void Sample::handleCommonSettings() { imguiLabel("Rasterization"); imguiSlider("Cell Size", &m_cellSize, 0.1f, 1.0f, 0.01f); imguiSlider("Cell Height", &m_cellHeight, 0.1f, 1.0f, 0.01f); if (m_geom) { const float* bmin = m_geom->getMeshBoundsMin(); const float* bmax = m_geom->getMeshBoundsMax(); int gw = 0, gh = 0; rcCalcGridSize(bmin, bmax, m_cellSize, &gw, &gh); char text[64]; snprintf(text, 64, "Voxels %d x %d", gw, gh); imguiValue(text); } imguiSeparator(); imguiLabel("Agent"); imguiSlider("Height", &m_agentHeight, 0.1f, 5.0f, 0.1f); imguiSlider("Radius", &m_agentRadius, 0.0f, 5.0f, 0.1f); imguiSlider("Max Climb", &m_agentMaxClimb, 0.1f, 5.0f, 0.1f); imguiSlider("Max Slope", &m_agentMaxSlope, 0.0f, 90.0f, 1.0f); imguiSeparator(); imguiLabel("Region"); imguiSlider("Min Region Size", &m_regionMinSize, 0.0f, 150.0f, 1.0f); imguiSlider("Merged Region Size", &m_regionMergeSize, 0.0f, 150.0f, 1.0f); if (imguiCheck("Monotore Partitioning", m_monotonePartitioning)) m_monotonePartitioning = !m_monotonePartitioning; imguiSeparator(); imguiLabel("Polygonization"); imguiSlider("Max Edge Length", &m_edgeMaxLen, 0.0f, 50.0f, 1.0f); imguiSlider("Max Edge Error", &m_edgeMaxError, 0.1f, 3.0f, 0.1f); imguiSlider("Verts Per Poly", &m_vertsPerPoly, 3.0f, 12.0f, 1.0f); imguiSeparator(); imguiLabel("Detail Mesh"); imguiSlider("Sample Distance", &m_detailSampleDist, 0.0f, 16.0f, 1.0f); imguiSlider("Max Sample Error", &m_detailSampleMaxError, 0.0f, 16.0f, 1.0f); imguiSeparator(); }
void Sample_TileMesh::handleTools() { int type = !m_tool ? TOOL_NONE : m_tool->type(); if (imguiCheck("Test Navmesh", type == TOOL_NAVMESH_TESTER)) { setTool(new NavMeshTesterTool); } if (imguiCheck("Prune Navmesh", type == TOOL_NAVMESH_PRUNE)) { setTool(new NavMeshPruneTool); } if (imguiCheck("Create Tiles", type == TOOL_TILE_EDIT)) { setTool(new NavMeshTileTool); } if (imguiCheck("Create Off-Mesh Links", type == TOOL_OFFMESH_CONNECTION)) { setTool(new OffMeshConnectionTool); } if (imguiCheck("Create Convex Volumes", type == TOOL_CONVEX_VOLUME)) { setTool(new ConvexVolumeTool); } if (imguiCheck("Create Crowds", type == TOOL_CROWD)) { setTool(new CrowdTool); } imguiSeparatorLine(); imguiIndent(); if (m_tool) m_tool->handleMenu(); imguiUnindent(); }
void Sample_TempObstacles::handleTools() { int type = !m_tool ? TOOL_NONE : m_tool->type(); if (imguiCheck("Test Navmesh", type == TOOL_NAVMESH_TESTER)) { setTool(new NavMeshTesterTool); } if (imguiCheck("Highlight Tile Cache", type == TOOL_TILE_HIGHLIGHT)) { setTool(new TempObstacleHilightTool); } if (imguiCheck("Create Temp Obstacles", type == TOOL_TEMP_OBSTACLE)) { setTool(new TempObstacleCreateTool); } if (imguiCheck("Create Off-Mesh Links", type == TOOL_OFFMESH_CONNECTION)) { setTool(new OffMeshConnectionTool); } if (imguiCheck("Create Convex Volumes", type == TOOL_CONVEX_VOLUME)) { setTool(new ConvexVolumeTool); } if (imguiCheck("Create Crowds", type == TOOL_CROWD)) { setTool(new CrowdTool); } imguiSeparatorLine(); imguiIndent(); if (m_tool) m_tool->handleMenu(); imguiUnindent(); }
int _main_(int /*_argc*/, char** /*_argv*/) { uint32_t width = 1280; uint32_t height = 720; uint32_t debug = BGFX_DEBUG_TEXT; uint32_t reset = BGFX_RESET_VSYNC; bgfx::init(); bgfx::reset(width, height, reset); // Enable debug text. bgfx::setDebug(debug); // Set clear color palette for index 0 bgfx::setClearColor(0, UINT32_C(0x00000000) ); // Set clear color palette for index 1 bgfx::setClearColor(1, UINT32_C(0x303030ff) ); // Set geometry pass view clear state. bgfx::setViewClear(RENDER_PASS_GEOMETRY_ID , BGFX_CLEAR_COLOR|BGFX_CLEAR_DEPTH , 1.0f , 0 , 1 ); // Set light pass view clear state. bgfx::setViewClear(RENDER_PASS_LIGHT_ID , BGFX_CLEAR_COLOR|BGFX_CLEAR_DEPTH , 1.0f , 0 , 0 ); // Create vertex stream declaration. PosNormalTangentTexcoordVertex::init(); PosTexCoord0Vertex::init(); DebugVertex::init(); calcTangents(s_cubeVertices , BX_COUNTOF(s_cubeVertices) , PosNormalTangentTexcoordVertex::ms_decl , s_cubeIndices , BX_COUNTOF(s_cubeIndices) ); // Create static vertex buffer. bgfx::VertexBufferHandle vbh = bgfx::createVertexBuffer( bgfx::makeRef(s_cubeVertices, sizeof(s_cubeVertices) ) , PosNormalTangentTexcoordVertex::ms_decl ); // Create static index buffer. bgfx::IndexBufferHandle ibh = bgfx::createIndexBuffer(bgfx::makeRef(s_cubeIndices, sizeof(s_cubeIndices) ) ); // Create texture sampler uniforms. bgfx::UniformHandle s_texColor = bgfx::createUniform("s_texColor", bgfx::UniformType::Uniform1iv); bgfx::UniformHandle s_texNormal = bgfx::createUniform("s_texNormal", bgfx::UniformType::Uniform1iv); bgfx::UniformHandle s_albedo = bgfx::createUniform("s_albedo", bgfx::UniformType::Uniform1iv); bgfx::UniformHandle s_normal = bgfx::createUniform("s_normal", bgfx::UniformType::Uniform1iv); bgfx::UniformHandle s_depth = bgfx::createUniform("s_depth", bgfx::UniformType::Uniform1iv); bgfx::UniformHandle s_light = bgfx::createUniform("s_light", bgfx::UniformType::Uniform1iv); bgfx::UniformHandle u_mtx = bgfx::createUniform("u_mtx", bgfx::UniformType::Uniform4x4fv); bgfx::UniformHandle u_lightPosRadius = bgfx::createUniform("u_lightPosRadius", bgfx::UniformType::Uniform4fv); bgfx::UniformHandle u_lightRgbInnerR = bgfx::createUniform("u_lightRgbInnerR", bgfx::UniformType::Uniform4fv); // Create program from shaders. bgfx::ProgramHandle geomProgram = loadProgram("vs_deferred_geom", "fs_deferred_geom"); bgfx::ProgramHandle lightProgram = loadProgram("vs_deferred_light", "fs_deferred_light"); bgfx::ProgramHandle combineProgram = loadProgram("vs_deferred_combine", "fs_deferred_combine"); bgfx::ProgramHandle debugProgram = loadProgram("vs_deferred_debug", "fs_deferred_debug"); bgfx::ProgramHandle lineProgram = loadProgram("vs_deferred_debug_line", "fs_deferred_debug_line"); // Load diffuse texture. bgfx::TextureHandle textureColor = loadTexture("fieldstone-rgba.dds"); // Load normal texture. bgfx::TextureHandle textureNormal = loadTexture("fieldstone-n.dds"); bgfx::TextureHandle gbufferTex[3] = { BGFX_INVALID_HANDLE, BGFX_INVALID_HANDLE, BGFX_INVALID_HANDLE }; bgfx::FrameBufferHandle gbuffer = BGFX_INVALID_HANDLE; bgfx::FrameBufferHandle lightBuffer = BGFX_INVALID_HANDLE; // Imgui. imguiCreate(); const int64_t timeOffset = bx::getHPCounter(); const bgfx::RendererType::Enum renderer = bgfx::getRendererType(); const float texelHalf = bgfx::RendererType::Direct3D9 == renderer ? 0.5f : 0.0f; s_originBottomLeft = bgfx::RendererType::OpenGL == renderer || bgfx::RendererType::OpenGLES == renderer; // Get renderer capabilities info. const bgfx::Caps* caps = bgfx::getCaps(); uint32_t oldWidth = 0; uint32_t oldHeight = 0; uint32_t oldReset = reset; int32_t scrollArea = 0; int32_t numLights = 512; float lightAnimationSpeed = 0.3f; bool animateMesh = true; bool showScissorRects = false; bool showGBuffer = true; float view[16]; float initialPos[3] = { 0.0f, 0.0f, -15.0f }; cameraCreate(); cameraSetPosition(initialPos); cameraSetVerticalAngle(0.0f); cameraGetViewMtx(view); entry::MouseState mouseState; while (!entry::processEvents(width, height, debug, reset, &mouseState) ) { int64_t now = bx::getHPCounter(); static int64_t last = now; const int64_t frameTime = now - last; last = now; const double freq = double(bx::getHPFrequency() ); const double toMs = 1000.0/freq; const float deltaTime = float(frameTime/freq); float time = (float)( (now-timeOffset)/freq); // Use debug font to print information about this example. bgfx::dbgTextClear(); bgfx::dbgTextPrintf(0, 1, 0x4f, "bgfx/examples/21-deferred"); bgfx::dbgTextPrintf(0, 2, 0x6f, "Description: MRT rendering and deferred shading."); bgfx::dbgTextPrintf(0, 3, 0x0f, "Frame: % 7.3f[ms]", double(frameTime)*toMs); if (2 > caps->maxFBAttachments) { // When multiple render targets (MRT) is not supported by GPU, // implement alternative code path that doesn't use MRT. bool blink = uint32_t(time*3.0f)&1; bgfx::dbgTextPrintf(0, 5, blink ? 0x1f : 0x01, " MRT not supported by GPU. "); // Set view 0 default viewport. bgfx::setViewRect(0, 0, 0, width, height); // This dummy draw call is here to make sure that view 0 is cleared // if no other draw calls are submitted to view 0. bgfx::submit(0); } else { if (oldWidth != width || oldHeight != height || oldReset != reset || !bgfx::isValid(gbuffer) ) { // Recreate variable size render targets when resolution changes. oldWidth = width; oldHeight = height; oldReset = reset; if (bgfx::isValid(gbuffer) ) { bgfx::destroyFrameBuffer(gbuffer); } const uint32_t samplerFlags = 0 | BGFX_TEXTURE_RT | BGFX_TEXTURE_MIN_POINT | BGFX_TEXTURE_MAG_POINT | BGFX_TEXTURE_MIP_POINT | BGFX_TEXTURE_U_CLAMP | BGFX_TEXTURE_V_CLAMP ; gbufferTex[0] = bgfx::createTexture2D(width, height, 1, bgfx::TextureFormat::BGRA8, samplerFlags); gbufferTex[1] = bgfx::createTexture2D(width, height, 1, bgfx::TextureFormat::BGRA8, samplerFlags); gbufferTex[2] = bgfx::createTexture2D(width, height, 1, bgfx::TextureFormat::D24, samplerFlags); gbuffer = bgfx::createFrameBuffer(BX_COUNTOF(gbufferTex), gbufferTex, true); if (bgfx::isValid(lightBuffer) ) { bgfx::destroyFrameBuffer(lightBuffer); } lightBuffer = bgfx::createFrameBuffer(width, height, bgfx::TextureFormat::BGRA8, samplerFlags); } imguiBeginFrame(mouseState.m_mx , mouseState.m_my , (mouseState.m_buttons[entry::MouseButton::Left ] ? IMGUI_MBUT_LEFT : 0) | (mouseState.m_buttons[entry::MouseButton::Right ] ? IMGUI_MBUT_RIGHT : 0) , 0 , width , height ); imguiBeginScrollArea("Settings", width - width / 5 - 10, 10, width / 5, height / 3, &scrollArea); imguiSeparatorLine(); imguiSlider("Num lights", numLights, 1, 2048); if (imguiCheck("Show G-Buffer.", showGBuffer) ) { showGBuffer = !showGBuffer; } if (imguiCheck("Show light scissor.", showScissorRects) ) { showScissorRects = !showScissorRects; } if (imguiCheck("Animate mesh.", animateMesh) ) { animateMesh = !animateMesh; } imguiSlider("Lights animation speed", lightAnimationSpeed, 0.0f, 0.4f, 0.01f); imguiEndScrollArea(); imguiEndFrame(); // Update camera. cameraUpdate(deltaTime, mouseState); cameraGetViewMtx(view); // Setup views float vp[16]; float invMvp[16]; { bgfx::setViewRect(RENDER_PASS_GEOMETRY_ID, 0, 0, width, height); bgfx::setViewRect(RENDER_PASS_LIGHT_ID, 0, 0, width, height); bgfx::setViewRect(RENDER_PASS_COMBINE_ID, 0, 0, width, height); bgfx::setViewRect(RENDER_PASS_DEBUG_LIGHTS_ID, 0, 0, width, height); bgfx::setViewRect(RENDER_PASS_DEBUG_GBUFFER_ID, 0, 0, width, height); bgfx::setViewFrameBuffer(RENDER_PASS_LIGHT_ID, lightBuffer); float proj[16]; mtxProj(proj, 60.0f, float(width)/float(height), 0.1f, 100.0f); bgfx::setViewFrameBuffer(RENDER_PASS_GEOMETRY_ID, gbuffer); bgfx::setViewTransform(RENDER_PASS_GEOMETRY_ID, view, proj); bx::mtxMul(vp, view, proj); bx::mtxInverse(invMvp, vp); bx::mtxOrtho(proj, 0.0f, 1.0f, 1.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f, 100.0f); bgfx::setViewTransform(RENDER_PASS_LIGHT_ID, NULL, proj); bgfx::setViewTransform(RENDER_PASS_COMBINE_ID, NULL, proj); const float aspectRatio = float(height)/float(width); const float size = 10.0f; bx::mtxOrtho(proj, -size, size, size*aspectRatio, -size*aspectRatio, 0.0f, 1000.0f); bgfx::setViewTransform(RENDER_PASS_DEBUG_GBUFFER_ID, NULL, proj); bx::mtxOrtho(proj, 0.0f, (float)width, 0.0f, (float)height, 0.0f, 1000.0f); bgfx::setViewTransform(RENDER_PASS_DEBUG_LIGHTS_ID, NULL, proj); } const uint32_t dim = 11; const float offset = (float(dim-1) * 3.0f) * 0.5f; // Draw into geometry pass. for (uint32_t yy = 0; yy < dim; ++yy) { for (uint32_t xx = 0; xx < dim; ++xx) { float mtx[16]; if (animateMesh) { bx::mtxRotateXY(mtx, time*1.023f + xx*0.21f, time*0.03f + yy*0.37f); } else { bx::mtxIdentity(mtx); } mtx[12] = -offset + float(xx)*3.0f; mtx[13] = -offset + float(yy)*3.0f; mtx[14] = 0.0f; // Set transform for draw call. bgfx::setTransform(mtx); // Set vertex and fragment shaders. bgfx::setProgram(geomProgram); // Set vertex and index buffer. bgfx::setVertexBuffer(vbh); bgfx::setIndexBuffer(ibh); // Bind textures. bgfx::setTexture(0, s_texColor, textureColor); bgfx::setTexture(1, s_texNormal, textureNormal); // Set render states. bgfx::setState(0 | BGFX_STATE_RGB_WRITE | BGFX_STATE_ALPHA_WRITE | BGFX_STATE_DEPTH_WRITE | BGFX_STATE_DEPTH_TEST_LESS | BGFX_STATE_MSAA ); // Submit primitive for rendering to view 0. bgfx::submit(RENDER_PASS_GEOMETRY_ID); } } // Draw lights into light buffer. for (int32_t light = 0; light < numLights; ++light) { Sphere lightPosRadius; float lightTime = time * lightAnimationSpeed * (sinf(light/float(numLights) * bx::piHalf ) * 0.5f + 0.5f); lightPosRadius.m_center[0] = sinf( ( (lightTime + light*0.47f) + bx::piHalf*1.37f ) )*offset; lightPosRadius.m_center[1] = cosf( ( (lightTime + light*0.69f) + bx::piHalf*1.49f ) )*offset; lightPosRadius.m_center[2] = sinf( ( (lightTime + light*0.37f) + bx::piHalf*1.57f ) )*2.0f; lightPosRadius.m_radius = 2.0f; Aabb aabb; sphereToAabb(aabb, lightPosRadius); float box[8][3] = { { aabb.m_min[0], aabb.m_min[1], aabb.m_min[2] }, { aabb.m_min[0], aabb.m_min[1], aabb.m_max[2] }, { aabb.m_min[0], aabb.m_max[1], aabb.m_min[2] }, { aabb.m_min[0], aabb.m_max[1], aabb.m_max[2] }, { aabb.m_max[0], aabb.m_min[1], aabb.m_min[2] }, { aabb.m_max[0], aabb.m_min[1], aabb.m_max[2] }, { aabb.m_max[0], aabb.m_max[1], aabb.m_min[2] }, { aabb.m_max[0], aabb.m_max[1], aabb.m_max[2] }, }; float xyz[3]; bx::vec3MulMtxH(xyz, box[0], vp); float minx = xyz[0]; float miny = xyz[1]; float maxx = xyz[0]; float maxy = xyz[1]; float maxz = xyz[2]; for (uint32_t ii = 1; ii < 8; ++ii) { bx::vec3MulMtxH(xyz, box[ii], vp); minx = bx::fmin(minx, xyz[0]); miny = bx::fmin(miny, xyz[1]); maxx = bx::fmax(maxx, xyz[0]); maxy = bx::fmax(maxy, xyz[1]); maxz = bx::fmax(maxz, xyz[2]); } // Cull light if it's fully behind camera. if (maxz >= 0.0f) { float x0 = bx::fclamp( (minx * 0.5f + 0.5f) * width, 0.0f, (float)width); float y0 = bx::fclamp( (miny * 0.5f + 0.5f) * height, 0.0f, (float)height); float x1 = bx::fclamp( (maxx * 0.5f + 0.5f) * width, 0.0f, (float)width); float y1 = bx::fclamp( (maxy * 0.5f + 0.5f) * height, 0.0f, (float)height); if (showScissorRects) { bgfx::TransientVertexBuffer tvb; bgfx::TransientIndexBuffer tib; if (bgfx::allocTransientBuffers(&tvb, DebugVertex::ms_decl, 4, &tib, 8) ) { uint32_t abgr = 0x8000ff00; DebugVertex* vertex = (DebugVertex*)tvb.data; vertex->m_x = x0; vertex->m_y = y0; vertex->m_z = 0.0f; vertex->m_abgr = abgr; ++vertex; vertex->m_x = x1; vertex->m_y = y0; vertex->m_z = 0.0f; vertex->m_abgr = abgr; ++vertex; vertex->m_x = x1; vertex->m_y = y1; vertex->m_z = 0.0f; vertex->m_abgr = abgr; ++vertex; vertex->m_x = x0; vertex->m_y = y1; vertex->m_z = 0.0f; vertex->m_abgr = abgr; uint16_t* indices = (uint16_t*)tib.data; *indices++ = 0; *indices++ = 1; *indices++ = 1; *indices++ = 2; *indices++ = 2; *indices++ = 3; *indices++ = 3; *indices++ = 0; bgfx::setProgram(lineProgram); bgfx::setVertexBuffer(&tvb); bgfx::setIndexBuffer(&tib); bgfx::setState(0 | BGFX_STATE_RGB_WRITE | BGFX_STATE_PT_LINES | BGFX_STATE_BLEND_ALPHA ); bgfx::submit(RENDER_PASS_DEBUG_LIGHTS_ID); } } uint8_t val = light&7; float lightRgbInnerR[4] = { val & 0x1 ? 