bool PictureLoader::cardImageExistsOnDisk(QString & setName, QString & correctedCardname) { QImage image; QImageReader imgReader; imgReader.setDecideFormatFromContent(true); //The list of paths to the folders in which to search for images QList<QString> picsPaths = QList<QString>() << picsPath + "/CUSTOM/" + correctedCardname; if(!setName.isEmpty()) { picsPaths << picsPath + "/" + setName + "/" + correctedCardname << picsPath + "/downloadedPics/" + setName + "/" + correctedCardname; } //Iterates through the list of paths, searching for images with the desired name with any QImageReader-supported extension for (int i = 0; i < picsPaths.length(); i ++) { imgReader.setFileName(; if ( { qDebug() << "Picture found on disk (set: " << setName << " card: " << correctedCardname << ")"; imageLoaded(cardBeingLoaded.getCard(), image); return true; } imgReader.setFileName( + ".full"); if ( { qDebug() << "Picture.full found on disk (set: " << setName << " card: " << correctedCardname << ")"; imageLoaded(cardBeingLoaded.getCard(), image); return true; } } return false; }
void PictureLoader::picDownloadFinished(QNetworkReply *reply) { QString picsPath = _picsPath; if (reply->error()) { qDebug() << "Download failed:" << reply->errorString(); } const QByteArray &picData = reply->peek(reply->size()); //peek is used to keep the data in the buffer for use by QImageReader QImage testImage; QImageReader imgReader; imgReader.setDecideFormatFromContent(true); imgReader.setDevice(reply); QString extension = "." + imgReader.format(); //the format is determined prior to reading the QImageReader data into a QImage object, as that wipes the QImageReader buffer if (extension == ".jpeg") extension = ".jpg"; if ( { QString setName = cardBeingDownloaded.getSetName(); if(!setName.isEmpty()) { if (!QDir().mkpath(picsPath + "/downloadedPics/" + setName)) { qDebug() << picsPath + "/downloadedPics/" + setName + " could not be created."; return; } QFile newPic(picsPath + "/downloadedPics/" + setName + "/" + cardBeingDownloaded.getCard()->getCorrectedName() + extension); if (! return; newPic.write(picData); newPic.close(); } emit imageLoaded(cardBeingDownloaded.getCard(), testImage); } else if (cardBeingDownloaded.getHq()) { qDebug() << "HQ: received invalid picture. URL:" << reply->request().url(); cardBeingDownloaded.setHq(false); cardsToDownload.prepend(cardBeingDownloaded); } else { qDebug() << "LQ: received invalid picture. URL:" << reply->request().url(); if (cardBeingDownloaded.nextSet()) { cardBeingDownloaded.setHq(true); mutex.lock(); loadQueue.prepend(cardBeingDownloaded); mutex.unlock(); emit startLoadQueue(); } else emit imageLoaded(cardBeingDownloaded.getCard(), QImage()); } reply->deleteLater(); startNextPicDownload(); }
void AssemblyMainWindow::loadImage( const QString& imageName ) { QPixmap* img = new QPixmap(); try { if( img->load(imageName) ) { // udalo sie zaladowac obrazek. Czy trasa jest juz utworzona? if( mpTrack != 0 ) { // aktualizujemy obrazek istniejacej trasy mpTrack->reloadImage( img, static_cast<int>( pow( 2, ui->gridSlider->value() ) ) ); } else { // tworzy nowa trase mpTrack = new Track( img, static_cast<int>( pow( 2, ui->gridSlider->value() ) ) ); } trackView->setTrack( mpTrack ); ui->loadImageButton->setEnabled( false ); ui->labelImageState->setText("Stan obrazka: <font color=\"green\">OK</font>"); ui->labelResolution->setText( QString::number(mpTrack->getWidth()) + QString("x") + QString::number(mpTrack->getHeight()) ); enableMenus(); emit imageLoaded(); } else { delete img; } } catch( std::exception& e ) { if( img != 0 ) delete img; if( mpTrack != 0 ) delete mpTrack; trackView->setTrack( 0 ); ui->labelImageState->setText("Stan obrazka: <font color=\"red\">b³¹d</font>"); ui->labelResolution->setText("Niepoprawny rozmiar."); } }
void LoadImagesThread::run() { // Set row heights/column widths for(int index = 0; index < images.size() && !shouldStop; ++index) { QImage image(images[index]); emit imageLoaded(index, image); } }
