Пример #1
    Create a new server. A server may manage may multiple servers and virtual hosts. 
    If ip/port endpoint is supplied, this call will create a Server on that endpoint. Otherwise, 
    maConfigureServer should be called later. A default route is created with the document root set to "."
PUBLIC MaServer *maCreateServer(MaAppweb *appweb, cchar *name)
    MaServer    *server;
    HttpHost    *host;
    HttpRoute   *route;


    if ((server = mprAllocObj(MaServer, manageServer)) == NULL) {
        return 0;
    if (name == 0 || *name == '\0') {
        name = "default";
    server->name = sclone(name);
    server->endpoints = mprCreateList(-1, 0);
    server->limits = httpCreateLimits(1);
    server->appweb = appweb;
    server->http = appweb->http;

    server->defaultHost = host = httpCreateHost(NULL);
    if (!httpGetDefaultHost()) {
    route = httpCreateRoute(host);
    httpSetRouteName(route, "default");
    //UNUSED httpSetRoutePrefix(route, "");
    httpSetHostDefaultRoute(host, route);
    route->limits = server->limits;

    maAddServer(appweb, server);
    if (appweb->defaultServer == 0) {
        maSetDefaultServer(appweb, server);
    return server;
Пример #2
    function listen(endpoint): Void

    An endpoint can be either a "port" or "ip:port", or null. If hosted, this call does little -- just add to the
    ejs->httpServers list.
static EjsVoid *hs_listen(Ejs *ejs, EjsHttpServer *sp, int argc, EjsObj **argv)
    HttpEndpoint    *endpoint;
    HttpHost        *host;
    HttpRoute       *route;
    EjsString       *address;
    EjsObj          *loc;
    EjsPath         *documents;

    if (!sp->hosted) {
        loc = (argc >= 1) ? argv[0] : ESV(null);
        if (loc != ESV(null)) {
            address = ejsToString(ejs, loc);
            mprParseSocketAddress(address->value, &sp->ip, &sp->port, 0);
        } else {
            address = 0;
        if (address == 0) {
            ejsThrowArgError(ejs, "Missing listen endpoint");
            return 0;
        if (sp->endpoint) {
            sp->endpoint = 0;
            The endpoint uses the ejsDispatcher. This is VERY important. All connections will inherit this also.
            This serializes all activity on one dispatcher.
        if ((endpoint = httpCreateEndpoint(sp->ip, sp->port, ejs->dispatcher)) == 0) {
            ejsThrowIOError(ejs, "Cannot create Http endpoint object");
            return 0;
        sp->endpoint = endpoint;
        host = httpCreateHost(NULL);
        httpSetHostIpAddr(host, sp->ip, sp->port);

        route = httpCreateConfiguredRoute(host, 1);
        httpSetRouteName(route, "default");
        httpAddRouteHandler(route, "ejsHandler", "");
        httpSetRouteTarget(route, "run", 0);
        httpSetHostDefaultRoute(host, route);

        httpAddHostToEndpoint(endpoint, host);

        if (sp->limits) {
            ejsSetHttpLimits(ejs, endpoint->limits, sp->limits, 1);
        if (sp->incomingStages || sp->outgoingStages || sp->connector) {
            setHttpPipeline(ejs, sp);
        if (sp->ssl) {
            httpSecureEndpoint(endpoint, sp->ssl);
        if (sp->name) {
            httpSetHostIpAddr(host, sp->name, -1);
        httpSetSoftware(endpoint->http, EJS_HTTPSERVER_NAME);
        httpSetEndpointAsync(endpoint, sp->async);
        httpSetEndpointContext(endpoint, sp);
        httpSetEndpointNotifier(endpoint, stateChangeNotifier);

            This is only required when http is using non-ejs handlers and/or filters
        documents = ejsGetProperty(ejs, sp, ES_ejs_web_HttpServer_documents);
        if (ejsIs(ejs, documents, Path)) {
            httpSetRouteDir(route, documents->value);
#if KEEP
        //  MOB -- what to do with home?
        //  MOB - if removed, then the "home" property should be removed?
        home = ejsGetProperty(ejs, sp, ES_ejs_web_HttpServer_home);
        if (ejsIs(ejs, home, Path)) {
            httpSetRoutDir(host, home->value);
        if (httpStartEndpoint(endpoint) < 0) {
            sp->endpoint = 0;
            ejsThrowIOError(ejs, "Cannot listen on %s", address->value);
    if (ejs->httpServers == 0) {
       ejs->httpServers = mprCreateList(-1, MPR_LIST_STATIC_VALUES);
    /* Remove to make sure old listening() registrations are removed */
    mprRemoveItem(ejs->httpServers, sp);
    mprAddItem(ejs->httpServers, sp);
    return 0;