bool Prj::create(const QString &path, QString *reason) { try { QString absPath = QFileInfo(path).absoluteFilePath(); // create path for icons if (!QDir(iconPath(absPath)).exists()) if (!QDir().mkpath(iconPath(absPath))) throw tr("can't create path \"%1\"").arg(iconPath(absPath)); // create path for screenshots if (!QDir(screenshotPath(absPath)).exists()) if (!QDir().mkpath(screenshotPath(absPath))) throw tr("can't create path \"%1\"").arg(screenshotPath(absPath)); // create path for downloads (webpages, e.t.c.) if (!QDir(downloadsPath(absPath)).exists()) if (!QDir().mkpath(downloadsPath(absPath))) throw tr("can't create path \"%1\"").arg(downloadsPath(absPath)); QFile file(xmlPath(path)); if (! throw file.errorString(); // write empty xml document return PrjXml::saveEmptyXml(&file, reason); } catch (const QString &error) { if (reason) *reason = error; } return false; }
// cf. static bool WriteExtendedFileExtensionInfo(HKEY hkey) { bool success = true; ScopedMem<WCHAR> exePath(GetInstalledExePath()); if (HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE == hkey) success &= WriteRegStr(hkey, L"Software\\Microsoft\\Windows\\CurrentVersion\\App Paths\\" EXENAME, NULL, exePath); // mirroring some of what DoAssociateExeWithPdfExtension() does (cf. AppTools.cpp) ScopedMem<WCHAR> iconPath(str::Join(exePath, L",1")); success &= WriteRegStr(hkey, REG_CLASSES_APPS L"\\DefaultIcon", NULL, iconPath); ScopedMem<WCHAR> cmdPath(str::Format(L"\"%s\" \"%%1\" %%*", exePath)); success &= WriteRegStr(hkey, REG_CLASSES_APPS L"\\Shell\\Open\\Command", NULL, cmdPath); ScopedMem<WCHAR> printPath(str::Format(L"\"%s\" -print-to-default \"%%1\"", exePath)); success &= WriteRegStr(hkey, REG_CLASSES_APPS L"\\Shell\\Print\\Command", NULL, printPath); ScopedMem<WCHAR> printToPath(str::Format(L"\"%s\" -print-to \"%%2\" \"%%1\"", exePath)); success &= WriteRegStr(hkey, REG_CLASSES_APPS L"\\Shell\\PrintTo\\Command", NULL, printToPath); // don't add REG_CLASSES_APPS L"\\SupportedTypes", as that prevents SumatraPDF.exe to // potentially appear in the Open With lists for other filetypes (such as single images) // add the installed SumatraPDF.exe to the Open With lists of the supported file extensions for (int i = 0; NULL != gSupportedExts[i]; i++) { ScopedMem<WCHAR> keyname(str::Join(L"Software\\Classes\\", gSupportedExts[i], L"\\OpenWithList\\" EXENAME)); success &= CreateRegKey(hkey, keyname); // TODO: stop removing this after version 1.8 (was wrongly created for version 1.6) keyname.Set(str::Join(L"Software\\Classes\\", gSupportedExts[i], L"\\OpenWithList\\" APP_NAME_STR)); DeleteRegKey(hkey, keyname); } // in case these values don't exist yet (we won't delete these at uninstallation) success &= WriteRegStr(hkey, REG_CLASSES_PDF, L"Content Type", L"application/pdf"); success &= WriteRegStr(hkey, L"Software\\Classes\\MIME\\Database\\Content Type\\application/pdf", L"Extension", L".pdf"); return success; }
void FileSystem::setConfiguration(QDomDocument* config, const QString& mainDataDir, const QString& userDataDir) { Q_UNUSED(mainDataDir); Q_UNUSED(userDataDir); QString rootPath; QIcon folderIcon; QIcon defaultFileIcon; QHash<QString, QIcon> icons; if (config != NULL) { QDomElement elt = config->documentElement(); if (!elt.isNull() && elt.tagName() == "FileSystem") { for (QDomNode n = elt.firstChild(); !n.isNull(); n = n.nextSibling()) { if (n.isElement()) { QDomElement e = n.toElement(); if (e.tagName() == "RootPath") { QString p(e.attribute("value")); if (QFile::exists(p)) { rootPath = p; } } if (e.tagName() == "Icons") { for (QDomNode n2 = e.firstChild(); !n2.isNull(); n2 = n2.nextSibling()) { if (n2.isElement()) { QDomElement e2 = n2.toElement(); QString iconName(e2.attribute("icon")); QString iconPath(userDataDir + "/" + iconName); if (!QFile::exists(iconPath)) { iconPath = mainDataDir + "/" + iconName; if (!QFile::exists(iconPath)) { iconPath = QString::null; } } if (e2.tagName() == "Folder") { folderIcon = QIcon(iconPath); } else if (e2.tagName() == "DefaultFile") { defaultFileIcon = QIcon(iconPath); } else if (e2.tagName() == "File") { icons[e2.attribute("type")] = QIcon(iconPath); } } } } } } } } if (rootPath.isEmpty()) { rootPath = QDir::rootPath(); } MediaIconProvider* iconProvider = new MediaIconProvider(); iconProvider->setFolderIcon(folderIcon); iconProvider->setDefaultFileIcon(defaultFileIcon); iconProvider->setFileTypeIcons(icons); m_model->setIconProvider(iconProvider); m_model->setRootPath(rootPath); }
Drink::Drink(QObject *parent) : QObject(parent), m_type(UnkownType), m_volume(0.0), m_alcoholByVolume(0.0), m_liveDrinks(QpRelation(&Drink::liveDrinks)) { setPicture(QPixmap(iconPath())); }
void MainWindow::afficherPokemonDetails(QListWidgetItem *current, QListWidgetItem *previous) { DPokemon p; QString *filename = new QString(":/Pokemons/ressources/"); int idx; p.setName(current->text().toUpper()); idx = this->pokemons->indexOf(p); p = pokemons->at(idx); filename->append(p.getId()); filename->append(QString(".gif")); ui->pokemonName->setText(p.getName().toLower()); ui->pokemonIcon->setPixmap(QPixmap(*filename)); ui->pokemonId->setText(p.getId()); ui->pokemonType->setText(p.getType()); ui->pokemonAbility->setText(p.getAbility()); ui->pokemonExp->setText(p.getExp()); ui->pokemonRatio->setText(p.getRatio()); ui->pokemonEggGroup->setText(p.getEggGroup()); ui->pokemonSpecies->setText(p.getSpecies()); ui->pokemonHeight->setText(p.getHeight()); ui->pokemonWeight->setText(p.getWeight()); ui->pokemonDescription->setText(p.getDescription()); ui->moveList->clear(); QList<Move> m(p.getMove()); for (int i = 0; i < m.count(); i++) { QString item(""); if (m[i].getLvl() != "") { item.append("Lv."); item.append(m[i].getLvl()); item.append(" "); } item.append(m[i].getName()); ui->moveList->addItem(item); } ui->evoList->clear(); QList<Evo> e(p.getEvo()); for (int i = 0; i < e.count(); i++) { QString pokemonDetails(""); QString iconPath(":/Pokemons/ressources/"); iconPath.append(e[i].getId()); iconPath.append(".gif"); if (e[i].getLvl() != "") { pokemonDetails.append("Lv."); pokemonDetails.append(e[i].getLvl()); pokemonDetails.append(" "); } pokemonDetails.append(e[i].getName()); ui->evoList->addItem(new QListWidgetItem(QIcon(iconPath), pokemonDetails)); } }
QgsDashSpaceDialog::QgsDashSpaceDialog( const QVector<qreal>& v, QWidget* parent, Qt::WindowFlags f ): QDialog( parent, f ) { setupUi( this ); mAddButton->setIcon( QIcon( iconPath( "symbologyAdd.svg" ) ) ); mRemoveButton->setIcon( QIcon( iconPath( "symbologyRemove.svg" ) ) ); double dash = 0; double space = 0; for ( int i = 0; i < ( v.size() - 1 ); ++i ) { dash = i ); ++i; space = i ); QTreeWidgetItem* entry = new QTreeWidgetItem(); entry->setFlags( Qt::ItemIsSelectable | Qt::ItemIsEditable | Qt::ItemIsEnabled ); entry->setText( 0, QString::number( dash ) ); entry->setText( 1, QString::number( space ) ); mDashSpaceTreeWidget->addTopLevelItem( entry ); } }
//TODO: this is kind of funky; a launchpoint of an app should really just present the info for the app. json_object* LaunchPoint::toJSON() const { json_object* json = json_object_new_object(); json_object_object_add(json, (char*) "id", json_object_new_string((char*) id().c_str())); if (m_appDesc) { json_object_object_add(json, (char*) "version", json_object_new_string(m_appDesc->version().c_str())); json_object_object_add(json, (char*) "appId", json_object_new_string((char*) m_appDesc->id().c_str())); json_object_object_add(json, (char*) "vendor", json_object_new_string((char*) m_appDesc->vendorName().c_str())); json_object_object_add(json, (char*) "vendorUrl", json_object_new_string((char *) m_appDesc->vendorUrl().c_str())); int appSize = 0; std::string packageId = m_appDesc->id(); if (this->isDefault()) { PackageDescription* packageDesc = ApplicationManager::instance()->getPackageInfoByAppId(m_appDesc->id()); if (packageDesc) { appSize = packageDesc->packageSize(); packageId = packageDesc->id(); } } json_object_object_add(json, (char*) "size", json_object_new_int(appSize)); json_object_object_add(json, (char*) "packageId", json_object_new_string((char*) packageId.c_str())); if (m_appDesc->dockModeStatus()) { json_object_object_add(json, (char*) "exhibitionMode", json_object_new_boolean(true)); json_object_object_add(json, (char*) "exhibitionModeTitle", json_object_new_string((char*)m_appDesc->dockModeTitle().c_str())); } } else { json_object_object_add(json, (char*) "size", json_object_new_int(0)); json_object_object_add(json, (char*) "packageId", json_object_new_string((char*) m_appDesc->id().c_str())); } json_object_object_add(json, (char*) "removable", json_object_new_boolean(m_removable)); json_object_object_add(json, (char*) "launchPointId", json_object_new_string((char*) launchPointId().c_str())); json_object_object_add(json, (char*) "title", json_object_new_string((char*) title().c_str())); json_object_object_add(json, (char*) "appmenu", json_object_new_string((char*)menuName().c_str())); json_object_object_add(json, (char*) "icon", json_object_new_string((char*) iconPath().c_str())); if (!params().empty() && m_appDesc->type() != ApplicationDescription::Type_Qt) { if (m_appDesc->type() == ApplicationDescription::Type_Qt) { json_object_object_add(json, (char*) "params", json_object_new_string(params().c_str())); } else { json_object* paramsJson = json_tokener_parse(params().c_str()); json_object_object_add(json, (char*) "params", paramsJson); } } return json; }
// cf. static bool WriteExtendedFileExtensionInfo(HKEY hkey) { bool ok = true; ScopedMem<WCHAR> exePath(GetInstalledExePath()); if (HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE == hkey) ok &= WriteRegStr(hkey, L"Software\\Microsoft\\Windows\\CurrentVersion\\App Paths\\" EXENAME, nullptr, exePath); // mirroring some of what DoAssociateExeWithPdfExtension() does (cf. AppTools.cpp) ScopedMem<WCHAR> iconPath(str::Join(exePath, L",1")); ok &= WriteRegStr(hkey, REG_CLASSES_APPS L"\\DefaultIcon", nullptr, iconPath); ScopedMem<WCHAR> cmdPath(str::Format(L"\"%s\" \"%%1\" %%*", exePath)); ok &= WriteRegStr(hkey, REG_CLASSES_APPS L"\\Shell\\Open\\Command", nullptr, cmdPath); ScopedMem<WCHAR> printPath(str::Format(L"\"%s\" -print-to-default \"%%1\"", exePath)); ok &= WriteRegStr(hkey, REG_CLASSES_APPS L"\\Shell\\Print\\Command", nullptr, printPath); ScopedMem<WCHAR> printToPath(str::Format(L"\"%s\" -print-to \"%%2\" \"%%1\"", exePath)); ok &= WriteRegStr(hkey, REG_CLASSES_APPS L"\\Shell\\PrintTo\\Command", nullptr, printToPath); // don't add REG_CLASSES_APPS L"\\SupportedTypes", as that prevents SumatraPDF.exe to // potentially appear in the Open With lists for other filetypes (such as single images) // add the installed SumatraPDF.exe to the Open With lists of the supported file extensions // TODO: per we shouldn't be // using OpenWithList but OpenWithProgIds. Also, it doesn't seem to work on my win7 32bit // (HKLM\Software\Classes\.mobi\OpenWithList\SumatraPDF.exe key is present but "Open With" // menu item doesn't even exist for .mobi files // It's not so easy, though, because if we just set it to SumatraPDF, // all gSupportedExts will be reported as "PDF Document" by Explorer, so this needs // to be more intelligent. We should probably mimic Windows Media Player scheme i.e. // set OpenWithProgIds to SumatraPDF.AssocFile.Mobi etc. and create apropriate // \SOFTWARE\Classes\CLSID\{GUID}\ProgID