void GetConnection::onPictureReady() { QNetworkReply *reply = qobject_cast<QNetworkReply*>(sender()); QByteArray data; QUrl redir; if (!reply) { qDebug() << "Cast to qnetwork reply fail!"; return; } if (reply->error() != QNetworkReply::NoError) { qDebug() << "Picture get fail!"; reply->deleteLater(); reply = 0; return; } redir = reply->attribute(QNetworkRequest::RedirectionTargetAttribute).toUrl(); // Facebook is redirecting the picture request if(!redir.isEmpty()) { qDebug() << "Redirecting picture request to " + redir.toString(); reply = m_qFacebook->get(redir); if (reply) connect(reply, SIGNAL(finished()), this, SLOT(onPictureReady())); // not finished yet! return; } qDebug() << "######### Parsed picture:"; data = reply->readAll(); qDebug() << data; QImage m_picture = QImage::fromData(data, "JPEG"); emit imageLoaded(m_picture); }
void PictureLoader::picDownloadFinished(QNetworkReply *reply) { if (reply->error()) { qDebug() << "Download failed:" << reply->errorString(); } int statusCode = reply->attribute(QNetworkRequest::HttpStatusCodeAttribute).toInt(); if (statusCode == 301 || statusCode == 302) { QUrl redirectUrl = reply->attribute(QNetworkRequest::RedirectionTargetAttribute).toUrl(); QNetworkRequest req(redirectUrl); qDebug() << "following redirect:" << cardBeingDownloaded.getCard()->getName() << "Url:" << req.url(); networkManager->get(req); return; } const QByteArray &picData = reply->peek(reply->size()); //peek is used to keep the data in the buffer for use by QImageReader if(imageIsBlackListed(picData)) { qDebug() << "Picture downloaded, but blacklisted, will consider it as not found"; picDownloadFailed(); reply->deleteLater(); startNextPicDownload(); return; } QImage testImage; QImageReader imgReader; imgReader.setDecideFormatFromContent(true); imgReader.setDevice(reply); QString extension = "." + imgReader.format(); //the format is determined prior to reading the QImageReader data into a QImage object, as that wipes the QImageReader buffer if (extension == ".jpeg") extension = ".jpg"; if ( { QString setName = cardBeingDownloaded.getSetName(); if(!setName.isEmpty()) { if (!QDir().mkpath(picsPath + "/downloadedPics/" + setName)) { qDebug() << picsPath + "/downloadedPics/" + setName + " could not be created."; return; } QFile newPic(picsPath + "/downloadedPics/" + setName + "/" + cardBeingDownloaded.getCard()->getCorrectedName() + extension); if (! return; newPic.write(picData); newPic.close(); } imageLoaded(cardBeingDownloaded.getCard(), testImage); } else { picDownloadFailed(); } reply->deleteLater(); startNextPicDownload(); }
BackgroundInner::BackgroundInner() : _bgCount(0), _rows(0), _over(-1), _overDown(-1) { connect(App::wnd(), SIGNAL(imageLoaded()), this, SLOT(update())); if (App::cServerBackgrounds().isEmpty()) { resize(BackgroundsInRow * (st::backgroundSize.width() + st::backgroundPadding) + st::backgroundPadding, 2 * (st::backgroundSize.height() + st::backgroundPadding) + st::backgroundPadding); MTP::send(MTPaccount_GetWallPapers(), rpcDone(&BackgroundInner::gotWallpapers)); } else { updateWallpapers(); } setMouseTracking(true); }
ImageFunctor::ImageFunctor(QObject* parent) : QObject(parent) { m_imageLoader = new ImageLoader(this); connect (m_imageLoader, SIGNAL(imageLoaded(QImage)), this, SLOT(grabImage(QImage))); connect (m_imageLoader, SIGNAL(finished()), this, SLOT(transformQueue())); m_futureWatcher = 0; newFutureWatcher(); }
LocalStorageBox::LocalStorageBox() : AbstractBox() , _clear(this, lang(lng_local_storage_clear), st::defaultBoxLinkButton) , _close(this, lang(lng_box_ok), st::defaultBoxButton) { connect(_clear, SIGNAL(clicked()), this, SLOT(onClear())); connect(_close, SIGNAL(clicked()), this, SLOT(onClose())); connect(App::wnd(), SIGNAL(imageLoaded()), this, SLOT(update())); connect(App::wnd(), SIGNAL(tempDirCleared(int)), this, SLOT(onTempDirCleared(int))); connect(App::wnd(), SIGNAL(tempDirClearFailed(int)), this, SLOT(onTempDirClearFailed(int))); checkLocalStoredCounts(); prepare(); }
