//////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // // Function Name: IVA_DisposeData // // Description : Releases the memory allocated in the IVA_Data structure // // Parameters : ivaData - Internal data structure // // Return Value : success // //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// static int IVA_DisposeData(IVA_Data* ivaData) { int i; // Releases the memory allocated for the image buffers. for (i = 0 ; i < IVA_MAX_BUFFERS ; i++) imaqDispose(ivaData->buffers[i]); // Releases the memory allocated for the array of measurements. for (i = 0 ; i < ivaData->numSteps ; i++) IVA_DisposeStepResults(ivaData, i); free(ivaData->stepResults); // Dispose of coordinate systems if (ivaData->numCoordSys) { free(ivaData->baseCoordinateSystems); free(ivaData->MeasurementSystems); } free(ivaData); return true; }
void CameraServer::FreeImageData(std::tuple<uint8_t*, unsigned int, unsigned int, bool> imageData) { if (std::get<3>(imageData)) imaqDispose(std::get<0>(imageData)); else if (std::get<0>(imageData) != nullptr) { std::unique_lock<std::recursive_mutex> lock(m_imageMutex); m_dataPool.push_back(std::get<0>(imageData)); } }
//////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // // Function Name: IVA_CLRThreshold // // Description : Thresholds a color image. // // Parameters : image - Input image // min1 - Minimum range for the first plane // max1 - Maximum range for the first plane // min2 - Minimum range for the second plane // max2 - Maximum range for the second plane // min3 - Minimum range for the third plane // max3 - Maximum range for the third plane // colorMode - Color space in which to perform the threshold // // Return Value : success // //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// static int IVA_CLRThreshold(Image* image, int min1, int max1, int min2, int max2, int min3, int max3, int colorMode) { int success = 1; Image* thresholdImage; Range plane1Range; Range plane2Range; Range plane3Range; //-------------------------------------------------------------------// // Color Threshold // //-------------------------------------------------------------------// // Creates an 8 bit image for the thresholded image. VisionErrChk(thresholdImage = imaqCreateImage(IMAQ_IMAGE_U8, 7)); // Set the threshold range for the 3 planes. plane1Range.minValue = min1; plane1Range.maxValue = max1; plane2Range.minValue = min2; plane2Range.maxValue = max2; plane3Range.minValue = min3; plane3Range.maxValue = max3; // Thresholds the color image. VisionErrChk(imaqColorThreshold(thresholdImage, image, 1, colorMode, &plane1Range, &plane2Range, &plane3Range)); // Copies the threshold image in the souce image. VisionErrChk(imaqDuplicate(image, thresholdImage)); Error: imaqDispose(thresholdImage); return success; }
double VisionSubsystem::scoreXEdge(BinaryImage *image, ParticleAnalysisReport *report) { double total = 0; LinearAverages *averages = imaqLinearAverages2(image->GetImaqImage(), IMAQ_COLUMN_AVERAGES, report->boundingRect); for(int i=0; i < (averages->columnCount); i++) { if(xMin[i*(XMINSIZE-1)/averages->columnCount] < averages->columnAverages[i] && averages->columnAverages[i] < xMax[i*(XMAXSIZE-1)/averages->columnCount]) { total++; } } total = 100*total/(averages->columnCount); imaqDispose(averages); return total; }
int sgl_release_camera_data(CameraSgl *camera) { CameraData *data = &camera->data; if (data->image != NULL) { imaqDispose (data->image); data->image = NULL; } data->buffer_num = 0; return 0; }
double VisionSubsystem::scoreYEdge(BinaryImage *image, ParticleAnalysisReport *report) { double total = 0; LinearAverages *averages = imaqLinearAverages2(image->GetImaqImage(), IMAQ_ROW_AVERAGES, report->boundingRect); for(int i=0; i < (averages->rowCount); i++){ if(yMin[i*(YMINSIZE-1)/averages->rowCount] < averages->rowAverages[i] && averages->rowAverages[i] < yMax[i*(YMAXSIZE-1)/averages->rowCount]){ total++; } } total = 100*total/(averages->rowCount); //convert to score 0-100 imaqDispose(averages); //let IMAQ dispose of the averages struct return total; }
