Пример #1
void *
hypre_GMRESCreate( hypre_GMRESFunctions *gmres_functions )
   hypre_GMRESData *gmres_data;
   gmres_data = hypre_CTAllocF(hypre_GMRESData, 1, gmres_functions);

   gmres_data->functions = gmres_functions;
   /* set defaults */
   (gmres_data -> k_dim)          = 5;
   (gmres_data -> tol)            = 1.0e-06;
   (gmres_data -> cf_tol)         = 0.0;
   (gmres_data -> min_iter)       = 0;
   (gmres_data -> max_iter)       = 1000;
   (gmres_data -> rel_change)     = 0;
   (gmres_data -> stop_crit)      = 0; /* rel. residual norm */
   (gmres_data -> converged)      = 0;
   (gmres_data -> precond_data)   = NULL;
   (gmres_data -> print_level)    = 0;
   (gmres_data -> logging)        = 0;
   (gmres_data -> p)              = NULL;
   (gmres_data -> r)              = NULL;
   (gmres_data -> w)              = NULL;
   (gmres_data -> matvec_data)    = NULL;
   (gmres_data -> norms)          = NULL;
   (gmres_data -> log_file_name)  = NULL;
   return (void *) gmres_data;
Пример #2
void *
hypre_LGMRESCreate( hypre_LGMRESFunctions *lgmres_functions )
   hypre_LGMRESData *lgmres_data;
   lgmres_data = hypre_CTAllocF(hypre_LGMRESData, 1, lgmres_functions);

   lgmres_data->functions = lgmres_functions;
   /* set defaults */
   (lgmres_data -> k_dim)          = 20;
   (lgmres_data -> tol)            = 1.0e-06;
   (lgmres_data -> cf_tol)         = 0.0;
   (lgmres_data -> a_tol)          = 0.0; /* abs. residual tol */
   (lgmres_data -> min_iter)       = 0;
   (lgmres_data -> max_iter)       = 1000;
   (lgmres_data -> rel_change)     = 0;
   (lgmres_data -> stop_crit)      = 0; /* rel. residual norm */
   (lgmres_data -> converged)      = 0;
   (lgmres_data -> precond_data)   = NULL;
   (lgmres_data -> print_level)    = 0;
   (lgmres_data -> logging)        = 0;
   (lgmres_data -> p)              = NULL;
   (lgmres_data -> r)              = NULL;
   (lgmres_data -> w)              = NULL;
   (lgmres_data -> w_2)            = NULL;
   (lgmres_data -> matvec_data)    = NULL;
   (lgmres_data -> norms)          = NULL;
   (lgmres_data -> log_file_name)  = NULL;
 /* lgmres specific */
   (lgmres_data -> aug_dim)         = 2;
   (lgmres_data -> approx_constant) = 1;

   return (void *) lgmres_data;
Пример #3
hypre_LGMRESSolve(void  *lgmres_vdata,
                 void  *A,
                 void  *b,
		 void  *x)
   hypre_LGMRESData  *lgmres_data   = (hypre_LGMRESData *)lgmres_vdata;
   hypre_LGMRESFunctions *lgmres_functions = lgmres_data->functions;
   HYPRE_Int 		     k_dim        = (lgmres_data -> k_dim);
   HYPRE_Int               min_iter     = (lgmres_data -> min_iter);
   HYPRE_Int 		     max_iter     = (lgmres_data -> max_iter);
   HYPRE_Real 	     r_tol        = (lgmres_data -> tol);
   HYPRE_Real 	     cf_tol       = (lgmres_data -> cf_tol);
   HYPRE_Real        a_tol        = (lgmres_data -> a_tol);
   void             *matvec_data  = (lgmres_data -> matvec_data);

   void             *r            = (lgmres_data -> r);
   void             *w            = (lgmres_data -> w);

   void            **p            = (lgmres_data -> p);