1.0f : 0.25f, val & 0x2 ? 1.0f : 0.25f, val & 0x4 ? 1.0f : 0.25f, 0.8f, }; // Draw light. bgfx::setUniform(u_lightPosRadius, &lightPosRadius); bgfx::setUniform(u_lightRgbInnerR, lightRgbInnerR); bgfx::setUniform(u_mtx, invMvp); const uint16_t scissorHeight = uint16_t(y1-y0); bgfx::setScissor(uint16_t(x0), height-scissorHeight-uint16_t(y0), uint16_t(x1-x0), scissorHeight); bgfx::setTexture(0, s_normal, gbuffer, 1); bgfx::setTexture(1, s_depth, gbuffer, 2); bgfx::setProgram(lightProgram); bgfx::setState(0 | BGFX_STATE_RGB_WRITE | BGFX_STATE_ALPHA_WRITE | BGFX_STATE_BLEND_ADD ); screenSpaceQuad( (float)width, (float)height, texelHalf, s_originBottomLeft); bgfx::submit(RENDER_PASS_LIGHT_ID); } } // Combine color and light buffers. bgfx::setTexture(0, s_albedo, gbuffer, 0); bgfx::setTexture(1, s_light, lightBuffer, 0); bgfx::setProgram(combineProgram); bgfx::setState(0 | BGFX_STATE_RGB_WRITE | BGFX_STATE_ALPHA_WRITE ); screenSpaceQuad( (float)width, (float)height, texelHalf, s_originBottomLeft); bgfx::submit(RENDER_PASS_COMBINE_ID); if (showGBuffer) { const float aspectRatio = float(width)/float(height); // Draw debug GBuffer. for (uint32_t ii = 0; ii < BX_COUNTOF(gbufferTex); ++ii) { float mtx[16]; bx::mtxSRT(mtx , aspectRatio, 1.0f, 1.0f , 0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f , -7.9f - BX_COUNTOF(gbufferTex)*0.1f*0.5f + ii*2.1f*aspectRatio, 4.0f, 0.0f ); bgfx::setTransform(mtx); bgfx::setProgram(debugProgram); bgfx::setVertexBuffer(vbh); bgfx::setIndexBuffer(ibh, 0, 6); bgfx::setTexture(0, s_texColor, gbufferTex[ii]); bgfx::setState(BGFX_STATE_RGB_WRITE); bgfx::submit(RENDER_PASS_DEBUG_GBUFFER_ID); } } } // Advance to next frame. Rendering thread will be kicked to // process submitted rendering primitives. bgfx::frame(); } // Cleanup. cameraDestroy(); imguiDestroy(); if (bgfx::isValid(gbuffer) ) { bgfx::destroyFrameBuffer(gbuffer); bgfx::destroyFrameBuffer(lightBuffer); } bgfx::destroyIndexBuffer(ibh); bgfx::destroyVertexBuffer(vbh); bgfx::destroyProgram(geomProgram); bgfx::destroyProgram(lightProgram); bgfx::destroyProgram(combineProgram); bgfx::destroyProgram(debugProgram); bgfx::destroyProgram(lineProgram); bgfx::destroyTexture(textureColor); bgfx::destroyTexture(textureNormal); bgfx::destroyUniform(s_texColor); bgfx::destroyUniform(s_texNormal); bgfx::destroyUniform(s_albedo); bgfx::destroyUniform(s_normal); bgfx::destroyUniform(s_depth); bgfx::destroyUniform(s_light); bgfx::destroyUniform(u_lightPosRadius); bgfx::destroyUniform(u_lightRgbInnerR); bgfx::destroyUniform(u_mtx); // Shutdown bgfx. bgfx::shutdown(); return 0; }
int main( int argc, char **argv ) { int width = 1024, height=768; // Initialise GLFW if( !glfwInit() ) { fprintf( stderr, "Failed to initialize GLFW\n" ); exit( EXIT_FAILURE ); } // Open a window and create its OpenGL context if( !glfwOpenWindow( width, height, 0,0,0,0, 24,0, GLFW_WINDOW ) ) { fprintf( stderr, "Failed to open GLFW window\n" ); glfwTerminate(); exit( EXIT_FAILURE ); } glfwSetWindowTitle( "imgui sample imguiRenderGL2" ); GLenum err = glewInit(); if (GLEW_OK != err) { /* Problem: glewInit failed, something is seriously wrong. */ fprintf(stderr, "Error: %s\n", glewGetErrorString(err)); exit( EXIT_FAILURE ); } // Ensure we can capture the escape key being pressed below glfwEnable( GLFW_STICKY_KEYS ); // Enable vertical sync (on cards that support it) glfwSwapInterval( 1 ); // Init UI if (!imguiRenderGLInit("DroidSans.ttf")) { fprintf(stderr, "Could not init GUI renderer.\n"); exit(EXIT_FAILURE); } glClearColor(0.8f, 0.8f, 0.8f, 1.f); glEnable(GL_BLEND); glBlendFunc(GL_SRC_ALPHA, GL_ONE_MINUS_SRC_ALPHA); glDisable(GL_DEPTH_TEST); // imgui states bool checked1 = false; bool checked2 = false; bool checked3 = true; bool checked4 = false; float value1 = 50.f; float value2 = 30.f; int scrollarea1 = 0; int scrollarea2 = 0; // glfw scrolling int glfwscroll = 0; do { glfwGetWindowSize(&width, &height); glViewport(0, 0, width, height); glClear(GL_COLOR_BUFFER_BIT | GL_DEPTH_BUFFER_BIT); // Mouse states unsigned char mousebutton = 0; int currentglfwscroll = glfwGetMouseWheel(); int mscroll = 0; if (currentglfwscroll < glfwscroll) mscroll = 2; if (currentglfwscroll > glfwscroll) mscroll = -2; glfwscroll = currentglfwscroll; int mousex; int mousey; glfwGetMousePos(&mousex, &mousey); mousey = height - mousey; int leftButton = glfwGetMouseButton( GLFW_MOUSE_BUTTON_LEFT ); int rightButton = glfwGetMouseButton( GLFW_MOUSE_BUTTON_RIGHT ); int middleButton = glfwGetMouseButton( GLFW_MOUSE_BUTTON_MIDDLE ); int toggle = 0; if( leftButton == GLFW_PRESS ) mousebutton |= IMGUI_MBUT_LEFT; // Draw UI glMatrixMode(GL_PROJECTION); glLoadIdentity(); float projection[16] = { 2.f/width, 0.f, 0.f, 0.f, 0.f, 2.f/height, 0.f, 0.f, 0.f, 0.f, -2.f, 0.f, -1.f, -1.f, -1.f, 1.f }; glLoadMatrixf(projection); glMatrixMode(GL_MODELVIEW); glLoadIdentity(); glUseProgram(0); imguiBeginFrame(mousex, mousey, mousebutton, mscroll); imguiBeginScrollArea("Scroll area", 10, 10, width / 5, height - 20, &scrollarea1); imguiSeparatorLine(); imguiSeparator(); imguiButton("Button"); imguiButton("Disabled button", false); imguiItem("Item"); imguiItem("Disabled item", false); toggle = imguiCheck("Checkbox", checked1); if (toggle) checked1 = !checked1; toggle = imguiCheck("Disabled checkbox", checked2, false); if (toggle) checked2 = !checked2; toggle = imguiCollapse("Collapse", "subtext", checked3); if (checked3) { imguiIndent(); imguiLabel("Collapsible element"); imguiUnindent(); } if (toggle) checked3 = !checked3; toggle = imguiCollapse("Disabled collapse", "subtext", checked4, false); if (toggle) checked4 = !checked4; imguiLabel("Label"); imguiValue("Value"); imguiSlider("Slider", &value1, 0.f, 100.f, 1.f); imguiSlider("Disabled slider", &value2, 0.f, 100.f, 1.f, false); imguiIndent(); imguiLabel("Indented"); imguiUnindent(); imguiLabel("Unindented"); imguiEndScrollArea(); imguiBeginScrollArea("Scroll area", 20 + width / 5, 500, width / 5, height - 510, &scrollarea2); imguiSeparatorLine(); imguiSeparator(); for (int i = 0; i < 100; ++i) imguiLabel("A wall of text"); imguiEndScrollArea(); imguiEndFrame(); imguiDrawText(30 + width / 5 * 2, height - 20, IMGUI_ALIGN_LEFT, "Free text", imguiRGBA(32,192, 32,192)); imguiDrawText(30 + width / 5 * 2 + 100, height - 40, IMGUI_ALIGN_RIGHT, "Free text", imguiRGBA(32, 32, 192, 192)); imguiDrawText(30 + width / 5 * 2 + 50, height - 60, IMGUI_ALIGN_CENTER, "Free text", imguiRGBA(192, 32, 32,192)); imguiDrawLine(30 + width / 5 * 2, height - 80, 30 + width / 5 * 2 + 100, height - 60, 1.f, imguiRGBA(32,192, 32,192)); imguiDrawLine(30 + width / 5 * 2, height - 100, 30 + width / 5 * 2 + 100, height - 80, 2.f, imguiRGBA(32, 32, 192, 192)); imguiDrawLine(30 + width / 5 * 2, height - 120, 30 + width / 5 * 2 + 100, height - 100, 3.f, imguiRGBA(192, 32, 32,192)); imguiDrawRoundedRect(30 + width / 5 * 2, height - 240, 100, 100, 5.f, imguiRGBA(32,192, 32,192)); imguiDrawRoundedRect(30 + width / 5 * 2, height - 350, 100, 100, 10.f, imguiRGBA(32, 32, 192, 192)); imguiDrawRoundedRect(30 + width / 5 * 2, height - 470, 100, 100, 20.f, imguiRGBA(192, 32, 32,192)); imguiDrawRect(30 + width / 5 * 2, height - 590, 100, 100, imguiRGBA(32, 192, 32, 192)); imguiDrawRect(30 + width / 5 * 2, height - 710, 100, 100, imguiRGBA(32, 32, 192, 192)); imguiDrawRect(30 + width / 5 * 2, height - 830, 100, 100, imguiRGBA(192, 32, 32,192)); imguiRenderGLDraw(width, height); // Check for errors GLenum err = glGetError(); if(err != GL_NO_ERROR) { fprintf(stderr, "OpenGL Error : %s\n", gluErrorString(err)); } // Swap buffers glfwSwapBuffers(); } // Check if the ESC key was pressed or the window was closed while( glfwGetKey( GLFW_KEY_ESC ) != GLFW_PRESS && glfwGetWindowParam( GLFW_OPENED ) ); // Clean UI imguiRenderGLDestroy(); // Close OpenGL window and terminate GLFW glfwTerminate(); exit( EXIT_SUCCESS ); }
int _main_(int /*_argc*/, char** /*_argv*/) { // Create vertex stream declaration. PosColorVertex::init(); PosColorTexCoord0Vertex::init(); uint32_t width = 1280; uint32_t height = 720; uint32_t debug = BGFX_DEBUG_TEXT; uint32_t reset = BGFX_RESET_VSYNC; bgfx::init(); bgfx::reset(width, height, reset); // Enable debug text. bgfx::setDebug(debug); // Get renderer capabilities info. const bgfx::Caps* caps = bgfx::getCaps(); // Setup root path for binary shaders. Shader binaries are different // for each renderer. switch (caps->rendererType) { default: break; case bgfx::RendererType::OpenGL: case bgfx::RendererType::OpenGLES: s_flipV = true; break; } // Imgui. void* data = load("font/droidsans.ttf"); imguiCreate(data); free(data); const bgfx::Memory* mem; // Create static vertex buffer. mem = bgfx::makeRef(s_cubeVertices, sizeof(s_cubeVertices) ); bgfx::VertexBufferHandle vbh = bgfx::createVertexBuffer(mem, PosColorVertex::ms_decl); // Create static index buffer. mem = bgfx::makeRef(s_cubeIndices, sizeof(s_cubeIndices) ); bgfx::IndexBufferHandle ibh = bgfx::createIndexBuffer(mem); // Create texture sampler uniforms. bgfx::UniformHandle u_texColor0 = bgfx::createUniform("u_texColor0", bgfx::UniformType::Uniform1iv); bgfx::UniformHandle u_texColor1 = bgfx::createUniform("u_texColor1", bgfx::UniformType::Uniform1iv); bgfx::UniformHandle u_color = bgfx::createUniform("u_color", bgfx::UniformType::Uniform4fv); bgfx::ProgramHandle blend = loadProgram("vs_oit", "fs_oit" ); bgfx::ProgramHandle wbSeparatePass = loadProgram("vs_oit", "fs_oit_wb_separate" ); bgfx::ProgramHandle wbSeparateBlit = loadProgram("vs_oit_blit", "fs_oit_wb_separate_blit" ); bgfx::ProgramHandle wbPass = loadProgram("vs_oit", "fs_oit_wb" ); bgfx::ProgramHandle wbBlit = loadProgram("vs_oit_blit", "fs_oit_wb_blit" ); bgfx::TextureHandle fbtextures[2] = { BGFX_INVALID_HANDLE, BGFX_INVALID_HANDLE }; bgfx::FrameBufferHandle fbh = BGFX_INVALID_HANDLE; int64_t timeOffset = bx::getHPCounter(); uint32_t mode = 1; int32_t scrollArea = 0; bool frontToBack = true; bool fadeInOut = false; uint32_t oldWidth = 0; uint32_t oldHeight = 0; uint32_t oldReset = reset; entry::MouseState mouseState; while (!entry::processEvents(width, height, debug, reset, &mouseState) ) { if (oldWidth != width || oldHeight != height || oldReset != reset || !bgfx::isValid(fbh) ) { // Recreate variable size render targets when resolution changes. oldWidth = width; oldHeight = height; oldReset = reset; if (bgfx::isValid(fbh) ) { bgfx::destroyFrameBuffer(fbh); } fbtextures[0] = bgfx::createTexture2D(width, height, 1, bgfx::TextureFormat::RGBA16F, BGFX_TEXTURE_RT); fbtextures[1] = bgfx::createTexture2D(width, height, 1, bgfx::TextureFormat::R16F, BGFX_TEXTURE_RT); fbh = bgfx::createFrameBuffer(BX_COUNTOF(fbtextures), fbtextures, true); } imguiBeginFrame(mouseState.m_mx , mouseState.m_my , (mouseState.m_buttons[entry::MouseButton::Left ] ? IMGUI_MBUT_LEFT : 0) | (mouseState.m_buttons[entry::MouseButton::Right ] ? IMGUI_MBUT_RIGHT : 0) , 0 , width , height ); imguiBeginScrollArea("Settings", width - width / 4 - 10, 10, width / 4, height / 3, &scrollArea); imguiSeparatorLine(); imguiLabel("Blend mode:"); mode = imguiChoose(mode , "None" , "Separate" , "MRT Independent" ); imguiSeparatorLine(); if (imguiCheck("Front to back", frontToBack) ) { frontToBack ^= true; } if (imguiCheck("Fade in/out", fadeInOut) ) { fadeInOut ^= true; } imguiEndScrollArea(); imguiEndFrame(); // Set view 0 default viewport. bgfx::setViewRectMask(0x3, 0, 0, width, height); int64_t now = bx::getHPCounter(); static int64_t last = now; const int64_t frameTime = now - last; last = now; const double freq = double(bx::getHPFrequency() ); const double toMs = 1000.0/freq; float time = (float)( (now-timeOffset)/freq); // Use debug font to print information about this example. bgfx::dbgTextClear(); // Reference: // Weighted, Blended Order-Independent Transparency // http://jcgt.org/published/0002/02/09/ // http://casual-effects.blogspot.com/2014/03/weighted-blended-order-independent.html bgfx::dbgTextPrintf(0, 1, 0x4f, "bgfx/examples/19-oit"); bgfx::dbgTextPrintf(0, 2, 0x6f, "Description: Weighted, Blended Order Independent Transparency."); bgfx::dbgTextPrintf(0, 3, 0x0f, "Frame: % 7.3f[ms]", double(frameTime)*toMs); float at[3] = { 0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f }; float eye[3] = { 0.0f, 0.0f, -7.0f }; float view[16]; float proj[16]; // Set view and projection matrix for view 0. bx::mtxLookAt(view, eye, at); bx::mtxProj(proj, 60.0f, float(width)/float(height), 0.1f, 100.0f); bgfx::setViewTransform(0, view, proj); bgfx::setViewClearMask(0x3 , BGFX_CLEAR_COLOR_BIT|BGFX_CLEAR_DEPTH_BIT , 0x00000000 , 1.0f , 0 ); bgfx::FrameBufferHandle invalid = BGFX_INVALID_HANDLE; bgfx::setViewFrameBuffer(0, 0 == mode ? invalid : fbh); // Set view and projection matrix for view 1. bx::mtxIdentity(view); bx::mtxOrtho(proj, 0.0f, 1.0f, 1.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f, 100.0f); bgfx::setViewTransform(1, view, proj); for (uint32_t depth = 0; depth < 3; ++depth) { uint32_t zz = frontToBack ? 2-depth : depth; for (uint32_t yy = 0; yy < 3; ++yy) { for (uint32_t xx = 0; xx < 3; ++xx) { float color[4] = { xx*1.0f/3.0f, zz*1.0f/3.0f, yy*1.0f/3.0f, 0.5f }; if (fadeInOut && zz == 1) { color[3] = sinf(time*3.0f)*0.49f+0.5f; } bgfx::setUniform(u_color, color); BX_UNUSED(time); float mtx[16]; bx::mtxRotateXY(mtx, time*0.023f + xx*0.21f, time*0.03f + yy*0.37f); //mtxIdentity(mtx); mtx[12] = -2.5f + float(xx)*2.5f; mtx[13] = -2.5f + float(yy)*2.5f; mtx[14] = -2.5f + float(zz)*2.5f; //0.0f; // sinf(time + ( (xx+1)*(yy+1)/9.0f)*float(M_PI) )*50.0f+50.0f; //90.0f - (xx+1)*(yy+1)*10.0f; // Set transform for draw call. bgfx::setTransform(mtx); // Set vertex and index buffer. bgfx::setVertexBuffer(vbh); bgfx::setIndexBuffer(ibh); const uint64_t state = 0 | BGFX_STATE_CULL_CW | BGFX_STATE_RGB_WRITE | BGFX_STATE_ALPHA_WRITE | BGFX_STATE_DEPTH_TEST_LESS | BGFX_STATE_MSAA ; switch (mode) { case 0: // Set vertex and fragment shaders. bgfx::setProgram(blend); // Set render states. bgfx::setState(state | BGFX_STATE_BLEND_ALPHA ); break; case 1: // Set vertex and fragment shaders. bgfx::setProgram(wbSeparatePass); // Set render states. bgfx::setState(state | BGFX_STATE_BLEND_FUNC_SEPARATE(BGFX_STATE_BLEND_ONE, BGFX_STATE_BLEND_ONE, BGFX_STATE_BLEND_ZERO, BGFX_STATE_BLEND_INV_SRC_ALPHA) ); break; default: // Set vertex and fragment shaders. bgfx::setProgram(wbPass); // Set render states. bgfx::setState(state | BGFX_STATE_BLEND_FUNC(BGFX_STATE_BLEND_ONE, BGFX_STATE_BLEND_ONE) | BGFX_STATE_BLEND_INDEPENDENT , 0 | BGFX_STATE_BLEND_FUNC_RT_1(BGFX_STATE_BLEND_ZERO, BGFX_STATE_BLEND_SRC_COLOR) ); break; } // Submit primitive for rendering to view 0. bgfx::submit(0); } } } if (0 != mode) { bgfx::setTexture(0, u_texColor0, fbtextures[0]); bgfx::setTexture(1, u_texColor1, fbtextures[1]); bgfx::setProgram(1 == mode ? wbSeparateBlit : wbBlit); bgfx::setState(0 | BGFX_STATE_RGB_WRITE | BGFX_STATE_BLEND_FUNC(BGFX_STATE_BLEND_INV_SRC_ALPHA, BGFX_STATE_BLEND_SRC_ALPHA) ); screenSpaceQuad( (float)width, (float)height, s_flipV); bgfx::submit(1); } // Advance to next frame. Rendering thread will be kicked to // process submitted rendering primitives. bgfx::frame(); } // Cleanup. imguiDestroy(); bgfx::destroyFrameBuffer(fbh); bgfx::destroyIndexBuffer(ibh); bgfx::destroyVertexBuffer(vbh); bgfx::destroyProgram(blend); bgfx::destroyProgram(wbSeparatePass); bgfx::destroyProgram(wbSeparateBlit); bgfx::destroyProgram(wbPass); bgfx::destroyProgram(wbBlit); bgfx::destroyUniform(u_texColor0); bgfx::destroyUniform(u_texColor1); bgfx::destroyUniform(u_color); // Shutdown bgfx. bgfx::shutdown(); return 0; }
