Пример #1

Direct-Sound support
si_state_t SNDDMA_InitDirect( void *hInst )
	DSCAPS	dscaps;
	HRESULT	hresult;

	if( !dsound_dll.link )
		if( !Sys_LoadLibrary( &dsound_dll ))
			return SIS_FAILURE;

	MsgDev( D_NOTE, "SNDDMA_InitDirect: creating DS object " );
	if(( hresult = iDirectSoundCreate( NULL, &pDS, NULL )) != DS_OK )
		if( hresult != DSERR_ALLOCATED )
			MsgDev( D_NOTE, "- failed\n" );
			return SIS_FAILURE;

		MsgDev( D_NOTE, "- failed, hardware already in use\n" );
		return SIS_NOTAVAIL;

	MsgDev( D_NOTE, "- ok\n" );
	dscaps.dwSize = sizeof( dscaps );

	if( pDS->lpVtbl->GetCaps( pDS, &dscaps ) != DS_OK )
		MsgDev( D_ERROR, "SNDDMA_InitDirect: GetCaps failed\n");

	if( dscaps.dwFlags & DSCAPS_EMULDRIVER )
		MsgDev( D_ERROR, "SNDDMA_InitDirect: no DSound driver found\n" );
		return SIS_FAILURE;

	if( !DS_CreateBuffers( hInst ))
		return SIS_FAILURE;

	return SIS_SUCCESS;
Пример #2

	Direct-Sound support
SNDDMA_InitDirect (void)
	DSBCAPS     dsbcaps;
	DWORD       dwSize, dwWrite;
	DSCAPS      dscaps;
	WAVEFORMATEX format, pformat;
	HRESULT     hresult;
	int         reps;

	memset ((void *) &sn, 0, sizeof (sn));

	shm = &sn;

	shm->channels = 2;
	shm->samplebits = 16;
	shm->speed = 11025;

	memset (&format, 0, sizeof (format));
	format.wFormatTag = WAVE_FORMAT_PCM;
	format.nChannels = shm->channels;
	format.wBitsPerSample = shm->samplebits;
	format.nSamplesPerSec = shm->speed;
	format.nBlockAlign = format.nChannels * format.wBitsPerSample / 8;
	format.cbSize = 0;
	format.nAvgBytesPerSec = format.nSamplesPerSec * format.nBlockAlign;

	if (!hInstDS) {
		hInstDS = LoadLibrary ("dsound.dll");

		if (hInstDS == NULL) {
			Con_Printf ("Couldn't load dsound.dll\n");
			return SIS_FAILURE;

		pDirectSoundCreate =
			(void *) GetProcAddress (hInstDS, "DirectSoundCreate");

		if (!pDirectSoundCreate) {
			Con_Printf ("Couldn't get DS proc addr\n");
			return SIS_FAILURE;

	while ((hresult = iDirectSoundCreate (NULL, &pDS, NULL)) != DS_OK) {
		if (hresult != DSERR_ALLOCATED) {
			Con_Printf ("DirectSound create failed\n");
			return SIS_FAILURE;
		Con_Printf ("DirectSoundCreate failure\n"
					"  hardware already in use\n");
		return SIS_NOTAVAIL;

	dscaps.dwSize = sizeof (dscaps);
	if (DS_OK != IDirectSound_GetCaps (pDS, &dscaps)) {
		Con_Printf ("Couldn't get DS caps\n");

	if (dscaps.dwFlags & DSCAPS_EMULDRIVER) {
		Con_Printf ("No DirectSound driver installed\n");
		FreeSound ();
		return SIS_FAILURE;

	if (DS_OK !=
		IDirectSound_SetCooperativeLevel (pDS, mainwindow, DSSCL_EXCLUSIVE)) {
		Con_Printf ("Set coop level failed\n");
		FreeSound ();
		return SIS_FAILURE;
// get access to the primary buffer, if possible, so we can set the
// sound hardware format
	memset (&dsbuf, 0, sizeof (dsbuf));
	dsbuf.dwSize = sizeof (DSBUFFERDESC);
	dsbuf.dwBufferBytes = 0;
	dsbuf.lpwfxFormat = NULL;

	memset (&dsbcaps, 0, sizeof (dsbcaps));
	dsbcaps.dwSize = sizeof (dsbcaps);
	primary_format_set = false;

	if (!COM_CheckParm ("-snoforceformat")) {
		if (DS_OK ==
			IDirectSound_CreateSoundBuffer (pDS, &dsbuf, &pDSPBuf, NULL)) {
			pformat = format;
			if (DS_OK != IDirectSoundBuffer_SetFormat (pDSPBuf, &pformat)) {
			} else primary_format_set = true;

