Пример #1
void fastPoll( void )
	RANDOM_STATE randomState;
	BYTE buffer[ RANDOM_BUFSIZE + 8 ];
	struct timeval tv;
	system_info info;

	initRandomData( randomState, buffer, RANDOM_BUFSIZE );

	gettimeofday( &tv, NULL );
	addRandomValue( randomState, tv.tv_sec );
	addRandomValue( randomState, tv.tv_usec );

	/* Get the number of microseconds since the user last provided any input
	   to any part of the system, the state of keyboard shift keys */
#if 0	/* See comment at start */
	bigtime_t idleTime;
	uint32 value;

	idleTime = idle_time();
	addRandomData( randomState, &idleTime, sizeof( bigtime_t ) );
	value = modifiers();
	addRandomValue( randomState, value );
#endif /* 0 */

	/* Get various fixed values (the 64-bit machine ID, CPU count and type(s),
	   clock speed, platform type, etc) and variable resources (number of in-
	   use pages, semaphores, ports, threads, teams, number of page faults,
	   and number of microseconds the CPU has been active) */
	get_system_info( &info );
	addRandomData( randomState, &info, sizeof( info ) );

	/* Flush any remaining data through */
	endRandomData( randomState, 5 );
Пример #2
void slowPoll( void )
	RANDOM_STATE randomState;
	MODULEENTRY moduleEntry;
	GLOBALENTRY globalEntry;
	TASKENTRY taskEntry;
	int count;

	initRandomData( randomState, buffer, RANDOM_BUFSIZE );

	/* Walk the global heap getting information on each entry in it.  This
	   retrieves the objects linear address, size, handle, lock count, owner,
	   object type, and segment type */
	count = 0;
	globalEntry.dwSize = sizeof( GLOBALENTRY );
	if( GlobalFirst( &globalEntry, GLOBAL_ALL ) )
			addRandomData( randomState, &globalEntry, sizeof( GLOBALENTRY ) );
		while( count < 70 && GlobalNext( &globalEntry, GLOBAL_ALL ) );

	/* Walk the module list getting information on each entry in it.  This
	   retrieves the module name, handle, reference count, executable path,
	   and next module */
	count = 0;
	moduleEntry.dwSize = sizeof( MODULEENTRY );
	if( ModuleFirst( &moduleEntry ) )
			addRandomData( randomState, &moduleEntry, sizeof( MODULEENTRY ) );
		while( count < 20 && ModuleNext( &moduleEntry ) );

	/* Walk the task list getting information on each entry in it.  This
	   retrieves the task handle, parent task handle, instance handle, stack
	   segment and offset, stack size, number of pending events, task queue,
	   and the name of module executing the task.  We also call TaskGetCSIP()
	   for the code segment and offset of each task if it's safe to do so
	   (note that this call can cause odd things to happen in debuggers and
	   runtime code checkers because of the way TaskGetCSIP() is implemented) */
	count = 0;
	taskEntry.dwSize = sizeof( TASKENTRY );
	if( TaskFirst( &taskEntry ) )
			addRandomData( randomState, &taskEntry, sizeof( TASKENTRY ) );
			if( taskEntry.hTask != GetCurrentTask() )
				addRandomValue( randomState,
								TaskGetCSIP( taskEntry.hTask ) );
		while( count < 100 && TaskNext( &taskEntry ) );

	/* Flush any remaining data through */
	endRandomData( randomState, 100 );
Пример #3
void NetInterface::handleConnectChallengeRequest(const NetAddress *addr, BitStream *stream)
   char buf[256];
   Net::addressToString(addr, buf);
   Con::printf("Got Connect challenge Request from %s", buf);

   U32 connectSequence;


   U32 addressDigest[4];
   computeNetMD5(addr, connectSequence, addressDigest);

   BitStream *out = BitStream::getPacketStream();

Пример #4
void fastPoll( void )
	RANDOM_STATE randomState;
	cyg_uint32 clockTicks;

	initRandomData( randomState, buffer, RANDOM_BUFSIZE );

	hal_clock_read( &clockTicks );

	endRandomData( randomState, 1 );
Пример #5
void fastPoll( void )
	RANDOM_STATE randomState;
	TIMERINFO timerInfo;
	POINT point;

	initRandomData( randomState, buffer, RANDOM_BUFSIZE );

	/* Get various basic pieces of system information: Handle of the window
	   with mouse capture, handle of window with input focus, amount of
	   space in global heap, whether system queue has any events, cursor
	   position for last message, 55 ms time for last message, number of
	   active tasks, 55 ms time since Windows started, current mouse cursor
	   position, current caret position */
	addRandomValue( randomState, GetCapture() );
	addRandomValue( randomState, GetFocus() );
	addRandomValue( randomState, GetFreeSpace( 0 ) );
	addRandomValue( randomState, GetInputState() );
	addRandomValue( randomState, GetMessagePos() );
	addRandomValue( randomState, GetMessageTime() );
	addRandomValue( randomState, GetNumTasks() );
	addRandomValue( randomState, GetTickCount() );
	GetCursorPos( &point );
	addRandomData( randomState, &point, sizeof( POINT ) );
	GetCaretPos( &point );
	addRandomData( randomState, &point, sizeof( POINT ) );