void Sample_Debug::handleDebugMode() { // Check which modes are valid. bool valid[MAX_DRAWMODE]; for (int i = 0; i < MAX_DRAWMODE; ++i) valid[i] = false; bool hasChf = false; bool hasSolid = false; bool hasCset = false; bool hasPmesh = false; bool hasDmesh = false; if (m_hf) hasSolid = true; if (m_chf) hasChf = true; if (m_cset) hasCset = true; if (m_pmesh) hasPmesh = true; if (m_dmesh) hasDmesh = true; if (m_geom) { valid[DRAWMODE_NAVMESH] = m_navMesh != 0; valid[DRAWMODE_NAVMESH_TRANS] = m_navMesh != 0; valid[DRAWMODE_NAVMESH_BVTREE] = m_navMesh != 0; valid[DRAWMODE_NAVMESH_INVIS] = m_navMesh != 0; valid[DRAWMODE_MESH] = true; valid[DRAWMODE_VOXELS] = hasSolid; valid[DRAWMODE_VOXELS_WALKABLE] = hasSolid; valid[DRAWMODE_COMPACT] = hasChf; valid[DRAWMODE_COMPACT_DISTANCE] = hasChf; valid[DRAWMODE_COMPACT_REGIONS] = hasChf; valid[DRAWMODE_REGION_CONNECTIONS] = hasCset; valid[DRAWMODE_RAW_CONTOURS] = hasCset; valid[DRAWMODE_BOTH_CONTOURS] = hasCset; valid[DRAWMODE_CONTOURS] = hasCset; valid[DRAWMODE_POLYMESH] = hasPmesh; valid[DRAWMODE_POLYMESH_DETAIL] = hasDmesh; } int unavail = 0; for (int i = 0; i < MAX_DRAWMODE; ++i) if (!valid[i]) unavail++; if (unavail == MAX_DRAWMODE) return; imguiLabel("Draw"); if (imguiCheck("Input Mesh", m_drawMode == DRAWMODE_MESH, valid[DRAWMODE_MESH])) m_drawMode = DRAWMODE_MESH; if (imguiCheck("Navmesh", m_drawMode == DRAWMODE_NAVMESH, valid[DRAWMODE_NAVMESH])) m_drawMode = DRAWMODE_NAVMESH; if (imguiCheck("Navmesh Invis", m_drawMode == DRAWMODE_NAVMESH_INVIS, valid[DRAWMODE_NAVMESH_INVIS])) m_drawMode = DRAWMODE_NAVMESH_INVIS; if (imguiCheck("Navmesh Trans", m_drawMode == DRAWMODE_NAVMESH_TRANS, valid[DRAWMODE_NAVMESH_TRANS])) m_drawMode = DRAWMODE_NAVMESH_TRANS; if (imguiCheck("Navmesh BVTree", m_drawMode == DRAWMODE_NAVMESH_BVTREE, valid[DRAWMODE_NAVMESH_BVTREE])) m_drawMode = DRAWMODE_NAVMESH_BVTREE; if (imguiCheck("Voxels", m_drawMode == DRAWMODE_VOXELS, valid[DRAWMODE_VOXELS])) m_drawMode = DRAWMODE_VOXELS; if (imguiCheck("Walkable Voxels", m_drawMode == DRAWMODE_VOXELS_WALKABLE, valid[DRAWMODE_VOXELS_WALKABLE])) m_drawMode = DRAWMODE_VOXELS_WALKABLE; if (imguiCheck("Compact", m_drawMode == DRAWMODE_COMPACT, valid[DRAWMODE_COMPACT])) m_drawMode = DRAWMODE_COMPACT; if (imguiCheck("Compact Distance", m_drawMode == DRAWMODE_COMPACT_DISTANCE, valid[DRAWMODE_COMPACT_DISTANCE])) m_drawMode = DRAWMODE_COMPACT_DISTANCE; if (imguiCheck("Compact Regions", m_drawMode == DRAWMODE_COMPACT_REGIONS, valid[DRAWMODE_COMPACT_REGIONS])) m_drawMode = DRAWMODE_COMPACT_REGIONS; if (imguiCheck("Region Connections", m_drawMode == DRAWMODE_REGION_CONNECTIONS, valid[DRAWMODE_REGION_CONNECTIONS])) m_drawMode = DRAWMODE_REGION_CONNECTIONS; if (imguiCheck("Raw Contours", m_drawMode == DRAWMODE_RAW_CONTOURS, valid[DRAWMODE_RAW_CONTOURS])) m_drawMode = DRAWMODE_RAW_CONTOURS; if (imguiCheck("Both Contours", m_drawMode == DRAWMODE_BOTH_CONTOURS, valid[DRAWMODE_BOTH_CONTOURS])) m_drawMode = DRAWMODE_BOTH_CONTOURS; if (imguiCheck("Contours", m_drawMode == DRAWMODE_CONTOURS, valid[DRAWMODE_CONTOURS])) m_drawMode = DRAWMODE_CONTOURS; if (imguiCheck("Poly Mesh", m_drawMode == DRAWMODE_POLYMESH, valid[DRAWMODE_POLYMESH])) m_drawMode = DRAWMODE_POLYMESH; if (imguiCheck("Poly Mesh Detail", m_drawMode == DRAWMODE_POLYMESH_DETAIL, valid[DRAWMODE_POLYMESH_DETAIL])) m_drawMode = DRAWMODE_POLYMESH_DETAIL; float tile = m_tile; imguiSlider("Tile", &tile, 0.f, float(m_pmeshCount - 1), 1.f, true); m_tile = int(tile); }
int main(int /*argc*/, char** /*argv*/) { // Init SDL if (SDL_Init(SDL_INIT_EVERYTHING) != 0) { printf("Could not initialise SDL\n"); return -1; } // Center window char env[] = "SDL_VIDEO_CENTERED=1"; putenv(env); // Init OpenGL SDL_GL_SetAttribute(SDL_GL_DOUBLEBUFFER, 1); SDL_GL_SetAttribute(SDL_GL_DEPTH_SIZE, 24); SDL_GL_SetAttribute(SDL_GL_RED_SIZE, 8); SDL_GL_SetAttribute(SDL_GL_GREEN_SIZE, 8); SDL_GL_SetAttribute(SDL_GL_BLUE_SIZE, 8); SDL_GL_SetAttribute(SDL_GL_ALPHA_SIZE, 8); //#ifndef WIN32 SDL_GL_SetAttribute(SDL_GL_MULTISAMPLEBUFFERS, 1); SDL_GL_SetAttribute(SDL_GL_MULTISAMPLESAMPLES, 4); //#endif const SDL_VideoInfo* vi = SDL_GetVideoInfo(); bool presentationMode = false; int width, height; SDL_Surface* screen = 0; if (presentationMode) { width = 1700; height = 1000; screen = SDL_SetVideoMode(width, height, 0, SDL_OPENGL|SDL_FULLSCREEN); } else { width = 1700; height = 1000; screen = SDL_SetVideoMode(width, height, 0, SDL_OPENGL); } if (!screen) { printf("Could not initialise SDL opengl\n"); return -1; } glEnable(GL_MULTISAMPLE); SDL_WM_SetCaption("Recast Demo", 0); if (!imguiRenderGLInit("DroidSans.ttf")) { printf("Could not init GUI renderer.\n"); SDL_Quit(); return -1; } float t = 0.0f; float timeAcc = 0.0f; Uint32 lastTime = SDL_GetTicks(); int mx = 0, my = 0; float rx = 45; float ry = -45; float moveW = 0, moveS = 0, moveA = 0, moveD = 0; float camx = 0, camy = 0, camz = 0, camr = 1000; float origrx = 0, origry = 0; int origx = 0, origy = 0; float scrollZoom = 0; bool rotate = false; bool movedDuringRotate = false; float rays[3], raye[3]; bool mouseOverMenu = false; bool showMenu = !presentationMode; bool showLog = false; bool showTools = true; bool showLevels = false; bool showSample = false; bool showTestCases = false; int propScroll = 0; int logScroll = 0; int toolsScroll = 0; char sampleName[64] = "Choose Sample..."; FileList files; char meshName[128] = "Choose Mesh..."; float mpos[3] = {0,0,0}; bool mposSet = false; SlideShow slideShow; slideShow.init("slides/"); InputGeom* geom = 0; Sample* sample = 0; TestCase* test = 0; BuildContext ctx; glEnable(GL_CULL_FACE); float fogCol[4] = { 0.32f, 0.31f, 0.30f, 1.0f }; glEnable(GL_FOG); glFogi(GL_FOG_MODE, GL_LINEAR); glFogf(GL_FOG_START, camr*0.1f); glFogf(GL_FOG_END, camr*1.25f); glFogfv(GL_FOG_COLOR, fogCol); glDepthFunc(GL_LEQUAL); bool done = false; while(!done) { // Handle input events. int mscroll = 0; bool processHitTest = false; bool processHitTestShift = false; SDL_Event event; while (SDL_PollEvent(&event)) { switch (event.type) { case SDL_KEYDOWN: // Handle any key presses here. if (event.key.keysym.sym == SDLK_ESCAPE) { done = true; } else if (event.key.keysym.sym == SDLK_t) { showLevels = false; showSample = false; showTestCases = true; scanDirectory("Tests", ".txt", files); } else if (event.key.keysym.sym == SDLK_TAB) { showMenu = !showMenu; } else if (event.key.keysym.sym == SDLK_SPACE) { if (sample) sample->handleToggle(); } else if (event.key.keysym.sym == SDLK_1) { if (sample) sample->handleStep(); } else if (event.key.keysym.sym == SDLK_9) { if (geom) geom->save("geomset.txt"); } else if (event.key.keysym.sym == SDLK_0) { delete geom; geom = new InputGeom; if (!geom || !geom->load(&ctx, "geomset.txt")) { delete geom; geom = 0; showLog = true; logScroll = 0; ctx.dumpLog("Geom load log %s:", meshName); } if (sample && geom) { sample->handleMeshChanged(geom); } if (geom || sample) { const float* bmin = 0; const float* bmax = 0; if (sample) { bmin = sample->getBoundsMin(); bmax = sample->getBoundsMax(); } else if (geom) { bmin = geom->getMeshBoundsMin(); bmax = geom->getMeshBoundsMax(); } // Reset camera and fog to match the mesh bounds. if (bmin && bmax) { camr = sqrtf(rcSqr(bmax[0]-bmin[0]) + rcSqr(bmax[1]-bmin[1]) + rcSqr(bmax[2]-bmin[2])) / 2; camx = (bmax[0] + bmin[0]) / 2 + camr; camy = (bmax[1] + bmin[1]) / 2 + camr; camz = (bmax[2] + bmin[2]) / 2 + camr; camr *= 3; } rx = 45; ry = -45; glFogf(GL_FOG_START, camr*0.2f); glFogf(GL_FOG_END, camr*1.25f); } } else if (event.key.keysym.sym == SDLK_RIGHT) { slideShow.nextSlide(); } else if (event.key.keysym.sym == SDLK_LEFT) { slideShow.prevSlide(); } break; case SDL_MOUSEBUTTONDOWN: if (event.button.button == SDL_BUTTON_RIGHT) { if (!mouseOverMenu) { // Rotate view rotate = true; movedDuringRotate = false; origx = mx; origy = my; origrx = rx; origry = ry; } } else if (event.button.button == SDL_BUTTON_WHEELUP) { if (mouseOverMenu) mscroll--; else scrollZoom -= 1.0f; } else if (event.button.button == SDL_BUTTON_WHEELDOWN) { if (mouseOverMenu) mscroll++; else scrollZoom += 1.0f; } break; case SDL_MOUSEBUTTONUP: // Handle mouse clicks here. if (event.button.button == SDL_BUTTON_RIGHT) { rotate = false; if (!mouseOverMenu) { if (!movedDuringRotate) { processHitTest = true; processHitTestShift = true; } } } else if (event.button.button == SDL_BUTTON_LEFT) { if (!mouseOverMenu) { processHitTest = true; processHitTestShift = (SDL_GetModState() & KMOD_SHIFT) ? true : false; } } break; case SDL_MOUSEMOTION: mx = event.motion.x; my = height-1 - event.motion.y; if (rotate) { int dx = mx - origx; int dy = my - origy; rx = origrx - dy*0.25f; ry = origry + dx*0.25f; if (dx*dx+dy*dy > 3*3) movedDuringRotate = true; } break; case SDL_QUIT: done = true; break; default: break; } } unsigned char mbut = 0; if (SDL_GetMouseState(0,0) & SDL_BUTTON_LMASK) mbut |= IMGUI_MBUT_LEFT; if (SDL_GetMouseState(0,0) & SDL_BUTTON_RMASK) mbut |= IMGUI_MBUT_RIGHT; Uint32 time = SDL_GetTicks(); float dt = (time - lastTime) / 1000.0f; lastTime = time; t += dt; // Hit test mesh. if (processHitTest && geom && sample) { float hitt; bool hit = geom->raycastMesh(rays, raye, hitt); if (hit) { if (SDL_GetModState() & KMOD_CTRL) { // Marker mposSet = true; mpos[0] = rays[0] + (raye[0] - rays[0])*hitt; mpos[1] = rays[1] + (raye[1] - rays[1])*hitt; mpos[2] = rays[2] + (raye[2] - rays[2])*hitt; } else { float pos[3]; pos[0] = rays[0] + (raye[0] - rays[0])*hitt; pos[1] = rays[1] + (raye[1] - rays[1])*hitt; pos[2] = rays[2] + (raye[2] - rays[2])*hitt; sample->handleClick(rays, pos, processHitTestShift); } } else { if (SDL_GetModState() & KMOD_CTRL) { // Marker mposSet = false; } } } // Update sample simulation. const float SIM_RATE = 20; const float DELTA_TIME = 1.0f/SIM_RATE; timeAcc = rcClamp(timeAcc+dt, -1.0f, 1.0f); int simIter = 0; while (timeAcc > DELTA_TIME) { timeAcc -= DELTA_TIME; if (simIter < 5) { if (sample) sample->handleUpdate(DELTA_TIME); } simIter++; } // Clamp the framerate so that we do not hog all the CPU. const float MIN_FRAME_TIME = 1.0f/40.0f; if (dt < MIN_FRAME_TIME) { int ms = (int)((MIN_FRAME_TIME - dt)*1000.0f); if (ms > 10) ms = 10; if (ms >= 0) SDL_Delay(ms); } // Update and render glViewport(0, 0, width, height); glClearColor(0.3f, 0.3f, 0.32f, 1.0f); glClear(GL_COLOR_BUFFER_BIT|GL_DEPTH_BUFFER_BIT); glEnable(GL_BLEND); glBlendFunc(GL_SRC_ALPHA, GL_ONE_MINUS_SRC_ALPHA); glDisable(GL_TEXTURE_2D); // Render 3d glEnable(GL_DEPTH_TEST); glMatrixMode(GL_PROJECTION); glLoadIdentity(); gluPerspective(50.0f, (float)width/(float)height, 1.0f, camr); glMatrixMode(GL_MODELVIEW); glLoadIdentity(); glRotatef(rx,1,0,0); glRotatef(ry,0,1,0); glTranslatef(-camx, -camy, -camz); // Get hit ray position and direction. GLdouble proj[16]; GLdouble model[16]; GLint view[4]; glGetDoublev(GL_PROJECTION_MATRIX, proj); glGetDoublev(GL_MODELVIEW_MATRIX, model); glGetIntegerv(GL_VIEWPORT, view); GLdouble x, y, z; gluUnProject(mx, my, 0.0f, model, proj, view, &x, &y, &z); rays[0] = (float)x; rays[1] = (float)y; rays[2] = (float)z; gluUnProject(mx, my, 1.0f, model, proj, view, &x, &y, &z); raye[0] = (float)x; raye[1] = (float)y; raye[2] = (float)z; // Handle keyboard movement. Uint8* keystate = SDL_GetKeyState(NULL); moveW = rcClamp(moveW + dt * 4 * (keystate[SDLK_w] ? 1 : -1), 0.0f, 1.0f); moveS = rcClamp(moveS + dt * 4 * (keystate[SDLK_s] ? 1 : -1), 0.0f, 1.0f); moveA = rcClamp(moveA + dt * 4 * (keystate[SDLK_a] ? 1 : -1), 0.0f, 1.0f); moveD = rcClamp(moveD + dt * 4 * (keystate[SDLK_d] ? 