	if (!primary_format_set || !COM_CheckParm ("-primarysound")) {
		// create the secondary buffer we'll actually work with
		memset (&dsbuf, 0, sizeof (dsbuf));
		dsbuf.dwSize = sizeof (DSBUFFERDESC);
		dsbuf.dwBufferBytes = SECONDARY_BUFFER_SIZE;
		dsbuf.lpwfxFormat = &format;

		memset (&dsbcaps, 0, sizeof (dsbcaps));
		dsbcaps.dwSize = sizeof (dsbcaps);

		if (DS_OK !=
			IDirectSound_CreateSoundBuffer (pDS, &dsbuf, &pDSBuf, NULL)) {
			Con_Printf ("DS:CreateSoundBuffer Failed");
			FreeSound ();
			return SIS_FAILURE;

		shm->channels = format.nChannels;
		shm->samplebits = format.wBitsPerSample;
		shm->speed = format.nSamplesPerSec;

		if (DS_OK != IDirectSound_GetCaps (pDSBuf, &dsbcaps)) {
			Con_Printf ("DS:GetCaps failed\n");
			FreeSound ();
			return SIS_FAILURE;
	} else {
		if (DS_OK !=
			IDirectSound_SetCooperativeLevel (pDS, mainwindow,
			Con_Printf ("Set coop level failed\n");
			FreeSound ();
			return SIS_FAILURE;

		if (DS_OK != IDirectSound_GetCaps (pDSPBuf, &dsbcaps)) {
			Con_Printf ("DS:GetCaps failed\n");
			return SIS_FAILURE;

		pDSBuf = pDSPBuf;

	// Make sure mixer is active
	IDirectSoundBuffer_Play (pDSBuf, 0, 0, DSBPLAY_LOOPING);

	gSndBufSize = dsbcaps.dwBufferBytes;

// initialize the buffer
	reps = 0;

	while ((hresult = IDirectSoundBuffer_Lock (pDSBuf, 0, gSndBufSize,
			(LPVOID *) & lpData, &dwSize, NULL,NULL, 0)) != DS_OK) {
		if (hresult != DSERR_BUFFERLOST) {
			Con_Printf ("SNDDMA_InitDirect: DS::Lock Sound Buffer Failed\n");
			FreeSound ();
			return SIS_FAILURE;

		if (++reps > 10000) {
			Con_Printf ("SNDDMA_InitDirect: DS: couldn't restore buffer\n");
			FreeSound ();
			return SIS_FAILURE;


	memset (lpData, 0, dwSize);
//      lpData[4] = lpData[5] = 0x7f;   // force a pop for debugging

	IDirectSoundBuffer_Unlock (pDSBuf, lpData, dwSize, NULL, 0);

	/* we don't want anyone to access the buffer directly w/o locking it
	   first. */
	lpData = NULL;

	IDirectSoundBuffer_Stop (pDSBuf);
	IDirectSoundBuffer_GetCurrentPosition (pDSBuf, &mmstarttime.u.sample,
	IDirectSoundBuffer_Play (pDSBuf, 0, 0, DSBPLAY_LOOPING);

	shm->soundalive = true;
	shm->splitbuffer = false;
	shm->samples = gSndBufSize / (shm->samplebits / 8);
	shm->samplepos = 0;
	shm->submission_chunk = 1;
	shm->buffer = (unsigned char *) lpData;
	sample16 = (shm->samplebits / 8) - 1;

	dsound_init = true;

	return SIS_SUCCESS;
Пример #3

Direct-Sound support
sndinitstat SNDDMA_InitDirect (void)
	DSCAPS			dscaps;
	HRESULT			hresult;

	dma.channels = 2;
	dma.samplebits = 16;

	if (s_khz->value == 44)
		dma.speed = 44100;
	if (s_khz->value == 22)
		dma.speed = 22050;
		dma.speed = 11025;

	Com_Printf( "Initializing DirectSound\n");

	if ( !hInstDS )
		Com_DPrintf( "...loading dsound.dll: " );

		hInstDS = LoadLibrary("dsound.dll");

		if (hInstDS == NULL)
			Com_Printf ("failed\n");
			return SIS_FAILURE;

		Com_DPrintf ("ok\n");
		pDirectSoundCreate = (void *)GetProcAddress(hInstDS,"DirectSoundCreate");

		if (!pDirectSoundCreate)
			Com_Printf ("*** couldn't get DS proc addr ***\n");
			return SIS_FAILURE;

