Пример #1
 * im_mpercent_hist:
 * @hist: input histogram image
 * @percent: threshold percentage
 * @out: output threshold value
 * Just like im_mpercent(), except it works on an image histogram. Handy if
 * you want to run im_mpercent() several times without having to recompute the
 * histogram each time.
 * See also: im_mpercent().
 * Returns: 0 on success, -1 on error
im_mpercent_hist( IMAGE *hist, double percent, int *out )
	IMAGE *base;
	IMAGE *t[6];
	double pos;

	if( im_check_hist( "im_mpercent", hist ) )
		return( -1 );

	if( !(base = im_open( "im_mpercent", "p" )) )
		return( -1 );
	if( im_open_local_array( base, t, 6, "im_mpercent", "p" ) ) {
		im_close( base );
		return( -1 );

	if( im_histcum( hist, t[1] ) ||
		im_histnorm( t[1], t[2] ) ||
		im_lessconst( t[2], t[3], percent * t[2]->Xsize ) ||
		im_fliphor( t[3], t[4] ) ||
		im_profile( t[4], t[5], 1 ) ||
		im_avg( t[5], &pos ) ) {
		im_close( base );
		return( -1 );
	im_close( base );

	*out = pos;

	return( 0 );
Пример #2
/* Find the number of non-zero pixels in a mask image.
static int
count_nonzero( IMAGE *in, gint64 *count )
	double avg;

	if( im_avg( in, &avg ) )
		return( -1 );
	*count = (avg * in->Xsize * in->Ysize ) / 255.0;
	return( 0 );
Пример #3
 * im_benchmark2:
 * @in: input image
 * @out: average image value
 * This operation runs a single im_benchmarkn() and calculates the average
 * pixel value. It's useful if you just want to test image input.
 * See also: im_benchmarkn().
 * Returns: 0 on success, -1 on error
im_benchmark2( IMAGE *in, double *out )
        IMAGE *t;

		!(t = im_open_local( in, "benchmarkn", "p" )) ||
                im_benchmarkn( in, t, 1 ) ||
                im_avg( t, out ) 
Пример #4
/* Get the value of pixel (0, 0). Use this to init the min/max value for
 * im_max()/im_stats()/etc.
im__value( IMAGE *im, double *value )
	IMAGE *t;

	if( !(t = im_open( "im__value", "p" )) )
		return( -1 );
	if( im_extract_areabands( im, t, 0, 0, 1, 1, 0, 1 ) ||
		im_avg( t, value ) ) {
		im_close( t );
		return( -1 );
	im_close( t );

	return( 0 );
Пример #5
/* Measure into array.
static int
measure_patches( IMAGE *im, double *coeff, 
	int left, int top, int width, int height, 
	int u, int v, int *sel, int nsel )
	IMAGE *tmp;
	int patch;
	int i, j;
	int m, n;
	double avg, dev;
	int x, y, w, h;

	/* How large are the patches we are to measure?
	double pw = (double) width / (double) u;
	double ph = (double) height / (double) v;

	/* Set up sub to be the size we need for a patch.
	w = (pw + 1) / 2;
	h = (ph + 1) / 2;

	/* Loop through sel, picking out areas to measure.
	for( j = 0, patch = 0; patch < nsel; patch++ ) {
		/* Sanity check. Is the patch number sensible?
		if( sel[patch] <= 0 || sel[patch] > u * v ) {
			im_error( "im_measure", 
				_( "patch %d is out of range" ),
				sel[patch] );
			return( 1 );

		/* Patch coordinates.
		m = (sel[patch] - 1) % u;  
		n = (sel[patch] - 1) / u;

		/* Move sub to correct position.
		x = left + m * pw + (pw + 2) / 4;
		y = top + n * ph + (ph + 2) / 4;

		/* Loop through bands.
		for( i = 0; i < im->Bands; i++, j++ ) {
			/* Make temp buffer to extract to.
			if( !(tmp = im_open( "patch", "t" )) ) 
				return( -1 );
			/* Extract and measure.
			if( im_extract_areabands( im, tmp, x, y, w, h, i, 1 ) ||
				im_avg( tmp, &avg ) ||
				im_deviate( tmp, &dev ) ) {
				im_close( tmp );
				return( -1 );
			im_close( tmp );

			/* Is the deviation large compared with the average?
			 * This could be a clue that our parameters have
			 * caused us to miss the patch. Look out for averages
			 * <0, or averages near zero (can get these if use
			 * im_measure() on IM_TYPE_LAB images).
			if( dev * 5 > fabs( avg ) && fabs( avg ) > 3 )
				im_warn( "im_measure",
					_( "patch %d, band %d: "
						"avg = %g, sdev = %g" ), 
					patch, i, avg, dev );

			/* Save results.
			coeff[j] = avg;

	return( 0 );