Пример #1
/* imap_get_qualifier: in a tagged response, skip tag and status for
 *   the qualifier message. Used by imap_copy_message for TRYCREATE */
char *imap_get_qualifier (char *buf)
  char *s = buf;

  /* skip tag */
  s = imap_next_word (s);
  /* skip OK/NO/BAD response */
  s = imap_next_word (s);

  return s;
 * camel_imap_response_extract:
 * @store: the store the response came from
 * @response: the response data returned from camel_imap_command
 * @type: the response type to extract
 * @ex: a CamelException
 * This checks that @response contains a single untagged response of
 * type @type and returns just that response data. If @response
 * doesn't contain the right information, the function will set @ex
 * and return %NULL. Either way, @response will be freed and the
 * store's connect_lock released.
 * Return value: the desired response string, which the caller must free.
char *
camel_imap_response_extract (CamelImapStore *store,
			     CamelImapResponse *response,
			     const char *type,
			     CamelException *ex)
	int len = strlen (type), i;
	char *resp;

	len = strlen (type);

	for (i = 0; i < response->untagged->len; i++) {
		resp = response->untagged->pdata[i];
		/* Skip "* ", and initial sequence number, if present */
		strtoul (resp + 2, &resp, 10);
		if (*resp == ' ')
			resp = (char *) imap_next_word (resp);

		if (!g_ascii_strncasecmp (resp, type, len))

	if (i < response->untagged->len) {
		resp = response->untagged->pdata[i];
		g_ptr_array_remove_index (response->untagged, i);
	} else {
		resp = NULL;
		camel_exception_setv (ex, CAMEL_EXCEPTION_SERVICE_UNAVAILABLE,
				      _("IMAP server response did not contain "
					"%s information"), type);

	camel_imap_response_free (store, response);
	return resp;
Пример #3
int imap_append_message (CONTEXT *ctx, MESSAGE *msg)
  IMAP_DATA* idata;
  FILE *fp;
  char buf[LONG_STRING];
  char mbox[LONG_STRING];
  char mailbox[LONG_STRING];
  char internaldate[IMAP_DATELEN];
  char imap_flags[SHORT_STRING];
  size_t len;
  progress_t progressbar;
  size_t sent;
  int c, last;
  int rc;

  idata = (IMAP_DATA*) ctx->data;

  if (imap_parse_path (ctx->path, &mx))
    return -1;

  imap_fix_path (idata, mx.mbox, mailbox, sizeof (mailbox));
  if (!*mailbox)
    strfcpy (mailbox, "INBOX", sizeof (mailbox));

  if ((fp = fopen (msg->path, "r")) == NULL)
    mutt_perror (msg->path);
    goto fail;

  /* currently we set the \Seen flag on all messages, but probably we
   * should scan the message Status header for flag info. Since we're
   * already rereading the whole file for length it isn't any more
   * expensive (it'd be nice if we had the file size passed in already
   * by the code that writes the file, but that's a lot of changes.
   * Ideally we'd have a HEADER structure with flag info here... */
  for (last = EOF, len = 0; (c = fgetc(fp)) != EOF; last = c)
    if(c == '\n' && last != '\r')

  rewind (fp);

  mutt_progress_init (&progressbar, _("Uploading message..."),
		      MUTT_PROGRESS_SIZE, NetInc, len);

  imap_munge_mbox_name (idata, mbox, sizeof (mbox), mailbox);
  imap_make_date (internaldate, msg->received);

  imap_flags[0] = imap_flags[1] = 0;
  if (msg->flags.read)
    safe_strcat (imap_flags, sizeof (imap_flags), " \\Seen");
  if (msg->flags.replied)
    safe_strcat (imap_flags, sizeof (imap_flags), " \\Answered");
  if (msg->flags.flagged)
    safe_strcat (imap_flags, sizeof (imap_flags), " \\Flagged");
  if (msg->flags.draft)
    safe_strcat (imap_flags, sizeof (imap_flags), " \\Draft");

  snprintf (buf, sizeof (buf), "APPEND %s (%s) \"%s\" {%lu}", mbox,
            imap_flags + 1,
	    (unsigned long) len);

  imap_cmd_start (idata, buf);

    rc = imap_cmd_step (idata);
  while (rc == IMAP_CMD_CONTINUE);

  if (rc != IMAP_CMD_RESPOND)
    char *pc;

    dprint (1, (debugfile, "imap_append_message(): command failed: %s\n",

    pc = idata->buf + SEQLEN;
    SKIPWS (pc);
    pc = imap_next_word (pc);
    mutt_error ("%s", pc);
    mutt_sleep (1);
    safe_fclose (&fp);
    goto fail;

  for (last = EOF, sent = len = 0; (c = fgetc(fp)) != EOF; last = c)
    if (c == '\n' && last != '\r')
      buf[len++] = '\r';

