Пример #1
// Toggle setting about whether or not RGB color conversion is to be performed
// Allocates/Initializes capture->frame appropriately
int icvSetConvertRGB(CvCaptureCAM_DC1394 * capture, int convert){
		// no action necessary
		return 1;
	capture->convert = convert;
	return icvResizeFrame( capture );
Пример #2
// Toggle setting about whether or not RGB color conversion is to be performed
// Allocates/Initializes capture->frame appropriately
int icvSetConvertRGB(CvCaptureCAM_DC1394 * capture, int convert){
_V_MW_  fprintf(stderr,"icvSetConvertRGB\n");
    // no action necessary
    return 0;
  capture->convert = convert;
  return icvResizeFrame( capture );
Пример #3
// Setup camera to use given dc1394 mode
static int
icvSetModeCAM_DC1394( CvCaptureCAM_DC1394 * capture, int mode ){
	quadlet_t modes, formats;

	// figure out corrent format for this mode
	int format = (mode - MODE_FORMAT0_MIN) / 32 + FORMAT_MIN;

	// get supported formats
	if (dc1394_query_supported_formats(capture->handle, capture->camera->node, &formats)<0) {
		fprintf(stderr,"%s:%d: Could not query supported formats\n",__FILE__,__LINE__);
		return 0;

	// is format for requested mode supported ?
	if(icvFormatSupportedCAM_DC1394(format, formats)==0){
		return 0;

	// get supported modes for requested format
	if (dc1394_query_supported_modes(capture->handle, capture->camera->node, format, &modes)<0){
		fprintf(stderr,"%s:%d: Could not query supported modes for format %d\n",__FILE__,__LINE__, capture->format);
		return 0;

	// is requested mode supported ?
	if(! icvModeSupportedCAM_DC1394(format, mode, modes) ){
		return 0;

	int color_mode = icvColorMode( mode );

	if(color_mode == -1){
		return 0;

	int frame_rate = icvGetBestFrameRate(capture, format, mode);

	dc1394_dma_unlisten(capture->handle, capture->camera);
	if (dc1394_dma_setup_capture(capture->handle, capture->camera->node, capture->camera->channel /*channel*/,
				format, mode, SPEED_400, 
				frame_rate, NUM_BUFFERS,
#ifdef HAVE_DC1394_095
				0 /*do_extra_buffering*/,
				1 /*DROP_FRAMES*/,
				capture->device_name, capture->camera) != DC1394_SUCCESS) {
		fprintf(stderr,"%s:%d: Failed to setup DMA capture with VIDEO1394\n",__FILE__,__LINE__);
		return 0;
	dc1394_start_iso_transmission(capture->handle, capture->camera->node);

	capture->frame_rate = frame_rate;
	capture->format = format;
	capture->mode = mode;
	capture->color_mode = color_mode;

	// now fix image size to match new mode
	icvResizeFrame( capture );
	return 1;
Пример #4
CvCapture * cvCaptureFromCAM_DC1394 (int index)
	quadlet_t modes[8], formats;
	int i;

	if (numPorts<0) icvInitCapture_DC1394();
	if (numPorts==0)
		return 0;     /* No i1394 ports found */
	if (numCameras<1)
		return 0;
	if (index>=numCameras)
		return 0;
	if (index<0)
		return 0;

	CvCaptureCAM_DC1394 * pcap = (CvCaptureCAM_DC1394*)cvAlloc(sizeof(CvCaptureCAM_DC1394));
	pcap->vtable = &captureCAM_DC1394_vtable;

	/* Select a port and camera */
	pcap->device_name = videodev[cameras[index].portnum];
	pcap->handle = handles[cameras[index].portnum];
	pcap->camera = &cameras[index].cam;

	// get supported formats
	if (dc1394_query_supported_formats(pcap->handle, pcap->camera->node, &formats)<0) {
		fprintf(stderr,"%s:%d: Could not query supported formats\n",__FILE__,__LINE__);
	for (i=0; i < NUM_FORMATS; i++) {
		if (icvFormatSupportedCAM_DC1394(i+FORMAT_MIN, formats)){
			if (dc1394_query_supported_modes(pcap->handle, pcap->camera->node, i+FORMAT_MIN, &modes[i])<0) {
				fprintf(stderr,"%s:%d: Could not query Format%d modes\n",__FILE__,__LINE__,i);

	pcap->format = 0;
	pcap->mode = 0;
	pcap->color_mode = 0;
	pcap->frame_rate = 0;

	int format_idx = -1;