	/* Get the largest free memory block, number of lockable pages, number of
	   unlocked pages, number of free and used pages, and number of swapped
	   pages */
	memManInfo.dwSize = sizeof( MEMMANINFO );
	MemManInfo( &memManInfo );
	addRandomData( randomState, &memManInfo, sizeof( MEMMANINFO ) );

	/* Get the execution times of the current task and VM to approximately
	   1ms resolution */
	timerInfo.dwSize = sizeof( TIMERINFO );
	TimerCount( &timerInfo );
	addRandomData( randomState, &timerInfo, sizeof( TIMERINFO ) );

	/* Get the percentage free and segment of the user and GDI heap */
	sysHeapInfo.dwSize = sizeof( SYSHEAPINFO );
	SystemHeapInfo( &sysHeapInfo );
	addRandomData( randomState, &sysHeapInfo, sizeof( SYSHEAPINFO ) );

	/* Flush any remaining data through */
	endRandomData( randomState, 25 );
Пример #6
void fastPoll( void )
	RANDOM_STATE randomState;
	BYTE buffer[ RANDOM_BUFSIZE + 8 ];
	WinHandle winHandle;
	Coord xCoord, yCoord;
	Boolean flag;
	uint64_t ticks;
	nsecs_t nsTime;

	initRandomData( randomState, buffer, RANDOM_BUFSIZE );

	/* Get the event-available and low-level event-available flag, current
	   pen status, and handle of the window with the input focus */
	flag = EvtEventAvail();
	addRandomValue( randomState, flag );
	flag = EvtSysEventAvail( TRUE );
	addRandomValue( randomState, flag );
	EvtGetPen( &xCoord, &yCoord, &flag );
	addRandomValue( randomState, xCoord );
	addRandomValue( randomState, yCoord );
	winHandle = EvtGetFocusWindow();
	addRandomValue( randomState, winHandle );

	/* Get the number of ticks of the (software) millisecond clock used
	   by the scheduler, and the length of time in nanoseconds since the
	   last reset */
	ticks = TimGetTicks();
	addRandomData( randomState, &ticks, sizeof( uint64_t ) );
	nsTime = SysGetRunTime();
	addRandomData( randomState, &nsTime, sizeof( nsecs_t ) );

	/* Get the value of the real-time and runtime clocks in nanoseconds.
	   One of these may just be a wrapper for SysGetRunTime(), in addition
	   it's likely that they're hardware-specific, being CPU-level cycle
	   counters of some kind */
	nsTime = system_real_time();
	addRandomData( randomState, &nsTime, sizeof( nsecs_t ) );
	nsTime = system_time();
	addRandomData( randomState, &nsTime, sizeof( nsecs_t ) );

	/* Flush any remaining data through */
	endRandomData( randomState, 5 );
Пример #7
void slowPoll( void )
	static BOOLEAN addedFixedItems = FALSE;
	RANDOM_STATE randomState;
	BYTE buffer[ RANDOM_BUFSIZE + 8 ];
	int taskID, value, status;

	status = initRandomData( randomState, buffer, RANDOM_BUFSIZE );
	if( cryptStatusError( status ) )

	/* The following are fixed for the lifetime of the process (and in fact 
	   for the BSP as a whole) so we only add them once */
	if( !addedFixedItems )
		const char *string;
		int value;

		/* Add the model name of the CPU board and the BSP version and 
		   revision number */
		string = sysModel();
		if( string != NULL )
			addRandomData( randomState, string, strlen( string ) );
		string = sysBspRev();
		if( string != NULL )
			addRandomData( randomState, string, strlen( string ) );
		value = sysProcNumGet();	/* Usually 0 */
		addRandomLong( randomState, value );

	/* Add the current task ID and task options.  The task options are 
	   relatively fixed but the task ID seems quite random and over the full 
	   32-bit range */
	taskID = taskIdSelf();
	addRandomLong( randomState, taskID );
	status = taskOptionsGet( taskID, &value );
	if( status == OK )
		addRandomLong( randomState, value );

	endRandomData( randomState, 3 );

Пример #8
void fastPoll( void )
	RANDOM_STATE randomState;
	BYTE buffer[ RANDOM_BUFSIZE + 8 ];
	REG_SET registerSet;
	struct timespec timeSpec;
	ULONG tickCount;
	int value, status;

	status = initRandomData( randomState, buffer, RANDOM_BUFSIZE );
	if( cryptStatusError( status ) )

	/* Add various clock/timer values.  These are both very fast clocks/
	   counters, however the difference over subsequent calls is only
	   2-3 bits in the LSB */
	tickCount = tickGet();
	addRandomLong( randomState, tickCount );
	status = clock_gettime( CLOCK_REALTIME, &timeSpec );
	if( status == 0 )
		addRandomData( randomState, &timeSpec, sizeof( struct timespec ) );

