Пример #1
uint8_t i2c_send_data(uint8_t data){
	TWDR = data;
	TWCR = _BV(TWINT) | _BV(TWEN); /* clear interrupt to start transmission */
	while ((TWCR & _BV(TWINT)) == 0) ; /* wait for transmission */
	switch ((i2c_status = TW_STATUS))
		case TW_MT_DATA_ACK:
			return 0;

		case TW_MT_DATA_NACK:	/* nack during select: device busy writing */
			#ifdef DEBUG
				printf("I2C: got a nack sending byte 0x%x\n",data);
			return TW_MT_DATA_NACK;

		case TW_MT_ARB_LOST:	/* re-arbitrate */
			#ifdef DEBUG
				printf("I2C:arbitration lost sending byte 0x%x\n",data);
			return TW_MT_ARB_LOST;
			#ifdef DEBUG
				printf("I2C:error in sub addr status=%#X\n",i2c_status);
			i2c_send_stop();		/* must send stop condition */
			return i2c_status;
	return 0;
Пример #2
/** \brief This function sends a I2C packet enclosed by
 *         a I2C start and stop to the device.
This function combines a I2C packet send sequence that
is common to all packet types. Only if word_address is
#I2C_PACKET_FUNCTION_NORMAL, count and buffer parameters are
expected to be non-zero.
 * @param[in] word_address packet function code listed in #i2c_word_address
 * @param[in] count number of bytes in data buffer
 * @param[in] buffer pointer to data buffer
 * @return status of the operation
static uint8_t ecc108p_i2c_send(uint8_t word_address, uint8_t count, uint8_t *buffer)
	uint8_t i2c_status = ecc108p_send_slave_address(I2C_WRITE);
	if (i2c_status != I2C_FUNCTION_RETCODE_SUCCESS)
		return ECC108_COMM_FAIL;

	i2c_status = i2c_send_bytes(1, &word_address);
	if (i2c_status != I2C_FUNCTION_RETCODE_SUCCESS)
		return ECC108_COMM_FAIL;

	if (count == 0) {
		// We are done for packets that are not commands (Sleep, Idle, Reset).
		(void) i2c_send_stop();
		return ECC108_SUCCESS;

	i2c_status = i2c_send_bytes(count, buffer);

	(void) i2c_send_stop();

	if (i2c_status != I2C_FUNCTION_RETCODE_SUCCESS)
		return ECC108_COMM_FAIL;
		return ECC108_SUCCESS;
Пример #3
int i2c_read (uint8_t chip_id, uint8_t reg_addr, uint8_t* buffer, uint16_t len)
	int status = 0;

	/* send chip internal register address (pointer register) */
	if (status == 0) i2c_send_start ();
	if (status == 0) status = i2c_write_byte (chip_id << 1 | I2C_WRITE_OPER);
	if (status == 0) status = i2c_write_byte (reg_addr);
	if (status == 0) i2c_send_repeated_start ();

	/* send again chip id before to switch to read mode */
	if (status == 0) status = i2c_write_byte ((chip_id << 1) | I2C_READ_OPER);
	if (status == 0) i2c_switch_to_read_operation(len > 1);

	/* read specified number of bytes */
	if (status == 0) {
		while (len > 1) {
			*buffer++ = i2c_read_byte (--len > 1);
	i2c_send_stop ();
	if (status == 0) *buffer++ = i2c_read_byte (false);

	return status;
Пример #4
/* Function to write a byte at a specific address */
bool eeprom_write_byte(uint16_t address, uint8_t data)
	bool success = true;

	/* send START and wait for completion */
	while ((I2C_SR1(I2C1) & I2C_SR1_SB) == 0);

	/* send device address, r/w request and wait for completion */
	i2c_send_7bit_address(I2C1, ADDRESS_BYTE, I2C_WRITE);
	while ((I2C_SR1(I2C1) & I2C_SR1_ADDR) == 0);