   /* lgmres  mod*/
   void          **aug_vecs       = (lgmres_data ->aug_vecs);
   void          **a_aug_vecs     = (lgmres_data ->a_aug_vecs);
   HYPRE_Int            *aug_order      = (lgmres_data->aug_order);
   HYPRE_Int             aug_dim        = (lgmres_data -> aug_dim);
   HYPRE_Int             approx_constant=  (lgmres_data ->approx_constant);
   HYPRE_Int             it_arnoldi, aug_ct, it_total, ii, order, it_aug;
   HYPRE_Int             spot = 0;
   HYPRE_Real      tmp_norm, r_norm_last;

   HYPRE_Int 	           (*precond)(void*,void*,void*,void*)   = (lgmres_functions -> precond);
   HYPRE_Int 	            *precond_data = (HYPRE_Int*)(lgmres_data -> precond_data);

   HYPRE_Int             print_level    = (lgmres_data -> print_level);
   HYPRE_Int             logging        = (lgmres_data -> logging);

   HYPRE_Real     *norms          = (lgmres_data -> norms);
   HYPRE_Int        break_value = 0;
   HYPRE_Int	      i, j, k;
   HYPRE_Real *rs, **hh, *c, *s; 
   HYPRE_Int        iter; 
   HYPRE_Int        my_id, num_procs;
   HYPRE_Real epsilon, gamma, t, r_norm, b_norm, den_norm;
   HYPRE_Real epsmac = 1.e-16; 
   HYPRE_Real ieee_check = 0.;

   HYPRE_Real cf_ave_0 = 0.0;
   HYPRE_Real cf_ave_1 = 0.0;
   HYPRE_Real weight;
   HYPRE_Real r_norm_0;

   /* We are not checking rel. change for now... */

   (lgmres_data -> converged) = 0;
    * With relative change convergence test on, it is possible to attempt
    * another iteration with a zero residual. This causes the parameter
    * alpha to go NaN. The guard_zero_residual parameter is to circumvent
    * this. Perhaps it should be set to something non-zero (but small).

   if ( logging>0 || print_level>0 )
      norms          = (lgmres_data -> norms);
      /* not used yet      log_file_name  = (lgmres_data -> log_file_name);*/
      /* fp = fopen(log_file_name,"w"); */

   /* initialize work arrays  - lgmres includes aug_dim*/
   rs = hypre_CTAllocF(HYPRE_Real,k_dim+1+aug_dim,lgmres_functions); 
   c = hypre_CTAllocF(HYPRE_Real,k_dim+aug_dim,lgmres_functions); 
   s = hypre_CTAllocF(HYPRE_Real,k_dim+aug_dim,lgmres_functions); 

  /* lgmres mod. - need non-modified hessenberg to avoid aug_dim matvecs */
   hh = hypre_CTAllocF(HYPRE_Real*,k_dim+aug_dim+1,lgmres_functions); 
   for (i=0; i < k_dim+aug_dim+1; i++)
   	hh[i] = hypre_CTAllocF(HYPRE_Real,k_dim+aug_dim,lgmres_functions); 

   /* compute initial residual */
   (*(lgmres_functions->Matvec))(matvec_data,-1.0, A, x, 1.0, p[0]);

   b_norm = sqrt((*(lgmres_functions->InnerProd))(b,b));

   /* Since it is does not diminish performance, attempt to return an error flag
      and notify users when they supply bad input. */
   if (b_norm != 0.) ieee_check = b_norm/b_norm; /* INF -> NaN conversion */
   if (ieee_check != ieee_check)
      /* ...INFs or NaNs in input can make ieee_check a NaN.  This test
         for ieee_check self-equality works on all IEEE-compliant compilers/
         machines, c.f. page 8 of "Lecture Notes on the Status of IEEE 754"
         by W. Kahan, May 31, 1996.  Currently (July 2002) this paper may be
         found at http://HTTP.CS.Berkeley.EDU/~wkahan/ieee754status/IEEE754.PDF */
      if (logging > 0 || print_level > 0)
        hypre_printf("\n\nERROR detected by Hypre ... BEGIN\n");
        hypre_printf("ERROR -- hypre_LGMRESSolve: INFs and/or NaNs detected in input.\n");
        hypre_printf("User probably placed non-numerics in supplied b.\n");
        hypre_printf("Returning error flag += 101.  Program not terminated.\n");
        hypre_printf("ERROR detected by Hypre ... END\n\n\n");
      return hypre_error_flag;

   r_norm = sqrt((*(lgmres_functions->InnerProd))(p[0],p[0]));
   r_norm_0 = r_norm;