/** * @brief Dispose of a list of objects. Supports any object created on the heap. * * @param functionName The name of the function * @param ... A list of pointers to structures that need to be disposed of. * The last pointer in the list should always be set to NULL. * * @return On success: 1. On failure: 0. To get extended error information, call GetLastError(). */ int frcDispose( const char* functionName, ... ) /* Variable argument list */ { va_list disposalPtrList; /* Input argument list */ void* disposalPtr; /* For iteration */ int success, returnValue = 1; va_start( disposalPtrList, functionName ); /* start of variable list */ disposalPtr = va_arg( disposalPtrList, void* ); while( disposalPtr != NULL ) { success = imaqDispose(disposalPtr); if (!success) {returnValue = 0;} disposalPtr = va_arg( disposalPtrList, void* ); } return returnValue; }
double VisionSubsystemV2::scoreYEdge(BinaryImage *image, ParticleAnalysisReport *report) { double total = 0; LinearAverages *averages = imaqLinearAverages2(image->GetImaqImage(), IMAQ_ROW_AVERAGES, report->boundingRect); for(int i=0; i < (averages->rowCount); i++){ if(yMinV2[i*(YMINSIZE-1)/averages->rowCount] < averages->rowAverages[i] && averages->rowAverages[i] < yMaxV2[i*(YMAXSIZE-1)/averages->rowCount]){ total++; } } total = 100*total/(averages->rowCount); //convert to score 0-100 imaqDispose(averages); //let IMAQ dispose of the averages struct #ifndef VISION_DEBUG_PRINTF_ENABLE printf("[VisionSubsystemV2] (scoreYEdge) The score of the Y-edge is %f\n", total); #endif return total; }
double VisionSubsystemV2::scoreXEdge(BinaryImage *image, ParticleAnalysisReport *report) { double total = 0; LinearAverages *averages = imaqLinearAverages2(image->GetImaqImage(), IMAQ_COLUMN_AVERAGES, report->boundingRect); for(int i = 0; i < (averages->columnCount); i++) { if (xMinV2[i*(XMINSIZE - 1) / averages->columnCount] < averages->columnAverages[i] && averages->columnAverages[i] < xMaxV2[i*(XMAXSIZE - 1) / averages->columnCount]) { total++; } } total = 100*total/(averages->columnCount); imaqDispose(averages); #ifndef VISION_DEBUG_PRINTF_ENABLE printf("[VisionSubsystemV2] (scoreXEdge) The score of the X-edge is %f\n", total); #endif return total; }
/** * Look for ellipses in an image. * Given some input parameters, look for any number of ellipses in an image. * @param ellipseDescriptor Ellipse descriptor * @param curveOptions Curve options * @param shapeDetectionOptions Shape detection options * @param roi Region of Interest * @returns a vector of EllipseMatch structures (0 length vector on no match) */ vector<EllipseMatch> * MonoImage::DetectEllipses( EllipseDescriptor *ellipseDescriptor, CurveOptions *curveOptions, ShapeDetectionOptions *shapeDetectionOptions, ROI *roi) { int numberOfMatches; EllipseMatch *e = imaqDetectEllipses(m_imaqImage, ellipseDescriptor, curveOptions, shapeDetectionOptions, roi, &numberOfMatches); vector<EllipseMatch> *ellipses = new vector<EllipseMatch>; if (e == NULL) { return ellipses; } for (int i = 0; i < numberOfMatches; i++) { ellipses->push_back(e[i]); } imaqDispose(e); return ellipses; }
/** * Computes a score based on the match between a template profile and the particle profile in the X direction. This method uses the * the column averages and the profile defined at the top of the sample to look for the solid vertical edges with * a hollow center. * * @param image The image to use, should be the image before the convex hull is performed * @param report The Particle Analysis Report for the particle * * @return The X Edge Score (0-100) */ double TargetReport::scoreXEdge(BinaryImage *image, ParticleAnalysisReport *report){ double total = 0; const double xMax[XMAXSIZE] = {1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 0.5, 0.5, 0.5, 0.5, 0.5, 0.5, 0.5, 0.5, 0.5, 0.5, 0.5, 0.5, 0.5, 0.5, 0.5, 0.5, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0}; const double xMin[XMINSIZE] = {0.4, 0.6, 0.1, 0.1, 0.1, 0.1, 0.1, 0.1, 0.1, 0.1, 0.1, 0.1, 0.1, 0.1, 0.1, 0.1, 0.1, 0.1, 0.1, 0.1, 0.1, 0.1, 0.6, 0.0}; LinearAverages *averages = imaqLinearAverages2(image->GetImaqImage(), IMAQ_COLUMN_AVERAGES, report->boundingRect); for(int i=0; i < (averages->columnCount); i++){ if(xMin[i*(XMINSIZE-1)/averages->columnCount] < averages->columnAverages[i] && averages->columnAverages[i] < xMax[i*(XMAXSIZE-1)/averages->columnCount]){ total++; } } total = 100*total/(averages->columnCount); //convert to score 0-100 imaqDispose(averages); //let IMAQ dispose of the averages struct return total; }