	Com_DPrintf( "...creating DS object: " );
	while ( ( hresult = iDirectSoundCreate( NULL, &pDS, NULL ) ) != DS_OK )
		if (hresult != DSERR_ALLOCATED)
			Com_Printf( "failed\n" );
			return SIS_FAILURE;

		if (MessageBox (NULL,
						"The sound hardware is in use by another app.\n\n"
					    "Select Retry to try to start sound again or Cancel to run Quake with no sound.",
						"Sound not available",
			Com_Printf ("failed, hardware already in use\n" );
			return SIS_NOTAVAIL;
	Com_DPrintf( "ok\n" );

	dscaps.dwSize = sizeof(dscaps);

	if ( DS_OK != pDS->lpVtbl->GetCaps( pDS, &dscaps ) )
		Com_Printf ("*** couldn't get DS caps ***\n");

	if ( dscaps.dwFlags & DSCAPS_EMULDRIVER )
		Com_DPrintf ("...no DSound driver found\n" );
		return SIS_FAILURE;

	if ( !DS_CreateBuffers() )
		return SIS_FAILURE;

	dsound_init = true;

	Com_DPrintf("...completed successfully\n" );

	return SIS_SUCCESS;
Пример #4
static int SNDDMA_InitDS ()
	HRESULT			hresult;
	qboolean		pauseTried;
	DSBCAPS			dsbcaps;

	Com_Printf( "Initializing DirectSound\n");

	if ( !hInstDS ) {
		Com_DPrintf( "...loading dsound.dll: " );

		hInstDS = LoadLibrary("dsound.dll");
		if ( hInstDS == NULL ) {
			Com_Printf ("failed\n");
			return 0;

		Com_DPrintf ("ok\n");
		pDirectSoundCreate = (long (__stdcall *)(struct _GUID *,struct IDirectSound ** ,struct IUnknown *))

		if ( !pDirectSoundCreate ) {
			Com_Printf ("*** couldn't get DS proc addr ***\n");
			return 0;

	Com_DPrintf( "...creating DS object: " );
	pauseTried = qfalse;
	while ( ( hresult = iDirectSoundCreate( NULL, &pDS, NULL ) ) != DS_OK ) {
		if ( hresult != DSERR_ALLOCATED ) {
			Com_Printf( "failed\n" );
			return 0;

		if ( pauseTried ) {
			Com_Printf ("failed, hardware already in use\n" );
			return 0;
		// first try just waiting five seconds and trying again
		// this will handle the case of a sysyem beep playing when the
		// game starts
		Com_DPrintf ("retrying...\n");
		Sleep( 3000 );
		pauseTried = qtrue;
	Com_DPrintf( "ok\n" );

	Com_DPrintf("...setting DSSCL_PRIORITY coop level: " );

	if ( DS_OK != pDS->SetCooperativeLevel( g_wv.hWnd, DSSCL_PRIORITY ) )	{
		Com_Printf ("failed\n");
		SNDDMA_Shutdown ();
		return qfalse;
	Com_DPrintf("ok\n" );

	// create the secondary buffer we'll actually work with
	dma.channels = 2;
	dma.samplebits = 16;

	if (s_khz->integer == 44)
		dma.speed = 44100;
	else if (s_khz->integer == 22)
		dma.speed = 22050;
		dma.speed = 11025;

	memset (&format, 0, sizeof(format));
	format.wFormatTag = WAVE_FORMAT_PCM;
    format.nChannels = dma.channels;
    format.wBitsPerSample = dma.samplebits;
    format.nSamplesPerSec = dma.speed;
    format.nBlockAlign = format.nChannels * format.wBitsPerSample / 8;
    format.cbSize = 0;
    format.nAvgBytesPerSec = format.nSamplesPerSec*format.nBlockAlign; 

	memset (&dsbuf, 0, sizeof(dsbuf));
	dsbuf.dwSize = sizeof(DSBUFFERDESC);


	dsbuf.dwBufferBytes = SECONDARY_BUFFER_SIZE;
	dsbuf.lpwfxFormat = &format;
	Com_DPrintf( "...creating secondary buffer: " );
	if (DS_OK != pDS->CreateSoundBuffer(&dsbuf, &pDSBuf, NULL)) {
		hresult = pDS->CreateSoundBuffer(&dsbuf, &pDSBuf, NULL);
		if (hresult != DS_OK) {			
			Com_Printf( "failed to create secondary buffer - %s\n", DSoundError( hresult ) );
			SNDDMA_Shutdown ();
			return qfalse;
	Com_Printf( "locked hardware.  ok\n" );
	// Make sure mixer is active
	if ( DS_OK != pDSBuf->Play(0, 0, DSBPLAY_LOOPING) ) {
		Com_Printf ("*** Looped sound play failed ***\n");
		SNDDMA_Shutdown ();
		return qfalse;

