Пример #1
static void setDefaultHeaders(HttpConn *conn)
    HttpAuthType    *ap;


    if (smatch(conn->protocol, "HTTP/1.0")) {
        conn->http10 = 1;
    if (conn->username && conn->authType) {
        if ((ap = httpLookupAuthType(conn->authType)) != 0) {
            if ((ap->setAuth)(conn, conn->username, conn->password)) {
                conn->authRequested = 1;
    if (conn->port != 80 && conn->port != 443) {
        httpAddHeader(conn, "Host", "%s:%d", conn->ip, conn->port);
    } else {
        httpAddHeaderString(conn, "Host", conn->ip);
    httpAddHeaderString(conn, "Accept", "*/*");
    if (conn->keepAliveCount > 0) {
        httpSetHeaderString(conn, "Connection", "Keep-Alive");
    } else {
        httpSetHeaderString(conn, "Connection", "close");
Пример #2
static void setDefaultHeaders(HttpStream *stream)
    HttpAuthType    *ap;


    if (stream->username && stream->authType && ((ap = httpLookupAuthType(stream->authType)) != 0)) {
        if ((ap->setAuth)(stream, stream->username, stream->password)) {
            stream->authRequested = 1;
    if (stream->net->protocol < 2) {
        if (stream->port != 80 && stream->port != 443) {
            if (schr(stream->ip, ':')) {
                httpAddHeader(stream, "Host", "[%s]:%d", stream->ip, stream->port);
            } else {
                httpAddHeader(stream, "Host", "%s:%d", stream->ip, stream->port);
        } else {
            httpAddHeaderString(stream, "Host", stream->ip);
        if (stream->keepAliveCount > 0) {
            httpSetHeaderString(stream, "Connection", "Keep-Alive");
        } else {
            httpSetHeaderString(stream, "Connection", "close");
    httpAddHeaderString(stream, "Accept", "*/*");
Пример #3
static void myaction(HttpConn *conn)
    HttpQueue   *q;

    q = conn->writeq;
        Set the HTTP response status
    httpSetStatus(conn, 200);

        Add desired headers. "Set" will overwrite, add will create if not already defined.
    httpAddHeaderString(conn, "Content-Type", "text/plain");
    httpSetHeaderString(conn, "Cache-Control", "no-cache");

    httpWrite(q, "<html><title>simpleAction</title><body>\r\n");
    httpWrite(q, "<p>Name: %s</p>\n", httpGetParam(conn, "name", "-"));
    httpWrite(q, "<p>Address: %s</p>\n", httpGetParam(conn, "address", "-"));
    httpWrite(q, "</body></html>\r\n");

        Call finalize output and close the request.
        Delay closing if you want to do asynchronous output and close later.

        Useful things to do in actions
    httpRedirect(conn, 302, "/other-uri");
    httpError(conn, 409, "My message : %d", 5);
Пример #4
    Define headers and create an empty header packet that will be filled later by the pipeline.
static int setClientHeaders(HttpConn *conn)
    HttpAuthType    *authType;


    if (smatch(conn->protocol, "HTTP/1.0")) {
        conn->http10 = 1;
    if (conn->authType && (authType = httpLookupAuthType(conn->authType)) != 0) {
        conn->setCredentials = 1;
    if (conn->port != 80) {
        httpAddHeader(conn, "Host", "%s:%d", conn->ip, conn->port);
    } else {
        httpAddHeaderString(conn, "Host", conn->ip);
    if (conn->http10 && !smatch(conn->tx->method, "GET")) {
        conn->keepAliveCount = 0;
    if (conn->keepAliveCount > 0) {
        httpSetHeaderString(conn, "Connection", "Keep-Alive");
    } else {
        httpSetHeaderString(conn, "Connection", "close");
    return 0;
Пример #5
PUBLIC HttpTx *httpCreateTx(HttpConn *conn, MprHash *headers)
    HttpTx      *tx;

    if ((tx = mprAllocObj(HttpTx, manageTx)) == 0) {
        return 0;
    conn->tx = tx;
    tx->conn = conn;
    tx->status = HTTP_CODE_OK;
    tx->length = -1;
    tx->entityLength = -1;
    tx->chunkSize = -1;

    tx->queue[HTTP_QUEUE_TX] = httpCreateQueueHead(conn, "TxHead");
    conn->writeq = tx->queue[HTTP_QUEUE_TX]->nextQ;
    tx->queue[HTTP_QUEUE_RX] = httpCreateQueueHead(conn, "RxHead");
    conn->readq = tx->queue[HTTP_QUEUE_RX]->prevQ;

