Пример #1
static void cpu_vblankreset(void)
	int cpunum;

	/* read hi scores from disk */

	/* read keyboard & update the status of the input ports */

	/* reset the cycle counters */
	for (cpunum = 0; cpunum < cpu_gettotalcpu(); cpunum++)
		if (!(cpu[cpunum].suspend & SUSPEND_REASON_DISABLE))
			cpu[cpunum].iloops = Machine->drv->cpu[cpunum].vblank_interrupts_per_frame - 1;
			cpu[cpunum].iloops = -1;
Пример #2
static void deleteOneDHistCB(Widget w, nTuBrowserInfo *nTuBrDummy,
                               caddr_t call_data)
    int i, idPos, *posList, count, id, uid, jn;
    nTuBrowserInfo *nTuBr;
    nTuBroHs1D *nTuH1;
    if (!XmListGetSelectedPos(OneDHistHistoListW, &posList, &count)) {
	DialogF(DF_WARN, OneDHistShellW, 1, "Please select a Histogram",
    id = OneDHistListedIDs[((*posList) -1)];
    CurrentHistoUID = hs_uid(id);
    nTuBr = oneDHistNTupleSource(id);
    if (nTuBr == NULL) {
         DialogF(DF_ERR, OneDHistShellW, 1,
                 "Internal Error in deleteOneDHist\nPlease report",
    for (i=0; i<nTuBr->sizeOfLists; i++) { 
       if (nTuBr->hsItemList[i] == NULL) continue;
        if (id == nTuBr->hsItemList[i]->id ) {
             nTuH1 = (nTuBroHs1D *) nTuBr->hsItemList[i];
             if (nTuH1->varIndices != NULL) free(nTuH1->varIndices);
             nTuBr->hsItemList[i] = NULL;       
Пример #3
 * A function which changes the size of the hash table
 * and rehashes all the values currently present in the old hash table
 * to the new hash table using the updated hash functions. Among others,
 * this function also updates the value of the stree->tedge_size.
 * @param
 * new_size	The desired new size of the hash table.
 * 		When this function successfully finishes, it will be set
 * 		to the actual new size of the hash table.
 * @param
 * text		the actual underlying text of the suffix tree
 * @param
 * stree	the actual suffix tree
 * @return	On successful reallocation, this function returns 0.
 * 		If an error occurs, a positive error number is returned.
int stree_shti_ht_rehash (size_t *new_size,
                          const character_type *text,
                          suffix_tree_shti *stree) {
    static const size_t max_rehash_attempts = 1024;
    /* the first part of the current hash key */
    signed_integral_type source_node = 0;
    /* the second part of the current hash key */
    character_type letter = 0;
    /* the current value in the hash table */
    signed_integral_type target_node = 0;
    /* the original size of the hash table */
    size_t original_tedge_size = stree->tedge_size;
    /* the original hash table data */
    edge_record *original_tedge = stree->tedge;
    size_t original_new_size = (*new_size);
    size_t i = 0;
    size_t attempt_number = 0;
    int rehash_failed = 0;
     * The memory pointed to by stree->tedge is not lost
     * by the following call(s) to free and calloc,
     * because it has already been stored as the original_tedge.
     * We set it to NULL at first in order to be able to easily allocate
     * the new memory without worrying about unintentionally freeing
     * the memory for the current hash table. In fact, we need
     * what's currently stored in it to create the new hash table
     * with the same content.
    stree->tedge = NULL;
    fprintf(stderr, "The rehashing of the hash table will now start.\n");
    /* we will be trying to rehash the hash table until we succeed */
    do {
        if (attempt_number == max_rehash_attempts) {
            fprintf(stderr, "Error: The maximum number of "
                    "attempts to rehash\nthe hash "
                    "table (%zu) has been reached!\n"
                    "The rehash operation has failed "
            return (1);
        fprintf(stderr, "Attempt number %zu:\n", attempt_number);
        rehash_failed = 0;
        (*new_size) = original_new_size;
         * We update the current hash settings with respect to
         * the current hash table size.
        if (hs_update(0, new_size, stree->hs) != 0) {
            fprintf(stderr, "Error: Can not correctly update "
                    "the hash table settings.\n");
            return (2);
         * We deallocate the memory used by the previous attemt
         * to rehash the hash table.
