Пример #1

BMPSet::BMPSet(const int32_t *parentList, int32_t parentListLength) :
        list(parentList), listLength(parentListLength) {
    uprv_memset(asciiBytes, 0, sizeof(asciiBytes));
    uprv_memset(table7FF, 0, sizeof(table7FF));
    uprv_memset(bmpBlockBits, 0, sizeof(bmpBlockBits));

     * Set the list indexes for binary searches for
     * U+0800, U+1000, U+2000, .., U+F000, U+10000.
     * U+0800 is the first 3-byte-UTF-8 code point. Lower code points are
     * looked up in the bit tables.
     * The last pair of indexes is for finding supplementary code points.
    list4kStarts[0]=findCodePoint(0x800, 0, listLength-1);
    int32_t i;
    for(i=1; i<=0x10; ++i) {
        list4kStarts[i]=findCodePoint(i<<12, list4kStarts[i-1], listLength-1);

Пример #2
  bool create_simulation_pattern( const pattern& p, const circuit& circ, std::vector<boost::dynamic_bitset<> >& sim, std::map<std::string, boost::dynamic_bitset<> >& init, std::string* error )
    // Initialzustand speichern
    const bus_collection::map& circStates = circ.statesignals().buses();
    for ( const auto& pa : p.initializers() )
      // is there a bus, we need it for the bitwidth
      bus_collection::map::const_iterator stateIt = circStates.find( pa.first );
      if ( stateIt != circStates.end() )
        int busSize = stateIt->second.size();
        boost::dynamic_bitset<> initBits( busSize, pa.second );

        init.insert( std::make_pair( pa.first, initBits ) );

    // Set init value to 0 for all remaining state signals
    for ( const auto& pa : circStates )
      const std::string& statesignal = pa.first;
      std::map<std::string, boost::dynamic_bitset<> >::const_iterator stateIt = init.find( statesignal );
      if ( stateIt == init.end() )
        init.insert( std::make_pair( statesignal, boost::dynamic_bitset<>( pa.second.size() ) ) );

    std::map<std::string, std::vector<unsigned> > varPlace;
    std::map<std::string, std::vector<unsigned> > varPlaceIC;
    std::list<unsigned> usedLines;
    unsigned numBits = 0;
    std::vector<std::string> vars;

    for ( const auto& input_name : p.inputs() )
      // Search in input busses
      bus_collection::map::const_iterator busIt = circ.inputbuses().buses().find( input_name );
      if( busIt != circ.inputbuses().buses().end() )
        const std::vector<unsigned>& busLines = busIt->second;
        varPlaceIC[input_name] = busLines;
        for ( unsigned line : busLines )
          usedLines += line;
        vars += input_name;
      // Search in regular inputs
        std::vector<std::string>::const_iterator itOtherInput = std::find( circ.inputs().begin(), circ.inputs().end(), input_name );

        if ( itOtherInput != circ.inputs().end() )
          unsigned line = std::distance( circ.inputs().begin(), itOtherInput );
          varPlaceIC[input_name] = std::vector<unsigned>( 1, line );
          usedLines.push_back( line );
          vars.push_back( input_name );
        // ignore if not found

    // check for multiple defined inputs
    std::list<unsigned> ul = usedLines;
    if ( usedLines.size() < ul.size() )
      if( error )
        *error = "At least one primary input is specified multiple times in .inputs.";
      return false;

    // check, whether all primary inputs are covered and nothing else
    std::list<unsigned> primaryInputs;
    boost::push_back( primaryInputs, boost::irange( 0u, circ.lines() ) );

    // remove constant lines
    for ( std::vector<constant>::const_iterator it = circ.constants().begin(); it != circ.constants().end(); ++it )
      if ( *it )
        primaryInputs.remove( std::distance( circ.constants().begin(), it ) );

    // remove statesignals
    for ( const auto& pa : circStates )

      for ( unsigned line : pa.second )
        primaryInputs.remove( line );

    // check
    if ( primaryInputs != usedLines )
      if ( error )
        *error = "Specified inputs don't match primary inputs of the circuit.";
      return false;

    for ( const auto& varName : vars )
      std::vector<unsigned> vp;
      for ( unsigned line : varPlaceIC[varName] )
        vp += std::distance( usedLines.begin(), boost::find( usedLines, line ) );
      varPlace.insert( std::make_pair( varName, vp ) );

    for ( pattern::pattern_vec::const_iterator step = p.patterns().begin(); step != p.patterns().end(); ++step )
      boost::dynamic_bitset<> stepBits(numBits);
      for( std::vector<unsigned>::const_iterator it2 = step->begin(); it2 != step->end(); ++it2 )
        unsigned input = *it2;
        const std::vector<unsigned>& lines = varPlace[vars.at( std::distance( step->begin(), it2 ) )];
        if ( input >= ( 1u << lines.size() ) )
          if ( error )
            *error = boost::str( boost::format( "In step %d: Input %s has not enough bits to represent the given value." )
                                 % ( std::distance( p.patterns().begin(), step ) + 1u )
                                 % vars.at( std::distance( step->begin(), it2 ) ) );
          return false;

        boost::dynamic_bitset<> inputVal( lines.size(), input );
        unsigned j = 0u;
        for ( unsigned line : lines )
          stepBits[line] = inputVal[j++];
      sim += stepBits;

    return true;