   /* Since it is does not diminish performance, attempt to return an error flag
      and notify users when they supply bad input. */
   if (r_norm != 0.) ieee_check = r_norm/r_norm; /* INF -> NaN conversion */
   if (ieee_check != ieee_check)
      /* ...INFs or NaNs in input can make ieee_check a NaN.  This test
         for ieee_check self-equality works on all IEEE-compliant compilers/
         machines, c.f. page 8 of "Lecture Notes on the Status of IEEE 754"
         by W. Kahan, May 31, 1996.  Currently (July 2002) this paper may be
         found at http://HTTP.CS.Berkeley.EDU/~wkahan/ieee754status/IEEE754.PDF */
      if (logging > 0 || print_level > 0)
        hypre_printf("\n\nERROR detected by Hypre ... BEGIN\n");
        hypre_printf("ERROR -- hypre_LGMRESSolve: INFs and/or NaNs detected in input.\n");
        hypre_printf("User probably placed non-numerics in supplied A or x_0.\n");
        hypre_printf("Returning error flag += 101.  Program not terminated.\n");
        hypre_printf("ERROR detected by Hypre ... END\n\n\n");
      return hypre_error_flag;

   if ( logging>0 || print_level > 0)
      norms[0] = r_norm;
      if ( print_level>1 && my_id == 0 )
  	 hypre_printf("L2 norm of b: %e\n", b_norm);
         if (b_norm == 0.0)
            hypre_printf("Rel_resid_norm actually contains the residual norm\n");
         hypre_printf("Initial L2 norm of residual: %e\n", r_norm);
   iter = 0;

   if (b_norm > 0.0)
/* convergence criterion |r_i|/|b| <= accuracy if |b| > 0 */
     den_norm= b_norm;
/* convergence criterion |r_i|/|r0| <= accuracy if |b| = 0 */
     den_norm= r_norm;

  /* convergence criteria: |r_i| <= max( a_tol, r_tol * den_norm)
      den_norm = |r_0| or |b|
      note: default for a_tol is 0.0, so relative residual criteria is used unless
            user specifies a_tol, or sets r_tol = 0.0, which means absolute
            tol only is checked  */
   epsilon = hypre_max(a_tol,r_tol*den_norm);
   /* so now our stop criteria is |r_i| <= epsilon */

   if ( print_level>1 && my_id == 0 )
      if (b_norm > 0.0)
          hypre_printf("Iters     resid.norm     conv.rate  rel.res.norm\n");
          hypre_printf("-----    ------------    ---------- ------------\n");

          hypre_printf("Iters     resid.norm     conv.rate\n");
          hypre_printf("-----    ------------    ----------\n");

/*lgmres initialization */
   for (ii=0; ii<aug_dim; ii++) {
      aug_order[ii] = 0;
   aug_ct = 0; /* number of aug. vectors available */

   /* outer iteration cycle */
   while (iter < max_iter)
   /* initialize first term of hessenberg system */

	rs[0] = r_norm;
        if (r_norm == 0.0)
           for (i=0; i < k_dim+aug_dim+1; i++) {

	   return hypre_error_flag;

        /* see if we are already converged and 
           should print the final norm and exit */
	if (r_norm <= epsilon && iter >= min_iter) 
           r_norm = sqrt((*(lgmres_functions->InnerProd))(r,r));
           if (r_norm  <= epsilon)
              if ( print_level>1 && my_id == 0)
                 hypre_printf("Final L2 norm of residual: %e\n\n", r_norm);
              if ( print_level>0 && my_id == 0)
                 hypre_printf("false convergence 1\n");
      	t = 1.0 / r_norm;
        r_norm_last = r_norm;
	i = 0;