	/* Add the interrupt nesting depth (usually 0) */
	value = intCount();
	addRandomLong( randomState, value );

	/* Add the current task's registers.  The documentation states that 
	   "self-examination is not advisable as results are unpredictable",
	   which is either good (the registers are random garbage values) or
	   bad (the registers have fixed values).  Usually they seem to be 
	   pretty fixed, at least when called repeatedly in rapid succession */
	status = taskRegsGet( taskIdSelf(), &registerSet );
	if( status == OK )
		addRandomData( randomState, &registerSet, sizeof( REG_SET ) );

	endRandomData( randomState, 5 );
Пример #9
void fastPoll( void )
	static BOOLEAN addedFixedItems = FALSE, hasHardwareRNG = FALSE;
	static CEGENRANDOM pCeGenRandom = NULL;
	static GETSYSTEMPOWERSTATUS pGetSystemPowerStatusEx2 = NULL;
	FILETIME  creationTime, exitTime, kernelTime, userTime;
	LARGE_INTEGER performanceCount;
	MEMORYSTATUS memoryStatus;
	HANDLE handle;
	POINT point;
	RANDOM_STATE randomState;
	int length;

	if( krnlIsExiting() )

	/* Initialize the native function pointers if necessary.  CeGetRandom()
	   is only available in relatively new versions of WinCE, so we have to
	   link it dynamically */
	if( pCeGenRandom == NULL )

		if( ( hCoreDLL = GetModuleHandle( TEXT( "Coredll.dll" ) ) ) != NULL )
			pCeGenRandom = ( CEGENRANDOM ) GetProcAddress( hCoreDLL, TEXT( "CeGenRandom" ) );
	if( pGetSystemPowerStatusEx2 == NULL )
		HANDLE hGetpower;

		if( ( hGetpower = GetModuleHandle( TEXT( "Getpower.dll" ) ) ) != NULL )
			pGetSystemPowerStatusEx2 = ( GETSYSTEMPOWERSTATUS ) \
							GetProcAddress( hGetpower, TEXT( "GetSystemPowerStatusEx2" ) );

	initRandomData( randomState, buffer, RANDOM_BUFSIZE );

	/* Get various basic pieces of system information: Handle of active
	   window, handle of window with mouse capture, handle of clipboard owner
	   handle of start of clpboard viewer list, pseudohandle of current
	   process, current process ID, pseudohandle of current thread, current
	   thread ID, handle of desktop window, handle  of window with keyboard
	   focus, whether system queue has any events, cursor position for last
	   message, 1 ms time for last message, handle of window with clipboard
	   open, handle of process heap, handle of procs window station, types of
	   events in input queue, and milliseconds since Windows was started */
	addRandomValue( randomState, GetActiveWindow() );
	addRandomValue( randomState, GetCapture() );
	addRandomValue( randomState, GetCaretBlinkTime() );
	addRandomValue( randomState, GetClipboardOwner() );
	addRandomValue( randomState, GetCurrentProcess() );
	addRandomValue( randomState, GetCurrentProcessId() );
	addRandomValue( randomState, GetCurrentThread() );
	addRandomValue( randomState, GetCurrentThreadId() );
	addRandomValue( randomState, GetDesktopWindow() );
	addRandomValue( randomState, GetDC( NULL ) );
	addRandomValue( randomState, GetDoubleClickTime() );
	addRandomValue( randomState, GetFocus() );
	addRandomValue( randomState, GetForegroundWindow() );
	addRandomValue( randomState, GetMessagePos() );
	addRandomValue( randomState, GetOpenClipboardWindow() );
	addRandomValue( randomState, GetProcessHeap() );
	addRandomValue( randomState, GetQueueStatus( QS_ALLINPUT ) );
	addRandomValue( randomState, GetTickCount() );
	if( krnlIsExiting() )

	/* Get multiword system information: Current caret position, current
	   mouse cursor position */
	GetCaretPos( &point );
	addRandomData( randomState, &point, sizeof( POINT ) );
	GetCursorPos( &point );
	addRandomData( randomState, &point, sizeof( POINT ) );

	/* Get percent of memory in use, bytes of physical memory, bytes of free
	   physical memory, bytes in paging file, free bytes in paging file, user
	   bytes of address space, and free user bytes */
	memoryStatus.dwLength = sizeof( MEMORYSTATUS );
	GlobalMemoryStatus( &memoryStatus );
	addRandomData( randomState, &memoryStatus, sizeof( MEMORYSTATUS ) );

	/* Get thread and process creation time, exit time, time in kernel mode,
	   and time in user mode in 100ns intervals */
	handle = GetCurrentThread();
	GetThreadTimes( handle, &creationTime, &exitTime, &kernelTime, &userTime );
	addRandomData( randomState, &creationTime, sizeof( FILETIME ) );
	addRandomData( randomState, &exitTime, sizeof( FILETIME ) );
	addRandomData( randomState, &kernelTime, sizeof( FILETIME ) );
	addRandomData( randomState, &userTime, sizeof( FILETIME ) );