	// scan the list of preferred modes, and find a supported one
	for(i=0; (pcap->mode == 0) && (preferred_modes[i] != 0); i++) {
		if((preferred_modes[i] >= FORMAT_MIN) && (preferred_modes[i] <= FORMAT_MAX)) {
			pcap->format = preferred_modes[i];
			format_idx = preferred_modes[i] - FORMAT_MIN;
		assert(format_idx != -1);
		if ( ! icvFormatSupportedCAM_DC1394(pcap->format, formats) )
		if ( icvModeSupportedCAM_DC1394(pcap->format, preferred_modes[i], modes[format_idx]) ){
			pcap->mode = preferred_modes[i];
	if (pcap->mode == 0) {
		fprintf(stderr,"%s:%d: Could not find a supported mode for this camera\n",__FILE__,__LINE__);
		goto ERROR;

	pcap->color_mode = icvColorMode( pcap->mode );
	if( pcap->color_mode == -1){
		fprintf(stderr,"%s:%d: ERROR: BPP is Unsupported!!\n",__FILE__,__LINE__);
		goto ERROR;

	// set frame rate to optimal value given format and mode
	pcap->frame_rate = icvGetBestFrameRate(pcap, pcap->format, pcap->mode);

	if (pcap->format!=FORMAT_SCALABLE_IMAGE_SIZE) { // everything except Format 7
		if (dc1394_dma_setup_capture(pcap->handle, pcap->camera->node, index+1 /*channel*/,
					pcap->format, pcap->mode, SPEED_400, 
					pcap->frame_rate, NUM_BUFFERS,
#ifdef HAVE_DC1394_095
					0 /*do_extra_buffering*/,
					1 /*DROP_FRAMES*/,
					pcap->device_name, pcap->camera) != DC1394_SUCCESS) {
			fprintf(stderr,"%s:%d: Failed to setup DMA capture with VIDEO1394\n",__FILE__,__LINE__);
			goto ERROR;
	else {
		if(dc1394_dma_setup_format7_capture(pcap->handle,pcap->camera->node,index+1 /*channel*/,
					pcap->mode, SPEED_400, QUERY_FROM_CAMERA,
					(unsigned int)QUERY_FROM_CAMERA, (unsigned int)QUERY_FROM_CAMERA,
					(unsigned int)QUERY_FROM_CAMERA, (unsigned int)QUERY_FROM_CAMERA,
#ifdef HAVE_DC1394_095
					0 /*do_extra_buffering*/,
					1 /*DROP_FRAMES*/,
					pcap->device_name, pcap->camera) != DC1394_SUCCESS) {
			fprintf(stderr,"%s:%d: Failed to setup DMA capture with VIDEO1394\n",__FILE__,__LINE__);
			goto ERROR;

	if (dc1394_start_iso_transmission(pcap->handle, pcap->camera->node)!=DC1394_SUCCESS) {
		fprintf(stderr,"%s:%d: Could not start ISO transmission\n",__FILE__,__LINE__);
		goto ERROR;


	dc1394bool_t status;
	if (dc1394_get_iso_status(pcap->handle, pcap->camera->node, &status)!=DC1394_SUCCESS) {
		fprintf(stderr,"%s:%d: Could get ISO status",__FILE__,__LINE__);
		goto ERROR;
	if (status==DC1394_FALSE) {
		fprintf(stderr,"%s:%d: ISO transmission refuses to start",__FILE__,__LINE__);
		goto ERROR;

	// convert camera image to RGB by default

	// no image data allocated yet
	pcap->buffer_is_writeable = 0;

	memset(&(pcap->frame), 0, sizeof(IplImage));
	icvResizeFrame( pcap );
	return (CvCapture *)pcap;

	return 0;  