void MainWindow::on_itemList_itemDoubleClicked(QListWidgetItem *item) { loadingTheInformations=true; quint32 selectedItem=item->data(99).toUInt(); if(!items[selectedItem].hasAttribute("price")) items[selectedItem].setAttribute("price",0); bool ok; ui->price->setValue(items[selectedItem].attribute("price").toUInt(&ok)); if(!ok) ui->price->setValue(0); if(items[selectedItem].hasAttribute("image")) { QPixmap imageLoaded(QFileInfo(ui->lineEditItemFile->text()).absolutePath()+"/"+items[selectedItem].attribute("image")); imageLoaded.scaled(96,96); ui->image->setPixmap(imageLoaded); } else ui->image->setPixmap(QPixmap()); //load name { ui->nameEditLanguageList->clear(); QDomElement name = items[selectedItem].firstChildElement("name"); while(!name.isNull()) { if(!name.hasAttribute("lang")) ui->nameEditLanguageList->addItem("en"); else ui->nameEditLanguageList->addItem(name.attribute("lang")); name = name.nextSiblingElement("name"); } } //load description { ui->descriptionEditLanguageList->clear(); QDomElement description = items[selectedItem].firstChildElement("description"); while(!description.isNull()) { if(!description.hasAttribute("lang")) ui->descriptionEditLanguageList->addItem("en"); else ui->descriptionEditLanguageList->addItem(description.attribute("lang")); description = description.nextSiblingElement("description"); } } ui->stackedWidget->setCurrentWidget(ui->page_edit); ui->tabWidget->setCurrentWidget(ui->tabGeneral); loadingTheInformations=false; on_nameEditLanguageList_currentIndexChanged(ui->nameEditLanguageList->currentIndex()); on_descriptionEditLanguageList_currentIndexChanged(ui->descriptionEditLanguageList->currentIndex()); }
void PictureLoader::picDownloadFailed() { if (cardBeingDownloaded.nextSet()) { qDebug() << "Picture NOT found, download failed, moving to next set (newset: " << cardBeingDownloaded.getSetName() << " card: " << cardBeingDownloaded.getCard()->getCorrectedName() << ")"; mutex.lock(); loadQueue.prepend(cardBeingDownloaded); mutex.unlock(); emit startLoadQueue(); } else { qDebug() << "Picture NOT found, download failed, no more sets to try: BAILING OUT (oldset: " << cardBeingDownloaded.getSetName() << " card: " << cardBeingDownloaded.getCard()->getCorrectedName() << ")"; cardBeingDownloaded = 0; emit imageLoaded(cardBeingDownloaded.getCard(), QImage()); } }
Window::Window(QWidget *parent) : PsMainWindow(parent), _serviceHistoryRequest(0), title(0), _passcode(0), intro(0), main(0), settings(0), layerBG(0), _isActive(false), _topWidget(0), _connecting(0), _clearManager(0), dragging(false), _inactivePress(false), _shouldLockAt(0), _mediaView(0) { icon16 = icon256.scaledToWidth(16, Qt::SmoothTransformation); icon32 = icon256.scaledToWidth(32, Qt::SmoothTransformation); icon64 = icon256.scaledToWidth(64, Qt::SmoothTransformation); iconbig16 = iconbig256.scaledToWidth(16, Qt::SmoothTransformation); iconbig32 = iconbig256.scaledToWidth(32, Qt::SmoothTransformation); iconbig64 = iconbig256.scaledToWidth(64, Qt::SmoothTransformation); if (objectName().isEmpty()) { setObjectName(qsl("MainWindow")); } resize(st::wndDefWidth, st::wndDefHeight); setWindowOpacity(1); setLocale(QLocale(QLocale::English, QLocale::UnitedStates)); centralwidget = new QWidget(this); centralwidget->setObjectName(qsl("centralwidget")); setCentralWidget(centralwidget); QMetaObject::connectSlotsByName(this); _inactiveTimer.setSingleShot(true); connect(&_inactiveTimer, SIGNAL(timeout()), this, SLOT(onInactiveTimer())); connect(¬ifyWaitTimer, SIGNAL(timeout()), this, SLOT(notifyFire())); _isActiveTimer.setSingleShot(true); connect(&_isActiveTimer, SIGNAL(timeout()), this, SLOT(updateIsActive())); connect(&_autoLockTimer, SIGNAL(timeout()), this, SLOT(checkAutoLock())); connect(this, SIGNAL(imageLoaded()), this, SLOT(update())); connect(this, SIGNAL(imageLoaded()), this, SLOT(notifyUpdateAllPhotos())); }
void FormMaterialIndicesManager::pasteImageFromClipboard(QImage& _image){ int mIndex = FBOImageProporties::currentMaterialIndeks; if(updateMaterials(_image)){ image = _image; imageProp.init(image); emit materialChanged(); FBOImageProporties::currentMaterialIndeks = mIndex; emit imageLoaded(image.width(),image.height()); // repaint all materials if(FBOImageProporties::currentMaterialIndeks != MATERIALS_DISABLED){ toggleMaterials(true); } } }
