Пример #1
//--------- Begin of function FirmMarket::disp_income ---------//
// Display monthly expense information.
void FirmMarket::disp_income(int dispY1, int refreshFlag)
//	int x2 = font_snds.put( INFO_X1+26, INFO_Y1+21, "Yearly Income" ) + 12;
//	x2 = font_snds.put( x2, INFO_Y1+21, (int) income_365days() );

	font_snds.put( INFO_X1+26, INFO_Y1+21, text_firm.str_yearly_income((int) income_365days()) );
Пример #2
//----- Begin of function Nation::think_surrender -----//
int Nation::think_surrender()
	//--- don't surrender if the nation still has a town ---//

	int rc=0;

	if( total_population == 0 )
		rc = 1;

	if( cash <= 0 && income_365days()==0 )
		rc = 1;

	if( !rc )
		return 0;

	//---- see if there is any nation worth getting our surrender ---//

	Nation* nationPtr;
	int	  curRating, bestRating=0, bestNationRecno=0;

	if( !king_unit_recno )		// if there is no successor to the king, the nation will tend more to surrender
		bestRating = -100;

	for( int i=nation_array.size() ; i>0 ; i-- )
		if( nation_array.is_deleted(i) || i==nation_recno )

		nationPtr = nation_array[i];

		if( nationPtr->cash <= 300 )		// don't surrender to an ecnomically handicapped nation

		curRating = ai_surrender_to_rating(i);

		//--- if the nation will tend to surrender if there is only a small number of units left ---//

		curRating += 50 - total_unit_count*5;

		if( curRating > bestRating )
			bestRating 		 = curRating;
			bestNationRecno = i;


	if( bestNationRecno )
		return 1;

	return 0;
Пример #3
int Nation::think_attack_monster()
	if( config.monster_type == OPTION_MONSTER_NONE )		// no monsters in the game
		return 0;

	//--- if the AI has run out of money and is currently cheating, it will have a urgent need to attack monsters to get money ---//

	int useAllCamp = income_365days(INCOME_CHEAT) > 0;

	if( !useAllCamp )		// use all camps to attack the monster
		if( !is_at_war() )
			if( cash < 500 && military_rank_rating() >= 75-pref_attack_monster/4 )		//  50 to 75
				useAllCamp = 1 ;

	if( !useAllCamp )
		if( military_rank_rating() < 50-pref_attack_monster/4 )		// don't attack if the military strength is too low, 25 to 50
			return 0;

	//------- select a monster target ---------//

	int targetCombatLevel;

	int targetFirmRecno = think_monster_target(targetCombatLevel);

	if( !targetFirmRecno )
		return 0;

	targetCombatLevel = targetCombatLevel * 150 / 100;		// X 150%

	//--- we need to use veteran soldiers to attack powerful monsters ---//

	FirmMonster* targetFirm = (FirmMonster*) firm_array[targetFirmRecno];

	int monsterLevel = monster_res[targetFirm->monster_id]->level;

	int attackerMinCombatLevel = 0;

	if( targetCombatLevel > 100 )			// if the nation's cash runs very low, it will attack anyway
		attackerMinCombatLevel = 20 + monsterLevel*3;

	//--- call ai_attack_target() to attack the target town ---//

	return ai_attack_target(targetFirm->loc_x1, targetFirm->loc_y1, targetCombatLevel, 0, 0, attackerMinCombatLevel, 0, useAllCamp );