	/* check SR2 and go on if OK */
	if ((I2C_SR2(I2C1) & I2C_SR2_MSL)		/* master mode */
	&&	(I2C_SR2(I2C1) & I2C_SR2_BUSY)) {	/* communication ongoing  */

		/* send memory address MSB */
		i2c_send_data(I2C1, ((uint8_t)(address >> 8)));
		while ((I2C_SR1(I2C1) & I2C_SR1_TxE) == 0);

		/* send memory address LSB */
		i2c_send_data(I2C1, ((uint8_t)address));
		while ((I2C_SR1(I2C1) & I2C_SR1_TxE) == 0);

		/* send data byte */
		i2c_send_data(I2C1, data);
		while ((I2C_SR1(I2C1) & I2C_SR1_TxE) == 0);

		/* send stop */

		/* ATTENTION: consider to wait for a while */
	} else {
int tda18219_write_reg(uint8_t reg, uint8_t value)
	uint32_t __attribute__((unused)) reg32;

	/* Send START condition. */

	/* Waiting for START is send and switched to master mode. */
	while (!((I2C_SR1(I2C1) & I2C_SR1_SB)
		& (I2C_SR2(I2C1) & (I2C_SR2_MSL | I2C_SR2_BUSY))));

	/* Say to what address we want to talk to. */
	/* Yes, WRITE is correct - for selecting register in STTS75. */
	i2c_send_7bit_address(I2C1, TDA18219_I2C_ADDR, I2C_WRITE);

	/* Waiting for address is transferred. */
	while (!(I2C_SR1(I2C1) & I2C_SR1_ADDR));

	/* Cleaning ADDR condition sequence. */
	reg32 = I2C_SR2(I2C1);

	i2c_send_data(I2C1, reg);
	while (!(I2C_SR1(I2C1) & I2C_SR1_TxE));

	i2c_send_data(I2C1, value);
	while (!(I2C_SR1(I2C1) & (I2C_SR1_BTF | I2C_SR1_TxE)));


	return 0;
Пример #6
/** \brief This function resynchronizes communication.
 * Parameters are not used for I2C.\n
 * Re-synchronizing communication is done in a maximum of three steps
 * listed below. This function implements the first step. Since
 * steps 2 and 3 (sending a Wake-up token and reading the response)
 * are the same for I2C and SWI, they are
 * implemented in the communication layer (#ecc108c_resync).
       To ensure an IO channel reset, the system should send
       the standard I2C software reset sequence, as follows:
         <li>a Start condition</li>
         <li>nine cycles of SCL, with SDA held high</li>
         <li>another Start condition</li>
         <li>a Stop condition</li>
       It should then be possible to send a read sequence and
       if synchronization has completed properly the ATECC108 will
       acknowledge the device address. The chip may return data or
       may leave the bus floating (which the system will interpret
       as a data value of 0xFF) during the data periods.\n
       If the chip does acknowledge the device address, the system
       should reset the internal address counter to force the
       ATECC108 to ignore any partial input command that may have
       been sent. This can be accomplished by sending a write
       sequence to word address 0x00 (Reset), followed by a
       Stop condition.
       If the chip does NOT respond to the device address with an ACK,
       then it may be asleep. In this case, the system should send a
       complete Wake token and wait t_whi after the rising edge. The
       system may then send another read sequence and if synchronization
       has completed the chip will acknowledge the device address.
       If the chip still does not respond to the device address with
       an acknowledge, then it may be busy executing a command. The
       system should wait the longest TEXEC and then send the
       read sequence, which will be acknowledged by the chip.
 * \param[in] size size of rx buffer
 * \param[out] response pointer to response buffer
 * \return status of the operation
uint8_t ecc108p_resync(uint8_t size, uint8_t *response)
	uint8_t nine_clocks = 0xFF;
	uint8_t ret_code = i2c_send_start();

