Пример #1
hypre_SMGResidualSetup( void               *residual_vdata,
                        hypre_StructMatrix *A,
                        hypre_StructVector *x,
                        hypre_StructVector *b,
                        hypre_StructVector *r              )
   HYPRE_Int ierr = 0;

   hypre_SMGResidualData  *residual_data = residual_vdata;

   hypre_IndexRef          base_index  = (residual_data -> base_index);
   hypre_IndexRef          base_stride = (residual_data -> base_stride);

   hypre_StructGrid       *grid;
   hypre_StructStencil    *stencil;
   hypre_BoxArray         *base_points;
   hypre_ComputeInfo      *compute_info;
   hypre_ComputePkg       *compute_pkg;

    * Set up base points and the compute package

   grid    = hypre_StructMatrixGrid(A);
   stencil = hypre_StructMatrixStencil(A);

   base_points = hypre_BoxArrayDuplicate(hypre_StructGridBoxes(grid));
   hypre_ProjectBoxArray(base_points, base_index, base_stride);

   hypre_CreateComputeInfo(grid, stencil, &compute_info);
   hypre_ComputeInfoProjectComp(compute_info, base_index, base_stride);
   hypre_ComputePkgCreate(compute_info, hypre_StructVectorDataSpace(x), 1,
                          grid, &compute_pkg);

    * Set up the residual data structure

   (residual_data -> A)           = hypre_StructMatrixRef(A);
   (residual_data -> x)           = hypre_StructVectorRef(x);
   (residual_data -> b)           = hypre_StructVectorRef(b);
   (residual_data -> r)           = hypre_StructVectorRef(r);
   (residual_data -> base_points) = base_points;
   (residual_data -> compute_pkg) = compute_pkg;

    * Compute flops

   (residual_data -> flops) =
      (hypre_StructMatrixGlobalSize(A) + hypre_StructVectorGlobalSize(x)) /
      (hypre_IndexX(base_stride) *
       hypre_IndexY(base_stride) *
       hypre_IndexZ(base_stride)  );

   return ierr;
Пример #2
hypre_StructMatvecSetup( void               *matvec_vdata,
                         hypre_StructMatrix *A,
                         hypre_StructVector *x            )
   int ierr = 0;

   hypre_StructMatvecData  *matvec_data = matvec_vdata;
   hypre_StructGrid        *grid;
   hypre_StructStencil     *stencil;
   hypre_BoxArrayArray     *send_boxes;
   hypre_BoxArrayArray     *recv_boxes;
   int                    **send_processes;
   int                    **recv_processes;
   hypre_BoxArrayArray     *indt_boxes;
   hypre_BoxArrayArray     *dept_boxes;

   hypre_Index              unit_stride;
   hypre_ComputePkg        *compute_pkg;

    * Set up the compute package

   grid    = hypre_StructMatrixGrid(A);
   stencil = hypre_StructMatrixStencil(A);

   hypre_CreateComputeInfo(grid, stencil,
                        &send_boxes, &recv_boxes,
                        &send_processes, &recv_processes,
                        &indt_boxes, &dept_boxes);

   hypre_SetIndex(unit_stride, 1, 1, 1);
   hypre_ComputePkgCreate(send_boxes, recv_boxes,
                          unit_stride, unit_stride,
                          send_processes, recv_processes,
                          indt_boxes, dept_boxes,
                          grid, hypre_StructVectorDataSpace(x), 1,

    * Set up the matvec data structure

   (matvec_data -> A)           = hypre_StructMatrixRef(A);
   (matvec_data -> x)           = hypre_StructVectorRef(x);
   (matvec_data -> compute_pkg) = compute_pkg;

   return ierr;
Пример #3
hypre_SparseMSGInterpSetup( void               *interp_vdata,
                            hypre_StructMatrix *P,
                            hypre_StructVector *xc,
                            hypre_StructVector *e,
                            hypre_Index         cindex,
                            hypre_Index         findex,
                            hypre_Index         stride,
                            hypre_Index         strideP       )
   hypre_SparseMSGInterpData   *interp_data = interp_vdata;

   hypre_StructGrid       *grid;
   hypre_StructStencil    *stencil;
   hypre_ComputeInfo      *compute_info;
   hypre_ComputePkg       *compute_pkg;

   HYPRE_Int               ierr = 0;

    * Set up the compute package

   grid    = hypre_StructVectorGrid(e);
   stencil = hypre_StructMatrixStencil(P);

   hypre_CreateComputeInfo(grid, stencil, &compute_info);
   hypre_ComputeInfoProjectSend(compute_info, cindex, stride);
   hypre_ComputeInfoProjectRecv(compute_info, cindex, stride);
   hypre_ComputeInfoProjectComp(compute_info, findex, stride);
   hypre_ComputePkgCreate(compute_info, hypre_StructVectorDataSpace(e), 1,
                          grid, &compute_pkg);

    * Set up the interp data structure

   (interp_data -> P) = hypre_StructMatrixRef(P);
   (interp_data -> compute_pkg) = compute_pkg;
   hypre_CopyIndex(cindex, (interp_data -> cindex));
   hypre_CopyIndex(findex, (interp_data -> findex));
   hypre_CopyIndex(stride, (interp_data -> stride));
   hypre_CopyIndex(strideP, (interp_data -> strideP));