void NetworkTexture::setImage(const QImage& image, bool translucent) { _translucent = translucent; finishedLoading(true); imageLoaded(image); glBindTexture(GL_TEXTURE_2D, getID()); if (image.hasAlphaChannel()) { glTexImage2D(GL_TEXTURE_2D, 0, GL_RGBA, image.width(), image.height(), 1, GL_BGRA, GL_UNSIGNED_BYTE, image.constBits()); } else { glTexImage2D(GL_TEXTURE_2D, 0, GL_RGB, image.width(), image.height(), 1, GL_RGB, GL_UNSIGNED_BYTE, image.constBits()); } glTexParameteri(GL_TEXTURE_2D, GL_TEXTURE_MIN_FILTER, GL_LINEAR); glBindTexture(GL_TEXTURE_2D, 0); }
WizardController::WizardController(QObject *wizardDialog, QObject *parent) : QObject(parent) { connect(this, SIGNAL(wizardStepChanged(int)), wizardDialog, SLOT(setWizardStep(int))); connect(this, SIGNAL(wizardStepDescriptionChanged(const QString&, const QString&)), wizardDialog, SLOT(setWizardStepDescription(const QString&, const QString&))); connect(this, SIGNAL(prevButtonEnabled(bool)), wizardDialog, SLOT(setPrevButtonEnabled(bool))); connect(this, SIGNAL(nextButtonEnabled(bool)), wizardDialog, SLOT(setNextButtonEnabled(bool))); connect(this, SIGNAL(previewStateChanged(const QString&)), wizardDialog, SLOT(setPreviewState(const QString&))); connect(this, SIGNAL(showManualSignal(const QString&, const QString&)), wizardDialog, SLOT(showManual(const QString&, const QString&))); connect(this, SIGNAL(showWizardStepHelpSignal(const QString&, const QString&)), wizardDialog, SLOT(showWizardStepHelp(const QString&, const QString&))); connect(wizardDialog, SIGNAL(imageLoaded()), SLOT(handleImageLoaded())); connect(wizardDialog, SIGNAL(prevButtonPressed()), SLOT(handlePrevButtonPressed())); connect(wizardDialog, SIGNAL(nextButtonPressed()), SLOT(handleNextButtonPressed())); connect(wizardDialog, SIGNAL(manualSignal()), SLOT(showManual())); connect(wizardDialog, SIGNAL(wizardStepHelpSignal()), SLOT(showHelpForCurrentStep())); updateDialogWizardStep(); }
void PictureLoader::processLoadQueue() { if (loadQueueRunning) return; loadQueueRunning = true; forever { mutex.lock(); if (loadQueue.isEmpty()) { mutex.unlock(); loadQueueRunning = false; return; } cardBeingLoaded = loadQueue.takeFirst(); mutex.unlock(); QString setName = cardBeingLoaded.getSetName(); QString correctedCardname = cardBeingLoaded.getCard()->getCorrectedName(); qDebug() << "Trying to load picture (set: " << setName << " card: " << correctedCardname << ")"; if(cardImageExistsOnDisk(setName, correctedCardname)) continue; if (picDownload) { qDebug() << "Picture NOT found, trying to download (set: " << setName << " card: " << correctedCardname << ")"; cardsToDownload.append(cardBeingLoaded); cardBeingLoaded=0; if (!downloadRunning) startNextPicDownload(); } else { if (cardBeingLoaded.nextSet()) { qDebug() << "Picture NOT found and download disabled, moving to next set (newset: " << setName << " card: " << correctedCardname << ")"; mutex.lock(); loadQueue.prepend(cardBeingLoaded); cardBeingLoaded=0; mutex.unlock(); } else { qDebug() << "Picture NOT found, download disabled, no more sets to try: BAILING OUT (oldset: " << setName << " card: " << correctedCardname << ")"; imageLoaded(cardBeingLoaded.getCard(), QImage()); } } } }
void Wizard::updateImageInfoFields(const QSize &inputImageSizeInPixels, const QSizeF &imageSize, double verticalDpi, double horizontalDpi, Types::ColorTypes colorType, int bitsPerPixel) { Q_UNUSED(horizontalDpi) m_imageInformationSizeInPixelsValue->setText(QString("%1 x %2").arg(inputImageSizeInPixels.width()).arg(inputImageSizeInPixels.height())); m_imageInformationSizeValue->setText(QString("%1 x %2").arg(imageSize.width(), 0, 'f', 2).arg(imageSize.height(), 0, 'f', 2)); m_imageInformationResolutionValue->setText(QString("%1 dpi").arg(verticalDpi, 0, 'f', 1)); const QString colorTypeString = ( colorType==Types::ColorTypeMonochrome?QCoreApplication::translate("Main window", "Monochrome"): colorType==Types::ColorTypeGreyscale?QCoreApplication::translate("Main window", "Gray scale"): colorType==Types::ColorTypePalette?QCoreApplication::translate("Main window", "Palette"): colorType==Types::ColorTypeRGB?QCoreApplication::translate("Main window", "RGB"): colorType==Types::ColorTypeRGBA?QCoreApplication::translate("Main window", "RGBA"): /*colorType==ColorTypeCMYK?*/ QCoreApplication::translate("Main window", "CMYK") ) + QString(" %1bpp").arg(bitsPerPixel); m_imageInformationColorTypeValue->setText(colorTypeString); m_imageInfoGroup->setVisible(true); emit imageLoaded(); }
