int main() { ptridiag T, Tcopy; pamatrix A, Acopy, Q, U, Vt; pavector work; prealavector sigma, lambda; real error; uint rows, cols, mid; uint i, n, iter; int info; /* ------------------------------------------------------------ * Testing symmetric tridiagonal eigenvalue solver * ------------------------------------------------------------ */ n = 6; /* Testing symmetric tridiagonal eigenvalue solver */ (void) printf("==================================================\n" "Testing symmetric tridiagonal eigenvalue solver\n" "==================================================\n" "Setting up %u x %u tridiagonal matrix\n", n, n); T = new_tridiag(n); for (i = 0; i < n; i++) T->d[i] = 2.0; for (i = 0; i < n - 1; i++) T->l[i] = T->u[i] = -1.0; Tcopy = new_tridiag(n); copy_tridiag(T, Tcopy); A = new_amatrix(n, n); clear_amatrix(A); for (i = 0; i < n; i++) A->a[i + i * A->ld] = T->d[i]; for (i = 0; i < n - 1; i++) { A->a[(i + 1) + i * A->ld] = T->l[i]; A->a[i + (i + 1) * A->ld] = T->u[i]; } Acopy = clone_amatrix(A); Q = new_identity_amatrix(n, n); U = new_amatrix(n, n); (void) printf("Performing self-made implicit QR iteration\n"); iter = sb_muleig_tridiag(T, Q, 8 * n); (void) printf(" %u iterations\n", iter); (void) printf("Checking accuracy\n"); error = check_ortho_amatrix(false, Q); (void) printf(" Orthogonality Q %g, %sokay\n", error, (error < tolerance ? "" : " NOT ")); if (error >= tolerance) problems++; copy_amatrix(false, Q, U); diageval_tridiag_amatrix(1.0, true, T, true, U); addmul_amatrix(-1.0, false, U, true, Q, A); error = normfrob_amatrix(A); (void) printf(" Accuracy %g. %sokay\n", error, (error < tolerance ? "" : " NOT ")); if (error >= tolerance) problems++; (void) printf("Performing default implicit QR iteration\n"); identity_amatrix(Q); i = muleig_tridiag(Tcopy, Q); if (i == 0) (void) printf(" Success\n"); else { (void) printf(" Failure\n"); problems++; } (void) printf("Checking accuracy\n"); error = check_ortho_amatrix(false, Q); (void) printf(" Orthogonality Q %g, %sokay\n", error, (error < tolerance ? "" : " NOT ")); if (error >= tolerance) problems++; copy_amatrix(false, Q, U); diageval_tridiag_amatrix(1.0, true, Tcopy, true, U); addmul_amatrix(-1.0, false, U, true, Q, Acopy); error = normfrob_amatrix(Acopy); (void) printf(" Accuracy %g. %sokay\n", error, (error < tolerance ? "" : " NOT ")); if (error >= tolerance) problems++; del_amatrix(U); del_amatrix(Q); del_amatrix(Acopy); del_amatrix(A); del_tridiag(Tcopy); del_tridiag(T); (void) printf("--------------------------------------------------\n" "Setting up random %u x %u tridiagonal matrix\n", n, n); T = new_tridiag(n); for (i = 0; i < n; i++) T->d[i] = 2.0 * rand() / RAND_MAX - 1.0; for (i = 0; i < n - 1; i++) { T->l[i] = 2.0 * rand() / RAND_MAX - 1.0; T->u[i] = CONJ(T->l[i]); } A = new_amatrix(n, n); clear_amatrix(A); for (i = 0; i < n; i++) A->a[i + i * A->ld] = T->d[i]; for (i = 0; i < n - 1; i++) { A->a[(i + 1) + i * A->ld] = T->l[i]; A->a[i + (i + 1) * A->ld] = T->u[i]; } Tcopy = new_tridiag(n); copy_tridiag(T, Tcopy); Acopy = clone_amatrix(A); Q = new_identity_amatrix(n, n); U = new_amatrix(n, n); (void) printf("Performing implicit QR iteration\n"); iter = sb_muleig_tridiag(T, Q, 8 * n); (void) printf(" %u iterations\n", iter); (void) printf("Checking accuracy\n"); error = check_ortho_amatrix(false, Q); (void) printf(" Orthogonality Q %g, %sokay\n", error, (error < tolerance ? "" : "NOT ")); if (error >= tolerance) problems++; copy_amatrix(false, Q, U); diageval_tridiag_amatrix(1.0, true, T, true, U); addmul_amatrix(-1.0, false, U, true, Q, A); error = normfrob_amatrix(A); (void) printf(" Accuracy %g, %sokay\n", error, (error < tolerance ? "" : " NOT ")); if (error >= tolerance) problems++; (void) printf("Using default eigenvalue solver\n"); identity_amatrix(Q); muleig_tridiag(Tcopy, Q); (void) printf("Checking accuracy\n"); error = check_ortho_amatrix(false, Q); (void) printf(" Orthogonality Q %g, %sokay\n", error, (error < tolerance ? "" : "NOT ")); if (error >= tolerance) problems++; copy_amatrix(false, Q, U); diageval_tridiag_amatrix(1.0, true, Tcopy, true, U); addmul_amatrix(-1.0, false, U, true, Q, Acopy); error = normfrob_amatrix(Acopy); (void) printf(" Accuracy %g, %sokay\n", error, (error < tolerance ? "" : " NOT ")); if (error >= tolerance) problems++; del_amatrix(U); del_amatrix(Q); del_amatrix(Acopy); del_amatrix(A); del_tridiag(Tcopy); del_tridiag(T); /* ------------------------------------------------------------ * Testing self-adjoint matrix eigenvalue solver * ------------------------------------------------------------ */ (void) printf("==================================================\n" "Testing self-adjoint matrix eigenvalue solver\n" "==================================================\n" "Setting up random %u x %u self-adjoint matrix\n", n, n); A = new_amatrix(n, n); random_selfadjoint_amatrix(A); Acopy = new_amatrix(n, n); copy_amatrix(false, A, Acopy); lambda = new_realavector(n); Q = new_identity_amatrix(n, n); (void) printf("Performing implicit QR iteration\n"); iter = sb_eig_amatrix(A, lambda, Q, 8 * n); (void) printf(" %u iterations\n", iter); (void) printf("Checking accuracy\n"); error = check_ortho_amatrix(false, Q); (void) printf(" Orthogonality Q %g, %sokay\n", error, (error < tolerance ? "" : "NOT ")); if (error >= tolerance) problems++; U = new_amatrix(n, n); copy_amatrix(false, Q, U); copy_amatrix(false, Acopy, A); diageval_realavector_amatrix(1.0, true, lambda, true, U); addmul_amatrix(-1.0, false, U, true, Q, A); error = normfrob_amatrix(A); (void) printf(" Accuracy %g, %sokay\n", error, (error < tolerance ? "" : "NOT ")); if (error >= tolerance) problems++; (void) printf("Using default eigenvalue solver\n"); copy_amatrix(false, Acopy, A); info = eig_amatrix(A, lambda, Q); assert(info == 0); (void) printf("Checking accuracy\n"); error = check_ortho_amatrix(false, Q); (void) printf(" Orthogonality Q %g, %sokay\n", error, (error < tolerance ? "" : "NOT ")); if (error >= tolerance) problems++; copy_amatrix(false, Q, U); diageval_realavector_amatrix(1.0, true, lambda, true, U); addmul_amatrix(-1.0, false, U, true, Q, Acopy); error = normfrob_amatrix(Acopy); (void) printf(" Accuracy %g, %sokay\n", error, (error < tolerance ? "" : "NOT ")); if (error >= tolerance) problems++; del_amatrix(U); del_amatrix(Q); del_realavector(lambda); del_amatrix(Acopy); del_amatrix(A); /* ------------------------------------------------------------ * Testing bidiagonal SVD solver * ------------------------------------------------------------ */ (void) printf("==================================================\n" "Testing bidiagonal SVD solver\n" "==================================================\n" "Setting up bidiagonal %u x %u matrix\n", n, n); T = new_tridiag(n); for (i = 0; i < n; i++) T->d[i] = i + 1.0; for (i = 0; i < n - 1; i++) { T->l[i] = 1.0; T->u[i] = 0.0; } A = new_amatrix(n, n); clear_amatrix(A); for (i = 0; i < n; i++) A->a[i + i * A->ld] = T->d[i]; for (i = 0; i < n - 1; i++) A->a[(i + 1) + i * A->ld] = T->l[i]; Tcopy = new_tridiag(n); copy_tridiag(T, Tcopy); Acopy = new_amatrix(n, n); copy_amatrix(false, A, Acopy); U = new_identity_amatrix(n, n); Vt = new_identity_amatrix(n, n); (void) printf("Performing self-made implicit SVD iteration\n"); iter = sb_mulsvd_tridiag(T, U, Vt, 8 * n); (void) printf(" %u iterations\n", iter); (void) printf("Checking accuracy\n"); error = check_ortho_amatrix(false, U); (void) printf(" Orthogonality U %g, %sokay\n", error, (error < tolerance ? "" : "NOT ")); if (error >= tolerance) problems++; error = check_ortho_amatrix(true, Vt); (void) printf(" Orthogonality Vt %g, %sokay\n", error, (error < tolerance ? "" : "NOT ")); if (error >= tolerance) problems++; diageval_tridiag_amatrix(1.0, true, T, true, U); addmul_amatrix(-1.0, false, U, false, Vt, A); error = normfrob_amatrix(A); (void) printf(" Accuracy %g, %sokay\n", error, (error < tolerance ? "" : "NOT ")); if (error >= tolerance) problems++; (void) printf("Using default SVD solver\n"); copy_tridiag(Tcopy, T); identity_amatrix(U); identity_amatrix(Vt); mulsvd_tridiag(T, U, Vt); (void) printf("Checking accuracy\n"); error = check_ortho_amatrix(false, U); (void) printf(" Orthogonality U %g, %sokay\n", error, (error < tolerance ? "" : "NOT ")); if (error >= tolerance) problems++; error = check_ortho_amatrix(true, Vt); (void) printf(" Orthogonality Vt %g, %sokay\n", error, (error < tolerance ? "" : "NOT ")); if (error >= tolerance) problems++; copy_amatrix(false, Acopy, A); diageval_tridiag_amatrix(1.0, true, T, true, U); addmul_amatrix(-1.0, false, U, false, Vt, A); error = normfrob_amatrix(A); (void) printf(" Accuracy %g, %sokay\n", error, (error < tolerance ? "" : "NOT ")); if (error >= tolerance) problems++; del_amatrix(Vt); del_amatrix(U); del_amatrix(Acopy); del_tridiag(Tcopy); del_amatrix(A); del_tridiag(T); (void) printf("--------------------------------------------------\n" "Setting up random bidiagonal %u x %u matrix\n", n, n); T = new_tridiag(n); for (i = 0; i < n; i++) { T->d[i] = 2.0 * rand() / RAND_MAX - 1.0; } for (i = 0; i < n - 1; i++) { T->l[i] = 2.0 * rand() / RAND_MAX - 1.0; T->u[i] = 0.0; } A = new_amatrix(n, n); clear_amatrix(A); for (i = 0; i < n; i++) A->a[i + i * A->ld] = T->d[i]; for (i = 0; i < n - 1; i++) A->a[(i + 1) + i * A->ld] = T->l[i]; Tcopy = new_tridiag(n); copy_tridiag(T, Tcopy); Acopy = clone_amatrix(A); U = new_identity_amatrix(n, n); Vt = new_identity_amatrix(n, n); (void) printf("Performing implicit SVD iteration\n"); iter = sb_mulsvd_tridiag(T, U, Vt, 8 * n); (void) printf(" %u iterations\n", iter); (void) printf("Checking accuracy\n"); error = check_ortho_amatrix(false, U); (void) printf(" Orthogonality U %g, %sokay\n", error, (error < tolerance ? "" : "NOT ")); if (error >= tolerance) problems++; error = check_ortho_amatrix(true, Vt); (void) printf(" Orthogonality Vt %g, %sokay\n", error, (error < tolerance ? "" : "NOT ")); if (error >= tolerance) problems++; diageval_tridiag_amatrix(1.0, true, T, true, U); addmul_amatrix(-1.0, false, U, false, Vt, A); error = normfrob_amatrix(A); (void) printf(" Accuracy %g, %sokay\n", error, (error < tolerance ? "" : "NOT ")); if (error >= tolerance) problems++; (void) printf("Using default SVD solver\n"); copy_tridiag(Tcopy, T); copy_amatrix(false, Acopy, A); identity_amatrix(U); identity_amatrix(Vt); mulsvd_tridiag(T, U, Vt); (void) printf("Checking accuracy\n"); error = check_ortho_amatrix(false, U); (void) printf(" Orthogonality U %g, %sokay\n", error, (error < tolerance ? "" : "NOT ")); if (error >= tolerance) problems++; error = check_ortho_amatrix(true, Vt); (void) printf(" Orthogonality Vt %g, %sokay\n", error, (error < tolerance ? "" : "NOT ")); if (error >= tolerance) problems++; diageval_tridiag_amatrix(1.0, true, T, true, U); addmul_amatrix(-1.0, false, U, false, Vt, A); error = normfrob_amatrix(A); (void) printf(" Accuracy %g, %sokay\n", error, (error < tolerance ? "" : "NOT ")); if (error >= tolerance) problems++; del_amatrix(Vt); del_amatrix(U); del_amatrix(Acopy); del_tridiag(Tcopy); del_amatrix(A); del_tridiag(T); /* ------------------------------------------------------------ * Testing Golub-Kahan bidiagonalization * ------------------------------------------------------------ */ rows = 10; cols = 7; mid = UINT_MIN(rows, cols); (void) printf("==================================================\n" "Testing Golub-Kahan bidiagonalization\n" "==================================================\n" "Setting up random %u x %u matrix\n", rows, cols); A = new_amatrix(rows, cols); random_amatrix(A); Acopy = new_amatrix(rows, cols); copy_amatrix(false, A, Acopy); U = new_amatrix(rows, mid); Vt = new_amatrix(mid, cols); T = new_tridiag(mid); (void) printf("Bidiagonalizing\n"); bidiagonalize_amatrix(A, T, U, Vt); (void) printf("Checking accuracy\n"); error = check_ortho_amatrix(false, U); (void) printf(" Orthogonality U %g, %sokay\n", error, (error < tolerance ? "" : "NOT ")); if (error >= tolerance) problems++; error = check_ortho_amatrix(true, Vt); (void) printf(" Orthogonality Vt %g, %sokay\n", error, (error < tolerance ? "" : "NOT ")); if (error >= tolerance) problems++; lowereval_tridiag_amatrix(1.0, true, T, true, U); addmul_amatrix(-1.0, false, U, false, Vt, Acopy); error = normfrob_amatrix(Acopy); (void) printf(" Accuracy %g, %sokay\n", error, (error < tolerance ? "" : "NOT ")); if (error >= tolerance) problems++; del_tridiag(T); del_amatrix(Vt); del_amatrix(U); del_amatrix(Acopy); del_amatrix(A); rows = 8; cols = 15; mid = UINT_MIN(rows, cols); (void) printf("--------------------------------------------------\n" "Setting up %u x %u matrix\n", rows, cols); A = new_amatrix(rows, cols); random_amatrix(A); Acopy = new_amatrix(rows, cols); copy_amatrix(false, A, Acopy); U = new_amatrix(rows, mid); Vt = new_amatrix(mid, cols); T = new_tridiag(mid); (void) printf("Bidiagonalizing\n"); bidiagonalize_amatrix(A, T, U, Vt); (void) printf("Checking accuracy\n"); error = check_ortho_amatrix(false, U); (void) printf(" Orthogonality U %g, %sokay\n", error, (error < tolerance ? "" : "NOT ")); if (error >= tolerance) problems++; error = check_ortho_amatrix(true, Vt); (void) printf(" Orthogonality Vt %g, %sokay\n", error, (error < tolerance ? "" : "NOT ")); if (error >= tolerance) problems++; lowereval_tridiag_amatrix(1.0, true, T, true, U); addmul_amatrix(-1.0, false, U, false, Vt, Acopy); error = normfrob_amatrix(Acopy); (void) printf(" Accuracy %g, %sokay\n", error, (error < tolerance ? "" : "NOT ")); if (error >= tolerance) problems++; del_tridiag(T); del_amatrix(Vt); del_amatrix(U); del_amatrix(Acopy); del_amatrix(A); /* ------------------------------------------------------------ * Testing general SVD solver * ------------------------------------------------------------ */ (void) printf("==================================================\n" "Testing