float *)itwh; fact = twh[57]; if (fact == 0.0) fact = 1.0; scan->ScanNo = itwh[0]; scan->NChannel = (int)(twh[55+rec]/fact + 0.5); xscan->NChannel = (int)(twh[55+rec]/fact + 0.5); scan->Day = itwh[28]; scan->Month = itwh[27]; #ifdef DEBUG printf("NChannel=%d\n", xscan->NChannel); printf("ScanNo=%d\n", scan->ScanNo); printf("fact=%f\n", fact); #endif if (scan->NChannel <= 0 || scan->ScanNo < 0 || scan->Day < 0 || scan->Day > 31 || scan->Month < 0 || scan->Month > 12) { swap_twh(); fact = twh[57]; if (fact == 0.0) fact = 1.0; scan->ScanNo = itwh[0]; scan->NChannel = (int)(twh[55+rec]/fact + 0.5); scan->Day = itwh[28]; scan->Month = itwh[27]; #ifdef DEBUG printf("Swapped NChannel=%d\n", scan->NChannel); printf(" ScanNo=%d\n", scan->ScanNo); printf(" fact=%f\n", fact); #endif if (scan->NChannel <= 0 || scan->ScanNo < 0 || scan->Day < 0 || scan->Day > 31 || scan->Month < 0 || scan->Month > 12) return; swapped = 1; } if (CheckDataSize(scan->NChannel) < scan->NChannel) { return; } scan->Year = itwh[29]; if (scan->Year < 1900) scan->Year += 1900; hms(twh[12]/fact, &scan->UTHour, &scan->UTMin, &scan->UTSec); hms(twh[11]/fact, &scan->STHour, &scan->STMin, &scan->STSec); scan->ObsMode = itwh[30]; scan->CSystem = 0; strncpy(scan->Name, (char *)(itwh+12), 12); scan->Name[11] = '\0'; strncpy(scan->Project, (char *)(itwh+8), 4); strncpy(scan->Molecule, (char *)(itwh+260), 18); scan->Molecule[17] = '\0'; scan->JulDate = (int)(twh[9]/fact + 0.5); scan->LMapOff = twh[90]/fact; scan->BMapOff = twh[91]/fact; scan->AzMapOff = twh[88]/fact; scan->ElMapOff = twh[89]/fact; scan->StepX = twh[140]/fact; scan->StepY = twh[141]/fact; scan->PosAngle = twh[142]/fact; scan->Equinox = twh[24]/fact; scan->Tsys = twh[45+rec]/fact; scan->Tcal = twh[41+rec]/fact; scan->IntTime = twh[47+rec]/fact; scan->AirTemp = twh[77]/fact; scan->Pressure = twh[78]/fact; scan->Humidity = twh[79]/fact; scan->VSource = (double)twh[49+rec]/fact; scan->VelRes = (double)twh[51+rec]/fact; scan->Bandwidth = (double)twh[53+rec]/fact; scan->FreqRes = scan->Bandwidth/scan->NChannel; next = twh+150; if (rec) next += (int)(twh[55]/fact + 0.5); for (i=0; i<scan->NChannel; i++) { if (swapped) swap((char *)next, sizeof(float)); scan->c[i] = (*next++)/fact; } scan->Longitude = tod(itwh[42],itwh[43],itwh[44],swapped)/fact; scan->Latitude = tod(itwh[45],itwh[46],itwh[47],swapped)/fact; scan->Azimuth = tod(itwh[164],itwh[165],itwh[166],swapped)/fact; scan->Elevation = tod(itwh[167],itwh[168],itwh[169],swapped)/fact; scan->RestFreq = tod(itwh[70+3*rec],itwh[71+3*rec],itwh[72+3*rec],swapped)/fact; scan->SkyFreq = tod(itwh[76+3*rec],itwh[77+3*rec],itwh[78+3*rec],swapped)/fact; }
void StatTask() { int i, j, prn; unsigned start = timer_ms(); while (!ready) TaskSleep(1000000); while (1) { UMS lat(StatLat), lon(StatLon); UMS hms(StatSec/60/60); TaskSleep(1000000); if (print_stats == 2) { static int fixes; if (gps.fixes > fixes) { fixes = gps.fixes; if (StatLat) printf("\n", (StatNS=='S')? -StatLat:StatLat, (StatEW=='W')? -StatLon:StatLon); } continue; } printf("\n\n\n\n\n\n"); #if DECIM_CMP printf(" CH PRN SNR CA ERR RSSI GAIN BITS WDOG SUB"); #else // 12345 * 1234 123456 123456 123456 123456 123456 Up12345 123456 ######### printf(" CH PRN SNR RSSI GAIN BITS WDOG SUB NOVFL"); #endif //printf(" LS CS LO SLO DLO CA SCA DCA"); printf("\n"); for (i=0; i<gps_chans; i++) { stats_t *s = &stats[i]; char c1, c2; double snew; printf("%5d %c ", i+1, (stats_fft == i)? '*':' '); show4(prn, prn); show6(snr, snr); #if DECIM_CMP show6(snr, ca_dop); printf(" "); #endif show6(rssi, rssi); show6(rssi, gain); show6(hold, hold); show6(rssi, wdog); printf("%c", s->ca_unlocked? 