Пример #1
BinaryImage *BinaryImage::ParticleFilter(ParticleFilterCriteria2 *criteria, int criteriaCount)
	BinaryImage *result = new BinaryImage();
	int numParticles;
	ParticleFilterOptions2 filterOptions = {0, 0, 0, 1};
	int success = imaqParticleFilter4(result->GetImaqImage(), m_imaqImage, criteria, criteriaCount, &filterOptions, NULL, &numParticles);
	wpi_setImaqErrorWithContext(success, "Error in particle filter operation");
	return result;
Пример #2
	/****** AUTO FUNCTIONS END *******/
	void Autonomous()
		int counter=0;
		int autonomousEngagement = 0;
		DriverStationLCD *screen = DriverStationLCD::GetInstance();	
		compressor.Start(); //starts compressor class
		rightArmSolenoid.Set(DoubleSolenoid::kReverse); //brings the arms down
		if (leftLimitSwitch.Get() == 1 && rightLimitSwitch.Get() == 1)
			winchMotor.Set(0.1); // Gears need to be moving slowly to allow the dog gear to engage properly
			dogSolenoid.Set(DoubleSolenoid::kForward); // Pushes the pneumatic piston forward to engage the dog gear
			Wait(0.2); // Giving the pistons time to engage properly
			winchMotor.Set(0); // Now that the dog gear is engaged, the gears do not have to move
			ratchetSolenoid.Set(DoubleSolenoid::kForward); // Pushes the pneumatic piston forward to engage the ratchet
			Wait(0.2); // Giving the pistons time to engage properly
		while (leftLimitSwitch.Get() == 1 && rightLimitSwitch.Get() == 1) // If Limit Switch Buttons are not pressed
			winchMotor.Set(1); //Now starts the winch motor to load the catapult
		// If the Catapult Left &  Limit Switches are (0,0), (0,1), (1,0)
			winchMotor.Set(0); // Stops the Winch Motor since one or more buttons are pressed
			if ((dogSolenoid.Get() == DoubleSolenoid::kReverse) && (ratchetSolenoid.Get() == DoubleSolenoid::kForward)) // If the Dog Gear is disengaged but the ratchet is engaged
					winchMotor.Set(0.05); // Gears need to be moving slowly to allow the dog gear to engage properly. Might want to test this since the catapult's already loaded.
					dogSolenoid.Set(DoubleSolenoid::kForward); // Engages the dog gear so both dog gear and ratchet are engaged before shooting for safety
					Wait(0.1); // Giving the pistons time to engage properly
					winchMotor.Set(0); // Now that the dog gear is engaged, the gears do not have to move
			else if ((dogSolenoid.Get() == DoubleSolenoid::kForward) && (ratchetSolenoid.Get() == DoubleSolenoid::kReverse)) // If the dog gear is engaged but the ratchet is disengaged
					ratchetSolenoid.Set(DoubleSolenoid::kForward); // Engages the ratchet so that both dog gear and ratchet are engaged before shooting for safety
					Wait(0.1); // Giving the pistons time to engage properly
		float pLower = 5; // min height of rectangle for comparison
		float pUpper = 15;	// max height of rectangle for comparison
		int criteriaCount = 1; // number of elements to include/exclude at a time
		int rejectMatches = 1;	// when set to true, particles that do not meet the criteria are discarded
		int connectivity = 1;	// declares connectivity value as 1; so corners are not ignored
		int filterFunction;	// removes small blobs
		int borderSetting;	// variable to store border settings, limit for rectangle
		int borderSize = 1;  // border for the camera frame (if you don't put this, DriverStation gets mad at you)
		ParticleFilterCriteria2 particleCriteria;	
		ParticleFilterOptions2 particleFilterOptions;
		int numParticles;
		particleCriteria.parameter = IMAQ_MT_BOUNDING_RECT_HEIGHT; //The Morphological measurement we use
		particleCriteria.lower = pLower; // The lower bound of the criteria range
		particleCriteria.upper = pUpper; // The upper bound of the criteria range
		particleCriteria.calibrated = FALSE; // We aren't calibrating to real world measurements. We don't need this.
		particleCriteria.exclude = TRUE; // Remove all particles that aren't in specific pLower and pUpper range
		particleFilterOptions.rejectMatches = rejectMatches; // Set to 1 above, so images that do not meet the criteria are discarded
		particleFilterOptions.rejectBorder = 0; // Set to 0 over here so border images are not discarded
		particleFilterOptions.connectivity8 = connectivity; // Sets the image image to 8 bit
		while ((IsAutonomous()))
			if (logitech.GetRawButton(4))
					autonomousEngagement = 1;
			if (autonomousEngagement == 0) // If real autonomous is not engaged start
				if (logitech.GetRawButton(1))
				if (logitech.GetRawButton(9))
					dogSolenoid.Set(DoubleSolenoid::kForward);		// Brings the pneumatic piston backward to raise the retrieval arm
					ratchetSolenoid.Set(DoubleSolenoid::kForward);	// Pushes the pneumatic piston forward to lower the retrieval arm
					while(leftLimitSwitch.Get()==1 && rightLimitSwitch.Get()==1)