         * it is always safe to delete the NULL pointer,
         * so we need not to check for it
        stree->tedge = NULL;
         * And now we allocate the new, cleared memory
         * for the hash table itself.
         * Note that due to the random access to the hash table,
         * it is essential that the memory is cleared
         * before begin used. That's why we use calloc
         * instead of realloc with stree->tedge set to NULL.
         * The call to realloc with the first argument
         * set to NULL is equivalent to malloc,
         * which does not clear the memory.
        stree->tedge = calloc((*new_size), sizeof (edge_record));
        if (stree->tedge == NULL) {
            /* resetting the errno */
            errno = 0;
            return (3);
        } else {
             * Despite that the call to the calloc seems
             * to have been successful, we reset the errno,
             * because at least on Mac OS X
             * it might have changed.
            errno = 0;
        stree->tedge_size = (*new_size);
         * we reset the number of edges to zero,
         * as every insertion increases their number
        stree->edges = 0;
        for (i = 0; i < original_tedge_size; ++i) {
            /* if the original hash table record is not empty */
            if (er_empty(original_tedge[i]) == 0) {
                source_node = original_tedge[i].source_node;
                target_node = original_tedge[i].target_node;
                if (stree_shti_edge_letter(source_node,
                                           &letter, target_node,
                                           text, stree) > 0) {
                    fprintf(stderr, "Error: Could not get "
                            "the first letter\n"
                            "of an edge P(%d)--"
                            "\"?\"-->C(%d). "
                    return (4);
                 * we insert the same hash table record
                 * to the new hash table at a new position
                if (stree_shti_ht_insert(source_node, letter,
                                         target_node, 0, text, stree)
                        != 0) {
                    fprintf(stderr, "Error: Insertion "
                            "of the edge "
                            " failed permanently!\n"
                            "This is very unfortunate, "
                            "as we can not continue\n"
                            "to rehash the hash table. "
                            "We will start over again!\n",
                            source_node, letter, target_node);
                    rehash_failed = 1;
    } while (rehash_failed == 1);
     * it is always safe to delete the NULL pointer,
     * so we need not to check for it
    original_tedge = NULL;
    fprintf(stderr, "Current hash table size:\n%zu cells of %zu "
            "bytes (totalling %zu bytes, ",
            stree->tedge_size, stree->er_size,
            stree->tedge_size * stree->er_size);
                              stree->tedge_size * stree->er_size);
    fprintf(stderr, ").\nThe rehashing of the hash table is complete.\n");
    return (0);
Пример #4
static void createOneDHistActual(int newHisto)
   int countHisto, countNTu, countVar, ivar, ivarH, nBins, idh, uid, im, jn;
   int i, index, k, *ivk, ll, lastFixed;
   float from, to;
   double dfrom, dto;
   XmString *selectedItems;
   int *posListHisto, *posListNTu, *posListVar;
   char *str, category[24], x_label[20]; 
   nTuDDL *ddl;
   descrGenNtuple *dNTu;
   nTuBrowserInfo *nTuBr;
   varGenNtuple *var;
   Arg args[2];
   nTuBroHs1D *nTuH1;
   char *cDat;
   long pp; 

    if (HistoIsBrowserNtuInit == NULL) {
       hs_initialize("Mcfio Ntuple Browser");
       HistoIsBrowserNtuInit = 1;
       XtSetSensitive(McfioHsResetBtnW, True);
    nTuBr = CurrentNTupleBrowserSelected;
