void WorldController::save(const QString &pk) { if (httpRequest().method() != Tf::Post) { return; } QString error; World world = World::get(pk.toUInt()); if (world.isNull()) { error = "Original data not found. It may have been updated/removed by another transaction."; tflash(error); redirect(urla("edit", pk)); return; } QVariantMap form = httpRequest().formItems("world"); world.setProperties(form); if (world.save()) { QString notice = "Updated successfully."; tflash(notice); redirect(urla("show", pk)); } else { error = "Failed to update."; texport(error); renderEdit(form); } }
void MarketingunitController::save(const QString &pk) { if (httpRequest().method() != Tf::Post) { return; } QString error; auto marketingunit = Marketingunit::get(pk.toInt()); if (marketingunit.isNull()) { error = "Original data not found. It may have been updated/removed by another transaction."; tflash(error); redirect(urla("edit", pk)); return; } auto form = httpRequest().formItems("marketingunit"); marketingunit.setProperties(form); if (marketingunit.save()) { QString notice = "Updated successfully."; tflash(notice); redirect(urla("show", pk)); } else { error = "Failed to update."; texport(error); renderEdit(form); } }
void SessionController::login() { if (httpRequest().method() != Tf::Post) { return; } QString password_md5; QByteArray bb; QString username = httpRequest().formItemValue("username"); QString password = httpRequest().formItemValue("password"); bb = QCryptographicHash::hash ( password.toLocal8Bit(), QCryptographicHash::Md5 ); password_md5.append(bb.toHex()); Admin admin = Admin::authenticate(username, password_md5); if(!admin.isNull()) { userLogin(&admin); redirect(QUrl("/admin/dashboard")); } else { QString message = "Login failed"; texport(message); redirect(url("session", "form")); } }
void CmsController::savemanager(const QString &pk) { QString adminID = session().value("adminID").toString(); if (httpRequest().method() != Tf::Post) { return; } QString error; auto assetsunitmanager = Assetsunitmanager::get(pk); if (assetsunitmanager.isNull()) { error = "Original data not found. It may have been updated/removed by another transaction."; tflash(error); redirect(urla("change", pk)); return; } Cms a; if(!a.update_manager(adminID,pk)) { return; } auto form = httpRequest().formItems("assetsunitmanager"); assetsunitmanager.setProperties(form); if (assetsunitmanager.save()) { redirect(urla("list_manager")); } else { error = "Failed to update."; texport(error); renderEdit(form); } }
void EntryController::save(const QString &pk) { if (httpRequest().method() != Tf::Post) { return; } QString error; Entry entry = Entry::get(pk.toInt()); if (entry.isNull()) { error = "Original data not found. It may have been updated/removed by another transaction."; tflash(error); redirect(urla("edit", pk)); return; } entry.setProperties( httpRequest().formItems("entry") ); if (entry.save()) { QString notice = "Updated successfully."; tflash(notice); } else { error = "Failed to update."; tflash(error); } redirect(urla("show", pk)); }
void CmsController::search_manager() { if(httpRequest().method() != Tf::Post){ return; } auto form = httpRequest().formItems("assetsunitmanager"); QString managerID = form["managerID"].toString(); redirect(urla("show_manager", managerID)); }
void CmsController::search_operator() { if(httpRequest().method() != Tf::Post){ return; } auto form = httpRequest().formItems("operators"); QString operatorID = form["operatorID"].toString(); redirect(urla("show_operator", operatorID)); }
void MarketingunitController::showform() { QString start = httpRequest().formItemValue("start"); QString end = httpRequest().formItemValue("end"); QString error; QList<Marketingunit> list; TSqlQuery query; int c=0; if(start.isEmpty()&&end.isEmpty()) { query.exec("SELECT * FROM CMS.marketingunit ORDER BY MUdate;"); } else if(start.isEmpty()||end.isEmpty()) { error="请输入日期"; tflash(error); redirect(urla("reportform")); return; } else if(start>end) { error="起始日期应小于截止日期"; tflash(error); redirect(urla("reportform")); return; } else { query.exec("SELECT * FROM CMS.marketingunit WHERE MUdate BETWEEN '"+start+"' AND '"+end+"' ORDER BY MUdate;"); } while(query.next()) { Marketingunit a; a.setMuid(query.value(0).toInt()); a.setMuvalue(query.value(1).toInt()); a.setMusname(query.value(2).toString()); a.setMuname(query.value(3).toString()); a.setMudate(query.value(4).toDate()); a.setSrcUnitID(query.value(5).toInt()); a.setDestUnitID(query.value(6).toInt()); a.setOperatorID(query.value(7).toString()); c=a.muvalue()+c; list.append(a); } if(list.isEmpty()) { error="所选日期内无记录"; tflash(error); redirect(urla("reportform")); return; } texport(list); texport(c); render(); }