	// Do not evaluate the return code that most likely indicates error,
	// since nine_clocks is unlikely to be acknowledged.
	(void) i2c_send_bytes(1, &nine_clocks);

	// Send another Start. The function sends also one byte,
	// the I2C address of the device, because I2C specification
	// does not allow sending a Stop right after a Start condition.
	ret_code = ecc108p_send_slave_address(I2C_READ);

	// Send only a Stop if the above call succeeded.
	// Otherwise the above function has sent it already.
		ret_code = i2c_send_stop();

	// Return error status if we failed to re-sync.
		return ECC108_COMM_FAIL;

	// Try to send a Reset IO command if re-sync succeeded.
	return ecc108p_reset_io();
Пример #7
/** \brief This function receives a response from the device.
 * \param[in] size size of rx buffer
 * \param[out] response pointer to rx buffer
 * \return status of the operation
uint8_t ecc108p_receive_response(uint8_t size, uint8_t *response)
	uint8_t count;

	// Address the device and indicate that bytes are to be read.
	uint8_t i2c_status = ecc108p_send_slave_address(I2C_READ);
	if (i2c_status != I2C_FUNCTION_RETCODE_SUCCESS) {
		// Translate error so that the Communication layer
		// can distinguish between a real error or the
		// device being busy executing a command.
		if (i2c_status == I2C_FUNCTION_RETCODE_NACK)
			i2c_status = ECC108_RX_NO_RESPONSE;

		return i2c_status;

	// Receive count byte.
	i2c_status = i2c_receive_byte(response);
	if (i2c_status != I2C_FUNCTION_RETCODE_SUCCESS)
		return ECC108_COMM_FAIL;

	count = response[ECC108_BUFFER_POS_COUNT];
	if ((count < ECC108_RSP_SIZE_MIN) || (count > size)) {
		(void) i2c_send_stop();
		return ECC108_INVALID_SIZE;

	i2c_status = i2c_receive_bytes(count - 1, &response[ECC108_BUFFER_POS_DATA]);

	if (i2c_status != I2C_FUNCTION_RETCODE_SUCCESS)
		return ECC108_COMM_FAIL;
		return ECC108_SUCCESS;
void stts75_write_temp_os(uint32_t i2c, uint8_t sensor, uint16_t temp_os)
	uint32_t reg32 __attribute__((unused));

	/* Send START condition. */

	/* Waiting for START is send and switched to master mode. */
	while (!((I2C_SR1(i2c) & I2C_SR1_SB)
		& (I2C_SR2(i2c) & (I2C_SR2_MSL | I2C_SR2_BUSY))));

	/* Send destination address. */
	i2c_send_7bit_address(i2c, sensor, I2C_WRITE);

	/* Waiting for address is transferred. */
	while (!(I2C_SR1(i2c) & I2C_SR1_ADDR));

	/* Cleaning ADDR condition sequence. */
	reg32 = I2C_SR2(i2c);

	/* Sending the data. */
	i2c_send_data(i2c, 0x3); /* OvertemperatureShutdown register */
	while (!(I2C_SR1(i2c) & I2C_SR1_BTF));
	i2c_send_data(i2c, (uint8_t)(temp_os >> 8)); /* MSB */
	while (!(I2C_SR1(i2c) & I2C_SR1_BTF));
	i2c_send_data(i2c, (uint8_t)(temp_os & 0xff00)); /* LSB */
	/* After the last byte we have to wait for TxE too. */
	while (!(I2C_SR1(i2c) & (I2C_SR1_BTF | I2C_SR1_TxE)));

