Пример #1
HYPRE_Int HYPRE_SStructGridSetVariables( HYPRE_SStructGrid      grid,
                                   HYPRE_Int              part,
                                   HYPRE_Int              nvars,
                                   HYPRE_SStructVariable *vartypes )
   hypre_SStructPGrid  *pgrid = hypre_SStructGridPGrid(grid, part);

   hypre_SStructPGridSetVariables(pgrid, nvars, vartypes);

   return hypre_error_flag;
Пример #2
hypre_SStructGraphFindBoxEndpt(hypre_SStructGraph    *graph,
                               int                    part,
                               int                    var,
                               int                    proc,
                               int                    endpt,
                               int                    boxi)
   hypre_SStructGrid     *grid      = hypre_SStructGraphGrid(graph);
   int                    type      = hypre_SStructGraphObjectType(graph);
   hypre_BoxMap          *map;
   hypre_BoxMapEntry     *map_entry;
   hypre_StructGrid      *sgrid;
   hypre_Box             *box;
   int                    rank;
   HYPRE_BigInt           big_rank;

   map= hypre_SStructGridMap(grid, part, var);
   hypre_BoxMapFindBoxProcEntry(map, boxi, proc, &map_entry);

   sgrid= hypre_SStructPGridSGrid(hypre_SStructGridPGrid(grid, part), var);
   box  = hypre_StructGridBox(sgrid, boxi);

   /* get the global rank of the endpt corner of box boxi */
   if (endpt < 1)
       hypre_SStructMapEntryGetGlobalRank(map_entry, hypre_BoxIMin(box), &big_rank,

       hypre_SStructMapEntryGetGlobalRank(map_entry, hypre_BoxIMax(box), &big_rank,

   if (type == HYPRE_SSTRUCT || type ==  HYPRE_STRUCT)
    rank = (int)(big_rank - hypre_SStructGridGhstartRank(grid));
   if (type == HYPRE_PARCSR)
    rank = (int)(big_rank - hypre_SStructGridStartRank(grid));

   return rank;
Пример #3
HYPRE_SStructGridSetExtents( HYPRE_SStructGrid  grid,
                             HYPRE_Int          part,
                             HYPRE_Int         *ilower,
                             HYPRE_Int         *iupper )
   HYPRE_Int            ndim  = hypre_SStructGridNDim(grid);
   hypre_SStructPGrid  *pgrid = hypre_SStructGridPGrid(grid, part);
   hypre_Index          cilower;
   hypre_Index          ciupper;

   hypre_CopyToCleanIndex(ilower, ndim, cilower);
   hypre_CopyToCleanIndex(iupper, ndim, ciupper);

   hypre_SStructPGridSetExtents(pgrid, cilower, ciupper);

   return hypre_error_flag;
Пример #4
hypre_SStructGraphFindSGridEndpts(hypre_SStructGraph    *graph,
                                  int                    part,
                                  int                    var,
                                  int                    proc,
                                  int                    endpt,
                                  int                   *endpts)
   hypre_SStructGrid     *grid      = hypre_SStructGraphGrid(graph);
   hypre_StructGrid      *sgrid;
   hypre_BoxArray        *boxes;
   int                    i;

   sgrid= hypre_SStructPGridSGrid(hypre_SStructGridPGrid(grid, part), var);
   boxes= hypre_StructGridBoxes(sgrid);

   /* get the endpts using hypre_SStructGraphFindBoxEndpt */
   for (i= 0; i< hypre_BoxArraySize(boxes); i++)
      endpts[i]= hypre_SStructGraphFindBoxEndpt(graph, part, var, proc, endpt, i);

   return 0;
Пример #5
hypre_FacZeroCData( void                 *fac_vdata,
                    hypre_SStructMatrix  *A )
    hypre_FACData         *fac_data      =  fac_vdata;

    hypre_SStructGrid     *grid;
    hypre_SStructPGrid    *p_cgrid;

    hypre_StructGrid      *cgrid;
    hypre_BoxArray        *cgrid_boxes;
    hypre_Box             *cgrid_box;

    hypre_BoxManager      *fboxman;
    hypre_BoxManEntry    **boxman_entries;
    HYPRE_Int              nboxman_entries;

    hypre_Box              scaled_box;
    hypre_Box              intersect_box;

    hypre_SStructPMatrix  *level_pmatrix;
    hypre_StructStencil   *stencils;
    HYPRE_Int              stencil_size;

    hypre_Index           *refine_factors;
    hypre_Index            temp_index;
    hypre_Index            ilower, iupper;