/** * @brief Dispose of one object. Supports any object created on the heap. * * @param object object to dispose of * @return On success: 1. On failure: 0. To get extended error information, call GetLastError(). */ int frcDispose(void* object) { return imaqDispose(object); }
/****** AUTO FUNCTIONS END *******/ void Autonomous() { int counter=0; int autonomousEngagement = 0; DriverStationLCD *screen = DriverStationLCD::GetInstance(); compressor.Start(); //starts compressor class rightArmSolenoid.Set(DoubleSolenoid::kReverse); //brings the arms down leftArmSolenoid.Set(DoubleSolenoid::kReverse); /*** ENSURES THE CATAPULT IS LOADED AND LOADS IF UNLOADED ***/ if (leftLimitSwitch.Get() == 1 && rightLimitSwitch.Get() == 1) { winchMotor.Set(0.1); // Gears need to be moving slowly to allow the dog gear to engage properly dogSolenoid.Set(DoubleSolenoid::kForward); // Pushes the pneumatic piston forward to engage the dog gear Wait(0.2); // Giving the pistons time to engage properly winchMotor.Set(0); // Now that the dog gear is engaged, the gears do not have to move ratchetSolenoid.Set(DoubleSolenoid::kForward); // Pushes the pneumatic piston forward to engage the ratchet Wait(0.2); // Giving the pistons time to engage properly } while (leftLimitSwitch.Get() == 1 && rightLimitSwitch.Get() == 1) // If Limit Switch Buttons are not pressed { winchMotor.Set(1); //Now starts the winch motor to load the catapult } // If the Catapult Left & Limit Switches are (0,0), (0,1), (1,0) { winchMotor.Set(0); // Stops the Winch Motor since one or more buttons are pressed if ((dogSolenoid.Get() == DoubleSolenoid::kReverse) && (ratchetSolenoid.Get() == DoubleSolenoid::kForward)) // If the Dog Gear is disengaged but the ratchet is engaged { winchMotor.Set(0.05); // Gears need to be moving slowly to allow the dog gear to engage properly. Might want to test this since the catapult's already loaded. dogSolenoid.Set(DoubleSolenoid::kForward); // Engages the dog gear so both dog gear and ratchet are engaged before shooting for safety Wait(0.1); // Giving the pistons time to engage properly winchMotor.Set(0); // Now that the dog gear is engaged, the gears do not have to move } else if ((dogSolenoid.Get() == DoubleSolenoid::kForward) && (ratchetSolenoid.Get() == DoubleSolenoid::kReverse)) // If the dog gear is engaged but the ratchet is disengaged { ratchetSolenoid.Set(DoubleSolenoid::kForward); // Engages the ratchet so that both dog gear and ratchet are engaged before shooting for safety Wait(0.1); // Giving the pistons time to engage properly } } /*** DONE LOADING THE CATAPULT ***/ float pLower = 5; // min height of rectangle for comparison float pUpper = 15; // max height of rectangle for comparison int criteriaCount = 1; // number of elements to include/exclude at a time int rejectMatches = 1; // when set to true, particles that do not meet the criteria are discarded int connectivity = 1; // declares connectivity value as 1; so corners are not ignored int filterFunction; // removes small blobs int borderSetting; // variable to store border settings, limit for rectangle int borderSize = 1; // border for the camera frame (if you don't put this, DriverStation gets mad at you) ParticleFilterCriteria2 particleCriteria; ParticleFilterOptions2 particleFilterOptions; int numParticles; particleCriteria.parameter = IMAQ_MT_BOUNDING_RECT_HEIGHT; //The Morphological measurement we use particleCriteria.lower = pLower; // The lower bound of the criteria range particleCriteria.upper = pUpper; // The upper bound of the criteria range particleCriteria.calibrated = FALSE; // We aren't calibrating to real world measurements. We don't need this. particleCriteria.exclude = TRUE; // Remove all particles that aren't in specific pLower and pUpper range particleFilterOptions.rejectMatches = rejectMatches; // Set to 1 above, so images that do not meet the criteria are discarded particleFilterOptions.rejectBorder = 0; // Set to 0 over here so border images are not discarded particleFilterOptions.connectivity8 = connectivity; // Sets the image image to 8 bit while ((IsAutonomous())) { if (logitech.GetRawButton(4)) { autonomousEngagement = 1; } if (autonomousEngagement == 0) // If real autonomous is not engaged start { if (logitech.GetRawButton(1)) { driveForward(); } if (logitech.GetRawButton(9)) { dogSolenoid.Set(DoubleSolenoid::kForward); // Brings the pneumatic piston backward to raise the retrieval arm winchMotor.Set(0.1); Wait(0.3); ratchetSolenoid.Set(DoubleSolenoid::kForward); // Pushes the pneumatic piston forward to lower the retrieval arm while(leftLimitSwitch.Get()==1 && rightLimitSwitch.Get()==1) { winchMotor.Set(1); } } if (logitech.GetRawButton(2)) { autonomousCatapultRelease(); } if (logitech.GetRawButton(3)) { stopDriving(); } if (logitech.GetRawButton(5)) { turnLeft(); } if (logitech.GetRawButton(7)) { turnLeftMore(); } if (logitech.GetRawButton(6)) { turnRight(); } if (logitech.GetRawButton(8)) { turnRightMore(); } }// If real autonomous is not engaged end HSLImage* imgpointer; // declares an image container as an HSL (hue-saturation-luminence) image imgpointer = camera.GetImage(); //tells camera to capture image ringLight.Set(Relay::kForward); //turns ringlight on BinaryImage* binIMG = NULL; // declares a container to hold a binary image binIMG = imgpointer -> ThresholdHSL(0, 255, 0, 255, 235, 255); // thresholds HSL image and places in the binary image container delete imgpointer; // deletes the HSL image to free up memory on the cRIO Image* modifiedImage = imaqCreateImage(IMAQ_IMAGE_U8, 0); //create a binary 8-bit format shell for the image filterFunction = imaqParticleFilter4(modifiedImage, binIMG -> GetImaqImage(), &particleCriteria, criteriaCount, &particleFilterOptions, NULL, &numParticles); //The Particle Filter Function we use. (The ones before it are outdated) borderSetting = imaqSetBorderSize(modifiedImage, borderSize); // Sets a border size so DriverStation is happy delete binIMG; //Deletes the Binary image int functionCountParticles; // stores number of particles int particleAmount; // stores the number of particles for the measure particle function functionCountParticles = imaqCountParticles(modifiedImage, TRUE, &particleAmount); // Counts the number of particles int functionOne; // The first measuring particle function (specifically for particle #1) int functionTwo; // The second measuring particle function (specifically for particle #2) double particleOneOrientation; // TRULY ARBITRARY name of the first particle it find double particleTwoOrientation; // TRULY ARBITRARY name of the second particle it finds functionOne = imaqMeasureParticle(modifiedImage, 0, FALSE, IMAQ_MT_ORIENTATION, &particleOneOrientation); // Measures orientation of particle 1 functionTwo = imaqMeasureParticle(modifiedImage, 1, FALSE, IMAQ_MT_ORIENTATION, &particleTwoOrientation); // Measures orientation of particle 2 screen->PrintfLine(DriverStationLCD::kUser_Line2,"P1: %f", particleOneOrientation); // Prints particle 1's orientation screen->PrintfLine(DriverStationLCD::kUser_Line3,"P2: %f", particleTwoOrientation); // Prints particle 2's orientation imaqDispose(modifiedImage); // Deletes the filtered image /**LEFT POSITION**/ if ((leftPositionSwitch.Get() == 1) && (rightPositionSwitch.Get() == 0)) // Left switch set on, switch set off { screen -> PrintfLine(DriverStationLCD::kUser_Line1,"Left Position:F"); // Left position and facing forward if ((particleOneOrientation > 0 && particleOneOrientation < 10) || (particleTwoOrientation > 0 && particleTwoOrientation < 10)) // The target should be hot. Now it goes to the other goal. /* Theoretically particle 1 or 2 should register as exactly 0 (the particle is horizontal). We can edit these later. */ { screen -> PrintfLine(DriverStationLCD::kUser_Line4,"Left Position Hot!"); // These DEFINITELY need to be tested. All of them. Forreal. turnRight(); //driveForward(); Wait(3); stopDriving(); //autonomousCatapultRelease(); } else // The target isn't hot. So it starts going toward this not hot goal. { screen -> PrintfLine(DriverStationLCD::kUser_Line4,"Left Position Not Hot"); // These DEFINITELY need to be tested. All of them. Forreal. turnRight(); driveForward(); Wait(4); stopDriving(); //autonomousCatapultRelease(); } } /**CENTER POSITION**/ else if ((leftPositionSwitch.Get() == 0) && (rightPositionSwitch.Get() == 0)) // Left switch off and right switch off { screen -> PrintfLine(DriverStationLCD::kUser_Line1,"Middle Position:R"); // Middle position and facing if ((particleOneOrientation > 0 && particleOneOrientation < 10) || (particleTwoOrientation > 0 && particleTwoOrientation < 10)) // The target should be hot. Now it goes to the other goal. /* Theoretically particle 1 or 2 should register as exactly 0 (the particle is horizontal). We can edit these later. */ { screen -> PrintfLine(DriverStationLCD::kUser_Line4,"Middle Position Hot"); // These DEFINITELY need to be tested. All of them. Forreal. turnLeftMore(); driveForward(); Wait(3); stopDriving(); autonomousCatapultRelease(); } else // The target isn't hot. So it starts going toward this not hot goal. { screen -> PrintfLine(DriverStationLCD::kUser_Line4,"Middle Position Not Hot"); // These DEFINITELY need to be tested. All of them. Forreal. driveForward(); Wait(3); stopDriving(); autonomousCatapultRelease(); } } /** RIGHT POSITION**/ else if ((leftPositionSwitch.Get() == 1) && (rightPositionSwitch.Get() == 1)) { screen -> PrintfLine(DriverStationLCD::kUser_Line1,"Middle Position:R"); // Middle position and facing if ((particleOneOrientation > 0 && particleOneOrientation < 10) || (particleTwoOrientation > 0 && particleTwoOrientation < 10)) // The target should be hot. Now it goes to the other goal. /* Theoretically particle 1 or 2 should register as exactly 0 (the particle is horizontal). We can edit these later. */ { screen -> PrintfLine(DriverStationLCD::kUser_Line4,"Middle Position Hot"); // These DEFINITELY need to be tested. All of them. Forreal. turnLeftMore(); driveForward(); Wait(3); stopDriving(); autonomousCatapultRelease(); } else // The target isn't hot. So it starts going toward this not hot goal. { screen -> PrintfLine(DriverStationLCD::kUser_Line4,"Middle Position Not Hot"); // These DEFINITELY need to be tested. All of them. Forreal. driveForward(); Wait(3); stopDriving(); autonomousCatapultRelease(); } } else if (((leftPositionSwitch.Get()) == 1) && ((rightPositionSwitch.Get()) == 0)) // Left switch off and switch on { screen -> PrintfLine(DriverStationLCD::kUser_Line1,"Right Position"); // position and facing forward if ((particleOneOrientation > 0 && particleOneOrientation < 10) || ((particleTwoOrientation > 0) && (particleTwoOrientation < 10))) // The target should be hot. Now it goes to the other goal. /* Theoretically particle 1 or 2 should register as exactly 0 (the particle is horizontal). We can edit these later. */ { screen -> PrintfLine(DriverStationLCD::kUser_Line4,"Right Position Hot"); // These DEFINITELY need to be tested. All of them. Forreal. turnLeft(); driveForward(); Wait(3); stopDriving(); autonomousCatapultRelease(); } else // The target isn't hot. So it starts going toward this not hot goal. { screen -> PrintfLine(DriverStationLCD::kUser_Line4, "Right Position Not Hot"); // These DEFINITELY need to be tested. All of them. Forreal. driveForward(); Wait(3); stopDriving(); autonomousCatapultRelease(); } } counter++; screen -> PrintfLine(DriverStationLCD::kUser_Line5,"R: %f L: %f)", rightFront.Get(), leftFront.Get()); screen -> PrintfLine(DriverStationLCD::kUser_Line6,"Counter %d", counter); screen->UpdateLCD(); } compressor.Stop(); }
/** * Frees memory associated with an ImageBase. * Destructor frees the imaq image allocated with the class. */ ImageBase::~ImageBase() { if(m_imaqImage) imaqDispose(m_imaqImage); }
void Autonomous() { DriverStationLCD *screen = DriverStationLCD::GetInstance(); while ((IsAutonomous())) { HSLImage* imgpointer; // declares an image container as an HSL (hue-saturation-luminence) image imgpointer = camera.GetImage(); //tells camera to capture image backpack.Set(Relay::kForward); //turns ringlight on BinaryImage* binIMG = NULL; // declares a container to hold a binary image binIMG = imgpointer -> ThresholdHSL(0, 255, 0, 255, 235, 255); // thresholds HSL image and places in the binary image container delete imgpointer; // deletes the HSL image to free up memory on the cRIO Image* Kirby = imaqCreateImage(IMAQ_IMAGE_U8, 0); //create 8 bit image Image* KirbyTwo = imaqCreateImage(IMAQ_IMAGE_U8, 0); // creates the second 8-bit image that we can use separately for counting particles. // (The first image gets eaten by the measureparticle function) float pLower = 175; // min height of rectangle for comparison float pUpper = 500; // max height of rectangle for comparison int criteriaCount = 1; // number of elements to include/exclude at a