	/* Send STOP condition. */
Пример #9
 * @brief Writes an 8-bit values to an 8-bit registers on an I2C slave starting from registerAddress
 * @param[in] slaveId The device's I2C slave id
 * @param[in] registerAddress Address of the device register to write to
 * @param[in] buffer The buffer with values to write
 * @return 0 is successful, 1 if not
int i2c_write_registers(register uint8_t slaveId, register uint8_t registerAddress, register uint8_t registerCount, register uint8_t *buffer){
  uint8_t i = 0;
  /* loop while the bus is still busy */
	/* send I2C start signal and set write direction*/
	/* send the slave address and wait for the I2C bus operation to complete */
	/* send the register address */
  for(i = 0; i < registerCount; i++) {
    /* send the register value */
	/* issue stop signal by clearing master mode. */
  return 0;
void stts75_write_temp_hyst(uint32_t i2c, uint8_t sensor, uint16_t temp_hyst)
	uint32_t reg32 __attribute__((unused));

	/* Send START condition. */

	/* Waiting for START is send and therefore switched to master mode. */
	while (!((I2C_SR1(i2c) & I2C_SR1_SB)
		& (I2C_SR2(i2c) & (I2C_SR2_MSL | I2C_SR2_BUSY))));

	/* Say to what address we want to talk to. */
	i2c_send_7bit_address(i2c, sensor, I2C_WRITE);

	/* Waiting for address is transferred. */
	while (!(I2C_SR1(i2c) & I2C_SR1_ADDR));

	/* Cleaning ADDR condition sequence. */
	reg32 = I2C_SR2(i2c);

	/* Sending the data. */
	i2c_send_data(i2c, 0x2); /* TemperatureHysteresis register */
	while (!(I2C_SR1(i2c) & I2C_SR1_BTF));
	i2c_send_data(i2c, (uint8_t)(temp_hyst >> 8)); /* MSB */
	while (!(I2C_SR1(i2c) & I2C_SR1_BTF));
	i2c_send_data(i2c, (uint8_t)(temp_hyst & 0xff00)); /* LSB */
	/* After the last byte we have to wait for TxE too. */
	while (!(I2C_SR1(i2c) & (I2C_SR1_BTF | I2C_SR1_TxE)));

	/* Send STOP condition. */
void stts75_write_config(uint32_t i2c, uint8_t sensor)
	uint32_t reg32 __attribute__((unused));

	/* Send START condition. */

	/* Waiting for START is send and switched to master mode. */
	while (!((I2C_SR1(i2c) & I2C_SR1_SB)
		& (I2C_SR2(i2c) & (I2C_SR2_MSL | I2C_SR2_BUSY))));

	/* Send destination address. */
	i2c_send_7bit_address(i2c, sensor, I2C_WRITE);

	/* Waiting for address is transferred. */
	while (!(I2C_SR1(i2c) & I2C_SR1_ADDR));

	/* Cleaning ADDR condition sequence. */
	reg32 = I2C_SR2(i2c);

	/* Sending the data. */
	i2c_send_data(i2c, 0x1); /* stts75 config register */
	while (!(I2C_SR1(i2c) & I2C_SR1_BTF)); /* Await ByteTransferedFlag. */
	/* Polarity reverse - LED glows if temp is below Tos/Thyst. */
	i2c_send_data(i2c, 0x4);
	while (!(I2C_SR1(i2c) & (I2C_SR1_BTF | I2C_SR1_TxE)));

	/* Send STOP condition. */
Пример #12
void i2c_write_byte(uint8_t dev, uint8_t addr, uint8_t data){
	if(i2c_send_start()!=0) return;
	if(i2c_send_addr(dev,TW_WRITE)!=0) return;
	if(i2c_send_data(addr)!=0) return ;
	if(i2c_send_data(data)!=0) return;
Пример #13
static int i2c_write(uint8_t reg, uint8_t val)
    while ((I2C_SR2(I2C_PORT) & I2C_SR2_BUSY)) {
    gpio_set(GPIOG, GPIO13);

