int do_level_calibration(orb_advert_t *mavlink_log_pub) { const unsigned cal_time = 5; const unsigned cal_hz = 100; unsigned settle_time = 30; bool success = false; int att_sub = orb_subscribe(ORB_ID(vehicle_attitude)); struct vehicle_attitude_s att; memset(&att, 0, sizeof(att)); calibration_log_info(mavlink_log_pub, CAL_QGC_STARTED_MSG, "level"); param_t roll_offset_handle = param_find("SENS_BOARD_X_OFF"); param_t pitch_offset_handle = param_find("SENS_BOARD_Y_OFF"); param_t board_rot_handle = param_find("SENS_BOARD_ROT"); // save old values if calibration fails float roll_offset_current; float pitch_offset_current; int32_t board_rot_current = 0; param_get(roll_offset_handle, &roll_offset_current); param_get(pitch_offset_handle, &pitch_offset_current); param_get(board_rot_handle, &board_rot_current); // give attitude some time to settle if there have been changes to the board rotation parameters if (board_rot_current == 0 && fabsf(roll_offset_current) < FLT_EPSILON && fabsf(pitch_offset_current) < FLT_EPSILON ) { settle_time = 0; } float zero = 0.0f; param_set_no_notification(roll_offset_handle, &zero); param_set_no_notification(pitch_offset_handle, &zero); param_notify_changes(); px4_pollfd_struct_t fds[1]; fds[0].fd = att_sub; fds[0].events = POLLIN; float roll_mean = 0.0f; float pitch_mean = 0.0f; unsigned counter = 0; // sleep for some time hrt_abstime start = hrt_absolute_time(); while(hrt_elapsed_time(&start) < settle_time * 1000000) { calibration_log_info(mavlink_log_pub, CAL_QGC_PROGRESS_MSG, (int)(90*hrt_elapsed_time(&start)/1e6f/(float)settle_time)); sleep(settle_time / 10); } start = hrt_absolute_time(); // average attitude for 5 seconds while(hrt_elapsed_time(&start) < cal_time * 1000000) { int pollret = px4_poll(&fds[0], (sizeof(fds) / sizeof(fds[0])), 100); if (pollret <= 0) { // attitude estimator is not running calibration_log_critical(mavlink_log_pub, "attitude estimator not running - check system boot"); calibration_log_critical(mavlink_log_pub, CAL_QGC_FAILED_MSG, "level"); goto out; } orb_copy(ORB_ID(vehicle_attitude), att_sub, &att); matrix::Eulerf euler = matrix::Quatf(att.q); roll_mean += euler.phi(); pitch_mean += euler.theta(); counter++; } calibration_log_info(mavlink_log_pub, CAL_QGC_PROGRESS_MSG, 100); if (counter > (cal_time * cal_hz / 2 )) { roll_mean /= counter; pitch_mean /= counter; } else { calibration_log_info(mavlink_log_pub, "not enough measurements taken"); success = false; goto out; } if (fabsf(roll_mean) > 0.8f ) { calibration_log_critical(mavlink_log_pub, "excess roll angle"); } else if (fabsf(pitch_mean) > 0.8f ) { calibration_log_critical(mavlink_log_pub, "excess pitch angle"); } else { roll_mean *= (float)M_RAD_TO_DEG; pitch_mean *= (float)M_RAD_TO_DEG; param_set_no_notification(roll_offset_handle, &roll_mean); param_set_no_notification(pitch_offset_handle, &pitch_mean); param_notify_changes(); success = true; } out: if (success) { calibration_log_info(mavlink_log_pub, CAL_QGC_DONE_MSG, "level"); return 0; } else { // set old parameters param_set_no_notification(roll_offset_handle, &roll_offset_current); param_set_no_notification(pitch_offset_handle, &pitch_offset_current); param_notify_changes(); calibration_log_critical(mavlink_log_pub, CAL_QGC_FAILED_MSG, "level"); return 1; } }
bool MulticopterLandDetector::get_landed_state() { // Time base for this function const uint64_t now = hrt_absolute_time(); float sys_min_throttle = (_params.maxThrottle + 0.01f); // Determine the system min throttle based on flight mode if (!_ctrl_mode.flag_control_altitude_enabled) { sys_min_throttle = (_params.minManThrottle + 0.01f); } // Check if thrust output is less than the minimum auto throttle param. bool minimalThrust = (_actuators.control[3] <= sys_min_throttle); if (minimalThrust && _min_trust_start == 0) { _min_trust_start = now; } else if (!minimalThrust) { _min_trust_start = 0; } // only trigger flight conditions if we are armed if (!_arming.armed) { _arming_time = 0; return true; } else if (_arming_time == 0) { _arming_time = now; } // If in manual flight mode never report landed if the user has more than idle throttle // Check if user commands throttle and if so, report not landed based on // the user intent to take off (even if the system might physically still have // ground contact at this point). if (_manual.timestamp > 0 && _manual.z > 0.15f && _ctrl_mode.flag_control_manual_enabled) { return false; } // Return status based on armed state and throttle if no position lock is available. if (_vehicleLocalPosition.timestamp == 0 || hrt_elapsed_time(&_vehicleLocalPosition.timestamp) > 500000 || !_vehicleLocalPosition.xy_valid || !_vehicleLocalPosition.z_valid) { // The system has minimum trust set (manual or in failsafe) // if this persists for 8 seconds AND the drone is not // falling consider it to be landed. This should even sustain // quite acrobatic flight. if ((_min_trust_start > 0) && (hrt_elapsed_time(&_min_trust_start) > 8 * 1000 * 1000)) { return !get_freefall_state(); } else { return false; } } float armThresholdFactor = 1.0f; // Widen acceptance thresholds for landed state right after arming // so that motor spool-up and other effects do not trigger false negatives. if (hrt_elapsed_time(&_arming_time) < LAND_DETECTOR_ARM_PHASE_TIME) { armThresholdFactor = 2.5f; } // Check if we are moving vertically - this might see a spike after arming due to // throttle-up vibration. If accelerating fast the throttle thresholds will still give // an accurate in-air indication. bool verticalMovement = fabsf(_vehicleLocalPosition.vz) > _params.maxClimbRate * armThresholdFactor; // Check if we are moving horizontally. bool horizontalMovement = sqrtf(_vehicleLocalPosition.vx * _vehicleLocalPosition.vx + _vehicleLocalPosition.vy * _vehicleLocalPosition.vy) > _params.maxVelocity; // Next look if all rotation angles are not moving. float maxRotationScaled = _params.maxRotation_rad_s * armThresholdFactor; bool rotating = (fabsf(_vehicleAttitude.rollspeed) > maxRotationScaled) || (fabsf(_vehicleAttitude.pitchspeed) > maxRotationScaled) || (fabsf(_vehicleAttitude.yawspeed) > maxRotationScaled); if (verticalMovement || rotating || !minimalThrust || horizontalMovement) { // Sensed movement or thottle high, so reset the land detector. _landTimer = now; return false; } return (now - _landTimer > LAND_DETECTOR_TRIGGER_TIME); }
void FixedwingEstimator::task_main() { _mavlink_fd = open(MAVLINK_LOG_DEVICE, 0); _ekf = new AttPosEKF(); float dt = 0.0f; // time lapsed since last covariance prediction _filter_start_time = hrt_absolute_time(); if (!_ekf) { errx(1, "OUT OF MEM!"); } /* * do subscriptions */ _baro_sub = orb_subscribe(ORB_ID(sensor_baro)); _airspeed_sub = orb_subscribe(ORB_ID(airspeed)); _gps_sub = orb_subscribe(ORB_ID(vehicle_gps_position)); _vstatus_sub = orb_subscribe(ORB_ID(vehicle_status)); _params_sub = orb_subscribe(ORB_ID(parameter_update)); _home_sub = orb_subscribe(ORB_ID(home_position)); /* rate limit vehicle status updates to 5Hz */ orb_set_interval(_vstatus_sub, 200); #ifndef SENSOR_COMBINED_SUB _gyro_sub = orb_subscribe(ORB_ID(sensor_gyro)); _accel_sub = orb_subscribe(ORB_ID(sensor_accel)); _mag_sub = orb_subscribe(ORB_ID(sensor_mag)); /* rate limit gyro updates to 50 Hz */ /* XXX remove this!, BUT increase the data buffer size! */ orb_set_interval(_gyro_sub, 4); #else _sensor_combined_sub = orb_subscribe(ORB_ID(sensor_combined)); /* XXX remove this!, BUT increase the data buffer size! */ orb_set_interval(_sensor_combined_sub, 9); #endif /* sets also parameters in the EKF object */ parameters_update(); Vector3f lastAngRate; Vector3f lastAccel; /* wakeup source(s) */ struct pollfd fds[2]; /* Setup of loop */ fds[0].fd = _params_sub; fds[0].events = POLLIN; #ifndef SENSOR_COMBINED_SUB fds[1].fd = _gyro_sub; fds[1].events = POLLIN; #else fds[1].fd = _sensor_combined_sub; fds[1].events = POLLIN; #endif bool newDataGps = false; bool newHgtData = false; bool newAdsData = false; bool newDataMag = false; float posNED[3] = {0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f}; // North, East Down position (m) uint64_t last_gps = 0; _gps.vel_n_m_s = 0.0f; _gps.vel_e_m_s = 0.0f; _gps.vel_d_m_s = 0.0f; while (!_task_should_exit) { /* wait for up to 500ms for data */ int pret = poll(&fds[0], (sizeof(fds) / sizeof(fds[0])), 100); /* timed out - periodic check for _task_should_exit, etc. */ if (pret == 0) continue; /* this is undesirable but not much we can do - might want to flag unhappy status */ if (pret < 0) { warn("POLL ERR %d, %d", pret, errno); continue; } perf_begin(_loop_perf); /* only update parameters if they changed */ if (fds[0].revents & POLLIN) { /* read from param to clear updated flag */ struct parameter_update_s update; orb_copy(ORB_ID(parameter_update), _params_sub, &update); /* update parameters from storage */ parameters_update(); } /* only run estimator if gyro updated */ if (fds[1].revents & POLLIN) { /* check vehicle status for changes to publication state */ bool prev_hil = (_vstatus.hil_state == HIL_STATE_ON); vehicle_status_poll(); bool accel_updated; bool mag_updated; perf_count(_perf_gyro); /* Reset baro reference if switching to HIL, reset sensor states */ if (!prev_hil && (_vstatus.hil_state == HIL_STATE_ON)) { /* system is in HIL now, wait for measurements to come in one last round */ usleep(60000); #ifndef SENSOR_COMBINED_SUB orb_copy(ORB_ID(sensor_gyro), _gyro_sub, &_gyro); orb_copy(ORB_ID(sensor_accel), _accel_sub, &_accel); orb_copy(ORB_ID(sensor_mag), _mag_sub, &_mag); #else /* now read all sensor publications to ensure all real sensor data is purged */ orb_copy(ORB_ID(sensor_combined), _sensor_combined_sub, &_sensor_combined); #endif /* set sensors to de-initialized state */ _gyro_valid = false; _accel_valid = false; _mag_valid = false; _baro_init = false; _gps_initialized = false; _last_sensor_timestamp = hrt_absolute_time(); _last_run = _last_sensor_timestamp; _ekf->ZeroVariables(); _ekf->dtIMU = 0.01f; _filter_start_time = _last_sensor_timestamp; /* now skip this loop and get data on the next one, which will also re-init the filter */ continue; } /** * PART ONE: COLLECT ALL DATA **/ /* load local copies */ #ifndef SENSOR_COMBINED_SUB orb_copy(ORB_ID(sensor_gyro), _gyro_sub, &_gyro); orb_check(_accel_sub, &accel_updated); if (accel_updated) { orb_copy(ORB_ID(sensor_accel), _accel_sub, &_accel); } _last_sensor_timestamp = _gyro.timestamp; IMUmsec = _gyro.timestamp / 1e3f; float deltaT = (_gyro.timestamp - _last_run) / 1e6f; _last_run = _gyro.timestamp; /* guard against too large deltaT's */ if (!isfinite(deltaT) || deltaT > 1.0f || deltaT < 0.000001f) { deltaT = 0.01f; } // Always store data, independent of init status /* fill in last data set */ _ekf->dtIMU = deltaT; if (isfinite(_gyro.x) && isfinite(_gyro.y) && isfinite(_gyro.z)) { _ekf->angRate.x = _gyro.x; _ekf->angRate.y = _gyro.y; _ekf->angRate.z = _gyro.z; if (!_gyro_valid) { lastAngRate = _ekf->angRate; } _gyro_valid = true; } if (accel_updated) { _ekf->accel.x = _accel.x; _ekf->accel.y = _accel.y; _ekf->accel.z = _accel.z; if (!_accel_valid) { lastAccel = _ekf->accel; } _accel_valid = true; } _ekf->dAngIMU = 0.5f * (angRate + lastAngRate) * dtIMU; _ekf->lastAngRate = angRate; _ekf->dVelIMU = 0.5f * (accel + lastAccel) * dtIMU; _ekf->lastAccel = accel; #else orb_copy(ORB_ID(sensor_combined), _sensor_combined_sub, &_sensor_combined); static hrt_abstime last_accel = 0; static hrt_abstime last_mag = 0; if (last_accel != _sensor_combined.accelerometer_timestamp) { accel_updated = true; } else { accel_updated = false; } last_accel = _sensor_combined.accelerometer_timestamp; // Copy gyro and accel _last_sensor_timestamp = _sensor_combined.timestamp; IMUmsec = _sensor_combined.timestamp / 1e3f; float deltaT = (_sensor_combined.timestamp - _last_run) / 1e6f; /* guard against too large deltaT's */ if (!isfinite(deltaT) || deltaT > 1.0f || deltaT < 0.000001f) { deltaT = 0.01f; } _last_run = _sensor_combined.timestamp; // Always store data, independent of init status /* fill in last data set */ _ekf->dtIMU = deltaT; if (isfinite(_sensor_combined.gyro_rad_s[0]) && isfinite(_sensor_combined.gyro_rad_s[1]) && isfinite(_sensor_combined.gyro_rad_s[2])) { _ekf->angRate.x = _sensor_combined.gyro_rad_s[0]; _ekf->angRate.y = _sensor_combined.gyro_rad_s[1]; _ekf->angRate.z = _sensor_combined.gyro_rad_s[2]; if (!_gyro_valid) { lastAngRate = _ekf->angRate; } _gyro_valid = true; perf_count(_perf_gyro); } if (accel_updated) { _ekf->accel.x = _sensor_combined.accelerometer_m_s2[0]; _ekf->accel.y = _sensor_combined.accelerometer_m_s2[1]; _ekf->accel.z = _sensor_combined.accelerometer_m_s2[2]; if (!_accel_valid) { lastAccel = _ekf->accel; } _accel_valid = true; } _ekf->dAngIMU = 0.5f * (_ekf->angRate + lastAngRate) * _ekf->dtIMU; lastAngRate = _ekf->angRate; _ekf->dVelIMU = 0.5f * (_ekf->accel + lastAccel) * _ekf->dtIMU; lastAccel = _ekf->accel; if (last_mag != _sensor_combined.magnetometer_timestamp) { mag_updated = true; newDataMag = true; } else { newDataMag = false; } last_mag = _sensor_combined.magnetometer_timestamp; #endif //warnx("dang: %8.4f %8.4f dvel: %8.4f %8.4f", _ekf->dAngIMU.x, _ekf->dAngIMU.z, _ekf->dVelIMU.x, _ekf->dVelIMU.z); bool airspeed_updated; orb_check(_airspeed_sub, &airspeed_updated); if (airspeed_updated) { orb_copy(ORB_ID(airspeed), _airspeed_sub, &_airspeed); perf_count(_perf_airspeed); _ekf->VtasMeas = _airspeed.true_airspeed_m_s; newAdsData = true; } else { newAdsData = false; } bool gps_updated; orb_check(_gps_sub, &gps_updated); if (gps_updated) { last_gps = _gps.timestamp_position; orb_copy(ORB_ID(vehicle_gps_position), _gps_sub, &_gps); perf_count(_perf_gps); if (_gps.fix_type < 3) { newDataGps = false; } else { /* store time of valid GPS measurement */ _gps_start_time = hrt_absolute_time(); /* check if we had a GPS outage for a long time */ if (hrt_elapsed_time(&last_gps) > 5 * 1000 * 1000) { _ekf->ResetPosition(); _ekf->ResetVelocity(); _ekf->ResetStoredStates(); } /* fuse GPS updates */ //_gps.timestamp / 1e3; _ekf->GPSstatus = _gps.fix_type; _ekf->velNED[0] = _gps.vel_n_m_s; _ekf->velNED[1] = _gps.vel_e_m_s; _ekf->velNED[2] = _gps.vel_d_m_s; // warnx("GPS updated: status: %d, vel: %8.4f %8.4f %8.4f", (int)GPSstatus, velNED[0], velNED[1], velNED[2]); _ekf->gpsLat = math::radians( / (double)1e7); _ekf->gpsLon = math::radians(_gps.lon / (double)1e7) - M_PI; _ekf->gpsHgt = _gps.alt / 1e3f; // if (_gps.s_variance_m_s > 0.25f && _gps.s_variance_m_s < 100.0f * 100.0f) { // _ekf->vneSigma = sqrtf(_gps.s_variance_m_s); // } else { // _ekf->vneSigma = _parameters.velne_noise; // } // if (_gps.p_variance_m > 0.25f && _gps.p_variance_m < 100.0f * 100.0f) { // _ekf->posNeSigma = sqrtf(_gps.p_variance_m); // } else { // _ekf->posNeSigma = _parameters.posne_noise; // } // warnx("vel: %8.4f pos: %8.4f", _gps.s_variance_m_s, _gps.p_variance_m); newDataGps = true; } } bool baro_updated; orb_check(_baro_sub, &baro_updated); if (baro_updated) { orb_copy(ORB_ID(sensor_baro), _baro_sub, &_baro); _ekf->baroHgt = _baro.altitude; if (!_baro_init) { _baro_ref = _baro.altitude; _baro_init = true; warnx("ALT REF INIT"); } perf_count(_perf_baro); newHgtData = true; } else { newHgtData = false; } #ifndef SENSOR_COMBINED_SUB orb_check(_mag_sub, &mag_updated); #endif if (mag_updated) { _mag_valid = true; perf_count(_perf_mag); #ifndef SENSOR_COMBINED_SUB orb_copy(ORB_ID(sensor_mag), _mag_sub, &_mag); // XXX we compensate the offsets upfront - should be close to zero. // 0.001f _ekf->magData.x = _mag.x; _ekf->magBias.x = 0.000001f; // _mag_offsets.x_offset _ekf->magData.y = _mag.y; _ekf->magBias.y = 0.000001f; // _mag_offsets.y_offset _ekf->magData.z = _mag.z; _ekf->magBias.z = 0.000001f; // _mag_offsets.y_offset #else // XXX we compensate the offsets upfront - should be close to zero. // 0.001f _ekf->magData.x = _sensor_combined.magnetometer_ga[0]; _ekf->magBias.x = 0.000001f; // _mag_offsets.x_offset _ekf->magData.y = _sensor_combined.magnetometer_ga[1]; _ekf->magBias.y = 0.000001f; // _mag_offsets.y_offset _ekf->magData.z = _sensor_combined.magnetometer_ga[2]; _ekf->magBias.z = 0.000001f; // _mag_offsets.y_offset #endif newDataMag = true; } else { newDataMag = false; } /* * CHECK IF ITS THE RIGHT TIME TO RUN THINGS ALREADY */ if (hrt_elapsed_time(&_filter_start_time) < FILTER_INIT_DELAY) { continue; } /** * PART TWO: EXECUTE THE FILTER * * We run the filter only once all data has been fetched **/ if (_baro_init && _gyro_valid && _accel_valid && _mag_valid) { float initVelNED[3]; /* Initialize the filter first */ if (!_gps_initialized && _gps.fix_type > 2 && _gps.eph < _parameters.pos_stddev_threshold && _gps.epv < _parameters.pos_stddev_threshold) { // GPS is in scaled integers, convert double lat = / 1.0e7; double lon = _gps.lon / 1.0e7; float gps_alt = _gps.alt / 1e3f; initVelNED[0] = _gps.vel_n_m_s; initVelNED[1] = _gps.vel_e_m_s; initVelNED[2] = _gps.vel_d_m_s; // Set up height correctly orb_copy(ORB_ID(sensor_baro), _baro_sub, &_baro); _baro_ref_offset = _ekf->states[9]; // this should become zero in the local frame _baro_gps_offset = _baro.altitude - gps_alt; _ekf->baroHgt = _baro.altitude; _ekf->hgtMea = 1.0f * (_ekf->baroHgt - (_baro_ref)); // Set up position variables correctly _ekf->GPSstatus = _gps.fix_type; _ekf->gpsLat = math::radians(lat); _ekf->gpsLon = math::radians(lon) - M_PI; _ekf->gpsHgt = gps_alt; // Look up mag declination based on current position float declination = math::radians(get_mag_declination(lat, lon)); _ekf->InitialiseFilter(initVelNED, math::radians(lat), math::radians(lon) - M_PI, gps_alt, declination); // Initialize projection _local_pos.ref_lat = lat; _local_pos.ref_lon = lon; _local_pos.ref_alt = gps_alt; _local_pos.ref_timestamp = _gps.timestamp_position; map_projection_init(&_pos_ref, lat, lon); mavlink_log_info(_mavlink_fd, "[ekf] ref: LA %.4f,LO %.4f,ALT %.2f", lat, lon, (double)gps_alt); #if 0 warnx("HOME/REF: LA %8.4f,LO %8.4f,ALT %8.2f V: %8.4f %8.4f %8.4f", lat, lon, (double)gps_alt, (double)_ekf->velNED[0], (double)_ekf->velNED[1], (double)_ekf->velNED[2]); warnx("BARO: %8.4f m / ref: %8.4f m / gps offs: %8.4f m", (double)_ekf->baroHgt, (double)_baro_ref, (double)_baro_ref_offset); warnx("GPS: eph: %8.4f, epv: %8.4f, declination: %8.4f", (double)_gps.eph, (double)_gps.epv, (double)math::degrees(declination)); #endif _gps_initialized = true; } else if (!_ekf->statesInitialised) { initVelNED[0] = 0.0f; initVelNED[1] = 0.0f; initVelNED[2] = 0.0f; _ekf->posNE[0] = posNED[0]; _ekf->posNE[1] = posNED[1]; _local_pos.ref_alt = _baro_ref; _baro_ref_offset = 0.0f; _baro_gps_offset = 0.0f; _ekf->InitialiseFilter(initVelNED, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0f, 0.0f); } else if (_ekf->statesInitialised) { // We're apparently initialized in this case now int check = check_filter_state(); if (check) { // Let the system re-initialize itself continue; } // Run the strapdown INS equations every IMU update _ekf->UpdateStrapdownEquationsNED(); #if 0 // debug code - could be tunred into a filter mnitoring/watchdog function float tempQuat[4]; for (uint8_t j = 0; j <= 3; j++) tempQuat[j] = states[j]; quat2eul(eulerEst, tempQuat); for (uint8_t j = 0; j <= 2; j++) eulerDif[j] = eulerEst[j] - ahrsEul[j]; if (eulerDif[2] > pi) eulerDif[2] -= 2 * pi; if (eulerDif[2] < -pi) eulerDif[2] += 2 * pi; #endif // store the predicted states for subsequent use by measurement fusion _ekf->StoreStates(IMUmsec); // Check if on ground - status is used by covariance prediction _ekf->OnGroundCheck(); // sum delta angles and time used by covariance prediction _ekf->summedDelAng = _ekf->summedDelAng + _ekf->correctedDelAng; _ekf->summedDelVel = _ekf->summedDelVel + _ekf->dVelIMU; dt += _ekf->dtIMU; // perform a covariance prediction if the total delta angle has exceeded the limit // or the time limit will be exceeded at the next IMU update if ((dt >= (_ekf->covTimeStepMax - _ekf->dtIMU)) || (_ekf->summedDelAng.length() > _ekf->covDelAngMax)) { _ekf->CovariancePrediction(dt); _ekf->; _ekf->; dt = 0.0f; } // Fuse GPS Measurements if (newDataGps && _gps_initialized) { // Convert GPS measurements to Pos NE, hgt and Vel NED float gps_dt = (_gps.timestamp_position - last_gps) / 1e6f; // Calculate acceleration predicted by GPS velocity change if (((fabsf(_ekf->velNED[0] - _gps.vel_n_m_s) > FLT_EPSILON) || (fabsf(_ekf->velNED[1] - _gps.vel_e_m_s) > FLT_EPSILON) || (fabsf(_ekf->velNED[2] - _gps.vel_d_m_s) > FLT_EPSILON)) && (gps_dt > 0.00001f)) { _ekf->accelGPSNED[0] = (_ekf->velNED[0] - _gps.vel_n_m_s) / gps_dt; _ekf->accelGPSNED[1] = (_ekf->velNED[1] - _gps.vel_e_m_s) / gps_dt; _ekf->accelGPSNED[2] = (_ekf->velNED[2] - _gps.vel_d_m_s) / gps_dt; } _ekf->velNED[0] = _gps.vel_n_m_s; _ekf->velNED[1] = _gps.vel_e_m_s; _ekf->velNED[2] = _gps.vel_d_m_s; _ekf->calcposNED(posNED, _ekf->gpsLat, _ekf->gpsLon, _ekf->gpsHgt, _ekf->latRef, _ekf->lonRef, _ekf->hgtRef); _ekf->posNE[0] = posNED[0]; _ekf->posNE[1] = posNED[1]; // set fusion flags _ekf->fuseVelData = true; _ekf->fusePosData = true; // recall states stored at time of measurement after adjusting for delays _ekf->RecallStates(_ekf->statesAtVelTime, (IMUmsec - _parameters.vel_delay_ms)); _ekf->RecallStates(_ekf->statesAtPosTime, (IMUmsec - _parameters.pos_delay_ms)); // run the fusion step _ekf->FuseVelposNED(); } else if (_ekf->statesInitialised) { // Convert GPS measurements to Pos NE, hgt and Vel NED _ekf->velNED[0] = 0.0f; _ekf->velNED[1] = 0.0f; _ekf->velNED[2] = 0.0f; _ekf->posNE[0] = 0.0f; _ekf->posNE[1] = 0.0f; // set fusion flags _ekf->fuseVelData = true; _ekf->fusePosData = true; // recall states stored at time of measurement after adjusting for delays _ekf->RecallStates(_ekf->statesAtVelTime, (IMUmsec - _parameters.vel_delay_ms)); _ekf->RecallStates(_ekf->statesAtPosTime, (IMUmsec - _parameters.pos_delay_ms)); // run the fusion step _ekf->FuseVelposNED(); } else { _ekf->fuseVelData = false; _ekf->fusePosData = false; } if (newHgtData && _ekf->statesInitialised) { // Could use a blend of GPS and baro alt data if desired _ekf->hgtMea = 1.0f * (_ekf->baroHgt - _baro_ref); _ekf->fuseHgtData = true; // recall states stored at time of measurement after adjusting for delays _ekf->RecallStates(_ekf->statesAtHgtTime, (IMUmsec - _parameters.height_delay_ms)); // run the fusion step _ekf->FuseVelposNED(); } else { _ekf->fuseHgtData = false; } // Fuse Magnetometer Measurements if (newDataMag && _ekf->statesInitialised) { _ekf->fuseMagData = true; _ekf->RecallStates(_ekf->statesAtMagMeasTime, (IMUmsec - _parameters.mag_delay_ms)); // Assume 50 msec avg delay for magnetometer data _ekf->magstate.obsIndex = 0; _ekf->FuseMagnetometer(); _ekf->FuseMagnetometer(); _ekf->FuseMagnetometer(); } else { _ekf->fuseMagData = false; } // Fuse Airspeed Measurements if (newAdsData && _ekf->statesInitialised && _ekf->VtasMeas > 8.0f) { _ekf->fuseVtasData = true; _ekf->RecallStates(_ekf->statesAtVtasMeasTime, (IMUmsec - _parameters.tas_delay_ms)); // assume 100 msec avg delay for airspeed data _ekf->FuseAirspeed(); } else { _ekf->fuseVtasData = false; } // Output results math::Quaternion q(_ekf->states[0], _ekf->states[1], _ekf->states[2], _ekf->states[3]); math::Matrix<3, 3> R = q.to_dcm(); math::Vector<3> euler = R.to_euler(); for (int i = 0; i < 3; i++) for (int j = 0; j < 3; j++) _att.R[i][j] = R(i, j); _att.timestamp = _last_sensor_timestamp; _att.q[0] = _ekf->states[0]; _att.q[1] = _ekf->states[1]; _att.q[2] = _ekf->states[2]; _att.q[3] = _ekf->states[3]; _att.q_valid = true; _att.R_valid = true; _att.timestamp = _last_sensor_timestamp; _att.roll = euler(0); _att.pitch = euler(1); _att.yaw = euler(2); _att.rollspeed = _ekf->angRate.x - _ekf->states[10]; _att.pitchspeed = _ekf->angRate.y - _ekf->states[11]; _att.yawspeed = _ekf->angRate.z - _ekf->states[12]; // gyro offsets _att.rate_offsets[0] = _ekf->states[10]; _att.rate_offsets[1] = _ekf->states[11]; _att.rate_offsets[2] = _ekf->states[12]; /* lazily publish the attitude only once available */ if (_att_pub > 0) { /* publish the attitude setpoint */ orb_publish(ORB_ID(vehicle_attitude), _att_pub, &_att); } else { /* advertise and publish */ _att_pub = orb_advertise(ORB_ID(vehicle_attitude), &_att); } if (_gps_initialized) { _local_pos.timestamp = _last_sensor_timestamp; _local_pos.x = _ekf->states[7]; _local_pos.y = _ekf->states[8]; // XXX need to announce change of Z reference somehow elegantly _local_pos.z = _ekf->states[9] - _baro_ref_offset; _local_pos.vx = _ekf->states[4]; _local_pos.vy = _ekf->states[5]; _local_pos.vz = _ekf->states[6]; _local_pos.xy_valid = _gps_initialized; _local_pos.z_valid = true; _local_pos.v_xy_valid = _gps_initialized; _local_pos.v_z_valid = true; _local_pos.xy_global = true; _velocity_xy_filtered = 0.95f*_velocity_xy_filtered + 0.05f*sqrtf(_local_pos.vx*_local_pos.vx + _local_pos.vy*_local_pos.vy); _velocity_z_filtered = 0.95f*_velocity_z_filtered + 0.05f*fabsf(_local_pos.vz); _airspeed_filtered = 0.95f*_airspeed_filtered + + 0.05f*_airspeed.true_airspeed_m_s; /* crude land detector for fixedwing only, * TODO: adapt so that it works for both, maybe move to another location */ if (_velocity_xy_filtered < 5 && _velocity_z_filtered < 10 && _airspeed_filtered < 10) { _local_pos.landed = true; } else { _local_pos.landed = false; } _local_pos.z_global = false; _local_pos.yaw = _att.yaw; /* lazily publish the local position only once available */ if (_local_pos_pub > 0) { /* publish the attitude setpoint */ orb_publish(ORB_ID(vehicle_local_position), _local_pos_pub, &_local_pos); } else { /* advertise and publish */ _local_pos_pub = orb_advertise(ORB_ID(vehicle_local_position), &_local_pos); } _global_pos.timestamp = _local_pos.timestamp; if (_local_pos.xy_global) { double est_lat, est_lon; map_projection_reproject(&_pos_ref, _local_pos.x, _local_pos.y, &est_lat, &est_lon); = est_lat; _global_pos.lon = est_lon; _global_pos.time_gps_usec = _gps.time_gps_usec; _global_pos.eph = _gps.eph; _global_pos.epv = _gps.epv; } if (_local_pos.v_xy_valid) { _global_pos.vel_n = _local_pos.vx; _global_pos.vel_e = _local_pos.vy; } else { _global_pos.vel_n = 0.0f; _global_pos.vel_e = 0.0f; } /* local pos alt is negative, change sign and add alt offsets */ _global_pos.alt = _baro_ref + (-_local_pos.z) - _baro_gps_offset; if (_local_pos.v_z_valid) { _global_pos.vel_d = _local_pos.vz; } _global_pos.yaw = _local_pos.yaw; _global_pos.eph = _gps.eph; _global_pos.epv = _gps.epv; _global_pos.timestamp = _local_pos.timestamp; /* lazily publish the global position only once available */ if (_global_pos_pub > 0) { /* publish the global position */ orb_publish(ORB_ID(vehicle_global_position), _global_pos_pub, &_global_pos); } else { /* advertise and publish */ _global_pos_pub = orb_advertise(ORB_ID(vehicle_global_position), &_global_pos); } if (hrt_elapsed_time(&_wind.timestamp) > 99000) { _wind.timestamp = _global_pos.timestamp; _wind.windspeed_north = _ekf->states[14]; _wind.windspeed_east = _ekf->states[15]; _wind.covariance_north = 0.0f; // XXX get form filter _wind.covariance_east = 0.0f; /* lazily publish the wind estimate only once available */ if (_wind_pub > 0) { /* publish the wind estimate */ orb_publish(ORB_ID(wind_estimate), _wind_pub, &_wind); } else { /* advertise and publish */ _wind_pub = orb_advertise(ORB_ID(wind_estimate), &_wind); } } } } if (hrt_elapsed_time(&_wind.timestamp) > 99000) { _wind.timestamp = _global_pos.timestamp; _wind.windspeed_north = _ekf->states[14]; _wind.windspeed_east = _ekf->states[15]; _wind.covariance_north = _ekf->P[14][14]; _wind.covariance_east = _ekf->P[15][15]; /* lazily publish the wind estimate only once available */ if (_wind_pub > 0) { /* publish the wind estimate */ orb_publish(ORB_ID(wind_estimate), _wind_pub, &_wind); } else { /* advertise and publish */ _wind_pub = orb_advertise(ORB_ID(wind_estimate), &_wind); } } } } perf_end(_loop_perf); } warnx("exiting.\n"); _estimator_task = -1; _exit(0); }
bool MixerTest::mixerTest() { /* * PWM limit structure */ pwm_limit_t pwm_limit; bool should_arm = false; uint16_t r_page_servo_disarmed[output_max]; uint16_t r_page_servo_control_min[output_max]; uint16_t r_page_servo_control_max[output_max]; uint16_t r_page_servos[output_max]; uint16_t servo_predicted[output_max]; int16_t reverse_pwm_mask = 0; bool load_ok = load_mixer(MIXER_PATH(IO_pass.mix), 8); if (!load_ok) { return load_ok; } /* execute the mixer */ float outputs[output_max]; unsigned mixed; const int jmax = 5; pwm_limit_init(&pwm_limit); /* run through arming phase */ for (unsigned i = 0; i < output_max; i++) { actuator_controls[i] = 0.1f; r_page_servo_disarmed[i] = PWM_MOTOR_OFF; r_page_servo_control_min[i] = PWM_DEFAULT_MIN; r_page_servo_control_max[i] = PWM_DEFAULT_MAX; } //PX4_INFO("PRE-ARM TEST: DISABLING SAFETY"); /* mix */ should_prearm = true; mixed = mixer_group.mix(&outputs[0], output_max); pwm_limit_calc(should_arm, should_prearm, mixed, reverse_pwm_mask, r_page_servo_disarmed, r_page_servo_control_min, r_page_servo_control_max, outputs, r_page_servos, &pwm_limit); //warnx("mixed %d outputs (max %d), values:", mixed, output_max); for (unsigned i = 0; i < mixed; i++) { //fprintf(stderr, "pre-arm:\t %d: out: %8.4f, servo: %d \n", i, (double)outputs[i], (int)r_page_servos[i]); if (i != actuator_controls_s::INDEX_THROTTLE) { if (r_page_servos[i] < r_page_servo_control_min[i]) { warnx("active servo < min"); return false; } } else { if (r_page_servos[i] != r_page_servo_disarmed[i]) { warnx("throttle output != 0 (this check assumed the IO pass mixer!)"); return false; } } } should_arm = true; should_prearm = false; /* simulate another orb_copy() from actuator controls */ for (unsigned i = 0; i < output_max; i++) { actuator_controls[i] = 0.1f; } //PX4_INFO("ARMING TEST: STARTING RAMP"); unsigned sleep_quantum_us = 10000; hrt_abstime starttime = hrt_absolute_time(); unsigned sleepcount = 0; while (hrt_elapsed_time(&starttime) < INIT_TIME_US + RAMP_TIME_US + 2 * sleep_quantum_us) { /* mix */ mixed = mixer_group.mix(&outputs[0], output_max); pwm_limit_calc(should_arm, should_prearm, mixed, reverse_pwm_mask, r_page_servo_disarmed, r_page_servo_control_min, r_page_servo_control_max, outputs, r_page_servos, &pwm_limit); //warnx("mixed %d outputs (max %d), values:", mixed, output_max); for (unsigned i = 0; i < mixed; i++) { //fprintf(stderr, "ramp:\t %d: out: %8.4f, servo: %d \n", i, (double)outputs[i], (int)r_page_servos[i]); /* check mixed outputs to be zero during init phase */ if (hrt_elapsed_time(&starttime) < INIT_TIME_US && r_page_servos[i] != r_page_servo_disarmed[i]) { PX4_ERR("disarmed servo value mismatch: %d vs %d", r_page_servos[i], r_page_servo_disarmed[i]); return false; } if (hrt_elapsed_time(&starttime) >= INIT_TIME_US && r_page_servos[i] + 1 <= r_page_servo_disarmed[i]) { PX4_ERR("ramp servo value mismatch"); return false; } } usleep(sleep_quantum_us); sleepcount++; if (sleepcount % 10 == 0) { fflush(stdout); } } //PX4_INFO("ARMING TEST: NORMAL OPERATION"); for (int j = -jmax; j <= jmax; j++) { for (unsigned i = 0; i < output_max; i++) { actuator_controls[i] = j / 10.0f + 0.1f * i; r_page_servo_disarmed[i] = PWM_LOWEST_MIN; r_page_servo_control_min[i] = PWM_DEFAULT_MIN; r_page_servo_control_max[i] = PWM_DEFAULT_MAX; } /* mix */ mixed = mixer_group.mix(&outputs[0], output_max); pwm_limit_calc(should_arm, should_prearm, mixed, reverse_pwm_mask, r_page_servo_disarmed, r_page_servo_control_min, r_page_servo_control_max, outputs, r_page_servos, &pwm_limit); //fprintf(stderr, "mixed %d outputs (max %d)", mixed, output_max); for (unsigned i = 0; i < mixed; i++) { servo_predicted[i] = 1500 + outputs[i] * (r_page_servo_control_max[i] - r_page_servo_control_min[i]) / 2.0f; if (abs(servo_predicted[i] - r_page_servos[i]) > MIXER_DIFFERENCE_THRESHOLD) { fprintf(stderr, "\t %d: %8.4f predicted: %d, servo: %d\n", i, (double)outputs[i], servo_predicted[i], (int)r_page_servos[i]); PX4_ERR("mixer violated predicted value"); return false; } } } //PX4_INFO("ARMING TEST: DISARMING"); starttime = hrt_absolute_time(); sleepcount = 0; should_arm = false; while (hrt_elapsed_time(&starttime) < 600000) { /* mix */ mixed = mixer_group.mix(&outputs[0], output_max); pwm_limit_calc(should_arm, should_prearm, mixed, reverse_pwm_mask, r_page_servo_disarmed, r_page_servo_control_min, r_page_servo_control_max, outputs, r_page_servos, &pwm_limit); //warnx("mixed %d outputs (max %d), values:", mixed, output_max); for (unsigned i = 0; i < mixed; i++) { //fprintf(stderr, "disarmed:\t %d: out: %8.4f, servo: %d \n", i, (double)outputs[i], (int)r_page_servos[i]); /* check mixed outputs to be zero during init phase */ if (r_page_servos[i] != r_page_servo_disarmed[i]) { PX4_ERR("disarmed servo value mismatch"); return false; } } usleep(sleep_quantum_us); sleepcount++; if (sleepcount % 10 == 0) { //printf("."); //fflush(stdout); } } //printf("\n"); //PX4_INFO("ARMING TEST: REARMING: STARTING RAMP"); starttime = hrt_absolute_time(); sleepcount = 0; should_arm = true; while (hrt_elapsed_time(&starttime) < 600000 + RAMP_TIME_US) { /* mix */ mixed = mixer_group.mix(&outputs[0], output_max); pwm_limit_calc(should_arm, should_prearm, mixed, reverse_pwm_mask, r_page_servo_disarmed, r_page_servo_control_min, r_page_servo_control_max, outputs, r_page_servos, &pwm_limit); //warnx("mixed %d outputs (max %d), values:", mixed, output_max); for (unsigned i = 0; i < mixed; i++) { /* predict value */ servo_predicted[i] = 1500 + outputs[i] * (r_page_servo_control_max[i] - r_page_servo_control_min[i]) / 2.0f; /* check ramp */ //fprintf(stderr, "ramp:\t %d: out: %8.4f, servo: %d \n", i, (double)outputs[i], (int)r_page_servos[i]); if (hrt_elapsed_time(&starttime) < RAMP_TIME_US && (r_page_servos[i] + 1 <= r_page_servo_disarmed[i] || r_page_servos[i] > servo_predicted[i])) { PX4_ERR("ramp servo value mismatch"); return false; } /* check post ramp phase */ if (hrt_elapsed_time(&starttime) > RAMP_TIME_US && abs(servo_predicted[i] - r_page_servos[i]) > 2) { printf("\t %d: %8.4f predicted: %d, servo: %d\n", i, (double)outputs[i], servo_predicted[i], (int)r_page_servos[i]); PX4_ERR("mixer violated predicted value"); return false; } } usleep(sleep_quantum_us); sleepcount++; if (sleepcount % 10 == 0) { // printf("."); // fflush(stdout); } } return true; }
void Tailsitter::update_transition_state() { if (!_flag_was_in_trans_mode) { // save desired heading for transition and last thrust value _yaw_transition = _v_att_sp->yaw_body; _pitch_transition_start = _v_att_sp->pitch_body; _throttle_transition = _v_att_sp->thrust; _flag_was_in_trans_mode = true; } if (_vtol_schedule.flight_mode == TRANSITION_FRONT_P1) { /** create time dependant pitch angle set point + 0.2 rad overlap over the switch value*/ _v_att_sp->pitch_body = _pitch_transition_start - (fabsf(PITCH_TRANSITION_FRONT_P1 - _pitch_transition_start) * (float)hrt_elapsed_time(&_vtol_schedule.transition_start) / (_params_tailsitter.front_trans_dur * 1000000.0f)); _v_att_sp->pitch_body = math::constrain(_v_att_sp->pitch_body , PITCH_TRANSITION_FRONT_P1 - 0.2f , _pitch_transition_start); /** create time dependant throttle signal higher than in MC and growing untill P2 switch speed reached */ if (_airspeed->true_airspeed_m_s <= _params_tailsitter.airspeed_trans) { _v_att_sp->thrust = _throttle_transition + (fabsf(THROTTLE_TRANSITION_MAX * _throttle_transition) * (float)hrt_elapsed_time(&_vtol_schedule.transition_start) / (_params_tailsitter.front_trans_dur * 1000000.0f)); _v_att_sp->thrust = math::constrain(_v_att_sp->thrust , _throttle_transition , (1.0f + THROTTLE_TRANSITION_MAX) * _throttle_transition); } // disable mc yaw control once the plane has picked up speed if (_airspeed->true_airspeed_m_s > ARSP_YAW_CTRL_DISABLE) { _mc_yaw_weight = 0.0f; } else { _mc_yaw_weight = 1.0f; } _mc_roll_weight = 1.0f; _mc_pitch_weight = 1.0f; } else if (_vtol_schedule.flight_mode == TRANSITION_FRONT_P2) { // the plane is ready to go into fixed wing mode, smoothly switch the actuator controls, keep pitching down /** no motor switching */ if (flag_idle_mc) { set_idle_fw(); flag_idle_mc = false; } /** create time dependant pitch angle set point + 0.2 rad overlap over the switch value*/ if (_v_att_sp->pitch_body >= (PITCH_TRANSITION_FRONT_P2 - 0.2f)) { _v_att_sp->pitch_body = PITCH_TRANSITION_FRONT_P1 - (fabsf(PITCH_TRANSITION_FRONT_P2 - PITCH_TRANSITION_FRONT_P1) * (float)hrt_elapsed_time( &_vtol_schedule.transition_start) / (_params_tailsitter.front_trans_dur_p2 * 1000000.0f)); if (_v_att_sp->pitch_body <= (PITCH_TRANSITION_FRONT_P2 - 0.2f)) { _v_att_sp->pitch_body = PITCH_TRANSITION_FRONT_P2 - 0.2f; } } /** start blending MC and FW controls from pitch -45 to pitch -70 for smooth control takeover*/ //_mc_roll_weight = 1.0f - 1.0f * ((float)hrt_elapsed_time(&_vtol_schedule.transition_start) / (_params_tailsitter.front_trans_dur_p2 * 1000000.0f)); //_mc_pitch_weight = 1.0f - 1.0f * ((float)hrt_elapsed_time(&_vtol_schedule.transition_start) / (_params_tailsitter.front_trans_dur_p2 * 1000000.0f)); _mc_roll_weight = 0.0f; _mc_pitch_weight = 0.0f; /** keep yaw disabled */ _mc_yaw_weight = 0.0f; } else if (_vtol_schedule.flight_mode == TRANSITION_BACK) { if (!flag_idle_mc) { set_idle_mc(); flag_idle_mc = true; } /** create time dependant pitch angle set point stating at -pi/2 + 0.2 rad overlap over the switch value*/ _v_att_sp->pitch_body = M_PI_2_F + _pitch_transition_start + fabsf(PITCH_TRANSITION_BACK + 1.57f) * (float)hrt_elapsed_time(&_vtol_schedule.transition_start) / (_params_tailsitter.back_trans_dur * 1000000.0f); _v_att_sp->pitch_body = math::constrain(_v_att_sp->pitch_body , -2.0f , PITCH_TRANSITION_BACK + 0.2f); // throttle value is decreesed _v_att_sp->thrust = _throttle_transition * 0.9f; /** keep yaw disabled */ _mc_yaw_weight = 0.0f; /** smoothly move control weight to MC */ _mc_roll_weight = 1.0f * (float)hrt_elapsed_time(&_vtol_schedule.transition_start) / (_params_tailsitter.back_trans_dur * 1000000.0f); _mc_pitch_weight = 1.0f * (float)hrt_elapsed_time(&_vtol_schedule.transition_start) / (_params_tailsitter.back_trans_dur * 1000000.0f); } _mc_roll_weight = math::constrain(_mc_roll_weight, 0.0f, 1.0f); _mc_yaw_weight = math::constrain(_mc_yaw_weight, 0.0f, 1.0f); _mc_pitch_weight = math::constrain(_mc_pitch_weight, 0.0f, 1.0f); // compute desired attitude and thrust setpoint for the transition _v_att_sp->timestamp = hrt_absolute_time(); _v_att_sp->roll_body = 0.0f; _v_att_sp->yaw_body = _yaw_transition; _v_att_sp->R_valid = true; math::Matrix<3, 3> R_sp; R_sp.from_euler(_v_att_sp->roll_body, _v_att_sp->pitch_body, _v_att_sp->yaw_body); memcpy(&_v_att_sp->R_body[0],, sizeof(_v_att_sp->R_body)); math::Quaternion q_sp; q_sp.from_dcm(R_sp); memcpy(&_v_att_sp->q_d[0], &[0], sizeof(_v_att_sp->q_d)); }
bool MulticopterLandDetector::_has_altitude_lock() { return _vehicleLocalPosition.timestamp != 0 && hrt_elapsed_time(&_vehicleLocalPosition.timestamp) < 500_ms && _vehicleLocalPosition.z_valid; }
int test_mixer(int argc, char *argv[]) { /* * PWM limit structure */ pwm_limit_t pwm_limit; static bool should_arm = false; uint16_t r_page_servo_disarmed[output_max]; uint16_t r_page_servo_control_min[output_max]; uint16_t r_page_servo_control_max[output_max]; uint16_t r_page_servos[output_max]; uint16_t servo_predicted[output_max]; warnx("testing mixer"); char *filename = "/etc/mixers/IO_pass.mix"; if (argc > 1) filename = argv[1]; warnx("loading: %s", filename); char buf[2048]; load_mixer_file(filename, &buf[0], sizeof(buf)); unsigned loaded = strlen(buf); warnx("loaded: \n\"%s\"\n (%d chars)", &buf[0], loaded); /* load the mixer in chunks, like * in the case of a remote load, * e.g. on PX4IO. */ unsigned nused = 0; const unsigned chunk_size = 64; MixerGroup mixer_group(mixer_callback, 0); /* load at once test */ unsigned xx = loaded; mixer_group.load_from_buf(&buf[0], xx); warnx("complete buffer load: loaded %u mixers", mixer_group.count()); if (mixer_group.count() != 8) return 1; unsigned empty_load = 2; char empty_buf[2]; empty_buf[0] = ' '; empty_buf[1] = '\0'; mixer_group.reset(); mixer_group.load_from_buf(&empty_buf[0], empty_load); warnx("empty buffer load: loaded %u mixers, used: %u", mixer_group.count(), empty_load); if (empty_load != 0) return 1; /* FIRST mark the mixer as invalid */ bool mixer_ok = false; /* THEN actually delete it */ mixer_group.reset(); char mixer_text[256]; /* large enough for one mixer */ unsigned mixer_text_length = 0; unsigned transmitted = 0; warnx("transmitted: %d, loaded: %d", transmitted, loaded); while (transmitted < loaded) { unsigned text_length = (loaded - transmitted > chunk_size) ? chunk_size : loaded - transmitted; /* check for overflow - this would be really fatal */ if ((mixer_text_length + text_length + 1) > sizeof(mixer_text)) { bool mixer_ok = false; return 1; } /* append mixer text and nul-terminate */ memcpy(&mixer_text[mixer_text_length], &buf[transmitted], text_length); mixer_text_length += text_length; mixer_text[mixer_text_length] = '\0'; warnx("buflen %u, text:\n\"%s\"", mixer_text_length, &mixer_text[0]); /* process the text buffer, adding new mixers as their descriptions can be parsed */ unsigned resid = mixer_text_length; mixer_group.load_from_buf(&mixer_text[0], resid); /* if anything was parsed */ if (resid != mixer_text_length) { /* only set mixer ok if no residual is left over */ if (resid == 0) { mixer_ok = true; } else { /* not yet reached the end of the mixer, set as not ok */ mixer_ok = false; } warnx("used %u", mixer_text_length - resid); /* copy any leftover text to the base of the buffer for re-use */ if (resid > 0) memcpy(&mixer_text[0], &mixer_text[mixer_text_length - resid], resid); mixer_text_length = resid; } transmitted += text_length; } warnx("chunked load: loaded %u mixers", mixer_group.count()); if (mixer_group.count() != 8) return 1; /* execute the mixer */ float outputs[output_max]; unsigned mixed; const int jmax = 5; pwm_limit_init(&pwm_limit); should_arm = true; /* run through arming phase */ for (int i = 0; i < output_max; i++) { actuator_controls[i] = 0.1f; r_page_servo_disarmed[i] = PWM_LOWEST_MIN; r_page_servo_control_min[i] = PWM_DEFAULT_MIN; r_page_servo_control_max[i] = PWM_DEFAULT_MAX; } warnx("ARMING TEST: STARTING RAMP"); unsigned sleep_quantum_us = 10000; hrt_abstime starttime = hrt_absolute_time(); unsigned sleepcount = 0; while (hrt_elapsed_time(&starttime) < INIT_TIME_US + RAMP_TIME_US) { /* mix */ mixed = mixer_group.mix(&outputs[0], output_max); pwm_limit_calc(should_arm, mixed, r_page_servo_disarmed, r_page_servo_control_min, r_page_servo_control_max, outputs, r_page_servos, &pwm_limit); //warnx("mixed %d outputs (max %d), values:", mixed, output_max); for (int i = 0; i < mixed; i++) { /* check mixed outputs to be zero during init phase */ if (hrt_elapsed_time(&starttime) < INIT_TIME_US && r_page_servos[i] != r_page_servo_disarmed[i]) { warnx("disarmed servo value mismatch"); return 1; } if (hrt_elapsed_time(&starttime) >= INIT_TIME_US && r_page_servos[i] + 1 <= r_page_servo_disarmed[i]) { warnx("ramp servo value mismatch"); return 1; } //printf("\t %d: %8.4f limited: %8.4f, servo: %d\n", i, outputs_unlimited[i], outputs[i], (int)r_page_servos[i]); } usleep(sleep_quantum_us); sleepcount++; if (sleepcount % 10 == 0) { printf("."); fflush(stdout); } } printf("\n"); warnx("ARMING TEST: NORMAL OPERATION"); for (int j = -jmax; j <= jmax; j++) { for (int i = 0; i < output_max; i++) { actuator_controls[i] = j/10.0f + 0.1f * i; r_page_servo_disarmed[i] = PWM_LOWEST_MIN; r_page_servo_control_min[i] = PWM_DEFAULT_MIN; r_page_servo_control_max[i] = PWM_DEFAULT_MAX; } /* mix */ mixed = mixer_group.mix(&outputs[0], output_max); pwm_limit_calc(should_arm, mixed, r_page_servo_disarmed, r_page_servo_control_min, r_page_servo_control_max, outputs, r_page_servos, &pwm_limit); warnx("mixed %d outputs (max %d)", mixed, output_max); for (int i = 0; i < mixed; i++) { servo_predicted[i] = 1500 + outputs[i] * (r_page_servo_control_max[i] - r_page_servo_control_min[i]) / 2.0f; if (fabsf(servo_predicted[i] - r_page_servos[i]) > 2) { printf("\t %d: %8.4f predicted: %d, servo: %d\n", i, outputs[i], servo_predicted[i], (int)r_page_servos[i]); warnx("mixer violated predicted value"); return 1; } } } warnx("ARMING TEST: DISARMING"); starttime = hrt_absolute_time(); sleepcount = 0; should_arm = false; while (hrt_elapsed_time(&starttime) < 600000) { /* mix */ mixed = mixer_group.mix(&outputs[0], output_max); pwm_limit_calc(should_arm, mixed, r_page_servo_disarmed, r_page_servo_control_min, r_page_servo_control_max, outputs, r_page_servos, &pwm_limit); //warnx("mixed %d outputs (max %d), values:", mixed, output_max); for (int i = 0; i < mixed; i++) { /* check mixed outputs to be zero during init phase */ if (r_page_servos[i] != r_page_servo_disarmed[i]) { warnx("disarmed servo value mismatch"); return 1; } //printf("\t %d: %8.4f limited: %8.4f, servo: %d\n", i, outputs_unlimited[i], outputs[i], (int)r_page_servos[i]); } usleep(sleep_quantum_us); sleepcount++; if (sleepcount % 10 == 0) { printf("."); fflush(stdout); } } printf("\n"); warnx("ARMING TEST: REARMING: STARTING RAMP"); starttime = hrt_absolute_time(); sleepcount = 0; should_arm = true; while (hrt_elapsed_time(&starttime) < 600000 + RAMP_TIME_US) { /* mix */ mixed = mixer_group.mix(&outputs[0], output_max); pwm_limit_calc(should_arm, mixed, r_page_servo_disarmed, r_page_servo_control_min, r_page_servo_control_max, outputs, r_page_servos, &pwm_limit); //warnx("mixed %d outputs (max %d), values:", mixed, output_max); for (int i = 0; i < mixed; i++) { /* predict value */ servo_predicted[i] = 1500 + outputs[i] * (r_page_servo_control_max[i] - r_page_servo_control_min[i]) / 2.0f; /* check ramp */ if (hrt_elapsed_time(&starttime) < RAMP_TIME_US && (r_page_servos[i] + 1 <= r_page_servo_disarmed[i] || r_page_servos[i] > servo_predicted[i])) { warnx("ramp servo value mismatch"); return 1; } /* check post ramp phase */ if (hrt_elapsed_time(&starttime) > RAMP_TIME_US && fabsf(servo_predicted[i] - r_page_servos[i]) > 2) { printf("\t %d: %8.4f predicted: %d, servo: %d\n", i, outputs[i], servo_predicted[i], (int)r_page_servos[i]); warnx("mixer violated predicted value"); return 1; } //printf("\t %d: %8.4f limited: %8.4f, servo: %d\n", i, outputs_unlimited[i], outputs[i], (int)r_page_servos[i]); } usleep(sleep_quantum_us); sleepcount++; if (sleepcount % 10 == 0) { printf("."); fflush(stdout); } } printf("\n"); /* load multirotor at once test */ mixer_group.reset(); if (argc > 2) filename = argv[2]; else filename = "/etc/mixers/FMU_quad_w.mix"; load_mixer_file(filename, &buf[0], sizeof(buf)); loaded = strlen(buf); warnx("loaded: \n\"%s\"\n (%d chars)", &buf[0], loaded); unsigned mc_loaded = loaded; mixer_group.load_from_buf(&buf[0], mc_loaded); warnx("complete buffer load: loaded %u mixers", mixer_group.count()); if (mixer_group.count() != 5) { warnx("FAIL: Quad W mixer load failed"); return 1; } warnx("SUCCESS: No errors in mixer test"); }
void Navigator::task_main() { /* inform about start */ warnx("Initializing.."); _mavlink_fd = open(MAVLINK_LOG_DEVICE, 0); _geofence.setMavlinkFd(_mavlink_fd); /* Try to load the geofence: * if /fs/microsd/etc/geofence.txt load from this file * else clear geofence data in datamanager */ struct stat buffer; if (stat(GEOFENCE_FILENAME, &buffer) == 0) { warnx("Try to load geofence.txt"); _geofence.loadFromFile(GEOFENCE_FILENAME); } else { mavlink_log_critical(_mavlink_fd, "#audio: No geofence file"); if (_geofence.clearDm() > 0) warnx("Geofence cleared"); else warnx("Could not clear geofence"); } /* do subscriptions */ _global_pos_sub = orb_subscribe(ORB_ID(vehicle_global_position)); _gps_pos_sub = orb_subscribe(ORB_ID(vehicle_gps_position)); _sensor_combined_sub = orb_subscribe(ORB_ID(sensor_combined)); _capabilities_sub = orb_subscribe(ORB_ID(navigation_capabilities)); _vstatus_sub = orb_subscribe(ORB_ID(vehicle_status)); _control_mode_sub = orb_subscribe(ORB_ID(vehicle_control_mode)); _home_pos_sub = orb_subscribe(ORB_ID(home_position)); _onboard_mission_sub = orb_subscribe(ORB_ID(onboard_mission)); _offboard_mission_sub = orb_subscribe(ORB_ID(offboard_mission)); _param_update_sub = orb_subscribe(ORB_ID(parameter_update)); /* copy all topics first time */ vehicle_status_update(); vehicle_control_mode_update(); global_position_update(); gps_position_update(); sensor_combined_update(); home_position_update(); navigation_capabilities_update(); params_update(); /* rate limit position and sensor updates to 50 Hz */ orb_set_interval(_global_pos_sub, 20); orb_set_interval(_sensor_combined_sub, 20); hrt_abstime mavlink_open_time = 0; const hrt_abstime mavlink_open_interval = 500000; /* wakeup source(s) */ struct pollfd fds[8]; /* Setup of loop */ fds[0].fd = _global_pos_sub; fds[0].events = POLLIN; fds[1].fd = _home_pos_sub; fds[1].events = POLLIN; fds[2].fd = _capabilities_sub; fds[2].events = POLLIN; fds[3].fd = _vstatus_sub; fds[3].events = POLLIN; fds[4].fd = _control_mode_sub; fds[4].events = POLLIN; fds[5].fd = _param_update_sub; fds[5].events = POLLIN; fds[6].fd = _sensor_combined_sub; fds[6].events = POLLIN; fds[7].fd = _gps_pos_sub; fds[7].events = POLLIN; while (!_task_should_exit) { /* wait for up to 100ms for data */ int pret = poll(&fds[0], (sizeof(fds) / sizeof(fds[0])), 100); if (pret == 0) { /* timed out - periodic check for _task_should_exit, etc. */ continue; } else if (pret < 0) { /* this is undesirable but not much we can do - might want to flag unhappy status */ warn("poll error %d, %d", pret, errno); continue; } perf_begin(_loop_perf); if (_mavlink_fd < 0 && hrt_absolute_time() > mavlink_open_time) { /* try to reopen the mavlink log device with specified interval */ mavlink_open_time = hrt_abstime() + mavlink_open_interval; _mavlink_fd = open(MAVLINK_LOG_DEVICE, 0); } static bool have_geofence_position_data = false; /* gps updated */ if (fds[7].revents & POLLIN) { gps_position_update(); if (_geofence.getSource() == Geofence::GF_SOURCE_GPS) { have_geofence_position_data = true; } } /* sensors combined updated */ if (fds[6].revents & POLLIN) { sensor_combined_update(); } /* parameters updated */ if (fds[5].revents & POLLIN) { params_update(); updateParams(); } /* vehicle control mode updated */ if (fds[4].revents & POLLIN) { vehicle_control_mode_update(); } /* vehicle status updated */ if (fds[3].revents & POLLIN) { vehicle_status_update(); } /* navigation capabilities updated */ if (fds[2].revents & POLLIN) { navigation_capabilities_update(); } /* home position updated */ if (fds[1].revents & POLLIN) { home_position_update(); } /* global position updated */ if (fds[0].revents & POLLIN) { global_position_update(); if (_geofence.getSource() == Geofence::GF_SOURCE_GLOBALPOS) { have_geofence_position_data = true; } } /* Check geofence violation */ static hrt_abstime last_geofence_check = 0; if (have_geofence_position_data && hrt_elapsed_time(&last_geofence_check) > GEOFENCE_CHECK_INTERVAL) { bool inside = _geofence.inside(_global_pos, _gps_pos, _sensor_combined.baro_alt_meter); last_geofence_check = hrt_absolute_time(); have_geofence_position_data = false; if (!inside) { /* inform other apps via the mission result */ _mission_result.geofence_violated = true; publish_mission_result(); /* Issue a warning about the geofence violation once */ if (!_geofence_violation_warning_sent) { mavlink_log_critical(_mavlink_fd, "#audio: Geofence violation"); _geofence_violation_warning_sent = true; } } else { /* inform other apps via the mission result */ _mission_result.geofence_violated = false; publish_mission_result(); /* Reset the _geofence_violation_warning_sent field */ _geofence_violation_warning_sent = false; } } /* Do stuff according to navigation state set by commander */ switch (_vstatus.nav_state) { case NAVIGATION_STATE_MANUAL: case NAVIGATION_STATE_ACRO: case NAVIGATION_STATE_ALTCTL: case NAVIGATION_STATE_POSCTL: case NAVIGATION_STATE_LAND: case NAVIGATION_STATE_TERMINATION: case NAVIGATION_STATE_OFFBOARD: _navigation_mode = nullptr; _can_loiter_at_sp = false; break; case NAVIGATION_STATE_AUTO_MISSION: _navigation_mode = &_mission; break; case NAVIGATION_STATE_AUTO_LOITER: _navigation_mode = &_loiter; break; case NAVIGATION_STATE_AUTO_RCRECOVER: if (_param_rcloss_obc.get() != 0) { _navigation_mode = &_rcLoss; } else { _navigation_mode = &_rtl; } break; case NAVIGATION_STATE_AUTO_RTL: _navigation_mode = &_rtl; break; case NAVIGATION_STATE_AUTO_RTGS: /* Use complex data link loss mode only when enabled via param * otherwise use rtl */ if (_param_datalinkloss_obc.get() != 0) { _navigation_mode = &_dataLinkLoss; } else { _navigation_mode = &_rtl; } break; case NAVIGATION_STATE_AUTO_LANDENGFAIL: _navigation_mode = &_engineFailure; break; case NAVIGATION_STATE_AUTO_LANDGPSFAIL: _navigation_mode = &_gpsFailure; break; default: _navigation_mode = nullptr; _can_loiter_at_sp = false; break; } /* iterate through navigation modes and set active/inactive for each */ for(unsigned int i = 0; i < NAVIGATOR_MODE_ARRAY_SIZE; i++) { _navigation_mode_array[i]->run(_navigation_mode == _navigation_mode_array[i]); } /* if nothing is running, set position setpoint triplet invalid */ if (_navigation_mode == nullptr) { // TODO publish empty sp only once _pos_sp_triplet.previous.valid = false; _pos_sp_triplet.current.valid = false; = false; _pos_sp_triplet_updated = true; } if (_pos_sp_triplet_updated) { publish_position_setpoint_triplet(); _pos_sp_triplet_updated = false; } perf_end(_loop_perf); } warnx("exiting."); _navigator_task = -1; _exit(0); }
void AttitudePositionEstimatorEKF::task_main() { _mavlink_fd = open(MAVLINK_LOG_DEVICE, 0); _ekf = new AttPosEKF(); _filter_start_time = hrt_absolute_time(); if (!_ekf) { errx(1, "OUT OF MEM!"); } /* * do subscriptions */ _distance_sub = orb_subscribe(ORB_ID(sensor_range_finder)); _baro_sub = orb_subscribe_multi(ORB_ID(sensor_baro), 0); _airspeed_sub = orb_subscribe(ORB_ID(airspeed)); _gps_sub = orb_subscribe(ORB_ID(vehicle_gps_position)); _vstatus_sub = orb_subscribe(ORB_ID(vehicle_status)); _params_sub = orb_subscribe(ORB_ID(parameter_update)); _home_sub = orb_subscribe(ORB_ID(home_position)); _landDetectorSub = orb_subscribe(ORB_ID(vehicle_land_detected)); _armedSub = orb_subscribe(ORB_ID(actuator_armed)); /* rate limit vehicle status updates to 5Hz */ orb_set_interval(_vstatus_sub, 200); _sensor_combined_sub = orb_subscribe(ORB_ID(sensor_combined)); /* XXX remove this!, BUT increase the data buffer size! */ orb_set_interval(_sensor_combined_sub, 9); /* sets also parameters in the EKF object */ parameters_update(); /* wakeup source(s) */ struct pollfd fds[2]; /* Setup of loop */ fds[0].fd = _params_sub; fds[0].events = POLLIN; fds[1].fd = _sensor_combined_sub; fds[1].events = POLLIN; _gps.vel_n_m_s = 0.0f; _gps.vel_e_m_s = 0.0f; _gps.vel_d_m_s = 0.0f; _task_running = true; while (!_task_should_exit) { /* wait for up to 100ms for data */ int pret = poll(&fds[0], (sizeof(fds) / sizeof(fds[0])), 100); /* timed out - periodic check for _task_should_exit, etc. */ if (pret == 0) { continue; } /* this is undesirable but not much we can do - might want to flag unhappy status */ if (pret < 0) { warn("POLL ERR %d, %d", pret, errno); continue; } perf_begin(_loop_perf); perf_count(_loop_intvl); /* only update parameters if they changed */ if (fds[0].revents & POLLIN) { /* read from param to clear updated flag */ struct parameter_update_s update; orb_copy(ORB_ID(parameter_update), _params_sub, &update); /* update parameters from storage */ parameters_update(); } /* only run estimator if gyro updated */ if (fds[1].revents & POLLIN) { /* check vehicle status for changes to publication state */ bool prev_hil = (_vstatus.hil_state == vehicle_status_s::HIL_STATE_ON); vehicle_status_poll(); perf_count(_perf_gyro); /* Reset baro reference if switching to HIL, reset sensor states */ if (!prev_hil && (_vstatus.hil_state == vehicle_status_s::HIL_STATE_ON)) { /* system is in HIL now, wait for measurements to come in one last round */ usleep(60000); /* now read all sensor publications to ensure all real sensor data is purged */ orb_copy(ORB_ID(sensor_combined), _sensor_combined_sub, &_sensor_combined); /* set sensors to de-initialized state */ _gyro_valid = false; _accel_valid = false; _mag_valid = false; _baro_init = false; _gps_initialized = false; _last_sensor_timestamp = hrt_absolute_time(); _last_run = _last_sensor_timestamp; _ekf->ZeroVariables(); _ekf->dtIMU = 0.01f; _filter_start_time = _last_sensor_timestamp; /* now skip this loop and get data on the next one, which will also re-init the filter */ continue; } /** * PART ONE: COLLECT ALL DATA **/ pollData(); /* * CHECK IF ITS THE RIGHT TIME TO RUN THINGS ALREADY */ if (hrt_elapsed_time(&_filter_start_time) < FILTER_INIT_DELAY) { continue; } /** * PART TWO: EXECUTE THE FILTER * * We run the filter only once all data has been fetched **/ if (_baro_init && _gyro_valid && _accel_valid && _mag_valid) { // maintain filtered baro and gps altitudes to calculate weather offset // baro sample rate is ~70Hz and measurement bandwidth is high // gps sample rate is 5Hz and altitude is assumed accurate when averaged over 30 seconds // maintain heavily filtered values for both baro and gps altitude // Assume the filtered output should be identical for both sensors _baro_gps_offset = _baro_alt_filt - _gps_alt_filt; // if (hrt_elapsed_time(&_last_debug_print) >= 5e6) { // _last_debug_print = hrt_absolute_time(); // perf_print_counter(_perf_baro); // perf_reset(_perf_baro); // warnx("gpsoff: %5.1f, baro_alt_filt: %6.1f, gps_alt_filt: %6.1f, gpos.alt: %5.1f, lpos.z: %6.1f", // (double)_baro_gps_offset, // (double)_baro_alt_filt, // (double)_gps_alt_filt, // (double)_global_pos.alt, // (double)_local_pos.z); // } /* Initialize the filter first */ if (!_gps_initialized && _gpsIsGood) { initializeGPS(); } else if (!_ekf->statesInitialised) { // North, East Down position (m) float initVelNED[3] = {0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f}; _ekf->posNE[0] = 0.0f; _ekf->posNE[1] = 0.0f; _local_pos.ref_alt = _baro_ref; _baro_ref_offset = 0.0f; _baro_gps_offset = 0.0f; _baro_alt_filt = _baro.altitude; _ekf->InitialiseFilter(initVelNED, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0f, 0.0f); } else if (_ekf->statesInitialised) { // Check if on ground - status is used by covariance prediction _ekf->setOnGround(_landDetector.landed); // We're apparently initialized in this case now // check (and reset the filter as needed) int check = check_filter_state(); if (check) { // Let the system re-initialize itself continue; } //Run EKF data fusion steps updateSensorFusion(_newDataGps, _newDataMag, _newRangeData, _newHgtData, _newAdsData); //Publish attitude estimations publishAttitude(); //Publish Local Position estimations publishLocalPosition(); //Publish Global Position, but only if it's any good if (_gps_initialized && (_gpsIsGood || _global_pos.dead_reckoning)) { publishGlobalPosition(); } //Publish wind estimates if (hrt_elapsed_time(&_wind.timestamp) > 99000) { publishWindEstimate(); } } } } perf_end(_loop_perf); } _task_running = false; warnx("exiting.\n"); _estimator_task = -1; _exit(0); }
int MavlinkULog::handle_update(mavlink_channel_t channel) { static_assert(sizeof(ulog_stream_s::data) == MAVLINK_MSG_LOGGING_DATA_FIELD_DATA_LEN, "Invalid uorb length"); static_assert(sizeof(ulog_stream_s::data) == MAVLINK_MSG_LOGGING_DATA_ACKED_FIELD_DATA_LEN, "Invalid uorb length"); if (_waiting_for_initial_ack) { if (hrt_elapsed_time(&_last_sent_time) > 3e5) { PX4_WARN("no ack from logger (is it running?)"); return -1; } return 0; } // check if we're waiting for an ACK if (_last_sent_time) { bool check_for_updates = false; if (_ack_received) { _last_sent_time = 0; check_for_updates = true; } else { if (hrt_elapsed_time(&_last_sent_time) > ulog_stream_ack_s::ACK_TIMEOUT * 1000) { if (++_sent_tries > ulog_stream_ack_s::ACK_MAX_TRIES) { return -ETIMEDOUT; } else { PX4_DEBUG("re-sending ulog mavlink message (try=%i)", _sent_tries); _last_sent_time = hrt_absolute_time(); mavlink_logging_data_acked_t msg; msg.sequence = _ulog_data.sequence; msg.length = _ulog_data.length; msg.first_message_offset = _ulog_data.first_message_offset; msg.target_system = _target_system; msg.target_component = _target_component; memcpy(,, sizeof(; mavlink_msg_logging_data_acked_send_struct(channel, &msg); } } } if (!check_for_updates) { return 0; } } bool updated = false; int ret = orb_check(_ulog_stream_sub, &updated); while (updated && !ret && _current_num_msgs < _max_num_messages) { orb_copy(ORB_ID(ulog_stream), _ulog_stream_sub, &_ulog_data); if (_ulog_data.flags & ulog_stream_s::FLAGS_NEED_ACK) { _sent_tries = 1; _last_sent_time = hrt_absolute_time(); lock(); _wait_for_ack_sequence = _ulog_data.sequence; _ack_received = false; unlock(); mavlink_logging_data_acked_t msg; msg.sequence = _ulog_data.sequence; msg.length = _ulog_data.length; msg.first_message_offset = _ulog_data.first_message_offset; msg.target_system = _target_system; msg.target_component = _target_component; memcpy(,, sizeof(; mavlink_msg_logging_data_acked_send_struct(channel, &msg); } else { mavlink_logging_data_t msg; msg.sequence = _ulog_data.sequence; msg.length = _ulog_data.length; msg.first_message_offset = _ulog_data.first_message_offset; msg.target_system = _target_system; msg.target_component = _target_component; memcpy(,, sizeof(; mavlink_msg_logging_data_send_struct(channel, &msg); } ++_current_num_msgs; ret = orb_check(_ulog_stream_sub, &updated); } //need to update the rate? hrt_abstime t = hrt_absolute_time(); if (t > _next_rate_check) { if (_current_num_msgs < _max_num_messages) { _current_rate_factor = _max_rate_factor * (float)_current_num_msgs / _max_num_messages; } else { _current_rate_factor = _max_rate_factor; } _current_num_msgs = 0; _next_rate_check = t + _rate_calculation_delta_t * 1.e6f; PX4_DEBUG("current rate=%.3f (max=%i msgs in %.3fs)", (double)_current_rate_factor, _max_num_messages, (double)_rate_calculation_delta_t); } return 0; }
void AttitudePositionEstimatorEKF::publishGlobalPosition() { _global_pos.timestamp = _local_pos.timestamp; if (_local_pos.xy_global) { double est_lat, est_lon; map_projection_reproject(&_pos_ref, _local_pos.x, _local_pos.y, &est_lat, &est_lon); = est_lat; _global_pos.lon = est_lon; _global_pos.time_utc_usec = _gps.time_utc_usec; } else { = 0.0; _global_pos.lon = 0.0; _global_pos.time_utc_usec = 0; } if (_local_pos.v_xy_valid) { _global_pos.vel_n = _local_pos.vx; _global_pos.vel_e = _local_pos.vy; } else { _global_pos.vel_n = 0.0f; _global_pos.vel_e = 0.0f; } /* local pos alt is negative, change sign and add alt offsets */ _global_pos.alt = (-_local_pos.z) - _filter_ref_offset - _baro_gps_offset; if (_local_pos.v_z_valid) { _global_pos.vel_d = _local_pos.vz; } else { _global_pos.vel_d = 0.0f; } /* terrain altitude */ _global_pos.terrain_alt = _ekf->hgtRef - _ekf->flowStates[1]; _global_pos.terrain_alt_valid = (_distance_last_valid > 0) && (hrt_elapsed_time(&_distance_last_valid) < 20 * 1000 * 1000); _global_pos.yaw = _local_pos.yaw; const float dtLastGoodGPS = static_cast<float>(hrt_absolute_time() - _previousGPSTimestamp) / 1e6f; if (_gps.timestamp_position == 0 || (dtLastGoodGPS >= POS_RESET_THRESHOLD)) { _global_pos.eph = EPH_LARGE_VALUE; _global_pos.epv = EPV_LARGE_VALUE; } else { _global_pos.eph = _gps.eph; _global_pos.epv = _gps.epv; } if (!isfinite( || !isfinite(_global_pos.lon) || !isfinite(_global_pos.alt) || !isfinite(_global_pos.vel_n) || !isfinite(_global_pos.vel_e) || !isfinite(_global_pos.vel_d)) { // bad data, abort publication return; } /* lazily publish the global position only once available */ if (_global_pos_pub > 0) { /* publish the global position */ orb_publish(ORB_ID(vehicle_global_position), _global_pos_pub, &_global_pos); } else { /* advertise and publish */ _global_pos_pub = orb_advertise(ORB_ID(vehicle_global_position), &_global_pos); } }