				if (logitech.GetRawButton(2))
				if (logitech.GetRawButton(3))
				if (logitech.GetRawButton(5))
				if (logitech.GetRawButton(7))
				if (logitech.GetRawButton(6))
				if (logitech.GetRawButton(8))
			}// If real autonomous is not engaged end
			HSLImage* imgpointer; // declares an image container as an HSL (hue-saturation-luminence) image
			imgpointer = camera.GetImage();	//tells camera to capture image
			ringLight.Set(Relay::kForward); //turns ringlight on
			BinaryImage* binIMG = NULL;	// declares a container to hold a binary image
			binIMG = imgpointer -> ThresholdHSL(0, 255, 0, 255, 235, 255);	// thresholds HSL image and places in the binary image container
			delete imgpointer;	// deletes the HSL image to free up memory on the cRIO
			Image* modifiedImage = imaqCreateImage(IMAQ_IMAGE_U8, 0); //create a binary 8-bit format shell for the image
			filterFunction = imaqParticleFilter4(modifiedImage, binIMG -> GetImaqImage(), &particleCriteria, criteriaCount, &particleFilterOptions, NULL, &numParticles); //The Particle Filter Function we use. (The ones before it are outdated)
			borderSetting = imaqSetBorderSize(modifiedImage, borderSize); // Sets a border size so DriverStation is happy
			delete binIMG; //Deletes the Binary image
			int functionCountParticles; // stores number of particles
			int particleAmount; // stores the number of particles for the measure particle function
			functionCountParticles = imaqCountParticles(modifiedImage, TRUE, &particleAmount); // Counts the number of particles
			int functionOne; // The first measuring particle function (specifically for particle #1)
			int functionTwo; // The second measuring particle function (specifically for particle #2)
			double particleOneOrientation; // TRULY ARBITRARY name of the first particle it find
			double particleTwoOrientation; // TRULY ARBITRARY name of the second particle it finds
			functionOne = imaqMeasureParticle(modifiedImage, 0, FALSE, IMAQ_MT_ORIENTATION, &particleOneOrientation); // Measures orientation of particle 1
			functionTwo = imaqMeasureParticle(modifiedImage, 1, FALSE, IMAQ_MT_ORIENTATION, &particleTwoOrientation); // Measures orientation of particle 2
			screen->PrintfLine(DriverStationLCD::kUser_Line2,"P1: %f", particleOneOrientation); // Prints particle 1's orientation
			screen->PrintfLine(DriverStationLCD::kUser_Line3,"P2: %f", particleTwoOrientation); // Prints particle 2's orientation
			imaqDispose(modifiedImage); // Deletes the filtered image
			if ((leftPositionSwitch.Get() == 1) && (rightPositionSwitch.Get() == 0)) // Left switch set on,  switch set off
				screen -> PrintfLine(DriverStationLCD::kUser_Line1,"Left Position:F"); // Left position and facing forward			
				if ((particleOneOrientation > 0 && particleOneOrientation < 10) || (particleTwoOrientation > 0 && particleTwoOrientation < 10))
					// The target should be hot. Now it goes to the other goal.
					/* Theoretically particle 1 or 2 should register as exactly 0 (the particle is horizontal). We can edit these later. */
					screen -> PrintfLine(DriverStationLCD::kUser_Line4,"Left Position Hot!");
					// These DEFINITELY need to be tested. All of them. Forreal.
				else // The target isn't hot. So it starts going toward this not hot goal.
					screen -> PrintfLine(DriverStationLCD::kUser_Line4,"Left Position Not Hot");
					// These DEFINITELY need to be tested. All of them. Forreal.
			else if ((leftPositionSwitch.Get() == 0) && (rightPositionSwitch.Get() == 0)) // Left switch off and right switch off
				screen -> PrintfLine(DriverStationLCD::kUser_Line1,"Middle Position:R"); // Middle position and facing 			
				if ((particleOneOrientation > 0 && particleOneOrientation < 10) || (particleTwoOrientation > 0 && particleTwoOrientation < 10)) // The target should be hot. Now it goes to the other goal.
					/* Theoretically particle 1 or 2 should register as exactly 0 (the particle is horizontal). We can edit these later. */
					screen -> PrintfLine(DriverStationLCD::kUser_Line4,"Middle Position Hot");
					// These DEFINITELY need to be tested. All of them. Forreal.
				else // The target isn't hot. So it starts going toward this not hot goal.
					screen -> PrintfLine(DriverStationLCD::kUser_Line4,"Middle Position Not Hot");
					// These DEFINITELY need to be tested. All of them. Forreal.
			else if ((leftPositionSwitch.Get() == 1) && (rightPositionSwitch.Get() == 1))
				screen -> PrintfLine(DriverStationLCD::kUser_Line1,"Middle Position:R"); // Middle position and facing
				if ((particleOneOrientation > 0 && particleOneOrientation < 10) || (particleTwoOrientation > 0 && particleTwoOrientation < 10)) // The target should be hot. Now it goes to the other goal.