bool FormImageProp::loadFile(const QString &fileName) { QFileInfo fileInfo(fileName); QImage _image; // Targa support added if(fileInfo.completeSuffix().compare("tga") == 0){ TargaImage tgaImage; _image =; }else{ QImageReader loadedImage(fileName); _image =; } if (_image.isNull()) { QMessageBox::information(this, QGuiApplication::applicationDisplayName(), tr("Cannot load %1.").arg(QDir::toNativeSeparators(fileName))); return false; } if(bOpenNormalMapMixer){ qDebug() << "<FormImageProp> Open normal mixer image:" << fileName; imageProp.glWidget_ptr->makeCurrent(); if(glIsTexture(imageProp.normalMixerInputTexId)) imageProp.glWidget_ptr->deleteTexture(imageProp.normalMixerInputTexId); imageProp.normalMixerInputTexId = imageProp.glWidget_ptr->bindTexture(_image,GL_TEXTURE_2D); ui->labelNormalMixerInfo->setText("Current image:"+ fileInfo.baseName()); emit imageChanged(); }else{ qDebug() << "<FormImageProp> Open image:" << fileName; imageName = fileInfo.baseName(); (*recentDir).setPath(fileName); image = _image; imageProp.init(image); //emit imageChanged(); emit imageLoaded(image.width(),image.height()); } return true; }
void WebImageView::setUrl(const QUrl url) { if(url != mUrl){ resetImage(); mUrl = url; QIODevice *temp = diskCache->data(url); if(temp){ setImage(Image(temp->readAll())); mLoading = 1; emit loadingChanged(); } else{ mLoading = 0.01; emit loadingChanged(); if(defaultImageUrl!=QUrl("")) setImage(Image(defaultImageUrl)); urls.push_back(url); replies.push_back(mNetManager->get(QNetworkRequest(url))); connect(replies.back(),SIGNAL(finished()), this, SLOT(imageLoaded())); connect(replies.back(),SIGNAL(downloadProgress ( qint64 , qint64 )), this, SLOT(downloadProgressed(qint64,qint64))); } emit urlChanged(); } }
bool FormMaterialIndicesManager::loadFile(const QString &fileName) { QFileInfo fileInfo(fileName); QImage _image; // Targa support added if(fileInfo.completeSuffix().compare("tga") == 0){ TargaImage tgaImage; _image =; }else{ QImageReader loadedImage(fileName); _image =; } if (_image.isNull()) { QMessageBox::information(this, QGuiApplication::applicationDisplayName(), tr("Cannot load material image %1.").arg(QDir::toNativeSeparators(fileName))); return false; } qDebug() << "<FormImageProp> Open material image:" << fileName; (*FormImageProp::recentDir).setPath(fileName); int mIndex = FBOImageProporties::currentMaterialIndeks; if(updateMaterials(_image)){ image = _image; imageProp.init(image); emit materialChanged(); FBOImageProporties::currentMaterialIndeks = mIndex; emit imageLoaded(image.width(),image.height()); // repaint all materials if(FBOImageProporties::currentMaterialIndeks != MATERIALS_DISABLED){ toggleMaterials(true); } } return true; }
void WebImageView::imageLoaded() { QNetworkReply * reply = qobject_cast<QNetworkReply*>(sender()); if (reply->error() == QNetworkReply::NoError) { QVariant repliestatus = reply->attribute(QNetworkRequest::HttpStatusCodeAttribute); int i=replies.indexOf(reply); // HANDLES REDIRECTIONS if (repliestatus == 301 || repliestatus == 302) { QString redirectUrl = reply->attribute(QNetworkRequest::RedirectionTargetAttribute).toString(); replies[i]=mNetManager->get(QNetworkRequest(redirectUrl)); connect(replies[i],SIGNAL(finished()), this, SLOT(imageLoaded())); connect(replies[i],SIGNAL(downloadProgress ( qint64 , qint64 )), this, SLOT(downloadProgressed(qint64,qint64))); } else { if( setImage(Image(reply->readAll())); urls.removeAt(i); replies.removeAt(i); } } mLoading = 1; emit loadingChanged(); reply->deleteLater(); }