void AttitudePositionEstimatorEKF::pollData() { //Update arming status bool armedUpdate; orb_check(_armedSub, &armedUpdate); if (armedUpdate) { orb_copy(ORB_ID(actuator_armed), _armedSub, &_armed); } //Update Gyro and Accelerometer static Vector3f lastAngRate; static Vector3f lastAccel; bool accel_updated = false; orb_copy(ORB_ID(sensor_combined), _sensor_combined_sub, &_sensor_combined); static hrt_abstime last_accel = 0; static hrt_abstime last_mag = 0; if (last_accel != _sensor_combined.accelerometer_timestamp) { accel_updated = true; } else { accel_updated = false; } last_accel = _sensor_combined.accelerometer_timestamp; // Copy gyro and accel _last_sensor_timestamp = _sensor_combined.timestamp; IMUmsec = _sensor_combined.timestamp / 1e3; IMUusec = _sensor_combined.timestamp; float deltaT = (_sensor_combined.timestamp - _last_run) / 1e6f; /* guard against too large deltaT's */ if (!isfinite(deltaT) || deltaT > 1.0f || deltaT < 0.000001f) { deltaT = 0.01f; } _last_run = _sensor_combined.timestamp; // Always store data, independent of init status /* fill in last data set */ _ekf->dtIMU = deltaT; int last_gyro_main = _gyro_main; if (isfinite(_sensor_combined.gyro_rad_s[0]) && isfinite(_sensor_combined.gyro_rad_s[1]) && isfinite(_sensor_combined.gyro_rad_s[2]) && (_sensor_combined.gyro_errcount <= (_sensor_combined.gyro1_errcount + GYRO_SWITCH_HYSTERESIS))) { _ekf->angRate.x = _sensor_combined.gyro_rad_s[0]; _ekf->angRate.y = _sensor_combined.gyro_rad_s[1]; _ekf->angRate.z = _sensor_combined.gyro_rad_s[2]; _gyro_main = 0; _gyro_valid = true; } else if (isfinite(_sensor_combined.gyro1_rad_s[0]) && isfinite(_sensor_combined.gyro1_rad_s[1]) && isfinite(_sensor_combined.gyro1_rad_s[2])) { _ekf->angRate.x = _sensor_combined.gyro1_rad_s[0]; _ekf->angRate.y = _sensor_combined.gyro1_rad_s[1]; _ekf->angRate.z = _sensor_combined.gyro1_rad_s[2]; _gyro_main = 1; _gyro_valid = true; } else { _gyro_valid = false; } if (last_gyro_main != _gyro_main) { mavlink_and_console_log_emergency(_mavlink_fd, "GYRO FAILED! Switched from #%d to %d", last_gyro_main, _gyro_main); } if (!_gyro_valid) { /* keep last value if he hit an out of band value */ lastAngRate = _ekf->angRate; } else { perf_count(_perf_gyro); } if (accel_updated) { int last_accel_main = _accel_main; /* fail over to the 2nd accel if we know the first is down */ if (_sensor_combined.accelerometer_errcount <= (_sensor_combined.accelerometer1_errcount + ACCEL_SWITCH_HYSTERESIS)) { _ekf->accel.x = _sensor_combined.accelerometer_m_s2[0]; _ekf->accel.y = _sensor_combined.accelerometer_m_s2[1]; _ekf->accel.z = _sensor_combined.accelerometer_m_s2[2]; _accel_main = 0; } else { _ekf->accel.x = _sensor_combined.accelerometer1_m_s2[0]; _ekf->accel.y = _sensor_combined.accelerometer1_m_s2[1]; _ekf->accel.z = _sensor_combined.accelerometer1_m_s2[2]; _accel_main = 1; } if (!_accel_valid) { lastAccel = _ekf->accel; } if (last_accel_main != _accel_main) { mavlink_and_console_log_emergency(_mavlink_fd, "ACCEL FAILED! Switched from #%d to %d", last_accel_main, _accel_main); } _accel_valid = true; } _ekf->dAngIMU = 0.5f * (_ekf->angRate + lastAngRate) * _ekf->dtIMU; lastAngRate = _ekf->angRate; _ekf->dVelIMU = 0.5f * (_ekf->accel + lastAccel) * _ekf->dtIMU; lastAccel = _ekf->accel; if (last_mag != _sensor_combined.magnetometer_timestamp) { _newDataMag = true; } else { _newDataMag = false; } last_mag = _sensor_combined.magnetometer_timestamp; //warnx("dang: %8.4f %8.4f dvel: %8.4f %8.4f", _ekf->dAngIMU.x, _ekf->dAngIMU.z, _ekf->dVelIMU.x, _ekf->dVelIMU.z); //Update Land Detector bool newLandData; orb_check(_landDetectorSub, &newLandData); if (newLandData) { orb_copy(ORB_ID(vehicle_land_detected), _landDetectorSub, &_landDetector); } //Update AirSpeed orb_check(_airspeed_sub, &_newAdsData); if (_newAdsData) { orb_copy(ORB_ID(airspeed), _airspeed_sub, &_airspeed); perf_count(_perf_airspeed); _ekf->VtasMeas = _airspeed.true_airspeed_unfiltered_m_s; } bool gps_update; orb_check(_gps_sub, &gps_update); if (gps_update) { orb_copy(ORB_ID(vehicle_gps_position), _gps_sub, &_gps); perf_count(_perf_gps); //We are more strict for our first fix float requiredAccuracy = _parameters.pos_stddev_threshold; if (_gpsIsGood) { requiredAccuracy = _parameters.pos_stddev_threshold * 2.0f; } //Check if the GPS fix is good enough for us to use if (_gps.fix_type >= 3 && _gps.eph < requiredAccuracy && _gps.epv < requiredAccuracy) { _gpsIsGood = true; } else { _gpsIsGood = false; } if (_gpsIsGood) { //Calculate time since last good GPS fix const float dtLastGoodGPS = static_cast<float>(_gps.timestamp_position - _previousGPSTimestamp) / 1e6f; //Stop dead-reckoning mode if (_global_pos.dead_reckoning) { mavlink_log_info(_mavlink_fd, "[ekf] stop dead-reckoning"); } _global_pos.dead_reckoning = false; //Fetch new GPS data _ekf->GPSstatus = _gps.fix_type; _ekf->velNED[0] = _gps.vel_n_m_s; _ekf->velNED[1] = _gps.vel_e_m_s; _ekf->velNED[2] = _gps.vel_d_m_s; _ekf->gpsLat = math::radians( / (double)1e7); _ekf->gpsLon = math::radians(_gps.lon / (double)1e7) - M_PI; _ekf->gpsHgt = _gps.alt / 1e3f; if (_previousGPSTimestamp != 0) { //Calculate average time between GPS updates _ekf->updateDtGpsFilt(math::constrain(dtLastGoodGPS, 0.01f, POS_RESET_THRESHOLD)); // update LPF float filter_step = (dtLastGoodGPS / (rc + dtLastGoodGPS)) * (_ekf->gpsHgt - _gps_alt_filt); if (isfinite(filter_step)) { _gps_alt_filt += filter_step; } } //check if we had a GPS outage for a long time if (_gps_initialized) { //Convert from global frame to local frame map_projection_project(&_pos_ref, ( / 1.0e7), (_gps.lon / 1.0e7), &_ekf->posNE[0], &_ekf->posNE[1]); if (dtLastGoodGPS > POS_RESET_THRESHOLD) { _ekf->ResetPosition(); _ekf->ResetVelocity(); } } //warnx("gps alt: %6.1f, interval: %6.3f", (double)_ekf->gpsHgt, (double)dtGoodGPS); // if (_gps.s_variance_m_s > 0.25f && _gps.s_variance_m_s < 100.0f * 100.0f) { // _ekf->vneSigma = sqrtf(_gps.s_variance_m_s); // } else { // _ekf->vneSigma = _parameters.velne_noise; // } // if (_gps.p_variance_m > 0.25f && _gps.p_variance_m < 100.0f * 100.0f) { // _ekf->posNeSigma = sqrtf(_gps.p_variance_m); // } else { // _ekf->posNeSigma = _parameters.posne_noise; // } // warnx("vel: %8.4f pos: %8.4f", _gps.s_variance_m_s, _gps.p_variance_m); _previousGPSTimestamp = _gps.timestamp_position; } } // If it has gone more than POS_RESET_THRESHOLD amount of seconds since we received a GPS update, // then something is very wrong with the GPS (possibly a hardware failure or comlink error) const float dtLastGoodGPS = static_cast<float>(hrt_absolute_time() - _previousGPSTimestamp) / 1e6f; if (dtLastGoodGPS >= POS_RESET_THRESHOLD) { if (_global_pos.dead_reckoning) { mavlink_log_info(_mavlink_fd, "[ekf] gave up dead-reckoning after long timeout"); } _gpsIsGood = false; _global_pos.dead_reckoning = false; } //If we have no good GPS fix for half a second, then enable dead-reckoning mode while armed (for up to POS_RESET_THRESHOLD seconds) else if (dtLastGoodGPS >= 0.5f) { if (_armed.armed) { if (!_global_pos.dead_reckoning) { mavlink_log_info(_mavlink_fd, "[ekf] dead-reckoning enabled"); } _global_pos.dead_reckoning = true; } else { _global_pos.dead_reckoning = false; } } //Update barometer orb_check(_baro_sub, &_newHgtData); if (_newHgtData) { static hrt_abstime baro_last = 0; orb_copy(ORB_ID(sensor_baro), _baro_sub, &_baro); // init lowpass filters for baro and gps altitude float baro_elapsed; if (baro_last == 0) { baro_elapsed = 0.0f; } else { baro_elapsed = (_baro.timestamp - baro_last) / 1e6f; } baro_last = _baro.timestamp; if (!_baro_init) { _baro_init = true; _baro_alt_filt = _baro.altitude; } _ekf->updateDtHgtFilt(math::constrain(baro_elapsed, 0.001f, 0.1f)); _ekf->baroHgt = _baro.altitude; float filter_step = (baro_elapsed / (rc + baro_elapsed)) * (_baro.altitude - _baro_alt_filt); if (isfinite(filter_step)) { _baro_alt_filt += filter_step; } perf_count(_perf_baro); } //Update Magnetometer if (_newDataMag) { _mag_valid = true; perf_count(_perf_mag); int last_mag_main = _mag_main; Vector3f mag0(_sensor_combined.magnetometer_ga[0], _sensor_combined.magnetometer_ga[1], _sensor_combined.magnetometer_ga[2]); Vector3f mag1(_sensor_combined.magnetometer1_ga[0], _sensor_combined.magnetometer1_ga[1], _sensor_combined.magnetometer1_ga[2]); const unsigned mag_timeout_us = 200000; /* fail over to the 2nd mag if we know the first is down */ if (hrt_elapsed_time(&_sensor_combined.magnetometer_timestamp) < mag_timeout_us && _sensor_combined.magnetometer_errcount <= (_sensor_combined.magnetometer1_errcount + MAG_SWITCH_HYSTERESIS) && mag0.length() > 0.1f) { _ekf->magData.x = mag0.x; _ekf->magBias.x = 0.000001f; // _mag_offsets.x_offset _ekf->magData.y = mag0.y; _ekf->magBias.y = 0.000001f; // _mag_offsets.y_offset _ekf->magData.z = mag0.z; _ekf->magBias.z = 0.000001f; // _mag_offsets.y_offset _mag_main = 0; } else if (hrt_elapsed_time(&_sensor_combined.magnetometer1_timestamp) < mag_timeout_us && mag1.length() > 0.1f) { _ekf->magData.x = mag1.x; _ekf->magBias.x = 0.000001f; // _mag_offsets.x_offset _ekf->magData.y = mag1.y; _ekf->magBias.y = 0.000001f; // _mag_offsets.y_offset _ekf->magData.z = mag1.z; _ekf->magBias.z = 0.000001f; // _mag_offsets.y_offset _mag_main = 1; } else { _mag_valid = false; } if (last_mag_main != _mag_main) { mavlink_and_console_log_emergency(_mavlink_fd, "MAG FAILED! Failover from unit %d to unit %d", last_mag_main, _mag_main); } } //Update range data orb_check(_distance_sub, &_newRangeData); if (_newRangeData) { orb_copy(ORB_ID(sensor_range_finder), _distance_sub, &_distance); if (_distance.valid) { _ekf->rngMea = _distance.distance; _distance_last_valid = _distance.timestamp; } else { _newRangeData = false; } } }
int uORBTest::UnitTest::pubsublatency_main(void) { /* poll on test topic and output latency */ float latency_integral = 0.0f; /* wakeup source(s) */ px4_pollfd_struct_t fds[3]; int test_multi_sub = orb_subscribe_multi(ORB_ID(orb_test), 0); int test_multi_sub_medium = orb_subscribe_multi(ORB_ID(orb_test_medium), 0); int test_multi_sub_large = orb_subscribe_multi(ORB_ID(orb_test_large), 0); struct orb_test_large t; /* clear all ready flags */ orb_copy(ORB_ID(orb_test), test_multi_sub, &t); orb_copy(ORB_ID(orb_test_medium), test_multi_sub_medium, &t); orb_copy(ORB_ID(orb_test_large), test_multi_sub_large, &t); fds[0].fd = test_multi_sub; fds[0].events = POLLIN; fds[1].fd = test_multi_sub_medium; fds[1].events = POLLIN; fds[2].fd = test_multi_sub_large; fds[2].events = POLLIN; const unsigned maxruns = 1000; unsigned timingsgroup = 0; unsigned *timings = new unsigned[maxruns]; for (unsigned i = 0; i < maxruns; i++) { /* wait for up to 500ms for data */ int pret = px4_poll(&fds[0], (sizeof(fds) / sizeof(fds[0])), 500); if (fds[0].revents & POLLIN) { orb_copy(ORB_ID(orb_test), test_multi_sub, &t); timingsgroup = 0; } else if (fds[1].revents & POLLIN) { orb_copy(ORB_ID(orb_test_medium), test_multi_sub_medium, &t); timingsgroup = 1; } else if (fds[2].revents & POLLIN) { orb_copy(ORB_ID(orb_test_large), test_multi_sub_large, &t); timingsgroup = 2; } if (pret < 0) { warn("poll error %d, %d", pret, errno); continue; } hrt_abstime elt = hrt_elapsed_time(&t.time); latency_integral += elt; timings[i] = elt; } orb_unsubscribe(test_multi_sub); orb_unsubscribe(test_multi_sub_medium); orb_unsubscribe(test_multi_sub_large); if (pubsubtest_print) { char fname[32]; sprintf(fname, PX4_ROOTFSDIR"/fs/microsd/timings%u.txt", timingsgroup); FILE *f = fopen(fname, "w"); if (f == NULL) { warnx("Error opening file!\n"); return uORB::ERROR; } for (unsigned i = 0; i < maxruns; i++) { fprintf(f, "%u\n", timings[i]); } fclose(f); } delete[] timings; warnx("mean: %8.4f us", static_cast<double>(latency_integral / maxruns)); pubsubtest_passed = true; if (static_cast<float>(latency_integral / maxruns) > 30.0f) { pubsubtest_res = uORB::ERROR; } else { pubsubtest_res = PX4_OK; } return pubsubtest_res; }
void Standard::update_vtol_state() { parameters_update(); /* After flipping the switch the vehicle will start the pusher (or tractor) motor, picking up * forward speed. After the vehicle has picked up enough speed the rotors shutdown. * For the back transition the pusher motor is immediately stopped and rotors reactivated. */ if (!_attc->is_fixed_wing_requested()) { // the transition to fw mode switch is off if (_vtol_schedule.flight_mode == MC_MODE) { // in mc mode _vtol_schedule.flight_mode = MC_MODE; _mc_roll_weight = 1.0f; _mc_pitch_weight = 1.0f; _mc_yaw_weight = 1.0f; _mc_throttle_weight = 1.0f; } else if (_vtol_schedule.flight_mode == FW_MODE) { // transition to mc mode _vtol_schedule.flight_mode = TRANSITION_TO_MC; _flag_enable_mc_motors = true; _vtol_schedule.transition_start = hrt_absolute_time(); } else if (_vtol_schedule.flight_mode == TRANSITION_TO_FW) { // failsafe back to mc mode _vtol_schedule.flight_mode = MC_MODE; _mc_roll_weight = 1.0f; _mc_pitch_weight = 1.0f; _mc_yaw_weight = 1.0f; _mc_throttle_weight = 1.0f; } else if (_vtol_schedule.flight_mode == TRANSITION_TO_MC) { // transition to MC mode if transition time has passed if (hrt_elapsed_time(&_vtol_schedule.transition_start) > (_params_standard.back_trans_dur * 1000000.0f)) { _vtol_schedule.flight_mode = MC_MODE; } } // the pusher motor should never be powered when in or transitioning to mc mode _pusher_throttle = 0.0f; } else { // the transition to fw mode switch is on if (_vtol_schedule.flight_mode == MC_MODE) { // start transition to fw mode _vtol_schedule.flight_mode = TRANSITION_TO_FW; _vtol_schedule.transition_start = hrt_absolute_time(); } else if (_vtol_schedule.flight_mode == FW_MODE) { // in fw mode _vtol_schedule.flight_mode = FW_MODE; _mc_roll_weight = 0.0f; _mc_pitch_weight = 0.0f; _mc_yaw_weight = 0.0f; _mc_throttle_weight = 0.0f; } else if (_vtol_schedule.flight_mode == TRANSITION_TO_FW) { // continue the transition to fw mode while monitoring airspeed for a final switch to fw mode if (_airspeed->true_airspeed_m_s >= _params_standard.airspeed_trans || !_armed->armed) { _vtol_schedule.flight_mode = FW_MODE; // we can turn off the multirotor motors now _flag_enable_mc_motors = false; // don't set pusher throttle here as it's being ramped up elsewhere } } else if (_vtol_schedule.flight_mode == TRANSITION_TO_MC) { // transitioning to mc mode & transition switch on - failsafe back into fw mode _vtol_schedule.flight_mode = FW_MODE; } } // map specific control phases to simple control modes switch (_vtol_schedule.flight_mode) { case MC_MODE: _vtol_mode = ROTARY_WING; break; case FW_MODE: _vtol_mode = FIXED_WING; break; case TRANSITION_TO_FW: case TRANSITION_TO_MC: _vtol_mode = TRANSITION; break; } }
void mixer_tick(void) { /* check that we are receiving fresh data from the FMU */ if (hrt_elapsed_time(&system_state.fmu_data_received_time) > FMU_INPUT_DROP_LIMIT_US) { /* too long without FMU input, time to go to failsafe */ if (r_status_flags & PX4IO_P_STATUS_FLAGS_FMU_OK) { isr_debug(1, "AP RX timeout"); } r_status_flags &= ~(PX4IO_P_STATUS_FLAGS_FMU_OK | PX4IO_P_STATUS_FLAGS_RAW_PWM); r_status_alarms |= PX4IO_P_STATUS_ALARMS_FMU_LOST; } else { r_status_flags |= PX4IO_P_STATUS_FLAGS_FMU_OK; r_status_alarms &= ~PX4IO_P_STATUS_ALARMS_FMU_LOST; } source = MIX_FAILSAFE; /* * Decide which set of controls we're using. */ if ((r_status_flags & PX4IO_P_STATUS_FLAGS_RAW_PWM) || !(r_status_flags & PX4IO_P_STATUS_FLAGS_MIXER_OK)) { /* don't actually mix anything - we already have raw PWM values or not a valid mixer. */ source = MIX_NONE; } else { if (!(r_status_flags & PX4IO_P_STATUS_FLAGS_OVERRIDE) && (r_status_flags & PX4IO_P_STATUS_FLAGS_MIXER_OK)) { /* mix from FMU controls */ source = MIX_FMU; } if ( (r_status_flags & PX4IO_P_STATUS_FLAGS_OVERRIDE) && (r_status_flags & PX4IO_P_STATUS_FLAGS_RC_OK) && (r_status_flags & PX4IO_P_STATUS_FLAGS_MIXER_OK)) { /* if allowed, mix from RC inputs directly */ source = MIX_OVERRIDE; } } /* * Run the mixers. */ if (source == MIX_FAILSAFE) { /* copy failsafe values to the servo outputs */ for (unsigned i = 0; i < IO_SERVO_COUNT; i++) r_page_servos[i] = r_page_servo_failsafe[i]; } else if (source != MIX_NONE) { float outputs[IO_SERVO_COUNT]; unsigned mixed; /* mix */ mixed = mixer_group.mix(&outputs[0], IO_SERVO_COUNT); /* scale to PWM and update the servo outputs as required */ for (unsigned i = 0; i < mixed; i++) { /* save actuator values for FMU readback */ r_page_actuators[i] = FLOAT_TO_REG(outputs[i]); /* scale to servo output */ r_page_servos[i] = (outputs[i] * 500.0f) + 1500; } for (unsigned i = mixed; i < IO_SERVO_COUNT; i++) r_page_servos[i] = 0; } /* * Decide whether the servos should be armed right now. * * We must be armed, and we must have a PWM source; either raw from * FMU or from the mixer. * * XXX correct behaviour for failsafe may require an additional case * here. */ bool should_arm = ( /* FMU is armed */ (r_setup_arming & PX4IO_P_SETUP_ARMING_FMU_ARMED) && /* IO is armed */ (r_status_flags & PX4IO_P_STATUS_FLAGS_ARMED) && /* there is valid input */ (r_status_flags & (PX4IO_P_STATUS_FLAGS_RAW_PWM | PX4IO_P_STATUS_FLAGS_MIXER_OK)) && /* IO initialised without error */ (r_status_flags & PX4IO_P_STATUS_FLAGS_INIT_OK) && /* FMU is available or FMU is not available but override is an option */ ((r_status_flags & PX4IO_P_STATUS_FLAGS_FMU_OK) || (!(r_status_flags & PX4IO_P_STATUS_FLAGS_FMU_OK) && (r_setup_arming & PX4IO_P_SETUP_ARMING_MANUAL_OVERRIDE_OK) )) ); if (should_arm && !mixer_servos_armed) { /* need to arm, but not armed */ up_pwm_servo_arm(true); mixer_servos_armed = true; } else if (!should_arm && mixer_servos_armed) { /* armed but need to disarm */ up_pwm_servo_arm(false); mixer_servos_armed = false; } if (mixer_servos_armed) { /* update the servo outputs. */ for (unsigned i = 0; i < IO_SERVO_COUNT; i++) up_pwm_servo_set(i, r_page_servos[i]); } }
void Standard::update_transition_state() { // copy virtual attitude setpoint to real attitude setpoint memcpy(_v_att_sp, _mc_virtual_att_sp, sizeof(vehicle_attitude_setpoint_s)); if (_vtol_schedule.flight_mode == TRANSITION_TO_FW) { if (_params_standard.front_trans_dur <= 0.0f) { // just set the final target throttle value _pusher_throttle = _params_standard.pusher_trans; } else if (_pusher_throttle <= _params_standard.pusher_trans) { // ramp up throttle to the target throttle value _pusher_throttle = _params_standard.pusher_trans * (float)hrt_elapsed_time(&_vtol_schedule.transition_start) / (_params_standard.front_trans_dur * 1000000.0f); } // do blending of mc and fw controls if a blending airspeed has been provided if (_airspeed_trans_blend_margin > 0.0f && _airspeed->true_airspeed_m_s >= _params_standard.airspeed_blend) { float weight = 1.0f - fabsf(_airspeed->true_airspeed_m_s - _params_standard.airspeed_blend) / _airspeed_trans_blend_margin; _mc_roll_weight = weight; _mc_pitch_weight = weight; _mc_yaw_weight = weight; _mc_throttle_weight = weight; } else { // at low speeds give full weight to mc _mc_roll_weight = 1.0f; _mc_pitch_weight = 1.0f; _mc_yaw_weight = 1.0f; _mc_throttle_weight = 1.0f; } // check front transition timeout if (_params_standard.front_trans_timeout > FLT_EPSILON) { if ( (float)hrt_elapsed_time(&_vtol_schedule.transition_start) > (_params_standard.front_trans_timeout * 1000000.0f)) { // transition timeout occured, abort transition _attc->abort_front_transition(); } } } else if (_vtol_schedule.flight_mode == TRANSITION_TO_MC) { // continually increase mc attitude control as we transition back to mc mode if (_params_standard.back_trans_dur > 0.0f) { float weight = (float)hrt_elapsed_time(&_vtol_schedule.transition_start) / (_params_standard.back_trans_dur * 1000000.0f); _mc_roll_weight = weight; _mc_pitch_weight = weight; _mc_yaw_weight = weight; _mc_throttle_weight = weight; } else { _mc_roll_weight = 1.0f; _mc_pitch_weight = 1.0f; _mc_yaw_weight = 1.0f; _mc_throttle_weight = 1.0f; } // in fw mode we need the multirotor motors to stop spinning, in backtransition mode we let them spin up again if (_flag_enable_mc_motors) { set_max_mc(2000); set_idle_mc(); _flag_enable_mc_motors = false; } } _mc_roll_weight = math::constrain(_mc_roll_weight, 0.0f, 1.0f); _mc_pitch_weight = math::constrain(_mc_pitch_weight, 0.0f, 1.0f); _mc_yaw_weight = math::constrain(_mc_yaw_weight, 0.0f, 1.0f); _mc_throttle_weight = math::constrain(_mc_throttle_weight, 0.0f, 1.0f); }
void MavlinkMissionManager::send(const hrt_abstime now) { bool updated = false; orb_check(_mission_result_sub, &updated); if (updated) { mission_result_s mission_result; orb_copy(ORB_ID(mission_result), _mission_result_sub, &mission_result); _current_seq = mission_result.seq_current; if (_verbose) { warnx("WPM: got mission result, new current_seq: %d", _current_seq); } if (mission_result.reached) { _last_reached = mission_result.seq_reached; send_mission_item_reached((uint16_t)mission_result.seq_reached); } else { _last_reached = -1; } send_mission_current(_current_seq); if (mission_result.item_do_jump_changed) { /* send a mission item again if the remaining DO_JUMPs has changed */ send_mission_item(_transfer_partner_sysid, _transfer_partner_compid, (uint16_t)mission_result.item_changed_index); } } else { if (_slow_rate_limiter.check(now)) { send_mission_current(_current_seq); if (_last_reached >= 0) { send_mission_item_reached((uint16_t)_last_reached); } } } /* check for timed-out operations */ if (_state != MAVLINK_WPM_STATE_IDLE && hrt_elapsed_time(&_time_last_recv) > _action_timeout) { _mavlink->send_statustext_critical("Operation timeout"); if (_verbose) { warnx("WPM: Last operation (state=%u) timed out, changing state to MAVLINK_WPM_STATE_IDLE", _state); } _state = MAVLINK_WPM_STATE_IDLE; // since we are giving up, reset this state also, so another request can be started. _transfer_in_progress = false; } else if (_state == MAVLINK_WPM_STATE_GETLIST && hrt_elapsed_time(&_time_last_sent) > _retry_timeout) { /* try to request item again after timeout, * toggle int32 or float protocol variant to try both */ _int_mode = !_int_mode; send_mission_request(_transfer_partner_sysid, _transfer_partner_compid, _transfer_seq); } else if (_state == MAVLINK_WPM_STATE_SENDLIST && hrt_elapsed_time(&_time_last_sent) > _retry_timeout) { if (_transfer_seq == 0) { /* try to send items count again after timeout */ send_mission_count(_transfer_partner_sysid, _transfer_partner_compid, _transfer_count); } else { /* try to send item again after timeout */ send_mission_item(_transfer_partner_sysid, _transfer_partner_compid, _transfer_seq - 1); } } }