'U':' '); printf("%c", (s->sub & (1<<(PARITY-1)))? 'p':' '); s->sub &= ~(1<<(PARITY-1)); // clear parity for (j=4; j>=0; j--) { printf("%c", (s->sub & (1<<j))? '1'+j:' '); if (s->sub_next & (1<<j)) { s->sub |= 1<<j; s->sub_next &= ~(1<<j); } } show7(novfl, novfl); printf(" "); #if 0 if (s->rssi) printf("%6d:E %6d:P %6d:L ", s->pe/1000, s->pp/1000, s->pl/1000); #endif #if 0 show3(rssi, lo_dop); show5(rssi, ca_dop); if (s->dir == ' ') s->f_lo=s->lo, s->f_ca=s->ca; snew = fabs(s->f_lo-s->lo); if (snew > s->s_lo) s->s_lo = snew; snew = fabs(s->f_ca-s->ca); if (snew > s->s_ca) s->s_ca = snew; showf7_1(lo, lo); showf7_1(s_lo, s_lo); showf7_1(d_lo, d_lo); showf7_4(ca, ca); showf7_4(s_ca, s_ca); showf7_4(d_ca, d_ca); c1 = c2 = '_'; if (s->rssi) { s->to++; if (s->lo < s->l_lo) { s->l_lo=s->lo; s->dir='v'; s->to=0; c1='v'; } else if (s->lo > s->h_lo) { s->h_lo=s->lo; s->dir='^'; s->to=0; c1='^'; }; if (s->ca < s->l_ca) { s->l_ca=s->ca; s->to=0; c2='v'; } else if (s->ca > s->h_ca) { s->h_ca=s->ca; s->to=0; c2='^'; }; } printf("%c%c ", c1, c2); if (s->rssi) printf("%3d%c ", s->to, s->dir); else printf(" "); #endif //if (s->dbug) printf("%9.6f %9.6f %6d %6d %6d ", // s->dbug_d1, s->dbug_d2, s->dbug_i1, s->dbug_i2, s->dbug_i3); printf(" "); for (j=0; j < s->rssi*50/3000; j++) printf("#"); printf ("\n"); #if DECIM_CMP printf(" "); show6(snr2, snr2); show6(snr2, ca_dop2); show6(snr2, ca_dop-s->ca_dop2); printf ("\n"); #endif } printf("\n"); NextTask("stat1"); printf(" SATS "); if (gps.tracking) printf("tracking %d", gps.tracking); if (gps.good) printf(", good %d", gps.good); printf("\n"); printf(" LAT "); if (StatLat) printf("%9.5fd %c %3dd %2dm %6.3fs %c ", StatLat, StatNS, lat.u, lat.m, lat.s, StatNS); if (StatLat) printf("%3dd %6.3fm %c", lat.u,, StatNS); printf("\n"); printf(" LON "); if (StatLat) printf("%9.5fd %c %3dd %2dm %6.3fs %c ", StatLon, StatEW, lon.u, lon.m, lon.s, StatEW); if (StatLat) printf("%3dd %6.3fm %c", lon.u,, StatEW); printf("\n"); printf(" ALT "); if (StatLat) printf("%1.0f m", StatAlt); printf("\n"); printf(" TIME "); if (StatDay != -1) printf("%s %02d:%02d:%02.0f GPST", Week[StatDay], hms.u, hms.m, hms.s); printf("\n"); printf("FIXES "); if (gps.fixes) printf("%d", gps.fixes); printf("\n"); printf(" TTFF "); if (stats_ttff) printf("%d:%02d", stats_ttff / 60, stats_ttff % 60); printf("\n"); printf(" RUN "); unsigned r = (timer_ms() - start)/1000; if (r >= 3600) printf("%02d:", r / 3600); printf("%02d:%02d", (r / 60) % 60, r % 60); printf("\n"); printf(" MAP "); if (StatLat) printf("", (StatNS=='S')? -StatLat:StatLat, (StatEW=='W')? -StatLon:StatLon); printf("\n"); printf(" ECPU "); printf("%4.1f%% cmds %d/%d", ecpu_use(), ecpu_cmds, ecpu_tcmds); ecpu_cmds = ecpu_tcmds = 0; printf("\n"); int offset = (int)(adc_clock - adc_clock_nom); printf(" DECIM: %d FFT: %d -> %d CCF: %5.3fs MIN_SIG: %d ADC_CLK: %.6f %s%d (%d) ACQ: %d", decim, FFT_LEN, FFT_LEN/decim, fft_msec, min_sig, adc_clock/1000000.0, (offset >= 0)? "+":"", offset, gps.adc_clk_corr, gps.acquiring); printf("\n"); printf("\n"); NextTask("stat2"); TaskDump(); } }