    /* Wait for master mode selected */
    while (!((I2C_SR1(I2C_PORT) & I2C_SR1_SB)
           & (I2C_SR2(I2C_PORT) & (I2C_SR2_MSL | I2C_SR2_BUSY))));
    gpio_set(GPIOG, GPIO14);
    i2c_send_7bit_address(I2C_PORT, SLAVE_ADDRESS, I2C_WRITE);

    /* Waiting for address is transferred. */
    while (!(I2C_SR1(I2C_PORT) & I2C_SR1_ADDR));

    /* Cleaning ADDR condition sequence. */
    uint32_t reg32 = I2C_SR2(I2C_PORT);
    (void) reg32; /* unused */

    /* Common above here */

    /* Sending the data. */
    i2c_send_data(I2C_PORT, reg);
    while (!(I2C_SR1(I2C_PORT) & (I2C_SR1_BTF)));
    i2c_send_data(I2C_PORT, val);
    while (!(I2C_SR1(I2C_PORT) & (I2C_SR1_BTF | I2C_SR1_TxE)));

    /* Send STOP condition. */
    return 0;
Пример #14
 * @brief Reads an 8-bit register from an I2C slave 
uint8_t i2c_read_register(register uint8_t slaveId, register uint8_t registerAddress){
  /* loop while the bus is still busy */
	/* send I2C start signal and set write direction, also enables ACK */
	/* send the slave address and wait for the I2C bus operation to complete */
	/* send the register address */
	/* signal a repeated start condition */

	/* send the read address */
	/* switch to receive mode but disable ACK because only one data byte will be read */
	/* read a dummy byte to drive the clock */
	/* stop signal */
	/* fetch the last received byte */
	register uint8_t result = I2C0->D;
	return result;
Пример #15
void i2c_write_word(uint8_t dev, uint8_t addr,uint16_t data){
	if(i2c_send_start()!=0) return;
	if(i2c_send_addr(dev,TW_WRITE)!=0) return;
	if(i2c_send_data(addr)!=0) return;
	if(i2c_send_data(data & 0xff)!=0) return;
	if(i2c_send_data(((data & 0xff00)>>8))!=0) return;
Пример #16
static void
	if (selected) {
		selected = false;
Пример #17
bool i2c_probe (uint8_t chip_id)
	i2c_send_start ();
	int status = i2c_write_byte ((chip_id << 1) | I2C_WRITE_OPER);
	i2c_send_stop ();

	return status == 0;
Пример #18
 * @brief Reads multiple 8-bit registers from an I2C slave
 * @param[in] slaveId The slave device ID
 * @param[in] startRegisterAddress The first register address
 * @param[in] registerCount The number of registers to read; Must be greater than or equal to two.
 * @param[out] buffer The buffer to write into
 * @return 0 is successful, 1 if not
static int i2c_read_registers_internal(register uint8_t slaveId, register uint8_t startRegisterAddress, register uint8_t registerCount, uint8_t *const buffer){
  if(registerCount < 2)
    return -1;
	/* loop while the bus is still busy */
	/* send I2C start signal and set write direction, also enables ACK */
	/* send the slave address and wait for the I2C bus operation to complete */
	/* send the register address */
	/* signal a repeated start condition */

	/* send the read address */
	/* switch to receive mode and assume more than one register */
	/* read a dummy byte to drive the clock */
	/* for all remaining bytes, read */
	uint8_t index = 0;
	while (--registerCount > 0)
		/* fetch and store value */
		register uint8_t value = I2C0->D;
		buffer[index++] = value;
		/* wait for completion */
	/* disable ACK and read second-to-last byte */
	/* fetch and store value */
	buffer[index++] = I2C0->D;
	/* wait for completion */
	/* stop signal */
	/* fetch the last received byte */
	buffer[index++] = I2C0->D; 
  return 0;
Пример #19
uint8_t i2c_read_byte(uint8_t dev, uint8_t addr){
	if(i2c_send_start()!=0) return 0;
	if(i2c_send_addr(dev,TW_WRITE)!=0) return 0;
	if(i2c_send_data(addr)!=0) return 0;
	if(i2c_send_start()!=0) return 0;
	if(i2c_send_addr(dev,TW_READ)!=0) return 0;
	uint8_t data= i2c_receive_data(0);
	return data;
Пример #20
void ds1721_init()

    i2c_send_byte(DS1721_ADDR | DS1721_WRITE);