					/* Theoretically particle 1 or 2 should register as exactly 0 (the particle is horizontal). We can edit these later. */
						screen -> PrintfLine(DriverStationLCD::kUser_Line4,"Middle Position Hot");
						// These DEFINITELY need to be tested. All of them. Forreal.
					else // The target isn't hot. So it starts going toward this not hot goal.
						screen -> PrintfLine(DriverStationLCD::kUser_Line4,"Middle Position Not Hot");
						// These DEFINITELY need to be tested. All of them. Forreal.
			else if (((leftPositionSwitch.Get()) == 1) && ((rightPositionSwitch.Get()) == 0)) // Left switch off and  switch on
				screen -> PrintfLine(DriverStationLCD::kUser_Line1,"Right Position"); //  position and facing forward
				if ((particleOneOrientation > 0 && particleOneOrientation < 10) || ((particleTwoOrientation > 0) && (particleTwoOrientation < 10))) // The target should be hot. Now it goes to the other goal.
					/* Theoretically particle 1 or 2 should register as exactly 0 (the particle is horizontal). We can edit these later. */
					screen -> PrintfLine(DriverStationLCD::kUser_Line4,"Right Position Hot");
					// These DEFINITELY need to be tested. All of them. Forreal.
				else // The target isn't hot. So it starts going toward this not hot goal.
					screen -> PrintfLine(DriverStationLCD::kUser_Line4, "Right Position Not Hot");
					// These DEFINITELY need to be tested. All of them. Forreal.
			screen -> PrintfLine(DriverStationLCD::kUser_Line5,"R: %f L: %f)", rightFront.Get(), leftFront.Get());
			screen -> PrintfLine(DriverStationLCD::kUser_Line6,"Counter %d", counter);
Пример #3
	void Autonomous()
		DriverStationLCD *screen = DriverStationLCD::GetInstance(); 
		while ((IsAutonomous()))
			HSLImage* imgpointer; // declares an image container as an HSL (hue-saturation-luminence) image
			imgpointer = camera.GetImage();	//tells camera to capture image
			backpack.Set(Relay::kForward); //turns ringlight on
			BinaryImage* binIMG = NULL;	// declares a container to hold a binary image
			binIMG = imgpointer -> ThresholdHSL(0, 255, 0, 255, 235, 255);	// thresholds HSL image and places in the binary image container
			delete imgpointer;	// deletes the HSL image to free up memory on the cRIO
			Image* Kirby = imaqCreateImage(IMAQ_IMAGE_U8, 0); //create 8 bit image
			Image* KirbyTwo = imaqCreateImage(IMAQ_IMAGE_U8, 0); // creates the second 8-bit image that we can use separately for counting particles. 
																 // (The first image gets eaten by the measureparticle function)
			float pLower = 175; // min height of rectangle for comparison
			float pUpper = 500;	// max height of rectangle for comparison
			int criteriaCount = 1; // number of elements to include/exclude at a time
			int rejectMatches = 1;	// when set to true, particles that do not meet the criteria are discarded
			int connectivity = 1;	// declares connectivity value as 1; so corners are not ignored
			int Polturgust3000;	// removes small blobs
			int borderSetting;	// variable to store border settings, limit for rectangle
			int cloningDevice; // we create another image because the ParticleMeasuring steals the image from particlecounter
			int borderSize = 1;  // border for the camera frame (if you don't put this, DriverStation gets mad at you)
			ParticleFilterCriteria2 particleCriteria;	
			ParticleFilterOptions2 particleFilterOptions;
			int numParticles;
			particleCriteria.parameter = IMAQ_MT_AREA; //The Morphological measurement we use
			particleCriteria.lower = pLower; // The lower bound of the criteria range
			particleCriteria.upper = pUpper; // The upper bound of the criteria range
			particleCriteria.calibrated = FALSE; // We aren't calibrating to real world measurements. We don't need this.
			particleCriteria.exclude = TRUE; // Remove all particles that aren't in specific pLower and pUpper range
			particleFilterOptions.rejectMatches = rejectMatches; // Set to 1 above, so images that do not meet the criteria are discarded
			particleFilterOptions.rejectBorder = 0; // Set to 0 over here so border images are not discarded
			particleFilterOptions.connectivity8 = connectivity; // Sets the image image to 8 bit
			Polturgust3000 = imaqParticleFilter4(Kirby, binIMG -> GetImaqImage(), &particleCriteria, criteriaCount, &particleFilterOptions, NULL, &numParticles); //The Particle Filter Function we use. (The ones before it are outdated)
			borderSetting = imaqSetBorderSize(Kirby, borderSize); // Sets a border size
			cloningDevice =  imaqDuplicate(KirbyTwo, Kirby); //Officially creating a duplicate of the first image to count the number of particles.
			delete binIMG; //Deletes the Binary image
			int ParticleCounter;	// stores number of particles
			int* countparticles; // stores the number of particles for the measure particle function