	memset(&dsbcaps, 0, sizeof(dsbcaps));
	dsbcaps.dwSize = sizeof(dsbcaps);
	// get the returned buffer size
	if ( DS_OK != pDSBuf->GetCaps (&dsbcaps) ) {
		Com_Printf ("*** GetCaps failed ***\n");
		SNDDMA_Shutdown ();
		return qfalse;
	gSndBufSize = dsbcaps.dwBufferBytes;

	dma.channels = format.nChannels;
	dma.samplebits = format.wBitsPerSample;
	dma.speed = format.nSamplesPerSec;
	dma.samples = gSndBufSize/(dma.samplebits/8);
	dma.submission_chunk = 1;
	dma.buffer = NULL;			// must be locked first

	sample16 = (dma.samplebits/8) - 1;

	SNDDMA_BeginPainting ();
	if (dma.buffer)
		memset(dma.buffer, 0, dma.samples * dma.samplebits/8);
	SNDDMA_Submit ();
	return 1;
Пример #5

Direct-Sound support
static sndinitstat SNDDMA_InitDirect (void)
	DSBCAPS			dsbcaps;
	DWORD			dwSize, dwWrite;
	DSCAPS			dscaps;
	WAVEFORMATEX	format, pformat;
	HRESULT			hresult;
	int				reps;

	memset (&dma, 0, sizeof(dma));

	dma.channels = 2;
	dma.samplebits = 16;
	if (s_khz.value == 44)
		dma.speed = 44100;
	else if (s_khz.value == 22)
		dma.speed = 22050;
		dma.speed = 11025;

	memset (&format, 0, sizeof(format));
	format.wFormatTag = WAVE_FORMAT_PCM;
    format.nChannels = dma.channels;
    format.wBitsPerSample = dma.samplebits;
    format.nSamplesPerSec = dma.speed;
    format.nBlockAlign = format.nChannels
		*format.wBitsPerSample / 8;
    format.cbSize = 0;
    format.nAvgBytesPerSec = format.nSamplesPerSec

	if (!hInstDS)
		hInstDS = LoadLibrary("dsound.dll");

		if (hInstDS == NULL)
			Com_Printf ("Couldn't load dsound.dll\n");
			return SIS_FAILURE;

		pDirectSoundCreate = (HRESULT (WINAPI *)(GUID FAR *, LPDIRECTSOUND FAR *, IUnknown FAR *))GetProcAddress(hInstDS,"DirectSoundCreate");

		if (!pDirectSoundCreate)
			Com_Printf ("Couldn't get DS proc addr\n");
			return SIS_FAILURE;

	if ((hresult = iDirectSoundCreate(NULL, &pDS, NULL)) != DS_OK)
		if (hresult == DSERR_ALLOCATED)
			Com_Printf ("DirectSoundCreate failed, hardware already in use\n");
			return SIS_NOTAVAIL;

		Com_Printf ("DirectSound create failed\n");
		return SIS_FAILURE;

	dscaps.dwSize = sizeof(dscaps);

	if (DS_OK != pDS->lpVtbl->GetCaps (pDS, &dscaps))
		Com_Printf ("Couldn't get DS caps\n");

	if (dscaps.dwFlags & DSCAPS_EMULDRIVER)
		Com_Printf ("No DirectSound driver installed\n");
		FreeSound ();
		return SIS_FAILURE;

	if (DS_OK != pDS->lpVtbl->SetCooperativeLevel (pDS, mainwindow, DSSCL_EXCLUSIVE))
		Com_Printf ("Set coop level failed\n");
		FreeSound ();
		return SIS_FAILURE;

