Пример #1
/* Update iImage from heap.
static gboolean
iimage_class_get( Classmodel *classmodel, PElement *root )
        iImage *iimage = IIMAGE( classmodel );
	ImageValue *value = &iimage->value;

	Imageinfo *ii;

#ifdef DEBUG
	printf( "iimage_class_get: " );
	row_name_print( HEAPMODEL( iimage )->row );
	printf( "\n" );
#endif /*DEBUG*/

	if( !class_get_member_image( root, MEMBER_VALUE, &ii ) )
		return( FALSE );
	image_value_set( value, ii );

	/* Try to update the filename for this row ... get from the meta if we
	 * can.
	IM_FREE( classmodel->filename );
        if( ii ) {
		IMAGE *im;
		char *filename;

		if( (im = imageinfo_get( FALSE, ii )) &&
			im_header_get_typeof( im, ORIGINAL_FILENAME ) != 0 ) {
			if( im_header_string( im, 
				ORIGINAL_FILENAME, &filename ) )
				return( FALSE );
		else if( imageinfo_is_from_file( ii ) )
			filename = IOBJECT( ii )->name;
			filename = NULL;

		IM_SETSTR( classmodel->filename, filename ); 

	return( CLASSMODEL_CLASS( parent_class )->class_get( 
		classmodel, root ) );
Пример #2
static void
iimage_info( iObject *iobject, VipsBuf *buf )
	iImage *iimage = IIMAGE( iobject );
	Imageinfo *ii = iimage->value.ii;
	IMAGE *im;

	if( ii && (im = imageinfo_get( FALSE, ii )) ) {
		char *filename;

		if( im_header_get_typeof( im, ORIGINAL_FILENAME ) != 0 ) {
			if( !im_header_string( im, 
				ORIGINAL_FILENAME, &filename ) ) {
				vips_buf_appends( buf, 
					_( "Original filename" ) );
				vips_buf_appendf( buf, ": %s\n", filename );
Пример #3
/* Write a VIPS image to a JPEG compress struct.
static int
write_vips( Write *write, int qfac, const char *profile )
	IMAGE *in;

	/* The image we'll be writing ... can change, see CMYK.
	in = write->in;

	/* Should have been converted for save.
        g_assert( in->BandFmt == IM_BANDFMT_UCHAR );
	g_assert( in->Coding == IM_CODING_NONE );
        g_assert( in->Bands == 1 || in->Bands == 3 || in->Bands == 4 );

        /* Check input image.
	if( im_pincheck( in ) )
		return( -1 );
        if( qfac < 0 || qfac > 100 ) {
                im_error( "im_vips2jpeg", 
			"%s", _( "qfac should be in 0-100" ) );
                return( -1 );

	/* Set compression parameters.
        write->cinfo.image_width = in->Xsize;
        write->cinfo.image_height = in->Ysize;
	write->cinfo.input_components = in->Bands;
	if( in->Bands == 4 && in->Type == IM_TYPE_CMYK ) {
		space = JCS_CMYK;
		/* IJG always sets an Adobe marker, so we should invert CMYK.
		if( !(write->inverted = im_open( "vips2jpeg_invert", "p" )) ||
			im_invert( in, write->inverted ) )
			return( -1 );
		in = write->inverted;
	else if( in->Bands == 3 )
		space = JCS_RGB;
	else if( in->Bands == 1 )
		space = JCS_GRAYSCALE;
		/* Use luminance compression for all channels.
		space = JCS_UNKNOWN;
	write->cinfo.in_color_space = space; 

	/* Build VIPS output stuff now we know the image we'll be writing.
	if( !(write->row_pointer = 
		IM_ARRAY( NULL, write->in->Ysize, JSAMPROW )) )
		return( -1 );

	/* Rest to default. 
        jpeg_set_defaults( &write->cinfo );
        jpeg_set_quality( &write->cinfo, qfac, TRUE );

	/* Build compress tables.
	jpeg_start_compress( &write->cinfo, TRUE );

	/* Write any APP markers we need.
	if( write_exif( write ) )
		return( -1 );