	/* Get extended battery/power status information.  We set the fUpdate
	   flag to force a re-read of fresh data rather than a re-use of cached
	   information */
	if( pGetSystemPowerStatusEx2 != NULL && \
		( length = \
				pGetSystemPowerStatusEx2( &powerStatus,
										  sizeof( SYSTEM_POWER_STATUS_EX2 ),
										  TRUE ) ) > 0 )
		addRandomData( randomState, &powerStatus, length );

	/* Get random data provided by the OS.  Since this is expected to be
	   provided by the system vendor, it's quite likely to be the usual
	   process ID + time */
	if( pCeGenRandom != NULL )
		BYTE randomBuffer[ 32 ];

		if( pCeGenRandom( 32, randomBuffer ) )
			addRandomData( randomState, randomBuffer, 32 );

	/* The following are fixed for the lifetime of the process so we only
	   add them once */
	if( !addedFixedItems )
		SYSTEM_INFO systemInfo;

		GetSystemInfo( &systemInfo );
		addRandomData( randomState, &systemInfo, sizeof( SYSTEM_INFO ) );
		addedFixedItems = TRUE;

	/* The performance of QPC varies depending on the architecture it's
	   running on, and is completely platform-dependant.  If there's no
	   hardware performance counter available, it uses the 1ms system timer,
	   although usually there's some form of hardware timer available.
	   Since there may be no correlation, or only a weak correlation,
	   between the performance counter and the system clock, we get the
	   time from both sources */
	if( QueryPerformanceCounter( &performanceCount ) )
		addRandomData( randomState, &performanceCount,
					   sizeof( LARGE_INTEGER ) );
	addRandomValue( randomState, GetTickCount() );

	/* Flush any remaining data through.  Quality = int( 33 1/3 % ) */
	endRandomData( randomState, 34 );
Пример #10
static void slowPollWinCE( void )
	HEAPLIST32 hl32;
	HANDLE hSnapshot;
	RANDOM_STATE randomState;
	int iterationCount;

	/* Initialize the Toolhelp32 function pointers if necessary.  The
	   Toolhelp DLL isn't always present (some OEMs omit it) so we have to
	   link it dynamically */
	if( hToolHelp32 == NULL )
		/* Obtain the module handle of the kernel to retrieve the addresses
		   of the ToolHelp32 functions */
		if( ( hToolHelp32 = LoadLibrary( TEXT( "Toolhelp.dll" ) ) ) == NULL )
			/* There's no ToolHelp32 available, now we're in a bit of a
			   bind.  Try for at least a fast poll */

		/* Now get pointers to the functions */
		pCreateToolhelp32Snapshot = ( CREATESNAPSHOT ) GetProcAddress( hToolHelp32, TEXT( "CreateToolhelp32Snapshot" ) );
		pCloseToolhelp32Snapshot = ( CLOSESNAPSHOT ) GetProcAddress( hToolHelp32, TEXT( "CloseToolhelp32Snapshot" ) );
		pModule32First = ( MODULEWALK ) GetProcAddress( hToolHelp32, TEXT( "Module32First" ) );
		pModule32Next = ( MODULEWALK ) GetProcAddress( hToolHelp32, TEXT( "Module32Next" ) );
		pProcess32First = ( PROCESSWALK ) GetProcAddress( hToolHelp32, TEXT( "Process32First" ) );
		pProcess32Next = ( PROCESSWALK ) GetProcAddress( hToolHelp32, TEXT( "Process32Next" ) );
		pThread32First = ( THREADWALK ) GetProcAddress( hToolHelp32, TEXT( "Thread32First" ) );
		pThread32Next = ( THREADWALK ) GetProcAddress( hToolHelp32, TEXT( "Thread32Next" ) );
		pHeap32ListFirst = ( HEAPLISTWALK ) GetProcAddress( hToolHelp32, TEXT( "Heap32ListFirst" ) );
		pHeap32ListNext = ( HEAPLISTWALK ) GetProcAddress( hToolHelp32, TEXT( "Heap32ListNext" ) );
		pHeap32First = ( HEAPFIRST ) GetProcAddress( hToolHelp32, TEXT( "Heap32First" ) );
		pHeap32Next = ( HEAPNEXT ) GetProcAddress( hToolHelp32, TEXT( "Heap32Next" ) );

		/* Make sure we got valid pointers for every Toolhelp32 function */
		if( pModule32First == NULL || pModule32Next == NULL || \
			pProcess32First == NULL || pProcess32Next == NULL || \
			pThread32First == NULL || pThread32Next == NULL || \
			pHeap32ListFirst == NULL || pHeap32ListNext == NULL || \
			pHeap32First == NULL || pHeap32Next == NULL || \
			pCreateToolhelp32Snapshot == NULL )
			/* Mark the main function as unavailable in case for future
			   reference */
			pCreateToolhelp32Snapshot = NULL;
	if( krnlIsExiting() )

	initRandomData( randomState, buffer, BIG_RANDOM_BUFSIZE );

	/* Take snapshots what's currently in the system.  In theory we could
	   do a TH32CS_SNAPALL to get everything at once, but this can lead
	   to out-of-memory errors on some memory-limited systems, so we only
	   snapshot the individual resource that we're interested in.