    buf[len++] = c;

    if (len > sizeof(buf) - 3)
      sent += len;
      flush_buffer(buf, &len, idata->conn);
      mutt_progress_update (&progressbar, sent, -1);

  if (len)
    flush_buffer(buf, &len, idata->conn);

  mutt_socket_write (idata->conn, "\r\n");
  safe_fclose (&fp);

    rc = imap_cmd_step (idata);
  while (rc == IMAP_CMD_CONTINUE);

  if (!imap_code (idata->buf))
    char *pc;

    dprint (1, (debugfile, "imap_append_message(): command failed: %s\n",
    pc = idata->buf + SEQLEN;
    SKIPWS (pc);
    pc = imap_next_word (pc);
    mutt_error ("%s", pc);
    mutt_sleep (1);
    goto fail;

  FREE (&mx.mbox);
  return 0;

  FREE (&mx.mbox);
  return -1;
Пример #4
int imap_fetch_message (CONTEXT *ctx, MESSAGE *msg, int msgno)
  IMAP_DATA* idata;
  HEADER* h;
  ENVELOPE* newenv;
  char buf[LONG_STRING];
  char path[_POSIX_PATH_MAX];
  char *pc;
  long bytes;
  progress_t progressbar;
  int uid;
  int cacheno;
  IMAP_CACHE *cache;
  int read;
  int rc;
  /* Sam's weird courier server returns an OK response even when FETCH
   * fails. Thanks Sam. */
  short fetched = 0;

  idata = (IMAP_DATA*) ctx->data;
  h = ctx->hdrs[msgno];

  if ((msg->fp = msg_cache_get (idata, h)))
    if (HEADER_DATA(h)->parsed)
      return 0;
      goto parsemsg;

  /* we still do some caching even if imap_cachedir is unset */
  /* see if we already have the message in our cache */
  cacheno = HEADER_DATA(h)->uid % IMAP_CACHE_LEN;
  cache = &idata->cache[cacheno];

  if (cache->path)
    /* don't treat cache errors as fatal, just fall back. */
    if (cache->uid == HEADER_DATA(h)->uid &&
        (msg->fp = fopen (cache->path, "r")))
      return 0;
      unlink (cache->path);
      FREE (&cache->path);

  if (!isendwin())
    mutt_message _("Fetching message...");

  if (!(msg->fp = msg_cache_put (idata, h)))
    cache->uid = HEADER_DATA(h)->uid;
    mutt_mktemp (path, sizeof (path));
    cache->path = safe_strdup (path);
    if (!(msg->fp = safe_fopen (path, "w+")))
      FREE (&cache->path);
      return -1;

  /* mark this header as currently inactive so the command handler won't
   * also try to update it. HACK until all this code can be moved into the
   * command handler */
  h->active = 0;

  snprintf (buf, sizeof (buf), "UID FETCH %u %s", HEADER_DATA(h)->uid,
	    (mutt_bit_isset (idata->capabilities, IMAP4REV1) ?
	     (option (OPTIMAPPEEK) ? "BODY.PEEK[]" : "BODY[]") :

  imap_cmd_start (idata, buf);
    if ((rc = imap_cmd_step (idata)) != IMAP_CMD_CONTINUE)

    pc = idata->buf;
    pc = imap_next_word (pc);
    pc = imap_next_word (pc);

    if (!ascii_strncasecmp ("FETCH", pc, 5))
      while (*pc)
	pc = imap_next_word (pc);
	if (pc[0] == '(')
	if (ascii_strncasecmp ("UID", pc, 3) == 0)
	  pc = imap_next_word (pc);
	  uid = atoi (pc);
	  if (uid != HEADER_DATA(h)->uid)
	    mutt_error (_("The message index is incorrect. Try reopening the mailbox."));
	else if ((ascii_strncasecmp ("RFC822", pc, 6) == 0) ||
		 (ascii_strncasecmp ("BODY[]", pc, 6) == 0))
	  pc = imap_next_word (pc);
	  if (imap_get_literal_count(pc, &bytes) < 0)
	    imap_error ("imap_fetch_message()", buf);
	    goto bail;
	  mutt_progress_init (&progressbar, _("Fetching message..."),
			      MUTT_PROGRESS_SIZE, NetInc, bytes);
	  if (imap_read_literal (msg->fp, idata, bytes, &progressbar) < 0)
	    goto bail;
	  /* pick up trailing line */
	  if ((rc = imap_cmd_step (idata)) != IMAP_CMD_CONTINUE)
	    goto bail;
	  pc = idata->buf;

	  fetched = 1;
	/* UW-IMAP will provide a FLAGS update here if the FETCH causes a
	 * change (eg from \Unseen to \Seen).
	 * Uncommitted changes in mutt take precedence. If we decide to
	 * incrementally update flags later, this won't stop us syncing */
	else if ((ascii_strncasecmp ("FLAGS", pc, 5) == 0) && !h->changed)
	  if ((pc = imap_set_flags (idata, h, pc)) == NULL)
	    goto bail;
  while (rc == IMAP_CMD_CONTINUE);