time int rejectMatches = 1; // when set to true, particles that do not meet the criteria are discarded int connectivity = 1; // declares connectivity value as 1; so corners are not ignored int Polturgust3000; // removes small blobs int borderSetting; // variable to store border settings, limit for rectangle int cloningDevice; // we create another image because the ParticleMeasuring steals the image from particlecounter int borderSize = 1; // border for the camera frame (if you don't put this, DriverStation gets mad at you) ParticleFilterCriteria2 particleCriteria; ParticleFilterOptions2 particleFilterOptions; int numParticles; particleCriteria.parameter = IMAQ_MT_AREA; //The Morphological measurement we use particleCriteria.lower = pLower; // The lower bound of the criteria range particleCriteria.upper = pUpper; // The upper bound of the criteria range particleCriteria.calibrated = FALSE; // We aren't calibrating to real world measurements. We don't need this. particleCriteria.exclude = TRUE; // Remove all particles that aren't in specific pLower and pUpper range particleFilterOptions.rejectMatches = rejectMatches; // Set to 1 above, so images that do not meet the criteria are discarded particleFilterOptions.rejectBorder = 0; // Set to 0 over here so border images are not discarded particleFilterOptions.connectivity8 = connectivity; // Sets the image image to 8 bit Polturgust3000 = imaqParticleFilter4(Kirby, binIMG -> GetImaqImage(), &particleCriteria, criteriaCount, &particleFilterOptions, NULL, &numParticles); //The Particle Filter Function we use. (The ones before it are outdated) borderSetting = imaqSetBorderSize(Kirby, borderSize); // Sets a border size cloningDevice = imaqDuplicate(KirbyTwo, Kirby); //Officially creating a duplicate of the first image to count the number of particles. delete binIMG; //Deletes the Binary image int ParticleCounter; // stores number of particles int* countparticles; // stores the number of particles for the measure particle function ParticleCounter = imaqCountParticles(Kirby, TRUE, countparticles); // Counts the number of particles to be sent off later to the MeasureParticle function. Then it gets eaten by the measureparticle function int TinyRuler; // TRULY ARBITRARY name of the first measuring particle function (specifically for particle #1) int BabyYardstick; // TRULY ARBITRARY Name of the second measuring particle function (specifically for particle #2) double* unowidth; // TRULY ARBITRARY name of the first particle it find double* doswidth; // TRULY ARBITRARY name of the second particle it finds TinyRuler = imaqMeasureParticle(Kirby, 0, FALSE, IMAQ_MT_BOUNDING_RECT_WIDTH, unowidth); // Function of measuring rectangle width is applied to particle 1 (unowidth) BabyYardstick = imaqMeasureParticle(Kirby, 1, FALSE, IMAQ_MT_BOUNDING_RECT_WIDTH, doswidth); // Function of measuring width is applied to particle 2 (doswidth) screen->PrintfLine(DriverStationLCD::kUser_Line3,"W1: %f",*unowidth); // Prints the applied information to particle 1. (Rectangle width) screen->PrintfLine(DriverStationLCD::kUser_Line4,"W2: %f",*doswidth); imaqDispose(Kirby); imaqDispose(KirbyTwo); if (((togglebuttonOne.Get()) == 0) && ((togglebuttonTwo.Get()) == 1)) { screen -> PrintfLine(DriverStationLCD::kUser_Line1,"Left Position"); if (*unowidth > 20) // The target should be hot. Now it goes to the other goal. // Even this needs to be tested { screen -> PrintfLine(DriverStationLCD::kUser_Line6,"Left Position Hot"); // These DEFINITELY need to be tested. All of them. Forreal. turnRight(); driveForward(); Wait(3); stopDriving(); shootCatapult(); } else // The target isn't hot. So it starts going toward this not hot goal. { screen -> PrintfLine(DriverStationLCD::kUser_Line6,"Left Position Not Hot"); // These DEFINITELY need to be tested. All of them. Forreal. driveForward(); Wait(3); stopDriving(); shootCatapult(); } } //both on else if (((togglebuttonOne.Get()) == 1) && ((togglebuttonTwo.Get()) == 1)) { screen -> PrintfLine(DriverStationLCD::kUser_Line1,"Middle Position"); if (*unowidth > 20) // The target should be hot. Now it goes to the other goal. { screen -> PrintfLine(DriverStationLCD::kUser_Line6,"Middle Position Hot"); // These DEFINITELY need to be tested. All of