   return ierr;
int hypre_SMGResidualSetup(void *residual_vdata,hypre_StructMatrix *A,hypre_StructVector *x,hypre_StructVector *b,hypre_StructVector *r)
  int ierr = 0;
  hypre_SMGResidualData *residual_data = residual_vdata;
  hypre_IndexRef base_index = (residual_data -> base_index);
  hypre_IndexRef base_stride = (residual_data -> base_stride);
  hypre_Index unit_stride;
  hypre_StructGrid *grid;
  hypre_StructStencil *stencil;
  hypre_BoxArrayArray *send_boxes;
  hypre_BoxArrayArray *recv_boxes;
  int **send_processes;
  int **recv_processes;
  hypre_BoxArrayArray *indt_boxes;
  hypre_BoxArrayArray *dept_boxes;
  hypre_BoxArray *base_points;
  hypre_ComputePkg *compute_pkg;
    * Set up base points and the compute package
  grid = (A -> grid);
  stencil = (A -> stencil);
  ((((unit_stride[0] = 1) , (unit_stride[1] = 1))) , (unit_stride[2] = 1));
  base_points = hypre_BoxArrayDuplicate((grid -> boxes));
  hypre_ComputePkgCreate(send_boxes,recv_boxes,unit_stride,unit_stride,send_processes,recv_processes,indt_boxes,dept_boxes,base_stride,grid,(x -> data_space),1,&compute_pkg);
    * Set up the residual data structure
  residual_data -> A = hypre_StructMatrixRef(A);
  residual_data -> x = hypre_StructVectorRef(x);
  residual_data -> b = hypre_StructVectorRef(b);
  residual_data -> r = hypre_StructVectorRef(r);
  residual_data -> base_points = base_points;
  residual_data -> compute_pkg = compute_pkg;
    * Compute flops
  residual_data -> flops = (((A -> global_size) + (x -> global_size)) / (((base_stride[0]) * (base_stride[1])) * (base_stride[2])));
  return ierr;
hypre_SMGResidualSetup( void               *residual_vdata,
                        hypre_StructMatrix *A,
                        hypre_StructVector *x,
                        hypre_StructVector *b,
                        hypre_StructVector *r              )
   int ierr = 0;

   hypre_SMGResidualData  *residual_data = residual_vdata;

   hypre_IndexRef          base_index  = (residual_data -> base_index);
   hypre_IndexRef          base_stride = (residual_data -> base_stride);
   hypre_Index             unit_stride;

   hypre_StructGrid       *grid;
   hypre_StructStencil    *stencil;
   hypre_BoxArrayArray    *send_boxes;
   hypre_BoxArrayArray    *recv_boxes;
   int                   **send_processes;
   int                   **recv_processes;
   hypre_BoxArrayArray    *indt_boxes;
   hypre_BoxArrayArray    *dept_boxes;
   hypre_BoxArray         *base_points;
   hypre_ComputePkg       *compute_pkg;

    * Set up base points and the compute package

   grid    = hypre_StructMatrixGrid(A);
   stencil = hypre_StructMatrixStencil(A);

   hypre_SetIndex(unit_stride, 1, 1, 1);

   base_points = hypre_BoxArrayDuplicate(hypre_StructGridBoxes(grid));
   hypre_ProjectBoxArray(base_points, base_index, base_stride);

   hypre_CreateComputeInfo(grid, stencil,
                        &send_boxes, &recv_boxes,
                        &send_processes, &recv_processes,
                        &indt_boxes, &dept_boxes);

   hypre_ProjectBoxArrayArray(indt_boxes, base_index, base_stride);
   hypre_ProjectBoxArrayArray(dept_boxes, base_index, base_stride);

   hypre_ComputePkgCreate(send_boxes, recv_boxes,
                       unit_stride, unit_stride,
                       send_processes, recv_processes,
                       indt_boxes, dept_boxes,
                       base_stride, grid,
                       hypre_StructVectorDataSpace(x), 1,

    * Set up the residual data structure

   (residual_data -> A)           = hypre_StructMatrixRef(A);
   (residual_data -> x)           = hypre_StructVectorRef(x);
   (residual_data -> b)           = hypre_StructVectorRef(b);
   (residual_data -> r)           = hypre_StructVectorRef(r);
   (residual_data -> base_points) = base_points;
   (residual_data -> compute_pkg) = compute_pkg;

    * Compute flops

   (residual_data -> flops) =
      (hypre_StructMatrixGlobalSize(A) + hypre_StructVectorGlobalSize(x)) /
      (hypre_IndexX(base_stride) *
       hypre_IndexY(base_stride) *
       hypre_IndexZ(base_stride)  );

   return ierr;
Пример #6
hypre_PointRelax( void               *relax_vdata,
                  hypre_StructMatrix *A,
                  hypre_StructVector *b,
                  hypre_StructVector *x           )
   hypre_PointRelaxData *relax_data = (hypre_PointRelaxData *)relax_vdata;

   int                    max_iter         = (relax_data -> max_iter);
   int                    zero_guess       = (relax_data -> zero_guess);
   double                 weight           = (relax_data -> weight);
   int                    num_pointsets    = (relax_data -> num_pointsets);
   int                   *pointset_ranks   = (relax_data -> pointset_ranks);
   hypre_Index           *pointset_strides = (relax_data -> pointset_strides);
   hypre_StructVector    *t                = (relax_data -> t);
   int                    diag_rank        = (relax_data -> diag_rank);
   hypre_ComputePkg     **compute_pkgs     = (relax_data -> compute_pkgs);

   hypre_ComputePkg      *compute_pkg;
   hypre_CommHandle      *comm_handle;
   hypre_BoxArrayArray   *compute_box_aa;
   hypre_BoxArray        *compute_box_a;
   hypre_Box             *compute_box;
   hypre_Box             *A_data_box;
   hypre_Box             *b_data_box;
   hypre_Box             *x_data_box;
   hypre_Box             *t_data_box;
   int                    Ai;
   int                    bi;
   int                    xi;
   int                    ti;
   double                *Ap;
   double                *bp;
   double                *xp;
   double                *tp;
   hypre_IndexRef         stride;
   hypre_IndexRef         start;
   hypre_Index            loop_size;
   hypre_StructStencil   *stencil;
   hypre_Index           *stencil_shape;
   int                    stencil_size;
   int                    iter, p, compute_i, i, j, si;
   int                    loopi, loopj, loopk;
   int                    pointset;

   int                    ierr = 0;

    * Initialize some things and deal with special cases

   hypre_BeginTiming(relax_data -> time_index);

   hypre_StructMatrixDestroy(relax_data -> A);
   hypre_StructVectorDestroy(relax_data -> b);
   hypre_StructVectorDestroy(relax_data -> x);
   (relax_data -> A) = hypre_StructMatrixRef(A);
   (relax_data -> x) = hypre_StructVectorRef(x);
   (relax_data -> b) = hypre_StructVectorRef(b);

   (relax_data -> num_iterations) = 0;