    HYPRE_Int              max_level     =  fac_data -> max_levels;
    HYPRE_Int             *level_to_part =  fac_data -> level_to_part;

    HYPRE_Int              ndim          =  hypre_SStructMatrixNDim(A);
    HYPRE_Int              part_crse     =  0;
    HYPRE_Int              part_fine     =  1;
    HYPRE_Int              level;
    HYPRE_Int              nvars, var;

    HYPRE_Int              ci, i, j, rem, intersect_size;

    double                *values;

    HYPRE_Int              ierr = 0;

    for (level= max_level; level> 0; level--)
        level_pmatrix = hypre_SStructMatrixPMatrix(fac_data -> A_level[level], part_crse);

        grid          = (fac_data -> grid_level[level]);
        refine_factors= &(fac_data -> refine_factors[level]);

        p_cgrid= hypre_SStructGridPGrid(grid, part_crse);
        nvars  = hypre_SStructPGridNVars(p_cgrid);

        for (var= 0; var< nvars; var++)
            stencils    =  hypre_SStructPMatrixSStencil(level_pmatrix, var, var);
            stencil_size=  hypre_StructStencilSize(stencils);

             * For each variable, find the underlying boxes for each coarse box.
            cgrid        = hypre_SStructPGridSGrid(p_cgrid, var);
            cgrid_boxes  = hypre_StructGridBoxes(cgrid);
            fboxman         = hypre_SStructGridBoxManager(grid, part_fine, var);

            hypre_ForBoxI(ci, cgrid_boxes)
                cgrid_box= hypre_BoxArrayBox(cgrid_boxes, ci);

                hypre_StructMapCoarseToFine(hypre_BoxIMin(cgrid_box), temp_index,
                                            *refine_factors, hypre_BoxIMin(&scaled_box));
                for (i= 0; i< ndim; i++)
                    temp_index[i]= (*refine_factors)[i]-1;
                hypre_StructMapCoarseToFine(hypre_BoxIMax(cgrid_box), temp_index,
                                            *refine_factors, hypre_BoxIMax(&scaled_box));

                hypre_BoxManIntersect(fboxman, hypre_BoxIMin(&scaled_box),
                                      hypre_BoxIMax(&scaled_box), &boxman_entries,

                for (i= 0; i< nboxman_entries; i++)
                    hypre_BoxManEntryGetExtents(boxman_entries[i], ilower, iupper);
                    hypre_BoxSetExtents(&intersect_box, ilower, iupper);
                    hypre_IntersectBoxes(&intersect_box, &scaled_box, &intersect_box);

                    /* adjust the box so that it is divisible by refine_factors */
                    for (j= 0; j< ndim; j++)
                        rem= hypre_BoxIMin(&intersect_box)[j]%(*refine_factors)[j];
                        if (rem)
                            hypre_BoxIMin(&intersect_box)[j]+=(*refine_factors)[j] - rem;

                    hypre_StructMapFineToCoarse(hypre_BoxIMin(&intersect_box), temp_index,
                                                *refine_factors, hypre_BoxIMin(&intersect_box));
                    hypre_StructMapFineToCoarse(hypre_BoxIMax(&intersect_box), temp_index,
                                                *refine_factors, hypre_BoxIMax(&intersect_box));

                    intersect_size= hypre_BoxVolume(&intersect_box);
                    if (intersect_size > 0)
                         * Coarse underlying box found. Now zero off.
                        values= hypre_CTAlloc(double, intersect_size);

                        for (j= 0; j< stencil_size; j++)
                            HYPRE_SStructMatrixSetBoxValues(fac_data -> A_level[level],
                                                            var, 1, &j, values);

                                                            var, 1, &j, values);


                    }  /* if (intersect_size > 0) */
                }     /* for (i= 0; i< nboxman_entries; i++) */


