Пример #1
void CropImgScreen::onIconPressed(int i)
        emit imgCropped(fileNameForSave);
Пример #2
long QSProcessThreadFunc(CTCSys *QS)
	int i;
	int	pass = -1;
	while (QS->EventEndProcess == FALSE) {

#ifdef PTGREY
		if (QS->IR.Acquisition == TRUE) {
			for (i = 0; i < QS->IR.NumCameras; i++) {
				if (QS->IR.pgrCamera[i]->RetrieveBuffer(&QS->IR.PtGBuf[i]) == PGRERROR_OK) {
					QS->QSSysConvertToOpenCV(&QS->IR.AcqBuf[i], QS->IR.PtGBuf[i]);
			for (i = 0; i < QS->IR.NumCameras; i++) {
#ifdef PTG_COLOR
				mixChannels(&QS->IR.AcqBuf[i], 1, &QS->IR.ProcBuf[i], 1, QS->IR.from_to, 3); // Swap B and R channels anc=d copy out the image at the same time.
				QS->IR.AcqBuf[i].copyTo(QS->IR.ProcBuf[i][BufID]);	// Has to copy out of acquisition buffer before processing
		// Process Image ProcBuf
		if (QS->IR.Inspection) {
			// Images are acquired into ProcBuf{0] 
			// May need to create child image for processing to exclude background and speed up processing
			for (i = 0; i < QS->IR.NumCameras; i++)
				//Obtain image
				Mat imgFull = QS->IR.ProcBuf[i];

				//Crop image
				static Rect roi;
				if (roi.width == 0)
					calcAndOrDraw(imgFull, roi, true);
				Mat imgCropped(imgFull, roi);
				Mat img = imgCropped;

				// Threshold
				Mat imgHsv, d0, d2;
				cvtColor(img, imgHsv, CV_BGR2HSV);
				channelDist(imgHsv, d0, 16, 0);
				bitwise_not(d0, d0);
				getChannel(imgHsv, d2, 2);
				addWeighted(d0, .5, d2, .5, 0, img);
				GaussianBlur(img, img, Size(5, 5), 0);
				static int th = 0;
				if (th == 0)
					th = cv::threshold(img, img, 60, 255, CV_THRESH_BINARY | CV_THRESH_OTSU);
					cv::threshold(img, img, th, 255, CV_THRESH_BINARY);

				//Find contours
				vector<vector<Point> > contours;
				vector<Vec4i> hierarchy;
				findContours(img, contours, hierarchy, CV_RETR_CCOMP, CV_CHAIN_APPROX_SIMPLE, Point(0, 0));
				img = Mat::zeros(img.size(), CV_8UC3);
				for (int i = 0; i < contours.size(); i++)
					drawContours(img, contours, i, Scalar(255, 255, 255));

				// Find parent contour
				int pretzelContourIndex = -1;
				int minPretzelSize = 1000;
				int largestContourSize = minPretzelSize;
				for (int i = 0; i < hierarchy.size(); i++)
					if (hierarchy[i][3] == -1)
						Moments mm = moments((Mat)contours[i]);
						if (mm.m00 > largestContourSize)
							if (pretzelContourIndex != -1) // if multiple pretzels
								pretzelContourIndex = -2;
							pretzelContourIndex = i;
							largestContourSize = mm.m00;
							printf("Size: %d\n", (int)mm.m00);
				int pretzelSize = largestContourSize;

				// Evaluate pretzel based on contour children
				int minHoleSize = 10;
				if (pretzelContourIndex != -1 && pretzelContourIndex != -2)
					// Find center of mass
					Moments mm = moments((Mat)contours[pretzelContourIndex]);
					double centerX = (mm.m10 / mm.m00);
					double centerY = (mm.m01 / mm.m00);
					circle(img, Point(centerX, centerY), 4, Scalar(0, 255, 0));

					int borderSize = 100;
					if (centerY > borderSize && centerY < img.size().height - borderSize)
						int numberOfHoles = 0;
						int child = hierarchy[pretzelContourIndex][2];
						while (child != -1)
							if (contours[child].size() > minHoleSize)
							child = hierarchy[child][0];
						if (numberOfHoles <= 1)
							pass = 2;
						else if (numberOfHoles == 2)
							pass = 1;
						else if (numberOfHoles == 3)
							pass = 0;
						pass = 3; //no pretzel on belt
				else if (pretzelContourIndex == -1)
					pass = 3; //no pretzel on belt
				else //if (pretzelContourIndex == -2)
					pass = -1; //error

				//Output Image
				if (img.channels() != 3)
					cvtColor(img, img, CV_GRAY2BGR);

				if (imgFull.channels() == 3)
					cvtColor(imgFull, imgFull, CV_BGR2GRAY);

		// Display Image
		if (QS->IR.UpdateImage) {
			for (i = 0; i<QS->IR.NumCameras; i++) {
				if (!QS->IR.Inspection) {
					// Example of displaying color buffer ProcBuf
				else {
					// Example of displaying B/W buffer OutBuf1
					QS->IR.OutBuf[0] = QS->IR.OutBuf[1] = QS->IR.OutBuf[2] = QS->IR.OutROI1[i];
					merge(QS->IR.OutBuf, 3, QS->IR.DispROI[i]);
					// Example to show inspection result, print result after the image is copied
	QS->EventEndProcess = FALSE;
	return 0;