    if (headers) {
        tx->headers = headers;
    } else {
        tx->headers = mprCreateHash(HTTP_SMALL_HASH_SIZE, MPR_HASH_CASELESS);
        if (!conn->endpoint) {
            httpAddHeaderString(conn, "User-Agent", sclone(BIT_HTTP_SOFTWARE));
    return tx;
Пример #6
    Add a http header if not already defined
void espAddHeader(HttpConn *conn, cchar *key, cchar *fmt, ...)
    va_list     vargs;

    mprAssert(key && *key);
    mprAssert(fmt && *fmt);

    va_start(vargs, fmt);
    httpAddHeaderString(conn, key, sfmt(fmt, vargs));
Пример #7
    The current request has an error and cannot complete as normal. This call sets the Http response status and 
    overrides the normal output with an alternate error message. If the output has alread started (headers sent), then
    the connection MUST be closed so the client can get some indication the request failed.
static void errorv(HttpConn *conn, int flags, cchar *fmt, va_list args)
    HttpRx      *rx;
    HttpTx      *tx;
    cchar       *uri;
    int         status;

    rx = conn->rx;
    tx = conn->tx;

    if (conn == 0) {
    status = flags & HTTP_CODE_MASK;
    if (status == 0) {
    if (flags & (HTTP_ABORT | HTTP_CLOSE)) {
        conn->keepAliveCount = 0;
    if (flags & HTTP_ABORT) {
        conn->connError = 1;
        if (rx) {
            rx->eof = 1;
    if (!conn->error) {
        conn->error = 1;
        conn->errorMsg = formatErrorv(conn, status, fmt, args);
        mprLog(2, "Error: %s", conn->errorMsg);

        if (conn->endpoint) {
            if (status == HTTP_CODE_NOT_FOUND) {
                httpMonitorEvent(conn, HTTP_COUNTER_NOT_FOUND_ERRORS, 1);
            httpMonitorEvent(conn, HTTP_COUNTER_ERRORS, 1);
        httpAddHeaderString(conn, "Cache-Control", "no-cache");
        if (conn->endpoint && tx && rx) {
            if (tx->flags & HTTP_TX_HEADERS_CREATED) {
                    If the response headers have been sent, must let the other side of the failure ... aborting
                    the request is the only way as the status has been sent.
                flags |= HTTP_ABORT;
            } else {
                if (rx->route && (uri = httpLookupRouteErrorDocument(rx->route, tx->status)) && !smatch(uri, rx->uri)) {
                    errorRedirect(conn, uri);
                } else {
                    makeAltBody(conn, status);
    if (flags & HTTP_ABORT) {
Пример #8
    Add a header string if not already defined
void espAddHeaderString(HttpConn *conn, cchar *key, cchar *value)
    httpAddHeaderString(conn, key, value);
Пример #9
PUBLIC ssize espRenderRec(HttpConn *conn, EdiRec *rec, int flags)
    httpAddHeaderString(conn, "Content-Type", "application/json");
    return espRender(conn, "{\"data\": %s, \"schema\": %s}", ediRecAsJson(rec, flags), ediGetRecSchemaAsJson(rec));
Пример #10
PUBLIC ssize espRenderGrid(HttpConn *conn, EdiGrid *grid, int flags)
    httpAddHeaderString(conn, "Content-Type", "application/json");
    return espRender(conn, "{\n  \"schema\": %s,\n  \"data\": %s}\n", ediGetGridSchemaAsJson(grid), ediGridAsJson(grid, flags));
Пример #11
PUBLIC void espShowRequest(HttpConn *conn)
    MprHash     *env;
    MprJson     *params, *param;
    MprKey      *kp;
    MprJson     *jkey;
    HttpRx      *rx;
    int         i;

    rx = conn->rx;
    httpAddHeaderString(conn, "Cache-Control", "no-cache");
    espRender(conn, "\r\n");

    for (ITERATE_JSON(rx->params, jkey, i)) {
        espRender(conn, "PARAMS %s=%s\r\n", jkey->name, jkey->value ? jkey->value : "null");
    espRender(conn, "\r\n");

        Http Headers
    env = espGetHeaderHash(conn);
    for (ITERATE_KEYS(env, kp)) {
        espRender(conn, "HEADER %s=%s\r\n", kp->key, kp->data ? kp->data: "null");
    espRender(conn, "\r\n");

        Server vars
    for (ITERATE_KEYS(conn->rx->svars, kp)) {
        espRender(conn, "SERVER %s=%s\r\n", kp->key, kp->data ? kp->data: "null");
    espRender(conn, "\r\n");

        Form vars
    if ((params = espGetParams(conn)) != 0) {
        for (ITERATE_JSON(params, param, i)) {
            espRender(conn, "FORM %s=%s\r\n", param->name, param->value);
        espRender(conn, "\r\n");