1 : -1), 0.0f, 1.0f); float keybSpeed = 22.0f; if (SDL_GetModState() & KMOD_SHIFT) keybSpeed *= 4.0f; float movex = (moveD - moveA) * keybSpeed * dt; float movey = (moveS - moveW) * keybSpeed * dt; movey += scrollZoom * 2.0f; scrollZoom = 0; camx += movex * (float)model[0]; camy += movex * (float)model[4]; camz += movex * (float)model[8]; camx += movey * (float)model[2]; camy += movey * (float)model[6]; camz += movey * (float)model[10]; glEnable(GL_FOG); if (sample) sample->handleRender(); if (test) test->handleRender(); glDisable(GL_FOG); // Render GUI glDisable(GL_DEPTH_TEST); glMatrixMode(GL_PROJECTION); glLoadIdentity(); gluOrtho2D(0, width, 0, height); glMatrixMode(GL_MODELVIEW); glLoadIdentity(); mouseOverMenu = false; imguiBeginFrame(mx,my,mbut,mscroll); if (sample) { sample->handleRenderOverlay((double*)proj, (double*)model, (int*)view); } if (test) { if (test->handleRenderOverlay((double*)proj, (double*)model, (int*)view)) mouseOverMenu = true; } // Help text. if (showMenu) { const char msg[] = "W/S/A/D: Move RMB: Rotate"; imguiDrawText(280, height-20, IMGUI_ALIGN_LEFT, msg, imguiRGBA(255,255,255,128)); } if (showMenu) { if (imguiBeginScrollArea("Properties", width-250-10, 10, 250, height-20, &propScroll)) mouseOverMenu = true; if (imguiCheck("Show Log", showLog)) showLog = !showLog; if (imguiCheck("Show Tools", showTools)) showTools = !showTools; imguiSeparator(); imguiLabel("Sample"); if (imguiButton(sampleName)) { if (showSample) { showSample = false; } else { showSample = true; showLevels = false; showTestCases = false; } } imguiSeparator(); imguiLabel("Input Mesh"); if (imguiButton(meshName)) { if (showLevels) { showLevels = false; } else { showSample = false; showTestCases = false; showLevels = true; scanDirectory("Meshes", ".obj", files); } } if (geom) { char text[64]; snprintf(text, 64, "Verts: %.1fk Tris: %.1fk", geom->getMesh()->getVertCount()/1000.0f, geom->getMesh()->getTriCount()/1000.0f); imguiValue(text); } imguiSeparator(); if (geom && sample) { imguiSeparatorLine(); sample->handleSettings(); if (imguiButton("Build")) { ctx.resetLog(); if (!sample->handleBuild()) { showLog = true; logScroll = 0; } ctx.dumpLog("Build log %s:", meshName); // Clear test. delete test; test = 0; } imguiSeparator(); } if (sample) { imguiSeparatorLine(); sample->handleDebugMode(); } imguiEndScrollArea(); } // Sample selection dialog. if (showSample) { static int levelScroll = 0; if (imguiBeginScrollArea("Choose Sample", width-10-250-10-200, height-10-250, 200, 250, &levelScroll)) mouseOverMenu = true; Sample* newSample = 0; for (int i = 0; i < g_nsamples; ++i) { if (imguiItem(g_samples[i].name)) { newSample = g_samples[i].create(); if (newSample) strcpy(sampleName, g_samples[i].name); } } if (newSample) { delete sample; sample = newSample; sample->setContext(&ctx); if (geom && sample) { sample->handleMeshChanged(geom); } showSample = false; } if (geom || sample) { const float* bmin = 0; const float* bmax = 0; if (sample) { bmin = sample->getBoundsMin(); bmax = sample->getBoundsMax(); } else if (geom) { bmin = geom->getMeshBoundsMin(); bmax = geom->getMeshBoundsMax(); } // Reset camera and fog to match the mesh bounds. if (bmin && bmax) { camr = sqrtf(rcSqr(bmax[0]-bmin[0]) + rcSqr(bmax[1]-bmin[1]) + rcSqr(bmax[2]-bmin[2])) / 2; camx = (bmax[0] + bmin[0]) / 2 + camr; camy = (bmax[1] + bmin[1]) / 2 + camr; camz = (bmax[2] + bmin[2]) / 2 + camr; camr *= 3; } rx = 45; ry = -45; glFogf(GL_FOG_START, camr*0.1f); glFogf(GL_FOG_END, camr*1.25f); } imguiEndScrollArea(); } // Level selection dialog. if (showLevels) { static int levelScroll = 0; if (imguiBeginScrollArea("Choose Level", width-10-250-10-200, height-10-450, 200, 450, &levelScroll)) mouseOverMenu = true; int levelToLoad = -1; for (int i = 0; i < files.size; ++i) { if (imguiItem(files.files[i])) levelToLoad = i; } if (levelToLoad != -1) { strncpy(meshName, files.files[levelToLoad], sizeof(meshName)); meshName[sizeof(meshName)-1] = '\0'; showLevels = false; delete geom; geom = 0; char path[256]; strcpy(path, "Meshes/"); strcat(path, meshName); geom = new InputGeom; if (!geom || !geom->loadMesh(&ctx, path)) { delete geom; geom = 0; showLog = true; logScroll = 0; ctx.dumpLog("Geom load log %s:", meshName); } if (sample && geom) { sample->handleMeshChanged(geom); } if (geom || sample) { const float* bmin = 0; const float* bmax = 0; if (sample) { bmin = sample->getBoundsMin(); bmax = sample->getBoundsMax(); } else if (geom) { bmin = geom->getMeshBoundsMin(); bmax = geom->getMeshBoundsMax(); } // Reset camera and fog to match the mesh bounds. if (bmin && bmax) { camr = sqrtf(rcSqr(bmax[0]-bmin[0]) + rcSqr(bmax[1]-bmin[1]) + rcSqr(bmax[2]-bmin[2])) / 2; camx = (bmax[0] + bmin[0]) / 2 + camr; camy = (bmax[1] + bmin[1]) / 2 + camr; camz = (bmax[2] + bmin[2]) / 2 + camr; camr *= 3; } rx = 45; ry = -45; glFogf(GL_FOG_START, camr*0.1f); glFogf(GL_FOG_END, camr*1.25f); } } imguiEndScrollArea(); } // Test cases if (showTestCases) { static int testScroll = 0; if (imguiBeginScrollArea("Choose Test To Run", width-10-250-10-200, height-10-450, 200, 450, &testScroll)) mouseOverMenu = true; int testToLoad = -1; for (int i = 0; i < files.size; ++i) { if (imguiItem(files.files[i])) testToLoad = i; } if (testToLoad != -1) { char path[256]; strcpy(path, "Tests/"); strcat(path, files.files[testToLoad]); test = new TestCase; if (test) { // Load the test. if (!test->load(path)) { delete test; test = 0; } // Create sample Sample* newSample = 0; for (int i = 0; i < g_nsamples; ++i) { if (strcmp(g_samples[i].name, test->getSampleName()) == 0) { newSample = g_samples[i].create(); if (newSample) strcpy(sampleName, g_samples[i].name); } } if (newSample) { delete sample; sample = newSample; sample->setContext(&ctx); showSample = false; } // Load geom. strcpy(meshName, test->getGeomFileName()); meshName[sizeof(meshName)-1] = '\0'; delete geom; geom = 0; strcpy(path, "Meshes/"); strcat(path, meshName); geom = new InputGeom; if (!geom || !geom->loadMesh(&ctx, path)) { delete geom; geom = 0; showLog = true; logScroll = 0; ctx.dumpLog("Geom load log %s:", meshName); } if (sample && geom) { sample->handleMeshChanged(geom); } // This will ensure that tile & poly bits are updated in tiled sample. if (sample) sample->handleSettings(); ctx.resetLog(); if (sample && !sample->handleBuild()) { ctx.dumpLog("Build log %s:", meshName); } if (geom || sample) { const float* bmin = 0; const float* bmax = 0; if (sample) { bmin = sample->getBoundsMin(); bmax = sample->getBoundsMax(); } else if (geom) { bmin = geom->getMeshBoundsMin(); bmax = geom->getMeshBoundsMax(); } // Reset camera and fog to match the mesh bounds. if (bmin && bmax) { camr = sqrtf(rcSqr(bmax[0]-bmin[0]) + rcSqr(bmax[1]-bmin[1]) + rcSqr(bmax[2]-bmin[2])) / 2; camx = (bmax[0] + bmin[0]) / 2 + camr; camy = (bmax[1] + bmin[1]) / 2 + camr; camz = (bmax[2] + bmin[2]) / 2 + camr; camr *= 3; } rx = 45; ry = -45; glFogf(GL_FOG_START, camr*0.2f); glFogf(GL_FOG_END, camr*1.25f); } // Do the tests. if (sample) test->doTests(sample->getNavMesh(), sample->getNavMeshQuery()); } } imguiEndScrollArea(); } // Log if (showLog && showMenu) { if (imguiBeginScrollArea("Log", 250+20, 10, width - 300 - 250, 200, &logScroll)) mouseOverMenu = true; for (int i = 0; i < ctx.getLogCount(); ++i) imguiLabel(ctx.getLogText(i)); imguiEndScrollArea(); } // Tools if (!showTestCases && showTools && showMenu) // && geom && sample) { if (imguiBeginScrollArea("Tools", 10, 10, 250, height-20, &toolsScroll)) mouseOverMenu = true; if (sample) sample->handleTools(); imguiEndScrollArea(); } slideShow.updateAndDraw(dt, (float)width, (float)height); // Marker if (mposSet && gluProject((GLdouble)mpos[0], (GLdouble)mpos[1], (GLdouble)mpos[2], model, proj, view, &x, &y, &z)) { // Draw marker circle glLineWidth(5.0f); glColor4ub(240,220,0,196); glBegin(GL_LINE_LOOP); const float r = 25.0f; for (int i = 0; i < 20; ++i) { const float a = (float)i / 20.0f * RC_PI*2; const float fx = (float)x + cosf(a)*r; const float fy = (float)y + sinf(a)*r; glVertex2f(fx,fy); } glEnd(); glLineWidth(1.0f); } imguiEndFrame(); imguiRenderGLDraw(); glEnable(GL_DEPTH_TEST); SDL_GL_SwapBuffers(); } imguiRenderGLDestroy(); SDL_Quit(); delete sample; delete geom; return 0; }
void CrowdTool::handleMenu() { if (imguiCheck("Create Agents", m_mode == TOOLMODE_CREATE)) m_mode = TOOLMODE_CREATE; if (imguiCheck("Move Target", m_mode == TOOLMODE_MOVE_TARGET)) m_mode = TOOLMODE_MOVE_TARGET; imguiSeparator(); if (m_mode == TOOLMODE_CREATE) { imguiValue("Click to add agents."); imguiValue("Shift+Click to remove."); } else if (m_mode == TOOLMODE_MOVE_TARGET) { imguiValue("Click to set move target."); imguiValue("Shift+Click to adjust target."); imguiValue("Adjusting uses special pathfinder"); imguiValue("which is really fast to change the"); imguiValue("target in small increments."); } imguiSeparator(); imguiSeparator(); if (imguiCollapse("Options", 0, m_expandOptions)) m_expandOptions = !m_expandOptions; if (m_expandOptions) { imguiIndent(); if (imguiCheck("Optimize Visibility", m_optimizeVis)) m_optimizeVis = !m_optimizeVis; if (imguiCheck("Optimize Topology", m_optimizeTopo)) m_optimizeTopo = !m_optimizeTopo; if (imguiCheck("Anticipate Turns", m_anticipateTurns)) m_anticipateTurns = !m_anticipateTurns; if (imguiCheck("Use VO", m_useVO)) m_useVO = !m_useVO; if (imguiCheck("Drunk Move", m_drunkMove)) m_drunkMove = !m_drunkMove; imguiUnindent(); } if (imguiCollapse("Debug Draw", 0, m_expandDebugDraw)) m_expandDebugDraw = !m_expandDebugDraw; if (m_expandDebugDraw) { imguiIndent(); if (imguiCheck("Show Labels", m_showLabels)) m_showLabels = !m_showLabels; if (imguiCheck("Show Corners", m_showCorners)) m_showCorners = !m_showCorners; if (imguiCheck("Show Targets", m_showTargets)) m_showTargets = !m_showTargets; if (imguiCheck("Show Collision Segs", m_showCollisionSegments)) m_showCollisionSegments = !m_showCollisionSegments; if (imguiCheck("Show Path", m_showPath)) m_showPath = !m_showPath; if (imguiCheck("Show VO", m_showVO)) m_showVO = !m_showVO; if (imguiCheck("Show Path Optimization", m_showOpt)) m_showOpt = !m_showOpt; if (imguiCheck("Show Prox Grid", m_showGrid)) m_showGrid = !m_showGrid; if (imguiCheck("Show Nodes", m_showNodes)) m_showNodes = !m_showNodes; if (imguiCheck("Show Perf Graph", m_showPerfGraph)) m_showPerfGraph = !m_showPerfGraph; imguiUnindent(); } }
int _main_(int _argc, char** _argv) { Args args(_argc, _argv); uint32_t width = 1280; uint32_t height = 720; uint32_t debug = BGFX_DEBUG_TEXT; uint32_t reset = 0 | BGFX_RESET_VSYNC | BGFX_RESET_MSAA_X16 ; bgfx::init(args.m_type, args.m_pciId); bgfx::reset(width, height, reset); // Enable debug text. bgfx::setDebug(debug); // Set views clear state. bgfx::setViewClear(0 , BGFX_CLEAR_COLOR|BGFX_CLEAR_DEPTH , 0x303030ff , 1.0f , 0 ); // Imgui. imguiCreate(); // Uniforms. Uniforms uniforms; uniforms.init(); // Vertex declarations. PosColorTexCoord0Vertex::init(); LightProbe lightProbes[LightProbe::Count]; lightProbes[LightProbe::Bolonga].load("bolonga"); lightProbes[LightProbe::Kyoto ].load("kyoto"); LightProbe::Enum currentLightProbe = LightProbe::Bolonga; bgfx::UniformHandle u_mtx = bgfx::createUniform("u_mtx", bgfx::UniformType::Mat4); bgfx::UniformHandle u_params = bgfx::createUniform("u_params", bgfx::UniformType::Vec4); bgfx::UniformHandle u_flags = bgfx::createUniform("u_flags", bgfx::UniformType::Vec4); bgfx::UniformHandle u_camPos = bgfx::createUniform("u_camPos", bgfx::UniformType::Vec4); bgfx::UniformHandle s_texCube = bgfx::createUniform("s_texCube", bgfx::UniformType::Int1); bgfx::UniformHandle s_texCubeIrr = bgfx::createUniform("s_texCubeIrr", bgfx::UniformType::Int1); bgfx::ProgramHandle programMesh = loadProgram("vs_ibl_mesh", "fs_ibl_mesh"); bgfx::ProgramHandle programSky = loadProgram("vs_ibl_skybox", "fs_ibl_skybox"); Mesh* meshBunny; meshBunny = meshLoad("meshes/bunny.bin"); Mesh* meshOrb; meshOrb = meshLoad("meshes/orb.bin"); Camera camera; Mouse mouse; struct Settings { Settings() { m_envRotCurr = 0.0f; m_envRotDest = 0.0f; m_lightDir[0] = -0.8f; m_lightDir[1] = 0.2f; m_lightDir[2] = -0.5f; m_lightCol[0] = 1.0f; m_lightCol[1] = 1.0f; m_lightCol[2] = 1.0f; m_glossiness = 0.7f; m_exposure = 0.0f; m_bgType = 3.0f; m_radianceSlider = 2.0f; m_reflectivity = 0.85f; m_rgbDiff[0] = 1.0f; m_rgbDiff[1] = 1.0f; m_rgbDiff[2] = 1.0f; m_rgbSpec[0] = 1.0f; m_rgbSpec[1] = 1.0f; m_rgbSpec[2] = 1.0f; m_lod = 0.0f; m_doDiffuse = false; m_doSpecular = false; m_doDiffuseIbl = true; m_doSpecularIbl = true; m_showLightColorWheel = true; m_showDiffColorWheel = true; m_showSpecColorWheel = true; m_metalOrSpec = 0; m_meshSelection = 0; m_crossCubemapPreview = ImguiCubemap::Latlong; } float m_envRotCurr; float m_envRotDest; float m_lightDir[3]; float m_lightCol[3]; float m_glossiness; float m_exposure; float m_radianceSlider; float m_bgType; float m_reflectivity; float m_rgbDiff[3]; float m_rgbSpec[3]; float m_lod; bool m_doDiffuse; bool m_doSpecular; bool m_doDiffuseIbl; bool m_doSpecularIbl; bool m_showLightColorWheel; bool m_showDiffColorWheel; bool m_showSpecColorWheel; uint8_t m_metalOrSpec; uint8_t m_meshSelection; ImguiCubemap::Enum m_crossCubemapPreview; }; Settings settings; int32_t leftScrollArea = 0; entry::MouseState mouseState; while (!entry::processEvents(width, height, debug, reset, &mouseState) ) { imguiBeginFrame(mouseState.m_mx , mouseState.m_my , (mouseState.m_buttons[entry::MouseButton::Left ] ? IMGUI_MBUT_LEFT : 0) | (mouseState.m_buttons[entry::MouseButton::Right ] ? IMGUI_MBUT_RIGHT : 0) | (mouseState.m_buttons[entry::MouseButton::Middle] ? IMGUI_MBUT_MIDDLE : 0) , mouseState.m_mz , uint16_t(width) , uint16_t(height) ); static int32_t rightScrollArea = 0; imguiBeginScrollArea("", width - 256 - 10, 10, 256, 700, &rightScrollArea); imguiLabel("Environment light:"); imguiIndent(); imguiBool("IBL Diffuse", settings.m_doDiffuseIbl); imguiBool("IBL Specular", settings.m_doSpecularIbl); currentLightProbe = LightProbe::Enum(imguiTabs( uint8_t(currentLightProbe) , true , ImguiAlign::LeftIndented , 16 , 2 , 2 , "Bolonga" , "Kyoto" ) ); if (imguiCube(lightProbes[currentLightProbe].m_tex, settings.m_lod, settings.m_crossCubemapPreview, true) ) { settings.m_crossCubemapPreview = ImguiCubemap::Enum( (settings.m_crossCubemapPreview+1) % ImguiCubemap::Count); } imguiSlider("Texture LOD", settings.m_lod, 0.0f, 10.1f, 0.1f); imguiUnindent(); imguiSeparator(8); imguiLabel("Directional light:"); imguiIndent(); imguiBool("Diffuse", settings.m_doDiffuse); imguiBool("Specular", settings.m_doSpecular); const bool doDirectLighting = settings.m_doDiffuse || settings.m_doSpecular; imguiSlider("Light direction X", settings.m_lightDir[0], -1.0f, 1.0f, 0.1f, doDirectLighting); imguiSlider("Light direction Y", settings.m_lightDir[1], -1.0f, 1.0f, 0.1f, doDirectLighting); imguiSlider("Light direction Z", settings.m_lightDir[2], -1.0f, 1.0f, 0.1f, doDirectLighting); imguiColorWheel("Color:", settings.m_lightCol, settings.m_showLightColorWheel, 0.6f, doDirectLighting); imguiUnindent(); imguiSeparator(8); imguiLabel("Background:"); imguiIndent(); { int32_t selection; if (0.0f == settings.m_bgType) { selection = UINT8_C(0); } else if (7.0f == settings.m_bgType) { selection = UINT8_C(2); } else { selection = UINT8_C(1); } selection = imguiTabs( uint8_t(selection) , true , ImguiAlign::LeftIndented , 16 , 2 , 3 , "Skybox" , "Radiance" , "Irradiance" ); if (0 == selection) { settings.m_bgType = 0.0f; } else if (2 == selection) { settings.m_bgType = 7.0f; } else { settings.m_bgType = settings.m_radianceSlider; } const bool isRadiance = (selection == 1); imguiSlider("Mip level", settings.m_radianceSlider, 1.0f, 6.0f, 0.1f, isRadiance); } imguiUnindent(); imguiSeparator(8); imguiLabel("Post processing:"); imguiIndent(); imguiSlider("Exposure", settings.m_exposure, -4.0f, 4.0f, 0.1f); imguiUnindent(); imguiSeparator(); imguiEndScrollArea(); imguiBeginScrollArea("", 10, 70, 256, 636, &leftScrollArea); imguiLabel("Mesh:"); imguiIndent(); settings.m_meshSelection = uint8_t(imguiChoose(settings.m_meshSelection, "Bunny", "Orbs") ); imguiUnindent(); const