void Navigator::task_main() { bool have_geofence_position_data = false; /* Try to load the geofence: * if /fs/microsd/etc/geofence.txt load from this file */ struct stat buffer; if (stat(GEOFENCE_FILENAME, &buffer) == 0) { PX4_INFO("Loading geofence from %s", GEOFENCE_FILENAME); _geofence.loadFromFile(GEOFENCE_FILENAME); } /* do subscriptions */ _global_pos_sub = orb_subscribe(ORB_ID(vehicle_global_position)); _local_pos_sub = orb_subscribe(ORB_ID(vehicle_local_position)); _gps_pos_sub = orb_subscribe(ORB_ID(vehicle_gps_position)); _sensor_combined_sub = orb_subscribe(ORB_ID(sensor_combined)); _fw_pos_ctrl_status_sub = orb_subscribe(ORB_ID(fw_pos_ctrl_status)); _vstatus_sub = orb_subscribe(ORB_ID(vehicle_status)); _land_detected_sub = orb_subscribe(ORB_ID(vehicle_land_detected)); _home_pos_sub = orb_subscribe(ORB_ID(home_position)); _onboard_mission_sub = orb_subscribe(ORB_ID(onboard_mission)); _offboard_mission_sub = orb_subscribe(ORB_ID(offboard_mission)); _param_update_sub = orb_subscribe(ORB_ID(parameter_update)); _vehicle_command_sub = orb_subscribe(ORB_ID(vehicle_command)); _traffic_sub = orb_subscribe(ORB_ID(transponder_report)); /* copy all topics first time */ vehicle_status_update(); vehicle_land_detected_update(); global_position_update(); local_position_update(); gps_position_update(); sensor_combined_update(); home_position_update(true); fw_pos_ctrl_status_update(true); params_update(); /* wakeup source(s) */ px4_pollfd_struct_t fds[1] = {}; /* Setup of loop */ fds[0].fd = _local_pos_sub; fds[0].events = POLLIN; /* rate-limit position subscription to 20 Hz / 50 ms */ orb_set_interval(_local_pos_sub, 50); while (!_task_should_exit) { /* wait for up to 1000ms for data */ int pret = px4_poll(&fds[0], (sizeof(fds) / sizeof(fds[0])), 1000); if (pret == 0) { /* Let the loop run anyway, don't do `continue` here. */ } else if (pret < 0) { /* this is undesirable but not much we can do - might want to flag unhappy status */ PX4_ERR("poll error %d, %d", pret, errno); usleep(10000); continue; } else { if (fds[0].revents & POLLIN) { /* success, local pos is available */ local_position_update(); } } perf_begin(_loop_perf); bool updated; /* gps updated */ orb_check(_gps_pos_sub, &updated); if (updated) { gps_position_update(); if (_geofence.getSource() == Geofence::GF_SOURCE_GPS) { have_geofence_position_data = true; } } /* global position updated */ orb_check(_global_pos_sub, &updated); if (updated) { global_position_update(); if (_geofence.getSource() == Geofence::GF_SOURCE_GLOBALPOS) { have_geofence_position_data = true; } } /* sensors combined updated */ orb_check(_sensor_combined_sub, &updated); if (updated) { sensor_combined_update(); } /* parameters updated */ orb_check(_param_update_sub, &updated); if (updated) { params_update(); } /* vehicle status updated */ orb_check(_vstatus_sub, &updated); if (updated) { vehicle_status_update(); } /* vehicle land detected updated */ orb_check(_land_detected_sub, &updated); if (updated) { vehicle_land_detected_update(); } /* navigation capabilities updated */ orb_check(_fw_pos_ctrl_status_sub, &updated); if (updated) { fw_pos_ctrl_status_update(); } /* home position updated */ orb_check(_home_pos_sub, &updated); if (updated) { home_position_update(); } /* vehicle_command updated */ orb_check(_vehicle_command_sub, &updated); if (updated) { vehicle_command_s cmd; orb_copy(ORB_ID(vehicle_command), _vehicle_command_sub, &cmd); if (cmd.command == vehicle_command_s::VEHICLE_CMD_DO_GO_AROUND) { // DO_GO_AROUND is currently handled by the position controller (unacknowledged) // TODO: move DO_GO_AROUND handling to navigator publish_vehicle_command_ack(cmd, vehicle_command_s::VEHICLE_CMD_RESULT_ACCEPTED); } else if (cmd.command == vehicle_command_s::VEHICLE_CMD_DO_REPOSITION) { position_setpoint_triplet_s *rep = get_reposition_triplet(); position_setpoint_triplet_s *curr = get_position_setpoint_triplet(); // store current position as previous position and goal as next rep->previous.yaw = get_global_position()->yaw; rep-> = get_global_position()->lat; rep->previous.lon = get_global_position()->lon; rep->previous.alt = get_global_position()->alt; rep->current.loiter_radius = get_loiter_radius(); rep->current.loiter_direction = 1; rep->current.type = position_setpoint_s::SETPOINT_TYPE_LOITER; rep->current.cruising_speed = get_cruising_speed(); rep->current.cruising_throttle = get_cruising_throttle(); // Go on and check which changes had been requested if (PX4_ISFINITE(cmd.param4)) { rep->current.yaw = cmd.param4; } else { rep->current.yaw = NAN; } if (PX4_ISFINITE(cmd.param5) && PX4_ISFINITE(cmd.param6)) { // Position change with optional altitude change rep-> = (cmd.param5 < 1000) ? cmd.param5 : cmd.param5 / (double)1e7; rep->current.lon = (cmd.param6 < 1000) ? cmd.param6 : cmd.param6 / (double)1e7; if (PX4_ISFINITE(cmd.param7)) { rep->current.alt = cmd.param7; } else { rep->current.alt = get_global_position()->alt; } } else if (PX4_ISFINITE(cmd.param7) && curr->current.valid && PX4_ISFINITE(curr-> && PX4_ISFINITE(curr->current.lon)) { // Altitude without position change rep-> = curr->; rep->current.lon = curr->current.lon; rep->current.alt = cmd.param7; } else { // All three set to NaN - hold in current position rep-> = get_global_position()->lat; rep->current.lon = get_global_position()->lon; rep->current.alt = get_global_position()->alt; } rep->previous.valid = true; rep->current.valid = true; rep->next.valid = false; // CMD_DO_REPOSITION is acknowledged by commander } else if (cmd.command == vehicle_command_s::VEHICLE_CMD_NAV_TAKEOFF) { position_setpoint_triplet_s *rep = get_takeoff_triplet(); // store current position as previous position and goal as next rep->previous.yaw = get_global_position()->yaw; rep-> = get_global_position()->lat; rep->previous.lon = get_global_position()->lon; rep->previous.alt = get_global_position()->alt; rep->current.loiter_radius = get_loiter_radius(); rep->current.loiter_direction = 1; rep->current.type = position_setpoint_s::SETPOINT_TYPE_TAKEOFF; if (home_position_valid()) { rep->current.yaw = cmd.param4; rep->previous.valid = true; } else { rep->current.yaw = get_local_position()->yaw; rep->previous.valid = false; } if (PX4_ISFINITE(cmd.param5) && PX4_ISFINITE(cmd.param6)) { rep-> = (cmd.param5 < 1000) ? cmd.param5 : cmd.param5 / (double)1e7; rep->current.lon = (cmd.param6 < 1000) ? cmd.param6 : cmd.param6 / (double)1e7; } else { // If one of them is non-finite, reset both rep-> = NAN; rep->current.lon = NAN; } rep->current.alt = cmd.param7; rep->current.valid = true; rep->next.valid = false; // CMD_NAV_TAKEOFF is acknowledged by commander } else if (cmd.command == vehicle_command_s::VEHICLE_CMD_DO_LAND_START) { /* find NAV_CMD_DO_LAND_START in the mission and * use MAV_CMD_MISSION_START to start the mission there */ int land_start = _mission.find_offboard_land_start(); if (land_start != -1) { vehicle_command_s vcmd = {}; vcmd.command = vehicle_command_s::VEHICLE_CMD_MISSION_START; vcmd.param1 = land_start; publish_vehicle_cmd(&vcmd); } else { PX4_WARN("planned landing not available"); } publish_vehicle_command_ack(cmd, vehicle_command_s::VEHICLE_CMD_RESULT_ACCEPTED); } else if (cmd.command == vehicle_command_s::VEHICLE_CMD_MISSION_START) { if (get_mission_result()->valid && PX4_ISFINITE(cmd.param1) && (cmd.param1 >= 0) && (cmd.param1 < _mission_result.seq_total)) { _mission.set_current_offboard_mission_index(cmd.param1); } // CMD_MISSION_START is acknowledged by commander } else if (cmd.command == vehicle_command_s::VEHICLE_CMD_DO_CHANGE_SPEED) { if (cmd.param2 > FLT_EPSILON) { // XXX not differentiating ground and airspeed yet set_cruising_speed(cmd.param2); } else { set_cruising_speed(); /* if no speed target was given try to set throttle */ if (cmd.param3 > FLT_EPSILON) { set_cruising_throttle(cmd.param3 / 100); } else { set_cruising_throttle(); } } // TODO: handle responses for supported DO_CHANGE_SPEED options? publish_vehicle_command_ack(cmd, vehicle_command_s::VEHICLE_CMD_RESULT_ACCEPTED); } else if (cmd.command == vehicle_command_s::VEHICLE_CMD_DO_SET_ROI || cmd.command == vehicle_command_s::VEHICLE_CMD_NAV_ROI) { _vroi = {}; _vroi.mode = cmd.param1; switch (_vroi.mode) { case vehicle_command_s::VEHICLE_ROI_NONE: break; case vehicle_command_s::VEHICLE_ROI_WPNEXT: // TODO: implement point toward next MISSION break; case vehicle_command_s::VEHICLE_ROI_WPINDEX: _vroi.mission_seq = cmd.param2; break; case vehicle_command_s::VEHICLE_ROI_LOCATION: = cmd.param5; _vroi.lon = cmd.param6; _vroi.alt = cmd.param7; break; case vehicle_command_s::VEHICLE_ROI_TARGET: _vroi.target_seq = cmd.param2; break; default: _vroi.mode = vehicle_command_s::VEHICLE_ROI_NONE; break; } _vroi.timestamp = hrt_absolute_time(); if (_vehicle_roi_pub != nullptr) { orb_publish(ORB_ID(vehicle_roi), _vehicle_roi_pub, &_vroi); } else { _vehicle_roi_pub = orb_advertise(ORB_ID(vehicle_roi), &_vroi); } publish_vehicle_command_ack(cmd, vehicle_command_s::VEHICLE_CMD_RESULT_ACCEPTED); } } /* Check for traffic */ check_traffic(); /* Check geofence violation */ static hrt_abstime last_geofence_check = 0; if (have_geofence_position_data && (_geofence.getGeofenceAction() != geofence_result_s::GF_ACTION_NONE) && (hrt_elapsed_time(&last_geofence_check) > GEOFENCE_CHECK_INTERVAL)) { bool inside = _geofence.check(_global_pos, _gps_pos, _sensor_combined.baro_alt_meter, _home_pos, home_position_valid()); last_geofence_check = hrt_absolute_time(); have_geofence_position_data = false; _geofence_result.timestamp = hrt_absolute_time(); _geofence_result.geofence_action = _geofence.getGeofenceAction(); _geofence_result.home_required = _geofence.isHomeRequired(); if (!inside) { /* inform other apps via the mission result */ _geofence_result.geofence_violated = true; /* Issue a warning about the geofence violation once */ if (!_geofence_violation_warning_sent) { mavlink_log_critical(&_mavlink_log_pub, "Geofence violation"); _geofence_violation_warning_sent = true; } } else { /* inform other apps via the mission result */ _geofence_result.geofence_violated = false; /* Reset the _geofence_violation_warning_sent field */ _geofence_violation_warning_sent = false; } publish_geofence_result(); } /* Do stuff according to navigation state set by commander */ NavigatorMode *navigation_mode_new{nullptr}; switch (_vstatus.nav_state) { case vehicle_status_s::NAVIGATION_STATE_AUTO_MISSION: _pos_sp_triplet_published_invalid_once = false; navigation_mode_new = &_mission; break; case vehicle_status_s::NAVIGATION_STATE_AUTO_LOITER: _pos_sp_triplet_published_invalid_once = false; navigation_mode_new = &_loiter; break; case vehicle_status_s::NAVIGATION_STATE_AUTO_RCRECOVER: _pos_sp_triplet_published_invalid_once = false; navigation_mode_new = &_rcLoss; break; case vehicle_status_s::NAVIGATION_STATE_AUTO_RTL: _pos_sp_triplet_published_invalid_once = false; navigation_mode_new = &_rtl; break; case vehicle_status_s::NAVIGATION_STATE_AUTO_TAKEOFF: _pos_sp_triplet_published_invalid_once = false; navigation_mode_new = &_takeoff; break; case vehicle_status_s::NAVIGATION_STATE_AUTO_LAND: _pos_sp_triplet_published_invalid_once = false; navigation_mode_new = &_land; break; case vehicle_status_s::NAVIGATION_STATE_DESCEND: _pos_sp_triplet_published_invalid_once = false; navigation_mode_new = &_land; break; case vehicle_status_s::NAVIGATION_STATE_AUTO_RTGS: _pos_sp_triplet_published_invalid_once = false; navigation_mode_new = &_dataLinkLoss; break; case vehicle_status_s::NAVIGATION_STATE_AUTO_LANDENGFAIL: _pos_sp_triplet_published_invalid_once = false; navigation_mode_new = &_engineFailure; break; case vehicle_status_s::NAVIGATION_STATE_AUTO_LANDGPSFAIL: _pos_sp_triplet_published_invalid_once = false; navigation_mode_new = &_gpsFailure; break; case vehicle_status_s::NAVIGATION_STATE_AUTO_FOLLOW_TARGET: _pos_sp_triplet_published_invalid_once = false; navigation_mode_new = &_follow_target; break; case vehicle_status_s::NAVIGATION_STATE_MANUAL: case vehicle_status_s::NAVIGATION_STATE_ACRO: case vehicle_status_s::NAVIGATION_STATE_ALTCTL: case vehicle_status_s::NAVIGATION_STATE_POSCTL: case vehicle_status_s::NAVIGATION_STATE_TERMINATION: case vehicle_status_s::NAVIGATION_STATE_OFFBOARD: case vehicle_status_s::NAVIGATION_STATE_STAB: default: _pos_sp_triplet_published_invalid_once = false; navigation_mode_new = nullptr; _can_loiter_at_sp = false; break; } /* we have a new navigation mode: reset triplet */ if (_navigation_mode != navigation_mode_new) { reset_triplets(); } _navigation_mode = navigation_mode_new; /* iterate through navigation modes and set active/inactive for each */ for (unsigned int i = 0; i < NAVIGATOR_MODE_ARRAY_SIZE; i++) { _navigation_mode_array[i]->run(_navigation_mode == _navigation_mode_array[i]); } /* if we landed and have not received takeoff setpoint then stay in idle */ if (_land_detected.landed && !((_vstatus.nav_state == vehicle_status_s::NAVIGATION_STATE_AUTO_TAKEOFF) || (_vstatus.nav_state == vehicle_status_s::NAVIGATION_STATE_AUTO_MISSION))) { _pos_sp_triplet.current.type = position_setpoint_s::SETPOINT_TYPE_IDLE; _pos_sp_triplet.current.valid = true; _pos_sp_triplet.previous.valid = false; = false; } /* if nothing is running, set position setpoint triplet invalid once */ if (_navigation_mode == nullptr && !_pos_sp_triplet_published_invalid_once) { _pos_sp_triplet_published_invalid_once = true; reset_triplets(); } if (_pos_sp_triplet_updated) { _pos_sp_triplet.timestamp = hrt_absolute_time(); publish_position_setpoint_triplet(); _pos_sp_triplet_updated = false; } if (_mission_result_updated) { publish_mission_result(); _mission_result_updated = false; } perf_end(_loop_perf); } orb_unsubscribe(_global_pos_sub); orb_unsubscribe(_local_pos_sub); orb_unsubscribe(_gps_pos_sub); orb_unsubscribe(_sensor_combined_sub); orb_unsubscribe(_fw_pos_ctrl_status_sub); orb_unsubscribe(_vstatus_sub); orb_unsubscribe(_land_detected_sub); orb_unsubscribe(_home_pos_sub); orb_unsubscribe(_onboard_mission_sub); orb_unsubscribe(_offboard_mission_sub); orb_unsubscribe(_param_update_sub); orb_unsubscribe(_vehicle_command_sub); PX4_INFO("exiting"); _navigator_task = -1; }
void pwm_limit_calc(const bool armed, const unsigned num_channels, const uint16_t *disarmed_pwm, const uint16_t *min_pwm, const uint16_t *max_pwm, const float *output, uint16_t *effective_pwm, pwm_limit_t *limit) { /* first evaluate state changes */ switch (limit->state) { case PWM_LIMIT_STATE_INIT: if (armed) { /* set arming time for the first call */ if (limit->time_armed == 0) { limit->time_armed = hrt_absolute_time(); } if (hrt_elapsed_time(&limit->time_armed) >= INIT_TIME_US) { limit->state = PWM_LIMIT_STATE_OFF; } } break; case PWM_LIMIT_STATE_OFF: if (armed) { limit->state = PWM_LIMIT_STATE_RAMP; /* reset arming time, used for ramp timing */ limit->time_armed = hrt_absolute_time(); } break; case PWM_LIMIT_STATE_RAMP: if (!armed) { limit->state = PWM_LIMIT_STATE_OFF; } else if (hrt_elapsed_time(&limit->time_armed) >= RAMP_TIME_US) { limit->state = PWM_LIMIT_STATE_ON; } break; case PWM_LIMIT_STATE_ON: if (!armed) { limit->state = PWM_LIMIT_STATE_OFF; } break; default: break; } unsigned progress; /* then set effective_pwm based on state */ switch (limit->state) { case PWM_LIMIT_STATE_OFF: case PWM_LIMIT_STATE_INIT: for (unsigned i=0; i<num_channels; i++) { effective_pwm[i] = disarmed_pwm[i]; } break; case PWM_LIMIT_STATE_RAMP: { hrt_abstime diff = hrt_elapsed_time(&limit->time_armed); progress = diff * 10000 / RAMP_TIME_US; for (unsigned i=0; i<num_channels; i++) { uint16_t ramp_min_pwm; /* if a disarmed pwm value was set, blend between disarmed and min */ if (disarmed_pwm[i] > 0) { /* safeguard against overflows */ unsigned disarmed = disarmed_pwm[i]; if (disarmed > min_pwm[i]) { disarmed = min_pwm[i]; } unsigned disarmed_min_diff = min_pwm[i] - disarmed; ramp_min_pwm = disarmed + (disarmed_min_diff * progress) / 10000; } else { /* no disarmed pwm value set, choose min pwm */ ramp_min_pwm = min_pwm[i]; } effective_pwm[i] = output[i] * (max_pwm[i] - ramp_min_pwm)/2 + (max_pwm[i] + ramp_min_pwm)/2; /* last line of defense against invalid inputs */ if (effective_pwm[i] < ramp_min_pwm) { effective_pwm[i] = ramp_min_pwm; } else if (effective_pwm[i] > max_pwm[i]) { effective_pwm[i] = max_pwm[i]; } } } break; case PWM_LIMIT_STATE_ON: for (unsigned i=0; i<num_channels; i++) { effective_pwm[i] = output[i] * (max_pwm[i] - min_pwm[i])/2 + (max_pwm[i] + min_pwm[i])/2; /* last line of defense against invalid inputs */ if (effective_pwm[i] < min_pwm[i]) { effective_pwm[i] = min_pwm[i]; } else if (effective_pwm[i] > max_pwm[i]) { effective_pwm[i] = max_pwm[i]; } } break; default: break; } return; }
int test_mixer(int argc, char *argv[]) { /* * PWM limit structure */ pwm_limit_t pwm_limit; bool should_arm = false; uint16_t r_page_servo_disarmed[output_max]; uint16_t r_page_servo_control_min[output_max]; uint16_t r_page_servo_control_max[output_max]; uint16_t r_page_servos[output_max]; uint16_t servo_predicted[output_max]; int16_t reverse_pwm_mask = 0; //PX4_INFO("testing mixer"); #if !defined(CONFIG_ARCH_BOARD_SITL) const char *filename = "/etc/mixers/IO_pass.mix"; #else const char *filename = "../../../../ROMFS/px4fmu_test/mixers/IO_pass.mix"; #endif //PX4_INFO("loading: %s", filename); char buf[2048]; load_mixer_file(filename, &buf[0], sizeof(buf)); unsigned loaded = strlen(buf); //fprintf(stderr, "loaded: \n\"%s\"\n (%d chars)", &buf[0], loaded); /* load the mixer in chunks, like * in the case of a remote load, * e.g. on PX4IO. */ const unsigned chunk_size = 64; MixerGroup mixer_group(mixer_callback, 0); /* load at once test */ unsigned xx = loaded; mixer_group.load_from_buf(&buf[0], xx); //ASSERT_EQ(mixer_group.count(), 8); unsigned empty_load = 2; char empty_buf[2]; empty_buf[0] = ' '; empty_buf[1] = '\0'; mixer_group.reset(); mixer_group.load_from_buf(&empty_buf[0], empty_load); //PX4_INFO("empty buffer load: loaded %u mixers, used: %u", mixer_group.count(), empty_load); //ASSERT_NE(empty_load, 0); if (empty_load != 0) { return 1; } /* FIRST mark the mixer as invalid */ /* THEN actually delete it */ mixer_group.reset(); char mixer_text[256]; /* large enough for one mixer */ unsigned mixer_text_length = 0; unsigned transmitted = 0; //PX4_INFO("transmitted: %d, loaded: %d", transmitted, loaded); while (transmitted < loaded) { unsigned text_length = (loaded - transmitted > chunk_size) ? chunk_size : loaded - transmitted; /* check for overflow - this would be really fatal */ if ((mixer_text_length + text_length + 1) > sizeof(mixer_text)) { return 1; } /* append mixer text and nul-terminate */ memcpy(&mixer_text[mixer_text_length], &buf[transmitted], text_length); mixer_text_length += text_length; mixer_text[mixer_text_length] = '\0'; //fprintf(stderr, "buflen %u, text:\n\"%s\"", mixer_text_length, &mixer_text[0]); /* process the text buffer, adding new mixers as their descriptions can be parsed */ unsigned resid = mixer_text_length; mixer_group.load_from_buf(&mixer_text[0], resid); /* if anything was parsed */ if (resid != mixer_text_length) { //fprintf(stderr, "used %u", mixer_text_length - resid); /* copy any leftover text to the base of the buffer for re-use */ if (resid > 0) { memcpy(&mixer_text[0], &mixer_text[mixer_text_length - resid], resid); } mixer_text_length = resid; } transmitted += text_length; } //PX4_INFO("chunked load: loaded %u mixers", mixer_group.count()); if (mixer_group.count() != 8) { return 1; } /* execute the mixer */ float outputs[output_max]; unsigned mixed; const int jmax = 5; pwm_limit_init(&pwm_limit); /* run through arming phase */ for (unsigned i = 0; i < output_max; i++) { actuator_controls[i] = 0.1f; r_page_servo_disarmed[i] = PWM_MOTOR_OFF; r_page_servo_control_min[i] = PWM_DEFAULT_MIN; r_page_servo_control_max[i] = PWM_DEFAULT_MAX; } //PX4_INFO("PRE-ARM TEST: DISABLING SAFETY"); /* mix */ should_prearm = true; mixed = mixer_group.mix(&outputs[0], output_max, NULL); pwm_limit_calc(should_arm, should_prearm, mixed, reverse_pwm_mask, r_page_servo_disarmed, r_page_servo_control_min, r_page_servo_control_max, outputs, r_page_servos, &pwm_limit); //warnx("mixed %d outputs (max %d), values:", mixed, output_max); for (unsigned i = 0; i < mixed; i++) { //fprintf(stderr, "pre-arm:\t %d: out: %8.4f, servo: %d \n", i, (double)outputs[i], (int)r_page_servos[i]); if (i != actuator_controls_s::INDEX_THROTTLE) { if (r_page_servos[i] < r_page_servo_control_min[i]) { warnx("active servo < min"); return 1; } } else { if (r_page_servos[i] != r_page_servo_disarmed[i]) { warnx("throttle output != 0 (this check assumed the IO pass mixer!)"); return 1; } } } should_arm = true; should_prearm = false; /* simulate another orb_copy() from actuator controls */ for (unsigned i = 0; i < output_max; i++) { actuator_controls[i] = 0.1f; } //PX4_INFO("ARMING TEST: STARTING RAMP"); unsigned sleep_quantum_us = 10000; hrt_abstime starttime = hrt_absolute_time(); unsigned sleepcount = 0; while (hrt_elapsed_time(&starttime) < INIT_TIME_US + RAMP_TIME_US + 2 * sleep_quantum_us) { /* mix */ mixed = mixer_group.mix(&outputs[0], output_max, NULL); pwm_limit_calc(should_arm, should_prearm, mixed, reverse_pwm_mask, r_page_servo_disarmed, r_page_servo_control_min, r_page_servo_control_max, outputs, r_page_servos, &pwm_limit); //warnx("mixed %d outputs (max %d), values:", mixed, output_max); for (unsigned i = 0; i < mixed; i++) { //fprintf(stderr, "ramp:\t %d: out: %8.4f, servo: %d \n", i, (double)outputs[i], (int)r_page_servos[i]); /* check mixed outputs to be zero during init phase */ if (hrt_elapsed_time(&starttime) < INIT_TIME_US && r_page_servos[i] != r_page_servo_disarmed[i]) { PX4_ERR("disarmed servo value mismatch: %d vs %d", r_page_servos[i], r_page_servo_disarmed[i]); return 1; } if (hrt_elapsed_time(&starttime) >= INIT_TIME_US && r_page_servos[i] + 1 <= r_page_servo_disarmed[i]) { PX4_ERR("ramp servo value mismatch"); return 1; } } usleep(sleep_quantum_us); sleepcount++; if (sleepcount % 10 == 0) { fflush(stdout); } } //PX4_INFO("ARMING TEST: NORMAL OPERATION"); for (int j = -jmax; j <= jmax; j++) { for (unsigned i = 0; i < output_max; i++) { actuator_controls[i] = j / 10.0f + 0.1f * i; r_page_servo_disarmed[i] = PWM_LOWEST_MIN; r_page_servo_control_min[i] = PWM_DEFAULT_MIN; r_page_servo_control_max[i] = PWM_DEFAULT_MAX; } /* mix */ mixed = mixer_group.mix(&outputs[0], output_max, NULL); pwm_limit_calc(should_arm, should_prearm, mixed, reverse_pwm_mask, r_page_servo_disarmed, r_page_servo_control_min, r_page_servo_control_max, outputs, r_page_servos, &pwm_limit); //fprintf(stderr, "mixed %d outputs (max %d)", mixed, output_max); for (unsigned i = 0; i < mixed; i++) { servo_predicted[i] = 1500 + outputs[i] * (r_page_servo_control_max[i] - r_page_servo_control_min[i]) / 2.0f; if (abs(servo_predicted[i] - r_page_servos[i]) > MIXER_DIFFERENCE_THRESHOLD) { fprintf(stderr, "\t %d: %8.4f predicted: %d, servo: %d\n", i, (double)outputs[i], servo_predicted[i], (int)r_page_servos[i]); PX4_ERR("mixer violated predicted value"); return 1; } } } //PX4_INFO("ARMING TEST: DISARMING"); starttime = hrt_absolute_time(); sleepcount = 0; should_arm = false; while (hrt_elapsed_time(&starttime) < 600000) { /* mix */ mixed = mixer_group.mix(&outputs[0], output_max, NULL); pwm_limit_calc(should_arm, should_prearm, mixed, reverse_pwm_mask, r_page_servo_disarmed, r_page_servo_control_min, r_page_servo_control_max, outputs, r_page_servos, &pwm_limit); //warnx("mixed %d outputs (max %d), values:", mixed, output_max); for (unsigned i = 0; i < mixed; i++) { //fprintf(stderr, "disarmed:\t %d: out: %8.4f, servo: %d \n", i, (double)outputs[i], (int)r_page_servos[i]); /* check mixed outputs to be zero during init phase */ if (r_page_servos[i] != r_page_servo_disarmed[i]) { PX4_ERR("disarmed servo value mismatch"); return 1; } } usleep(sleep_quantum_us); sleepcount++; if (sleepcount % 10 == 0) { //printf("."); //fflush(stdout); } } //printf("\n"); //PX4_INFO("ARMING TEST: REARMING: STARTING RAMP"); starttime = hrt_absolute_time(); sleepcount = 0; should_arm = true; while (hrt_elapsed_time(&starttime) < 600000 + RAMP_TIME_US) { /* mix */ mixed = mixer_group.mix(&outputs[0], output_max, NULL); pwm_limit_calc(should_arm, should_prearm, mixed, reverse_pwm_mask, r_page_servo_disarmed, r_page_servo_control_min, r_page_servo_control_max, outputs, r_page_servos, &pwm_limit); //warnx("mixed %d outputs (max %d), values:", mixed, output_max); for (unsigned i = 0; i < mixed; i++) { /* predict value */ servo_predicted[i] = 1500 + outputs[i] * (r_page_servo_control_max[i] - r_page_servo_control_min[i]) / 2.0f; /* check ramp */ //fprintf(stderr, "ramp:\t %d: out: %8.4f, servo: %d \n", i, (double)outputs[i], (int)r_page_servos[i]); if (hrt_elapsed_time(&starttime) < RAMP_TIME_US && (r_page_servos[i] + 1 <= r_page_servo_disarmed[i] || r_page_servos[i] > servo_predicted[i])) { PX4_ERR("ramp servo value mismatch"); return 1; } /* check post ramp phase */ if (hrt_elapsed_time(&starttime) > RAMP_TIME_US && abs(servo_predicted[i] - r_page_servos[i]) > 2) { printf("\t %d: %8.4f predicted: %d, servo: %d\n", i, (double)outputs[i], servo_predicted[i], (int)r_page_servos[i]); PX4_ERR("mixer violated predicted value"); return 1; } } usleep(sleep_quantum_us); sleepcount++; if (sleepcount % 10 == 0) { // printf("."); // fflush(stdout); } } //printf("\n"); /* load multirotor at once test */ mixer_group.reset(); #if !defined(CONFIG_ARCH_BOARD_SITL) filename = "/etc/mixers/quad_test.mix"; #else filename = "../../../../ROMFS/px4fmu_test/mixers/quad_test.mix"; #endif load_mixer_file(filename, &buf[0], sizeof(buf)); loaded = strlen(buf); //fprintf(stderr, "loaded: \n\"%s\"\n (%d chars)", &buf[0], loaded); unsigned mc_loaded = loaded; mixer_group.load_from_buf(&buf[0], mc_loaded); //PX4_INFO("complete buffer load: loaded %u mixers", mixer_group.count()); if (mixer_group.count() != 5) { PX4_ERR("FAIL: Quad test mixer load failed"); return 1; } //PX4_INFO("SUCCESS: No errors in mixer test"); return 0; }
void Navigator::task_main() { bool have_geofence_position_data = false; /* Try to load the geofence: * if /fs/microsd/etc/geofence.txt load from this file * else clear geofence data in datamanager */ struct stat buffer; if (stat(GEOFENCE_FILENAME, &buffer) == 0) { warnx("Try to load geofence.txt"); _geofence.loadFromFile(GEOFENCE_FILENAME); } else { if (_geofence.clearDm() != OK) { mavlink_log_critical(&_mavlink_log_pub, "failed clearing geofence"); } } /* do subscriptions */ _global_pos_sub = orb_subscribe(ORB_ID(vehicle_global_position)); _gps_pos_sub = orb_subscribe(ORB_ID(vehicle_gps_position)); _sensor_combined_sub = orb_subscribe(ORB_ID(sensor_combined)); _capabilities_sub = orb_subscribe(ORB_ID(navigation_capabilities)); _vstatus_sub = orb_subscribe(ORB_ID(vehicle_status)); _land_detected_sub = orb_subscribe(ORB_ID(vehicle_land_detected)); _control_mode_sub = orb_subscribe(ORB_ID(vehicle_control_mode)); _home_pos_sub = orb_subscribe(ORB_ID(home_position)); _onboard_mission_sub = orb_subscribe(ORB_ID(onboard_mission)); _offboard_mission_sub = orb_subscribe(ORB_ID(offboard_mission)); _param_update_sub = orb_subscribe(ORB_ID(parameter_update)); _vehicle_command_sub = orb_subscribe(ORB_ID(vehicle_command)); /* copy all topics first time */ vehicle_status_update(); vehicle_land_detected_update(); vehicle_control_mode_update(); global_position_update(); gps_position_update(); sensor_combined_update(); home_position_update(true); navigation_capabilities_update(); params_update(); /* wakeup source(s) */ px4_pollfd_struct_t fds[1] = {}; /* Setup of loop */ fds[0].fd = _global_pos_sub; fds[0].events = POLLIN; bool global_pos_available_once = false; while (!_task_should_exit) { /* wait for up to 200ms for data */ int pret = px4_poll(&fds[0], (sizeof(fds) / sizeof(fds[0])), 1000); if (pret == 0) { /* timed out - periodic check for _task_should_exit, etc. */ if (global_pos_available_once) { PX4_WARN("navigator timed out"); } continue; } else if (pret < 0) { /* this is undesirable but not much we can do - might want to flag unhappy status */ PX4_WARN("nav: poll error %d, %d", pret, errno); continue; } global_pos_available_once = true; perf_begin(_loop_perf); bool updated; /* gps updated */ orb_check(_gps_pos_sub, &updated); if (updated) { gps_position_update(); if (_geofence.getSource() == Geofence::GF_SOURCE_GPS) { have_geofence_position_data = true; } } /* sensors combined updated */ orb_check(_sensor_combined_sub, &updated); if (updated) { sensor_combined_update(); } /* parameters updated */ orb_check(_param_update_sub, &updated); if (updated) { params_update(); updateParams(); } /* vehicle control mode updated */ orb_check(_control_mode_sub, &updated); if (updated) { vehicle_control_mode_update(); } /* vehicle status updated */ orb_check(_vstatus_sub, &updated); if (updated) { vehicle_status_update(); } /* vehicle land detected updated */ orb_check(_land_detected_sub, &updated); if (updated) { vehicle_land_detected_update(); } /* navigation capabilities updated */ orb_check(_capabilities_sub, &updated); if (updated) { navigation_capabilities_update(); } /* home position updated */ orb_check(_home_pos_sub, &updated); if (updated) { home_position_update(); } orb_check(_vehicle_command_sub, &updated); if (updated) { vehicle_command_s cmd; orb_copy(ORB_ID(vehicle_command), _vehicle_command_sub, &cmd); if (cmd.command == vehicle_command_s::VEHICLE_CMD_DO_REPOSITION) { warnx("navigator: got reposition command"); } if (cmd.command == vehicle_command_s::VEHICLE_CMD_DO_PAUSE_CONTINUE) { warnx("navigator: got pause/continue command"); } } /* global position updated */ if (fds[0].revents & POLLIN) { global_position_update(); if (_geofence.getSource() == Geofence::GF_SOURCE_GLOBALPOS) { have_geofence_position_data = true; } } /* Check geofence violation */ static hrt_abstime last_geofence_check = 0; if (have_geofence_position_data && (_geofence.getGeofenceAction() != geofence_result_s::GF_ACTION_NONE) && (hrt_elapsed_time(&last_geofence_check) > GEOFENCE_CHECK_INTERVAL)) { bool inside = _geofence.inside(_global_pos, _gps_pos, _sensor_combined.baro_alt_meter[0], _home_pos, home_position_valid()); last_geofence_check = hrt_absolute_time(); have_geofence_position_data = false; _geofence_result.geofence_action = _geofence.getGeofenceAction(); if (!inside) { /* inform other apps via the mission result */ _geofence_result.geofence_violated = true; publish_geofence_result(); /* Issue a warning about the geofence violation once */ if (!_geofence_violation_warning_sent) { mavlink_log_critical(&_mavlink_log_pub, "Geofence violation"); _geofence_violation_warning_sent = true; } } else { /* inform other apps via the mission result */ _geofence_result.geofence_violated = false; publish_geofence_result(); /* Reset the _geofence_violation_warning_sent field */ _geofence_violation_warning_sent = false; } } /* Do stuff according to navigation state set by commander */ switch (_vstatus.nav_state) { case vehicle_status_s::NAVIGATION_STATE_MANUAL: case vehicle_status_s::NAVIGATION_STATE_ACRO: case vehicle_status_s::NAVIGATION_STATE_ALTCTL: case vehicle_status_s::NAVIGATION_STATE_POSCTL: case vehicle_status_s::NAVIGATION_STATE_TERMINATION: case vehicle_status_s::NAVIGATION_STATE_OFFBOARD: _navigation_mode = nullptr; _can_loiter_at_sp = false; break; case vehicle_status_s::NAVIGATION_STATE_AUTO_MISSION: if (_nav_caps.abort_landing) { // pos controller aborted landing, requests loiter // above landing waypoint _navigation_mode = &_loiter; _pos_sp_triplet_published_invalid_once = false; } else { _pos_sp_triplet_published_invalid_once = false; _navigation_mode = &_mission; } break; case vehicle_status_s::NAVIGATION_STATE_AUTO_LOITER: _pos_sp_triplet_published_invalid_once = false; _navigation_mode = &_loiter; break; case vehicle_status_s::NAVIGATION_STATE_AUTO_RCRECOVER: _pos_sp_triplet_published_invalid_once = false; if (_param_rcloss_act.get() == 0) { _navigation_mode = &_loiter; } else if (_param_rcloss_act.get() == 2) { _navigation_mode = &_land; } else if (_param_rcloss_act.get() == 3) { _navigation_mode = &_rcLoss; } else { /* if == 1 or unknown, RTL */ _navigation_mode = &_rtl; } break; case vehicle_status_s::NAVIGATION_STATE_AUTO_RTL: _pos_sp_triplet_published_invalid_once = false; _navigation_mode = &_rtl; break; case vehicle_status_s::NAVIGATION_STATE_AUTO_TAKEOFF: _pos_sp_triplet_published_invalid_once = false; _navigation_mode = &_takeoff; break; case vehicle_status_s::NAVIGATION_STATE_AUTO_LAND: _pos_sp_triplet_published_invalid_once = false; _navigation_mode = &_land; break; case vehicle_status_s::NAVIGATION_STATE_DESCEND: _pos_sp_triplet_published_invalid_once = false; _navigation_mode = &_land; break; case vehicle_status_s::NAVIGATION_STATE_AUTO_RTGS: /* Use complex data link loss mode only when enabled via param * otherwise use rtl */ _pos_sp_triplet_published_invalid_once = false; if (_param_datalinkloss_act.get() == 0) { _navigation_mode = &_loiter; } else if (_param_datalinkloss_act.get() == 2) { _navigation_mode = &_land; } else if (_param_datalinkloss_act.get() == 3) { _navigation_mode = &_dataLinkLoss; } else { /* if == 1 or unknown, RTL */ _navigation_mode = &_rtl; } break; case vehicle_status_s::NAVIGATION_STATE_AUTO_LANDENGFAIL: _pos_sp_triplet_published_invalid_once = false; _navigation_mode = &_engineFailure; break; case vehicle_status_s::NAVIGATION_STATE_AUTO_LANDGPSFAIL: _pos_sp_triplet_published_invalid_once = false; _navigation_mode = &_gpsFailure; break; case vehicle_status_s::NAVIGATION_STATE_AUTO_FOLLOW_TARGET: _pos_sp_triplet_published_invalid_once = false; _navigation_mode = &_follow_target; break; default: _navigation_mode = nullptr; _can_loiter_at_sp = false; break; } /* iterate through navigation modes and set active/inactive for each */ for (unsigned int i = 0; i < NAVIGATOR_MODE_ARRAY_SIZE; i++) { _navigation_mode_array[i]->run(_navigation_mode == _navigation_mode_array[i]); } /* if nothing is running, set position setpoint triplet invalid once */ if (_navigation_mode == nullptr && !_pos_sp_triplet_published_invalid_once) { _pos_sp_triplet_published_invalid_once = true; _pos_sp_triplet.previous.valid = false; _pos_sp_triplet.current.valid = false; = false; _pos_sp_triplet_updated = true; } if (_pos_sp_triplet_updated) { publish_position_setpoint_triplet(); _pos_sp_triplet_updated = false; } if (_mission_result_updated) { publish_mission_result(); _mission_result_updated = false; } perf_end(_loop_perf); } warnx("exiting."); _navigator_task = -1; return; }
int TFMINI::collect() { perf_begin(_sample_perf); /* clear buffer if last read was too long ago */ int64_t read_elapsed = hrt_elapsed_time(&_last_read); /* the buffer for read chars is buflen minus null termination */ char readbuf[sizeof(_linebuf)]; unsigned readlen = sizeof(readbuf) - 1; int ret = 0; float distance_m = -1.0f; /* Check the number of bytes available in the buffer*/ int bytes_available = 0; ::ioctl(_fd, FIONREAD, (unsigned long)&bytes_available); if (!bytes_available) { return -EAGAIN; } /* parse entire buffer */ do { /* read from the sensor (uart buffer) */ ret = ::read(_fd, &readbuf[0], readlen); if (ret < 0) { PX4_ERR("read err: %d", ret); perf_count(_comms_errors); perf_end(_sample_perf); /* only throw an error if we time out */ if (read_elapsed > (_conversion_interval * 2)) { /* flush anything in RX buffer */ tcflush(_fd, TCIFLUSH); return ret; } else { return -EAGAIN; } } _last_read = hrt_absolute_time(); /* parse buffer */ for (int i = 0; i < ret; i++) { tfmini_parse(readbuf[i], _linebuf, &_linebuf_index, &_parse_state, &distance_m); } /* bytes left to parse */ bytes_available -= ret; } while (bytes_available > 0); /* no valid measurement after parsing buffer */ if (distance_m < 0.0f) { return -EAGAIN; } /* publish most recent valid measurement from buffer */ distance_sensor_s report{}; report.timestamp = hrt_absolute_time(); report.type = distance_sensor_s::MAV_DISTANCE_SENSOR_LASER; report.orientation = _rotation; report.current_distance = distance_m; report.min_distance = get_minimum_distance(); report.max_distance = get_maximum_distance(); report.covariance = 0.0f; report.signal_quality = -1; /* TODO: set proper ID */ = 0; /* publish it */ orb_publish(ORB_ID(distance_sensor), _distance_sensor_topic, &report); _reports->force(&report); /* notify anyone waiting for data */ poll_notify(POLLIN); ret = OK; perf_end(_sample_perf); return ret; }
void mixer_tick(void) { /* check that we are receiving fresh data from the FMU */ if (hrt_elapsed_time(&system_state.fmu_data_received_time) > FMU_INPUT_DROP_LIMIT_US) { /* too long without FMU input, time to go to failsafe */ if (r_status_flags & PX4IO_P_STATUS_FLAGS_FMU_OK) { isr_debug(1, "AP RX timeout"); } r_status_flags &= ~(PX4IO_P_STATUS_FLAGS_FMU_OK); r_status_alarms |= PX4IO_P_STATUS_ALARMS_FMU_LOST; } else { r_status_flags |= PX4IO_P_STATUS_FLAGS_FMU_OK; } /* default to failsafe mixing */ source = MIX_FAILSAFE; /* * Decide which set of controls we're using. */ /* do not mix if RAW_PWM mode is on and FMU is good */ if ((r_status_flags & PX4IO_P_STATUS_FLAGS_RAW_PWM) && (r_status_flags & PX4IO_P_STATUS_FLAGS_FMU_OK)) { /* don't actually mix anything - we already have raw PWM values */ source = MIX_NONE; } else { if (!(r_status_flags & PX4IO_P_STATUS_FLAGS_OVERRIDE) && (r_status_flags & PX4IO_P_STATUS_FLAGS_FMU_OK) && (r_status_flags & PX4IO_P_STATUS_FLAGS_MIXER_OK)) { /* mix from FMU controls */ source = MIX_FMU; } if ( (r_status_flags & PX4IO_P_STATUS_FLAGS_OVERRIDE) && (r_status_flags & PX4IO_P_STATUS_FLAGS_RC_OK) && (r_status_flags & PX4IO_P_STATUS_FLAGS_MIXER_OK) && !(r_setup_arming & PX4IO_P_SETUP_ARMING_RC_HANDLING_DISABLED) && !(r_status_flags & PX4IO_P_STATUS_FLAGS_FMU_OK)) { /* if allowed, mix from RC inputs directly */ source = MIX_OVERRIDE; } else if ( (r_status_flags & PX4IO_P_STATUS_FLAGS_OVERRIDE) && (r_status_flags & PX4IO_P_STATUS_FLAGS_RC_OK) && (r_status_flags & PX4IO_P_STATUS_FLAGS_MIXER_OK) && !(r_setup_arming & PX4IO_P_SETUP_ARMING_RC_HANDLING_DISABLED) && (r_status_flags & PX4IO_P_STATUS_FLAGS_FMU_OK)) { /* if allowed, mix from RC inputs directly up to available rc channels */ source = MIX_OVERRIDE_FMU_OK; } } /* * Set failsafe status flag depending on mixing source */ if (source == MIX_FAILSAFE) { r_status_flags |= PX4IO_P_STATUS_FLAGS_FAILSAFE; } else { r_status_flags &= ~(PX4IO_P_STATUS_FLAGS_FAILSAFE); } /* * Decide whether the servos should be armed right now. * * We must be armed, and we must have a PWM source; either raw from * FMU or from the mixer. * * XXX correct behaviour for failsafe may require an additional case * here. */ should_arm = ( /* IO initialised without error */ (r_status_flags & PX4IO_P_STATUS_FLAGS_INIT_OK) /* and IO is armed */ && (r_status_flags & PX4IO_P_STATUS_FLAGS_SAFETY_OFF) /* and FMU is armed */ && ( ((r_setup_arming & PX4IO_P_SETUP_ARMING_FMU_ARMED) /* and there is valid input via or mixer */ && (r_status_flags & PX4IO_P_STATUS_FLAGS_MIXER_OK) ) /* or direct PWM is set */ || (r_status_flags & PX4IO_P_STATUS_FLAGS_RAW_PWM) /* or failsafe was set manually */ || (r_setup_arming & PX4IO_P_SETUP_ARMING_FAILSAFE_CUSTOM) ) ); should_always_enable_pwm = (r_setup_arming & PX4IO_P_SETUP_ARMING_ALWAYS_PWM_ENABLE) && (r_status_flags & PX4IO_P_STATUS_FLAGS_INIT_OK) && (r_status_flags & PX4IO_P_STATUS_FLAGS_FMU_OK); /* * Run the mixers. */ if (source == MIX_FAILSAFE) { /* copy failsafe values to the servo outputs */ for (unsigned i = 0; i < PX4IO_SERVO_COUNT; i++) { r_page_servos[i] = r_page_servo_failsafe[i]; /* safe actuators for FMU feedback */ r_page_actuators[i] = FLOAT_TO_REG((r_page_servos[i] - 1500) / 600.0f); } } else if (source != MIX_NONE && (r_status_flags & PX4IO_P_STATUS_FLAGS_MIXER_OK)) { float outputs[PX4IO_SERVO_COUNT]; unsigned mixed; /* mix */ /* poor mans mutex */ in_mixer = true; mixed = mixer_group.mix(&outputs[0], PX4IO_SERVO_COUNT); in_mixer = false; pwm_limit_calc(should_arm, mixed, r_page_servo_disarmed, r_page_servo_control_min, r_page_servo_control_max, outputs, r_page_servos, &pwm_limit); for (unsigned i = mixed; i < PX4IO_SERVO_COUNT; i++) r_page_servos[i] = 0; for (unsigned i = 0; i < PX4IO_SERVO_COUNT; i++) { r_page_actuators[i] = FLOAT_TO_REG(outputs[i]); } } if ((should_arm || should_always_enable_pwm) && !mixer_servos_armed) { /* need to arm, but not armed */ up_pwm_servo_arm(true); mixer_servos_armed = true; r_status_flags |= PX4IO_P_STATUS_FLAGS_OUTPUTS_ARMED; isr_debug(5, "> PWM enabled"); } else if ((!should_arm && !should_always_enable_pwm) && mixer_servos_armed) { /* armed but need to disarm */ up_pwm_servo_arm(false); mixer_servos_armed = false; r_status_flags &= ~(PX4IO_P_STATUS_FLAGS_OUTPUTS_ARMED); isr_debug(5, "> PWM disabled"); } if (mixer_servos_armed && should_arm) { /* update the servo outputs. */ for (unsigned i = 0; i < PX4IO_SERVO_COUNT; i++) up_pwm_servo_set(i, r_page_servos[i]); } else if (mixer_servos_armed && should_always_enable_pwm) { /* set the disarmed servo outputs. */ for (unsigned i = 0; i < PX4IO_SERVO_COUNT; i++) up_pwm_servo_set(i, r_page_servo_disarmed[i]); } }
