/*-------------------------------------------------- FUNCTION: httpc_close_free DESC: Close and free the given http client object. ----------------------------------------------------*/ void httpc_close_free(httpc_conn_t * conn) { if (conn == NULL) return; hsocket_close(&(conn->sock)); httpc_free(conn); return; }
static void * httpd_session_main(void *data) #endif { struct hrequest_t *req; conndata_t *conn; httpd_conn_t *rconn; hservice_t *service; herror_t status; struct timeval start, end, duration; int done; if (gettimeofday(&start, NULL) == -1) log_error("gettimeofday failed (%s)", strerror(errno)); conn = (conndata_t *) data; log_verbose("starting new httpd session on socket %d", conn->sock); rconn = httpd_new(&(conn->sock)); done = 0; while (!done) { log_verbose("starting HTTP request on socket %d (%p)", conn->sock, conn->sock.sock); if ((status = hrequest_new_from_socket(&(conn->sock), &req)) != H_OK) { int code; switch ((code = herror_code(status))) { case HSSL_ERROR_SSLCLOSE: case HSOCKET_ERROR_RECEIVE: log_error("hrequest_new_from_socket failed (%s)", herror_message(status)); break; default: httpd_send_bad_request(rconn, herror_message(status)); break; } herror_release(status); done = 1; } else { char *conn_str; _httpd_request_print(req); conn_str = hpairnode_get_ignore_case(req->header, HEADER_CONNECTION); if (conn_str && strncasecmp(conn_str, "close", 6) == 0) done = 1; if (!done) done = req->version == HTTP_1_0 ? 1 : 0; if ((service = httpd_find_service(req->path))) { log_verbose("service '%s' for '%s' found", service->context, req->path); if (service->status == NHTTPD_SERVICE_UP) { pthread_rwlock_wrlock(&(service->statistics->lock)); service->statistics->requests++; pthread_rwlock_unlock(&(service->statistics->lock)); if (_httpd_authenticate_request(req, service->auth)) { if (service->func != NULL) { service->func(rconn, req); if (gettimeofday(&end, NULL) == -1) log_error("gettimeofday failed (%s)", strerror(errno)); timersub(&end, &start, &duration); pthread_rwlock_wrlock(&(service->statistics->lock)); service->statistics->bytes_received += rconn->sock->bytes_received; service->statistics->bytes_transmitted += rconn->sock->bytes_transmitted; timeradd(&(service->statistics->time), &duration, &(service->statistics->time)); pthread_rwlock_unlock(&(service->statistics->lock)); if (rconn->out && rconn->out->type == HTTP_TRANSFER_CONNECTION_CLOSE) { log_verbose("Connection close requested"); done = 1; } } else { char buffer[256]; snprintf(buffer, 256, "service '%s' is not registered properly (service function is NULL)", req->path); log_verbose("%s", buffer); httpd_send_not_implemented(rconn, buffer); } } else { httpd_send_unauthorized(rconn, req->path); done = 1; } } else { char buffer[256]; sprintf(buffer, "service for '%s' is disabled", req->path); log_verbose("%s", buffer); httpd_send_internal_error(rconn, buffer); } } else { char buffer[256]; sprintf(buffer, "no service for '%s' found", req->path); log_verbose("%s", buffer); httpd_send_not_implemented(rconn, buffer); done = 1; } hrequest_free(req); } } httpd_free(rconn); hsocket_close(&(conn->sock)); #ifdef WIN32 CloseHandle((HANDLE) conn->tid); #else pthread_attr_destroy(&(conn->attr)); #endif conn->flag = CONNECTION_FREE; #ifdef WIN32 _endthread(); return 0; #else /* pthread_exits automagically */ return NULL; #endif }