/* Run the web client to retrieve a URI This will create the MPR and Http service on demand. As such, it is not the most efficient way to run a web request. @return HTTP status code or negative MPR error code. Returns a malloc string in response. */ PUBLIC int maRunWebClient(cchar *method, cchar *uri, cchar *data, char **response, char **err) { Mpr *mpr; HttpConn *conn; int status; if (err) { *err = 0; } if (response) { *response = 0; } if ((mpr = mprCreate(0, NULL, 0)) == 0) { mprLog("error appweb", 0, "Cannot create the MPR runtime"); return MPR_ERR_CANT_CREATE; } if (mprStart() < 0) { mprLog("error appweb", 0, "Cannot start the web server runtime"); return MPR_ERR_CANT_INITIALIZE; } httpCreate(HTTP_CLIENT_SIDE); conn = httpRequest(method, uri, data, err); status = httpGetStatus(conn); if (response) { *response = httpReadString(conn); } mprDestroy(); return status; }
int CMDWifi::read() { // if three seconds have passed since your last connection, // then connect again and send data: if (millis() - lastConnectionTime > postingInterval) { httpRequest(urlPars); } char buffer[50] = ""; int recording = 0; int i = 0; // if there is a message waiting from the server while (client.available()) { char c = client.read(); if ((recording == 0 && c == 13) || // dumps all characters until (recording == 1 && c == 10) || // a sequence of 13 10 13 10 (CR LF CR LF) (recording == 2 && c == 13) || // is detected, then records (recording == 3 && c == 10)) // to buffer recording++; else if (recording != 4) recording = 0; else buffer[i++] = c; } if (buffer[0] != '\0') { // if buffer is not empty buffer[i++] = '\0'; // append \0 to terminate string return atoi(buffer); // return buffer as an integer } else return -1; }
String GAE(String link) { httpRequest(link); delay(10000); String readString = ""; //Reset string while (client.available() > 0) { char s = client.read(); //Serial.print(s); //Complete response w/ headers. For dev mode. if (s== '\n') { char c = client.read(); //Serial.print(c); //Parsed response. For dev mode. if (c == '\r') { while (client.connected()) { char z = client.read(); readString += z; } } } } client.stop(); return(readString); }
void loop() { // if there's incoming data from the net connection. // send it out the serial port. This is for debugging // purposes only: if (client.available()) { char c = client.read(); Serial.print(c); } // if there's no net connection, but there was one last time // through the loop, then stop the client: if (!client.connected() && lastConnected) { Serial.println(); Serial.println("disconnecting."); client.stop(); } // if you're not connected, and ten seconds have passed since // your last connection, then connect again and send data: if(!client.connected() && (millis() - lastConnectionTime > postingInterval)) { httpRequest(); } // store the state of the connection for next time through // the loop: lastConnected = client.connected(); }
void CmsController::operatorlogin() { if(httpRequest().method() != Tf::Post){ return; } auto form = httpRequest().formItems("cms"); Cms cms; if(cms.operatorlogin(form)){ a = form["numberID"].toString(); session().insert("operatorID",a); redirect(url("assetsunit","index")); }else{ QString error = "NumberID or Password Error"; tflash(error); redirect(urla("operator_login")); } }
void CmsController::adminlogin() { if(httpRequest().method() != Tf::Post){ return; } auto form = httpRequest().formItems("cms"); Cms cms; if(cms.adminlogin(form)){ b = form["numberID"].toString(); session().insert("adminID",b); redirect(urla("admin_center",b)); }else{ QString error = "NumberID or Password Error"; tflash(error); redirect(urla("admin_login")); } }