void mixer_tick(void) { /* check that we are receiving fresh data from the FMU */ if ((system_state.fmu_data_received_time == 0) || hrt_elapsed_time(&system_state.fmu_data_received_time) > FMU_INPUT_DROP_LIMIT_US) { /* too long without FMU input, time to go to failsafe */ if (r_status_flags & PX4IO_P_STATUS_FLAGS_FMU_OK) { isr_debug(1, "AP RX timeout"); } r_status_flags &= ~(PX4IO_P_STATUS_FLAGS_FMU_OK); r_status_alarms |= PX4IO_P_STATUS_ALARMS_FMU_LOST; } else { r_status_flags |= PX4IO_P_STATUS_FLAGS_FMU_OK; /* this flag is never cleared once OK */ r_status_flags |= PX4IO_P_STATUS_FLAGS_FMU_INITIALIZED; } /* default to failsafe mixing - it will be forced below if flag is set */ source = MIX_FAILSAFE; /* * Decide which set of controls we're using. */ /* do not mix if RAW_PWM mode is on and FMU is good */ if ((r_status_flags & PX4IO_P_STATUS_FLAGS_RAW_PWM) && (r_status_flags & PX4IO_P_STATUS_FLAGS_FMU_OK)) { /* don't actually mix anything - we already have raw PWM values */ source = MIX_NONE; } else { if (!(r_status_flags & PX4IO_P_STATUS_FLAGS_OVERRIDE) && (r_status_flags & PX4IO_P_STATUS_FLAGS_FMU_OK) && (r_status_flags & PX4IO_P_STATUS_FLAGS_MIXER_OK)) { /* mix from FMU controls */ source = MIX_FMU; } if ( (r_status_flags & PX4IO_P_STATUS_FLAGS_OVERRIDE) && (r_status_flags & PX4IO_P_STATUS_FLAGS_RC_OK) && (r_status_flags & PX4IO_P_STATUS_FLAGS_MIXER_OK) && !(r_setup_arming & PX4IO_P_SETUP_ARMING_RC_HANDLING_DISABLED) && !(r_status_flags & PX4IO_P_STATUS_FLAGS_FMU_OK) && /* do not enter manual override if we asked for termination failsafe and FMU is lost */ !(r_setup_arming & PX4IO_P_SETUP_ARMING_TERMINATION_FAILSAFE)) { /* if allowed, mix from RC inputs directly */ source = MIX_OVERRIDE; } else if ( (r_status_flags & PX4IO_P_STATUS_FLAGS_OVERRIDE) && (r_status_flags & PX4IO_P_STATUS_FLAGS_RC_OK) && (r_status_flags & PX4IO_P_STATUS_FLAGS_MIXER_OK) && !(r_setup_arming & PX4IO_P_SETUP_ARMING_RC_HANDLING_DISABLED) && (r_status_flags & PX4IO_P_STATUS_FLAGS_FMU_OK)) { /* if allowed, mix from RC inputs directly up to available rc channels */ source = MIX_OVERRIDE_FMU_OK; } } /* * Decide whether the servos should be armed right now. * * We must be armed, and we must have a PWM source; either raw from * FMU or from the mixer. * */ should_arm = ( /* IO initialised without error */ (r_status_flags & PX4IO_P_STATUS_FLAGS_INIT_OK) /* and IO is armed */ && (r_status_flags & PX4IO_P_STATUS_FLAGS_SAFETY_OFF) /* and FMU is armed */ && ( ((r_setup_arming & PX4IO_P_SETUP_ARMING_FMU_ARMED) /* and there is valid input via or mixer */ && (r_status_flags & PX4IO_P_STATUS_FLAGS_MIXER_OK) ) /* or direct PWM is set */ || (r_status_flags & PX4IO_P_STATUS_FLAGS_RAW_PWM) /* or failsafe was set manually */ || ((r_setup_arming & PX4IO_P_SETUP_ARMING_FAILSAFE_CUSTOM) && !(r_status_flags & PX4IO_P_STATUS_FLAGS_FMU_OK)) ) ); should_always_enable_pwm = (r_setup_arming & PX4IO_P_SETUP_ARMING_ALWAYS_PWM_ENABLE) && (r_status_flags & PX4IO_P_STATUS_FLAGS_INIT_OK) && (r_status_flags & PX4IO_P_STATUS_FLAGS_FMU_OK); /* * Check if failsafe termination is set - if yes, * set the force failsafe flag once entering the first * failsafe condition. */ if ( /* if we have requested flight termination style failsafe (noreturn) */ (r_setup_arming & PX4IO_P_SETUP_ARMING_TERMINATION_FAILSAFE) && /* and we ended up in a failsafe condition */ (source == MIX_FAILSAFE) && /* and we should be armed, so we intended to provide outputs */ should_arm && /* and FMU is initialized */ (r_status_flags & PX4IO_P_STATUS_FLAGS_FMU_INITIALIZED)) { r_setup_arming |= PX4IO_P_SETUP_ARMING_FORCE_FAILSAFE; } /* * Check if we should force failsafe - and do it if we have to */ if (r_setup_arming & PX4IO_P_SETUP_ARMING_FORCE_FAILSAFE) { source = MIX_FAILSAFE; } /* * Set failsafe status flag depending on mixing source */ if (source == MIX_FAILSAFE) { r_status_flags |= PX4IO_P_STATUS_FLAGS_FAILSAFE; } else { r_status_flags &= ~(PX4IO_P_STATUS_FLAGS_FAILSAFE); } /* * Run the mixers. */ if (source == MIX_FAILSAFE) { /* copy failsafe values to the servo outputs */ for (unsigned i = 0; i < PX4IO_SERVO_COUNT; i++) { r_page_servos[i] = r_page_servo_failsafe[i]; /* safe actuators for FMU feedback */ r_page_actuators[i] = FLOAT_TO_REG((r_page_servos[i] - 1500) / 600.0f); } } else if (source != MIX_NONE && (r_status_flags & PX4IO_P_STATUS_FLAGS_MIXER_OK)) { float outputs[PX4IO_SERVO_COUNT]; unsigned mixed; /* mix */ /* poor mans mutex */ in_mixer = true; mixed = mixer_group.mix(&outputs[0], PX4IO_SERVO_COUNT); in_mixer = false; /* the pwm limit call takes care of out of band errors */ pwm_limit_calc(should_arm, mixed, r_page_servo_disarmed, r_page_servo_control_min, r_page_servo_control_max, outputs, r_page_servos, &pwm_limit); for (unsigned i = mixed; i < PX4IO_SERVO_COUNT; i++) r_page_servos[i] = 0; for (unsigned i = 0; i < PX4IO_SERVO_COUNT; i++) { r_page_actuators[i] = FLOAT_TO_REG(outputs[i]); } } /* set arming */ bool needs_to_arm = (should_arm || should_always_enable_pwm); /* check any conditions that prevent arming */ if (r_setup_arming & PX4IO_P_SETUP_ARMING_LOCKDOWN) { needs_to_arm = false; } if (!should_arm && !should_always_enable_pwm) { needs_to_arm = false; } if (needs_to_arm && !mixer_servos_armed) { /* need to arm, but not armed */ up_pwm_servo_arm(true); mixer_servos_armed = true; r_status_flags |= PX4IO_P_STATUS_FLAGS_OUTPUTS_ARMED; isr_debug(5, "> PWM enabled"); } else if (!needs_to_arm && mixer_servos_armed) { /* armed but need to disarm */ up_pwm_servo_arm(false); mixer_servos_armed = false; r_status_flags &= ~(PX4IO_P_STATUS_FLAGS_OUTPUTS_ARMED); isr_debug(5, "> PWM disabled"); } if (mixer_servos_armed && should_arm) { /* update the servo outputs. */ for (unsigned i = 0; i < PX4IO_SERVO_COUNT; i++) up_pwm_servo_set(i, r_page_servos[i]); /* set S.BUS1 or S.BUS2 outputs */ if (r_setup_features & PX4IO_P_SETUP_FEATURES_SBUS2_OUT) { sbus2_output(r_page_servos, PX4IO_SERVO_COUNT); } else if (r_setup_features & PX4IO_P_SETUP_FEATURES_SBUS1_OUT) { sbus1_output(r_page_servos, PX4IO_SERVO_COUNT); } } else if (mixer_servos_armed && should_always_enable_pwm) { /* set the disarmed servo outputs. */ for (unsigned i = 0; i < PX4IO_SERVO_COUNT; i++) up_pwm_servo_set(i, r_page_servo_disarmed[i]); /* set S.BUS1 or S.BUS2 outputs */ if (r_setup_features & PX4IO_P_SETUP_FEATURES_SBUS1_OUT) sbus1_output(r_page_servos, PX4IO_SERVO_COUNT); if (r_setup_features & PX4IO_P_SETUP_FEATURES_SBUS2_OUT) sbus2_output(r_page_servos, PX4IO_SERVO_COUNT); } }
void Navigator::task_main() { bool have_geofence_position_data = false; /* Try to load the geofence: * if /fs/microsd/etc/geofence.txt load from this file * else clear geofence data in datamanager */ struct stat buffer; if (stat(GEOFENCE_FILENAME, &buffer) == 0) { PX4_INFO("Try to load geofence.txt"); _geofence.loadFromFile(GEOFENCE_FILENAME); } else { if (_geofence.clearDm() != OK) { mavlink_log_critical(&_mavlink_log_pub, "failed clearing geofence"); } } /* do subscriptions */ _global_pos_sub = orb_subscribe(ORB_ID(vehicle_global_position)); _local_pos_sub = orb_subscribe(ORB_ID(vehicle_local_position)); _gps_pos_sub = orb_subscribe(ORB_ID(vehicle_gps_position)); _sensor_combined_sub = orb_subscribe(ORB_ID(sensor_combined)); _fw_pos_ctrl_status_sub = orb_subscribe(ORB_ID(fw_pos_ctrl_status)); _vstatus_sub = orb_subscribe(ORB_ID(vehicle_status)); _land_detected_sub = orb_subscribe(ORB_ID(vehicle_land_detected)); _home_pos_sub = orb_subscribe(ORB_ID(home_position)); _onboard_mission_sub = orb_subscribe(ORB_ID(onboard_mission)); _offboard_mission_sub = orb_subscribe(ORB_ID(offboard_mission)); _param_update_sub = orb_subscribe(ORB_ID(parameter_update)); _vehicle_command_sub = orb_subscribe(ORB_ID(vehicle_command)); /* copy all topics first time */ vehicle_status_update(); vehicle_land_detected_update(); global_position_update(); local_position_update(); gps_position_update(); sensor_combined_update(); home_position_update(true); fw_pos_ctrl_status_update(true); params_update(); /* wakeup source(s) */ px4_pollfd_struct_t fds[1] = {}; /* Setup of loop */ fds[0].fd = _global_pos_sub; fds[0].events = POLLIN; bool global_pos_available_once = false; /* rate-limit global pos subscription to 20 Hz / 50 ms */ orb_set_interval(_global_pos_sub, 49); while (!_task_should_exit) { /* wait for up to 1000ms for data */ int pret = px4_poll(&fds[0], (sizeof(fds) / sizeof(fds[0])), 1000); if (pret == 0) { /* timed out - periodic check for _task_should_exit, etc. */ if (global_pos_available_once) { global_pos_available_once = false; PX4_WARN("global position timeout"); } /* Let the loop run anyway, don't do `continue` here. */ } else if (pret < 0) { /* this is undesirable but not much we can do - might want to flag unhappy status */ PX4_ERR("nav: poll error %d, %d", pret, errno); usleep(10000); continue; } else { if (fds[0].revents & POLLIN) { /* success, global pos is available */ global_position_update(); if (_geofence.getSource() == Geofence::GF_SOURCE_GLOBALPOS) { have_geofence_position_data = true; } global_pos_available_once = true; } } perf_begin(_loop_perf); bool updated; /* gps updated */ orb_check(_gps_pos_sub, &updated); if (updated) { gps_position_update(); if (_geofence.getSource() == Geofence::GF_SOURCE_GPS) { have_geofence_position_data = true; } } /* local position updated */ orb_check(_local_pos_sub, &updated); if (updated) { local_position_update(); } /* sensors combined updated */ orb_check(_sensor_combined_sub, &updated); if (updated) { sensor_combined_update(); } /* parameters updated */ orb_check(_param_update_sub, &updated); if (updated) { params_update(); } /* vehicle status updated */ orb_check(_vstatus_sub, &updated); if (updated) { vehicle_status_update(); } /* vehicle land detected updated */ orb_check(_land_detected_sub, &updated); if (updated) { vehicle_land_detected_update(); } /* navigation capabilities updated */ orb_check(_fw_pos_ctrl_status_sub, &updated); if (updated) { fw_pos_ctrl_status_update(); } /* home position updated */ orb_check(_home_pos_sub, &updated); if (updated) { home_position_update(); } orb_check(_vehicle_command_sub, &updated); if (updated) { vehicle_command_s cmd = {}; orb_copy(ORB_ID(vehicle_command), _vehicle_command_sub, &cmd); if (cmd.command == vehicle_command_s::VEHICLE_CMD_DO_REPOSITION) { struct position_setpoint_triplet_s *rep = get_reposition_triplet(); // store current position as previous position and goal as next rep->previous.yaw = get_global_position()->yaw; rep-> = get_global_position()->lat; rep->previous.lon = get_global_position()->lon; rep->previous.alt = get_global_position()->alt; rep->current.loiter_radius = get_loiter_radius(); rep->current.loiter_direction = 1; rep->current.type = position_setpoint_s::SETPOINT_TYPE_LOITER; // Go on and check which changes had been requested if (PX4_ISFINITE(cmd.param4)) { rep->current.yaw = cmd.param4; } else { rep->current.yaw = NAN; } if (PX4_ISFINITE(cmd.param5) && PX4_ISFINITE(cmd.param6)) { rep-> = (cmd.param5 < 1000) ? cmd.param5 : cmd.param5 / (double)1e7; rep->current.lon = (cmd.param6 < 1000) ? cmd.param6 : cmd.param6 / (double)1e7; } else { rep-> = get_global_position()->lat; rep->current.lon = get_global_position()->lon; } if (PX4_ISFINITE(cmd.param7)) { rep->current.alt = cmd.param7; } else { rep->current.alt = get_global_position()->alt; } rep->previous.valid = true; rep->current.valid = true; rep->next.valid = false; } else if (cmd.command == vehicle_command_s::VEHICLE_CMD_NAV_TAKEOFF) { struct position_setpoint_triplet_s *rep = get_takeoff_triplet(); // store current position as previous position and goal as next rep->previous.yaw = get_global_position()->yaw; rep-> = get_global_position()->lat; rep->previous.lon = get_global_position()->lon; rep->previous.alt = get_global_position()->alt; rep->current.loiter_radius = get_loiter_radius(); rep->current.loiter_direction = 1; rep->current.type = position_setpoint_s::SETPOINT_TYPE_TAKEOFF; if (home_position_valid()) { rep->current.yaw = cmd.param4; rep->previous.valid = true; } else { rep->current.yaw = get_local_position()->yaw; rep->previous.valid = false; } if (PX4_ISFINITE(cmd.param5) && PX4_ISFINITE(cmd.param6)) { rep-> = (cmd.param5 < 1000) ? cmd.param5 : cmd.param5 / (double)1e7; rep->current.lon = (cmd.param6 < 1000) ? cmd.param6 : cmd.param6 / (double)1e7; } else { // If one of them is non-finite, reset both rep-> = NAN; rep->current.lon = NAN; } rep->current.alt = cmd.param7; rep->current.valid = true; rep->next.valid = false; } else if (cmd.command == vehicle_command_s::VEHICLE_CMD_DO_LAND_START) { /* find NAV_CMD_DO_LAND_START in the mission and * use MAV_CMD_MISSION_START to start the mission there */ int land_start = _mission.find_offboard_land_start(); if (land_start != -1) { vehicle_command_s vcmd = {}; vcmd.target_system = get_vstatus()->system_id; vcmd.target_component = get_vstatus()->component_id; vcmd.command = vehicle_command_s::VEHICLE_CMD_MISSION_START; vcmd.param1 = land_start; vcmd.param2 = 0; publish_vehicle_cmd(vcmd); } else { PX4_WARN("planned landing not available"); } } else if (cmd.command == vehicle_command_s::VEHICLE_CMD_NAV_RETURN_TO_LAUNCH) { vehicle_command_s vcmd = {}; vcmd.target_system = get_vstatus()->system_id; vcmd.target_component = get_vstatus()->component_id; vcmd.command = vehicle_command_s::VEHICLE_CMD_NAV_RETURN_TO_LAUNCH; orb_advert_t pub = orb_advertise_queue(ORB_ID(vehicle_command), &vcmd, vehicle_command_s::ORB_QUEUE_LENGTH); (void)orb_unadvertise(pub); } else if (cmd.command == vehicle_command_s::VEHICLE_CMD_MISSION_START) { if (get_mission_result()->valid && PX4_ISFINITE(cmd.param1) && (cmd.param1 >= 0) && (cmd.param1 < _mission_result.seq_total)) { _mission.set_current_offboard_mission_index(cmd.param1); } } else if (cmd.command == vehicle_command_s::VEHICLE_CMD_DO_PAUSE_CONTINUE) { warnx("navigator: got pause/continue command"); } else if (cmd.command == vehicle_command_s::VEHICLE_CMD_DO_CHANGE_SPEED) { if (cmd.param2 > FLT_EPSILON) { // XXX not differentiating ground and airspeed yet set_cruising_speed(cmd.param2); } else { set_cruising_speed(); /* if no speed target was given try to set throttle */ if (cmd.param3 > FLT_EPSILON) { set_cruising_throttle(cmd.param3 / 100); } else { set_cruising_throttle(); } } } } /* Check geofence violation */ static hrt_abstime last_geofence_check = 0; if (have_geofence_position_data && (_geofence.getGeofenceAction() != geofence_result_s::GF_ACTION_NONE) && (hrt_elapsed_time(&last_geofence_check) > GEOFENCE_CHECK_INTERVAL)) { bool inside = _geofence.inside(_global_pos, _gps_pos, _sensor_combined.baro_alt_meter); last_geofence_check = hrt_absolute_time(); have_geofence_position_data = false; _geofence_result.timestamp = hrt_absolute_time(); _geofence_result.geofence_action = _geofence.getGeofenceAction(); _geofence_result.home_required = _geofence.isHomeRequired(); if (!inside) { /* inform other apps via the mission result */ _geofence_result.geofence_violated = true; /* Issue a warning about the geofence violation once */ if (!_geofence_violation_warning_sent) { mavlink_log_critical(&_mavlink_log_pub, "Geofence violation"); _geofence_violation_warning_sent = true; } } else { /* inform other apps via the mission result */ _geofence_result.geofence_violated = false; /* Reset the _geofence_violation_warning_sent field */ _geofence_violation_warning_sent = false; } publish_geofence_result(); } /* Do stuff according to navigation state set by commander */ switch (_vstatus.nav_state) { case vehicle_status_s::NAVIGATION_STATE_AUTO_MISSION: _pos_sp_triplet_published_invalid_once = false; _navigation_mode = &_mission; break; case vehicle_status_s::NAVIGATION_STATE_AUTO_LOITER: _pos_sp_triplet_published_invalid_once = false; _navigation_mode = &_loiter; break; case vehicle_status_s::NAVIGATION_STATE_AUTO_RCRECOVER: _pos_sp_triplet_published_invalid_once = false; _navigation_mode = &_rcLoss; break; case vehicle_status_s::NAVIGATION_STATE_AUTO_RTL: _pos_sp_triplet_published_invalid_once = false; _navigation_mode = &_rtl; break; case vehicle_status_s::NAVIGATION_STATE_AUTO_TAKEOFF: _pos_sp_triplet_published_invalid_once = false; _navigation_mode = &_takeoff; break; case vehicle_status_s::NAVIGATION_STATE_AUTO_LAND: _pos_sp_triplet_published_invalid_once = false; _navigation_mode = &_land; break; case vehicle_status_s::NAVIGATION_STATE_DESCEND: _pos_sp_triplet_published_invalid_once = false; _navigation_mode = &_land; break; case vehicle_status_s::NAVIGATION_STATE_AUTO_RTGS: _pos_sp_triplet_published_invalid_once = false; _navigation_mode = &_dataLinkLoss; break; case vehicle_status_s::NAVIGATION_STATE_AUTO_LANDENGFAIL: _pos_sp_triplet_published_invalid_once = false; _navigation_mode = &_engineFailure; break; case vehicle_status_s::NAVIGATION_STATE_AUTO_LANDGPSFAIL: _pos_sp_triplet_published_invalid_once = false; _navigation_mode = &_gpsFailure; break; case vehicle_status_s::NAVIGATION_STATE_AUTO_FOLLOW_TARGET: _pos_sp_triplet_published_invalid_once = false; _navigation_mode = &_follow_target; break; case vehicle_status_s::NAVIGATION_STATE_MANUAL: case vehicle_status_s::NAVIGATION_STATE_ACRO: case vehicle_status_s::NAVIGATION_STATE_ALTCTL: case vehicle_status_s::NAVIGATION_STATE_POSCTL: case vehicle_status_s::NAVIGATION_STATE_TERMINATION: case vehicle_status_s::NAVIGATION_STATE_OFFBOARD: case vehicle_status_s::NAVIGATION_STATE_STAB: default: _pos_sp_triplet_published_invalid_once = false; _navigation_mode = nullptr; _can_loiter_at_sp = false; break; } /* iterate through navigation modes and set active/inactive for each */ for (unsigned int i = 0; i < NAVIGATOR_MODE_ARRAY_SIZE; i++) { _navigation_mode_array[i]->run(_navigation_mode == _navigation_mode_array[i]); } /* if nothing is running, set position setpoint triplet invalid once */ if (_navigation_mode == nullptr && !_pos_sp_triplet_published_invalid_once) { _pos_sp_triplet_published_invalid_once = true; _pos_sp_triplet.previous.valid = false; _pos_sp_triplet.current.valid = false; = false; _pos_sp_triplet_updated = true; } if (_pos_sp_triplet_updated) { _pos_sp_triplet.timestamp = hrt_absolute_time(); publish_position_setpoint_triplet(); _pos_sp_triplet_updated = false; } if (_mission_result_updated) { publish_mission_result(); _mission_result_updated = false; } perf_end(_loop_perf); } PX4_INFO("exiting"); _navigator_task = -1; }
void controls_tick() { /* * Gather R/C control inputs from supported sources. * * Note that if you're silly enough to connect more than * one control input source, they're going to fight each * other. Don't do that. */ /* receive signal strenght indicator (RSSI). 0 = no connection, 255: perfect connection */ uint16_t rssi = 0; #ifdef ADC_RSSI if (r_setup_features & PX4IO_P_SETUP_FEATURES_ADC_RSSI) { unsigned counts = adc_measure(ADC_RSSI); if (counts != 0xffff) { /* use 1:1 scaling on 3.3V ADC input */ unsigned mV = counts * 3300 / 4096; /* scale to 0..253 */ rssi = mV / 13; } } #endif // perf_begin(c_gather_dsm); // uint16_t temp_count = r_raw_rc_count; // bool dsm_updated = dsm_input(r_raw_rc_values, &temp_count); // if (dsm_updated) { // r_raw_rc_flags |= PX4IO_P_STATUS_FLAGS_RC_DSM; // r_raw_rc_count = temp_count & 0x7fff; // if (temp_count & 0x8000) // r_raw_rc_flags |= PX4IO_P_RAW_RC_FLAGS_RC_DSM11; // else // r_raw_rc_flags &= ~PX4IO_P_RAW_RC_FLAGS_RC_DSM11; // // r_raw_rc_flags &= ~(PX4IO_P_RAW_RC_FLAGS_FRAME_DROP); // r_raw_rc_flags &= ~(PX4IO_P_RAW_RC_FLAGS_FAILSAFE); // // } // perf_end(c_gather_dsm); perf_begin(c_gather_sbus); bool sbus_status = (r_status_flags & PX4IO_P_STATUS_FLAGS_RC_SBUS); bool sbus_failsafe, sbus_frame_drop; bool sbus_updated = sbus_input(r_raw_rc_values, &r_raw_rc_count, &sbus_failsafe, &sbus_frame_drop, PX4IO_RC_INPUT_CHANNELS); if (sbus_updated) { r_status_flags |= PX4IO_P_STATUS_FLAGS_RC_SBUS; rssi = 255; if (sbus_frame_drop) { r_raw_rc_flags |= PX4IO_P_RAW_RC_FLAGS_FRAME_DROP; rssi = 100; } else { r_raw_rc_flags &= ~(PX4IO_P_RAW_RC_FLAGS_FRAME_DROP); } if (sbus_failsafe) { r_raw_rc_flags |= PX4IO_P_RAW_RC_FLAGS_FAILSAFE; rssi = 0; } else { r_raw_rc_flags &= ~(PX4IO_P_RAW_RC_FLAGS_FAILSAFE); } } perf_end(c_gather_sbus); /* * XXX each S.bus frame will cause a PPM decoder interrupt * storm (lots of edges). It might be sensible to actually * disable the PPM decoder completely if we have S.bus signal. */ perf_begin(c_gather_ppm); bool ppm_updated = ppm_input(r_raw_rc_values, &r_raw_rc_count, &r_page_raw_rc_input[PX4IO_P_RAW_RC_DATA]); if (ppm_updated) { r_status_flags |= PX4IO_P_STATUS_FLAGS_RC_PPM; r_raw_rc_flags &= ~(PX4IO_P_RAW_RC_FLAGS_FRAME_DROP); r_raw_rc_flags &= ~(PX4IO_P_RAW_RC_FLAGS_FAILSAFE); } perf_end(c_gather_ppm); /* limit number of channels to allowable data size */ if (r_raw_rc_count > PX4IO_RC_INPUT_CHANNELS) r_raw_rc_count = PX4IO_RC_INPUT_CHANNELS; /* store RSSI */ r_page_raw_rc_input[PX4IO_P_RAW_RC_NRSSI] = rssi; /* * In some cases we may have received a frame, but input has still * been lost. */ bool rc_input_lost = false; /* * If we received a new frame from any of the RC sources, process it. */ // if (dsm_updated || sbus_updated || ppm_updated) { if (sbus_updated || ppm_updated) { /* record a bitmask of channels assigned */ unsigned assigned_channels = 0; /* update RC-received timestamp */ system_state.rc_channels_timestamp_received = hrt_absolute_time(); /* do not command anything in failsafe, kick in the RC loss counter */ if (!(r_raw_rc_flags & PX4IO_P_RAW_RC_FLAGS_FAILSAFE)) { /* update RC-received timestamp */ system_state.rc_channels_timestamp_valid = system_state.rc_channels_timestamp_received; /* map raw inputs to mapped inputs */ /* XXX mapping should be atomic relative to protocol */ for (unsigned i = 0; i < r_raw_rc_count; i++) { /* map the input channel */ uint16_t *conf = &r_page_rc_input_config[i * PX4IO_P_RC_CONFIG_STRIDE]; if (conf[PX4IO_P_RC_CONFIG_OPTIONS] & PX4IO_P_RC_CONFIG_OPTIONS_ENABLED) { uint16_t raw = r_raw_rc_values[i]; int16_t scaled; /* * 1) Constrain to min/max values, as later processing depends on bounds. */ if (raw < conf[PX4IO_P_RC_CONFIG_MIN]) raw = conf[PX4IO_P_RC_CONFIG_MIN]; if (raw > conf[PX4IO_P_RC_CONFIG_MAX]) raw = conf[PX4IO_P_RC_CONFIG_MAX]; /* * 2) Scale around the mid point differently for lower and upper range. * * This is necessary as they don't share the same endpoints and slope. * * First normalize to 0..1 range with correct sign (below or above center), * then scale to 20000 range (if center is an actual center, -10000..10000, * if parameters only support half range, scale to 10000 range, e.g. if * center == min 0..10000, if center == max -10000..0). * * As the min and max bounds were enforced in step 1), division by zero * cannot occur, as for the case of center == min or center == max the if * statement is mutually exclusive with the arithmetic NaN case. * * DO NOT REMOVE OR ALTER STEP 1! */ if (raw > (conf[PX4IO_P_RC_CONFIG_CENTER] + conf[PX4IO_P_RC_CONFIG_DEADZONE])) { scaled = 10000.0f * ((raw - conf[PX4IO_P_RC_CONFIG_CENTER] - conf[PX4IO_P_RC_CONFIG_DEADZONE]) / (float)(conf[PX4IO_P_RC_CONFIG_MAX] - conf[PX4IO_P_RC_CONFIG_CENTER] - conf[PX4IO_P_RC_CONFIG_DEADZONE])); } else if (raw < (conf[PX4IO_P_RC_CONFIG_CENTER] - conf[PX4IO_P_RC_CONFIG_DEADZONE])) { scaled = 10000.0f * ((raw - conf[PX4IO_P_RC_CONFIG_CENTER] + conf[PX4IO_P_RC_CONFIG_DEADZONE]) / (float)(conf[PX4IO_P_RC_CONFIG_CENTER] - conf[PX4IO_P_RC_CONFIG_DEADZONE] - conf[PX4IO_P_RC_CONFIG_MIN])); } else { /* in the configured dead zone, output zero */ scaled = 0; } /* invert channel if requested */ if (conf[PX4IO_P_RC_CONFIG_OPTIONS] & PX4IO_P_RC_CONFIG_OPTIONS_REVERSE) scaled = -scaled; /* and update the scaled/mapped version */ unsigned mapped = conf[PX4IO_P_RC_CONFIG_ASSIGNMENT]; if (mapped < PX4IO_CONTROL_CHANNELS) { /* invert channel if pitch - pulling the lever down means pitching up by convention */ if (mapped == 1) /* roll, pitch, yaw, throttle, override is the standard order */ scaled = -scaled; r_rc_values[mapped] = SIGNED_TO_REG(scaled); assigned_channels |= (1 << mapped); } } } /* set un-assigned controls to zero */ for (unsigned i = 0; i < PX4IO_CONTROL_CHANNELS; i++) { if (!(assigned_channels & (1 << i))) r_rc_values[i] = 0; } /* set RC OK flag, as we got an update */ r_status_flags |= PX4IO_P_STATUS_FLAGS_RC_OK; /* if we have enough channels (5) to control the vehicle, the mapping is ok */ if (assigned_channels > 4) { r_raw_rc_flags |= PX4IO_P_RAW_RC_FLAGS_MAPPING_OK; } else { r_raw_rc_flags &= ~(PX4IO_P_RAW_RC_FLAGS_MAPPING_OK); } } /* * Export the valid channel bitmap */ r_rc_valid = assigned_channels; } /* * If we haven't seen any new control data in 200ms, assume we * have lost input. */ if (hrt_elapsed_time(&system_state.rc_channels_timestamp_received) > 200000) { rc_input_lost = true; /* clear the input-kind flags here */ r_status_flags &= ~( PX4IO_P_STATUS_FLAGS_RC_PPM | PX4IO_P_STATUS_FLAGS_RC_DSM | PX4IO_P_STATUS_FLAGS_RC_SBUS); } /* * Handle losing RC input */ /* this kicks in if the receiver is gone or the system went to failsafe */ if (rc_input_lost || (r_raw_rc_flags & PX4IO_P_RAW_RC_FLAGS_FAILSAFE)) { /* Clear the RC input status flag, clear manual override flag */ r_status_flags &= ~( PX4IO_P_STATUS_FLAGS_OVERRIDE | PX4IO_P_STATUS_FLAGS_RC_OK); /* Mark all channels as invalid, as we just lost the RX */ r_rc_valid = 0; /* Set the RC_LOST alarm */ r_status_alarms |= PX4IO_P_STATUS_ALARMS_RC_LOST; } /* this kicks in if the receiver is completely gone */ if (rc_input_lost) { /* Set channel count to zero */ r_raw_rc_count = 0; } /* * Check for manual override. * * The PX4IO_P_SETUP_ARMING_MANUAL_OVERRIDE_OK flag must be set, and we * must have R/C input. * Override is enabled if either the hardcoded channel / value combination * is selected, or the AP has requested it. */ if ((r_setup_arming & PX4IO_P_SETUP_ARMING_MANUAL_OVERRIDE_OK) && (r_status_flags & PX4IO_P_STATUS_FLAGS_RC_OK)) { bool override = false; /* * Check mapped channel 5 (can be any remote channel, * depends on RC_MAP_OVER parameter); * If the value is 'high' then the pilot has * requested override. * */ if ((r_status_flags & PX4IO_P_STATUS_FLAGS_RC_OK) && (REG_TO_SIGNED(r_rc_values[4]) < RC_CHANNEL_LOW_THRESH)) override = true; if (override) { r_status_flags |= PX4IO_P_STATUS_FLAGS_OVERRIDE; /* mix new RC input control values to servos */ // if (dsm_updated || sbus_updated || ppm_updated) // mixer_tick(); } else {