Picture* image(Angle ra, Angle dec, Angle wid, Angle hig) { Pix *p; uchar *b, *up; int i, j, sx, sy, x, y; char file[50]; Picture *pic; Img* ip; int lowx, lowy, higx, higy; int slowx, slowy, shigx, shigy; Header *h; Angle d, bd; Plate *pp, *bp; if(gam.gamma == 0) gam.gamma = -1; if(gam.max == gam.min) { gam.max = 17600; gam.min = 2500; } gam.absgamma = gam.gamma; gam.neg = 0; if(gam.absgamma < 0) { gam.absgamma = -gam.absgamma; gam.neg = 1; } gam.mult1 = 1. / (gam.max - gam.min); gam.mult2 = 255. * gam.mult1; if(nplate == 0) getplates(); bp = 0; bd = 0; for(i=0; i<nplate; i++) { pp = &plate[i]; d = dist(ra, dec, pp->ra, pp->dec); if(bp == 0 || d < bd) { bp = pp; bd = d; } } if(debug) Bprint(&bout, "best plate: %s %s disk %d %s\n", hms(bp->ra), dms(bp->dec), bp->disk, bp->rgn); h = getheader(bp->rgn); xypos(h, ra, dec, 0, 0); if(wid <= 0 || hig <= 0) { lowx = h->x; lowy = h->y; lowx = (lowx/500) * 500; lowy = (lowy/500) * 500; higx = lowx + 500; higy = lowy + 500; } else { lowx = h->x - wid*ARCSECONDS_PER_RADIAN*1000 / (h->param[Pxpixelsz]*h->param[Ppltscale]*2); lowy = h->y - hig*ARCSECONDS_PER_RADIAN*1000 / (h->param[Pypixelsz]*h->param[Ppltscale]*2); higx = h->x + wid*ARCSECONDS_PER_RADIAN*1000 / (h->param[Pxpixelsz]*h->param[Ppltscale]*2); higy = h->y + hig*ARCSECONDS_PER_RADIAN*1000 / (h->param[Pypixelsz]*h->param[Ppltscale]*2); } free(h); if(lowx < 0) lowx = 0; if(higx < 0) higx = 0; if(lowy < 0) lowy = 0; if(higy < 0) higy = 0; if(lowx > 14000) lowx = 14000; if(higx > 14000) higx = 14000; if(lowy > 14000) lowy = 14000; if(higy > 14000) higy = 14000; if(debug) Bprint(&bout, "xy on plate: %d,%d %d,%d\n", lowx,lowy, higx, higy); if(lowx >= higx || lowy >=higy) { Bprint(&bout, "no image found\n"); return 0; } b = malloc((higx-lowx)*(higy-lowy)*sizeof(*b)); if(b == 0) { emalloc: fprint(2, "malloc error\n"); return 0; } memset(b, 0, (higx-lowx)*(higy-lowy)*sizeof(*b)); slowx = lowx/500; shigx = (higx-1)/500; slowy = lowy/500; shigy = (higy-1)/500; for(sx=slowx; sx<=shigx; sx++) for(sy=slowy; sy<=shigy; sy++) { if(sx < 0 || sx >= nelem(rad28) || sy < 0 || sy >= nelem(rad28)) { fprint(2, "bad subplate %d %d\n", sy, sx); free(b); return 0; } sprint(file, "%s/%s/%s.%c%c", dssmount(bp->disk), bp->rgn, bp->rgn, rad28[sy], rad28[sx]); ip = dssread(file); if(ip == 0) { fprint(2, "can't read %s: %r\n", file); free(b); return 0; } x = sx*500; y = sy*500; for(j=0; j<ip->ny; j++) { if(y+j < lowy || y+j >= higy) continue; p = &ip->a[j*ip->ny]; up = b + (higy - (y+j+1))*(higx-lowx) + (x - lowx); for(i=0; i<ip->nx; i++) { if(x+i >= lowx && x+i < higx) *up = dogamma(*p); up++; p += 1; } } free(ip); } pic = malloc(sizeof(Picture)); if(pic == 0){ free(b); goto emalloc; } pic->minx = lowx; pic->miny = lowy; pic->maxx = higx; pic->maxy = higy; pic->data = b; strcpy(pic->name, bp->rgn); return pic; }
void jd_to_islamic(jd_t jd, year_t & year, month_t & month, day_t & day, hour_t & hour, minute_t & minute, second_t & second) { jd_to_islamic(jd, year, month, day); hms((jd + 0.5) - floor(jd + 0.5), hour, minute, second); }