			ParticleCounter = imaqCountParticles(Kirby, TRUE, countparticles); // Counts the number of particles to be sent off later to the MeasureParticle function. Then it gets eaten by the measureparticle function
			int TinyRuler; // TRULY ARBITRARY name of the first measuring particle function (specifically for particle #1)
			int BabyYardstick; // TRULY ARBITRARY Name of the second measuring particle function (specifically for particle #2)
			double* unowidth; // TRULY ARBITRARY name of the first particle it find
			double* doswidth; // TRULY ARBITRARY name of the second particle it finds

			TinyRuler = imaqMeasureParticle(Kirby, 0, FALSE, IMAQ_MT_BOUNDING_RECT_WIDTH, unowidth); // Function of measuring rectangle width is applied to particle 1 (unowidth)
			BabyYardstick = imaqMeasureParticle(Kirby, 1, FALSE, IMAQ_MT_BOUNDING_RECT_WIDTH, doswidth); // Function of measuring width is applied to particle 2 (doswidth)

			screen->PrintfLine(DriverStationLCD::kUser_Line3,"W1: %f",*unowidth); // Prints the applied information to particle 1. (Rectangle width)
			screen->PrintfLine(DriverStationLCD::kUser_Line4,"W2: %f",*doswidth);
			if (((togglebuttonOne.Get()) == 0) && ((togglebuttonTwo.Get()) == 1))
				screen -> PrintfLine(DriverStationLCD::kUser_Line1,"Left Position");
				if (*unowidth > 20) // The target should be hot. Now it goes to the other goal.
					// Even this needs to be tested
					screen -> PrintfLine(DriverStationLCD::kUser_Line6,"Left Position Hot");
					// These DEFINITELY need to be tested. All of them. Forreal.
				else // The target isn't hot. So it starts going toward this not hot goal.
					screen -> PrintfLine(DriverStationLCD::kUser_Line6,"Left Position Not Hot");
					// These DEFINITELY need to be tested. All of them. Forreal.
			//both on
			else if (((togglebuttonOne.Get()) == 1) && ((togglebuttonTwo.Get()) == 1))
				screen -> PrintfLine(DriverStationLCD::kUser_Line1,"Middle Position");
				if (*unowidth > 20) // The target should be hot. Now it goes to the other goal.
					screen -> PrintfLine(DriverStationLCD::kUser_Line6,"Middle Position Hot");
					// These DEFINITELY need to be tested. All of them. Forreal.
				else if (((togglebuttonOne.Get()) == 0) && ((togglebuttonTwo.Get()) == 0))
					screen -> PrintfLine(DriverStationLCD::kUser_Line1,"Middle Position");
					if (*unowidth > 20) // The target should be hot. Now it goes to the other goal.
						screen -> PrintfLine(DriverStationLCD::kUser_Line6,"Middle Position Hot");
						// These DEFINITELY need to be tested. All of them. Forreal.
					else // The target isn't hot. So it starts going toward this not hot goal.
						screen -> PrintfLine(DriverStationLCD::kUser_Line6,"Middle Position Not Hot");
						// These DEFINITELY need to be tested. All of them. Forreal.
				//Left button on && right off
				else if (((togglebuttonOne.Get()) == 1) && ((togglebuttonTwo.Get()) == 0))
					screen -> PrintfLine(DriverStationLCD::kUser_Line6,"Right Position");
					if (*unowidth > 20) // The target should be hot. Now it goes to the other goal.
						screen -> PrintfLine(DriverStationLCD::kUser_Line6,"Right Position Hot");
						// These DEFINITELY need to be tested. All of them. Forreal.
					else // The target isn't hot. So it starts going toward this not hot goal.
						screen -> PrintfLine(DriverStationLCD::kUser_Line6,"Right Position Not Hot");
						// These DEFINITELY need to be tested. All of them. Forreal.
			screen -> UpdateLCD();
Пример #4
	void Autonomous() override {
		while (IsAutonomous() && IsEnabled())
			//read file in from disk. For this example to run you need to copy image20.jpg from the SampleImages folder to the
			//directory shown below using FTP or SFTP: http://wpilib.screenstepslive.com/s/4485/m/24166/l/282299-roborio-ftp
			imaqError = imaqReadFile(frame, "//NewDir//image2.jpg", NULL, NULL);