general SVD solver\n" "==================================================\n" "Setting up 3 x 4 matrix\n"); A = new_amatrix(3, 4); setentry_amatrix(A, 0, 0, 1.0); setentry_amatrix(A, 1, 0, 2.0); setentry_amatrix(A, 2, 0, 3.0); setentry_amatrix(A, 0, 1, 2.0); setentry_amatrix(A, 1, 1, 4.0); setentry_amatrix(A, 2, 1, 6.0); setentry_amatrix(A, 0, 2, 2.0); setentry_amatrix(A, 1, 2, 5.0); setentry_amatrix(A, 2, 2, 8.0); setentry_amatrix(A, 0, 3, 1.0); setentry_amatrix(A, 1, 3, 4.0); setentry_amatrix(A, 2, 3, 7.0); Acopy = new_amatrix(A->rows, A->cols); copy_amatrix(false, A, Acopy); U = new_identity_amatrix(3, 3); Vt = new_identity_amatrix(3, 4); sigma = new_realavector(3); work = new_avector(3 * 3); (void) printf("Running self-made SVD solver\n"); iter = sb_svd_amatrix(A, sigma, U, Vt, 24); (void) printf(" %u iterations\n", iter); (void) printf("Checking accuracy\n"); error = check_ortho_amatrix(false, U); (void) printf(" Orthogonality U %g, %sokay\n", error, (error < tolerance ? "" : "NOT ")); if (error >= tolerance) problems++; error = check_ortho_amatrix(true, Vt); (void) printf(" Orthogonality Vt %g, %sokay\n", error, (error < tolerance ? "" : "NOT ")); if (error >= tolerance) problems++; diageval_realavector_amatrix(1.0, true, sigma, true, U); addmul_amatrix(-1.0, false, U, false, Vt, Acopy); error = normfrob_amatrix(Acopy); (void) printf(" Accuracy %g, %sokay\n", error, (error < tolerance ? "" : "NOT ")); if (error >= tolerance) problems++; del_avector(work); del_realavector(sigma); del_amatrix(Vt); del_amatrix(U); del_amatrix(Acopy); del_amatrix(A); (void) printf("--------------------------------------------------\n" "Setting up 4 x 3 matrix\n"); A = new_amatrix(4, 3); setentry_amatrix(A, 0, 0, 1.0); setentry_amatrix(A, 0, 1, 2.0); setentry_amatrix(A, 0, 2, 3.0); setentry_amatrix(A, 1, 0, 2.0); setentry_amatrix(A, 1, 1, 4.0); setentry_amatrix(A, 1, 2, 6.0); setentry_amatrix(A, 2, 0, 2.0); setentry_amatrix(A, 2, 1, 5.0); setentry_amatrix(A, 2, 2, 8.0); setentry_amatrix(A, 3, 0, 1.0); setentry_amatrix(A, 3, 1, 4.0); setentry_amatrix(A, 3, 2, 7.0); Acopy = new_amatrix(A->rows, A->cols); copy_amatrix(false, A, Acopy); U = new_amatrix(4, 3); Vt = new_amatrix(3, 3); sigma = new_realavector(3); work = new_avector(3 * 3); (void) printf("Running self-made SVD solver\n"); iter = sb_svd_amatrix(A, sigma, U, Vt, 24); (void) printf(" %u iterations\n", iter); (void) printf("Checking accuracy\n"); error = check_ortho_amatrix(false, U); (void) printf(" Orthogonality U %g, %sokay\n", error, (error < tolerance ? "" : "NOT ")); if (error >= tolerance) problems++; error = check_ortho_amatrix(true, Vt); (void) printf(" Orthogonality V %g, %sokay\n", error, (error < tolerance ? "" : "NOT ")); if (error >= tolerance) problems++; diageval_realavector_amatrix(1.0, true, sigma, true, U); addmul_amatrix(-1.0, false, U, false, Vt, Acopy); error = normfrob_amatrix(Acopy); (void) printf(" Accuracy %g, %sokay\n", error, (error < tolerance ? "" : "NOT ")); if (error >= tolerance) problems++; del_avector(work); del_realavector(sigma); del_amatrix(Vt); del_amatrix(U); del_amatrix(Acopy); del_amatrix(A); (void) printf("--------------------------------------------------\n" "Setting up 4 x 3 matrix\n"); A = new_amatrix(4, 3); setentry_amatrix(A, 0, 0, 1.0); setentry_amatrix(A, 0, 1, 2.0); setentry_amatrix(A, 0, 2, 3.0); setentry_amatrix(A, 1, 0, 2.0); setentry_amatrix(A, 1, 1, 4.0); setentry_amatrix(A, 1, 2, 6.0); setentry_amatrix(A, 2, 0, 2.0); setentry_amatrix(A, 2, 1, 5.0); setentry_amatrix(A, 2, 2, 8.0); setentry_amatrix(A, 3, 0, 1.0); setentry_amatrix(A, 3, 1, 4.0); setentry_amatrix(A, 3, 2, 7.0); Acopy = clone_amatrix(A); U = new_amatrix(4, 3); Vt = new_amatrix(3, 3); sigma = new_realavector(3); work = new_avector(3 * 3); (void) printf("Running self-made SVD solver\n"); iter = sb_svd_amatrix(A, sigma, U, Vt, 24); (void) printf(" %u iterations\n", iter); (void) printf("Checking accuracy\n"); error = check_ortho_amatrix(false, U); (void) printf(" Orthogonality U %g, %sokay\n", error, (error < tolerance ? "" : "NOT ")); if (error >= tolerance) problems++; error = check_ortho_amatrix(true, Vt); (void) printf(" Orthogonality Vt %g, %sokay\n", error, (error < tolerance ? "" : "NOT ")); if (error >= tolerance) problems++; diageval_realavector_amatrix(1.0, true, sigma, true, U); addmul_amatrix(-1.0, false, U, false, Vt, Acopy); error = normfrob_amatrix(Acopy); (void) printf(" Accuracy %g, %sokay\n", error, (error < tolerance ? "" : "NOT ")); if (error >= tolerance) problems++; del_avector(work); del_realavector(sigma); del_amatrix(Vt); del_amatrix(U); del_amatrix(Acopy); del_amatrix(A); rows = 9; cols = 7; mid = UINT_MIN(rows, cols); (void) printf("--------------------------------------------------\n" "Setting up random %u x %u matrix\n", rows, cols); A = new_amatrix(rows, cols); random_amatrix(A); Acopy = new_amatrix(A->rows, A->cols); copy_amatrix(false, A, Acopy); U = new_amatrix(rows, mid); Vt = new_amatrix(mid, cols); sigma = new_realavector(mid); work = new_avector(3 * mid); (void) printf("Running self-made SVD solver\n"); iter = sb_svd_amatrix(A, sigma, U, Vt, 10 * mid); (void) printf(" %u iterations\n", iter); (void) printf("Checking accuracy\n"); error = check_ortho_amatrix(false, U); (void) printf(" Orthogonality U %g, %sokay\n", error, (error < tolerance ? "" : "NOT ")); if (error >= tolerance) problems++; error = check_ortho_amatrix(true, Vt); (void) printf(" Orthogonality Vt %g, %sokay\n", error, (error < tolerance ? "" : "NOT ")); if (error >= tolerance) problems++; diageval_realavector_amatrix(1.0, true, sigma, true, U); addmul_amatrix(-1.0, false, U, false, Vt, Acopy); error = normfrob_amatrix(Acopy); (void) printf(" Accuracy %g, %sokay\n", error, (error < tolerance ? "" : "NOT ")); if (error >= tolerance) problems++; del_avector(work); del_realavector(sigma); del_amatrix(Vt); del_amatrix(U); del_amatrix(Acopy); del_amatrix(A); rows = 10; cols = 6; mid = UINT_MIN(rows, cols); (void) printf("--------------------------------------------------\n" "Setting up random %u x %u matrix\n", rows, cols); A = new_amatrix(rows, cols); random_amatrix(A); Acopy = new_amatrix(A->rows, A->cols); copy_amatrix(false, A, Acopy); U = new_amatrix(rows, mid); Vt = new_amatrix(mid, cols); sigma = new_realavector(mid); work = new_avector(3 * mid); (void) printf("Running self-made SVD solver\n"); iter = sb_svd_amatrix(A, sigma, U, Vt, 10 * mid); (void) printf(" %u iterations\n", iter); (void) printf("Checking accuracy\n"); error = check_ortho_amatrix(false, U); (void) printf(" Orthogonality U %g, %sokay\n", error, (error < tolerance ? "" : "NOT ")); if (error >= tolerance) problems++; error = check_ortho_amatrix(true, Vt); (void) printf(" Orthogonality Vt %g, %sokay\n", error, (error < tolerance ? "" : "NOT ")); if (error >= tolerance) problems++; copy_amatrix(false, Acopy, A); diageval_realavector_amatrix(1.0, true, sigma, true, U); addmul_amatrix(-1.0, false, U, false, Vt, A); error = normfrob_amatrix(A); (void) printf(" Accuracy %g, %sokay\n", error, (error < tolerance ? "" : "NOT ")); if (error >= tolerance) problems++; (void) printf("Running default SVD solver\n"); copy_amatrix(false, Acopy, A); svd_amatrix(A, sigma, U, Vt); (void) printf("Checking accuracy\n"); error = check_ortho_amatrix(false, U); (void) printf(" Orthogonality U %g, %sokay\n", error, (error < tolerance ? "" : "NOT ")); if (error >= tolerance) problems++; error = check_ortho_amatrix(true, Vt); (void) printf(" Orthogonality Vt %g, %sokay\n", error, (error < tolerance ? "" : "NOT ")); if (error >= tolerance) problems++; copy_amatrix(false, Acopy, A); diageval_realavector_amatrix(1.0, true, sigma, true, U); addmul_amatrix(-1.0, false, U, false, Vt, A); error = normfrob_amatrix(A); (void) printf(" Accuracy %g, %sokay\n", error, (error < tolerance ? "" : "NOT ")); if (error >= tolerance) problems++; del_avector(work); del_realavector(sigma); del_amatrix(Vt); del_amatrix(U); del_amatrix(Acopy); del_amatrix(A); rows = 7; cols = 13; mid = UINT_MIN(rows, cols); (void) printf("--------------------------------------------------\n" "Setting up random %u x %u matrix\n", rows, cols); A = new_amatrix(rows, cols); random_amatrix(A); Acopy = new_amatrix(A->rows, A->cols); copy_amatrix(false, A, Acopy); U = new_amatrix(rows, mid); Vt = new_amatrix(mid, cols); sigma = new_realavector(mid); work = new_avector(3 * mid); (void) printf("Running self-made SVD solver\n"); iter = sb_svd_amatrix(A, sigma, U, Vt, 10 * mid); (void) printf(" %u iterations\n", iter); (void) printf("Checking accuracy\n"); error = check_ortho_amatrix(false, U); (void) printf(" Orthogonality U %g, %sokay\n", error, (error < tolerance ? "" : "NOT ")); if (error >= tolerance) problems++; error = check_ortho_amatrix(true, Vt); (void) printf(" Orthogonality Vt %g, %sokay\n", error, (error < tolerance ? "" : "NOT ")); if (error >= tolerance) problems++; copy_amatrix(false, Acopy, A); diageval_realavector_amatrix(1.0, true, sigma, true, U); addmul_amatrix(-1.0, false, U, false, Vt, A); error = normfrob_amatrix(A); (void) printf(" Accuracy %g, %sokay\n", error, (error < tolerance ? "" : "NOT ")); if (error >= tolerance) problems++; (void) printf("Running