Пример #1
void Molecule::moveToPAF()
    Eigen::Matrix3d inertia = inertiaTensor();
    // Diagonalize inertia tensor V^t * I * V
    Eigen::SelfAdjointEigenSolver<Eigen::Matrix3d> eigenSolver(inertia);
    if (eigenSolver.info() != Eigen::Success) abort();
    // Rotate to Principal Axes Frame
    std::cout << eigenSolver.eigenvalues() << std::endl;
Пример #2
rotorType Molecule::findRotorType()
    rotorType type;
    if (nAtoms_ == 1) {
        type = rtAtom;
    } else {
        // Get inertia tensor
        Eigen::Matrix3d inertia = inertiaTensor();
        // Diagonalize inertia tensor V^t * I * V
        Eigen::SelfAdjointEigenSolver<Eigen::Matrix3d> eigenSolver(inertia);
        if (eigenSolver.info() != Eigen::Success) abort();
        // Determine the degeneracy of the eigenvalues.
        int deg = 0;
        double tmp, abs, rel;
        for (int i = 0; i < 2; ++i) {
            for (int j = i + 1; j < 3 && deg < 2; ++j) { // Check i and j != i
                abs = fabs(eigenSolver.eigenvalues()[i] - eigenSolver.eigenvalues()[j]);
                tmp = eigenSolver.eigenvalues()[j]; // Because the eigenvalues are already in ascending order.
                if (abs > 1.0e-14) {
                    rel = abs/tmp;
                } else {
                    rel = 0.0;
                if (rel < 1.0e-8) {
        // Get the rotor type based on the degeneracy.
        if (eigenSolver.eigenvalues()[0] == 0.0) {
            type = rtLinear;
        } else if (deg == 2) {
            type = rtSpherical;
        } else if (deg == 1) { // We do not distinguish between prolate and oblate.
            type = rtSymmetric;
        } else {
            type = rtAsymmetric;

    return type;
dgFloat32 dgCollisionCone::CalculateMassProperties (dgVector& inertia, dgVector& crossInertia, dgVector& centerOfMass) const
	dgFloat32 volume;
	dgFloat32 inertaxx;
	dgFloat32 inertayyzz;

//dgVector centerOfMass1;
//dgVector inertia1;
//dgVector crossInertia1;
//volume = dgCollisionConvex::CalculateMassProperties (inertia1, crossInertia1, centerOfMass1);

	volume = dgFloat32 (3.1616f * 2.0f / 3.0f) * m_radius * m_radius * m_height; 

	centerOfMass = GetOffsetMatrix().m_posit - GetOffsetMatrix().m_front.Scale (dgFloat32 (0.5f) * m_height);

	inertaxx   = dgFloat32 (3.0f / 10.0f) * m_radius *  m_radius * volume;
	inertayyzz = (dgFloat32 (3.0f / 20.0f) * m_radius *  m_radius + dgFloat32 (4.0f / 10.0f) * m_height * m_height) * volume;

	dgMatrix inertiaTensor (dgGetIdentityMatrix());

	inertiaTensor[0][0] = inertaxx;
	inertiaTensor[1][1] = inertayyzz;
	inertiaTensor[2][2] = inertayyzz;

	inertiaTensor = GetOffsetMatrix().Inverse() * inertiaTensor * GetOffsetMatrix();

	crossInertia.m_x = inertiaTensor[1][2] - volume * centerOfMass.m_y * centerOfMass.m_z;
	crossInertia.m_y = inertiaTensor[0][2] - volume * centerOfMass.m_z * centerOfMass.m_x;
	crossInertia.m_z = inertiaTensor[0][1] - volume * centerOfMass.m_x * centerOfMass.m_y;

	dgVector central (centerOfMass.CompProduct(centerOfMass));
	inertia.m_x = inertiaTensor[0][0] + volume * (central.m_y + central.m_z);
	inertia.m_y = inertiaTensor[1][1] + volume * (central.m_z + central.m_x);
	inertia.m_z = inertiaTensor[2][2] + volume * (central.m_x + central.m_y);

	centerOfMass = centerOfMass.Scale (volume);
	return volume;
Пример #4
void Object::applyAngularImpulse() {
    if (!_fixed)
        _angularVelocity += glm::inverse(inertiaTensor())*_angularImpulse;
void  BulletURDFImporter::getMassAndInertia(int linkIndex, btScalar& mass,btVector3& localInertiaDiagonal, btTransform& inertialFrame) const
	//the link->m_inertia is NOT necessarily aligned with the inertial frame
	//so an additional transform might need to be computed
	UrdfLink* const* linkPtr = m_data->m_urdfParser.getModel().m_links.getAtIndex(linkIndex);
	if (linkPtr)
		UrdfLink* link = *linkPtr;
		btMatrix3x3 linkInertiaBasis;
		btScalar linkMass, principalInertiaX, principalInertiaY, principalInertiaZ;
		if (link->m_parentJoint==0 && m_data->m_urdfParser.getModel().m_overrideFixedBase)
			linkMass = 0.f;
			principalInertiaX = 0.f;
			principalInertiaY = 0.f;
			principalInertiaZ = 0.f;
			linkMass = link->m_inertia.m_mass;
			if (link->m_inertia.m_ixy == 0.0 &&
			    link->m_inertia.m_ixz == 0.0 &&
			    link->m_inertia.m_iyz == 0.0)
				principalInertiaX = link->m_inertia.m_ixx;
				principalInertiaY = link->m_inertia.m_iyy;
				principalInertiaZ = link->m_inertia.m_izz;
				principalInertiaX = link->m_inertia.m_ixx;
				btMatrix3x3 inertiaTensor(link->m_inertia.m_ixx, link->m_inertia.m_ixy, link->m_inertia.m_ixz,
							  link->m_inertia.m_ixy, link->m_inertia.m_iyy, link->m_inertia.m_iyz,
							  link->m_inertia.m_ixz, link->m_inertia.m_iyz, link->m_inertia.m_izz);
				btScalar threshold = 1.0e-6;
				int numIterations = 30;
				inertiaTensor.diagonalize(linkInertiaBasis, threshold, numIterations);
				principalInertiaX = inertiaTensor[0][0];
				principalInertiaY = inertiaTensor[1][1];
				principalInertiaZ = inertiaTensor[2][2];
		mass = linkMass;
		if (principalInertiaX < 0 ||
		    principalInertiaX > (principalInertiaY + principalInertiaZ) ||
		    principalInertiaY < 0 ||
		    principalInertiaY > (principalInertiaX + principalInertiaZ) ||
		    principalInertiaZ < 0 ||
		    principalInertiaZ > (principalInertiaX + principalInertiaY))
			b3Warning("Bad inertia tensor properties, setting inertia to zero for link: %s\n", link->m_name.c_str());
			principalInertiaX = 0.f;
			principalInertiaY = 0.f;
			principalInertiaZ = 0.f;
		localInertiaDiagonal.setValue(principalInertiaX, principalInertiaY, principalInertiaZ);
		mass = 1.f;