bool isBunny = (0 == settings.m_meshSelection); if (!isBunny) { settings.m_metalOrSpec = 0; } imguiSeparator(4); imguiLabel("Workflow:"); imguiIndent(); if (imguiCheck("Metalness", 0 == settings.m_metalOrSpec, isBunny) ) { settings.m_metalOrSpec = 0; } if (imguiCheck("Specular", 1 == settings.m_metalOrSpec, isBunny) ) { settings.m_metalOrSpec = 1; } imguiUnindent(); imguiSeparator(4); imguiLabel("Material:"); imguiIndent(); imguiSlider("Glossiness", settings.m_glossiness, 0.0f, 1.0f, 0.01f, isBunny); imguiSlider(0 == settings.m_metalOrSpec ? "Metalness" : "Diffuse - Specular", settings.m_reflectivity, 0.0f, 1.0f, 0.01f, isBunny); imguiUnindent(); imguiColorWheel("Diffuse:", &settings.m_rgbDiff[0], settings.m_showDiffColorWheel, 0.7f); imguiSeparator(); imguiColorWheel("Specular:", &settings.m_rgbSpec[0], settings.m_showSpecColorWheel, 0.7f, (1 == settings.m_metalOrSpec) && isBunny); imguiEndScrollArea(); imguiEndFrame(); uniforms.m_glossiness = settings.m_glossiness; uniforms.m_reflectivity = settings.m_reflectivity; uniforms.m_exposure = settings.m_exposure; uniforms.m_bgType = settings.m_bgType; uniforms.m_metalOrSpec = float(settings.m_metalOrSpec); uniforms.m_doDiffuse = float(settings.m_doDiffuse); uniforms.m_doSpecular = float(settings.m_doSpecular); uniforms.m_doDiffuseIbl = float(settings.m_doDiffuseIbl); uniforms.m_doSpecularIbl = float(settings.m_doSpecularIbl); bx::memCopy(uniforms.m_rgbDiff, settings.m_rgbDiff, 3*sizeof(float) ); bx::memCopy(uniforms.m_rgbSpec, settings.m_rgbSpec, 3*sizeof(float) ); bx::memCopy(uniforms.m_lightDir, settings.m_lightDir, 3*sizeof(float) ); bx::memCopy(uniforms.m_lightCol, settings.m_lightCol, 3*sizeof(float) ); int64_t now = bx::getHPCounter(); static int64_t last = now; const int64_t frameTime = now - last; last = now; const double freq = double(bx::getHPFrequency() ); const double toMs = 1000.0/freq; const float deltaTimeSec = float(double(frameTime)/freq); // Use debug font to print information about this example. bgfx::dbgTextClear(); bgfx::dbgTextPrintf(0, 1, 0x4f, "bgfx/examples/18-ibl"); bgfx::dbgTextPrintf(0, 2, 0x6f, "Description: Image-based lighting."); bgfx::dbgTextPrintf(0, 3, 0x0f, "Frame: % 7.3f[ms]", double(frameTime)*toMs); // Camera. const bool mouseOverGui = imguiMouseOverArea(); mouse.update(float(mouseState.m_mx), float(mouseState.m_my), mouseState.m_mz, width, height); if (!mouseOverGui) { if (mouseState.m_buttons[entry::MouseButton::Left]) { camera.orbit(mouse.m_dx, mouse.m_dy); } else if (mouseState.m_buttons[entry::MouseButton::Right]) { camera.dolly(mouse.m_dx + mouse.m_dy); } else if (mouseState.m_buttons[entry::MouseButton::Middle]) { settings.m_envRotDest += mouse.m_dx*2.0f; } else if (0 != mouse.m_scroll) { camera.dolly(float(mouse.m_scroll)*0.05f); } } camera.update(deltaTimeSec); bx::memCopy(uniforms.m_cameraPos, camera.m_pos.curr, 3*sizeof(float) ); // View Transform 0. float view[16]; float proj[16]; bx::mtxIdentity(view); bx::mtxOrtho(proj, 0.0f, 1.0f, 1.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f, 100.0f); bgfx::setViewTransform(0, view, proj); // View Transform 1. camera.mtxLookAt(view); bx::mtxProj(proj, 45.0f, float(width)/float(height), 0.1f, 100.0f, bgfx::getCaps()->homogeneousDepth); bgfx::setViewTransform(1, view, proj); // View rect. bgfx::setViewRect(0, 0, 0, uint16_t(width), uint16_t(height) ); bgfx::setViewRect(1, 0, 0, uint16_t(width), uint16_t(height) ); // Env rotation. const float amount = bx::fmin(deltaTimeSec/0.12f, 1.0f); settings.m_envRotCurr = bx::flerp(settings.m_envRotCurr, settings.m_envRotDest, amount); // Env mtx. float mtxEnvView[16]; camera.envViewMtx(mtxEnvView); float mtxEnvRot[16]; bx::mtxRotateY(mtxEnvRot, settings.m_envRotCurr); bx::mtxMul(uniforms.m_mtx, mtxEnvView, mtxEnvRot); // Used for Skybox. // Submit view 0. bgfx::setTexture(0, s_texCube, lightProbes[currentLightProbe].m_tex); bgfx::setTexture(1, s_texCubeIrr, lightProbes[currentLightProbe].m_texIrr); bgfx::setState(BGFX_STATE_RGB_WRITE|BGFX_STATE_ALPHA_WRITE); screenSpaceQuad( (float)width, (float)height, true); uniforms.submit(); bgfx::submit(0, programSky); // Submit view 1. bx::memCopy(uniforms.m_mtx, mtxEnvRot, 16*sizeof(float)); // Used for IBL. if (0 == settings.m_meshSelection) { // Submit bunny. float mtx[16]; bx::mtxSRT(mtx, 1.0f, 1.0f, 1.0f, 0.0f, bx::pi, 0.0f, 0.0f, -0.80f, 0.0f); bgfx::setTexture(0, s_texCube, lightProbes[currentLightProbe].m_tex); bgfx::setTexture(1, s_texCubeIrr, lightProbes[currentLightProbe].m_texIrr); uniforms.submit(); meshSubmit(meshBunny, 1, programMesh, mtx); } else { // Submit orbs. for (float yy = 0, yend = 5.0f; yy < yend; yy+=1.0f) { for (float xx = 0, xend = 5.0f; xx < xend; xx+=1.0f) { const float scale = 1.2f; const float spacing = 2.2f; const float yAdj = -0.8f; float mtx[16]; bx::mtxSRT(mtx , scale/xend , scale/xend , scale/xend , 0.0f , 0.0f , 0.0f , 0.0f + (xx/xend)*spacing - (1.0f + (scale-1.0f)*0.5f - 1.0f/xend) , yAdj/yend + (yy/yend)*spacing - (1.0f + (scale-1.0f)*0.5f - 1.0f/yend) , 0.0f ); uniforms.m_glossiness = xx*(1.0f/xend); uniforms.m_reflectivity = (yend-yy)*(1.0f/yend); uniforms.m_metalOrSpec = 0.0f; uniforms.submit(); bgfx::setTexture(0, s_texCube, lightProbes[currentLightProbe].m_tex); bgfx::setTexture(1, s_texCubeIrr, lightProbes[currentLightProbe].m_texIrr); meshSubmit(meshOrb, 1, programMesh, mtx); } } } // Advance to next frame. Rendering thread will be kicked to // process submitted rendering primitives. bgfx::frame(); } meshUnload(meshBunny); meshUnload(meshOrb); // Cleanup. bgfx::destroyProgram(programMesh); bgfx::destroyProgram(programSky); bgfx::destroyUniform(u_camPos); bgfx::destroyUniform(u_flags); bgfx::destroyUniform(u_params); bgfx::destroyUniform(u_mtx); bgfx::destroyUniform(s_texCube); bgfx::destroyUniform(s_texCubeIrr); for (uint8_t ii = 0; ii < LightProbe::Count; ++ii) { lightProbes[ii].destroy(); } uniforms.destroy(); imguiDestroy(); // Shutdown bgfx. bgfx::shutdown(); return 0; }
void CrowdTool::handleMenu() { if (!m_state) return; CrowdToolParams* params = m_state->getToolParams(); if (imguiCheck("Create Agents", m_mode == TOOLMODE_CREATE)) m_mode = TOOLMODE_CREATE; if (imguiCheck("Move Target", m_mode == TOOLMODE_MOVE_TARGET)) m_mode = TOOLMODE_MOVE_TARGET; if (imguiCheck("Select Agent", m_mode == TOOLMODE_SELECT)) m_mode = TOOLMODE_SELECT; if (imguiCheck("Toggle Polys", m_mode == TOOLMODE_TOGGLE_POLYS)) m_mode = TOOLMODE_TOGGLE_POLYS; imguiSeparatorLine(); if (imguiCollapse("Options", 0, params->m_expandOptions)) params->m_expandOptions = !params->m_expandOptions; if (params->m_expandOptions) { imguiIndent(); if (imguiCheck("Optimize Visibility", params->m_optimizeVis)) { params->m_optimizeVis = !params->m_optimizeVis; m_state->updateAgentParams(); } if (imguiCheck("Optimize Topology", params->m_optimizeTopo)) { params->m_optimizeTopo = !params->m_optimizeTopo; m_state->updateAgentParams(); } if (imguiCheck("Anticipate Turns", params->m_anticipateTurns)) { params->m_anticipateTurns = !params->m_anticipateTurns; m_state->updateAgentParams(); } if (imguiCheck("Obstacle Avoidance", params->m_obstacleAvoidance)) { params->m_obstacleAvoidance = !params->m_obstacleAvoidance; m_state->updateAgentParams(); } if (imguiSlider("Avoidance Quality", ¶ms->m_obstacleAvoidanceType, 0.0f, 3.0f, 1.0f)) { m_state->updateAgentParams(); } if (imguiCheck("Separation", params->m_separation)) { params->m_separation = !params->m_separation; m_state->updateAgentParams(); } if (imguiSlider("Separation Weight", ¶ms->m_separationWeight, 0.0f, 20.0f, 0.01f)) { m_state->updateAgentParams(); } imguiUnindent(); } if (imguiCollapse("Selected Debug Draw", 0, params->m_expandSelectedDebugDraw)) params->m_expandSelectedDebugDraw = !params->m_expandSelectedDebugDraw; if (params->m_expandSelectedDebugDraw) { imguiIndent(); if (imguiCheck("Show Corners", params->m_showCorners)) params->m_showCorners = !params->m_showCorners; if (imguiCheck("Show Collision Segs", params->m_showCollisionSegments)) params->m_showCollisionSegments = !params->m_showCollisionSegments; if (imguiCheck("Show Path", params->m_showPath)) params->m_showPath = !params->m_showPath; if (imguiCheck("Show VO", params->m_showVO)) params->m_showVO = !params->m_showVO; if (imguiCheck("Show Path Optimization", params->m_showOpt)) params->m_showOpt = !params->m_showOpt; if (imguiCheck("Show Neighbours", params->m_showNeis)) params->m_showNeis = !params->m_showNeis; imguiUnindent(); } if (imguiCollapse("Debug Draw", 0, params->m_expandDebugDraw)) params->m_expandDebugDraw = !params->m_expandDebugDraw; if (params->m_expandDebugDraw) { imguiIndent(); if (imguiCheck("Show Labels", params->m_showLabels)) params->m_showLabels = !params->m_showLabels; if (imguiCheck("Show Prox Grid", params->m_showGrid)) params->m_showGrid = !params->m_showGrid; if (imguiCheck("Show Nodes", params->m_showNodes)) params->m_showNodes = !params->m_showNodes; if (imguiCheck("Show Perf Graph", params->m_showPerfGraph)) params->m_showPerfGraph = !params->m_showPerfGraph; if (imguiCheck("Show Detail All", params->m_showDetailAll)) params->m_showDetailAll = !params->m_showDetailAll; imguiUnindent(); } }
// This function's code is from the RecastDemo project's main.cpp file by Mikko Mononen void MyRecastDemo::guiRender() { GLdouble proj[16]; GLdouble model[16]; GLint view[4]; glGetDoublev(GL_PROJECTION_MATRIX, proj); glGetDoublev(GL_MODELVIEW_MATRIX, model); glGetIntegerv(GL_VIEWPORT, view); GLdouble x, y, z; gluUnProject(m_mouseX, m_mouseY, 0.0f, model, proj, view, &x, &y, &z); m_rays[0] = (float)x; m_rays[1] = (float)y; m_rays[2] = (float)z; gluUnProject(m_mouseX, m_mouseY, 1.0f, model, proj, view, &x, &y, &z); m_raye[0] = (float)x; m_raye[1] = (float)y; m_raye[2] = (float)z; glDisable(GL_DEPTH_TEST); glMatrixMode(GL_PROJECTION); glLoadIdentity(); gluOrtho2D(0, m_width, 0, m_height); glMatrixMode(GL_MODELVIEW); glLoadIdentity(); glColor4ub(255,255,255,255); glEnable(GL_BLEND); glBlendFunc(GL_SRC_ALPHA,GL_ONE_MINUS_SRC_ALPHA); m_mouseOverMenu = false; imguiBeginFrame( m_mouseX,m_mouseY,m_mouseBut,m_mouseScroll ); const char msg[] = "W/S/A/D: move (+ shift) | F1: toggle recast gui | F2: toggle node names | F12: invert mouse"; imguiDrawText(280, m_height-20, IMGUI_ALIGN_LEFT, msg, imguiRGBA(255,255,255,200)); if (m_showMenu) { if (m_sample) { m_sample->handleRenderOverlay((double*)proj, (double*)model, (int*)view); } if (imguiBeginScrollArea("Properties", m_width-250-10, 10, 250, m_height-20, &m_propScroll)) m_mouseOverMenu = true; if (imguiCheck("Show Log", m_showLog)) m_showLog = !m_showLog; if (imguiCheck("Show Tools", m_showTools)) m_showTools = !m_showTools; imguiSeparator(); imguiLabel("Sample"); if (imguiButton(m_sampleName)) { if (m_showSample) { m_showSample = false; } else { m_showSample = true; m_showConfig = false; } } imguiSeparator(); imguiLabel("Config File"); if (imguiButton(m_configName)) { if (m_showConfig) { m_showConfig = false; } else { m_showSample = false; m_showConfig = true; scanDirectory("Content", ".xml", m_files); } } if (m_geom) { char text[64]; snprintf(text, 64, "Verts: %.1fk Tris: %.1fk", m_geom->getMesh()->getVertCount()/1000.0f, m_geom->getMesh()->getTriCount()/1000.0f); imguiValue(text); } imguiSeparator(); if (m_geom && m_sample) { imguiSeparatorLine(); m_sample->handleSettings(); if (imguiButton("Build")) { m_ctx.resetLog(); if (!m_sample->handleBuild()) { m_showLog = true; m_logScroll = 0; } m_ctx.dumpLog("Build log %s:", m_configName); } imguiSeparator(); } if (m_sample) { imguiSeparatorLine(); m_sample->handleDebugMode(); } imguiEndScrollArea(); } // Sample selection dialog. if (m_showSample) { static int levelScroll = 0; if (imguiBeginScrollArea("Choose Sample", m_width-10-250-10-200, m_height-10-250, 200, 250, &levelScroll)) m_mouseOverMenu = true; Sample* newSample = 0; for (int i = 0; i < g_nsamples; ++i) { if (imguiItem(g_samples[i].name)) { newSample = g_samples[i].create(); if (newSample) strcpy(m_sampleName, g_samples[i].name); } } if (newSample) { delete m_geom; m_geom = 0; delete m_sample; m_sample = newSample; m_sample->setContext(&m_ctx); if (m_geom && m_sample) { m_sample->handleMeshChanged(m_geom); } else if(!m_geom) { m_geom = new InputGeom(); m_geom->loadMesh( &m_ctx, m_configXmlFile.c_str() ); } if( m_geom && m_sample ) { m_sample->handleMeshChanged(m_geom); m_sample->handleSettings(); } m_showSample = false; } imguiEndScrollArea(); } // Config selection dialog. if (m_showConfig) { static int levelScroll = 0; if (imguiBeginScrollArea("Choose Config File", m_width-10-250-10-200, m_height-10-450, 200, 450, &levelScroll)) m_mouseOverMenu = true; int levelToLoad = -1; for (int i = 0; i < m_files.size; ++i) { if (imguiItem(m_files.files[i])) levelToLoad = i; } if (levelToLoad != -1) { strncpy(m_configName, m_files.files[levelToLoad], sizeof(m_configName)); m_configName[sizeof(m_configName)-1] = '\0'; m_showConfig = false; delete m_geom; m_geom = 0; char path[256]; strcpy(path, "Content/"); strcat(path, m_configName); m_configXmlFile = path; m_geom = new InputGeom(); if( m_loadedSceneGraphRes ) { // Remove previously loaded scene . // Every scene.xml file loaded should group its children in a GroupNode. int nrFoundNodes = h3dFindNodes( H3DRootNode, "", H3DNodeTypes::Group); for( int i = 0; i<2; ++i ) { int node = h3dGetNodeFindResult(i); const char* name = h3dGetNodeParamStr( node, H3DNodeParams::NameStr); std::string camName(name); // Do not delete nodes directly under the root node (e.g. the demo's camera) if( camName.compare("RootNode") != 0) { h3dRemoveNode( h3dGetNodeFindResult(i) ); } } int a = h3dRemoveResource( m_loadedSceneGraphRes ); h3dReleaseUnusedResources(); } if( !loadSceneFileFromConfig( path) ) { m_showLog = true; m_logScroll = 0; m_ctx.log(RC_LOG_ERROR, "Error loading resources from specified scene file."); } if (!m_geom || !m_geom->loadMesh(&m_ctx, m_configXmlFile.c_str()) ) { delete m_geom; m_geom = 0; m_showLog = true; m_logScroll = 0; m_ctx.log(RC_LOG_ERROR, "Error loading nav mesh geometry from: \"%s\"", m_configName); m_ctx.dumpLog("Config: Geom load log %s:", m_configName); } if (m_sample && m_geom) { m_sample->handleMeshChanged(m_geom); } } imguiEndScrollArea(); } // Log if (m_showLog && m_showMenu) { if (imguiBeginScrollArea("Log", 250+20, 10, m_width - 300 - 250, 200, &m_logScroll)) m_mouseOverMenu = true; for (int i = 0; i < m_ctx.getLogCount(); ++i) imguiLabel(m_ctx.getLogText(i)); imguiEndScrollArea(); } // Tools if (!m_showTestCases && m_showTools && m_showMenu) // && m_geom && m_sample) { if (imguiBeginScrollArea("Tools", 10, 10, 250, m_height-20, &m_toolsScroll)) m_mouseOverMenu = true; if (m_sample) m_sample->handleTools(); imguiEndScrollArea(); } m_wasMouseOverMenu = m_mouseOverMenu; if(!m_wasMouseOverMenu) { // In case we move a GUI slider and leave the menu area m_mouseBut = 0; } m_mouseScroll = 0; imguiEndFrame(); imguiRenderGLDraw(); glDisable(GL_BLEND); glEnable(GL_DEPTH_TEST); }