default SVD solver\n"); copy_amatrix(false, Acopy, A); svd_amatrix(A, sigma, U, Vt); (void) printf("Checking accuracy\n"); error = check_ortho_amatrix(false, U); (void) printf(" Orthogonality U %g, %sokay\n", error, (error < tolerance ? "" : "NOT ")); if (error >= tolerance) problems++; error = check_ortho_amatrix(true, Vt); (void) printf(" Orthogonality Vt %g, %sokay\n", error, (error < tolerance ? "" : "NOT ")); if (error >= tolerance) problems++; copy_amatrix(false, Acopy, A); diageval_realavector_amatrix(1.0, true, sigma, true, U); addmul_amatrix(-1.0, false, U, false, Vt, A); error = normfrob_amatrix(A); (void) printf(" Accuracy %g, %sokay\n", error, (error < tolerance ? "" : "NOT ")); if (error >= tolerance) problems++; del_avector(work); del_realavector(sigma); del_amatrix(Vt); del_amatrix(U); del_amatrix(Acopy); del_amatrix(A); printf("----------------------------------------\n" " %u matrices and\n" " %u vectors still active\n" " %u errors found\n", getactives_amatrix(), getactives_avector(), problems); return problems; }
int main() { pamatrix a, acopy, l, ld, r, q, qr; pavector x, b, tau; uint rows, cols; real error; rows = 8; cols = 5; (void) printf("----------------------------------------\n" "Check random %u x %u Cholesky factorization\n", rows, rows); (void) printf("Creating random self-adjoint positive definite matrix\n"); a = new_amatrix(rows, rows); random_spd_amatrix(a, 1.0); (void) printf("Creating random solution and right-hand side\n"); x = new_avector(rows); random_avector(x); b = new_avector(rows); clear_avector(b); mvm_amatrix_avector(1.0, false, a, x, b); (void) printf("Copying matrix\n"); acopy = new_amatrix(rows, rows); copy_amatrix(false, a, acopy); (void) printf("Computing Cholesky factorization\n"); choldecomp_amatrix(a); (void) printf("Solving\n"); cholsolve_amatrix_avector(a, b); add_avector(-1.0, x, b); error = norm2_avector(b); (void) printf(" Accuracy %g, %sokay\n", error, (error < tolerance ? "" : " NOT ")); if (error >= tolerance) problems++; (void) printf("Building triangular factor\n"); l = new_amatrix(rows, rows); copy_lower_amatrix(a, false, l); (void) printf("Checking factorization\n"); copy_amatrix(false, acopy, a); addmul_amatrix(-1.0, false, l, true, l, a); error = normfrob_amatrix(a); (void) printf(" Accuracy %g, %sokay\n", error, (error < tolerance ? "" : " NOT ")); if (error >= tolerance) problems++; del_amatrix(l); del_amatrix(acopy); del_avector(b); del_avector(x); del_amatrix(a); (void) printf("----------------------------------------\n" "Check random %u x %u LDL^T factorization\n", rows, rows); (void) printf("Creating random self-adjoint positive definite matrix\n"); a = new_amatrix(rows, rows); random_spd_amatrix(a, 1.0); (void) printf("Creating random solution and right-hand side\n"); x = new_avector(rows); random_avector(x); b = new_avector(rows); clear_avector(b); mvm_amatrix_avector(1.0, false, a, x, b); (void) printf("Copying matrix\n"); acopy = new_amatrix(rows, rows); copy_amatrix(false, a, acopy); (void) printf("Computing LDL^T factorization\n"); ldltdecomp_amatrix(a); (void) printf("Solving\n"); ldltsolve_amatrix_avector(a, b); add_avector(-1.0, x, b); error = norm2_avector(b); (void) printf(" Accuracy %g, %sokay\n", error, (error < tolerance ? "" : " NOT ")); if (error >= tolerance) problems++; (void) printf("Building triangular factor\n"); l = new_amatrix(rows, rows); copy_lower_amatrix(a, true, l); (void) printf("Multiplying by diagonal\n"); ld = new_amatrix(rows, rows); copy_amatrix(false, l, ld); diageval_amatrix(true, a, true, ld); (void) printf("Checking factorization\n"); copy_amatrix(false, acopy, a); addmul_amatrix(-1.0, false, ld, true, l, a); error = normfrob_amatrix(a); (void) printf(" Accuracy %g, %sokay\n", error, (error < tolerance ? "" : " NOT ")); if (error >= tolerance) problems++; del_amatrix(ld); del_amatrix(l); del_amatrix(acopy); del_avector(b); del_avector(x); del_amatrix(a); (void) printf("----------------------------------------\n" "Check random %u x %u LR factorization\n", rows, rows); (void) printf("Creating random invertible matrix\n"); a = new_amatrix(rows, rows); random_invertible_amatrix(a, 1.0); (void) printf("Creating random solution and right-hand side\n"); x = new_avector(rows); random_avector(x); b = new_avector(rows); clear_avector(b); mvm_amatrix_avector(1.0, false, a, x, b); (void) printf("Copying matrix\n"); acopy = new_amatrix(rows, rows); copy_amatrix(false, a, acopy); (void) printf("Computing LR factorization\n"); lrdecomp_amatrix(a); (void) printf("Solving\n"); lrsolve_amatrix_avector(a, b); add_avector(-1.0, x, b); error = norm2_avector(b); (void) printf(" Accuracy %g, %sokay\n", error, (error < tolerance ? "" : " NOT ")); if (error >= tolerance) problems++; (void) printf("Building triangular factors\n"); l = new_amatrix(rows, rows); r = new_amatrix(rows, rows); copy_lower_amatrix(a, true, l); copy_upper_amatrix(a, false, r); (void) printf("Checking factorization\n"); copy_amatrix(false, acopy, a); addmul_amatrix(-1.0, false, l, false, r, a); error = normfrob_amatrix(a); (void) printf(" Accuracy %g, %sokay\n", error, (error < tolerance ? "" : " NOT ")); if (error >= tolerance) problems++; /* Check forward/backward substitution */ (void) printf("----------------------------------------\n"); check_triangularsolve(true, true, false, l, false); check_triangularsolve(true, true, false, l, true); check_triangularsolve(true, true, true, l, false); check_triangularsolve(true, true, true, l, true); check_triangularsolve(true, false, false, l, false); check_triangularsolve(true, false, false, l, true); check_triangularsolve(true, false, true, l, false); check_triangularsolve(true, false, true, l, true); check_triangularsolve(false, false, false, r, false); check_triangularsolve(false, false, false, r, true); check_triangularsolve(false, false, true, r, false); check_triangularsolve(false, false, true, r, true); set_unit(r); check_triangularsolve(false, true, false, r, false); check_triangularsolve(false, true, false, r, true); check_triangularsolve(false, true, true, r, false); check_triangularsolve(false, true, true, r, true); /* Intermediate clean-up */ (void) printf("Cleaning up\n"); del_amatrix(r); del_amatrix(l); /* Check triangular matrix multiplication */ (void) printf("----------------------------------------\n"); check_triangularaddmul(false, false, false, false); check_triangularaddmul(true, false, false, false); check_triangularaddmul(false, true, false, false); check_triangularaddmul(true, true, false, false); check_triangularaddmul(false, false, true, false); check_triangularaddmul(true, false, true, false); check_triangularaddmul(false, true, true, false); check_triangularaddmul(true, true, true, false); check_triangularaddmul(false, false, false, true); check_triangularaddmul(true, false, false, true); check_triangularaddmul(false, true, false, true); check_triangularaddmul(true, true, false, true); check_triangularaddmul(false, false, true, true); check_triangularaddmul(true, false, true, true); check_triangularaddmul(false, true, true, true); check_triangularaddmul(true, true, true, true); /* Checking QR factorization */ (void) printf("----------------------------------------\n" "Check square QR factorization\n"); copy_amatrix(false, acopy, a); random_avector(x); clear_avector(b); mvm_amatrix_avector(1.0, false, a, x, b); tau = new_avector(rows); qrdecomp_amatrix(a, tau); (void) printf("Solving\n"); qrsolve_amatrix_avector(a, tau, b); add_avector(-1.0, x, b); error = norm2_avector(b); (void) printf(" Accuracy %g, %sokay\n", error, (error < tolerance ? "" : " NOT ")); if (error >= tolerance) problems++; q = new_amatrix(rows, rows); qrexpand_amatrix(a, tau, q); (void) printf("Checking factorization\n"); r = new_amatrix(rows, rows); copy_upper_amatrix(a, false, r); qr = new_amatrix(rows, rows); copy_amatrix(false, acopy, qr); addmul_amatrix(-1.0, false, q, false, r, qr); error = normfrob_amatrix(qr); (void) printf(" Accuracy %g, %sokay\n", error, (error < tolerance ? "" : " NOT ")); if (error >= tolerance) problems++; (void) printf("Checking inverse\n"); copy_amatrix(false, acopy, a); qrinvert_amatrix(a); identity_amatrix(qr); addmul_amatrix(-1.0, false, acopy, false, a, qr); error = normfrob_amatrix(qr); (void) printf(" Accuracy %g, %sokay\n", error, (error < tolerance ? "" : " NOT ")); if (error >= tolerance) problems++; /* Intermediate clean-up */ (void) printf("Cleaning up\n"); del_amatrix(qr); del_amatrix(r); del_amatrix(q); del_avector(tau); del_avector(b); del_avector(x); del_amatrix(acopy); del_amatrix(a); /* Check forward/backward evaluation */ (void) printf("----------------------------------------\n"); a = new_amatrix(rows, cols); random_amatrix(a); check_lowereval(false, false, a, false); check_lowereval(false, false, a, true); check_lowereval(false, true, a, false); check_lowereval(false, true, a, true); check_uppereval(false, false, a, false); check_uppereval(false, false, a, true); check_uppereval(false, true, a, false); check_uppereval(false, true, a, true); set_unit(a); check_lowereval(true, false, a, false); check_lowereval(true, false, a, true); check_lowereval(true, true, a, false); check_lowereval(true, true, a, true); check_uppereval(true, false, a, false); check_uppereval(true, false, a, true); check_uppereval(true, true, a, false); check_uppereval(true, true, a, true); (void) printf("Cleaning