	   First we walk through the local heap.  We have to be careful to not
	   spend excessive amounts of time on this if we're linked into a large
	   application with a great many heaps and/or heap blocks, since the
	   heap-traversal functions are rather slow.  Fortunately this is
	   quite rare under WinCE since it implies a large/long-running server
	   app, which we're unlikely to run into.

	   Ideally in order to prevent excessive delays we'd count the number
	   of heaps and ensure that no_heaps * no_heap_blocks doesn't exceed
	   some maximum value, however this requires two passes of (slow) heap
	   traversal rather than one, which doesn't help the situation much.
	   To provide at least some protection, we limit the total number of
	   heaps and heap entries traversed, although this leads to slightly
	   suboptimal performance if we have a small number of deep heaps
	   rather than the current large number of shallow heaps.

	   There is however a second consideration that needs to be taken into
	   account when doing this, which is that the heap-management functions
	   aren't completely thread-safe, so that under (very rare) conditions
	   of heavy allocation/deallocation this can cause problems when calling
	   HeapNext().  By limiting the amount of time that we spend in each
	   heap, we can reduce our exposure somewhat */
	hSnapshot = pCreateToolhelp32Snapshot( TH32CS_SNAPHEAPLIST, 0 );
	if( hSnapshot == INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE )
		assert( DEBUG_WARN );	/* Make sure that we get some feedback */
	hl32.dwSize = sizeof( HEAPLIST32 );
	if( pHeap32ListFirst( hSnapshot, &hl32 ) )
		int listCount = 0;

			HEAPENTRY32 he32;

			/* First add the information from the basic Heaplist32
			   structure */
			if( krnlIsExiting() )
				pCloseToolhelp32Snapshot( hSnapshot );
			addRandomData( randomState, &hl32, sizeof( HEAPLIST32 ) );

			/* Now walk through the heap blocks getting information
			   on each of them */
			he32.dwSize = sizeof( HEAPENTRY32 );
			if( pHeap32First( hSnapshot, &he32, hl32.th32ProcessID, hl32.th32HeapID ) )
				int entryCount = 0;

					if( krnlIsExiting() )
						pCloseToolhelp32Snapshot( hSnapshot );
					addRandomData( randomState, &he32,
								   sizeof( HEAPENTRY32 ) );
				while( entryCount++ < 20 && pHeap32Next( hSnapshot, &he32 ) );
		while( listCount++ < 20 && pHeap32ListNext( hSnapshot, &hl32 ) );
	pCloseToolhelp32Snapshot( hSnapshot );
	if( krnlIsExiting() )

	/* Now walk through all processes */
	hSnapshot = pCreateToolhelp32Snapshot( TH32CS_SNAPPROCESS, 0 );
	if( hSnapshot == INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE )
		endRandomData( randomState, 40 );
	pe32.dwSize = sizeof( PROCESSENTRY32 );
	iterationCount = 0;
	if( pProcess32First( hSnapshot, &pe32 ) )
			if( krnlIsExiting() )
				pCloseToolhelp32Snapshot( hSnapshot );
			addRandomData( randomState, &pe32, sizeof( PROCESSENTRY32 ) );
		while( pProcess32Next( hSnapshot, &pe32 ) && \
			   iterationCount++ < FAILSAFE_ITERATIONS_LARGE );
	pCloseToolhelp32Snapshot( hSnapshot );
	if( krnlIsExiting() )

	/* Then walk through all threads */
	hSnapshot = pCreateToolhelp32Snapshot( TH32CS_SNAPTHREAD, 0 );
	if( hSnapshot == INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE )
		endRandomData( randomState, 60 );
	te32.dwSize = sizeof( THREADENTRY32 );
	iterationCount = 0;
	if( pThread32First( hSnapshot, &te32 ) )
			if( krnlIsExiting() )
				pCloseToolhelp32Snapshot( hSnapshot );
			addRandomData( randomState, &te32, sizeof( THREADENTRY32 ) );
		while( pThread32Next( hSnapshot, &te32 ) && \
			   iterationCount++ < FAILSAFE_ITERATIONS_LARGE  );
	pCloseToolhelp32Snapshot( hSnapshot );
	if( krnlIsExiting() )

	/* Finally, walk through all modules associated with the process */
	hSnapshot = pCreateToolhelp32Snapshot( TH32CS_SNAPMODULE, 0 );
	if( hSnapshot == INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE )
		endRandomData( randomState, 80 );
	me32.dwSize = sizeof( MODULEENTRY32 );
	iterationCount = 0;
	if( pModule32First( hSnapshot, &me32 ) )
			if( krnlIsExiting() )
				pCloseToolhelp32Snapshot( hSnapshot );
			addRandomData( randomState, &me32, sizeof( MODULEENTRY32 ) );
		while( pModule32Next( hSnapshot, &me32 ) && \
			   iterationCount++ < FAILSAFE_ITERATIONS_LARGE  );
	pCloseToolhelp32Snapshot( hSnapshot );
	if( krnlIsExiting() )