#if KEEP
    q = conn->readq;
    if (q->first && rx->bytesRead > 0 && scmp(rx->mimeType, "application/x-www-form-urlencoded") == 0) {
        buf = q->first->content;
        if ((numKeys = getParams(&keys, mprGetBufStart(buf), (int) mprGetBufLength(buf))) > 0) {
            for (i = 0; i < (numKeys * 2); i += 2) {
                value = keys[i+1];
                espRender(conn, "BODY %s=%s\r\n", keys[i], value ? value: "null");
        espRender(conn, "\r\n");
Пример #12
    Set headers for httpWriteHeaders. This defines standard headers.
static void setHeaders(HttpConn *conn, HttpPacket *packet)
    HttpRx      *rx;
    HttpTx      *tx;
    HttpRoute   *route;
    HttpRange   *range;
    MprKeyValue *item;
    MprOff      length;
    cchar       *mimeType;
    int         next;

    assert(packet->flags == HTTP_PACKET_HEADER);

    rx = conn->rx;
    tx = conn->tx;
    route = rx->route;

        Mandatory headers that must be defined here use httpSetHeader which overwrites existing values. 
    httpAddHeaderString(conn, "Date", conn->http->currentDate);

    if (tx->ext && route) {
        if ((mimeType = (char*) mprLookupMime(route->mimeTypes, tx->ext)) != 0) {
            if (conn->error) {
                httpAddHeaderString(conn, "Content-Type", "text/html");
            } else {
                httpAddHeaderString(conn, "Content-Type", mimeType);
    if (tx->etag) {
        httpAddHeader(conn, "ETag", "%s", tx->etag);
    length = tx->length > 0 ? tx->length : 0;
    if (rx->flags & HTTP_HEAD) {
        conn->tx->flags |= HTTP_TX_NO_BODY;
        httpDiscardData(conn, HTTP_QUEUE_TX);
        if (tx->chunkSize <= 0) {
            httpAddHeader(conn, "Content-Length", "%Ld", length);

    } else if (tx->length < 0 && tx->chunkSize > 0) {
        httpSetHeaderString(conn, "Transfer-Encoding", "chunked");

    } else if (conn->endpoint) {
        /* Server must not emit a content length header for 1XX, 204 and 304 status */
        if (!((100 <= tx->status && tx->status <= 199) || tx->status == 204 || 
                tx->status == 304 || tx->flags & HTTP_TX_NO_LENGTH)) {
            httpAddHeader(conn, "Content-Length", "%Ld", length);

    } else if (tx->length > 0) {
        /* client with body */
        httpAddHeader(conn, "Content-Length", "%Ld", length);
    if (tx->outputRanges) {
        if (tx->outputRanges->next == 0) {
            range = tx->outputRanges;
            if (tx->entityLength > 0) {
                httpSetHeader(conn, "Content-Range", "bytes %Ld-%Ld/%Ld", range->start, range->end - 1, tx->entityLength);
            } else {
                httpSetHeader(conn, "Content-Range", "bytes %Ld-%Ld/*", range->start, range->end - 1);
        } else {
            httpSetHeader(conn, "Content-Type", "multipart/byteranges; boundary=%s", tx->rangeBoundary);
        httpSetHeader(conn, "Accept-Ranges", "bytes");
    if (conn->endpoint) {
        if (!(route->flags & HTTP_ROUTE_STEALTH)) {
            httpAddHeaderString(conn, "Server", conn->http->software);
            If keepAliveCount == 1
        if (--conn->keepAliveCount > 0) {
            assert(conn->keepAliveCount >= 1);
            httpAddHeaderString(conn, "Connection", "Keep-Alive");
            httpAddHeader(conn, "Keep-Alive", "timeout=%Ld, max=%d", conn->limits->inactivityTimeout / 1000, conn->keepAliveCount);
        } else {
            /* Tell the peer to close the connection */
            httpAddHeaderString(conn, "Connection", "close");
        if (route->flags & HTTP_ROUTE_CORS) {
            Apply response headers
        for (ITERATE_ITEMS(route->headers, item, next)) {
            if (item->flags == HTTP_ROUTE_ADD_HEADER) {
                httpAddHeaderString(conn, item->key, item->value);
            } else if (item->flags == HTTP_ROUTE_APPEND_HEADER) {
                httpAppendHeaderString(conn, item->key, item->value);
            } else if (item->flags == HTTP_ROUTE_REMOVE_HEADER) {
                httpRemoveHeader(conn, item->key);
            } else if (item->flags == HTTP_ROUTE_SET_HEADER) {
                httpSetHeaderString(conn, item->key, item->value);