// get access to the primary buffer, if possible, so we can set the
// sound hardware format
	memset (&dsbuf, 0, sizeof(dsbuf));
	dsbuf.dwSize = sizeof(DSBUFFERDESC);
	dsbuf.dwBufferBytes = 0;
	dsbuf.lpwfxFormat = NULL;

	memset(&dsbcaps, 0, sizeof(dsbcaps));
	dsbcaps.dwSize = sizeof(dsbcaps);
	primary_format_set = false;

	if (!COM_CheckParm ("-snoforceformat"))
		if (DS_OK == pDS->lpVtbl->CreateSoundBuffer(pDS, &dsbuf, &pDSPBuf, NULL))
			pformat = format;

			if (DS_OK != pDSPBuf->lpVtbl->SetFormat (pDSPBuf, &pformat))
//				if (snd_firsttime)
//					Com_Printf ("Set primary sound buffer format: no\n");
//			{
//				if (snd_firsttime)
//					Com_Printf ("Set primary sound buffer format: yes\n");

				primary_format_set = true;
//			}

	if (!primary_format_set || !COM_CheckParm ("-primarysound"))
	// create the secondary buffer we'll actually work with
		memset (&dsbuf, 0, sizeof(dsbuf));
		dsbuf.dwSize = sizeof(DSBUFFERDESC);
		dsbuf.dwBufferBytes = SECONDARY_BUFFER_SIZE;
		dsbuf.lpwfxFormat = &format;

		memset(&dsbcaps, 0, sizeof(dsbcaps));
		dsbcaps.dwSize = sizeof(dsbcaps);

		if (DS_OK != pDS->lpVtbl->CreateSoundBuffer(pDS, &dsbuf, &pDSBuf, NULL))
			Com_Printf ("DS:CreateSoundBuffer Failed");
			FreeSound ();
			return SIS_FAILURE;

		dma.channels = format.nChannels;
		dma.samplebits = format.wBitsPerSample;
		dma.speed = format.nSamplesPerSec;

		if (DS_OK != pDSBuf->lpVtbl->GetCaps (pDSBuf, &dsbcaps))
			Com_Printf ("DS:GetCaps failed\n");
			FreeSound ();
			return SIS_FAILURE;

//		if (snd_firsttime)
//			Com_Printf ("Using secondary sound buffer\n");
		if (DS_OK != pDS->lpVtbl->SetCooperativeLevel (pDS, mainwindow, DSSCL_WRITEPRIMARY))
			Com_Printf ("Set coop level failed\n");
			FreeSound ();
			return SIS_FAILURE;

		if (DS_OK != pDSPBuf->lpVtbl->GetCaps (pDSPBuf, &dsbcaps))
			Com_Printf ("DS:GetCaps failed\n");
			return SIS_FAILURE;

		pDSBuf = pDSPBuf;
//		Com_Printf ("Using primary sound buffer\n");

	// Make sure mixer is active
	pDSBuf->lpVtbl->Play(pDSBuf, 0, 0, DSBPLAY_LOOPING);

/*	if (snd_firsttime)
		Com_Printf ("   %d channel(s)\n"
		               "   %d bits/sample\n"
					   "   %d bytes/sec\n",
					   dma.channels, dma.samplebits, dma.speed);*/

	gSndBufSize = dsbcaps.dwBufferBytes;

// initialize the buffer
	reps = 0;

#ifdef MINGW32
#define Lock(a,b,c,d,e,f,g,h) Lock(a,b,c,(void *)d,e,(void *)f,g,h)

	while ((hresult = pDSBuf->lpVtbl->Lock(pDSBuf, 0, gSndBufSize, &lpData, &dwSize, NULL, NULL, 0)) != DS_OK)
		if (hresult != DSERR_BUFFERLOST)
			Com_Printf ("SNDDMA_InitDirect: DS::Lock Sound Buffer Failed\n");
			FreeSound ();
			return SIS_FAILURE;

		if (++reps > 10000)
			Com_Printf ("SNDDMA_InitDirect: DS: couldn't restore buffer\n");
			FreeSound ();
			return SIS_FAILURE;


	memset(lpData, 0, dwSize);
//		lpData[4] = lpData[5] = 0x7f;	// force a pop for debugging

	pDSBuf->lpVtbl->Unlock(pDSBuf, lpData, dwSize, NULL, 0);

	/* we don't want anyone to access the buffer directly w/o locking it first. */
	lpData = NULL;

	pDSBuf->lpVtbl->GetCurrentPosition(pDSBuf, &mmstarttime.u.sample, &dwWrite);
	pDSBuf->lpVtbl->Play(pDSBuf, 0, 0, DSBPLAY_LOOPING);

	dma.samples = gSndBufSize/(dma.samplebits/8);
	dma.samplepos = 0;
	dma.submission_chunk = 1;
	dma.buffer = (unsigned char *) lpData;
	sample16 = (dma.samplebits/8) - 1;

	dsound_init = true;

	return SIS_SUCCESS;