up\n"); del_amatrix(a); a = new_amatrix(cols, rows); random_amatrix(a); check_lowereval(false, false, a, false); check_lowereval(false, false, a, true); check_lowereval(false, true, a, false); check_lowereval(false, true, a, true); check_uppereval(false, false, a, false); check_uppereval(false, false, a, true); check_uppereval(false, true, a, false); check_uppereval(false, true, a, true); set_unit(a); check_lowereval(true, false, a, false); check_lowereval(true, false, a, true); check_lowereval(true, true, a, false); check_lowereval(true, true, a, true); check_uppereval(true, false, a, false); check_uppereval(true, false, a, true); check_uppereval(true, true, a, false); check_uppereval(true, true, a, true); (void) printf("Cleaning up\n"); del_amatrix(a); /* Test random QR factorizations */ (void) printf("----------------------------------------\n" "Check full rectangular QR factorization\n"); a = new_amatrix(rows, cols); random_amatrix(a); acopy = new_amatrix(rows, cols); copy_amatrix(false, a, acopy); tau = new_avector(rows); qrdecomp_amatrix(a, tau); q = new_amatrix(rows, rows); r = new_amatrix(rows, cols); qrexpand_amatrix(a, tau, q); copy_upper_amatrix(a, false, r); qr = new_amatrix(rows, cols); copy_amatrix(false, acopy, qr); addmul_amatrix(-1.0, false, q, false, r, qr); error = normfrob_amatrix(qr); printf(" Accuracy %g, %sokay\n", error, (error < tolerance ? "" : " NOT ")); if (error >= tolerance) problems++; del_amatrix(r); del_amatrix(q); (void) printf("Check skinny QR factorization\n"); q = new_amatrix(rows, cols); r = new_amatrix(cols, cols); qrexpand_amatrix(a, tau, q); copy_upper_amatrix(a, false, r); copy_amatrix(false, acopy, qr); addmul_amatrix(-1.0, false, q, false, r, qr); error = normfrob_amatrix(qr); printf(" Accuracy %g, %sokay\n", error, (error < tolerance ? "" : " NOT ")); if (error >= tolerance) problems++; /* Final clean-up */ (void) printf("Cleaning up\n"); del_amatrix(qr); del_amatrix(r); del_amatrix(q); del_avector(tau); del_amatrix(acopy); del_amatrix(a); (void) printf("----------------------------------------\n" " %u matrices and\n" " %u vectors still active\n" " %u errors found\n", getactives_amatrix(), getactives_avector(), problems); return problems; }
void coarsen_hmatrix(phmatrix G, ptruncmode tm, real eps, bool recursive) { uint rsons = G->rsons; uint csons = G->csons; phmatrix son; prkmatrix R; pamatrix A, B; amatrix T, S; uint i, j, leafs, ranksum, rankoffset, rowoffset, coloffset, rank; size_t sizeold, sizenew; leafs = 0; /* recursion */ if (rsons * csons > 0) { for (j = 0; j < csons; ++j) { for (i = 0; i < rsons; ++i) { son = G->son[i + j * rsons]; if (recursive == true) { coarsen_hmatrix(son, tm, eps, recursive); } leafs += son->rsons * son->csons; } } update_hmatrix(G); } else { /* matrix is a leaf -> northing to do */ return; } if (leafs > 0) { /* matrix has sons which are not leafs -> nothing to do */ return; } else { if (G->rc == G->cc) { return; } /* determine ranksum and size of sons */ ranksum = 0; sizeold = 0; for (j = 0; j < csons; ++j) { for (i = 0; i < rsons; ++i) { son = G->son[i + j * rsons]; if (son->r) { ranksum += son->r->k; sizeold += getsize_rkmatrix(son->r); } else { assert(son->f != NULL); ranksum += son->f->cols; sizeold += getsize_amatrix(son->f); } } } /* new rank-k-matrix */ R = new_rkmatrix(G->rc->size, G->cc->size, ranksum); A = &R->A; B = &R->B; clear_amatrix(A); clear_amatrix(B); /* copy sons into a big rank-k-matrix */ rankoffset = 0; coloffset = 0; for (j = 0; j < csons; ++j) { rowoffset = 0; for (i = 0; i < rsons; ++i) { son = G->son[i + j * rsons]; rank = son->r ? son->r->k : son->f->cols; init_sub_amatrix(&T, A, son->rc->size, rowoffset, rank, rankoffset); init_sub_amatrix(&S, B, son->cc->size, coloffset, rank, rankoffset); if (son->r) { copy_amatrix(false, &(son->r->A), &T); copy_amatrix(false, &(son->r->B), &S); } else { copy_amatrix(false, son->f, &T); identity_amatrix(&S); } rankoffset += rank; rowoffset += son->rc->size; uninit_amatrix(&T); uninit_amatrix(&S); } coloffset += G->son[j * rsons]->cc->size; } /* compression */ trunc_rkmatrix(tm, eps, R); sizenew = getsize_rkmatrix(R); /* use new rank-k-matrix or discard */ if (sizenew < sizeold) { for (j = 0; j < csons; ++j) { for (i = 0; i < rsons; ++i) { unref_hmatrix(G->son[i + j * rsons]); } } G->rsons = 0; G->csons = 0; freemem(G->son); G->son = NULL; G->f = NULL; G->r = R; G->desc = 1; } else { del_rkmatrix(R); } } }