			//Update threshold values from SmartDashboard. For performance reasons it is recommended to remove this after calibration is finished.
			TOTE_HUE_RANGE.minValue = SmartDashboard::GetNumber("Tote hue min", TOTE_HUE_RANGE.minValue);
			TOTE_HUE_RANGE.maxValue = SmartDashboard::GetNumber("Tote hue max", TOTE_HUE_RANGE.maxValue);
			TOTE_SAT_RANGE.minValue = SmartDashboard::GetNumber("Tote sat min", TOTE_SAT_RANGE.minValue);
			TOTE_SAT_RANGE.maxValue = SmartDashboard::GetNumber("Tote sat max", TOTE_SAT_RANGE.maxValue);
			TOTE_VAL_RANGE.minValue = SmartDashboard::GetNumber("Tote val min", TOTE_VAL_RANGE.minValue);
			TOTE_VAL_RANGE.maxValue = SmartDashboard::GetNumber("Tote val max", TOTE_VAL_RANGE.maxValue);

			//Threshold the image looking for yellow (tote color)
			imaqError = imaqColorThreshold(binaryFrame, frame, 255, IMAQ_HSV, &TOTE_HUE_RANGE, &TOTE_SAT_RANGE, &TOTE_VAL_RANGE);

			//Send particle count to dashboard
			int numParticles = 0;
			imaqError = imaqCountParticles(binaryFrame, 1, &numParticles);
			SmartDashboard::PutNumber("Masked particles", numParticles);

			//Send masked image to dashboard to assist in tweaking mask.
			SendToDashboard(binaryFrame, imaqError);

			//filter out small particles
			float areaMin = SmartDashboard::GetNumber("Area min %", AREA_MINIMUM);
			criteria[0] = {IMAQ_MT_AREA_BY_IMAGE_AREA, areaMin, 100, false, false};
			imaqError = imaqParticleFilter4(binaryFrame, binaryFrame, criteria, 1, &filterOptions, NULL, NULL);