them. Forreal. turnLeftMore(); driveForward(); Wait(3); stopDriving(); shootCatapult(); } else if (((togglebuttonOne.Get()) == 0) && ((togglebuttonTwo.Get()) == 0)) { screen -> PrintfLine(DriverStationLCD::kUser_Line1,"Middle Position"); if (*unowidth > 20) // The target should be hot. Now it goes to the other goal. { screen -> PrintfLine(DriverStationLCD::kUser_Line6,"Middle Position Hot"); // These DEFINITELY need to be tested. All of them. Forreal. turnRightMore(); driveForward(); Wait(3); stopDriving(); shootCatapult(); } else // The target isn't hot. So it starts going toward this not hot goal. { screen -> PrintfLine(DriverStationLCD::kUser_Line6,"Middle Position Not Hot"); // These DEFINITELY need to be tested. All of them. Forreal. driveForward(); Wait(3); stopDriving(); shootCatapult(); driveForward(); Wait(3); stopDriving(); } } //Left button on && right off else if (((togglebuttonOne.Get()) == 1) && ((togglebuttonTwo.Get()) == 0)) { screen -> PrintfLine(DriverStationLCD::kUser_Line6,"Right Position"); if (*unowidth > 20) // The target should be hot. Now it goes to the other goal. { screen -> PrintfLine(DriverStationLCD::kUser_Line6,"Right Position Hot"); // These DEFINITELY need to be tested. All of them. Forreal. turnLeft(); driveForward(); Wait(3); stopDriving(); shootCatapult(); } else // The target isn't hot. So it starts going toward this not hot goal. { screen -> PrintfLine(DriverStationLCD::kUser_Line6,"Right Position Not Hot"); // These DEFINITELY need to be tested. All of them. Forreal. driveForward(); Wait(3); stopDriving(); shootCatapult(); } } Wait(0.005); screen -> UpdateLCD(); } } }
void OperatorControl(void) { myRobot.SetSafetyEnabled(false); AxisCamera &camera = AxisCamera::GetInstance(""); camera.WriteResolution(AxisCamera::kResolution_320x240); camera.WriteRotation(AxisCamera::kRotation_180);//Flip image upside-down. camera.WriteCompression(80);//Compresses the image(?) camera.WriteBrightness(50);//Sets the brightness to 80 on a scale from 0-100 DriverStationLCD *screen = DriverStationLCD::GetInstance(); int count = 0; while(IsOperatorControl()) { screen->UpdateLCD(); count++; HSLImage* imgpointer; //declares a new hue saturation lum image imgpointer = camera.GetImage(); //grabs an image to initialize that image //imaqCreateImage(IMAQ_IMAGE_U8,) //imaqCast(NULL, imgpointer, IMAQ_IMAGE_U8, NULL, -1); BinaryImage* binImg = NULL; //declares a new binary image //ThresholdHSL changes our regular image into a binary image. /*hueLow Low value for hue hueHigh High value for hue saturationLow Low value for saturation saturationHigh High value for saturation luminenceLow Low value for luminence luminenceHigh High value for luminence */ binImg = imgpointer->ThresholdHSL(1, 255, 1, 255, 230, 255); //Saves the image to a temp directory binImg->Write("/tmp/thresh.jpg"); //Writes the binary image to disk imaqWriteFile(binImg->GetImaqImage(), "/tmp/thresh2.jpg", NULL); delete imgpointer; Image* Convex = imaqCreateImage(IMAQ_IMAGE_U8, 0); int returnvalue; returnvalue = imaqConvexHull(Convex, binImg->GetImaqImage(), TRUE); // imaqWriteFile(Convex, "/tmp/convex.jpg", NULL); delete binImg; // screen->PrintfLine(DriverStationLCD::kUser_Line4,"convex is %d",returnvalue); screen->UpdateLCD(); float lookuptable[256]; lookuptable[0] = 0; lookuptable[1] = 65535; //Converts image to 16 bit, then back to 8 bit. Image* cast = imaqCreateImage(IMAQ_IMAGE_U16, 0); imaqCast(cast, Convex, IMAQ_IMAGE_U16, lookuptable, 0); imaqDispose(Convex); Image* bitcast = imaqCreateImage(IMAQ_IMAGE_U8, 0); imaqCast(bitcast, cast, IMAQ_IMAGE_U8, NULL, 0); imaqDispose(cast); // screen->PrintfLine(DriverStationLCD::kUser_Line3,"det %d", imaqGetLastError());//Notifies the user imaqWriteFile(bitcast, "/tmp/bitcast.jpg", NULL); //Image* SuperSize = im //imaqCreateImage(IMAQ_IMAGE_U8, 2240); //int returnvalue2; //returnvalue2 = imaqSizeFilter(SuperSize, Convex, TRUE, 1, IMAQ_KEEP_LARGE, NULL); //screen->UpdateLCD(); //imaqDispose (Convex); // ROI *roi; // Rect rectangle; // rectangle.top = 0; // rectangle.left = 0; // rectangle.width = 320; // rectangle.height = 120; // imaqAddRectContour(roi,rectangle); static RectangleDescriptor rectangleDescriptor = { 30, // minWidth (All values are estimated) 200, // maxWidth 20, // minHeight 200 // maxHeight }; static CurveOptions