void Sample::handleCommonSettings() { if (imguiCheck("TrinityCore Configs", m_trinityCoreValues)) { m_trinityCoreValues = !m_trinityCoreValues; if (m_trinityCoreValues) { m_cellSize = 0.2666666f; m_cellHeight = 0.2666666f; m_agentHeight = 6 * m_cellSize; m_agentRadius = 2 * m_cellSize; m_agentMaxClimb = 8 * m_cellSize; m_agentMaxSlope = 70.0f; m_regionMinSize = 60; m_regionMergeSize = 50; m_edgeMaxLen = 81.0f; m_edgeMaxError = 1.8f; m_vertsPerPoly = 6.0f; m_detailSampleDist = 64; m_detailSampleMaxError = 2.0f; m_partitionType = SAMPLE_PARTITION_WATERSHED; } else resetCommonSettings(); m_ctx->log(RC_LOG_WARNING, "Reload the mesh to update the Bounding Box"); } imguiLabel("Rasterization"); imguiSlider("Cell Size", &m_cellSize, 0.1f, 1.0f, 0.01f); imguiSlider("Cell Height", &m_cellHeight, 0.1f, 1.0f, 0.01f); if (m_geom) { const float* bmin = m_geom->getNavMeshBoundsMin(); const float* bmax = m_geom->getNavMeshBoundsMax(); int gw = 0, gh = 0; rcCalcGridSize(bmin, bmax, m_cellSize, &gw, &gh); char text[64]; snprintf(text, 64, "Voxels %d x %d", gw, gh); imguiValue(text); } imguiSeparator(); imguiLabel("Agent"); imguiSlider("Height", &m_agentHeight, 0.1f, 5.0f, 0.1f); imguiSlider("Radius", &m_agentRadius, 0.0f, 5.0f, 0.1f); imguiSlider("Max Climb", &m_agentMaxClimb, 0.1f, 5.0f, 0.1f); imguiSlider("Max Slope", &m_agentMaxSlope, 0.0f, 90.0f, 1.0f); imguiSeparator(); imguiLabel("Region"); imguiSlider("Min Region Size", &m_regionMinSize, 0.0f, 150.0f, 1.0f); imguiSlider("Merged Region Size", &m_regionMergeSize, 0.0f, 150.0f, 1.0f); imguiSeparator(); imguiLabel("Partitioning"); if (imguiCheck("Watershed", m_partitionType == SAMPLE_PARTITION_WATERSHED)) m_partitionType = SAMPLE_PARTITION_WATERSHED; if (imguiCheck("Monotone", m_partitionType == SAMPLE_PARTITION_MONOTONE)) m_partitionType = SAMPLE_PARTITION_MONOTONE; if (imguiCheck("Layers", m_partitionType == SAMPLE_PARTITION_LAYERS)) m_partitionType = SAMPLE_PARTITION_LAYERS; imguiSeparator(); imguiLabel("Polygonization"); imguiSlider("Max Edge Length", &m_edgeMaxLen, 0.0f, 50.0f, 1.0f); imguiSlider("Max Edge Error", &m_edgeMaxError, 0.1f, 3.0f, 0.1f); imguiSlider("Verts Per Poly", &m_vertsPerPoly, 3.0f, 12.0f, 1.0f); imguiSeparator(); imguiLabel("Detail Mesh"); imguiSlider("Sample Distance", &m_detailSampleDist, 0.0f, 16.0f, 1.0f); imguiSlider("Max Sample Error", &m_detailSampleMaxError, 0.0f, 16.0f, 1.0f); imguiSeparator(); }
void NavMeshTesterTool::handleMenu() { if (imguiCheck("Pathfind Follow", m_toolMode == TOOLMODE_PATHFIND_FOLLOW)) { m_toolMode = TOOLMODE_PATHFIND_FOLLOW; recalc(); } if (imguiCheck("Pathfind Straight", m_toolMode == TOOLMODE_PATHFIND_STRAIGHT)) { m_toolMode = TOOLMODE_PATHFIND_STRAIGHT; recalc(); } if (m_toolMode == TOOLMODE_PATHFIND_STRAIGHT) { imguiIndent(); imguiLabel("Vertices at crossings"); if (imguiCheck("None", m_straightPathOptions == 0)) { m_straightPathOptions = 0; recalc(); } if (imguiCheck("Area", m_straightPathOptions == DT_STRAIGHTPATH_AREA_CROSSINGS)) { m_straightPathOptions = DT_STRAIGHTPATH_AREA_CROSSINGS; recalc(); } if (imguiCheck("All", m_straightPathOptions == DT_STRAIGHTPATH_ALL_CROSSINGS)) { m_straightPathOptions = DT_STRAIGHTPATH_ALL_CROSSINGS; recalc(); } imguiUnindent(); } if (imguiCheck("Pathfind Sliced", m_toolMode == TOOLMODE_PATHFIND_SLICED)) { m_toolMode = TOOLMODE_PATHFIND_SLICED; recalc(); } imguiSeparator(); if (imguiCheck("Distance to Wall", m_toolMode == TOOLMODE_DISTANCE_TO_WALL)) { m_toolMode = TOOLMODE_DISTANCE_TO_WALL; recalc(); } imguiSeparator(); if (imguiCheck("Raycast", m_toolMode == TOOLMODE_RAYCAST)) { m_toolMode = TOOLMODE_RAYCAST; recalc(); } imguiSeparator(); if (imguiCheck("Find Polys in Circle", m_toolMode == TOOLMODE_FIND_POLYS_IN_CIRCLE)) { m_toolMode = TOOLMODE_FIND_POLYS_IN_CIRCLE; recalc(); } if (imguiCheck("Find Polys in Shape", m_toolMode == TOOLMODE_FIND_POLYS_IN_SHAPE)) { m_toolMode = TOOLMODE_FIND_POLYS_IN_SHAPE; recalc(); } imguiSeparator(); if (imguiCheck("Find Local Neighbourhood", m_toolMode == TOOLMODE_FIND_LOCAL_NEIGHBOURHOOD)) { m_toolMode = TOOLMODE_FIND_LOCAL_NEIGHBOURHOOD; recalc(); } imguiSeparator(); if (imguiButton("Set Random Start")) { dtStatus status = m_navQuery->findRandomPoint(&m_filter, frand, &m_startRef, m_spos); if (dtStatusSucceed(status)) { m_sposSet = true; recalc(); } } if (imguiButton("Set Random End", m_sposSet)) { if (m_sposSet) { dtStatus status = m_navQuery->findRandomPointAroundCircle(m_startRef, m_spos, m_randomRadius, &m_filter, frand, &m_endRef, m_epos); if (dtStatusSucceed(status)) { m_eposSet = true; recalc(); } } } imguiSeparator(); if (imguiButton("Make Random Points")) { m_randPointsInCircle = false; m_nrandPoints = 0; for (int i = 0; i < MAX_RAND_POINTS; i++) { float pt[3]; dtPolyRef ref; dtStatus status = m_navQuery->findRandomPoint(&m_filter, frand, &ref, pt); if (dtStatusSucceed(status)) { dtVcopy(&m_randPoints[m_nrandPoints*3], pt); m_nrandPoints++; } } } if (imguiButton("Make Random Points Around", m_sposSet)) { if (m_sposSet) { m_nrandPoints = 0; m_randPointsInCircle = true; for (int i = 0; i < MAX_RAND_POINTS; i++) { float pt[3]; dtPolyRef ref; dtStatus status = m_navQuery->findRandomPointAroundCircle(m_startRef, m_spos, m_randomRadius, &m_filter, frand, &ref, pt); if (dtStatusSucceed(status)) { dtVcopy(&m_randPoints[m_nrandPoints*3], pt); m_nrandPoints++; } } } } imguiSeparator(); imguiLabel("Include Flags"); imguiIndent(); if (imguiCheck("Walk", (m_filter.getIncludeFlags() & SAMPLE_POLYFLAGS_WALK) != 0)) { m_filter.setIncludeFlags(m_filter.getIncludeFlags() ^ SAMPLE_POLYFLAGS_WALK); recalc(); } if (imguiCheck("Swim", (m_filter.getIncludeFlags() & SAMPLE_POLYFLAGS_SWIM) != 0)) { m_filter.setIncludeFlags(m_filter.getIncludeFlags() ^ SAMPLE_POLYFLAGS_SWIM); recalc(); } if (imguiCheck("Door", (m_filter.getIncludeFlags() & SAMPLE_POLYFLAGS_DOOR) != 0)) { m_filter.setIncludeFlags(m_filter.getIncludeFlags() ^ SAMPLE_POLYFLAGS_DOOR); recalc(); } if (imguiCheck("Jump", (m_filter.getIncludeFlags() & SAMPLE_POLYFLAGS_JUMP) != 0)) { m_filter.setIncludeFlags(m_filter.getIncludeFlags() ^ SAMPLE_POLYFLAGS_JUMP); recalc(); } imguiUnindent(); imguiSeparator(); imguiLabel("Exclude Flags"); imguiIndent(); if (imguiCheck("Walk", (m_filter.getExcludeFlags() & SAMPLE_POLYFLAGS_WALK) != 0)) { m_filter.setExcludeFlags(m_filter.getExcludeFlags() ^ SAMPLE_POLYFLAGS_WALK); recalc(); } if (imguiCheck("Swim", (m_filter.getExcludeFlags() & SAMPLE_POLYFLAGS_SWIM) != 0)) { m_filter.setExcludeFlags(m_filter.getExcludeFlags() ^ SAMPLE_POLYFLAGS_SWIM); recalc(); } if (imguiCheck("Door", (m_filter.getExcludeFlags() & SAMPLE_POLYFLAGS_DOOR) != 0)) { m_filter.setExcludeFlags(m_filter.getExcludeFlags() ^ SAMPLE_POLYFLAGS_DOOR); recalc(); } if (imguiCheck("Jump", (m_filter.getExcludeFlags() & SAMPLE_POLYFLAGS_JUMP) != 0)) { m_filter.setExcludeFlags(m_filter.getExcludeFlags() ^ SAMPLE_POLYFLAGS_JUMP); recalc(); } imguiUnindent(); imguiSeparator(); }
static void renderFrame() { glClearColor(0 / 255.0f, 0x2b / 255.0f, 0x36 / 255.0f, 1.0f); glClearDepth(1.0f); glClear(GL_COLOR_BUFFER_BIT | GL_DEPTH_BUFFER_BIT); // ---- UI imguiBeginFrame(mouseX, height - 1 - mouseY, mouseButtons, 0); static const int paramSize = 120; static int paramScroll = 0; imguiBeginScrollArea("Params", 0, height - paramSize, width, paramSize, ¶mScroll); static float depth = 8.0f; imguiSlider("Depth", &depth, 0.0f, 12.0f, 1.0f); static float draw_ratio = 1.0f; imguiSlider("Draw ratio", &draw_ratio, 0.0f, 1.0f, 0.001f); static bool showWire = false; showWire ^= imguiCheck("Wireframe", showWire); static bool showPoints = false; showPoints ^= imguiCheck("Points", showPoints); static bool showPath = true; showPath ^= imguiCheck("Path", showPath); static bool showPathPoints = true; showPathPoints ^= imguiCheck("Path points", showPathPoints); imguiEndScrollArea(); imguiEndFrame(); glEnable(GL_BLEND); glBlendFunc(GL_SRC_ALPHA, GL_ONE_MINUS_SRC_ALPHA); glEnable(GL_LINE_SMOOTH); glLineWidth(1.2f); // prepare to render octahedron glMatrixMode(GL_PROJECTION); glLoadIdentity(); gluPerspective(60.0f, 1.333f, 0.01f, 10.0f); glMatrixMode(GL_MODELVIEW); glLoadIdentity(); gluLookAt(0.5f, 0.5f, 2.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f, 1.0f, 0.0f); glEnable(GL_DEPTH_TEST); glDepthFunc(GL_LEQUAL); // model rot unsigned int loop_len = 30 * 1000; float phase = 1.0f * (timeGetTime() % loop_len) / loop_len; glRotatef(phase * 360.0f, 0.0f, 1.0f, 0.0f); // gen mesh Mesh octa; genSubdOctahedron(octa, (int) depth); spherize(octa.verts); // draw mesh as wireframe glEnable(GL_CULL_FACE); if (showWire) { glColor4ub(0xfd, 0xf6, 0xe3, 255); glPolygonMode(GL_FRONT_AND_BACK, GL_LINE); octa.draw(); } // draw vertices if (showPoints) { glPolygonMode(GL_FRONT_AND_BACK, GL_POINT); glEnable(GL_POINT_SMOOTH); glHint(GL_POINT_SMOOTH_HINT, GL_NICEST); for (int pass=0; pass < 2; ++pass) { if (!pass) { glColor3ub(0x00, 0x2b, 0x36); glPointSize(4.0f); } else { glColor3ub(0xcb, 0x4b, 0x16); glPointSize(2.0f); } octa.draw(); } glColor4ub(255, 0, 0, 255); glPointSize(2.0f); octa.draw(); glDisable(GL_POINT_SMOOTH); } glPolygonMode(GL_FRONT_AND_BACK, GL_FILL); // draw path if (showPath || showPathPoints) { std::vector<Vec3f> verts; sphereTraverseOcta(verts, (int) depth); //triTraverse(verts, Vec3f(1.0f, -1.0f, 0.0f), Vec3f(-1.0f, 1.0f, 0.0f), Vec3f(-1.0f, -1.0f, 0.0f), (int) depth, false); //triTraverse(verts, Vec3f(-1.0f, 1.0f, 0.0f), Vec3f(1.0f, -1.0f, 0.0f), Vec3f( 1.0f, 1.0f, 0.0f), (int) depth, false); glEnable(GL_POINT_SMOOTH); glHint(GL_POINT_SMOOTH_HINT, GL_NICEST); static const float bgcol[4] = { 0.0f, 0x2b / 255.0f, 0x36 / 255.0f, 1.0f }; glEnableClientState(GL_VERTEX_ARRAY); glVertexPointer(3, GL_FLOAT, 0, &verts[0]); glEnable(GL_FOG); glFogi(GL_FOG_MODE, GL_EXP2); glFogfv(GL_FOG_COLOR, bgcol); glFogf(GL_FOG_DENSITY, 0.4f); if (showPath) { glLineWidth(1.8f); glColor3ub(255, 127, 0); glDrawArrays(GL_LINE_STRIP, 0, (GLsizei) (draw_ratio * verts.size())); } if (showPathPoints) { glPointSize(4.0f); glColor3ub(255, 0, 0); glDrawArrays(GL_POINTS, 0, (GLsizei) (draw_ratio * verts.size())); } glDisableClientState(GL_VERTEX_ARRAY); glDisable(GL_FOG); glDisable(GL_POINT_SMOOTH); } // back to GUI glDisable(GL_DEPTH_TEST); glMatrixMode(GL_MODELVIEW); glLoadIdentity(); glMatrixMode(GL_PROJECTION); glLoadIdentity(); glOrtho(0, width, 0, height, -1.0f, 1.0f); imguiRenderGLDraw(); glDisable(GL_BLEND); SwapBuffers(hDC); }
void Sample_TempObstacles::handleSettings() { Sample::handleCommonSettings(); if (imguiCheck("Keep Itermediate Results", m_keepInterResults)) m_keepInterResults = !m_keepInterResults; imguiLabel("Tiling"); imguiSlider("TileSize", &m_tileSize, 16.0f, 128.0f, 8.0f); int gridSize = 1; if (m_geom) { const float* bmin = m_geom->getNavMeshBoundsMin(); const float* bmax = m_geom->getNavMeshBoundsMax(); char text[64]; int gw = 0, gh = 0; rcCalcGridSize(bmin, bmax, m_cellSize, &gw, &gh); const int ts = (int)m_tileSize; const int tw = (gw + ts-1) / ts; const int th = (gh + ts-1) / ts; snprintf(text, 64, "Tiles %d x %d", tw, th); imguiValue(text); // Max tiles and max polys affect how the tile IDs are caculated. // There are 22 bits available for identifying a tile and a polygon. int tileBits = rcMin((int)dtIlog2(dtNextPow2(tw*th*EXPECTED_LAYERS_PER_TILE)), 14); if (tileBits > 14) tileBits = 14; int polyBits = 22 - tileBits; m_maxTiles = 1 << tileBits; m_maxPolysPerTile = 1 << polyBits; snprintf(text, 64, "Max Tiles %d", m_maxTiles); imguiValue(text); snprintf(text, 64, "Max Polys %d", m_maxPolysPerTile); imguiValue(text); gridSize = tw*th; } else { m_maxTiles = 0; m_maxPolysPerTile = 0; } imguiSeparator(); imguiLabel("Tile Cache"); char msg[64]; const float compressionRatio = (float)m_cacheCompressedSize / (float)(m_cacheRawSize+1); snprintf(msg, 64, "Layers %d", m_cacheLayerCount); imguiValue(msg); snprintf(msg, 64, "Layers (per tile) %.1f", (float)m_cacheLayerCount/(float)gridSize); imguiValue(msg); snprintf(msg, 64, "Memory %.1f kB / %.1f kB (%.1f%%)", m_cacheCompressedSize/1024.0f, m_cacheRawSize/1024.0f, compressionRatio*100.0f); imguiValue(msg); snprintf(msg, 64, "Navmesh Build Time %.1f ms", m_cacheBuildTimeMs); imguiValue(msg); snprintf(msg, 64, "Build Peak Mem Usage %.1f kB", m_cacheBuildMemUsage/1024.0f); imguiValue(msg); imguiSeparator(); imguiIndent(); imguiIndent(); if (imguiButton("Save")) { saveAll("all_tiles_tilecache.bin"); } if (imguiButton("Load")) { dtFreeNavMesh(m_navMesh); dtFreeTileCache(m_tileCache); loadAll("all_tiles_tilecache.bin"); m_navQuery->init(m_navMesh, 2048); } imguiUnindent(); imguiUnindent(); imguiSeparator(); }