            }   /* hypre_ForBoxI(ci, cgrid_boxes) */
        }      /* for (var= 0; var< nvars; var++) */
Пример #6
 * hypre_SStructSharedDOF_ParcsrMatRowsComm
 *   Given a sstruct_grid & parcsr matrix with rows corresponding to the
 *   sstruct_grid, determine and extract the rows that must be communicated.
 *   These rows are for shared dof that geometrically lie on processor 
 *   boundaries but internally are stored on one processor.
 *   Algo:
 *       for each cellbox
 *         RECVs:
 *          i)  stretch the cellbox to the variable box
 *          ii) in the appropriate (dof-dependent) direction, take the
 *              boundary and boxman_intersect to extract boxmanentries
 *              that contain these boundary edges.
 *          iii)loop over the boxmanentries and see if they belong
 *              on this proc or another proc
 *                 a) if belong on another proc, these are the recvs:
 *                    count and prepare the communication buffers and
 *                    values.
 *         SENDs:
 *          i)  form layer of cells that is one layer off cellbox
 *              (stretches in the appropriate direction)
 *          ii) boxman_intersect with the cellgrid boxman
 *          iii)loop over the boxmanentries and see if they belong
 *              on this proc or another proc
 *                 a) if belong on another proc, these are the sends:
 *                    count and prepare the communication buffers and
 *                    values.
 * Note: For the recv data, the dof can come from only one processor.
 *       For the send data, the dof can go to more than one processor 
 *       (the same dof is on the boundary of several cells).
hypre_SStructSharedDOF_ParcsrMatRowsComm( hypre_SStructGrid    *grid,
                                          hypre_ParCSRMatrix   *A,
                                          HYPRE_Int            *num_offprocrows_ptr,
                                          hypre_MaxwellOffProcRow ***OffProcRows_ptr)
   MPI_Comm             A_comm= hypre_ParCSRMatrixComm(A);
   MPI_Comm          grid_comm= hypre_SStructGridComm(grid);

   HYPRE_Int       matrix_type= HYPRE_PARCSR;

   HYPRE_Int            nparts= hypre_SStructGridNParts(grid);
   HYPRE_Int            ndim  = hypre_SStructGridNDim(grid);

   hypre_SStructGrid     *cell_ssgrid;

   hypre_SStructPGrid    *pgrid;
   hypre_StructGrid      *cellgrid;
   hypre_BoxArray        *cellboxes;
   hypre_Box             *box, *cellbox, vbox, boxman_entry_box;

   hypre_Index            loop_size, start;
   HYPRE_Int              loopi, loopj, loopk;
   HYPRE_Int              start_rank, end_rank, rank; 

   HYPRE_Int              i, j, k, m, n, t, part, var, nvars;

   HYPRE_SStructVariable *vartypes;
   HYPRE_Int              nbdry_slabs;
   hypre_BoxArray        *recv_slabs, *send_slabs;
   hypre_Index            varoffset;

   hypre_BoxManager     **boxmans, *cell_boxman;
   hypre_BoxManEntry    **boxman_entries, *entry;
   HYPRE_Int              nboxman_entries;

   hypre_Index            ishift, jshift, kshift, zero_index;
   hypre_Index            ilower, iupper, index;

   HYPRE_Int              proc, nprocs, myproc;
   HYPRE_Int             *SendToProcs, *RecvFromProcs;
   HYPRE_Int            **send_RowsNcols;       /* buffer for rows & ncols */
   HYPRE_Int             *send_RowsNcols_alloc; 
   HYPRE_Int             *send_ColsData_alloc;
   HYPRE_Int             *tot_nsendRowsNcols, *tot_sendColsData;
   double               **vals;  /* buffer for cols & data */

   HYPRE_Int             *col_inds;
   double                *values;

   hypre_MPI_Request           *requests;
   hypre_MPI_Status            *status;
   HYPRE_Int            **rbuffer_RowsNcols;
   double               **rbuffer_ColsData;
   HYPRE_Int              num_sends, num_recvs;

   hypre_MaxwellOffProcRow **OffProcRows;
   HYPRE_Int                *starts;

