bool CBattleFieldLayer::init() { do { BREAK_IF_FAILED(CTouchesLayer::init()); Director *pDirector = Director::getInstance(); pDirector->setDepthTest(true); setTouchEnabled(true); initListener(); loadConfig(); BREAK_IF_FAILED(CBkgLayerBase::initBkgLayerBase(BATCHNODE_LIST, BACKGROUND_MAP_NAME, TILE_MAP_NAME)); setGamePanelLayer(CGamePanelLayer::create()); addChild(m_pGamePanelLayer, Z_ORDER_GAME_PANEL); BREAK_IF_FAILED(EFFECT_MANAGER->init(getBkgGrd())); BREAK_IF_FAILED(BF_MANAGER->init()); loadFormation(); scheduleUpdate(); return true; } while (false); return false; }
/** * A simple sync send / listen example */ bool sendAndListenTest01() { TML_INT32 iErr = TML_SUCCESS; // API return value ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // TML_CORE_HANDLE to receive commands / messages TML_CORE_HANDLE coreListenerHandle = TML_HANDLE_TYPE_NULL; ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // TML_CORE_HANDLE to send commands / messages TML_CORE_HANDLE coreSenderHandle = TML_HANDLE_TYPE_NULL; ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // TML_COMMAND_HANDLE Command / message HANDLE (internal represented by SIDEX data) TML_COMMAND_HANDLE cmdMsg = TML_HANDLE_TYPE_NULL; ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Listener initialisation: iErr = initListener(&coreListenerHandle); ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Command / message creation: if (TML_SUCCESS == iErr) iErr = createCmd4711(&cmdMsg, false); ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // TML_CORE_HANDLE to send commands / messages if (TML_SUCCESS == iErr) iErr = tml_Core_Open(&coreSenderHandle, 0); ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // send a loop of command / messages for (int i = 0; i < 10 && TML_SUCCESS == iErr; ++i){ #ifdef TML_UNICODE fwprintf (stderr, L"Sending sync command 4711 to %ls -->\n", DESTINATION_HOST_IP); #else// TML_UNICODE printf ("Sending sync command 4711 to %s -->\n", DESTINATION_HOST_IP); #endif// TML_UNICODE iErr = tml_Send_SyncMessage(coreSenderHandle, cmdMsg, IO_PROFILE, DESTINATION_HOST_IP, IO_PORT, 10000); if (TML_SUCCESS == iErr){ #ifdef TML_UNICODE fwprintf (stderr, L"Sending sync command 4711 (PROFILE2) to %ls -->\n", DESTINATION_HOST_IP); #else// TML_UNICODE printf ("Sending sync command 4711 to %s -->\n", DESTINATION_HOST_IP); #endif// TML_UNICODE iErr = tml_Send_SyncMessage(coreSenderHandle, cmdMsg, IO_PROFILE2, DESTINATION_HOST_IP, IO_PORT, 10000); } } /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Free the instance of Command / message HANDLE: if (TML_HANDLE_TYPE_NULL != cmdMsg) tml_Cmd_Free(&cmdMsg); /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Free the instances of TMLCore: if (TML_HANDLE_TYPE_NULL != coreSenderHandle) tml_Core_Close(&coreSenderHandle); if (TML_HANDLE_TYPE_NULL != coreListenerHandle) tml_Core_Close(&coreListenerHandle); /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Errorhandling: if (TML_SUCCESS != iErr) printf ("sendAndListenTest01 / error happened - Code = %d\n", iErr); return true; }
int main(int argc, const char * argv[]) { int port; port = openSerialPort("/dev/tty...."); initConnection(port); initListener(); return 0; }
int main(int argc, char **argv) { int socket; daemonize(USER); if ((socket = initListener(NULL, PORT)) == -1) exit(1); return startService(&netcat, socket); }
int dispatch_config(struct event_base* event_base) { if (config->listeners) { struct listener* l = config->listeners; while (l) { if (initListener(event_base, l)) return 1; l = l->next; } } return 0; };
Listener::Listener(const Ogre::String& name) : Ogre::MovableObject(name), mGain(1.0), mPosition(Ogre::Vector3::ZERO), mDirection(Ogre::Vector3::NEGATIVE_UNIT_Z), mVelocity(Ogre::Vector3::ZERO), mUp(Ogre::Vector3::UNIT_Y), mDerivedPosition(Ogre::Vector3::ZERO), mDerivedDirection(Ogre::Vector3::NEGATIVE_UNIT_Z) { mParentNode = NULL; initListener(); }
Listener::Listener() : mGain(1.0), mPosition(Ogre::Vector3::ZERO), mDirection(Ogre::Vector3::NEGATIVE_UNIT_Z), mVelocity(Ogre::Vector3::ZERO), mUp(Ogre::Vector3::UNIT_Y), mDerivedPosition(Ogre::Vector3::ZERO), mDerivedDirection(Ogre::Vector3::NEGATIVE_UNIT_Z) { mParentNode = NULL; mLocalTransformDirty = false; initListener(); }
bool KeyboardButton::init(const Config &config) { uninit(); if (config.key == EventKeyboard::KeyCode::KEY_NONE) { return false; } m_key = config.key; m_is_pressed = false; setGood(initListener()); return *this; }