void CMaNGOS_Map::handleSettings() { if (m_MapInfos->IsEmpty()) return; if (m_SelectedTile) { bool tileFound = false; imguiLabel("Tile commands"); std::string bText; if (m_MapInfos->GetTileRef(m_SelectedTile->tx, m_SelectedTile->ty)) { tileFound = true; bText = "Clear selected tile navmesh"; if (imguiButton(bText.c_str())) { setTool(NULL); m_MapInfos->ClearNavMeshOfTile(m_SelectedTile->tx, m_SelectedTile->ty); } } else { bText = "Load selected tile navmesh"; if (imguiButton(bText.c_str())) { if (m_MapInfos->LoadNavMeshOfTile(m_SelectedTile->tx, m_SelectedTile->ty)) setTool(new NavMeshTesterTool); } bText = "Build navmesh for selected tile"; if (imguiButton(bText.c_str())) { rcConfig cfg; cfg.cs = m_cellSize; cfg.ch = m_cellHeight; cfg.walkableSlopeAngle = m_agentMaxSlope; cfg.walkableHeight = (int)ceilf(m_agentHeight);// (int)ceilf(m_agentHeight / m_cfg.ch); cfg.walkableClimb = (int)floorf(m_agentMaxClimb);// (int)floorf(m_agentMaxClimb / m_cfg.ch); cfg.walkableRadius = (int)ceilf(m_agentRadius);// (int)ceilf(m_agentRadius / m_cfg.cs); cfg.maxEdgeLen = (int)m_edgeMaxLen;// (int)(m_edgeMaxLen / m_cellSize); cfg.maxSimplificationError = m_edgeMaxError; cfg.minRegionArea = (int)rcSqr(m_regionMinSize); // Note: area = size*size cfg.mergeRegionArea = (int)rcSqr(m_regionMergeSize); // Note: area = size*size cfg.maxVertsPerPoly = (int)m_vertsPerPoly; cfg.tileSize = (int)m_tileSize; cfg.borderSize = cfg.walkableRadius + 3; // Reserve enough padding. cfg.detailSampleDist = m_cellSize * m_detailSampleDist; cfg.detailSampleMaxError = m_cellHeight * m_detailSampleMaxError; m_MapInfos->BuildNavMeshOfTile(m_SelectedTile->tx, m_SelectedTile->ty, &cfg, m_partitionType); setTool(new NavMeshTesterTool); } } if (tileFound) return; char tmpStr[50]; imguiLabel("Rasterization"); snprintf(tmpStr, sizeof(tmpStr), "Cell Size = %4.3f", m_cellSize); imguiValue(tmpStr); snprintf(tmpStr, sizeof(tmpStr), "Cell Height = %4.3f", m_cellHeight); imguiValue(tmpStr); if (!m_MapInfos->GetGeomsMap()->empty()) { int gw = 0, gh = 0; rcCalcGridSize(m_MapInfos->BMin(), m_MapInfos->BMax(), m_cellSize, &gw, &gh); char text[64]; snprintf(text, 64, "Voxels %d x %d", gw, gh); imguiValue(text); } imguiSeparator(); imguiLabel("Agent"); imguiSlider("Height", &m_agentHeight, 0.1f, 5.0f, 0.1f); imguiSlider("Radius", &m_agentRadius, 0.0f, 5.0f, 0.1f); imguiSlider("Max Climb", &m_agentMaxClimb, 0.1f, 5.0f, 0.1f); imguiSlider("Max Slope", &m_agentMaxSlope, 0.0f, 90.0f, 1.0f); imguiSeparator(); imguiLabel("Region"); imguiSlider("Min Region Size", &m_regionMinSize, 0.0f, 150.0f, 1.0f); imguiSlider("Merged Region Size", &m_regionMergeSize, 0.0f, 150.0f, 1.0f); imguiSeparator(); imguiLabel("Partitioning"); if (imguiCheck("Watershed", m_partitionType == SAMPLE_PARTITION_WATERSHED)) m_partitionType = SAMPLE_PARTITION_WATERSHED; if (imguiCheck("Monotone", m_partitionType == SAMPLE_PARTITION_MONOTONE)) m_partitionType = SAMPLE_PARTITION_MONOTONE; if (imguiCheck("Layers", m_partitionType == SAMPLE_PARTITION_LAYERS)) m_partitionType = SAMPLE_PARTITION_LAYERS; imguiSeparator(); imguiLabel("Polygonization"); imguiSlider("Max Edge Length", &m_edgeMaxLen, 0.0f, 100.0f, 1.0f); imguiSlider("Max Edge Error", &m_edgeMaxError, 0.1f, 3.0f, 0.1f); imguiSlider("Verts Per Poly", &m_vertsPerPoly, 3.0f, 12.0f, 1.0f); imguiSeparator(); imguiLabel("Detail Mesh"); imguiSlider("Sample Distance", &m_detailSampleDist, 0.0f, 100.0f, 1.0f); imguiSlider("Max Sample Error", &m_detailSampleMaxError, 0.0f, 10.0f, 1.0f); imguiSeparator(); char text[64]; int gw = 0, gh = 0; rcCalcGridSize(m_MapInfos->BMin(), m_MapInfos->BMax(), m_cellSize, &gw, &gh); const int ts = (int)m_tileSize; const int tw = (gw + ts - 1) / ts; const int th = (gh + ts - 1) / ts; snprintf(text, 64, "Tiles %d x %d", tw, th); imguiValue(text); imguiSeparator(); } }
void CMaNGOS_Map::handleDebugMode() { // Check which modes are valid. bool valid[MAX_DRAWMODE]; for (int i = 0; i < MAX_DRAWMODE; ++i) valid[i] = false; if (!m_MapInfos->IsEmpty()) { valid[DRAWMODE_NAVMESH] = m_navMesh != 0; valid[DRAWMODE_NAVMESH_TRANS] = m_navMesh != 0; valid[DRAWMODE_NAVMESH_BVTREE] = m_navMesh != 0; valid[DRAWMODE_NAVMESH_NODES] = m_navQuery != 0; valid[DRAWMODE_NAVMESH_PORTALS] = m_navMesh != 0; valid[DRAWMODE_NAVMESH_INVIS] = m_navMesh != 0; valid[DRAWMODE_MESH] = true; } int unavail = 0; for (int i = 0; i < MAX_DRAWMODE; ++i) if (!valid[i]) unavail++; if (unavail == MAX_DRAWMODE) return; imguiLabel("Draw"); if (imguiCheck("Input Mesh", m_drawMode == DRAWMODE_MESH, valid[DRAWMODE_MESH])) m_drawMode = DRAWMODE_MESH; if (imguiCheck("Navmesh", m_drawMode == DRAWMODE_NAVMESH, valid[DRAWMODE_NAVMESH])) m_drawMode = DRAWMODE_NAVMESH; if (imguiCheck("Navmesh Invis", m_drawMode == DRAWMODE_NAVMESH_INVIS, valid[DRAWMODE_NAVMESH_INVIS])) m_drawMode = DRAWMODE_NAVMESH_INVIS; if (imguiCheck("Navmesh Trans", m_drawMode == DRAWMODE_NAVMESH_TRANS, valid[DRAWMODE_NAVMESH_TRANS])) m_drawMode = DRAWMODE_NAVMESH_TRANS; if (imguiCheck("Navmesh BVTree", m_drawMode == DRAWMODE_NAVMESH_BVTREE, valid[DRAWMODE_NAVMESH_BVTREE])) m_drawMode = DRAWMODE_NAVMESH_BVTREE; if (imguiCheck("Navmesh Nodes", m_drawMode == DRAWMODE_NAVMESH_NODES, valid[DRAWMODE_NAVMESH_NODES])) m_drawMode = DRAWMODE_NAVMESH_NODES; if (imguiCheck("Navmesh Portals", m_drawMode == DRAWMODE_NAVMESH_PORTALS, valid[DRAWMODE_NAVMESH_PORTALS])) m_drawMode = DRAWMODE_NAVMESH_PORTALS; /*if (imguiCheck("Voxels", m_drawMode == DRAWMODE_VOXELS, valid[DRAWMODE_VOXELS])) m_drawMode = DRAWMODE_VOXELS; if (imguiCheck("Walkable Voxels", m_drawMode == DRAWMODE_VOXELS_WALKABLE, valid[DRAWMODE_VOXELS_WALKABLE])) m_drawMode = DRAWMODE_VOXELS_WALKABLE; if (imguiCheck("Compact", m_drawMode == DRAWMODE_COMPACT, valid[DRAWMODE_COMPACT])) m_drawMode = DRAWMODE_COMPACT; if (imguiCheck("Compact Distance", m_drawMode == DRAWMODE_COMPACT_DISTANCE, valid[DRAWMODE_COMPACT_DISTANCE])) m_drawMode = DRAWMODE_COMPACT_DISTANCE; if (imguiCheck("Compact Regions", m_drawMode == DRAWMODE_COMPACT_REGIONS, valid[DRAWMODE_COMPACT_REGIONS])) m_drawMode = DRAWMODE_COMPACT_REGIONS; if (imguiCheck("Region Connections", m_drawMode == DRAWMODE_REGION_CONNECTIONS, valid[DRAWMODE_REGION_CONNECTIONS])) m_drawMode = DRAWMODE_REGION_CONNECTIONS; if (imguiCheck("Raw Contours", m_drawMode == DRAWMODE_RAW_CONTOURS, valid[DRAWMODE_RAW_CONTOURS])) m_drawMode = DRAWMODE_RAW_CONTOURS; if (imguiCheck("Both Contours", m_drawMode == DRAWMODE_BOTH_CONTOURS, valid[DRAWMODE_BOTH_CONTOURS])) m_drawMode = DRAWMODE_BOTH_CONTOURS; if (imguiCheck("Contours", m_drawMode == DRAWMODE_CONTOURS, valid[DRAWMODE_CONTOURS])) m_drawMode = DRAWMODE_CONTOURS; if (imguiCheck("Poly Mesh", m_drawMode == DRAWMODE_POLYMESH, valid[DRAWMODE_POLYMESH])) m_drawMode = DRAWMODE_POLYMESH; if (imguiCheck("Poly Mesh Detail", m_drawMode == DRAWMODE_POLYMESH_DETAIL, valid[DRAWMODE_POLYMESH_DETAIL])) m_drawMode = DRAWMODE_POLYMESH_DETAIL;*/ }
void Sample_TileMesh::handleSettings() { Sample::handleCommonSettings(); if (imguiCheck("Keep Itermediate Results", m_keepInterResults)) m_keepInterResults = !m_keepInterResults; if (imguiCheck("Build All Tiles", m_buildAll)) m_buildAll = !m_buildAll; imguiLabel("Tiling"); imguiSlider("TileSize", &m_tileSize, 16.0f, 1024.0f, 16.0f); if (m_geom) { char text[64]; int gw = 0, gh = 0; const float* bmin = m_geom->getNavMeshBoundsMin(); const float* bmax = m_geom->getNavMeshBoundsMax(); rcCalcGridSize(bmin, bmax, m_cellSize, &gw, &gh); const int ts = (int)m_tileSize; const int tw = (gw + ts-1) / ts; const int th = (gh + ts-1) / ts; snprintf(text, 64, "Tiles %d x %d", tw, th); imguiValue(text); // Max tiles and max polys affect how the tile IDs are caculated. // There are 22 bits available for identifying a tile and a polygon. int tileBits = rcMin((int)ilog2(nextPow2(tw*th)), 14); if (tileBits > 14) tileBits = 14; int polyBits = 22 - tileBits; m_maxTiles = 1 << tileBits; m_maxPolysPerTile = 1 << polyBits; snprintf(text, 64, "Max Tiles %d", m_maxTiles); imguiValue(text); snprintf(text, 64, "Max Polys %d", m_maxPolysPerTile); imguiValue(text); } else { m_maxTiles = 0; m_maxPolysPerTile = 0; } imguiSeparator(); imguiIndent(); imguiIndent(); if (imguiButton("Save")) { Sample::saveAll("all_tiles_navmesh.bin", m_navMesh); } if (imguiButton("Load")) { dtFreeNavMesh(m_navMesh); m_navMesh = Sample::loadAll("all_tiles_navmesh.bin"); m_navQuery->init(m_navMesh, 2048); } imguiUnindent(); imguiUnindent(); char msg[64]; snprintf(msg, 64, "Build Time: %.1fms", m_totalBuildTimeMs); imguiLabel(msg); imguiSeparator(); imguiSeparator(); }
void NavMeshTesterTool::handleMenu() { if (imguiCheck("Pathfind Follow", m_toolMode == TOOLMODE_PATHFIND_FOLLOW)) { m_toolMode = TOOLMODE_PATHFIND_FOLLOW; recalc(); } if (imguiCheck("Pathfind Straight", m_toolMode == TOOLMODE_PATHFIND_STRAIGHT)) { m_toolMode = TOOLMODE_PATHFIND_STRAIGHT; recalc(); } if (imguiCheck("Pathfind Sliced", m_toolMode == TOOLMODE_PATHFIND_SLICED)) { m_toolMode = TOOLMODE_PATHFIND_SLICED; recalc(); } imguiSeparator(); if (imguiCheck("Distance to Wall", m_toolMode == TOOLMODE_DISTANCE_TO_WALL)) { m_toolMode = TOOLMODE_DISTANCE_TO_WALL; recalc(); } imguiSeparator(); if (imguiCheck("Raycast", m_toolMode == TOOLMODE_RAYCAST)) { m_toolMode = TOOLMODE_RAYCAST; recalc(); } imguiSeparator(); if (imguiCheck("Find Polys in Circle", m_toolMode == TOOLMODE_FIND_POLYS_IN_CIRCLE)) { m_toolMode = TOOLMODE_FIND_POLYS_IN_CIRCLE; recalc(); } if (imguiCheck("Find Polys in Shape", m_toolMode == TOOLMODE_FIND_POLYS_IN_SHAPE)) { m_toolMode = TOOLMODE_FIND_POLYS_IN_SHAPE; recalc(); } imguiSeparator(); if (imguiCheck("Find Local Neighbourhood", m_toolMode == TOOLMODE_FIND_LOCAL_NEIGHBOURHOOD)) { m_toolMode = TOOLMODE_FIND_LOCAL_NEIGHBOURHOOD; recalc(); } imguiSeparator(); imguiLabel("Include Flags"); imguiIndent(); if (imguiCheck("Walk", (m_filter.getIncludeFlags() & SAMPLE_POLYFLAGS_WALK) != 0)) { m_filter.setIncludeFlags(m_filter.getIncludeFlags() ^ SAMPLE_POLYFLAGS_WALK); recalc(); } if (imguiCheck("Swim", (m_filter.getIncludeFlags() & SAMPLE_POLYFLAGS_SWIM) != 0)) { m_filter.setIncludeFlags(m_filter.getIncludeFlags() ^ SAMPLE_POLYFLAGS_SWIM); recalc(); } if (imguiCheck("Door", (m_filter.getIncludeFlags() & SAMPLE_POLYFLAGS_DOOR) != 0)) { m_filter.setIncludeFlags(m_filter.getIncludeFlags() ^ SAMPLE_POLYFLAGS_DOOR); recalc(); } if (imguiCheck("Jump", (m_filter.getIncludeFlags() & SAMPLE_POLYFLAGS_JUMP) != 0)) { m_filter.setIncludeFlags(m_filter.getIncludeFlags() ^ SAMPLE_POLYFLAGS_JUMP); recalc(); } imguiUnindent(); imguiSeparator(); imguiLabel("Exclude Flags"); imguiIndent(); if (imguiCheck("Walk", (m_filter.getExcludeFlags() & SAMPLE_POLYFLAGS_WALK) != 0)) { m_filter.setExcludeFlags(m_filter.getExcludeFlags() ^ SAMPLE_POLYFLAGS_WALK); recalc(); } if (imguiCheck("Swim", (m_filter.getExcludeFlags() & SAMPLE_POLYFLAGS_SWIM) != 0)) { m_filter.setExcludeFlags(m_filter.getExcludeFlags() ^ SAMPLE_POLYFLAGS_SWIM); recalc(); } if (imguiCheck("Door", (m_filter.getExcludeFlags() & SAMPLE_POLYFLAGS_DOOR) != 0)) { m_filter.setExcludeFlags(m_filter.getExcludeFlags() ^ SAMPLE_POLYFLAGS_DOOR); recalc(); } if (imguiCheck("Jump", (m_filter.getExcludeFlags() & SAMPLE_POLYFLAGS_JUMP) != 0)) { m_filter.setExcludeFlags(m_filter.getExcludeFlags() ^ SAMPLE_POLYFLAGS_JUMP); recalc(); } imguiUnindent(); imguiSeparator(); }
void Sample_TileMesh::handleDebugMode() { // Check which modes are valid. bool valid[MAX_DRAWMODE]; for (int i = 0; i < MAX_DRAWMODE; ++i) valid[i] = false; if (m_geom) { valid[DRAWMODE_NAVMESH] = m_navMesh != 0; valid[DRAWMODE_NAVMESH_TRANS] = m_navMesh != 0; valid[DRAWMODE_NAVMESH_BVTREE] = m_navMesh != 0; valid[DRAWMODE_NAVMESH_NODES] = m_navQuery != 0; valid[DRAWMODE_NAVMESH_PORTALS] = m_navMesh != 0; valid[DRAWMODE_NAVMESH_INVIS] = m_navMesh != 0; valid[DRAWMODE_MESH] = true; valid[DRAWMODE_VOXELS] = m_solid != 0; valid[DRAWMODE_VOXELS_WALKABLE] = m_solid != 0; valid[DRAWMODE_COMPACT] = m_chf != 0; valid[DRAWMODE_COMPACT_DISTANCE] = m_chf != 0; valid[DRAWMODE_COMPACT_REGIONS] = m_chf != 0; valid[DRAWMODE_REGION_CONNECTIONS] = m_cset != 0; valid[DRAWMODE_RAW_CONTOURS] = m_cset != 0; valid[DRAWMODE_BOTH_CONTOURS] = m_cset != 0; valid[DRAWMODE_CONTOURS] = m_cset != 0; valid[DRAWMODE_POLYMESH] = m_pmesh != 0; valid[DRAWMODE_POLYMESH_DETAIL] = m_dmesh != 0; } int unavail = 0; for (int i = 0; i < MAX_DRAWMODE; ++i) if (!valid[i]) unavail++; if (unavail == MAX_DRAWMODE) return; imguiLabel("Draw"); if (imguiCheck("Input Mesh", m_drawMode == DRAWMODE_MESH, valid[DRAWMODE_MESH])) m_drawMode = DRAWMODE_MESH; if (imguiCheck("Navmesh", m_drawMode == DRAWMODE_NAVMESH, valid[DRAWMODE_NAVMESH])) m_drawMode = DRAWMODE_NAVMESH; if (imguiCheck("Navmesh Invis", m_drawMode == DRAWMODE_NAVMESH_INVIS, valid[DRAWMODE_NAVMESH_INVIS])) m_drawMode = DRAWMODE_NAVMESH_INVIS; if (imguiCheck("Navmesh Trans", m_drawMode == DRAWMODE_NAVMESH_TRANS, valid[DRAWMODE_NAVMESH_TRANS])) m_drawMode = DRAWMODE_NAVMESH_TRANS; if (imguiCheck("Navmesh BVTree", m_drawMode == DRAWMODE_NAVMESH_BVTREE, valid[DRAWMODE_NAVMESH_BVTREE])) m_drawMode = DRAWMODE_NAVMESH_BVTREE; if (imguiCheck("Navmesh Nodes", m_drawMode == DRAWMODE_NAVMESH_NODES, valid[DRAWMODE_NAVMESH_NODES])) m_drawMode = DRAWMODE_NAVMESH_NODES; if (imguiCheck("Navmesh Portals", m_drawMode == DRAWMODE_NAVMESH_PORTALS, valid[DRAWMODE_NAVMESH_PORTALS])) m_drawMode = DRAWMODE_NAVMESH_PORTALS; if (imguiCheck("Voxels", m_drawMode == DRAWMODE_VOXELS, valid[DRAWMODE_VOXELS])) m_drawMode = DRAWMODE_VOXELS; if (imguiCheck("Walkable Voxels", m_drawMode == DRAWMODE_VOXELS_WALKABLE, valid[DRAWMODE_VOXELS_WALKABLE])) m_drawMode = DRAWMODE_VOXELS_WALKABLE; if (imguiCheck("Compact", m_drawMode == DRAWMODE_COMPACT, valid[DRAWMODE_COMPACT])) m_drawMode = DRAWMODE_COMPACT; if (imguiCheck("Compact Distance", m_drawMode == DRAWMODE_COMPACT_DISTANCE, valid[DRAWMODE_COMPACT_DISTANCE])) m_drawMode = DRAWMODE_COMPACT_DISTANCE; if (imguiCheck("Compact Regions", m_drawMode == DRAWMODE_COMPACT_REGIONS, valid[DRAWMODE_COMPACT_REGIONS])) m_drawMode = DRAWMODE_COMPACT_REGIONS; if (imguiCheck("Region Connections", m_drawMode == DRAWMODE_REGION_CONNECTIONS, valid[DRAWMODE_REGION_CONNECTIONS])) m_drawMode = DRAWMODE_REGION_CONNECTIONS; if (imguiCheck("Raw Contours", m_drawMode == DRAWMODE_RAW_CONTOURS, valid[DRAWMODE_RAW_CONTOURS])) m_drawMode = DRAWMODE_RAW_CONTOURS; if (imguiCheck("Both Contours", m_drawMode == DRAWMODE_BOTH_CONTOURS, valid[DRAWMODE_BOTH_CONTOURS])) m_drawMode = DRAWMODE_BOTH_CONTOURS; if (imguiCheck("Contours", m_drawMode == DRAWMODE_CONTOURS, valid[DRAWMODE_CONTOURS])) m_drawMode = DRAWMODE_CONTOURS; if (imguiCheck("Poly Mesh", m_drawMode == DRAWMODE_POLYMESH, valid[DRAWMODE_POLYMESH])) m_drawMode = DRAWMODE_POLYMESH; if (imguiCheck("Poly Mesh Detail", m_drawMode == DRAWMODE_POLYMESH_DETAIL, valid[DRAWMODE_POLYMESH_DETAIL])) m_drawMode = DRAWMODE_POLYMESH_DETAIL; if (unavail) { imguiValue("Tick 'Keep Itermediate Results'"); imguiValue("rebuild some tiles to see"); imguiValue("more debug mode options."); } }