        /* lgmres mod: determine number of arnoldi steps to take */
        /* if approx_constant then we keep the space the same size
           even if we don't have the full number of aug vectors yet*/
        if (approx_constant) {
           it_arnoldi = k_dim - aug_ct;
        } else {
           it_arnoldi = k_dim - aug_dim; 
        it_total =  it_arnoldi + aug_ct;
        it_aug = 0; /* keep track of augmented iterations */

        /***RESTART CYCLE (right-preconditioning) ***/
        while (i < it_total && iter < max_iter)

           /*LGMRES_MOD: decide whether this is an arnoldi step or an aug step */ 
           if ( i <= it_arnoldi) 
           { /* Arnoldi */
              precond(precond_data, A, p[i-1], r);
              (*(lgmres_functions->Matvec))(matvec_data, 1.0, A, r, 0.0, p[i]);
           } else 
           { /*lgmres aug step */
              it_aug ++;
              order = i - it_arnoldi - 1; /* which aug step (note i starts at 1) - aug order number at 0*/ 
              for (ii=0; ii<aug_dim; ii++) 
                 if (aug_order[ii] == order) 
                    spot = ii;
                    break; /* must have this because there will be duplicates before aug_ct = aug_dim */ 
              /* copy a_aug_vecs[spot] to p[i] */ 
              /*note: an alternate implementation choice would be to only save the AUGVECS and
                not A_AUGVEC and then apply the PC here to the augvec */

           /* modified Gram_Schmidt */
           for (j=0; j < i; j++)
              hh[j][i-1] = (*(lgmres_functions->InnerProd))(p[j],p[i]);
           t = sqrt((*(lgmres_functions->InnerProd))(p[i],p[i]));
           hh[i][i-1] = t;	
           if (t != 0.0)
              t = 1.0/t;

           /* done with modified Gram_schmidt and Arnoldi step.
              update factorization of hh */
           for (j = 1; j < i; j++)
              t = hh[j-1][i-1];
              hh[j-1][i-1] = s[j-1]*hh[j][i-1] + c[j-1]*t;
              hh[j][i-1] = -s[j-1]*t + c[j-1]*hh[j][i-1];
           t= hh[i][i-1]*hh[i][i-1];
           t+= hh[i-1][i-1]*hh[i-1][i-1];
           gamma = sqrt(t);
           if (gamma == 0.0) gamma = epsmac;
           c[i-1] = hh[i-1][i-1]/gamma;
           s[i-1] = hh[i][i-1]/gamma;
           rs[i] = -hh[i][i-1]*rs[i-1];
           rs[i]/=  gamma;
           rs[i-1] = c[i-1]*rs[i-1];
           /* determine residual norm */
           hh[i-1][i-1] = s[i-1]*hh[i][i-1] + c[i-1]*hh[i-1][i-1];
           r_norm = fabs(rs[i]);

           /* print ? */
           if ( print_level>0 )
              norms[iter] = r_norm;
              if ( print_level>1 && my_id == 0 )
                 if (b_norm > 0.0)
                    hypre_printf("% 5d    %e    %f   %e\n", iter, 
                    hypre_printf("% 5d    %e    %f\n", iter, norms[iter],
           /*convergence factor tolerance */
           if (cf_tol > 0.0)
              cf_ave_0 = cf_ave_1;
              cf_ave_1 = pow( r_norm / r_norm_0, 1.0/(2.0*iter));
              weight   = fabs(cf_ave_1 - cf_ave_0);
              weight   = weight / hypre_max(cf_ave_1, cf_ave_0);
              weight   = 1.0 - weight;
#if 0
              hypre_printf("I = %d: cf_new = %e, cf_old = %e, weight = %e\n",
                     i, cf_ave_1, cf_ave_0, weight );
              if (weight * cf_ave_1 > cf_tol) 
                 break_value = 1;
           /* should we exit the restart cycle? (conv. check) */
           if (r_norm <= epsilon && iter >= min_iter)