  /* see comment before command start. */
  h->active = 1;

  fflush (msg->fp);
  if (ferror (msg->fp))
    mutt_perror (cache->path);
    goto bail;

  if (rc != IMAP_CMD_OK)
    goto bail;

  if (!fetched || !imap_code (idata->buf))
    goto bail;

  msg_cache_commit (idata, h);

  /* Update the header information.  Previously, we only downloaded a
   * portion of the headers, those required for the main display.
  rewind (msg->fp);
  /* It may be that the Status header indicates a message is read, but the
   * IMAP server doesn't know the message has been \Seen. So we capture
   * the server's notion of 'read' and if it differs from the message info
   * picked up in mutt_read_rfc822_header, we mark the message (and context
   * changed). Another possibility: ignore Status on IMAP?*/
  read = h->read;
  newenv = mutt_read_rfc822_header (msg->fp, h, 0, 0);
  mutt_merge_envelopes(h->env, &newenv);

  /* see above. We want the new status in h->read, so we unset it manually
   * and let mutt_set_flag set it correctly, updating context. */
  if (read != h->read)
    h->read = read;
    mutt_set_flag (ctx, h, MUTT_NEW, read);

  h->lines = 0;
  fgets (buf, sizeof (buf), msg->fp);
  while (!feof (msg->fp))
    fgets (buf, sizeof (buf), msg->fp);

  h->content->length = ftell (msg->fp) - h->content->offset;

  /* This needs to be done in case this is a multipart message */
#if defined(HAVE_PGP) || defined(HAVE_SMIME)
  h->security = crypt_query (h->content);

  rewind (msg->fp);
  HEADER_DATA(h)->parsed = 1;

  return 0;

  safe_fclose (&msg->fp);
  imap_cache_del (idata, h);
  if (cache->path)
    unlink (cache->path);
    FREE (&cache->path);

  return -1;
Пример #5
static int browse_get_namespace (IMAP_DATA* idata, char* nsbuf, int nsblen,
  IMAP_NAMESPACE_INFO* nsi, int nsilen, int* nns)
  char *s;
  int n;
  char ns[LONG_STRING];
  char delim = '/';
  int type;
  int nsbused = 0;
  int rc;

  *nns = 0;
  nsbuf[nsblen-1] = '\0';

  imap_cmd_start (idata, "NAMESPACE");
    if ((rc = imap_cmd_step (idata)) != IMAP_CMD_CONTINUE)

    s = imap_next_word (idata->cmd.buf);
    if (ascii_strncasecmp ("NAMESPACE", s, 9) == 0)
      /* There are three sections to the response, User, Other, Shared,
       * and maybe more by extension */
      for (type = IMAP_NS_PERSONAL; *s; type++)
	s = imap_next_word (s);
	if (*s && ascii_strncmp (s, "NIL", 3))
	  while (*s && *s != ')')
	    s++; /* skip ( */
	    /* copy namespace */
	    n = 0;
	    delim = '\0';

	    if (*s == '\"')
	      while (*s && *s != '\"') 
		if (*s == '\\')
		ns[n++] = *s;
	      /* skip trailing ", if we found one, otherwise
	       * imap_next_word will get confused */
	      if (*s)
	      while (*s && !ISSPACE (*s)) 
		ns[n++] = *s;
	    ns[n] = '\0';
	    /* delim? */
	    s = imap_next_word (s);
	    /* delimiter is meaningless if namespace is "". Why does
	     * Cyrus provide one?! */
	    if (n && *s && *s == '\"')
	      if (s[1] && s[2] == '\"')
		delim = s[1];
	      else if (s[1] && s[1] == '\\' && s[2] && s[3] == '\"')
		delim = s[2];
	    /* skip "" namespaces, they are already listed at the root */
	    if ((ns[0] != '\0') && (nsbused < nsblen) && (*nns < nsilen))
	      dprint (3, (debugfile, "browse_get_namespace: adding %s\n", ns));
	      nsi->type = type;
	      /* Cyrus doesn't append the delimiter to the namespace,
	       * but UW-IMAP does. We'll strip it here and add it back
	       * as if it were a normal directory, from the browser */
	      if (n && (ns[n-1] == delim))
		ns[--n] = '\0';
	      strncpy (nsbuf+nsbused,ns,nsblen-nsbused-1);
	      nsi->prefix = nsbuf+nsbused;
	      nsbused += n+1;
	      nsi->delim = delim;
	    while (*s && *s != ')')
	    if (*s)
  while (rc == IMAP_CMD_CONTINUE);

  if (rc != IMAP_CMD_OK)
    return -1;

  return 0;