curveOptions = //extraction mode specifies what the VI identifies curves in the image. curve options are all the { IMAQ_NORMAL_IMAGE, // extractionMode 75, // threshold IMAQ_NORMAL, // filterSize 25, // minLength 15, // rowStepSize 15, // columnStepSize 10, // maxEndPointGap FALSE, // onlyClosed FALSE // subpixelAccuracy }; static ShapeDetectionOptions shapeOptions = { IMAQ_GEOMETRIC_MATCH_ROTATION_INVARIANT, // mode NULL, // angle ranges 0, // num angle ranges {75, 125}, // scale range 300 // minMatchScore }; int matches = 0; //double highscore = 0; //int highestindex = -1; float difference = 0; float time = 0; float average = 0; double y = 0; //The big important line of code that does important stuff RectangleMatch* recmatch = imaqDetectRectangles(bitcast, &rectangleDescriptor, &curveOptions, &shapeOptions, NULL, &matches); // DashboardDataSender *dds; // dds = new DashboardDataSender; //screen->PrintfLine(DriverStationLCD::kUser_Line3,"det %d", imaqGetLastError()); //screen->PrintfLine(DriverStationLCD::kUser_Line4,"Matches: %d",matches);//Notifies the user screen->PrintfLine(DriverStationLCD::kUser_Line1,"Matches: %i",matches);//Notifies the user screen->UpdateLCD(); /*for(int i = 0; i < matches; i++) { //screen->PrintfLine((DriverStationLCD::Line)(i+1),"%i,%i,%i",recmatch[i].height,recmatch[i].width,recmatch[i].score); if(recmatch[i].score > highscore) { highscore = recmatch[i].score; highestindex = i; } screen->PrintfLine(DriverStationLCD::kUser_Line1,"score %i, i %i", recmatch[i].score, i); screen->UpdateLCD(); }*/ average = (recmatch->corner[1].x + recmatch->corner[3].x)/2; y = (472/(recmatch->height-4)); screen->PrintfLine(DriverStationLCD::kUser_Line5,"%f",average); screen->PrintfLine(DriverStationLCD::kUser_Line3," %f",distance(recmatch->height)); //screen->PrintfLine(DriverStationLCD::kUser_Line5,"%f,%f",recmatch->height, y); screen->PrintfLine(DriverStationLCD::kUser_Line6,"%f,%f",ceil(recmatch->corner[1].x),ceil(recmatch->corner[3].x)); screen->UpdateLCD(); //screen->PrintfLine(DriverStationLCD::kUser_Line6,"%d, %d, %d, %d",recmatch->corner[1].x,recmatch->corner[2].x,recmatch->corner[3].x,recmatch->corner[4].x); //screen->PrintfLine(DriverStationLCD::kUser_Line5,"%d, %d",recmatch->height,recmatch->width); if(average == 0) { screen->PrintfLine(DriverStationLCD::kUser_Line1,"Image Not Found"); } else if(average < 145) { difference = (160 - average); time = difference*0.0062; vic.Set(0.1); Wait(time); vic.Set(0.0); screen->PrintfLine(DriverStationLCD::kUser_Line1,"Less!"); screen->UpdateLCD(); } else if (average > 175) { difference = (average - 160); time = difference*0.0062; vic.Set(-0.1); Wait(time); vic.Set(0.0); screen->PrintfLine(DriverStationLCD::kUser_Line1,"More!"); screen->UpdateLCD(); } else { vic.Set(0); screen->PrintfLine(DriverStationLCD::kUser_Line1,"Perfection!"); screen->UpdateLCD(); } screen->PrintfLine(DriverStationLCD::kUser_Line2,"Time: %f",time); screen->PrintfLine(DriverStationLCD::kUser_Line4,"difference %f",difference); // screen->PrintfLine(DriverStationLCD::kUser_Line2,"Score %i, Index %i", highscore, highestindex); /* if(matches > 0) { int counter = 0; while (counter < 20) { average = (recmatch[highestindex].corner[1].x + recmatch[highestindex].corner[2].x + recmatch[highestindex].corner[3].x +recmatch[highestindex].corner[4].x)/4; average2 = (recmatch[highestindex].corner[1].y + recmatch[highestindex].corner[2].y + recmatch[highestindex].corner[3].y +recmatch[highestindex].corner[4].y)/4; // screen->PrintfLine(DriverStationLCD::kUser_Line5,"Center = %f, %f",average, average2); screen->UpdateLCD(); if (average > 170) { vic.Set(-0.1); //screen->PrintfLine(DriverStationLCD::kUser_Line1,"Left %f",vic.Get()); //screen->UpdateLCD(); } else if (average < 150) { vic.Set(0.1); //screen->PrintfLine(DriverStationLCD::kUser_Line1,"Right %f",vic.Get()); //screen->UpdateLCD(); } else { counter = 20; vic.Set(0); // screen->PrintfLine(DriverStationLCD::kUser_Line6,"Not Mallory! %f",vic.Get()); screen->UpdateLCD(); } counter++a; } */ // imaqWriteFile(cast, "/tmp/linedetect.jpg", NULL); // } /* else { vic.Set(0); // screen->PrintfLine(DriverStationLCD::kUser_Line6,"Not Mallory! %f",vic.Get()); screen->UpdateLCD(); }*/ imaqDispose(bitcast); imaqDispose(recmatch); //imaqDispose(roi); vic.Set(0); } }