	/* Flush any remaining data through */
	endRandomData( randomState, 100 );
Пример #11
void fastPoll( void )
	RANDOM_STATE randomState;
	BYTE buffer[ RANDOM_BUFSIZE + 8 ];
/*	BatteryTimeRec batteryTimeInfo; */
	SMStatus soundStatus;
	ThreadID threadID;
	ThreadState threadState;
	EventRecord eventRecord;
	Point point;
	WindowPtr windowPtr;
	PScrapStuff scrapInfo;
	UnsignedWide usSinceStartup;
	BYTE dataBuffer[ 2 + 8 ];
/*	short driverRefNum; */
	UInt32 dateTime;
/*	int count, dummy; */
	NumVersion version;

	initRandomData( randomState, buffer, RANDOM_BUFSIZE );

	/* Get the status of the last alert, how much battery time is remaining
	   and the voltage from all batteries, the internal battery status, the
	   current date and time and time since system startup in ticks, the
	   application heap limit and current and heap zone, free memory in the
	   current and system heap, microseconds since system startup, whether
	   QuickDraw has finished drawing, modem status, SCSI status
	   information, maximum block allocatable without compacting, available
	   stack space, the last QuickDraw error code */
/*	addRandomValue( randomState, GetAlertStage() );
	count = BatteryCount();
	while( count-- > 0 )
		addRandomValue( randomState,
				   GetBatteryVoltage( count ) );
		GetBatteryTimes( count, &batteryTimeInfo );
		addRandomData( randomState, &batteryTimeInfo,
					   sizeof( BatteryTimeRec ) );
	if( !BatteryStatus( buffer, dataBuffer + 1 ) )
		addRandomValue( randomState, dataBuffer );
*/	GetDateTime( &dateTime );
	addRandomValue( randomState, dateTime );
	addRandomValue( randomState, TickCount() );
	addRandomValue( randomState, GetApplLimit() );
	addRandomValue( randomState, GetZone() );
	addRandomValue( randomState, SystemZone() );
	addRandomValue( randomState, FreeMem() );
	addRandomValue( randomState, FreeMemSys() );
/*	MicroSeconds( &usSinceStartup );
	addRandomData( randomState, &usSinceStartup, sizeof( UnsignedWide ) ); */
	addRandomValue( randomState, QDDone( NULL ) );
/*	ModemStatus( dataBuffer );
	addRandomValue( randomState, dataBuffer[ 0 ] ); */
	addRandomValue( randomState, SCSIStat() );
	addRandomValue( randomState, MaxBlock() );
	addRandomValue( randomState, StackSpace() );
	addRandomValue( randomState, QDError() );

	/* Get the event code and message, time, and mouse location for the next
	   event in the event queue and the OS event queue */
	if( EventAvail( everyEvent, &eventRecord ) )
		addRandomData( randomState, &eventRecord, sizeof( EventRecord ) );
	if( OSEventAvail( everyEvent, &eventRecord ) )
		addRandomData( randomState, &eventRecord, sizeof( EventRecord ) );

	/* Get all sorts of information such as device-specific info, grafport
	   information, visible and clipping region, pattern, pen, text, and
	   colour information, and other details, on the topmost window.  Also
	   get the window variant.  If there's a colour table record, add the
	   colour table as well */
	if( ( windowPtr = FrontWindow() ) != NULL )
/*		CTabHandle colourHandle; */

		addRandomData( randomState, windowPtr, sizeof( GrafPort ) );
		addRandomValue( randomState, GetWVariant( windowPtr ) );
/*		if( GetAuxWin( windowPtr, colourHandle ) )
			CTabPtr colourPtr;

			HLock( colourHandle );
			colourPtr = *colourHandle;
			addRandomData( randomState, colourPtr, sizeof( ColorTable ) );
			HUnlock( colourHandle );
			} */

	/* Get mouse-related such as the mouse button status and mouse position,
	   information on the window underneath the mouse */
	addRandomValue( randomState, Button() );
	GetMouse( &point );
	addRandomData( randomState, &point, sizeof( Point ) );
	FindWindow( point, &windowPtr );
	if( windowPtr != NULL )
		addRandomData( randomState, windowPtr, sizeof( GrafPort ) );

	/* Get the size, handle, and location of the desk scrap/clipboard */
	scrapInfo = InfoScrap();
	addRandomData( randomState, scrapInfo, sizeof( ScrapStuff ) );

	/* Get information on the current thread */
	threadID = kCurrentThreadID; /*GetThreadID( &threadID ); */
	GetThreadState( threadID, &threadState );
	addRandomData( randomState, &threadState, sizeof( ThreadState ) );

	/* Get the sound mananger status.  This gets the number of allocated
	   sound channels and the current CPU load from these channels */
	SndManagerStatus( sizeof( SMStatus ), &soundStatus );
	addRandomData( randomState, &soundStatus, sizeof( SMStatus ) );