Пример #21
void i2c_seq_read(uint8_t dev, uint8_t start_addr, uint8_t*buff, uint8_t len){
	int i=0;
	if(i2c_send_start()!=0) return;
	if(i2c_send_addr(dev,TW_WRITE)!=0) return;
	if(i2c_send_data(start_addr)!=0) return;
	if(i2c_send_start()!=0) return;
	if(i2c_send_addr(dev,TW_READ)!=0) return;
		*buff++=i2c_receive_data((i<(len-1))?1:0); //send ack until last byte to read
Пример #22
int16_t i2c_read_word(uint8_t dev, uint8_t addr){
	if(i2c_send_start()!=0) return 0;
	if(i2c_send_addr(dev,TW_WRITE)!=0) return 0;
	if(i2c_send_data(addr)!=0) return 0;
	if(i2c_send_start()!=0) return 0;
	if(i2c_send_addr(dev,TW_READ)!=0) return 0;
	uint8_t datal= i2c_receive_data(1);
	uint8_t datah= i2c_receive_data(0);
	return ((datah<<8) |  datal);
Пример #23
static int i2c_do_xfer(void *reg_addr, I2cSeg segment)
	int res = 0;
	if (i2c_send_start(reg_addr))
		return I2C_TIMEOUT;
	if (segment.read)
		res = i2c_read(reg_addr, segment);
		res = i2c_write(reg_addr, segment);
	return i2c_send_stop(reg_addr) || res;
Пример #24
static int i2c_do_xfer(void *reg_addr, struct i2c_msg segment)
	int res = 0;

	if (i2c_send_start(reg_addr))
		return I2C_TIMEOUT;
	if (segment.flags & I2C_M_RD)
		res = i2c_read(reg_addr, segment);
		res = i2c_write(reg_addr, segment);
	return i2c_send_stop(reg_addr) || res;
Пример #25
static inline void PPRZ_I2C_SEND_STOP(uint32_t i2c)
  // Man: p722:  Stop generation after the current byte transfer or after the current Start condition is sent.

#ifdef I2C_DEBUG_LED
Пример #26
static uint32_t i2c_read(uint8_t reg)
    //    while ((I2C_SR2(i2c) & I2C_SR2_BUSY)) {
    //    }


    /* Wait for master mode selected */
    while (!((I2C_SR1(I2C_PORT) & I2C_SR1_SB)
           & (I2C_SR2(I2C_PORT) & (I2C_SR2_MSL | I2C_SR2_BUSY))));

    i2c_send_7bit_address(I2C_PORT, SLAVE_ADDRESS, I2C_WRITE);

    /* Waiting for address is transferred. */
    while (!(I2C_SR1(I2C_PORT) & I2C_SR1_ADDR));

    /* Cleaning ADDR condition sequence. */
    uint32_t reg32 = I2C_SR2(I2C_PORT);
    (void) reg32; /* unused */

    /*  Common stuff ABOVE HERE     */

    i2c_send_data(I2C_PORT, reg);
    while (!(I2C_SR1(I2C_PORT) & (I2C_SR1_BTF)));


    /* Wait for master mode selected */
    while (!((I2C_SR1(I2C_PORT) & I2C_SR1_SB)
           & (I2C_SR2(I2C_PORT) & (I2C_SR2_MSL | I2C_SR2_BUSY))));

    i2c_send_7bit_address(I2C_PORT, SLAVE_ADDRESS, I2C_READ);

    /* Waiting for address is transferred. */
    while (!(I2C_SR1(I2C_PORT) & I2C_SR1_ADDR));