void Client::initServer(const std::string& name, const sf::IpAddress& address, sf::Uint16 port) { // If client is already connected to a server, do not try to re-connect it. // We talk here about a socket connexion, not the authentication. if(_isConnected) throw UnableToConnectException("already connected."); _name = shrinkName(name); _serverAddress = address; _serverPort = port; // if connection does not work, don't go further if(_socket.connect(address, port) != sf::Socket::Done) throw UnableToConnectException("unable to connect to server on port " + std::to_string(port) + "."); if(!_userTerminal.hasKnownTerminal()) std::cout << "Warning: as no known terminal has been found, chat is disabled" << std::endl; else initListener(); // creates the new thread which listens for entring chat conenctions sf::sleep(SOCKET_TIME_SLEEP); // wait a quarter second to let the listening thread init the port }
SoundManager::SoundManager() { m_soundDevice = NULL; m_masterVoice = NULL; m_music = NULL; m_masterVolume = 0; m_left = 0; m_right = 0; /************************************************************************/ /* Don't looks much to the world but here is where all the magic is done*/ /************************************************************************/ init(); initListener(); m_masterVoice->GetVolume(&m_masterVolume); }
/** * A simple listener example */ bool listenerTest01() { TML_INT32 iErr = TML_SUCCESS; // API return value ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // TML_CORE_HANDLE to receive commands / messages TML_CORE_HANDLE coreHandle = TML_HANDLE_TYPE_NULL; iErr = initListener(&coreHandle); ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // loop until the input of "exit" if (TML_SUCCESS == iErr) waitUntilExitInput((char*)"listenerTest01"); /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Free the instance of TMLCore: if (TML_HANDLE_TYPE_NULL != coreHandle) tml_Core_Close(&coreHandle); if (TML_SUCCESS != iErr) printf ("listenerTest01 / error happened - Code = %d\n", iErr); return true; }
bool tlsTest() { TML_BOOL bEncrypted = TML_FALSE; TML_BOOL bAccepted = TML_FALSE; #ifdef TML_UNICODE wchar_t* sErrormessage; #else// TML_UNICODE char* sErrormessage; #endif// TML_UNICODE TML_INT32 iErr = TML_SUCCESS; // API return value ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // TML_CORE_HANDLE to receive commands / messages TML_CORE_HANDLE coreListenerHandle = TML_HANDLE_TYPE_NULL; ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // TML_CORE_HANDLE to send commands / messages TML_CORE_HANDLE coreSenderHandle = TML_HANDLE_TYPE_NULL; ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // TML_COMMAND_HANDLE Command / message HANDLE (internal represented by SIDEX data) TML_COMMAND_HANDLE cmdMsg = TML_HANDLE_TYPE_NULL; ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Listener initialisation: iErr = initListener(&coreListenerHandle); ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Allow to configure if the provided tml core will accept TLS incoming connections if (TML_SUCCESS == iErr) { iErr = tml_Tls_Core_AcceptNegotiation(coreListenerHandle, check_and_accept_tls_request, certificate_file_location, private_key_file_location, &bAccepted); } ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // TML_CORE_HANDLE to send commands / messages if (TML_SUCCESS == iErr) { iErr = tml_Core_Open(&coreSenderHandle, 0); } TML_CONNECTION_HANDLE connectionHandle = TML_HANDLE_TYPE_NULL; iErr = tml_Core_Connect(coreSenderHandle, DESTINATION_NETWORK_BINDING, &connectionHandle); ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Start tls negotiation for the requested connection if (TML_SUCCESS == iErr) { iErr = tml_Tls_Connection_StartNegotiation(connectionHandle, TML_FALSE, &bEncrypted); } if (!bEncrypted) { #ifdef TML_UNICODE fwprintf (stderr, L"Cannot negotiate TLS-connection on listener side. Please insert valid \"%ls\" and certificate \"%ls\" file into executable working directory\n", TLS_KEY_FILE, TLS_CRT_FILE); #else// TML_UNICODE printf ("Cannot negotiate TLS-connection on listener side. Please insert valid \"%s\" and certificate \"%s\" file into executable working directory\n", TLS_KEY_FILE, TLS_CRT_FILE); #endif// TML_UNICODE } else { ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Command / message creation: if (TML_SUCCESS == iErr) { iErr = createCmd4711(&cmdMsg, false); } ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // send a loop of command / messages for (int i = 0; i < 10 && TML_SUCCESS == iErr; ++i) { #ifdef TML_UNICODE fwprintf (stderr, L"Sending sync command 4711 to %ls -->\n", DESTINATION_HOST_IP); #else// TML_UNICODE printf ("Sending sync command 4711 to %s -->\n", DESTINATION_HOST_IP); #endif// TML_UNICODE iErr = tml_Connection_SendSync(connectionHandle, IO_PROFILE, cmdMsg, 10000); if (TML_SUCCESS == iErr) { #ifdef TML_UNICODE fwprintf (stderr, L"Sending sync command 4711 (PROFILE2) to %ls -->\n", DESTINATION_HOST_IP); #else // TML_UNICODE printf ("Sending sync command 4711 to %s -->\n", DESTINATION_HOST_IP); #endif// TML_UNICODE iErr = tml_Connection_SendSync(connectionHandle, IO_PROFILE2, cmdMsg, 10000); } } /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Free the instance of Command / message HANDLE: if (TML_HANDLE_TYPE_NULL != cmdMsg) { tml_Cmd_Free(&cmdMsg); } } if (TML_HANDLE_TYPE_NULL != connectionHandle) { tml_Connection_Close(&connectionHandle); } /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Free the instances of TMLCore: if (TML_HANDLE_TYPE_NULL != coreSenderHandle) { tml_Core_Close(&coreSenderHandle); } if (TML_HANDLE_TYPE_NULL != coreListenerHandle) { tml_Core_Close(&coreListenerHandle); } /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Errorhandling: if (TML_SUCCESS != iErr) { printf ("TLS-Test / error happened - Code = %d\n", iErr); } return false; }
/** * A simple async send / listen example with connection manange object */ bool sendAndListenTest04() { TML_INT32 iErr = TML_SUCCESS; // API return value ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // TML_CORE_HANDLE to receive commands / messages TML_CORE_HANDLE coreListenerHandle = TML_HANDLE_TYPE_NULL; ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // TML_CORE_HANDLE to send commands / messages TML_CORE_HANDLE coreSenderHandle = TML_HANDLE_TYPE_NULL; ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // TML_COMMAND_HANDLE Command / message HANDLE (internal represented by SIDEX data) TML_COMMAND_HANDLE cmdMsg = TML_HANDLE_TYPE_NULL; ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Listener initialisation: iErr = initListener(&coreListenerHandle); ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // TML_CORE_HANDLE to send commands / messages if (TML_SUCCESS == iErr) iErr = tml_Core_Open(&coreSenderHandle, 0); TML_CONNECTION_HANDLE connectionHandle = TML_HANDLE_TYPE_NULL; iErr = tml_Core_Connect(coreSenderHandle, DESTINATION_NETWORK_BINDING, &connectionHandle); ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // send a loop of command / messages for (int i = 10; i > 0 && TML_SUCCESS == iErr; --i){ ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Command / message creation: if (TML_SUCCESS == iErr) iErr = createCmd4711(&cmdMsg, true); if (TML_SUCCESS == iErr){ #ifdef TML_UNICODE fwprintf (stderr, L"Sending async command 4711 to %ls -->\n", DESTINATION_HOST_IP); #else// TML_UNICODE printf ("Sending async command 4711 to %s -->\n", DESTINATION_HOST_IP); #endif// TML_UNICODE iErr = tml_Connection_SendAsync(connectionHandle, IO_PROFILE, cmdMsg, 500); if (TML_SUCCESS == iErr) iErr = createCmd4711(&cmdMsg, true); if (TML_SUCCESS == iErr){ #ifdef TML_UNICODE fwprintf (stderr, L"Sending async command 4711 (PROFILE2) to %ls -->\n", DESTINATION_HOST_IP); #else// TML_UNICODE printf ("Sending async command 4711 to %s -->\n", DESTINATION_HOST_IP); #endif// TML_UNICODE iErr = tml_Connection_SendAsync(connectionHandle, IO_PROFILE2, cmdMsg, 500); } } } /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Wait for a while to be shure to be synchron with the asynchron callback // FOR THIS TEST to avoid a broken communication by closing the core handles wait (10000); /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Free the instances of TMLCore: if (TML_HANDLE_TYPE_NULL != coreSenderHandle) tml_Core_Close(&coreSenderHandle); if (TML_HANDLE_TYPE_NULL != coreListenerHandle) tml_Core_Close(&coreListenerHandle); /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Errorhandling: if (TML_SUCCESS != iErr) printf ("sendAndListenTest04 / error happened - Code = %d\n", iErr); return true; }