			//Send particle count after filtering to dashboard
			imaqError = imaqCountParticles(binaryFrame, 1, &numParticles);
			SmartDashboard::PutNumber("Filtered particles", numParticles);

			if(numParticles > 0)
				//Measure particles and sort by particle size
				std::vector<ParticleReport> particles;
				for(int particleIndex = 0; particleIndex < numParticles; particleIndex++)
					ParticleReport par;
					imaqMeasureParticle(binaryFrame, particleIndex, 0, IMAQ_MT_AREA_BY_IMAGE_AREA, &(par.PercentAreaToImageArea));
					imaqMeasureParticle(binaryFrame, particleIndex, 0, IMAQ_MT_AREA, &(par.Area));
					imaqMeasureParticle(binaryFrame, particleIndex, 0, IMAQ_MT_CONVEX_HULL_AREA, &(par.ConvexHullArea));
					imaqMeasureParticle(binaryFrame, particleIndex, 0, IMAQ_MT_BOUNDING_RECT_TOP, &(par.BoundingRectTop));
					imaqMeasureParticle(binaryFrame, particleIndex, 0, IMAQ_MT_BOUNDING_RECT_LEFT, &(par.BoundingRectLeft));
					imaqMeasureParticle(binaryFrame, particleIndex, 0, IMAQ_MT_BOUNDING_RECT_BOTTOM, &(par.BoundingRectBottom));
					imaqMeasureParticle(binaryFrame, particleIndex, 0, IMAQ_MT_BOUNDING_RECT_RIGHT, &(par.BoundingRectRight));
				sort(particles.begin(), particles.end(), CompareParticleSizes);

				//This example only scores the largest particle. Extending to score all particles and choosing the desired one is left as an exercise
				//for the reader. Note that the long and short side scores expect a single tote and will not work for a stack of 2 or more totes.
				//Modification of the code to accommodate 2 or more stacked totes is left as an exercise for the reader.
				scores.Trapezoid = TrapezoidScore(particles.at(0));
				SmartDashboard::PutNumber("Trapezoid", scores.Trapezoid);
				scores.LongAspect = LongSideScore(particles.at(0));
				SmartDashboard::PutNumber("Long Aspect", scores.LongAspect);
				scores.ShortAspect = ShortSideScore(particles.at(0));
				SmartDashboard::PutNumber("Short Aspect", scores.ShortAspect);
				scores.AreaToConvexHullArea = ConvexHullAreaScore(particles.at(0));
				SmartDashboard::PutNumber("Convex Hull Area", scores.AreaToConvexHullArea);
				bool isTote = scores.Trapezoid > SCORE_MIN && (scores.LongAspect > SCORE_MIN || scores.ShortAspect > SCORE_MIN) && scores.AreaToConvexHullArea > SCORE_MIN;
				bool isLong = scores.LongAspect > scores.ShortAspect;

				//Send distance and tote status to dashboard. The bounding rect, particularly the horizontal center (left - right) may be useful for rotating/driving towards a tote
				SmartDashboard::PutBoolean("IsTote", isTote);
				SmartDashboard::PutNumber("Distance", computeDistance(binaryFrame, particles.at(0), isLong));
			} else {
				SmartDashboard::PutBoolean("IsTote", false);

			Wait(0.005);				// wait for a motor update time
Пример #5
	Vision_Out Run(Vision_In in)
		Vision_Out out;

		//read file in from disk. For this example to run you need to copy image.jpg from the SampleImages folder to the
		//directory shown below using FTP or SFTP: http://wpilib.screenstepslive.com/s/4485/m/24166/l/282299-roborio-ftp
		//imaqError = imaqReadFile(frame, "//home//lvuser//SampleImages//image.jpg", NULL, NULL);

		imaqError = camera->GetImage(frame);

