Пример #1
BlockInputStreams StorageStripeLog::read(
    const Names & column_names,
    const SelectQueryInfo & /*query_info*/,
    const Context & context,
    QueryProcessingStage::Enum & processed_stage,
    const size_t /*max_block_size*/,
    unsigned num_streams)
    std::shared_lock<std::shared_mutex> lock(rwlock);

    processed_stage = QueryProcessingStage::FetchColumns;

    NameSet column_names_set(column_names.begin(), column_names.end());

    if (!Poco::File(full_path() + "index.mrk").exists())
        return { std::make_shared<NullBlockInputStream>() };

    CompressedReadBufferFromFile index_in(full_path() + "index.mrk", 0, 0, INDEX_BUFFER_SIZE);
    std::shared_ptr<const IndexForNativeFormat> index{std::make_shared<IndexForNativeFormat>(index_in, column_names_set)};

    BlockInputStreams res;

    size_t size = index->blocks.size();
    if (num_streams > size)
        num_streams = size;

    for (size_t stream = 0; stream < num_streams; ++stream)
        IndexForNativeFormat::Blocks::const_iterator begin = index->blocks.begin();
        IndexForNativeFormat::Blocks::const_iterator end = index->blocks.begin();

        std::advance(begin, stream * size / num_streams);
        std::advance(end, (stream + 1) * size / num_streams);

            *this, context.getSettingsRef().max_read_buffer_size, index, begin, end));

    /// We do not keep read lock directly at the time of reading, because we read ranges of data that do not change.

    return res;
Пример #2
    explicit MMappedFastaFile(std::string const & _filename) :
        struct stat st;
        stat(_filename.c_str(), &st);
        filesize = (size_t) st.st_size;
        fd = open(_filename.c_str(), O_RDONLY, 0);
        assert(fd != -1);
#if __APPLE__
        base = (uint8_t *) mmap(NULL, filesize, PROT_READ, MAP_PRIVATE, fd, 0);
        base = (uint8_t *) mmap(NULL, filesize, PROT_READ, MAP_PRIVATE | MAP_POPULATE, fd, 0);
        if(base == MAP_FAILED)
            const int err = errno;
            error("Cannot mmap %s (errno=%i / %s) -- do you have enough memory available?",
                  _filename.c_str(), err, strerror(err));

        auto fai_fp = fopen((filename + ".fai").c_str(), "r");
            assert(fai_build(filename.c_str()) == 0);

        std::ifstream index_in(filename + ".fai");
            std::string line;
            std::getline(index_in, line);
            std::vector<std::string> parts;
            stringutil::split(line, parts, "\n\t", false);
            if(parts.size() == 5)
                const std::string contig = parts[0];
                index_entry ientry;
                sscanf(parts[1].c_str(), "%zu", &ientry.length);
                sscanf(parts[2].c_str(), "%zu", &ientry.start_offset);
                sscanf(parts[3].c_str(), "%zu", &ientry.chars_per_line);
                sscanf(parts[4].c_str(), "%zu", &ientry.bytes_per_line);
                fai[contig] = ientry;

                // determine non-N length; we don't do this because it's pretty slow.
//                size_t offset = ientry.start_offset;
//                const size_t line_number = (ientry.length - 1) / ientry.chars_per_line;
//                size_t offset_in_line = (ientry.length - 1) % ientry.chars_per_line;
//                size_t offset_end = ientry.start_offset + line_number*ientry.bytes_per_line + offset_in_line + 1;
//                size_t ns = 0;
//                while(offset < offset_end)
//                {
//                    if(std::tolower(base[offset - 1]) == 'n')
//                    {
//                        ++ns;
//                    }
//                    ++offset;
//                }
//                fai[contig].non_n_length = fai[contig].length - ns;

                // length trimming off N's at start and end
                size_t pos = 0;
                size_t ns_at_start = 0;
                bool done = false;

                // start of contig
                while(pos < ientry.length && !done)
                    const std::string s = get(contig, pos, 10000);

                    for(size_t j = 0; j < s.size(); ++j)
                        if(std::tolower(s.at(j)) == 'n')
                            done = true;

                    pos += s.size();

                size_t ns_at_end = 0;
                // check if we had all Ns
                if(ns_at_start < ientry.length)
                    const size_t line_number = (ientry.length - 1) / ientry.chars_per_line;
                    size_t offset_in_line = (ientry.length - 1) % ientry.chars_per_line;
                    size_t offset = ientry.start_offset + line_number*ientry.bytes_per_line + offset_in_line + 1;

                    // end of contig
                    while(offset > ientry.start_offset)
                        if (base[offset - 1] == '\n' || base[offset - 1] == '\r')
                            // skip newlines
                        else if(std::tolower(base[offset - 1]) == 'n')
                fai[contig].non_n_length = fai[contig].length - (ns_at_start + ns_at_end);
            else if(parts.size() > 0)
                error("invalid fai line %s in %s", line.c_str(), (filename + ".fai").c_str());
Пример #3
 const MX mx_in(const std::string & iname) const {
   return mx_in(index_in(iname));
Пример #4
 const SX sx_in(const std::string& iname) const {
   return sx_in(index_in(iname));
Пример #5
 void set_jac_sparsity(const Sparsity& sp, const std::string &iind, const std::string &oind,
                       bool compact=false) {
   set_jac_sparsity(sp, index_in(iind), index_out(oind), compact);
Пример #6
 const Sparsity sparsity_jac(const std::string &iind, const std::string &oind,
                             bool compact=false, bool symmetric=false) const {
   return sparsity_jac(index_in(iind), index_out(oind), compact, symmetric);