bool QComposeInputContext::filterEvent(const QEvent *event)
    // if there were errors when generating the compose table input
    // context should not try to filter anything, simply return false
    if ((m_tableState & TableGenerator::NoErrors) != TableGenerator::NoErrors)
        return false;

    QKeyEvent *keyEvent = (QKeyEvent *)event;
    // should pass only the key presses
    if (keyEvent->type() != QEvent::KeyPress) {
        return false;

    int keyval = keyEvent->key();
    int keysym = 0;

    if (ignoreKey(keyval))
        return false;

    QString text = keyEvent->text();
    if (!composeKey(keyval) && text.isEmpty())
        return false;

    keysym = keyEvent->nativeVirtualKey();

    int nCompose = 0;
    while (m_composeBuffer[nCompose] != 0 && nCompose < QT_KEYSEQUENCE_MAX_LEN)

    if (nCompose == QT_KEYSEQUENCE_MAX_LEN) {
        nCompose = 0;

    m_composeBuffer[nCompose] = keysym;
    // check sequence
    if (checkComposeTable())
        return true;

    return false;
Пример #2
void query(int iThread, const TC_DBConf & conf, map<string,string>& mSqlPart, map<string, vector<double> > &result, string &sRes, QueryParam &queryParam,string &sPolicy)
    string sUid = mSqlPart.find("uid")->second;

    TLOGDEBUG("queryData " << sUid << "thread iIndex:"  << iThread << endl);

    int64_t tStart = TNOWMS;
        //dateFrom =>> 20111120
          string dateFrom  = mSqlPart["date1"];
          string dateTo    = mSqlPart["date2"];

        //tflagFrom =>> 2360
          string tflagFrom = mSqlPart["tflag1"];
          string tflagTo   = mSqlPart["tflag2"];

        // 输入tflag 条件检查
        if (dateFrom.length() != 8 || dateTo.length() != 8  || tflagFrom.length()  != 4 ||
            tflagTo.length()              != 4     ||
            TC_Common::isdigit(tflagFrom) == false ||
            TC_Common::isdigit(tflagTo)   == false)
            sRes += "ret:-1|iDb:" + TC_Common::tostr(iThread) + "|wrong tflag:" + tflagFrom + "-" + tflagTo +  "\n";

            TLOGERROR("query sUid:" << sUid << sRes << endl);

            queryParam._run_result = -1;

            if(queryParam._atomic.get() == queryParam._run_times)
                TC_ThreadLock::Lock lock(queryParam._monitor);
            return ;

        //groupCond =>> "where slave_name like 'MTTsh2.BrokerServer' and f_tflag >='0000'  and f_tflag <='2360'  and f_date = '20111120'"
          string whereCond = mSqlPart["whereCond"];

          string::size_type position;
        if((position =whereCond.find("policy")) != string::npos)
            string temp = whereCond.substr(position);
            if((position =whereCond.find("Avg")) != string::npos)
                sPolicy = "Avg";
            else if((position =whereCond.find("Max")) != string::npos)
                sPolicy = "Max";
            else if((position =whereCond.find("Min")) != string::npos)
                sPolicy = "Min";
                sPolicy = "NULL";

        //groupCond =>> "group by f_date, f_tflag"
          string groupCond = mSqlPart["groupCond"];

        //sumField    =>> "succ_count, timeout_count";
          string sumField  = mSqlPart["sumField"];

        //groupField  =>> "f_date, f_tflag"
          string groupField = mSqlPart["groupField"];

        //selectCond =>> "succ_count, timeout_count, f_date, f_tflag"
        string selectCond = sumField +"," + groupField;

        string::size_type pos = string::npos;
        string tmpDate = "f_date";
        if ((pos = selectCond.find(tmpDate, 0)) != string::npos)
            selectCond.replace(pos, tmpDate.length(), "DATE_FORMAT( f_date, '%Y%m%d') as f_date");

        string sDbName = mSqlPart["dataid"];
        string ignoreKey("");


        vector<string> vGroupField = TC_Common::sepstr<string>(groupField, ", ");
        vector<string> vSumField = TC_Common::sepstr<string>(sumField, ", ");

        TC_Mysql tcMysql;

        TC_DBConf tcDbConf = conf;
            tcDbConf = g_app.getDbInfo(iThread);
            tcDbConf = g_app.getDbInfo(iThread);

        tcDbConf._database = sDbName;


        string sTbNamePre = tcDbConf._database + "_";

        string sTbName("");
        string sSql("");
        //select range by f_date and f_tflag
        for(string day = dateFrom; day <= dateTo; day = dateInc(day))
            for(string tflag = tflagFrom; tflag <= tflagTo && (tflag.substr(0,2) < "24"); tflag = tFlagInc(tflag))
                //table name:tars_2012060723
                sTbName = sTbNamePre + day + tflag.substr(0,2);

                sSql = "select " + selectCond + " from " + sTbName + " " + ignoreKey  + whereCond   + " order by null;";

                tars::TC_Mysql::MysqlData res = tcMysql.queryRecord(sSql);

                TLOGINFO(sUid << "res.size:" << res.size() << "|sSql:" << sSql << endl);

                // result is key:value pair;
                //sKey 由groupby生成
                //int64_t t2Start = TNOWMS;
                for(size_t    iRow = 0; iRow < res.size(); iRow++)
                    string sKey = "";
                    for(size_t j = 0; j < vGroupField.size(); j++)
                        sKey += sKey.empty()?"":",";
                        sKey += res[iRow][vGroupField[j]];

                    map<string,vector<double> >::iterator itResult = result.find(sKey);
                    if (itResult != result.end())
                        vector<double>& data = itResult->second;
                        for (size_t j = 0; j < vSumField.size() && j < data.size(); j++)
                            data.push_back(TC_Common::strto<double>(res[iRow][vSumField[j]]));// 相同key的值 求和
                        vector<double>& vRes = result[sKey];
                        for(size_t j = 0; j < vSumField.size(); j++)
                            vRes.push_back( TC_Common::strto<double>(res[iRow][vSumField[j]]));;
                    TLOGINFO("query iDb:" << iThread <<" {"<< sKey << ":" << TC_Common::tostr(result[sKey]) << "}" << endl);

                TLOGINFO("query iDb :" << iThread << " day:" << day <<" tflag:" << tflag << endl);
        }  //day

        sRes =  "ret:0 iDb:" + TC_Common::tostr(iThread)  + "\n";

    catch(TC_Mysql_Exception & ex)
        sRes = "ret:-1|iDb:" + TC_Common::tostr(iThread) + string("|exception:") + ex.what() + "\n";
        TLOGERROR("query sUid:" << sUid << "query:" << sRes << endl);

        queryParam._run_result = -1;
    catch(exception & ex)
        sRes = "ret:-1|iDb:" + TC_Common::tostr(iThread) + string("|exception:") + ex.what() + "\n";
        TLOGERROR("query sUid:" << sUid << "query:" << sRes << endl);

        queryParam._run_result = -1;
    int64_t tEnd = TNOWMS;

    TLOGDEBUG("query sUid:" << sUid << "exit query iDb:" << iThread <<"|timecost(ms):" << (tEnd - tStart) << "|res:" << sRes << endl);;

    if(queryParam._atomic.get() == queryParam._run_times)
            TC_ThreadLock::Lock lock(queryParam._monitor);

        TLOGDEBUG("query sUid:" << sUid << "notify query finish." << endl);