	/* A profile supplied as an argument overrides an embedded profile.
	 * "none" means don't attach a profile.
	if( profile && 
		strcmp( profile, "none" ) != 0 &&
		write_profile_file( write, profile ) )
		return( -1 );
	if( !profile && 
		im_header_get_typeof( in, IM_META_ICC_NAME ) && 
		write_profile_meta( write ) )
		return( -1 );

	/* Write data. Note that the write function grabs the longjmp()!
	if( vips_sink_disc( write->in, write_jpeg_block, write ) )
		return( -1 );

	/* We have to reinstate the setjmp() before we jpeg_finish_compress().
	if( setjmp( write->eman.jmp ) ) 
		return( -1 );

	jpeg_finish_compress( &write->cinfo );

	return( 0 );
Пример #4
static int
write_exif( Write *write )
	unsigned char *data;
	size_t data_length;
	unsigned int idl;
#ifdef HAVE_EXIF
	ExifData *ed;

	/* Either parse from the embedded EXIF, or if there's none, make
	 * some fresh EXIF we can write the resolution to.
	if( im_header_get_typeof( write->in, IM_META_EXIF_NAME ) ) {
		if( im_meta_get_blob( write->in, IM_META_EXIF_NAME, 
			(void *) &data, &data_length ) )
			return( -1 );

		if( !(ed = exif_data_new_from_data( data, data_length )) )
			return( -1 );
		ed = exif_data_new();

	/* Update EXIF resolution from VIPS.
	if( set_exif_resolution( ed, write->in ) ) {
		exif_data_free( ed );
		return( -1 );

	/* Reserialise and write. exif_data_save_data() returns an int for some
	 * reason.
	exif_data_save_data( ed, &data, &idl );
	if( !idl ) {
		im_error( "im_jpeg2vips", "%s", _( "error saving EXIF" ) );
		exif_data_free( ed );
		return( -1 );
	data_length = idl;

#ifdef DEBUG
	printf( "im_vips2jpeg: attaching %zd bytes of EXIF\n", data_length  );
#endif /*DEBUG*/

	exif_data_free( ed );
	jpeg_write_marker( &write->cinfo, JPEG_APP0 + 1, data, data_length );
	free( data );
#else /*!HAVE_EXIF*/
	/* No libexif ... just copy the embedded EXIF over.
	if( im_header_get_typeof( write->in, IM_META_EXIF_NAME ) ) {
		if( im_meta_get_blob( write->in, IM_META_EXIF_NAME, 
			(void *) &data, &data_length ) )
			return( -1 );

#ifdef DEBUG
		printf( "im_vips2jpeg: attaching %d bytes of EXIF\n", 
			data_length  );
#endif /*DEBUG*/

		jpeg_write_marker( &write->cinfo, JPEG_APP0 + 1, 
			data, data_length );
#endif /*!HAVE_EXIF*/

	return( 0 );
Пример #5
static int
read_exif( IMAGE *im, void *data, int data_length )
	char *data_copy;

	/* Horrifyingly, some JPEGs have several APP1 sections. We must only
	 * use the first one that starts "Exif.."
	if( ((char *) data)[0] != 'E' ||
		((char *) data)[1] != 'x' ||
		((char *) data)[2] != 'i' ||
		((char *) data)[3] != 'f' )
		return( 0 );
	if( im_header_get_typeof( im, IM_META_EXIF_NAME ) ) 
		return( 0 );

	/* Always attach a copy of the unparsed exif data.
	if( !(data_copy = im_malloc( NULL, data_length )) )
		return( -1 );
	memcpy( data_copy, data, data_length );
	if( im_meta_set_blob( im, IM_META_EXIF_NAME, 
		(im_callback_fn) im_free, data_copy, data_length ) ) {
		im_free( data_copy );
		return( -1 );

#ifdef HAVE_EXIF
	ExifData *ed;

	if( !(ed = exif_data_new_from_data( data, data_length )) )
		return( -1 );

	if( ed->size > 0 ) {
		show_tags( ed );
		show_values( ed );
#endif /*DEBUG_VERBOSE*/

		/* Attach informational fields for what we find.