	/* Get the speech manager version and status */
/*	version = SpeechManagerVersion();
	addRandomData( randomState, &version, sizeof( NumVersion ) );
	addRandomValue( randomState, SpeechBusy() );
	/* Get the status of the serial port.  This gets information on recent
	   errors, read and write pending status, and flow control values */
/*	if( !OpenDriver( "\p.AIn", &driverRefNum ) )
		SerStaRec serialStatus;

		SetStatus( driverRefNum, &serialStatus );
		addRandomData( randomState, &serialStatus, sizeof( SerStaRec ) );
	if( !OpenDriver( "\p.AOut", &driverRefNum ) )
		SerStaRec serialStatus;

		SetStatus( driverRefNum, &serialStatus );
		addRandomData( randomState, &serialStatus, sizeof( SerStaRec ) );
		} */

	/* Flush any remaining data through */
	endRandomData( randomState, 10 );
Пример #12
void slowPoll( void )
	RANDOM_STATE randomState;
	BYTE buffer[ RANDOM_BUFSIZE + 8 ];
	ProcessSerialNumber psn;
	GDHandle deviceHandle;
	GrafPtr currPort;
	QElemPtr queuePtr;
	QHdrPtr queueHdr;
	static BOOLEAN addedFixedItems = FALSE;

	initRandomData( randomState, buffer, RANDOM_BUFSIZE );

	/* Walk through the list of graphics devices adding information about
	   a device (IM VI 21-21) */
	deviceHandle = GetDeviceList();
	while( deviceHandle != NULL )
		GDHandle currentHandle = deviceHandle;
		GDPtr devicePtr;

		HLock( ( Handle ) currentHandle );
		devicePtr = *currentHandle;
		deviceHandle = devicePtr->gdNextGD;
		addRandomData( randomState, devicePtr, sizeof( GDevice ) );
		HUnlock( ( Handle ) currentHandle );

	/* Walk through the list of processes adding information about each
	   process, including the name and serial number of the process, file and
	   resource information, memory usage information, the name of the
	   launching process, launch time, and accumulated CPU time (IM VI 29-17) */
	psn.highLongOfPSN = 0;
	psn.lowLongOfPSN = kNoProcess;
	while( !GetNextProcess( &psn ) )
		ProcessInfoRec infoRec;
		GetProcessInformation( &psn, &infoRec );
		addRandomData( randomState, &infoRec, sizeof( ProcessInfoRec ) );

	/* Get the command type, trap address, and parameters for all commands in
	   the file I/O queue.  The parameters are quite complex and are listed
	   on page 117 of IM IV, and include reference numbers, attributes, time
	   stamps, length and file allocation information, finder info, and large
	   amounts of other volume and filesystem-related data */
	if( ( queueHdr = GetFSQHdr() ) != NULL )
		queuePtr = queueHdr->qHead;
		while( queuePtr != NULL )
			/* The queue entries are variant records of variable length so we
			   need to adjust the length parameter depending on the record
			   type */
			addRandomData( randomState, queuePtr, 32 ); /* dunno how big.. */
			queuePtr = queuePtr->qLink;
	/* The following are fixed for the lifetime of the process so we only
	   add them once */
	if( !addedFixedItems )
		Str255 appName, volName;
		GDHandle deviceHandle;
		Handle appHandle;
		DrvSts driveStatus;
		MachineLocation machineLocation;
		ProcessInfoRec processInfo;
		QHdrPtr vblQueue;
		SysEnvRec sysEnvirons;
		SysPPtr pramPtr;
		DefStartRec startupInfo;
		DefVideoRec videoInfo;
		DefOSRec osInfo;
		XPPParamBlock appleTalkParams;
		unsigned char *driverNames[] = {
			"\p.AIn", "\p.AOut", "\p.AppleCD", "\p.ATP", "\p.BIn", "\p.BOut", "\p.MPP",
			"\p.Print", "\p.Sony", "\p.Sound", "\p.XPP", NULL
		SInt16 count, dummy, i, node, net, vRefNum, script;
		SInt32 lcount, volume;