void MainWindow::on_imageBrowse_clicked() { QString image=QFileDialog::getOpenFileName(this,"Item image",QFileInfo(ui->lineEditItemFile->text()).absolutePath(),tr("Images (*.png)")); if(image.isEmpty()) return; image=QFileInfo(image).absoluteFilePath(); QPixmap imageLoaded(image); if(imageLoaded.isNull()) { QMessageBox::warning(this,tr("Error"),tr("The image can't be loaded, wrong format?")); return; } imageLoaded.scaled(96,96); image.remove(QFileInfo(ui->lineEditItemFile->text()).absolutePath()); image.replace("\\","/"); image.remove(QRegularExpression("^/")); ui->image->setPixmap(imageLoaded); QList<QListWidgetItem *> itemsUI=ui->itemList->selectedItems(); if(itemsUI.size()!=1) return; quint32 selectedItem=itemsUI.first()->data(99).toUInt(); items[selectedItem].setAttribute("image",image); }
void DkImageContainerT::fetchImage() { if (mFetchingBuffer) mBufferWatcher.waitForFinished(); if (mFetchingImage) { mLoadState = loading; return; } if (getLoader()->hasImage() || /*!fileBuffer || fileBuffer->isEmpty() ||*/ mLoadState == exists_not) { loadingFinished(); return; } qDebug() << "fetching: " << filePath(); mFetchingImage = true; connect(&mImageWatcher, SIGNAL(finished()), this, SLOT(imageLoaded()), Qt::UniqueConnection); mImageWatcher.setFuture(QtConcurrent::run(this, &nmc::DkImageContainerT::loadImageIntern, filePath(), mLoader, mFileBuffer)); }
void MainWindow::loadImage() { QString file_name = QFileDialog::getOpenFileName(this, tr("Open File"), QDir::currentPath(), "Images(*.png *.jpg *.bmp)"); if ( ! file_name.isEmpty()) { sourceImage = QImage(file_name); if (sourceImage.isNull()) { QMessageBox::information(this, tr("Image Viewer"), tr("Cannot load %1.").arg(file_name)); return; } if (sourceImage.width() > 800) { QPixmap mp = QPixmap::fromImage(sourceImage); mp = mp.scaledToWidth(800, Qt::SmoothTransformation); sourceImage = mp.toImage(); } displayImage(sourceImage); emit imageLoaded(sourceImage); } }
// DkImageContainerT -------------------------------------------------------------------- DkImageContainerT::DkImageContainerT(const QFileInfo& file) : DkImageContainer(file) { thumb = QSharedPointer<DkThumbNailT>(new DkThumbNailT(file)); #ifdef WITH_QUAZIP if(isFromZip()) thumb = QSharedPointer<DkThumbNailT>(new DkThumbNailT(zipData->getEncodedFileInfo())); #endif fetchingImage = false; fetchingBuffer = false; // our file watcher fileUpdateTimer.setSingleShot(false); fileUpdateTimer.setInterval(500); waitForUpdate = false; connect(&fileUpdateTimer, SIGNAL(timeout()), this, SLOT(checkForFileUpdates())); connect(&saveImageWatcher, SIGNAL(finished()), this, SLOT(savingFinished())); connect(&bufferWatcher, SIGNAL(finished()), this, SLOT(bufferLoaded())); connect(&imageWatcher, SIGNAL(finished()), this, SLOT(imageLoaded())); connect(, SIGNAL(errorDialogSignal(const QString&)), this, SIGNAL(errorDialogSignal(const QString&))); connect(, SIGNAL(thumbLoadedSignal(bool)), this, SIGNAL(thumbLoadedSignal(bool))); //connect(&metaDataWatcher, SIGNAL(finished()), this, SLOT(metaDataLoaded())); }
void BrowseWidget::parseBrowserData(const QString &t_id, QNetworkReply *t_reply) { if (t_id != m_request_id) return; auto title_language = User::sharedUser()->titleLanguage(); QByteArray data = t_reply->readAll(); QJsonArray browse_results = QJsonDocument::fromJson(data).array(); for (int i = 0; i <= browse_results.size(); i++) { QJsonObject anime =; auto title = anime.value(title_language).toString(); if (title.isEmpty()) { qDebug() << "Unknown title for: " << QJsonDocument(anime).toJson(); continue; } AnimePtr a = User::sharedUser()->getAnimeByTitle(title); if (a == AnimePtr(nullptr)) { a = Anime::makeAnime(); a->setId(QString::number(anime.value("id").toInt())); a->setTitle(title); a->setImageUrl(anime.value("image_url_lge").toString()); a->setTitleRomaji(anime.value("title_romaji").toString()); a->setTitleJapanese(anime.value("title_japanese").toString()); a->setTitleEnglish(anime.value("title_english").toString()); a->setType(anime.value("type").toString()); a->setAiringStatus(anime.value("airing_status").toString()); a->setAverageScore(anime.value("average_score").toString().toDouble()); a->setTotalEpisodes(anime.value("total_episodes").toInt()); a->setAdult(anime.value("adult").toBool()); if (a->id() == "0") { continue; } User::sharedUser()->addKnownAnime(a); } if (a->adult() && !User::sharedUser()->adultContent()) { continue; } BrowseAnime *s = new BrowseAnime(this, User::sharedUser()->scoreType()); if (!a->hasLoaded()) { connect(a.get(), SIGNAL(imageLoaded()), s, SLOT(repaint())); emit loadAnime(a); } s->setAnime(a); m_browse_layout->addWidget(s); m_browse_layout->setGeometry(m_ui->result_area->geometry()); int width = m_browse_layout->geometry().width(); int cwidth = m_browse_layout->contentsWidth(); if (m_browse_layout->heightForWidth(width) > this->geometry().height()) { width -= qApp->style()->pixelMetric(QStyle::PM_ScrollBarExtent); } m_browse_layout->setContentsMargins((width - cwidth) / 2, 0, 0, 0); } m_ui->browse_button->setEnabled(true); }
/* loadImagesThreadInstance::loadImagesThreadInstance() { } */ void loadImagesThread::processLoadImageJob ( int row, QString path, int size, int tpId ) { ScImageCacheManager &icm = ScImageCacheManager::instance(); bool cacheEnabled = icm.enabled(); icm.setEnabled(false); //check if list of files has changed and this job is obsolete if ( pModel->pId != tpId ) { return; } if ( qAbs ( row - pictureBrowser->currentRow ) > 2* ( pictureBrowser->previewIconsVisible ) ) { emit imageLoadError ( row, tpId, 0 ); return; } QFileInfo fi = QFileInfo(path); QString ext = fi.suffix().toLower(); QStringList allFormatsV = LoadSavePlugin::getExtensionsForPreview(FORMATID_ODGIMPORT); if (allFormatsV.contains(ext.toUtf8())) { FileLoader *fileLoader = new FileLoader(path); int testResult = fileLoader->TestFile(); delete fileLoader; if ((testResult != -1) && (testResult >= FORMATID_ODGIMPORT)) { const FileFormat * fmt = LoadSavePlugin::getFormatById(testResult); if( fmt ) { QImage im = fmt->readThumbnail(path); if (!im.isNull()) { ImageInformation *imgInfo = new ImageInformation; ( *imgInfo ).width = im.text("XSize").toDouble(); ( *imgInfo ).height = im.text("YSize").toDouble(); ( *imgInfo ).type = 6; ( *imgInfo ).colorspace = 0; ( *imgInfo ).xdpi = 72; ( *imgInfo ).ydpi = 72; ( *imgInfo ).layers = 0; ( *imgInfo ).embedded = false; ( *imgInfo ).profileName = ""; ( *imgInfo ).valid = true; if ( ( im.width() > ( size-2 ) ) || ( im.height() > ( size-2 ) ) ) { emit imageLoaded ( row, im.scaled ( ( size-2 ), ( size-2 ), Qt::KeepAspectRatio, Qt::SmoothTransformation ), imgInfo, tpId ); } //image is <= our icon -> put it in as it is else { emit imageLoaded ( row, im.copy(), imgInfo, tpId ); } } } } icm.setEnabled(cacheEnabled); return; } ScImage image; //no realCMYK bool mode=false; //no document needs to be assigned to this CMSettings cms ( 0, "", Intent_Perceptual); cms.allowColorManagement(false); cms.setUseEmbeddedProfile(true); ImageInformation *imgInfo = new ImageInformation; //load previewimage if ( image.loadPicture ( path, 1, cms, ScImage::Thumbnail, 72, &mode ) ) { int ix,iy; if ( ( image.imgInfo.exifDataValid ) && ( !image.imgInfo.exifInfo.thumbnail.isNull() ) ) { ix = image.imgInfo.exifInfo.width; iy = image.imgInfo.exifInfo.height; } else { ix = image.width(); iy = image.height(); } ( *imgInfo ).width = ix; ( *imgInfo ).height = iy; ( *imgInfo ).type = image.imgInfo.type; ( *imgInfo ).colorspace = image.imgInfo.colorspace; ( *imgInfo ).xdpi = qRound ( image.imgInfo.xres ); ( *imgInfo ).ydpi = qRound ( image.imgInfo.yres ); ( *imgInfo ).layers = image.imgInfo.layerInfo.size(); ( *imgInfo ).embedded = image.imgInfo.isEmbedded; ( *imgInfo ).profileName = image.imgInfo.profileName; ( *imgInfo ).valid = true; //image is bigger than our icon -> resize if ( ( image.width() > ( size-2 ) ) || ( image.height() > ( size-2 ) ) ) { emit imageLoaded ( row, image.scaled ( ( size-2 ), ( size-2 ), Qt::KeepAspectRatio, Qt::SmoothTransformation ), imgInfo, tpId ); } //image is <= our icon -> put it in as it is else { emit imageLoaded ( row, image.qImage().copy(), imgInfo, tpId ); } } else { //emit some errorsignal here ( *imgInfo ).valid = false; emit imageLoaded ( row, QImage(), imgInfo, tpId ); } icm.setEnabled(cacheEnabled); }