   /* if max_iter is zero, return */
   if (max_iter == 0)
      /* if using a zero initial guess, return zero */
      if (zero_guess)
         hypre_StructVectorSetConstantValues(x, 0.0);

      hypre_EndTiming(relax_data -> time_index);
      return ierr;

   stencil       = hypre_StructMatrixStencil(A);
   stencil_shape = hypre_StructStencilShape(stencil);
   stencil_size  = hypre_StructStencilSize(stencil);

    * Do zero_guess iteration

   p    = 0;
   iter = 0;

   if (zero_guess)
      pointset = pointset_ranks[p];
      compute_pkg = compute_pkgs[pointset];
      stride = pointset_strides[pointset];

      for (compute_i = 0; compute_i < 2; compute_i++)
            case 0:
               compute_box_aa = hypre_ComputePkgIndtBoxes(compute_pkg);

            case 1:
               compute_box_aa = hypre_ComputePkgDeptBoxes(compute_pkg);

         hypre_ForBoxArrayI(i, compute_box_aa)
               compute_box_a = hypre_BoxArrayArrayBoxArray(compute_box_aa, i);

               A_data_box =
                  hypre_BoxArrayBox(hypre_StructMatrixDataSpace(A), i);
               b_data_box =
                  hypre_BoxArrayBox(hypre_StructVectorDataSpace(b), i);
               x_data_box =
                  hypre_BoxArrayBox(hypre_StructVectorDataSpace(x), i);

               Ap = hypre_StructMatrixBoxData(A, i, diag_rank);
               bp = hypre_StructVectorBoxData(b, i);
               xp = hypre_StructVectorBoxData(x, i);

               hypre_ForBoxI(j, compute_box_a)
                     compute_box = hypre_BoxArrayBox(compute_box_a, j);

                     start  = hypre_BoxIMin(compute_box);
                     hypre_BoxGetStrideSize(compute_box, stride, loop_size);

                                         A_data_box, start, stride, Ai,
                                         b_data_box, start, stride, bi,
                                         x_data_box, start, stride, xi);
#define HYPRE_BOX_SMP_PRIVATE loopk,loopi,loopj,Ai,bi,xi
#include "hypre_box_smp_forloop.h"
                     hypre_BoxLoop3For(loopi, loopj, loopk, Ai, bi, xi)
                           xp[xi] = bp[bi] / Ap[Ai];
                     hypre_BoxLoop3End(Ai, bi, xi);
Пример #7
hypre_PointRelaxSetup( void               *relax_vdata,
                       hypre_StructMatrix *A,
                       hypre_StructVector *b,
                       hypre_StructVector *x           )
   hypre_PointRelaxData *relax_data = (hypre_PointRelaxData *)relax_vdata;

   int                    num_pointsets    = (relax_data -> num_pointsets);
   int                   *pointset_sizes   = (relax_data -> pointset_sizes);
   hypre_Index           *pointset_strides = (relax_data -> pointset_strides);
   hypre_Index          **pointset_indices = (relax_data -> pointset_indices);
   hypre_StructVector    *t;
   int                    diag_rank;
   hypre_ComputePkg     **compute_pkgs;

   hypre_Index            unit_stride;
   hypre_Index            diag_index;
   hypre_IndexRef         stride;
   hypre_IndexRef         index;
   hypre_StructGrid      *grid;
   hypre_StructStencil   *stencil;
   hypre_BoxArrayArray   *send_boxes;
   hypre_BoxArrayArray   *recv_boxes;
   int                  **send_processes;
   int                  **recv_processes;
   hypre_BoxArrayArray   *indt_boxes;
   hypre_BoxArrayArray   *dept_boxes;

   hypre_BoxArrayArray   *orig_indt_boxes;
   hypre_BoxArrayArray   *orig_dept_boxes;
   hypre_BoxArrayArray   *box_aa;
   hypre_BoxArray        *box_a;
   hypre_Box             *box;
   int                    box_aa_size;
   int                    box_a_size;
   hypre_BoxArrayArray   *new_box_aa;
   hypre_BoxArray        *new_box_a;
   hypre_Box             *new_box;

   double                 scale;
   int                    frac;

   int                    i, j, k, p, m, compute_i;
   int                    ierr = 0;
    * Set up the temp vector

   if ((relax_data -> t) == NULL)
      t = hypre_StructVectorCreate(hypre_StructVectorComm(b),
      hypre_StructVectorSetNumGhost(t, hypre_StructVectorNumGhost(b));
      (relax_data -> t) = t;

    * Find the matrix diagonal

   grid    = hypre_StructMatrixGrid(A);
   stencil = hypre_StructMatrixStencil(A);

   hypre_SetIndex(diag_index, 0, 0, 0);
   diag_rank = hypre_StructStencilElementRank(stencil, diag_index);

    * Set up the compute packages

   hypre_SetIndex(unit_stride, 1, 1, 1);

   compute_pkgs = hypre_CTAlloc(hypre_ComputePkg *, num_pointsets);

   for (p = 0; p < num_pointsets; p++)
      hypre_CreateComputeInfo(grid, stencil,
                           &send_boxes, &recv_boxes,
                           &send_processes, &recv_processes,
                           &orig_indt_boxes, &orig_dept_boxes);

      stride = pointset_strides[p];

      for (compute_i = 0; compute_i < 2; compute_i++)
            case 0:
            box_aa = orig_indt_boxes;

            case 1:
            box_aa = orig_dept_boxes;
         box_aa_size = hypre_BoxArrayArraySize(box_aa);
         new_box_aa = hypre_BoxArrayArrayCreate(box_aa_size);

         for (i = 0; i < box_aa_size; i++)
            box_a = hypre_BoxArrayArrayBoxArray(box_aa, i);
            box_a_size = hypre_BoxArraySize(box_a);
            new_box_a = hypre_BoxArrayArrayBoxArray(new_box_aa, i);
            hypre_BoxArraySetSize(new_box_a, box_a_size * pointset_sizes[p]);

            k = 0;
            for (m = 0; m < pointset_sizes[p]; m++)
               index  = pointset_indices[p][m];

               for (j = 0; j < box_a_size; j++)
                  box = hypre_BoxArrayBox(box_a, j);
                  new_box = hypre_BoxArrayBox(new_box_a, k);
                  hypre_CopyBox(box, new_box);
                  hypre_ProjectBox(new_box, index, stride);

            case 0:
            indt_boxes = new_box_aa;

            case 1:
            dept_boxes = new_box_aa;

      hypre_ComputePkgCreate(send_boxes, recv_boxes,
                             unit_stride, unit_stride,
                             send_processes, recv_processes,
                             indt_boxes, dept_boxes,
                             stride, grid,
                             hypre_StructVectorDataSpace(x), 1,