		//Update threshold values from SmartDashboard. For performance reasons it is recommended to remove this after calibration is finished.
					RING_HUE_RANGE.minValue = SmartDashboard::GetNumber("Tote hue min", RING_HUE_RANGE.minValue);
					RING_HUE_RANGE.maxValue = SmartDashboard::GetNumber("Tote hue max", RING_HUE_RANGE.maxValue);
					RING_SAT_RANGE.minValue = SmartDashboard::GetNumber("Tote sat min", RING_SAT_RANGE.minValue);
					RING_SAT_RANGE.maxValue = SmartDashboard::GetNumber("Tote sat max", RING_SAT_RANGE.maxValue);
					RING_VAL_RANGE.minValue = SmartDashboard::GetNumber("Tote val min", RING_VAL_RANGE.minValue);
					RING_VAL_RANGE.maxValue = SmartDashboard::GetNumber("Tote val max", RING_VAL_RANGE.maxValue);

			//Threshold the image looking for ring light color
			imaqError = imaqColorThreshold(binaryFrame, frame, 255, IMAQ_HSV, &RING_HUE_RANGE, &RING_SAT_RANGE, &RING_VAL_RANGE);

			//Send particle count to dashboard
			int numParticles = 0;
			imaqError = imaqCountParticles(binaryFrame, 1, &numParticles);
			SmartDashboard::PutNumber("Masked particles", numParticles);

			//Send masked image to dashboard to assist in tweaking mask.
			SendToDashboard(binaryFrame, imaqError);

			//filter out small particles
			float areaMin = SmartDashboard::GetNumber("Area min %", AREA_MINIMUM);
			criteria[0] = {IMAQ_MT_AREA_BY_IMAGE_AREA, areaMin, 100, false, false};
			imaqError = imaqParticleFilter4(binaryFrame, binaryFrame, criteria, 1, &filterOptions, NULL, NULL);

			//Send particle count after filtering to dashboard
			imaqError = imaqCountParticles(binaryFrame, 1, &numParticles);
			SmartDashboard::PutNumber("Filtered particles", numParticles);

			if(numParticles > 0)
				//Measure particles and sort by particle size
				std::vector<ParticleReport> particles;
				for(int particleIndex = 0; particleIndex < numParticles; particleIndex++)
					ParticleReport par;
					imaqMeasureParticle(binaryFrame, particleIndex, 0, IMAQ_MT_AREA_BY_IMAGE_AREA, &(par.PercentAreaToImageArea));
					imaqMeasureParticle(binaryFrame, particleIndex, 0, IMAQ_MT_AREA, &(par.Area));
					imaqMeasureParticle(binaryFrame, particleIndex, 0, IMAQ_MT_BOUNDING_RECT_TOP, &(par.BoundingRectTop));
					imaqMeasureParticle(binaryFrame, particleIndex, 0, IMAQ_MT_BOUNDING_RECT_LEFT, &(par.BoundingRectLeft));
					imaqMeasureParticle(binaryFrame, particleIndex, 0, IMAQ_MT_BOUNDING_RECT_BOTTOM, &(par.BoundingRectBottom));
					imaqMeasureParticle(binaryFrame, particleIndex, 0, IMAQ_MT_BOUNDING_RECT_RIGHT, &(par.BoundingRectRight));
				sort(particles.begin(), particles.end(), CompareParticleSizes);

				//This example only scores the largest particle. Extending to score all particles and choosing the desired one is left as an exercise
				//for the reader. Note that this scores and reports information about a single particle (single L shaped target). To get accurate information
				//about the location of the tote (not just the distance) you will need to correlate two adjacent targets in order to find the true center of the tote.
				scores.Aspect = AspectScore(particles.at(0));
				SmartDashboard::PutNumber("Aspect", scores.Aspect);
				scores.Area = AreaScore(particles.at(0));
				SmartDashboard::PutNumber("Area", scores.Area);
				bool isTarget = scores.Area > SCORE_MIN && scores.Aspect > SCORE_MIN;

				//Send distance and tote status to dashboard. The bounding rect, particularly the horizontal center (left - right) may be useful for rotating/driving towards a tote
				SmartDashboard::PutBoolean("IsTarget", isTarget);
				double distance = computeDistance(binaryFrame, particles.at(0));
				SmartDashboard::PutNumber("Distance", computeDistance(binaryFrame, particles.at(0)));

				out.returnDistanceToTote = distance;
				out.returnIsTote = true;
				return out;
				out.returnIsTote = false;
				SmartDashboard::PutBoolean("IsTarget", false);
		return out;