void FormImageProp::pasteImageFromClipboard(QImage& _image){ imageName = "clipboard_image"; image = _image; imageProp.init(image); emit imageLoaded(image.width(),image.height()); }
void PictureLoader::processLoadQueue() { if (loadQueueRunning) return; loadQueueRunning = true; forever { mutex.lock(); if (loadQueue.isEmpty()) { mutex.unlock(); loadQueueRunning = false; return; } cardBeingLoaded = loadQueue.takeFirst(); mutex.unlock(); QString setName = cardBeingLoaded.getSetName(); QString correctedCardname = cardBeingLoaded.getCard()->getCorrectedName(); qDebug() << "Trying to load picture (set: " << setName << " card: " << correctedCardname << ")"; //The list of paths to the folders in which to search for images QList<QString> picsPaths = QList<QString>() << _picsPath + "/CUSTOM/" + correctedCardname; if(!setName.isEmpty()) { picsPaths << _picsPath + "/" + setName + "/" + correctedCardname << _picsPath + "/downloadedPics/" + setName + "/" + correctedCardname; } QImage image; QImageReader imgReader; imgReader.setDecideFormatFromContent(true); bool found = false; //Iterates through the list of paths, searching for images with the desired name with any QImageReader-supported extension for (int i = 0; i < picsPaths.length() && !found; i ++) { imgReader.setFileName(; if ( { qDebug() << "Picture found on disk (set: " << setName << " card: " << correctedCardname << ")"; emit imageLoaded(cardBeingLoaded.getCard(), image); found = true; break; } imgReader.setFileName( + ".full"); if ( { qDebug() << "Picture.full found on disk (set: " << setName << " card: " << correctedCardname << ")"; emit imageLoaded(cardBeingLoaded.getCard(), image); found = true; } } if (!found) { if (picDownload) { qDebug() << "Picture NOT found, trying to download (set: " << setName << " card: " << correctedCardname << ")"; cardsToDownload.append(cardBeingLoaded); cardBeingLoaded=0; if (!downloadRunning) startNextPicDownload(); } else { if (cardBeingLoaded.nextSet()) { qDebug() << "Picture NOT found and download disabled, moving to next set (newset: " << setName << " card: " << correctedCardname << ")"; mutex.lock(); loadQueue.prepend(cardBeingLoaded); cardBeingLoaded=0; mutex.unlock(); } else { qDebug() << "Picture NOT found, download disabled, no more sets to try: BAILING OUT (oldset: " << setName << " card: " << correctedCardname << ")"; emit imageLoaded(cardBeingLoaded.getCard(), QImage()); } } } } }
void ImageLoader::run() { QString fn = m_url.toLocalFile(); int pos = fn.lastIndexOf('.'); QString ext; if (pos != -1) ext = fn.mid(pos).toUpper(); if (ext.isEmpty() || !QImageReader::supportedImageFormats().contains(ext.toLocal8Bit())) ext = QString(); QFile f(fn); if (! { qWarning("Could not read: %s", qPrintable(m_url.path())); return; } QByteArray bytes; while (!f.atEnd()) { QThread::yieldCurrentThread(); bytes.append(; } QThread::yieldCurrentThread(); QImage im = ext.isEmpty() ? QImage::fromData(bytes) : QImage::fromData(bytes, qPrintable(ext)); if (im.isNull()) return; QString p = m_url.path(); p = p.section("/", -1); int max = qMax(im.width(), im.height()); QImage frm; if (max <= 64) frm = QImage(QSize(64, 64), QImage::Format_ARGB32); else if (max <= 128) frm = QImage(QSize(128, 128), QImage::Format_ARGB32); else if (max <= 256) frm = QImage(QSize(256, 256), QImage::Format_ARGB32); else if (max <= 512) frm = QImage(QSize(512, 512), QImage::Format_ARGB32); else frm = QImage(QSize(1024, 1024), QImage::Format_ARGB32); frm.fill(qRgba(0, 0, 0, 0)); QPainter ptr; ptr.begin(&frm); ptr.setBackgroundMode(Qt::TransparentMode); QRect r; if (max > 1024) { if (max == im.width()) { float h = float(1024) * float(im.height()) / float(im.width()); r.setSize(QSize(1024, h)); } else { float w = float(1024) * float(im.width()) / float(im.height()); r.setSize(QSize(w, 1024)); } } else { r.setSize(im.size()); } int left = (frm.width() - r.width()) / 2; int top = (frm.height() - r.height()) / 2; r.moveTopLeft(QPoint(left, top)); QThread::yieldCurrentThread(); ptr.drawImage(r, im); ptr.end(); emit imageLoaded(frm); }