   HYPRE_Int              ierr= 0;

   hypre_MPI_Comm_rank(A_comm, &myproc);
   hypre_MPI_Comm_size(grid_comm, &nprocs);

   start_rank= hypre_ParCSRMatrixFirstRowIndex(A);
   end_rank  = hypre_ParCSRMatrixLastRowIndex(A);

   hypre_SetIndex(ishift, 1, 0, 0);
   hypre_SetIndex(jshift, 0, 1, 0);
   hypre_SetIndex(kshift, 0, 0, 1);
   hypre_SetIndex(zero_index, 0, 0, 0);

  /* need a cellgrid boxman to determine the send boxes -> only the cell dofs
     are unique so a boxman intersect can be used to get the edges that
     must be sent. */
   HYPRE_SStructGridCreate(grid_comm, ndim, nparts, &cell_ssgrid);
   vartypes= hypre_CTAlloc(HYPRE_SStructVariable, 1);

   for (i= 0; i< nparts; i++)
      pgrid= hypre_SStructGridPGrid(grid, i);
      cellgrid= hypre_SStructPGridCellSGrid(pgrid);

      cellboxes= hypre_StructGridBoxes(cellgrid);
      hypre_ForBoxI(j, cellboxes)
         box= hypre_BoxArrayBox(cellboxes, j);
         HYPRE_SStructGridSetExtents(cell_ssgrid, i,
                                     hypre_BoxIMin(box), hypre_BoxIMax(box));
      HYPRE_SStructGridSetVariables(cell_ssgrid, i, 1, vartypes);
Пример #7
 * hypre_Maxwell_Grad.c
 *   Forms a node-to-edge gradient operator. Looping over the
 *   edge grid so that each processor fills up only its own rows. Each 
 *   processor will have its processor interface nodal ranks.
 *   Loops over two types of boxes, interior of grid boxes and boundary
 *   of boxes. Algo:
 *       find all nodal and edge physical boundary points and set 
 *       the appropriate flag to be 0 at a boundary dof.
 *       set -1's in value array
 *       for each edge box, 
 *       for interior 
 *       {
 *          connect edge ijk (row) to nodes (col) connected to this edge
 *          and change -1 to 1 if needed;
 *       }
 *       for boundary layers
 *       {
 *          if edge not on the physical boundary connect only the nodes
 *          that are not on the physical boundary
 *       }
 *       set parcsr matrix with values;
 * Note that the nodes that are on the processor interface can be 
 * on the physical boundary. But the off-proc edges connected to this
 * type of node will be a physical boundary edge.
hypre_ParCSRMatrix *
hypre_Maxwell_Grad(hypre_SStructGrid    *grid)
   MPI_Comm               comm = (grid ->  comm);

   HYPRE_IJMatrix         T_grad;
   hypre_ParCSRMatrix    *parcsr_grad;
   HYPRE_Int              matrix_type= HYPRE_PARCSR;

   hypre_SStructGrid     *node_grid, *edge_grid;

   hypre_SStructPGrid    *pgrid;
   hypre_StructGrid      *var_grid;
   hypre_BoxArray        *boxes, *tmp_box_array1, *tmp_box_array2;
   hypre_BoxArray        *node_boxes, *edge_boxes, *cell_boxes;
   hypre_Box             *box, *cell_box;
   hypre_Box              layer, interior_box;
   hypre_Box             *box_piece;

   hypre_BoxManager      *boxman;
   hypre_BoxManEntry     *entry;

   HYPRE_Int             *inode, *jedge;
   HYPRE_Int              nrows, nnodes, *nflag, *eflag, *ncols;
   HYPRE_Real            *vals;

   hypre_Index            index;
   hypre_Index            loop_size, start, lindex;
   hypre_Index            shift, shift2;
   hypre_Index           *offsets, *varoffsets;

   HYPRE_Int              nparts= hypre_SStructGridNParts(grid);
   HYPRE_Int              ndim  = hypre_SStructGridNDim(grid);

   HYPRE_SStructVariable  vartype_node, *vartype_edges;
   HYPRE_SStructVariable *vartypes;

   HYPRE_Int              nvars, part;

   HYPRE_Int              i, j, k, m, n, d;
   HYPRE_Int             *direction, ndirection;

   HYPRE_Int              ilower, iupper;
   HYPRE_Int              jlower, jupper;

   HYPRE_Int              start_rank1, start_rank2, rank;