herror_t httpd_run(void) { struct timeval timeout; conndata_t *conn; herror_t err; fd_set fds; log_verbose("starting run routine"); _httpd_register_signal_handler(); if ((err = hsocket_listen(&_httpd_socket)) != H_OK) { log_error("hsocket_listen failed (%s)", herror_message(err)); return err; } while (_httpd_run) { conn = _httpd_wait_for_empty_conn(); if (!_httpd_run) break; /* Wait for a socket to accept */ while (_httpd_run) { /* set struct timeval to the proper timeout */ timeout.tv_sec = 1; timeout.tv_usec = 0; /* zero and set file descriptior */ FD_ZERO(&fds); FD_SET(_httpd_socket.sock, &fds); /* select socket descriptor */ switch (select(_httpd_socket.sock + 1, &fds, NULL, NULL, &timeout)) { case 0: /* descriptor is not ready */ continue; case -1: /* got a signal? */ continue; default: /* no nothing */ break; } if (FD_ISSET(_httpd_socket.sock, &fds)) { break; } } /* check signal status */ if (!_httpd_run) break; if ((err = hsocket_accept(&_httpd_socket, &(conn->sock))) != H_OK) { log_error("hsocket_accept failed (%s)", herror_message(err)); hsocket_close(&(conn->sock)); continue; } _httpd_start_thread(conn); } return 0; }
/*-------------------------------------------------- FUNCTION: httpc_talk_to_server DESC: This function is the heart of the httpc module. It will send the request and process the response. Here the parameters: method: the request method. This can be HTTP_REQUEST_POST and HTTP_REQUEST_GET. conn: the connection object (created with httpc_new()) urlstr: the complete url in string format. http://<host>:<port>/<context> where <port> is not mendatory. start_cb: a callback function, which will be called when the response header is completely arrives. cb: a callback function, which will be called everytime when data arrives. content_size: size of content to send. (only if method is HTTP_REQUEST_POST) content: the content data to send. (only if method is HTTP_REQUEST_POST) userdata: a user define data, which will be passed to the start_cb and cb callbacks as a parameter. This can also be NULL. If success, this function will return 0. >0 otherwise. ----------------------------------------------------*/ static herror_t httpc_talk_to_server(hreq_method_t method, httpc_conn_t * conn, const char *urlstr) { hurl_t url; char buffer[4096]; herror_t status; int ssl; if (conn == NULL) { return herror_new("httpc_talk_to_server", GENERAL_INVALID_PARAM, "httpc_conn_t param is NULL"); } /* Build request header */ httpc_header_set_date(conn); if ((status = hurl_parse(&url, urlstr)) != H_OK) { log_error2("Can not parse URL '%s'", SAVE_STR(urlstr)); return status; } /* TODO (#1#): Check for HTTP protocol in URL */ /* Set hostname */ httpc_set_header(conn, HEADER_HOST, url.host); ssl = url.protocol == PROTOCOL_HTTPS ? 1 : 0; /* Open connection */ if ((status = hsocket_open(&conn->sock, url.host, url.port, ssl)) != H_OK) return status; switch(method) { case HTTP_REQUEST_GET: sprintf(buffer, "GET %s HTTP/%s\r\n", (url.context[0] != '\0') ? url.context : ("/"), (conn->version == HTTP_1_0) ? "1.0" : "1.1"); break; case HTTP_REQUEST_POST: sprintf(buffer, "POST %s HTTP/%s\r\n", (url.context[0] != '\0') ? url.context : ("/"), (conn->version == HTTP_1_0) ? "1.0" : "1.1"); break; default: log_error1("Unknown method type!"); return herror_new("httpc_talk_to_server", GENERAL_INVALID_PARAM, "hreq_method_t must be HTTP_REQUEST_GET or HTTP_REQUEST_POST"); } log_verbose1("Sending request..."); if ((status = hsocket_send(&(conn->sock), buffer)) != H_OK) { log_error2("Cannot send request (%s)", herror_message(status)); hsocket_close(&(conn->sock)); return status; } log_verbose1("Sending header..."); if ((status = httpc_send_header(conn)) != H_OK) { log_error2("Cannot send header (%s)", herror_message(status)); hsocket_close(&(conn->sock)); return status; } return H_OK; }