	} /*** end of restart cycle ***/

	/* now compute solution, first solve upper triangular system */

	if (break_value) break;
	rs[i-1] = rs[i-1]/hh[i-1][i-1];
	for (k = i-2; k >= 0; k--)
           t = 0.0;
           for (j = k+1; j < i; j++)
              t -= hh[k][j]*rs[j];
           t+= rs[k];
           rs[k] = t/hh[k][k];
        /* form linear combination of p's to get solution */
        /* put the new aug_vector in aug_vecs[aug_dim]  - a temp position*/	
        /* i = number of iterations */  
        /* it_aug = number of augmented iterations */ 
        /* it_arnoldi = number of arnoldi iterations */

        /*check if exited early before all arnoldi its */
        if (it_arnoldi > i) it_arnoldi = i; 

        if (!it_aug)
           for (j = i-2; j >=0; j--)
              (*(lgmres_functions->Axpy))(rs[j], p[j], w);
        else /* need some of the augvecs */

           /* reg. arnoldi directions */  
           for (j = 1; j < it_arnoldi; j++) /*first one already done */
              (*(lgmres_functions->Axpy))(rs[j], p[j], w);
           /* augment directions */
           for (ii=0; ii<it_aug; ii++) 
              for (j=0; j<aug_dim; j++) 
                 if (aug_order[j] == ii) 
                    spot = j;
                    break; /* must have this because there will be
                            * duplicates before aug_ct = aug_dim */ 
              (*(lgmres_functions->Axpy))(rs[it_arnoldi+ii], aug_vecs[spot], w);

        /* grab the new aug vector before the prec*/
	/* find correction (in r) (un-wind precond.)*/
        precond(precond_data, A, w, r);

        /* update current solution x (in x) */

        /* check for convergence by evaluating the actual residual */
	if (r_norm <= epsilon && iter >= min_iter) 
           /* calculate actual residual norm*/
           r_norm = sqrt( (*(lgmres_functions->InnerProd))(r,r) );
           if (r_norm <= epsilon)
              if ( print_level>1 && my_id == 0 )
                 hypre_printf("Final L2 norm of residual: %e\n\n", r_norm);
              (lgmres_data -> converged) = 1;
           else /* conv. has not occurred, according to true residual */ 
              if ( print_level>0 && my_id == 0)
                 hypre_printf("false convergence 2\n");
              i = 0;
	} /* end of convergence check */
        /* compute residual vector and continue loop */

        /* copy r0 (not scaled) to w*/  

	for (j=i ; j > 0; j--)
           rs[j-1] = -s[j-1]*rs[j];
           rs[j] = c[j-1]*rs[j];
        if (i) (*(lgmres_functions->Axpy))(rs[i]-1.0,p[i],p[i]);
        for (j=i-1 ; j > 0; j--)
        if (i)

        /* lgmres mod */  
        /* collect aug vector and A*augvector for future restarts -
           only if we will be restarting (i.e. this cycle performed it_total
           iterations). ordering starts at 0.*/
        if (aug_dim > 0) 
           if (!aug_ct) 
              spot = 0;
           else if (aug_ct < aug_dim) 
              spot = aug_ct;
           { /* truncate - already have aug_dim number of vectors*/
              for (ii=0; ii<aug_dim; ii++) 
                 if (aug_order[ii] == (aug_dim-1)) 
                    spot = ii;
           /* aug_vecs[aug_dim] contains new aug vector */
           (*(lgmres_functions->CopyVector))(aug_vecs[aug_dim], aug_vecs[spot]);
           /*need to normalize */
           tmp_norm = sqrt((*(lgmres_functions->InnerProd))(aug_vecs[spot], aug_vecs[spot]));
           tmp_norm = 1.0/tmp_norm;
           (*(lgmres_functions->ScaleVector))(tmp_norm ,aug_vecs[spot]);
           /*set new aug vector to order 0  - move all others back one */
           for (ii=0; ii < aug_dim; ii++) 
           aug_order[spot] = 0; 