    * Set up the relax data structure

   (relax_data -> A) = hypre_StructMatrixRef(A);
   (relax_data -> x) = hypre_StructVectorRef(x);
   (relax_data -> b) = hypre_StructVectorRef(b);
   (relax_data -> diag_rank)    = diag_rank;
   (relax_data -> compute_pkgs) = compute_pkgs;

    * Compute flops

   scale = 0.0;
   for (p = 0; p < num_pointsets; p++)
      stride = pointset_strides[p];
      frac   = hypre_IndexX(stride);
      frac  *= hypre_IndexY(stride);
      frac  *= hypre_IndexZ(stride);
      scale += (pointset_sizes[p] / frac);
   (relax_data -> flops) = scale * (hypre_StructMatrixGlobalSize(A) +

   return ierr;
Пример #8
hypre_SMGSolve( void               *smg_vdata,
                hypre_StructMatrix *A,
                hypre_StructVector *b,
                hypre_StructVector *x         )

   hypre_SMGData        *smg_data = smg_vdata;

   double                tol             = (smg_data -> tol);
   HYPRE_Int             max_iter        = (smg_data -> max_iter);
   HYPRE_Int             rel_change      = (smg_data -> rel_change);
   HYPRE_Int             zero_guess      = (smg_data -> zero_guess);
   HYPRE_Int             num_levels      = (smg_data -> num_levels);
   HYPRE_Int             num_pre_relax   = (smg_data -> num_pre_relax);
   HYPRE_Int             num_post_relax  = (smg_data -> num_post_relax);
   hypre_IndexRef        base_index      = (smg_data -> base_index);
   hypre_IndexRef        base_stride     = (smg_data -> base_stride);
   hypre_StructMatrix  **A_l             = (smg_data -> A_l);
   hypre_StructMatrix  **PT_l            = (smg_data -> PT_l);
   hypre_StructMatrix  **R_l             = (smg_data -> R_l);
   hypre_StructVector  **b_l             = (smg_data -> b_l);
   hypre_StructVector  **x_l             = (smg_data -> x_l);
   hypre_StructVector  **r_l             = (smg_data -> r_l);
   hypre_StructVector  **e_l             = (smg_data -> e_l);
   void                **relax_data_l    = (smg_data -> relax_data_l);
   void                **residual_data_l = (smg_data -> residual_data_l);
   void                **restrict_data_l = (smg_data -> restrict_data_l);
   void                **interp_data_l   = (smg_data -> interp_data_l);
   HYPRE_Int             logging         = (smg_data -> logging);
   double               *norms           = (smg_data -> norms);
   double               *rel_norms       = (smg_data -> rel_norms);

   double                b_dot_b = 0, r_dot_r, eps = 0;
   double                e_dot_e = 0, x_dot_x = 1;
   HYPRE_Int             i, l;
   char                  filename[255];

    * Initialize some things and deal with special cases

   hypre_BeginTiming(smg_data -> time_index);

   A_l[0] = hypre_StructMatrixRef(A);
   b_l[0] = hypre_StructVectorRef(b);
   x_l[0] = hypre_StructVectorRef(x);

   (smg_data -> num_iterations) = 0;

   /* if max_iter is zero, return */
   if (max_iter == 0)
      /* if using a zero initial guess, return zero */
      if (zero_guess)
         hypre_StructVectorSetConstantValues(x, 0.0);

      hypre_EndTiming(smg_data -> time_index);
      return hypre_error_flag;

   /* part of convergence check */
   if (tol > 0.0)
      /* eps = (tol^2) */
      b_dot_b = hypre_StructInnerProd(b_l[0], b_l[0]);
      eps = tol*tol;

      /* if rhs is zero, return a zero solution */
      if (b_dot_b == 0.0)
         hypre_StructVectorSetConstantValues(x, 0.0);
         if (logging > 0)
            norms[0]     = 0.0;
            rel_norms[0] = 0.0;

         hypre_EndTiming(smg_data -> time_index);
         return hypre_error_flag;

    * Do V-cycles:
    *   For each index l, "fine" = l, "coarse" = (l+1)

   for (i = 0; i < max_iter; i++)
       * Down cycle

      /* fine grid pre-relaxation */
      if (num_levels > 1)
         hypre_SMGRelaxSetRegSpaceRank(relax_data_l[0], 0, 0);
         hypre_SMGRelaxSetRegSpaceRank(relax_data_l[0], 1, 1);
      hypre_SMGRelaxSetMaxIter(relax_data_l[0], num_pre_relax);
      hypre_SMGRelaxSetZeroGuess(relax_data_l[0], zero_guess);
      hypre_SMGRelax(relax_data_l[0], A_l[0], b_l[0], x_l[0]);
      zero_guess = 0;

      /* compute fine grid residual (b - Ax) */
      hypre_SMGResidual(residual_data_l[0], A_l[0], x_l[0], b_l[0], r_l[0]);

      /* convergence check */
      if (tol > 0.0)
         r_dot_r = hypre_StructInnerProd(r_l[0], r_l[0]);

         if (logging > 0)
            norms[i] = sqrt(r_dot_r);
            if (b_dot_b > 0)
               rel_norms[i] = sqrt(r_dot_r/b_dot_b);
               rel_norms[i] = 0.0;