    ddl = mcf_GetNTuByPtrID(CurrentNTupleBrowserSelected->id);
    if (ddl->descrNtu == NULL) dNTu = ddl->reference->descrNtu;
	    else dNTu = ddl->descrNtu;
    if (!XmListGetSelectedPos(OneDHistVariableListW, &posListVar, &countVar)) {
	DialogF(DF_WARN, OneDHistShellW, 1, "Please select a Variable",
    ivarH = (*posListVar) - 1; ivar = ivarH -1;
    ** Get how many time we have to histogram the variable
    if (ivar < dNTu->firstIndexed) im = -1;
    else {
     str = XmTextGetString(OneDHistMultW);
     if (GetIntText(OneDHistMultW, &im) == TEXT_READ_OK) {
        if (im > dNTu->maxMultiplicity) {
             DialogF(DF_WARN, OneDHistShellW, 1, 
 "Incorrect instance, above maximum Multiplicty.","Acknowledged");
        } else im--;
      } else {
        if ((strcmp(str,"All") == 0) || (strcmp(str,"ALL") == 0) ||
            (strcmp(str,"all") == 0)) im = -1;
        else if ((strcmp(str,"First") == 0) || (strcmp(str,"FIRST") == 0) ||
            (strcmp(str,"first") == 0)) im = 0;
        else if ((strcmp(str,"Second") == 0) || (strcmp(str,"SECOND") == 0) ||
            (strcmp(str,"second") == 0)) im = 1;
        else if ((strcmp(str,"Third") == 0) || (strcmp(str,"THIRD") == 0) ||
            (strcmp(str,"third") == 0)) im = 2;
        else {
             DialogF(DF_WARN, OneDHistShellW, 1, 
 "Incorrect instance, please use a number","Acknowledged");
** We now read out the widget and define the histogram
     str = XmTextGetString(OneDHistTitleW);
     if (GetIntTextWarn(OneDHistNumBinsW, &nBins,
                        "Number of Bins", TRUE) != TEXT_READ_OK) return;
     if (GetFloatTextWarn(OneDHistLowBinW, &dfrom,
                        "Low Bin Edge", TRUE) != TEXT_READ_OK) return;
     if (GetFloatTextWarn(OneDHistHighBinW, &dto,
                        "High Bin Edge", TRUE) != TEXT_READ_OK) return;
      from = (float) dfrom; to = (float) dto;
      ** At the beginning, the HistoList has a dummy item
      if (FirstOneDHistogram) uid = 1;
      else if (newHisto) {
        XtSetArg (args[0], XmNitemCount, &uid);
        XtGetValues(OneDHistHistoListW, args, 1);
      } else uid = CurrentHistoUID; 
      if (ivarH == 0) 
      else {
         var = dNTu->variables[ivar];
         if(strlen(var->name) < 17) strcpy(x_label,var->name);
         else {
     idh = hs_create_1d_hist(uid, str,  "OneDHist", x_label, "Yield", 
                             nBins, from, to);
     ** Store the idh, we need it for filling. Find the first free place on
     ** the list.
    if (nTuBr->nHistoItems == nTuBr->sizeOfLists)
     nTuH1 = (nTuBroHs1D *) malloc(sizeof(nTuBroHs1D));
     while (nTuBr->hsItemList[index] != NULL)  index++;
     nTuBr->hsItemList[index] =  (nTuBroHsGeneral *) nTuH1;
     nTuH1->id = idh;
     nTuH1->type = HS_1D_HISTOGRAM;
     nTuH1->varNumber = ivarH;
     nTuH1->subBlock = im;
     nTuH1->varIndices = NULL;
     if(dNTu->firstIndexed == -1) lastFixed = dNTu->numVariables;
           else lastFixed = dNTu->firstIndexed;
     if (ivarH != 0) { 
        var = dNTu->variables[ivar];
       if (var->numDim >= 1) {
          nTuH1->varIndices= (int *) malloc(sizeof(int) * var->numDim);
          ivk = nTuH1->varIndices;
          getVarIndexDialog(ivk, var->numDim, var->dimensions);
     if (nTuBr->data == NULL) mcfioC_createBrowserData(nTuBr);
     cDat = (char *) nTuBr->data;
     if (ivarH == 0) {
        cDat += dNTu->multOffset;
        nTuH1->lDat = (long *) cDat;
     } else {
          if (ivar < lastFixed) { 
            pp = ((long) nTuBr->data) +  dNTu->variables[ivar]->offset;
            nTuH1->lDat = (long *) pp;
          } else  nTuH1->lDat = NULL; 
               /* A specific subVariable (leaf), we'll compute the 
          		data pointer at filling time */
     XtSetSensitive(OneDHistModifyW, True);
     XtSetSensitive(OneDHistDeleteW, True); 
     FirstOneDHistogram = False; 