void EntryController::create() { if (httpRequest().method() != Tf::Post) { return; } Entry entry = Entry::create( httpRequest().formItems("entry") ); if (!entry.isNull()) { QString notice = "Created successfully."; tflash(notice); redirect(urla("show", entry.id())); } else { QString error = "Failed to create."; texport(error); render("entry"); } }
std::string HttpServer::TcpMessageReceived(const std::string &msg) { HttpRequestMessage httpRequest(msg); HttpResponseMessage httpResponse = this->HttpMessageReceived(httpRequest); std::string tcpResponse = httpResponse.GetBytes(); return tcpResponse; }
void ParksController::create() { if (httpRequest().method() != Tf::Post) { return; } auto form = httpRequest().formItems("parks"); auto parks = Parks::create(form); if (!parks.isNull()) { QString notice = "Created successfully."; tflash(notice); redirect(urla("show", parks.id())); } else { QString error = "Failed to create."; texport(error); renderEntry(form); } }
void MarketingunitController::create() { if (httpRequest().method() != Tf::Post) { return; } auto form = httpRequest().formItems("marketingunit"); auto marketingunit = Marketingunit::create(form); if (!marketingunit.isNull()) { QString notice = "Created successfully."; tflash(notice); redirect(urla("show", marketingunit.muid())); } else { QString error = "Failed to create."; texport(error); renderEntry(form); } }
void Burst::MinerSocket::httpRequestAsync(const std::string method, const std::string url, const std::string body, const std::string header, std::function< void ( std::string ) > responseCallback ) { std::string response = httpRequest(method, url, body, header); responseCallback(response); }
void WorldController::create() { if (httpRequest().method() != Tf::Post) { return; } QVariantMap form = httpRequest().formItems("world"); World world = World::create(form); if (!world.isNull()) { QString notice = "Created successfully."; tflash(notice); redirect(urla("show", world.id())); } else { QString error = "Failed to create."; texport(error); renderEntry(form); } }
void AssetsunitmanagerController::create() { if (httpRequest().method() != Tf::Post) { return; } auto form = httpRequest().formItems("assetsunitmanager"); auto assetsunitmanager = Assetsunitmanager::create(form); if (!assetsunitmanager.isNull()) { QString notice = "Created successfully."; tflash(notice); redirect(urla("Cms/list_manager")); } else { QString error = "Failed to create."; texport(error); renderEntry(form); } }
QString codes_entryView::toString() { responsebody.reserve(4599); tfetch(QVariantMap, codes); responsebody += tr("\n<h3>"); responsebody += THttpUtility::htmlEscape(H::tr("Adding new code")); responsebody += tr("</h3>\n\n"); responsebody += QVariant(formTag(H::createUrl({"codes", "create"}, httpRequest().queryItemValue("page", "1")), Tf::Post, true)).toString(); responsebody += tr("\n\n\n <div class=\"field\">\n <label>"); responsebody += THttpUtility::htmlEscape(H::tr("Title")); responsebody += tr("</label>\n <input type=\"text\" name=\"codes[title]\" value=\"\" style=\"width: 400px\" class=\"form-input\" />\n </div>\n <div class=\"bbcodes\">\n <div class=\"bold\">\n "); responsebody += QVariant(linkTo("B", QUrl("#"), Tf::Get, "", a("class", "bbcode html") | a("data-editor", "b"))).toString(); responsebody += tr("\n "); responsebody += QVariant(linkTo("I", QUrl("#"), Tf::Get, "", a("class", "bbcode cursive") | a("data-editor", "i"))).toString(); responsebody += tr("\n "); responsebody += QVariant(linkTo("U", QUrl("#"), Tf::Get, "", a("class", "bbcode underline") | a("data-editor", "u"))).toString(); responsebody += tr("\n "); responsebody += QVariant(linkTo("S", QUrl("#"), Tf::Get, "", a("class", "bbcode del") | a("data-editor", "s"))).toString(); responsebody += tr("\n "); responsebody += QVariant(linkTo("IMG", QUrl("#"), Tf::Get, "", a("class", "bbcode html") | a("data-editor", "img"))).toString(); responsebody += tr("\n "); responsebody += QVariant(linkTo("URL", QUrl("#"), Tf::Get, "", a("class", "bbcode html") | a("data-editor", "url"))).toString(); responsebody += tr("\n </div>\n "); for(const auto& tag: H::codesTitles().toStdMap()) {; responsebody += tr(" "); responsebody += QVariant(linkTo(tag.first, QUrl("#"), Tf::Get, a("class", "bbcode") | a("data-editor", tag.second))).toString(); responsebody += tr("\n "); }; responsebody += tr(" </div>\n <br>\n <div class=\"field\" style=\"\">\n\n <textarea rows=\"15\" style=\"width:700px\" class=\"editor\" data-editor=\"javascript\" class=\"form-input\" required></textarea>\n </div>\n<input type=\"hidden\" id=\"code\" name=\"codes[code]\" value=\"\">\n\n <div class=\"field\">\n <small><i>"); responsebody += THttpUtility::htmlEscape(H::tr("Note: If picture less than 150x150, it will be resized to it")); responsebody += tr("</i></small><br>\n <label>"); responsebody += THttpUtility::htmlEscape(H::tr("Image")); responsebody += tr("</label>\n <input type=\"file\" name=\"attachments[]\" multiple>\n </div>\n\n"); if(controller()->isUserLoggedIn()) {; responsebody += tr(" <div class=\"field\">\n <label>"); responsebody += THttpUtility::htmlEscape(H::tr("Status")); responsebody += tr("</label>\n <input type=\"checkbox\" name=\"codes[status]\" value=\"1\" checked>\n </div>\n <div class=\"field\">\n <label>"); responsebody += THttpUtility::htmlEscape(H::tr("Editable")); responsebody += tr("</label>\n <input type=\"checkbox\" name=\"codes[editable]\" value=\"1\" checked>\n </div>\n <div class=\"field\">\n <label>"); responsebody += THttpUtility::htmlEscape(H::tr("Show from")); responsebody += tr("</label>\n <input type=\"text\" name=\"codes[showFrom]\" value=\"\">\n </div>\n"); } else {; responsebody += tr("\n"); tfetch(QString, captcha); responsebody += tr("\n<div class=\"field\">\n <img id=\"captcha_code\" src=\"data:image/png;base64,"); responsebody += THttpUtility::htmlEscape(captcha); responsebody += tr("\"><br>\n <small><a href=\"#\" id=\"update_captcha\" class=\"link\">"); responsebody += THttpUtility::htmlEscape(H::tr("Update code")); responsebody += tr("</a></small><br>\n <input type=\"text\" name=\"captcha\" value=\"\">\n</div>\n<script type=\"text/javascript\">\n$(\"#update_captcha\").click(function() {\n $.post('/captcha.html', function(data) {\n $(\"#captcha_code\").attr(\"src\", \"data:image/png;base64,\" + data);\n })\n return false;\n})\n</script>\n\n"); }; responsebody += tr(" <div class=\"actions\" style=\"margin-top: 20px;\">\n <input type=\"submit\" id=\"save_code\" value=\""); responsebody += THttpUtility::htmlEscape(H::tr("Save")); responsebody += tr("\" />\n </div>\n </form>\n"); return responsebody; }
void FortuneController::remove(const QString &pk) { if (httpRequest().method() != Tf::Post) { return; } Fortune fortune = Fortune::get(pk.toUInt()); fortune.remove(); redirect(urla("index")); }
void WorldController::remove(const QString &pk) { if (httpRequest().method() != Tf::Post) { return; } World world = World::get(pk.toUInt()); world.remove(); redirect(urla("index")); }
void AssetsunitmanagerController::remove(const QString &pk) { if (httpRequest().method() != Tf::Post) { return; } auto assetsunitmanager = Assetsunitmanager::get(pk.toInt()); assetsunitmanager.remove(); redirect(urla("index")); }
void ParksController::remove(const QString &pk) { if (httpRequest().method() != Tf::Post) { return; } auto parks = Parks::get(pk.toInt()); parks.remove(); redirect(urla("index")); }
void MarketingunitController::remove(const QString &pk) { if (httpRequest().method() != Tf::Post) { return; } auto marketingunit = Marketingunit::get(pk.toInt()); marketingunit.remove(); redirect(urla("index")); }
void EntryController::remove(const QString &pk) { if (httpRequest().method() != Tf::Post) { return; } Entry entry = Entry::get(pk.toInt()); entry.remove(); redirect(urla("index")); }
void CmsController::createmanager() { QString adminID = session().value("adminID").toString(); if (httpRequest().method() != Tf::Post) { return; } auto form = httpRequest().formItems("assetsunitmanager"); QString managerID = form["managerID"].toString(); Assetsunitmanager a; auto assetsunitmanager = a.create(form); if(!assetsunitmanager.isNull() && a.new_manager(adminID,managerID)){ // QString adminID = session().value("adminID").toString(); redirect(urla("list_manager")); }else{ QString error = "资产管理人编号已经存在!"; texport(error); renderEntry2(form); } }
void MarketingunitController::searching(){ QString val = httpRequest().formItemValue("muid"); QString error; auto marketingunit = Marketingunit::get(val.toInt()); if (marketingunit.isNull()) { error = "关键字不存在"; tflash(error); redirect(urla("index")); return; }else{ redirect(urla("showsearch", val));} }