         /* always do at least 1 V-cycle */
         if ((r_dot_r/b_dot_b < eps) && (i > 0))
            if (rel_change)
               if ((e_dot_e/x_dot_x) < eps)

      if (num_levels > 1)
         /* restrict fine grid residual */
         hypre_SemiRestrict(restrict_data_l[0], R_l[0], r_l[0], b_l[1]);
         if(hypre_StructStencilDim(hypre_StructMatrixStencil(A)) == 3)
            hypre_sprintf(filename, "zout_xdown.%02d", 0);
            hypre_StructVectorPrint(filename, x_l[0], 0);
            hypre_sprintf(filename, "zout_rdown.%02d", 0);
            hypre_StructVectorPrint(filename, r_l[0], 0);
            hypre_sprintf(filename, "zout_b.%02d", 1);
            hypre_StructVectorPrint(filename, b_l[1], 0);
         for (l = 1; l <= (num_levels - 2); l++)
            /* pre-relaxation */
            hypre_SMGRelaxSetRegSpaceRank(relax_data_l[l], 0, 0);
            hypre_SMGRelaxSetRegSpaceRank(relax_data_l[l], 1, 1);
            hypre_SMGRelaxSetMaxIter(relax_data_l[l], num_pre_relax);
            hypre_SMGRelaxSetZeroGuess(relax_data_l[l], 1);
            hypre_SMGRelax(relax_data_l[l], A_l[l], b_l[l], x_l[l]);

            /* compute residual (b - Ax) */
                              A_l[l], x_l[l], b_l[l], r_l[l]);

            /* restrict residual */
            hypre_SemiRestrict(restrict_data_l[l], R_l[l], r_l[l], b_l[l+1]);
            if(hypre_StructStencilDim(hypre_StructMatrixStencil(A)) == 3)
               hypre_sprintf(filename, "zout_xdown.%02d", l);
               hypre_StructVectorPrint(filename, x_l[l], 0);
               hypre_sprintf(filename, "zout_rdown.%02d", l);
               hypre_StructVectorPrint(filename, r_l[l], 0);
               hypre_sprintf(filename, "zout_b.%02d", l+1);
               hypre_StructVectorPrint(filename, b_l[l+1], 0);

          * Bottom

         hypre_SMGRelaxSetZeroGuess(relax_data_l[l], 1);
         hypre_SMGRelax(relax_data_l[l], A_l[l], b_l[l], x_l[l]);
         if(hypre_StructStencilDim(hypre_StructMatrixStencil(A)) == 3)
            hypre_sprintf(filename, "zout_xbottom.%02d", l);
            hypre_StructVectorPrint(filename, x_l[l], 0);

          * Up cycle

         for (l = (num_levels - 2); l >= 1; l--)
            /* interpolate error and correct (x = x + Pe_c) */
            hypre_SemiInterp(interp_data_l[l], PT_l[l], x_l[l+1], e_l[l]);
            hypre_StructAxpy(1.0, e_l[l], x_l[l]);
            if(hypre_StructStencilDim(hypre_StructMatrixStencil(A)) == 3)
               hypre_sprintf(filename, "zout_eup.%02d", l);
               hypre_StructVectorPrint(filename, e_l[l], 0);
               hypre_sprintf(filename, "zout_xup.%02d", l);
               hypre_StructVectorPrint(filename, x_l[l], 0);
            /* post-relaxation */
            hypre_SMGRelaxSetRegSpaceRank(relax_data_l[l], 0, 1);
            hypre_SMGRelaxSetRegSpaceRank(relax_data_l[l], 1, 0);
            hypre_SMGRelaxSetMaxIter(relax_data_l[l], num_post_relax);
            hypre_SMGRelaxSetZeroGuess(relax_data_l[l], 0);
            hypre_SMGRelax(relax_data_l[l], A_l[l], b_l[l], x_l[l]);

         /* interpolate error and correct on fine grid (x = x + Pe_c) */
         hypre_SemiInterp(interp_data_l[0], PT_l[0], x_l[1], e_l[0]);
         hypre_SMGAxpy(1.0, e_l[0], x_l[0], base_index, base_stride);
         if(hypre_StructStencilDim(hypre_StructMatrixStencil(A)) == 3)
            hypre_sprintf(filename, "zout_eup.%02d", 0);
            hypre_StructVectorPrint(filename, e_l[0], 0);
            hypre_sprintf(filename, "zout_xup.%02d", 0);
            hypre_StructVectorPrint(filename, x_l[0], 0);

      /* part of convergence check */
      if ((tol > 0.0) && (rel_change))
         if (num_levels > 1)
            e_dot_e = hypre_StructInnerProd(e_l[0], e_l[0]);
            x_dot_x = hypre_StructInnerProd(x_l[0], x_l[0]);
            e_dot_e = 0.0;
            x_dot_x = 1.0;

      /* fine grid post-relaxation */
      if (num_levels > 1)
         hypre_SMGRelaxSetRegSpaceRank(relax_data_l[0], 0, 1);
         hypre_SMGRelaxSetRegSpaceRank(relax_data_l[0], 1, 0);
      hypre_SMGRelaxSetMaxIter(relax_data_l[0], num_post_relax);
      hypre_SMGRelaxSetZeroGuess(relax_data_l[0], 0);
      hypre_SMGRelax(relax_data_l[0], A_l[0], b_l[0], x_l[0]);

      (smg_data -> num_iterations) = (i + 1);

   hypre_EndTiming(smg_data -> time_index);

   return hypre_error_flag;
Пример #9
hypre_SemiInterpSetup( void               *interp_vdata,
                       hypre_StructMatrix *P,
                       int                 P_stored_as_transpose,
                       hypre_StructVector *xc,
                       hypre_StructVector *e,
                       hypre_Index         cindex,
                       hypre_Index         findex,
                       hypre_Index         stride       )
   hypre_SemiInterpData   *interp_data = interp_vdata;

   hypre_StructGrid       *grid;
   hypre_StructStencil    *stencil;
   hypre_BoxArrayArray    *send_boxes;
   hypre_BoxArrayArray    *recv_boxes;
   int                   **send_processes;
   int                   **recv_processes;
   hypre_BoxArrayArray    *indt_boxes;
   hypre_BoxArrayArray    *dept_boxes;
   hypre_ComputePkg       *compute_pkg;

   int                     ierr = 0;

    * Set up the compute package

   grid    = hypre_StructVectorGrid(e);
   stencil = hypre_StructMatrixStencil(P);

   hypre_CreateComputeInfo(grid, stencil,
                        &send_boxes, &recv_boxes,
                        &send_processes, &recv_processes,
                        &indt_boxes, &dept_boxes);

   hypre_ProjectBoxArrayArray(send_boxes, cindex, stride);
   hypre_ProjectBoxArrayArray(recv_boxes, cindex, stride);
   hypre_ProjectBoxArrayArray(indt_boxes, findex, stride);
   hypre_ProjectBoxArrayArray(dept_boxes, findex, stride);

   hypre_ComputePkgCreate(send_boxes, recv_boxes,
                       stride, stride,
                       send_processes, recv_processes,
                       indt_boxes, dept_boxes,
                       stride, grid,
                       hypre_StructVectorDataSpace(e), 1,