BX_NO_INLINE bool mainloop() { if (!entry::processEvents(width, height, debug, reset, &mouseState) ) { int64_t now = bx::getHPCounter(); static int64_t last = now; const int64_t hpFreq = bx::getHPFrequency(); const int64_t frameTime = now - last; last = now; const double freq = double(hpFreq); const double toMs = 1000.0/freq; deltaTimeNs += frameTime*1000000/hpFreq; if (deltaTimeNs > 1000000) { deltaTimeAvgNs = deltaTimeNs / bx::int64_max(1, numFrames); if (autoAdjust) { if (deltaTimeAvgNs < highwm) { dim = bx::uint32_min(dim + 2, 40); } else if (deltaTimeAvgNs > lowwm) { dim = bx::uint32_max(dim - 1, 2); } } deltaTimeNs = 0; numFrames = 0; } else { ++numFrames; } float time = (float)( (now-timeOffset)/freq); imguiBeginFrame(mouseState.m_mx , mouseState.m_my , (mouseState.m_buttons[entry::MouseButton::Left ] ? IMGUI_MBUT_LEFT : 0) | (mouseState.m_buttons[entry::MouseButton::Right ] ? IMGUI_MBUT_RIGHT : 0) , 0 , width , height ); imguiBeginScrollArea("Settings", width - width / 4 - 10, 10, width / 4, height / 3, &scrollArea); imguiSeparatorLine(); transform = imguiChoose(transform , "Rotate" , "No fragments" ); imguiSeparatorLine(); if (imguiCheck("Auto adjust", autoAdjust) ) { autoAdjust ^= true; } imguiSlider("Dim", dim, 5, 40); imguiLabel("Draw calls: %d", dim*dim*dim); imguiLabel("Avg Delta Time (1 second) [ms]: %0.4f", deltaTimeAvgNs/1000.0f); imguiEndScrollArea(); imguiEndFrame(); float at[3] = { 0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f }; float eye[3] = { 0.0f, 0.0f, -35.0f }; float view[16]; float proj[16]; bx::mtxLookAt(view, eye, at); bx::mtxProj(proj, 60.0f, float(width)/float(height), 0.1f, 100.0f); // Set view and projection matrix for view 0. bgfx::setViewTransform(0, view, proj); // Set view 0 default viewport. bgfx::setViewRect(0, 0, 0, width, height); // This dummy draw call is here to make sure that view 0 is cleared // if no other draw calls are submitted to view 0. bgfx::submit(0); // Use debug font to print information about this example. bgfx::dbgTextClear(); bgfx::dbgTextPrintf(0, 1, 0x4f, "bgfx/examples/17-drawstress"); bgfx::dbgTextPrintf(0, 2, 0x6f, "Description: Draw stress, maximizing number of draw calls."); bgfx::dbgTextPrintf(0, 3, 0x0f, "Frame: %7.3f[ms]", double(frameTime)*toMs); float mtxS[16]; const float scale = 0 == transform ? 0.25f : 0.0f; bx::mtxScale(mtxS, scale, scale, scale); const float step = 0.6f; float pos[3]; pos[0] = -step*dim / 2.0f; pos[1] = -step*dim / 2.0f; pos[2] = -15.0; for (uint32_t zz = 0; zz < uint32_t(dim); ++zz) { for (uint32_t yy = 0; yy < uint32_t(dim); ++yy) { for (uint32_t xx = 0; xx < uint32_t(dim); ++xx) { float mtxR[16]; bx::mtxRotateXYZ(mtxR, time + xx*0.21f, time + yy*0.37f, time + yy*0.13f); float mtx[16]; bx::mtxMul(mtx, mtxS, mtxR); mtx[12] = pos[0] + float(xx)*step; mtx[13] = pos[1] + float(yy)*step; mtx[14] = pos[2] + float(zz)*step; // Set model matrix for rendering. bgfx::setTransform(mtx); // Set vertex and fragment shaders. bgfx::setProgram(program); // Set vertex and index buffer. bgfx::setVertexBuffer(vbh); bgfx::setIndexBuffer(ibh); // Set render states. bgfx::setState(BGFX_STATE_DEFAULT); // Submit primitive for rendering to view 0. bgfx::submit(0); } } } // Advance to next frame. Rendering thread will be kicked to // process submitted rendering primitives. bgfx::frame(); return false; } return true; }
void sInterface() { int menuWidth = 200; ui.mouseOverMenu = false; if (ui.showMenu) { bool over = imguiBeginScrollArea("Testbed Controls", g_camera.m_width - menuWidth - 10, 10, menuWidth, g_camera.m_height - 20, &ui.scrollarea1); if (over) ui.mouseOverMenu = true; imguiSeparatorLine(); imguiLabel("Script"); if (imguiButton(entry->name, true)) { ui.chooseTest = !ui.chooseTest; } imguiSeparatorLine(); imguiSlider("Vel Iters", &settings.velocityIterations, 0, 50, 1, true); imguiSlider("Pos Iters", &settings.positionIterations, 0, 50, 1, true); imguiSlider("Hertz", &settings.hz, 5.0f, 120.0f, 5.0f, true); if (imguiCheck("Sleep", settings.enableSleep, true)) settings.enableSleep = !settings.enableSleep; if (imguiCheck("Warm Starting", settings.enableWarmStarting, true)) settings.enableWarmStarting = !settings.enableWarmStarting; if (imguiCheck("Time of Impact", settings.enableContinuous, true)) settings.enableContinuous = !settings.enableContinuous; if (imguiCheck("Sub-Stepping", settings.enableSubStepping, true)) settings.enableSubStepping = !settings.enableSubStepping; imguiSeparatorLine(); if (imguiCheck("Shapes", settings.drawShapes, true)) settings.drawShapes = !settings.drawShapes; if (imguiCheck("Joints", settings.drawJoints, true)) settings.drawJoints = !settings.drawJoints; if (imguiCheck("AABBs", settings.drawAABBs, true)) settings.drawAABBs = !settings.drawAABBs; if (imguiCheck("Contact Points", settings.drawContactPoints, true)) settings.drawContactPoints = !settings.drawContactPoints; if (imguiCheck("Contact Normals", settings.drawContactNormals, true)) settings.drawContactNormals = !settings.drawContactNormals; if (imguiCheck("Contact Impulses", settings.drawContactImpulse, true)) settings.drawContactImpulse = !settings.drawContactImpulse; if (imguiCheck("Friction Impulses", settings.drawFrictionImpulse, true)) settings.drawFrictionImpulse = !settings.drawFrictionImpulse; if (imguiCheck("Center of Masses", settings.drawCOMs, true)) settings.drawCOMs = !settings.drawCOMs; if (imguiCheck("Statistics", settings.drawStats, true)) settings.drawStats = !settings.drawStats; if (imguiCheck("Profile", settings.drawProfile, true)) settings.drawProfile = !settings.drawProfile; if (imguiButton("Pause", true)) settings.pause = !settings.pause; if (imguiButton("Single Step", true)) settings.singleStep = !settings.singleStep; if (imguiButton("Restart", true)) sRestart(); if (imguiButton("Quit", true)) glfwSetWindowShouldClose(mainWindow, GL_TRUE); imguiEndScrollArea(); } int testMenuWidth = 200; if (ui.chooseTest) { static int testScroll = 0; bool over = imguiBeginScrollArea("Choose Script", g_camera.m_width - menuWidth - testMenuWidth - 20, 10, testMenuWidth, g_camera.m_height - 20, &testScroll); if (over) ui.mouseOverMenu = true; // for (int i = 0; i < testCount; ++i) size_t i = 0; for(auto const& s : b2d_scripts) { if (imguiItem(s.name.c_str(), true)) { script_index = i; delete test; //entry = g_testEntries + i; test = entry->createFcn(b2d_scripts[script_index].filepath); ui.chooseTest = false; } ++i; } imguiEndScrollArea(); } imguiEndFrame(); }
int _main_(int /*_argc*/, char** /*_argv*/) { uint32_t width = 1280; uint32_t height = 720; uint32_t debug = BGFX_DEBUG_TEXT; uint32_t reset = BGFX_RESET_VSYNC; bgfx::init(); bgfx::reset(width, height, reset); // Enable debug text. bgfx::setDebug(debug); // Set view 0 clear state. bgfx::setViewClear(0 , BGFX_CLEAR_COLOR|BGFX_CLEAR_DEPTH , 0x303030ff , 1.0f , 0 ); const bgfx::Caps* caps = bgfx::getCaps(); const bool computeSupported = !!(caps->supported & BGFX_CAPS_COMPUTE); const bool indirectSupported = !!(caps->supported & BGFX_CAPS_DRAW_INDIRECT); if (computeSupported) { // Imgui. imguiCreate(); bgfx::VertexDecl quadVertexDecl; quadVertexDecl.begin() .add(bgfx::Attrib::Position, 2, bgfx::AttribType::Float) .end(); // Create static vertex buffer. bgfx::VertexBufferHandle vbh = bgfx::createVertexBuffer( // Static data can be passed with bgfx::makeRef bgfx::makeRef(s_quadVertices, sizeof(s_quadVertices) ) , quadVertexDecl ); // Create static index buffer. bgfx::IndexBufferHandle ibh = bgfx::createIndexBuffer( // Static data can be passed with bgfx::makeRef bgfx::makeRef(s_quadIndices, sizeof(s_quadIndices) ) ); // Create particle program from shaders. bgfx::ProgramHandle particleProgram = loadProgram("vs_particle", "fs_particle"); // Setup compute buffers bgfx::VertexDecl computeVertexDecl; computeVertexDecl.begin() .add(bgfx::Attrib::TexCoord0, 4, bgfx::AttribType::Float) .end(); const uint32_t threadGroupUpdateSize = 512; const uint32_t maxParticleCount = 32 * 1024; bgfx::DynamicVertexBufferHandle currPositionBuffer0 = bgfx::createDynamicVertexBuffer(1 << 15, computeVertexDecl, BGFX_BUFFER_COMPUTE_READ_WRITE); bgfx::DynamicVertexBufferHandle currPositionBuffer1 = bgfx::createDynamicVertexBuffer(1 << 15, computeVertexDecl, BGFX_BUFFER_COMPUTE_READ_WRITE); bgfx::DynamicVertexBufferHandle prevPositionBuffer0 = bgfx::createDynamicVertexBuffer(1 << 15, computeVertexDecl, BGFX_BUFFER_COMPUTE_READ_WRITE); bgfx::DynamicVertexBufferHandle prevPositionBuffer1 = bgfx::createDynamicVertexBuffer(1 << 15, computeVertexDecl, BGFX_BUFFER_COMPUTE_READ_WRITE); bgfx::UniformHandle u_params = bgfx::createUniform("u_params", bgfx::UniformType::Vec4, 3); bgfx::ProgramHandle initInstancesProgram = bgfx::createProgram(loadShader("cs_init_instances"), true); bgfx::ProgramHandle updateInstancesProgram = bgfx::createProgram(loadShader("cs_update_instances"), true); bgfx::ProgramHandle indirectProgram = BGFX_INVALID_HANDLE; bgfx::IndirectBufferHandle indirectBuffer = BGFX_INVALID_HANDLE; if (indirectSupported) { indirectProgram = bgfx::createProgram(loadShader("cs_indirect"), true); indirectBuffer = bgfx::createIndirectBuffer(2); } u_paramsDataStruct u_paramsData; InitializeParams(0, &u_paramsData); bgfx::setUniform(u_params, &u_paramsData, 3); bgfx::setBuffer(0, prevPositionBuffer0, bgfx::Access::Write); bgfx::setBuffer(1, currPositionBuffer0, bgfx::Access::Write); bgfx::dispatch(0, initInstancesProgram, maxParticleCount / threadGroupUpdateSize, 1, 1); float view[16]; float initialPos[3] = { 0.0f, 0.0f, -45.0f }; cameraCreate(); cameraSetPosition(initialPos); cameraSetVerticalAngle(0.0f); cameraGetViewMtx(view); int32_t scrollArea = 0; bool useIndirect = false; entry::MouseState mouseState; while (!entry::processEvents(width, height, debug, reset, &mouseState) ) { int64_t now = bx::getHPCounter(); static int64_t last = now; const int64_t frameTime = now - last; last = now; const double freq = double(bx::getHPFrequency() ); const float deltaTime = float(frameTime/freq); if (deltaTime > 1000.0) { abort(); } // Set view 0 default viewport. bgfx::setViewRect(0, 0, 0, width, height); // Use debug font to print information about this example. bgfx::dbgTextClear(); bgfx::dbgTextPrintf(0, 1, 0x4f, "bgfx/examples/24-nbody"); bgfx::dbgTextPrintf(0, 2, 0x6f, "Description: N-body simulation with compute shaders using buffers."); imguiBeginFrame(mouseState.m_mx , mouseState.m_my , (mouseState.m_buttons[entry::MouseButton::Left ] ? IMGUI_MBUT_LEFT : 0) | (mouseState.m_buttons[entry::MouseButton::Right ] ? IMGUI_MBUT_RIGHT : 0) , mouseState.m_mz , width , height ); imguiBeginScrollArea("Settings", width - width / 4 - 10, 10, width / 4, 500, &scrollArea); imguiSlider("Random seed", u_paramsData.baseSeed, 0, 100); int32_t shape = imguiChoose(u_paramsData.initialShape, "Point", "Sphere", "Box", "Donut"); imguiSlider("Initial speed", u_paramsData.initialSpeed, 0.0f, 300.0f, 0.1f); bool defaults = imguiButton("Reset"); imguiSeparatorLine(); imguiSlider("Particle count (x512)", u_paramsData.dispatchSize, 1, 64); imguiSlider("Gravity", u_paramsData.gravity, 0.0f, 0.3f, 0.001f); imguiSlider("Damping", u_paramsData.damping, 0.0f, 1.0f, 0.01f); imguiSlider("Max acceleration", u_paramsData.maxAccel, 0.0f, 100.0f, 0.01f); imguiSlider("Time step", u_paramsData.timeStep, 0.0f, 0.02f, 0.0001f); imguiSeparatorLine(); imguiSlider("Particle intensity", u_paramsData.particleIntensity, 0.0f, 1.0f, 0.001f); imguiSlider("Particle size", u_paramsData.particleSize, 0.0f, 1.0f, 0.001f); imguiSlider("Particle power", u_paramsData.particlePower, 0.001f, 16.0f, 0.01f); imguiSeparatorLine(); if (imguiCheck("Use draw/dispatch indirect", useIndirect, indirectSupported) ) { useIndirect = !useIndirect; } imguiEndScrollArea(); imguiEndFrame(); // Modify parameters and reset if shape is changed if (shape != u_paramsData.initialShape) { defaults = true; InitializeParams(shape, &u_paramsData); } if (defaults) { bgfx::setBuffer(0, prevPositionBuffer0, bgfx::Access::Write); bgfx::setBuffer(1, currPositionBuffer0, bgfx::Access::Write); bgfx::setUniform(u_params, &u_paramsData, 3); bgfx::dispatch(0, initInstancesProgram, maxParticleCount / threadGroupUpdateSize, 1, 1); } if (useIndirect) { bgfx::setUniform(u_params, &u_paramsData, 3); bgfx::setBuffer(0, indirectBuffer, bgfx::Access::Write); bgfx::dispatch(0, indirectProgram); } bgfx::setBuffer(0, prevPositionBuffer0, bgfx::Access::Read); bgfx::setBuffer(1, currPositionBuffer0, bgfx::Access::Read); bgfx::setBuffer(2, prevPositionBuffer1, bgfx::Access::Write); bgfx::setBuffer(3, currPositionBuffer1, bgfx::Access::Write); bgfx::setUniform(u_params, &u_paramsData, 3); if (useIndirect) { bgfx::dispatch(0, updateInstancesProgram, indirectBuffer, 1); } else { bgfx::dispatch(0, updateInstancesProgram, u_paramsData.dispatchSize, 1, 1); } bx::xchg(currPositionBuffer0, currPositionBuffer1); bx::xchg(prevPositionBuffer0, prevPositionBuffer1); // Update camera. cameraUpdate(deltaTime, mouseState); cameraGetViewMtx(view); // Set view and projection matrix for view 0. const bgfx::HMD* hmd = bgfx::getHMD(); if (NULL != hmd && 0 != (hmd->flags & BGFX_HMD_RENDERING) ) { float viewHead[16]; float eye[3] = {}; bx::mtxQuatTranslationHMD(viewHead, hmd->eye[0].rotation, eye); float tmp[16]; bx::mtxMul(tmp, view, viewHead); float proj[16]; bx::mtxProj(proj, hmd->eye[0].fov, 0.1f, 10000.0f); bgfx::setViewTransform(0, tmp, proj); // Set view 0 default viewport. // // Use HMD's width/height since HMD's internal frame buffer size // might be much larger than window size. bgfx::setViewRect(0, 0, 0, hmd->width, hmd->height); } else { float proj[16]; bx::mtxProj(proj, 90.0f, float(width)/float(height), 0.1f, 10000.0f); bgfx::setViewTransform(0, view, proj); // Set view 0 default viewport. bgfx::setViewRect(0, 0, 0, width, height); } // Set vertex and index buffer. bgfx::setVertexBuffer(vbh); bgfx::setIndexBuffer(ibh); bgfx::setInstanceDataBuffer(currPositionBuffer0, 0, u_paramsData.dispatchSize * threadGroupUpdateSize); // Set render states. bgfx::setState(0 | BGFX_STATE_RGB_WRITE | BGFX_STATE_BLEND_ADD | BGFX_STATE_DEPTH_TEST_ALWAYS ); // Submit primitive for rendering to view 0. if (useIndirect) { bgfx::submit(0, particleProgram, indirectBuffer, 0); } else { bgfx::submit(0, particleProgram); } // Advance to next frame. Rendering thread will be kicked to // process submitted rendering primitives. bgfx::frame(); } // Cleanup. cameraDestroy(); imguiDestroy(); if (indirectSupported) { bgfx::destroyProgram(indirectProgram); bgfx::destroyIndirectBuffer(indirectBuffer); } bgfx::destroyUniform(u_params); bgfx::destroyDynamicVertexBuffer(currPositionBuffer0); bgfx::destroyDynamicVertexBuffer(currPositionBuffer1); bgfx::destroyDynamicVertexBuffer(prevPositionBuffer0); bgfx::destroyDynamicVertexBuffer(prevPositionBuffer1); bgfx::destroyProgram(updateInstancesProgram); bgfx::destroyProgram(initInstancesProgram); bgfx::destroyIndexBuffer(ibh); bgfx::destroyVertexBuffer(vbh); bgfx::destroyProgram(particleProgram); } else { int64_t timeOffset = bx::getHPCounter(); entry::MouseState mouseState; while (!entry::processEvents(width, height, debug, reset, &mouseState) ) { int64_t now = bx::getHPCounter(); float time = (float)( (now - timeOffset)/double(bx::getHPFrequency() ) ); bgfx::setViewRect(0, 0, 0, width, height); bgfx::dbgTextClear(); bgfx::dbgTextPrintf(0, 1, 0x4f, "bgfx/examples/24-nbody"); bgfx::dbgTextPrintf(0, 2, 0x6f, "Description: N-body simulation with compute shaders using buffers."); bool blink = uint32_t(time*3.0f)&1; bgfx::dbgTextPrintf(0, 5, blink ? 0x1f : 0x01, " Compute is not supported by GPU. "); bgfx::touch(0); bgfx::frame(); } } // Shutdown bgfx. bgfx::shutdown(); return 0; }