int SF0X::collect() { int ret; perf_begin(_sample_perf); /* clear buffer if last read was too long ago */ uint64_t read_elapsed = hrt_elapsed_time(&_last_read); /* the buffer for read chars is buflen minus null termination */ char readbuf[sizeof(_linebuf)]; unsigned readlen = sizeof(readbuf) - 1; /* read from the sensor (uart buffer) */ ret = ::read(_fd, &readbuf[0], readlen); if (ret < 0) { DEVICE_DEBUG("read err: %d", ret); perf_count(_comms_errors); perf_end(_sample_perf); /* only throw an error if we time out */ if (read_elapsed > (_conversion_interval * 2)) { return ret; } else { return -EAGAIN; } } else if (ret == 0) { return -EAGAIN; } _last_read = hrt_absolute_time(); float distance_m = -1.0f; bool valid = false; for (int i = 0; i < ret; i++) { if (OK == sf0x_parser(readbuf[i], _linebuf, &_linebuf_index, &_parse_state, &distance_m)) { valid = true; } } if (!valid) { return -EAGAIN; } DEVICE_DEBUG("val (float): %8.4f, raw: %s, valid: %s", (double)distance_m, _linebuf, ((valid) ? "OK" : "NO")); struct distance_sensor_s report; report.timestamp = hrt_absolute_time(); report.type = distance_sensor_s::MAV_DISTANCE_SENSOR_LASER; report.orientation = _rotation; report.current_distance = distance_m; report.min_distance = get_minimum_distance(); report.max_distance = get_maximum_distance(); report.covariance = 0.0f; /* TODO: set proper ID */ = 0; /* publish it */ orb_publish(ORB_ID(distance_sensor), _distance_sensor_topic, &report); _reports->force(&report); /* notify anyone waiting for data */ poll_notify(POLLIN); ret = OK; perf_end(_sample_perf); return ret; }
void FixedwingAttitudeControl::task_main() { /* * do subscriptions */ _att_sp_sub = orb_subscribe(ORB_ID(vehicle_attitude_setpoint)); _att_sub = orb_subscribe(ORB_ID(vehicle_attitude)); _accel_sub = orb_subscribe_multi(ORB_ID(sensor_accel), 0); _airspeed_sub = orb_subscribe(ORB_ID(airspeed)); _vcontrol_mode_sub = orb_subscribe(ORB_ID(vehicle_control_mode)); _params_sub = orb_subscribe(ORB_ID(parameter_update)); _manual_sub = orb_subscribe(ORB_ID(manual_control_setpoint)); _global_pos_sub = orb_subscribe(ORB_ID(vehicle_global_position)); _vehicle_status_sub = orb_subscribe(ORB_ID(vehicle_status)); /* rate limit vehicle status updates to 5Hz */ orb_set_interval(_vcontrol_mode_sub, 200); /* do not limit the attitude updates in order to minimize latency. * actuator outputs are still limited by the individual drivers * properly to not saturate IO or physical limitations */ parameters_update(); /* get an initial update for all sensor and status data */ vehicle_airspeed_poll(); vehicle_setpoint_poll(); vehicle_accel_poll(); vehicle_control_mode_poll(); vehicle_manual_poll(); vehicle_status_poll(); /* wakeup source(s) */ struct pollfd fds[2]; /* Setup of loop */ fds[0].fd = _params_sub; fds[0].events = POLLIN; fds[1].fd = _att_sub; fds[1].events = POLLIN; _task_running = true; while (!_task_should_exit) { static int loop_counter = 0; /* wait for up to 500ms for data */ int pret = poll(&fds[0], (sizeof(fds) / sizeof(fds[0])), 100); /* timed out - periodic check for _task_should_exit, etc. */ if (pret == 0) continue; /* this is undesirable but not much we can do - might want to flag unhappy status */ if (pret < 0) { warn("poll error %d, %d", pret, errno); continue; } perf_begin(_loop_perf); /* only update parameters if they changed */ if (fds[0].revents & POLLIN) { /* read from param to clear updated flag */ struct parameter_update_s update; orb_copy(ORB_ID(parameter_update), _params_sub, &update); /* update parameters from storage */ parameters_update(); } /* only run controller if attitude changed */ if (fds[1].revents & POLLIN) { static uint64_t last_run = 0; float deltaT = (hrt_absolute_time() - last_run) / 1000000.0f; last_run = hrt_absolute_time(); /* guard against too large deltaT's */ if (deltaT > 1.0f) deltaT = 0.01f; /* load local copies */ orb_copy(ORB_ID(vehicle_attitude), _att_sub, &_att); if (_vehicle_status.is_vtol && _parameters.vtol_type == 0) { /* vehicle is a tailsitter, we need to modify the estimated attitude for fw mode * * Since the VTOL airframe is initialized as a multicopter we need to * modify the estimated attitude for the fixed wing operation. * Since the neutral position of the vehicle in fixed wing mode is -90 degrees rotated around * the pitch axis compared to the neutral position of the vehicle in multicopter mode * we need to swap the roll and the yaw axis (1st and 3rd column) in the rotation matrix. * Additionally, in order to get the correct sign of the pitch, we need to multiply * the new x axis of the rotation matrix with -1 * * original: modified: * * Rxx Ryx Rzx -Rzx Ryx Rxx * Rxy Ryy Rzy -Rzy Ryy Rxy * Rxz Ryz Rzz -Rzz Ryz Rxz * */ math::Matrix<3, 3> R; //original rotation matrix math::Matrix<3, 3> R_adapted; //modified rotation matrix R.set(_att.R); R_adapted.set(_att.R); /* move z to x */ R_adapted(0, 0) = R(0, 2); R_adapted(1, 0) = R(1, 2); R_adapted(2, 0) = R(2, 2); /* move x to z */ R_adapted(0, 2) = R(0, 0); R_adapted(1, 2) = R(1, 0); R_adapted(2, 2) = R(2, 0); /* change direction of pitch (convert to right handed system) */ R_adapted(0, 0) = -R_adapted(0, 0); R_adapted(1, 0) = -R_adapted(1, 0); R_adapted(2, 0) = -R_adapted(2, 0); math::Vector<3> euler_angles; //adapted euler angles for fixed wing operation euler_angles = R_adapted.to_euler(); /* fill in new attitude data */ _att.roll = euler_angles(0); _att.pitch = euler_angles(1); _att.yaw = euler_angles(2); PX4_R(_att.R, 0, 0) = R_adapted(0, 0); PX4_R(_att.R, 0, 1) = R_adapted(0, 1); PX4_R(_att.R, 0, 2) = R_adapted(0, 2); PX4_R(_att.R, 1, 0) = R_adapted(1, 0); PX4_R(_att.R, 1, 1) = R_adapted(1, 1); PX4_R(_att.R, 1, 2) = R_adapted(1, 2); PX4_R(_att.R, 2, 0) = R_adapted(2, 0); PX4_R(_att.R, 2, 1) = R_adapted(2, 1); PX4_R(_att.R, 2, 2) = R_adapted(2, 2); /* lastly, roll- and yawspeed have to be swaped */ float helper = _att.rollspeed; _att.rollspeed = -_att.yawspeed; _att.yawspeed = helper; } vehicle_airspeed_poll(); vehicle_setpoint_poll(); vehicle_accel_poll(); vehicle_control_mode_poll(); vehicle_manual_poll(); global_pos_poll(); vehicle_status_poll(); /* lock integrator until control is started */ bool lock_integrator; if (_vcontrol_mode.flag_control_attitude_enabled && !_vehicle_status.is_rotary_wing) { lock_integrator = false; } else { lock_integrator = true; } /* Simple handling of failsafe: deploy parachute if failsafe is on */ if (_vcontrol_mode.flag_control_termination_enabled) { _actuators_airframe.control[7] = 1.0f; //warnx("_actuators_airframe.control[1] = 1.0f;"); } else { _actuators_airframe.control[7] = 0.0f; //warnx("_actuators_airframe.control[1] = -1.0f;"); } /* if we are in rotary wing mode, do nothing */ if (_vehicle_status.is_rotary_wing) { continue; } /* default flaps to center */ float flaps_control = 0.0f; /* map flaps by default to manual if valid */ if (isfinite(_manual.flaps)) { flaps_control = _manual.flaps; } /* decide if in stabilized or full manual control */ if (_vcontrol_mode.flag_control_attitude_enabled) { /* scale around tuning airspeed */ float airspeed; /* if airspeed is not updating, we assume the normal average speed */ if (bool nonfinite = !isfinite(_airspeed.true_airspeed_m_s) || hrt_elapsed_time(&_airspeed.timestamp) > 1e6) { airspeed = _parameters.airspeed_trim; if (nonfinite) { perf_count(_nonfinite_input_perf); } } else { /* prevent numerical drama by requiring 0.5 m/s minimal speed */ airspeed = math::max(0.5f, _airspeed.true_airspeed_m_s); } /* * For scaling our actuators using anything less than the min (close to stall) * speed doesn't make any sense - its the strongest reasonable deflection we * want to do in flight and its the baseline a human pilot would choose. * * Forcing the scaling to this value allows reasonable handheld tests. */ float airspeed_scaling = _parameters.airspeed_trim / ((airspeed < _parameters.airspeed_min) ? _parameters.airspeed_min : airspeed); float roll_sp = _parameters.rollsp_offset_rad; float pitch_sp = _parameters.pitchsp_offset_rad; float yaw_manual = 0.0f; float throttle_sp = 0.0f; /* Read attitude setpoint from uorb if * - velocity control or position control is enabled (pos controller is running) * - manual control is disabled (another app may send the setpoint, but it should * for sure not be set from the remote control values) */ if (_vcontrol_mode.flag_control_auto_enabled || !_vcontrol_mode.flag_control_manual_enabled) { /* read in attitude setpoint from attitude setpoint uorb topic */ roll_sp = _att_sp.roll_body + _parameters.rollsp_offset_rad; pitch_sp = _att_sp.pitch_body + _parameters.pitchsp_offset_rad; throttle_sp = _att_sp.thrust; /* reset integrals where needed */ if (_att_sp.roll_reset_integral) { _roll_ctrl.reset_integrator(); } if (_att_sp.pitch_reset_integral) { _pitch_ctrl.reset_integrator(); } if (_att_sp.yaw_reset_integral) { _yaw_ctrl.reset_integrator(); } } else if (_vcontrol_mode.flag_control_velocity_enabled) { /* the pilot does not want to change direction, * take straight attitude setpoint from position controller */ if (fabsf(_manual.y) < 0.01f && fabsf(_att.roll) < 0.2f) { roll_sp = _att_sp.roll_body + _parameters.rollsp_offset_rad; } else { roll_sp = (_manual.y * _parameters.man_roll_max) + _parameters.rollsp_offset_rad; } pitch_sp = _att_sp.pitch_body + _parameters.pitchsp_offset_rad; throttle_sp = _att_sp.thrust; /* reset integrals where needed */ if (_att_sp.roll_reset_integral) { _roll_ctrl.reset_integrator(); } if (_att_sp.pitch_reset_integral) { _pitch_ctrl.reset_integrator(); } if (_att_sp.yaw_reset_integral) { _yaw_ctrl.reset_integrator(); } } else if (_vcontrol_mode.flag_control_altitude_enabled) { /* * Velocity should be controlled and manual is enabled. */ roll_sp = (_manual.y * _parameters.man_roll_max) + _parameters.rollsp_offset_rad; pitch_sp = _att_sp.pitch_body + _parameters.pitchsp_offset_rad; throttle_sp = _att_sp.thrust; /* reset integrals where needed */ if (_att_sp.roll_reset_integral) { _roll_ctrl.reset_integrator(); } if (_att_sp.pitch_reset_integral) { _pitch_ctrl.reset_integrator(); } if (_att_sp.yaw_reset_integral) { _yaw_ctrl.reset_integrator(); } } else { /* * Scale down roll and pitch as the setpoints are radians * and a typical remote can only do around 45 degrees, the mapping is * -1..+1 to -man_roll_max rad..+man_roll_max rad (equivalent for pitch) * * With this mapping the stick angle is a 1:1 representation of * the commanded attitude. * * The trim gets subtracted here from the manual setpoint to get * the intended attitude setpoint. Later, after the rate control step the * trim is added again to the control signal. */ roll_sp = (_manual.y * _parameters.man_roll_max) + _parameters.rollsp_offset_rad; pitch_sp = -(_manual.x * _parameters.man_pitch_max) + _parameters.pitchsp_offset_rad; /* allow manual control of rudder deflection */ yaw_manual = _manual.r; throttle_sp = _manual.z; /* * in manual mode no external source should / does emit attitude setpoints. * emit the manual setpoint here to allow attitude controller tuning * in attitude control mode. */ struct vehicle_attitude_setpoint_s att_sp; att_sp.timestamp = hrt_absolute_time(); att_sp.roll_body = roll_sp; att_sp.pitch_body = pitch_sp; att_sp.yaw_body = 0.0f - _parameters.trim_yaw; att_sp.thrust = throttle_sp; /* lazily publish the setpoint only once available */ if (!_vehicle_status.is_rotary_wing) { if (_attitude_sp_pub != nullptr) { /* publish the attitude setpoint */ orb_publish(ORB_ID(vehicle_attitude_setpoint), _attitude_sp_pub, &att_sp); } else { /* advertise and publish */ _attitude_sp_pub = orb_advertise(ORB_ID(vehicle_attitude_setpoint), &att_sp); } } } /* If the aircraft is on ground reset the integrators */ if (_vehicle_status.condition_landed || _vehicle_status.is_rotary_wing) { _roll_ctrl.reset_integrator(); _pitch_ctrl.reset_integrator(); _yaw_ctrl.reset_integrator(); } /* Prepare speed_body_u and speed_body_w */ float speed_body_u = 0.0f; float speed_body_v = 0.0f; float speed_body_w = 0.0f; if(_att.R_valid) { speed_body_u = PX4_R(_att.R, 0, 0) * _global_pos.vel_n + PX4_R(_att.R, 1, 0) * _global_pos.vel_e + PX4_R(_att.R, 2, 0) * _global_pos.vel_d; speed_body_v = PX4_R(_att.R, 0, 1) * _global_pos.vel_n + PX4_R(_att.R, 1, 1) * _global_pos.vel_e + PX4_R(_att.R, 2, 1) * _global_pos.vel_d; speed_body_w = PX4_R(_att.R, 0, 2) * _global_pos.vel_n + PX4_R(_att.R, 1, 2) * _global_pos.vel_e + PX4_R(_att.R, 2, 2) * _global_pos.vel_d; } else { if (_debug && loop_counter % 10 == 0) { warnx("Did not get a valid R\n"); } } /* Prepare data for attitude controllers */ struct ECL_ControlData control_input = {}; control_input.roll = _att.roll; control_input.pitch = _att.pitch; control_input.yaw = _att.yaw; control_input.roll_rate = _att.rollspeed; control_input.pitch_rate = _att.pitchspeed; control_input.yaw_rate = _att.yawspeed; control_input.speed_body_u = speed_body_u; control_input.speed_body_v = speed_body_v; control_input.speed_body_w = speed_body_w; control_input.acc_body_x = _accel.x; control_input.acc_body_y = _accel.y; control_input.acc_body_z = _accel.z; control_input.roll_setpoint = roll_sp; control_input.pitch_setpoint = pitch_sp; control_input.airspeed_min = _parameters.airspeed_min; control_input.airspeed_max = _parameters.airspeed_max; control_input.airspeed = airspeed; control_input.scaler = airspeed_scaling; control_input.lock_integrator = lock_integrator; /* Run attitude controllers */ if (isfinite(roll_sp) && isfinite(pitch_sp)) { _roll_ctrl.control_attitude(control_input); _pitch_ctrl.control_attitude(control_input); _yaw_ctrl.control_attitude(control_input); //runs last, because is depending on output of roll and pitch attitude /* Update input data for rate controllers */ control_input.roll_rate_setpoint = _roll_ctrl.get_desired_rate(); control_input.pitch_rate_setpoint = _pitch_ctrl.get_desired_rate(); control_input.yaw_rate_setpoint = _yaw_ctrl.get_desired_rate(); /* Run attitude RATE controllers which need the desired attitudes from above, add trim */ float roll_u = _roll_ctrl.control_bodyrate(control_input); _actuators.control[0] = (isfinite(roll_u)) ? roll_u + _parameters.trim_roll : _parameters.trim_roll; if (!isfinite(roll_u)) { _roll_ctrl.reset_integrator(); perf_count(_nonfinite_output_perf); if (_debug && loop_counter % 10 == 0) { warnx("roll_u %.4f", (double)roll_u); } } float pitch_u = _pitch_ctrl.control_bodyrate(control_input); _actuators.control[1] = (isfinite(pitch_u)) ? pitch_u + _parameters.trim_pitch : _parameters.trim_pitch; if (!isfinite(pitch_u)) { _pitch_ctrl.reset_integrator(); perf_count(_nonfinite_output_perf); if (_debug && loop_counter % 10 == 0) { warnx("pitch_u %.4f, _yaw_ctrl.get_desired_rate() %.4f," " airspeed %.4f, airspeed_scaling %.4f," " roll_sp %.4f, pitch_sp %.4f," " _roll_ctrl.get_desired_rate() %.4f," " _pitch_ctrl.get_desired_rate() %.4f" " att_sp.roll_body %.4f", (double)pitch_u, (double)_yaw_ctrl.get_desired_rate(), (double)airspeed, (double)airspeed_scaling, (double)roll_sp, (double)pitch_sp, (double)_roll_ctrl.get_desired_rate(), (double)_pitch_ctrl.get_desired_rate(), (double)_att_sp.roll_body); } } float yaw_u = _yaw_ctrl.control_bodyrate(control_input); _actuators.control[2] = (isfinite(yaw_u)) ? yaw_u + _parameters.trim_yaw : _parameters.trim_yaw; /* add in manual rudder control */ _actuators.control[2] += yaw_manual; if (!isfinite(yaw_u)) { _yaw_ctrl.reset_integrator(); perf_count(_nonfinite_output_perf); if (_debug && loop_counter % 10 == 0) { warnx("yaw_u %.4f", (double)yaw_u); } } /* throttle passed through if it is finite and if no engine failure was * detected */ _actuators.control[3] = (isfinite(throttle_sp) && !(_vehicle_status.engine_failure || _vehicle_status.engine_failure_cmd)) ? throttle_sp : 0.0f; if (!isfinite(throttle_sp)) { if (_debug && loop_counter % 10 == 0) { warnx("throttle_sp %.4f", (double)throttle_sp); } } } else { perf_count(_nonfinite_input_perf); if (_debug && loop_counter % 10 == 0) { warnx("Non-finite setpoint roll_sp: %.4f, pitch_sp %.4f", (double)roll_sp, (double)pitch_sp); } } /* * Lazily publish the rate setpoint (for analysis, the actuators are published below) * only once available */ _rates_sp.roll = _roll_ctrl.get_desired_rate(); _rates_sp.pitch = _pitch_ctrl.get_desired_rate(); _rates_sp.yaw = _yaw_ctrl.get_desired_rate(); _rates_sp.timestamp = hrt_absolute_time(); if (_rate_sp_pub != nullptr) { /* publish the attitude rates setpoint */ orb_publish(_rates_sp_id, _rate_sp_pub, &_rates_sp); } else if (_rates_sp_id) { /* advertise the attitude rates setpoint */ _rate_sp_pub = orb_advertise(_rates_sp_id, &_rates_sp); } } else { /* manual/direct control */ _actuators.control[actuator_controls_s::INDEX_ROLL] = _manual.y + _parameters.trim_roll; _actuators.control[actuator_controls_s::INDEX_PITCH] = -_manual.x + _parameters.trim_pitch; _actuators.control[actuator_controls_s::INDEX_YAW] = _manual.r + _parameters.trim_yaw; _actuators.control[actuator_controls_s::INDEX_THROTTLE] = _manual.z; } _actuators.control[actuator_controls_s::INDEX_FLAPS] = flaps_control; _actuators.control[5] = _manual.aux1; _actuators.control[6] = _manual.aux2; _actuators.control[7] = _manual.aux3; /* lazily publish the setpoint only once available */ _actuators.timestamp = hrt_absolute_time(); _actuators.timestamp_sample = _att.timestamp; _actuators_airframe.timestamp = hrt_absolute_time(); _actuators_airframe.timestamp_sample = _att.timestamp; /* Only publish if any of the proper modes are enabled */ if(_vcontrol_mode.flag_control_rates_enabled || _vcontrol_mode.flag_control_attitude_enabled || _vcontrol_mode.flag_control_manual_enabled) { /* publish the actuator controls */ if (_actuators_0_pub != nullptr) { orb_publish(_actuators_id, _actuators_0_pub, &_actuators); } else if (_actuators_id) { _actuators_0_pub= orb_advertise(_actuators_id, &_actuators); } if (_actuators_2_pub != nullptr) { /* publish the actuator controls*/ orb_publish(ORB_ID(actuator_controls_2), _actuators_2_pub, &_actuators_airframe); } else { /* advertise and publish */ _actuators_2_pub = orb_advertise(ORB_ID(actuator_controls_2), &_actuators_airframe); } } } loop_counter++; perf_end(_loop_perf); } warnx("exiting.\n"); _control_task = -1; _task_running = false; _exit(0); }
int SF0X::collect() { int ret; perf_begin(_sample_perf); /* clear buffer if last read was too long ago */ uint64_t read_elapsed = hrt_elapsed_time(&_last_read); /* the buffer for read chars is buflen minus null termination */ char readbuf[sizeof(_linebuf)]; unsigned readlen = sizeof(readbuf) - 1; /* read from the sensor (uart buffer) */ ret = ::read(_fd, &readbuf[0], readlen); if (ret < 0) { debug("read err: %d", ret); perf_count(_comms_errors); perf_end(_sample_perf); /* only throw an error if we time out */ if (read_elapsed > (SF0X_CONVERSION_INTERVAL * 2)) { return ret; } else { return -EAGAIN; } } else if (ret == 0) { return -EAGAIN; } _last_read = hrt_absolute_time(); float si_units; bool valid = false; for (int i = 0; i < ret; i++) { if (OK == sf0x_parser(readbuf[i], _linebuf, &_linebuf_index, &_parse_state, &si_units)) { valid = true; } } if (!valid) { return -EAGAIN; } debug("val (float): %8.4f, raw: %s, valid: %s", (double)si_units, _linebuf, ((valid) ? "OK" : "NO")); struct range_finder_report report; /* this should be fairly close to the end of the measurement, so the best approximation of the time */ report.timestamp = hrt_absolute_time(); report.error_count = perf_event_count(_comms_errors); report.distance = si_units; report.minimum_distance = get_minimum_distance(); report.maximum_distance = get_maximum_distance(); report.valid = valid && (si_units > get_minimum_distance() && si_units < get_maximum_distance() ? 1 : 0); /* publish it */ orb_publish(ORB_ID(sensor_range_finder), _range_finder_topic, &report); if (_reports->force(&report)) { perf_count(_buffer_overflows); } /* notify anyone waiting for data */ poll_notify(POLLIN); ret = OK; perf_end(_sample_perf); return ret; }