    * Set up the interp data structure

   (interp_data -> P) = hypre_StructMatrixRef(P);
   (interp_data -> P_stored_as_transpose) = P_stored_as_transpose;
   (interp_data -> compute_pkg) = compute_pkg;
   hypre_CopyIndex(cindex, (interp_data -> cindex));
   hypre_CopyIndex(findex, (interp_data -> findex));
   hypre_CopyIndex(stride, (interp_data -> stride));

   return ierr;
hypre_SMGRelaxSetup( void               *relax_vdata,
                     hypre_StructMatrix *A,
                     hypre_StructVector *b,
                     hypre_StructVector *x           )
   hypre_SMGRelaxData  *relax_data = relax_vdata;
   int                  stencil_dim;
   int                  a_sol_test;
   int                  ierr = 0;

   stencil_dim = hypre_StructStencilDim(hypre_StructMatrixStencil(A));
   (relax_data -> stencil_dim) = stencil_dim;
   hypre_StructMatrixDestroy(relax_data -> A);
   hypre_StructVectorDestroy(relax_data -> b);
   hypre_StructVectorDestroy(relax_data -> x);
   (relax_data -> A) = hypre_StructMatrixRef(A);
   (relax_data -> b) = hypre_StructVectorRef(b);
   (relax_data -> x) = hypre_StructVectorRef(x);

    * Set up memory according to memory_use parameter.
    * If a subset of the solver memory is not to be set up
    * until the solve is actually done, it's "setup" tag
    * should have a value greater than 1.

   if ((stencil_dim - 1) <= (relax_data -> memory_use))
      a_sol_test = 1;
      a_sol_test = 0;

    * Set up the solver

   if ((relax_data -> setup_temp_vec) > 0)
      ierr = hypre_SMGRelaxSetupTempVec(relax_vdata, A, b, x);

   if ((relax_data -> setup_a_rem) > 0)
      ierr = hypre_SMGRelaxSetupARem(relax_vdata, A, b, x);

   if ((relax_data -> setup_a_sol) > a_sol_test)
      ierr = hypre_SMGRelaxSetupASol(relax_vdata, A, b, x);

   if ((relax_data -> base_box_array) == NULL)
      ierr = hypre_SMGRelaxSetupBaseBoxArray(relax_vdata, A, b, x);

   return ierr;
Пример #11
hypre_SemiRestrictSetup( void               *restrict_vdata,
                         hypre_StructMatrix *R,
                         int                 R_stored_as_transpose,
                         hypre_StructVector *r,
                         hypre_StructVector *rc,
                         hypre_Index         cindex,
                         hypre_Index         findex,
                         hypre_Index         stride                )
   hypre_SemiRestrictData *restrict_data = (hypre_SemiRestrictData *)restrict_vdata;

   hypre_StructGrid       *grid;
   hypre_StructStencil    *stencil;

   hypre_BoxArrayArray    *send_boxes;
   hypre_BoxArrayArray    *recv_boxes;
   int                   **send_processes;
   int                   **recv_processes;
   hypre_BoxArrayArray    *indt_boxes;
   hypre_BoxArrayArray    *dept_boxes;

   hypre_ComputePkg       *compute_pkg;

   int                     ierr = 0;

    * Set up the compute package

   grid    = hypre_StructVectorGrid(r);
   stencil = hypre_StructMatrixStencil(R);

   hypre_CreateComputeInfo(grid, stencil,
                        &send_boxes, &recv_boxes,
                        &send_processes, &recv_processes,
                        &indt_boxes, &dept_boxes);

   hypre_ProjectBoxArrayArray(send_boxes, findex, stride);
   hypre_ProjectBoxArrayArray(recv_boxes, findex, stride);
   hypre_ProjectBoxArrayArray(indt_boxes, cindex, stride);
   hypre_ProjectBoxArrayArray(dept_boxes, cindex, stride);

   hypre_ComputePkgCreate(send_boxes, recv_boxes,
                          stride, stride,
                          send_processes, recv_processes,
                          indt_boxes, dept_boxes,
                          stride, grid,
                          hypre_StructVectorDataSpace(r), 1,

    * Set up the restrict data structure

   (restrict_data -> R) = hypre_StructMatrixRef(R);
   (restrict_data -> R_stored_as_transpose) = R_stored_as_transpose;
   (restrict_data -> compute_pkg) = compute_pkg;
   hypre_CopyIndex(cindex ,(restrict_data -> cindex));
   hypre_CopyIndex(stride ,(restrict_data -> stride));

   return ierr;
Пример #12
hypre_SparseMSGSolve( void               *smsg_vdata,
                      hypre_StructMatrix *A,
                      hypre_StructVector *b,
                      hypre_StructVector *x          )
   hypre_SparseMSGData  *smsg_data = smsg_vdata;