   HYPRE_Int              myproc;
   HYPRE_Int              ierr=0;

   hypre_BoxInit(&layer, ndim);
   hypre_BoxInit(&interior_box, ndim);

   hypre_MPI_Comm_rank(comm, &myproc);

   for (i= 0; i< ndim; i++)
      hypre_IndexD(shift, i)= -1;

   /* To get the correct ranks, separate node & edge grids must be formed. 
      Note that the edge vars must be ordered the same way as is in grid.*/
   HYPRE_SStructGridCreate(comm, ndim, nparts, &node_grid);
   HYPRE_SStructGridCreate(comm, ndim, nparts, &edge_grid);

   vartype_edges= hypre_TAlloc(HYPRE_SStructVariable, ndim);

   /* Assuming the same edge variable types on all parts */
   pgrid   = hypre_SStructGridPGrid(grid, 0);
   vartypes= hypre_SStructPGridVarTypes(pgrid);
   nvars   = hypre_SStructPGridNVars(pgrid);

   k= 0;
   for (i= 0; i< nvars; i++)
      j= vartypes[i];
         case 2:
            vartype_edges[k]= HYPRE_SSTRUCT_VARIABLE_XFACE;

         case 3:
            vartype_edges[k]= HYPRE_SSTRUCT_VARIABLE_YFACE;

         case 5:
            vartype_edges[k]= HYPRE_SSTRUCT_VARIABLE_XEDGE;

         case 6:
            vartype_edges[k]= HYPRE_SSTRUCT_VARIABLE_YEDGE;

         case 7:
            vartype_edges[k]= HYPRE_SSTRUCT_VARIABLE_ZEDGE;

      }  /* switch(j) */
   }     /* for (i= 0; i< nvars; i++) */

   for (part= 0; part< nparts; part++)
      pgrid= hypre_SStructGridPGrid(grid, part);  
      var_grid= hypre_SStructPGridCellSGrid(pgrid) ;

      boxes= hypre_StructGridBoxes(var_grid);
      hypre_ForBoxI(j, boxes)
         box= hypre_BoxArrayBox(boxes, j);
         HYPRE_SStructGridSetExtents(node_grid, part,
                                     hypre_BoxIMin(box), hypre_BoxIMax(box));
         HYPRE_SStructGridSetExtents(edge_grid, part,
                                     hypre_BoxIMin(box), hypre_BoxIMax(box));
      HYPRE_SStructGridSetVariables(node_grid, part, 1, &vartype_node);
      HYPRE_SStructGridSetVariables(edge_grid, part, ndim, vartype_edges);
Пример #8

   /* CREATE IJ_MATRICES- need to find the size of each one. Notice that the row
      and col ranks of these matrices can be created using only grid information. 
      Grab the first part, first variable, first box, and lower index (lower rank);
      Grab the last part, last variable, last box, and upper index (upper rank). */
   /* Grad: node(col) -> edge(row). Same for 2-d and 3-d */
   /* lower rank */
   part= 0;
   i   = 0;

   hypre_SStructGridBoxProcFindBoxManEntry(edge_grid, part, 0, i, myproc, &entry);
   pgrid   = hypre_SStructGridPGrid(edge_grid, part);
   var_grid= hypre_SStructPGridSGrid(pgrid, 0);
   boxes   = hypre_StructGridBoxes(var_grid);
   box     = hypre_BoxArrayBox(boxes, 0);
   hypre_SStructBoxManEntryGetGlobalCSRank(entry, hypre_BoxIMin(box), &ilower);

   hypre_SStructGridBoxProcFindBoxManEntry(node_grid, part, 0, i, myproc, &entry);
   pgrid   = hypre_SStructGridPGrid(node_grid, part);
   var_grid= hypre_SStructPGridSGrid(pgrid, 0);
   boxes   = hypre_StructGridBoxes(var_grid);
   box     = hypre_BoxArrayBox(boxes, 0);
   hypre_SStructBoxManEntryGetGlobalCSRank(entry, hypre_BoxIMin(box), &jlower);

   /* upper rank */
   part= nparts-1;
Пример #9
hypre_Maxwell_PhysBdy( hypre_SStructGrid      **grid_l,
                       HYPRE_Int                num_levels,
                       hypre_Index              rfactors,
                       HYPRE_Int             ***BdryRanksl_ptr, 
                       HYPRE_Int              **BdryRanksCntsl_ptr )