etc. entries // Also, if Sumatra is the only program handling those docs, our // PDF icon will be shown (we need icons and properly configure them) for (int i = 0; nullptr != gSupportedExts[i]; i++) { ScopedMem<WCHAR> keyname(str::Join(L"Software\\Classes\\", gSupportedExts[i], L"\\OpenWithList\\" EXENAME)); ok &= CreateRegKey(hkey, keyname); } // in case these values don't exist yet (we won't delete these at uninstallation) ok &= WriteRegStr(hkey, REG_CLASSES_PDF, L"Content Type", L"application/pdf"); ok &= WriteRegStr(hkey, L"Software\\Classes\\MIME\\Database\\Content Type\\application/pdf", L"Extension", L".pdf"); return ok; }
bool Prj::open(const QString &path, QString *reason) { try { if (isOpen()) throw tr("bookmarks collection is already opened"); QFile file(xmlPath(path)); if (! throw file.errorString(); blockSignals(true); bool state = PrjXml::loadXml(m_manager, &file, reason); blockSignals(false); if (!state) return false; m_path = path; m_hasChanges = false; QList<QUrl> urls; foreach (BookmarkItem *item, m_manager->bookmarkMgr()->bookmarks()) urls.push_back(item->data().url()); m_iconMgr->setIconsPath(iconPath()); m_iconMgr->loadIcons(urls); updateActions(); emit opened(); return true; } catch (const QString &error) { if (reason) *reason = error; } return false; }
NS_IMETHODIMP nsMozIconURI::SetSpec(const nsACString &aSpec) { // Reset everything to default values. mIconURL = nsnull; mSize = DEFAULT_IMAGE_SIZE; mContentType.Truncate(); mFileName.Truncate(); mStockIcon.Truncate(); mIconSize = -1; mIconState = -1; nsCAutoString iconSpec(aSpec); if (!Substring(iconSpec, 0, MOZICON_SCHEME_LEN).EqualsLiteral(MOZICON_SCHEME)) return NS_ERROR_MALFORMED_URI; PRInt32 questionMarkPos = iconSpec.Find("?"); if (questionMarkPos != -1 && static_cast<PRInt32>(iconSpec.Length()) > (questionMarkPos + 1)) { extractAttributeValue(iconSpec.get(), "contentType=", mContentType); nsCAutoString sizeString; extractAttributeValue(iconSpec.get(), "size=", sizeString); if (!sizeString.IsEmpty()) { const char *sizeStr = sizeString.get(); for (PRUint32 i = 0; i < NS_ARRAY_LENGTH(kSizeStrings); i++) { if (PL_strcasecmp(sizeStr, kSizeStrings[i]) == 0) { mIconSize = i; break; } } PRInt32 sizeValue = atoi(sizeString.get()); if (sizeValue) mSize = sizeValue; } nsCAutoString stateString; extractAttributeValue(iconSpec.get(), "state=", stateString); if (!stateString.IsEmpty()) { const char *stateStr = stateString.get(); for (PRUint32 i = 0; i < NS_ARRAY_LENGTH(kStateStrings); i++) { if (PL_strcasecmp(stateStr, kStateStrings[i]) == 0) { mIconState = i; break; } } } } PRInt32 pathLength = iconSpec.Length() - MOZICON_SCHEME_LEN; if (questionMarkPos != -1) pathLength = questionMarkPos - MOZICON_SCHEME_LEN; if (pathLength < 3) return NS_ERROR_MALFORMED_URI; nsCAutoString iconPath(Substring(iconSpec, MOZICON_SCHEME_LEN, pathLength)); // Icon URI path can have three forms: // (1) //stock/<icon-identifier> // (2) //<some dummy file with an extension> // (3) a valid URL if (!strncmp("//stock/", iconPath.get(), 8)) { mStockIcon.Assign(Substring(iconPath, 8)); // An icon identifier must always be specified. if (mStockIcon.IsEmpty()) return NS_ERROR_MALFORMED_URI; return NS_OK; } if (StringBeginsWith(iconPath, NS_LITERAL_CSTRING("//"))) { // Sanity check this supposed dummy file name. if (iconPath.Length() > SANE_FILE_NAME_LEN) return NS_ERROR_MALFORMED_URI; iconPath.Cut(0, 2); mFileName.Assign(iconPath); } nsresult rv; nsCOMPtr<nsIIOService> ioService(do_GetService(NS_IOSERVICE_CONTRACTID, &rv)); NS_ENSURE_SUCCESS(rv, rv); nsCOMPtr<nsIURI> uri; ioService->NewURI(iconPath, nsnull, nsnull, getter_AddRefs(uri)); mIconURL = do_QueryInterface(uri); if (mIconURL) mFileName.Truncate(); else if (mFileName.IsEmpty()) return NS_ERROR_MALFORMED_URI; return NS_OK; }