Пример #1
void QMeshDoc::importObjectBrowser()
	MeshBrowserWidget * browser = new MeshBrowserWidget;

Пример #2
void QMeshDoc::importObject()
	Workspace * workspace = (Workspace *) parent();
	if(workspace->activeScene == NULL) return;

	// The dialog
	QString fileName = QFileDialog::getOpenFileName(0, "Import Mesh", DEFAULT_FILE_PATH, "Mesh Files (*.obj *.off *.stl)"); 
	// Read the file
	QSegMesh * newMesh = importObject(fileName);

	if (newMesh)
		// Save the default path
		DEFAULT_FILE_PATH = QFileInfo(fileName).absolutePath();

		// Emit signals
		emit(printMessage(newMesh->objectName() + " has been imported."));
Пример #3
void QMeshDoc::importObject()
    QString fileName = QFileDialog::getOpenFileName(0, "Import Mesh", DEFAULT_FILE_PATH, "Mesh Files (*.obj *.off *.stl)");

Пример #4
  OSPObjectCatalog OSPObjectFile::importObjects() {

    //! The XML document container.
    tinyxml2::XMLDocument xml(true, tinyxml2::COLLAPSE_WHITESPACE);

    //! Read the XML object file.
    exitOnCondition(xml.LoadFile(filename.c_str()) != tinyxml2::XML_SUCCESS, "unable to read object file '" + filename + "'");

    //! A catalog of the OSPRay objects and attributes contained in the file.
    ObjectCatalog *catalog = new ObjectCatalog();  std::vector<OSPObjectCatalog> entries;

    //! Iterate over the object entries, skip the XML declaration and comments.
    for (const tinyxml2::XMLNode *node = xml.FirstChild() ; node ; node = node->NextSibling()) if (node->ToElement()) entries.push_back(importObject(node));

    //! Copy the object entries into the catalog.
    catalog->entries = new OSPObjectCatalog[entries.size() + 1]();  memcpy(catalog->entries, &entries[0], entries.size() * sizeof(OSPObjectCatalog));

    //! The populated catalog.

Пример #5
OSPObject *OSPObjectFile::importObjects()
  // The XML document container.
  tinyxml2::XMLDocument xml(true, tinyxml2::COLLAPSE_WHITESPACE);

  // Read the XML object file.
  exitOnCondition(xml.LoadFile(filename.c_str()) != tinyxml2::XML_SUCCESS, "unable to read object file '" + filename + "'");

  // A list of OSPRay objects and their attributes contained in the file.
  std::vector<OSPObject> objects;

  // Iterate over the object entries, skip the XML declaration and comments.
  for (const tinyxml2::XMLNode *node = xml.FirstChild() ; node ; node = node->NextSibling()) if (node->ToElement()) objects.push_back(importObject(node));

  // Copy the objects into a list.
  OSPObject *pointer = new OSPObject[objects.size() + 1];  memcpy(pointer, &objects[0], objects.size() * sizeof(OSPObject));

  // Mark the end of the list.
  pointer[objects.size()] = NULL;  return(pointer);