   MPI_Comm                comm= (grid_l[0]-> comm);

   HYPRE_Int             **BdryRanks_l;
   HYPRE_Int              *BdryRanksCnts_l;

   HYPRE_Int              *npts;
   HYPRE_Int              *ranks, *upper_rank, *lower_rank;
   hypre_BoxManEntry      *boxman_entry;

   hypre_SStructGrid      *grid;
   hypre_SStructPGrid     *pgrid;
   hypre_StructGrid       *cell_fgrid, *cell_cgrid, *sgrid;

   hypre_BoxArrayArray ****bdry;
   hypre_BoxArrayArray    *fbdry;
   hypre_BoxArrayArray    *cbdry;

   hypre_BoxArray         *box_array;
   hypre_BoxArray         *fboxes, *cboxes;

   hypre_Box              *fbox, *cbox;
   hypre_Box              *box, *contract_fbox, rbox;
   hypre_Box               intersect;

   HYPRE_Int             **cbox_mapping, **fbox_mapping;
   HYPRE_Int             **boxes_with_bdry;

   HYPRE_Int               ndim, nvars;
   HYPRE_Int               nboxes, nfboxes;
   HYPRE_Int               boxi;
   hypre_Index             zero_shift, upper_shift, lower_shift;
   hypre_Index             loop_size, start, index, lindex;

   HYPRE_Int               i, j, k, l, m, n, p;
   HYPRE_Int               d;
   HYPRE_Int               cnt;

   HYPRE_Int               part= 0;  /* NOTE, ASSUMING ONE PART */
   HYPRE_Int               matrix_type= HYPRE_PARCSR;
   HYPRE_Int               myproc;

   HYPRE_Int               ierr= 0;

   hypre_MPI_Comm_rank(comm, &myproc);

   ndim= hypre_SStructGridNDim(grid_l[0]);
   hypre_SetIndex3(zero_shift, 0, 0, 0);

   hypre_BoxInit(&intersect, ndim);

   /* bounding global ranks of this processor & allocate boundary box markers. */
   upper_rank= hypre_CTAlloc(HYPRE_Int, num_levels);
   lower_rank= hypre_CTAlloc(HYPRE_Int, num_levels);

   boxes_with_bdry= hypre_TAlloc(HYPRE_Int *, num_levels);
   for (i= 0; i< num_levels; i++)
      grid = grid_l[i];
      lower_rank[i]= hypre_SStructGridStartRank(grid);

      /* note we are assuming only one part */
      pgrid= hypre_SStructGridPGrid(grid, part);
      nvars= hypre_SStructPGridNVars(pgrid);
      sgrid= hypre_SStructPGridSGrid(pgrid, nvars-1);
      box_array= hypre_StructGridBoxes(sgrid);
      box  = hypre_BoxArrayBox(box_array, hypre_BoxArraySize(box_array)-1);

      hypre_SStructGridBoxProcFindBoxManEntry(grid, part, nvars-1,
                                              hypre_BoxArraySize(box_array)-1, myproc, &boxman_entry);
      hypre_SStructBoxManEntryGetGlobalCSRank(boxman_entry, hypre_BoxIMax(box), 

      sgrid= hypre_SStructPGridCellSGrid(pgrid);
      box_array= hypre_StructGridBoxes(sgrid);
      boxes_with_bdry[i]= hypre_CTAlloc(HYPRE_Int, hypre_BoxArraySize(box_array));
    * construct box_number mapping between levels, and offset strides because of 
    * projection coarsening. Note: from the way the coarse boxes are created and
    * numbered, to determine the coarse box that matches the fbox, we need to
    * only check the tail end of the list of cboxes. In fact, given fbox_i,
    * if it's coarsened extents do not interesect with the first coarse box of the
    * tail end, then this fbox vanishes in the coarsening.
    *   c/fbox_mapping gives the fine/coarse box mapping between two consecutive levels
    *   of the multilevel hierarchy. 
   if (num_levels > 1)
      cbox_mapping= hypre_CTAlloc(HYPRE_Int *, num_levels);
      fbox_mapping= hypre_CTAlloc(HYPRE_Int *, num_levels);