   HYPRE_Real            tol                 = (smsg_data -> tol);
   HYPRE_Int             max_iter            = (smsg_data -> max_iter);
   HYPRE_Int             rel_change          = (smsg_data -> rel_change);
   HYPRE_Int             zero_guess          = (smsg_data -> zero_guess);
   HYPRE_Int             jump                = (smsg_data -> jump);
   HYPRE_Int             num_pre_relax       = (smsg_data -> num_pre_relax);
   HYPRE_Int             num_post_relax      = (smsg_data -> num_post_relax);
   HYPRE_Int             num_fine_relax      = (smsg_data -> num_fine_relax);
   HYPRE_Int            *num_grids           = (smsg_data -> num_grids);
   HYPRE_Int             num_all_grids       = (smsg_data -> num_all_grids);
   HYPRE_Int             num_levels          = (smsg_data -> num_levels);
   hypre_StructMatrix  **A_array             = (smsg_data -> A_array);
   hypre_StructMatrix  **Px_array            = (smsg_data -> Px_array);
   hypre_StructMatrix  **Py_array            = (smsg_data -> Py_array);
   hypre_StructMatrix  **Pz_array            = (smsg_data -> Pz_array);
   hypre_StructMatrix  **RTx_array           = (smsg_data -> RTx_array);
   hypre_StructMatrix  **RTy_array           = (smsg_data -> RTy_array);
   hypre_StructMatrix  **RTz_array           = (smsg_data -> RTz_array);
   hypre_StructVector  **b_array             = (smsg_data -> b_array);
   hypre_StructVector  **x_array             = (smsg_data -> x_array);
   hypre_StructVector  **t_array             = (smsg_data -> t_array);
   hypre_StructVector  **r_array             = (smsg_data -> r_array);
   hypre_StructVector  **e_array             = (smsg_data -> e_array);
   hypre_StructVector  **visitx_array        = (smsg_data -> visitx_array);
   hypre_StructVector  **visity_array        = (smsg_data -> visity_array);
   hypre_StructVector  **visitz_array        = (smsg_data -> visitz_array);
   HYPRE_Int            *grid_on             = (smsg_data -> grid_on);
   void                **relax_array         = (smsg_data -> relax_array);
   void                **matvec_array        = (smsg_data -> matvec_array);
   void                **restrictx_array     = (smsg_data -> restrictx_array);
   void                **restricty_array     = (smsg_data -> restricty_array);
   void                **restrictz_array     = (smsg_data -> restrictz_array);
   void                **interpx_array       = (smsg_data -> interpx_array);
   void                **interpy_array       = (smsg_data -> interpy_array);
   void                **interpz_array       = (smsg_data -> interpz_array);
   HYPRE_Int             logging             = (smsg_data -> logging);
   HYPRE_Real           *norms               = (smsg_data -> norms);
   HYPRE_Real           *rel_norms           = (smsg_data -> rel_norms);

   HYPRE_Int            *restrict_count;

   HYPRE_Real            b_dot_b, r_dot_r, eps;
   HYPRE_Real            e_dot_e, x_dot_x;
   HYPRE_Int             i, l, lx, ly, lz;
   HYPRE_Int             lymin, lymax, lzmin, lzmax;
   HYPRE_Int             fi, ci;                              
   HYPRE_Int             ierr = 0;

   char                  filename[255];

    * Initialize some things and deal with special cases

   hypre_BeginTiming(smsg_data -> time_index);

   A_array[0] = hypre_StructMatrixRef(A);
   b_array[0] = hypre_StructVectorRef(b);
   x_array[0] = hypre_StructVectorRef(x);

   (smsg_data -> num_iterations) = 0;

   /* if max_iter is zero, return */
   if (max_iter == 0)
      /* if using a zero initial guess, return zero */
      if (zero_guess)
         hypre_StructVectorSetConstantValues(x, 0.0);

      hypre_EndTiming(smsg_data -> time_index);
      return ierr;

   /* part of convergence check */
   if (tol > 0.0)
      /* eps = (tol^2) */
      b_dot_b = hypre_StructInnerProd(b_array[0], b_array[0]);
      eps = tol*tol;

      /* if rhs is zero, return a zero solution */
      if (b_dot_b == 0.0)
         hypre_StructVectorSetConstantValues(x, 0.0);
         if (logging > 0)
            norms[0]     = 0.0;
            rel_norms[0] = 0.0;

         hypre_EndTiming(smsg_data -> time_index);
         return ierr;

   restrict_count = hypre_TAlloc(HYPRE_Int, num_all_grids);

    * Do V-cycles:
    *   For each index l, "fine" = l, "coarse" = (l+1)

   for (i = 0; i < max_iter; i++)
       * Down cycle:
       *   Note that r = b = x through the jump region

      /* fine grid pre-relaxation */
      hypre_PFMGRelaxSetMaxIter(relax_array[0], num_fine_relax);
      hypre_PFMGRelaxSetZeroGuess(relax_array[0], zero_guess);
      hypre_PFMGRelax(relax_array[0], A_array[0], b_array[0], x_array[0]);
      zero_guess = 0;

      /* compute fine grid residual (b - Ax) */
      hypre_StructCopy(b_array[0], r_array[0]);
                                -1.0, A_array[0], x_array[0], 1.0, r_array[0]);

      /* convergence check */
      if (tol > 0.0)
         r_dot_r = hypre_StructInnerProd(r_array[0], r_array[0]);

         if (logging > 0)
            norms[i] = sqrt(r_dot_r);
            if (b_dot_b > 0)
               rel_norms[i] = sqrt(r_dot_r/b_dot_b);
               rel_norms[i] = 0.0;
/* RDF */
#if 0

hypre_printf("iter = %d, rel_norm = %e\n", i, rel_norms[i]);


         /* always do at least 1 V-cycle */
         if ((r_dot_r/b_dot_b < eps) && (i > 0))
            if (rel_change)
               if ((e_dot_e/x_dot_x) < eps)

      if (num_levels > 1)
         /* initialize restrict_count */
         for (fi = 0; fi < num_all_grids; fi++)
            restrict_count[fi] = 0;

         for (l = 0; l <= (num_levels - 2); l++)
            lzmin = hypre_max((l - num_grids[1] - num_grids[0] + 2), 0);
            lzmax = hypre_min((l), (num_grids[2] - 1));
            for (lz = lzmin; lz <= lzmax; lz++)
               lymin = hypre_max((l - lz - num_grids[0] + 1), 0);
               lymax = hypre_min((l - lz), (num_grids[1] - 1));
               for (ly = lymin; ly <= lymax; ly++)
                  lx = l - lz - ly;

                  hypre_SparseMSGMapIndex(lx, ly, lz, num_grids, fi);

                  if (!grid_on[fi])

                  if (restrict_count[fi] > 1)
                     hypre_StructScale((1.0/restrict_count[fi]), b_array[fi]);

                  if (l > jump)
                     /* pre-relaxation */
                     hypre_PFMGRelaxSetMaxIter(relax_array[fi], num_pre_relax);
                     hypre_PFMGRelaxSetZeroGuess(relax_array[fi], 1);
                     hypre_PFMGRelax(relax_array[fi], A_array[fi], b_array[fi],