    /* Cleaning ADDR condition sequence. */
    reg32 = I2C_SR2(I2C_PORT);
    (void) reg32; /* unused */


    while (!(I2C_SR1(I2C_PORT) & I2C_SR1_RxNE));
    uint32_t result = i2c_get_data(I2C_PORT);

    I2C_SR1(I2C_PORT) &= ~I2C_SR1_AF;
    return result;
Пример #27
/** \brief This function creates a Start condition and sends the
 * I2C address.
 * \param[in] read #I2C_READ for reading, #I2C_WRITE for writing
 * \return status of the I2C operation
static uint8_t ecc108p_send_slave_address(uint8_t read)
	uint8_t sla = device_address | read;
	uint8_t ret_code = i2c_send_start();
		return ret_code;

	ret_code = i2c_send_bytes(1, &sla);

		(void) i2c_send_stop();

	return ret_code;
static uint8_t i2c_write(uint32_t i2c, uint8_t address, uint8_t reg,
	uint8_t data)
	i2c_start(i2c, address, I2C_WRITE);

	i2c_send_data(i2c, reg);

	while (!(I2C_SR1(i2c) & (I2C_SR1_BTF)));
	i2c_send_data(i2c, data);

	while (!(I2C_SR1(i2c) & (I2C_SR1_BTF)));


	return 0;
Пример #29
/** \brief This I2C function generates a Wake-up pulse and delays.
 * \return status of the operation
uint8_t ecc108p_wakeup(void)
#if !defined(ECC108_GPIO_WAKEUP) && !defined(ECC108_I2C_BITBANG)

	// Generate wakeup pulse by writing a 0 on the I2C bus.
	uint8_t dummy_byte = 0;
	uint8_t i2c_status = i2c_send_start();
	if (i2c_status != I2C_FUNCTION_RETCODE_SUCCESS)
		return ECC108_COMM_FAIL;

	// To send eight zero bits it takes 10E6 / I2C clock * 8 us.
	delay_10us(ECC108_WAKEUP_PULSE_WIDTH - (uint8_t) (1000000.0 / 10.0 / I2C_CLOCK * 8.0));

	// We have to send at least one byte between an I2C Start and an I2C Stop.
	(void) i2c_send_bytes(1, &dummy_byte);
	i2c_status = i2c_send_stop();
	if (i2c_status != I2C_FUNCTION_RETCODE_SUCCESS)
		return ECC108_COMM_FAIL;
#  if defined(ECC108_I2C_BITBANG)
	// Generate wakeup pulse using the GPIO pin that is connected to SDA.
#  else
	// Generate wakeup pulse by disabling the I2C peripheral and
	// pulling SDA low. The I2C peripheral gets automatically
	// re-enabled when calling i2c_send_start().
	// PORTD is used on the Microbase. You might have to use another
	// port for a different target.
	TWCR = 0;           // Disable I2C.
	//DDRD |= _BV(PD1);   // Set SDA as output.
	//PORTD &= ~_BV(PD1); // Set SDA low.
        pinMode(SDA, OUTPUT);
        digitalWrite(SDA, LOW);
	//PORTD |= _BV(PD1);  // Set SDA high.
        digitalWrite(SDA, HIGH);
#   endif


	return ECC108_SUCCESS;
Пример #30
int i2c_write (uint8_t chip_id, uint8_t reg_addr, const uint8_t* buffer, uint16_t len)
	int status = 0;

	/* send 1st chip internal register address (pointer register) */
	if (status == 0) i2c_send_start ();
	if (status == 0) status = i2c_write_byte (chip_id << 1 | I2C_WRITE_OPER);
	if (status == 0) status = i2c_write_byte (reg_addr);

	/* write next the buffer into the chip */
	while ((status == 0) && (len > 0)) {
		status = i2c_write_byte (*buffer++);
	i2c_send_stop ();

	return status;