			FIXME ... better to have this in the UI layer?

			Or we could attach non-human-readable tags here (int, 
			double etc) and then move the human stuff to the UI 

		exif_data_foreach_content( ed, 
			(ExifDataForeachContentFunc) attach_exif_content, im );

		/* Look for resolution fields and use them to set the VIPS 
		 * xres/yres fields.
		set_vips_resolution( im, ed );

		attach_thumbnail( im, ed );

	exif_data_free( ed );
#endif /*HAVE_EXIF*/

	return( 0 );
Пример #6
static int
shrink_factor( IMAGE *in, IMAGE *out, 
	int shrink, double residual, VipsInterpolate *interp )
	IMAGE *t[9];
	VipsImage **s = (VipsImage **) 
		vips_object_local_array( VIPS_OBJECT( out ), 1 );
	IMAGE *x;
	int tile_width;
	int tile_height;
	int nlines;

	if( im_open_local_array( out, t, 9, "thumbnail", "p" ) )
		return( -1 );
	x = in;

	/* Unpack the two coded formats we support to float for processing.
	if( x->Coding == IM_CODING_LABQ ) {
		if( verbose ) 
			printf( "unpacking LAB to RGB\n" );

		if( im_LabQ2disp( x, t[1], im_col_displays( 7 ) ) )
			return( -1 );
		x = t[1];
	else if( x->Coding == IM_CODING_RAD ) {
		if( verbose ) 
			printf( "unpacking Rad to float\n" );

		if( im_rad2float( x, t[1] ) )
			return( -1 );
		x = t[1];

	if( im_shrink( x, t[2], shrink, shrink ) )
		return( -1 );

	/* We want to make sure we read the image sequentially.
	 * However, the convolution we may be doing later will force us 
	 * into SMALLTILE or maybe FATSTRIP mode and that will break
	 * sequentiality.
	 * So ... read into a cache where tiles are scanlines, and make sure
	 * we keep enough scanlines to be able to serve a line of tiles.
	vips_get_tile_size( t[2], 
		&tile_width, &tile_height, &nlines );
	if( vips_tilecache( t[2], &s[0], 
		"tile_width", t[2]->Xsize,
		"tile_height", 10,
		"max_tiles", (nlines * 2) / 10,
		NULL ) ||
		im_affinei_all( s[0], t[4], 
			interp, residual, 0, 0, residual, 0, 0 ) )
		return( -1 );
	x = t[4];

	/* If we are upsampling, don't sharpen, since nearest looks dumb
	 * sharpened.
	if( shrink > 1 && residual <= 1.0 && !nosharpen ) {
		if( verbose ) 
			printf( "sharpening thumbnail\n" );

		if( im_conv( x, t[5], sharpen_filter() ) )
			return( -1 );
		x = t[5];

	/* Colour management: we can transform the image if we have an output
	 * profile and an input profile. The input profile can be in the
	 * image, or if there is no profile there, supplied by the user.
	if( export_profile &&
		(im_header_get_typeof( x, IM_META_ICC_NAME ) || 
		 import_profile) ) {
		if( im_header_get_typeof( x, IM_META_ICC_NAME ) ) {
			if( verbose ) 
				printf( "importing with embedded profile\n" );

			if( im_icc_import_embedded( x, t[6], 
				return( -1 );
		else {
			if( verbose ) 
				printf( "importing with profile %s\n",
					import_profile );

			if( im_icc_import( x, t[6], 
				return( -1 );

		if( verbose ) 
			printf( "exporting with profile %s\n", export_profile );

		if( im_icc_export_depth( t[6], t[7], 
			8, export_profile, 
			return( -1 );

		x = t[7];

	if( delete_profile ) {
		if( verbose )
			printf( "deleting profile from output image\n" );

		if( im_meta_get_typeof( x, IM_META_ICC_NAME ) &&
			!im_meta_remove( x, IM_META_ICC_NAME ) )
			return( -1 );

	if( im_copy( x, out ) )
		return( -1 );

	return( 0 );