                     /* compute residual (b - Ax) */
                     hypre_StructCopy(b_array[fi], r_array[fi]);
                                               -1.0, A_array[fi], x_array[fi],
                                               1.0, r_array[fi]);
                  if ((lx+1) < num_grids[0])
                     /* restrict to ((lx+1), ly, lz) */
                     hypre_SparseMSGMapIndex((lx+1), ly, lz, num_grids, ci);
                     if (grid_on[ci])
                        if (restrict_count[ci])
                                                   RTx_array[lx], r_array[fi],
                           hypre_StructAxpy(1.0, t_array[ci], b_array[ci]);
                                                   RTx_array[lx], r_array[fi],
                  if ((ly+1) < num_grids[1])
                     /* restrict to (lx, (ly+1), lz) */
                     hypre_SparseMSGMapIndex(lx, (ly+1), lz, num_grids, ci);
                     if (grid_on[ci])
                        if (restrict_count[ci])
                                                   RTy_array[ly], r_array[fi],
                           hypre_StructAxpy(1.0, t_array[ci], b_array[ci]);
                                                   RTy_array[ly], r_array[fi],
                  if ((lz+1) < num_grids[2])
                     /* restrict to (lx, ly, (lz+1)) */
                     hypre_SparseMSGMapIndex(lx, ly, (lz+1), num_grids, ci);
                     if (grid_on[ci])
                        if (restrict_count[ci])
                                                   RTz_array[lz], r_array[fi],
                           hypre_StructAxpy(1.0, t_array[ci], b_array[ci]);
                                                   RTz_array[lz], r_array[fi],
                  hypre_sprintf(filename, "zoutSMSG_bdown.%d.%d.%d", lx, ly, lz);
                  hypre_StructVectorPrint(filename, b_array[fi], 0);
                  hypre_sprintf(filename, "zoutSMSG_xdown.%d.%d.%d", lx, ly, lz);
                  hypre_StructVectorPrint(filename, x_array[fi], 0);
                  hypre_sprintf(filename, "zoutSMSG_rdown.%d.%d.%d", lx, ly, lz);
                  hypre_StructVectorPrint(filename, r_array[fi], 0);

          * Bottom
         fi = num_all_grids - 1;

         if (restrict_count[fi] > 1)
            hypre_StructScale((1.0/restrict_count[fi]), b_array[fi]);

         hypre_PFMGRelaxSetZeroGuess(relax_array[fi], 1);
         hypre_PFMGRelax(relax_array[fi], A_array[fi], b_array[fi],

         hypre_sprintf(filename, "zoutSMSG_bbottom.%d.%d.%d", lx, ly, lz);
         hypre_StructVectorPrint(filename, b_array[fi], 0);
         hypre_sprintf(filename, "zoutSMSG_xbottom.%d.%d.%d", lx, ly, lz);
         hypre_StructVectorPrint(filename, x_array[fi], 0);

          * Up cycle
          *   Note that r = b = x through the jump region

         for (l = (num_levels - 2); l >= 0; l--)
            lzmin = hypre_max((l - num_grids[1] - num_grids[0] + 2), 0);
            lzmax = hypre_min((l), (num_grids[2] - 1));
            for (lz = lzmax; lz >= lzmin; lz--)
               lymin = hypre_max((l - lz - num_grids[0] + 1), 0);
               lymax = hypre_min((l - lz), (num_grids[1] - 1));
               for (ly = lymax; ly >= lymin; ly--)
                  lx = l - lz - ly;

                  hypre_SparseMSGMapIndex(lx, ly, lz, num_grids, fi);
                  if (!grid_on[fi])

                  if ((l >= 1) && (l <= jump))
                     hypre_StructVectorSetConstantValues(x_array[fi], 0.0);
                  if ((lx+1) < num_grids[0])
                     /* interpolate from ((lx+1), ly, lz) */
                     hypre_SparseMSGMapIndex((lx+1), ly, lz, num_grids, ci);
                     if (grid_on[ci])
                                              Px_array[lx], x_array[ci],
                        hypre_SparseMSGFilter(visitx_array[fi], e_array[fi],
                                              lx, ly, lz, jump);
                        hypre_StructAxpy(1.0, e_array[fi], x_array[fi]);
                  if ((ly+1) < num_grids[1])
                     /* interpolate from (lx, (ly+1), lz) */
                     hypre_SparseMSGMapIndex(lx, (ly+1), lz, num_grids, ci);
                     if (grid_on[ci])
                                              Py_array[ly], x_array[ci],
                        hypre_SparseMSGFilter(visity_array[fi], e_array[fi],
                                              lx, ly, lz, jump);
                        hypre_StructAxpy(1.0, e_array[fi], x_array[fi]);
                  if ((lz+1) < num_grids[2])
                     /* interpolate from (lx, ly, (lz+1)) */
                     hypre_SparseMSGMapIndex(lx, ly, (lz+1), num_grids, ci);
                     if (grid_on[ci])
                                              Pz_array[lz], x_array[ci],
                        hypre_SparseMSGFilter(visitz_array[fi], e_array[fi],
                                              lx, ly, lz, jump);
                        hypre_StructAxpy(1.0, e_array[fi], x_array[fi]);
                  hypre_sprintf(filename, "zoutSMSG_xup.%d.%d.%d", lx, ly, lz);
                  hypre_StructVectorPrint(filename, x_array[fi], 0);
                  if (l > jump)
                     /* post-relaxation */
                     hypre_PFMGRelaxSetZeroGuess(relax_array[fi], 0);
                     hypre_PFMGRelax(relax_array[fi], A_array[fi], b_array[fi],

      /* part of convergence check */
      if ((tol > 0.0) && (rel_change))
         if (num_levels > 1)
            e_dot_e = hypre_StructInnerProd(e_array[0], e_array[0]);
            x_dot_x = hypre_StructInnerProd(x_array[0], x_array[0]);
            e_dot_e = 0.0;
            x_dot_x = 1.0;

      /* fine grid post-relaxation */
      hypre_PFMGRelaxSetMaxIter(relax_array[0], num_fine_relax);
      hypre_PFMGRelaxSetZeroGuess(relax_array[0], 0);
      hypre_PFMGRelax(relax_array[0], A_array[0], b_array[0], x_array[0]);

      (smsg_data -> num_iterations) = (i + 1);

   hypre_EndTiming(smsg_data -> time_index);

   return ierr;