           /*now add the A*aug vector to A_AUGVEC(spot) - this is
            * independ. of preconditioning type*/
           /* A*augvec = V*H*y  = r0-rm   (r0 is in w and rm is in p[0])*/
           (*(lgmres_functions->CopyVector))( w, a_aug_vecs[spot]);
           (*(lgmres_functions->ScaleVector))(- 1.0, a_aug_vecs[spot]); /* -r0*/
           (*(lgmres_functions->Axpy))(1.0, p[0],a_aug_vecs[spot]); /* rm - r0 */
           (*(lgmres_functions->ScaleVector))(-tmp_norm, a_aug_vecs[spot]); /* r0-rm /norm */
   } /* END of iteration while loop */

   if ( print_level>1 && my_id == 0 )

   (lgmres_data -> num_iterations) = iter;
   if (b_norm > 0.0)
      (lgmres_data -> rel_residual_norm) = r_norm/b_norm;
   if (b_norm == 0.0)
      (lgmres_data -> rel_residual_norm) = r_norm;

   if (iter >= max_iter && r_norm > epsilon) hypre_error(HYPRE_ERROR_CONV);


   for (i=0; i < k_dim+1+aug_dim; i++)

   return hypre_error_flag;
Пример #4
hypre_LGMRESSetup( void *lgmres_vdata,
                  void *A,
                  void *b,
                  void *x         )
   hypre_LGMRESData *lgmres_data     = (hypre_LGMRESData *)lgmres_vdata;
   hypre_LGMRESFunctions *lgmres_functions = lgmres_data->functions;

   HYPRE_Int            k_dim            = (lgmres_data -> k_dim);
   HYPRE_Int            max_iter         = (lgmres_data -> max_iter);
   HYPRE_Int          (*precond_setup)(void*,void*,void*,void*) = (lgmres_functions->precond_setup);
   void          *precond_data     = (lgmres_data -> precond_data);

   HYPRE_Int            rel_change       = (lgmres_data -> rel_change);
  /* lgmres mod */
   HYPRE_Int            aug_dim          = (lgmres_data -> aug_dim);  

   (lgmres_data -> A) = A;
    * The arguments for NewVector are important to
    * maintain consistency between the setup and
    * compute phases of matvec and the preconditioner.
   if ((lgmres_data -> p) == NULL)
	   (lgmres_data -> p) = (void**)(*(lgmres_functions->CreateVectorArray))(k_dim+1,x);
   if ((lgmres_data -> r) == NULL)
      (lgmres_data -> r) = (*(lgmres_functions->CreateVector))(b);
   if ((lgmres_data -> w) == NULL)
      (lgmres_data -> w) = (*(lgmres_functions->CreateVector))(b);
   if (rel_change)
      if ((lgmres_data -> w_2) == NULL)
         (lgmres_data -> w_2) = (*(lgmres_functions->CreateVector))(b);
   /* lgmres mod */
   (lgmres_data -> aug_vecs) = (void**)(*(lgmres_functions->CreateVectorArray))(aug_dim+1,x); /* one extra */
   (lgmres_data -> a_aug_vecs) = (void**)(*(lgmres_functions->CreateVectorArray))(aug_dim,x);
   (lgmres_data -> aug_order) = hypre_CTAllocF(HYPRE_Int,aug_dim,lgmres_functions); 

   if ((lgmres_data -> matvec_data) == NULL)
      (lgmres_data -> matvec_data) = (*(lgmres_functions->MatvecCreate))(A, x);
   precond_setup(precond_data, A, b, x);
    * Allocate space for log info
   if ( (lgmres_data->logging)>0 || (lgmres_data->print_level) > 0 )
      if ((lgmres_data -> norms) == NULL)
         (lgmres_data -> norms) = hypre_CTAllocF(HYPRE_Real, max_iter + 1,lgmres_functions);
   if ( (lgmres_data->print_level) > 0 ) {
      if ((lgmres_data -> log_file_name) == NULL)
		  (lgmres_data -> log_file_name) = (char*)"gmres.out.log";
   return hypre_error_flag;