		/* Get the current font family ID, node ID of the local AppleMumble
		   router, caret blink delay, CPU speed, double-click delay, sound
		   volume, application and system heap zone, the number of resource
		   types in the application, the number of sounds voices available,
		   the FRef of the current resource file, volume of the sysbeep,
		   primary line direction, computer SCSI disk mode ID, timeout before
		   the screen is dimmed and before the computer is put to sleep,
		   number of available threads in the thread pool, whether hard drive
		   spin-down is disabled, the handle to the i18n resources, timeout
		   time for the internal HDD, */
		addRandomValue( randomState, GetAppFont() );
		addRandomValue( randomState, GetBridgeAddress() );
		addRandomValue( randomState, GetCaretTime() );
/*		addRandomValue( randomState, GetCPUSpeed() ); */
		addRandomValue( randomState, GetDblTime() );
		GetSysBeepVolume( &volume );
		addRandomValue( randomState, volume );
		GetDefaultOutputVolume( &volume );
		addRandomValue( randomState, volume );
		addRandomValue( randomState, ApplicationZone() );
		addRandomValue( randomState, SystemZone() );
		addRandomValue( randomState, CountTypes() );
/*		CountVoices( &count ); ** seems to crash
		addRandomValue( randomState, count ); */
		addRandomValue( randomState, CurResFile() );
		GetSysBeepVolume( &lcount );
		addRandomValue( randomState, lcount );
		addRandomValue( randomState, GetSysDirection() );
/*		addRandomValue( randomState, GetSCSIDiskModeAddress() );
		addRandomValue( randomState, GetDimmingTimeout() );
		addRandomValue( randomState, GetSleepTimeout() ); */
		GetFreeThreadCount( kCooperativeThread, &count );
		addRandomValue( randomState, count );
/*		addRandomValue( randomState, IsSpindownDisabled() ); */
		addRandomValue( randomState, GetIntlResource( 0 ) );
		GetTimeout( &count );
		addRandomValue( randomState, count );

		/* Get the number of documents/files which were selected when the app
		   started and for each document get the vRefNum, name, type, and
		   version -- OBSOLETE
		CountAppFiles( &dummy, &count );
		addRandomValue( randomState, count );
		while( count > 0 )
			AppFile theFile;
			GetAppFiles( count, &theFile );
			addRandomData( randomState, &theFile, sizeof( AppFile ) );
			} */

		/* Get the app's name, resource file reference number, and handle to
		   the finder information -- OBSOLETE
		GetAppParams( appName, appHandle, &count );
		addRandomData( randomState, appName, sizeof( Str255 ) );
		addRandomValue( randomState, appHandle );
		addRandomValue( randomState, count ); */

		/* Get all sorts of statistics such as physical information, disk and
		   write-protect present status, error status, and handler queue
		   information, on floppy drives attached to the system.  Also get
		   the volume name, volume reference number and number of bytes free,
		   for the volume in the drive */
		if( !DriveStatus( 1, &driveStatus ) )
			addRandomData( randomState, &driveStatus, sizeof (DrvSts) );
		if( !GetVInfo( 1, volName, &vRefNum, &lcount ) )
			addRandomData( randomState, volName, sizeof( Str255 ) );
			addRandomValue( randomState, vRefNum );
			addRandomValue( randomState, lcount );
		if( !DriveStatus( 2, &driveStatus ) )
			addRandomData( randomState, &driveStatus, sizeof (DrvSts) );
		if( !GetVInfo( 2, volName, &vRefNum, &lcount ) )
			addRandomData( randomState, volName, sizeof( Str255 ) );
			addRandomValue( randomState, vRefNum );
			addRandomValue( randomState, lcount );
		/* Get information on the head and tail of the vertical retrace
		   queue */
		if( ( vblQueue = GetVBLQHdr() ) != NULL )
			addRandomData( randomState, vblQueue, sizeof( QHdr ) );
		/* Get the parameter RAM settings */
		pramPtr = GetSysPPtr();
		addRandomData( randomState, pramPtr, sizeof( SysParmType ) );

		/* Get information about the machines geographic location */
		ReadLocation( &machineLocation );
		addRandomData( randomState, &machineLocation,
					   sizeof( MachineLocation ) );

		/* Get information on current graphics devices including device
		   information such as dimensions and cursor information, and a
		   number of handles to device-related data blocks and functions, and
		   information about the dimentions and contents of the devices pixel
		   image as well as the images resolution, storage format, depth, and
		   colour usage */
		deviceHandle = GetDeviceList();
			GDPtr gdPtr;

			addRandomValue( randomState, deviceHandle );
			HLock( ( Handle ) deviceHandle );
			gdPtr = ( GDPtr ) *deviceHandle;
			addRandomData( randomState, gdPtr, sizeof( GDevice ) );
			addRandomData( randomState, gdPtr->gdPMap, sizeof( PixMap ) );
			HUnlock( ( Handle ) deviceHandle );
		while( ( deviceHandle = GetNextDevice( deviceHandle ) ) != NULL );

		/* Get the current system environment, including the machine and
		   system software type, the keyboard type, where there's a colour
		   display attached, the AppleTalk driver version, and the VRefNum of
		   the system folder */
		SysEnvirons( curSysEnvVers, &sysEnvirons );
		addRandomData( randomState, &sysEnvirons, sizeof( SysEnvRec ) );

		/* Get the AppleTalk node ID and network number for this machine */
		if( GetNodeAddress( &node, &net ) )
			addRandomValue( randomState, node );
			addRandomValue( randomState, net );
		/* Get information on each device connected to the ADB including the
		   device handler ID, the devices ADB address, and the address of the
		   devices handler and storage area */
		count = CountADBs();
		while( count-- > 0 )
			ADBDataBlock adbInfo;

			GetIndADB( &adbInfo, count );
			addRandomData( randomState, &adbInfo, sizeof( ADBDataBlock ) );
		/* Open the most common device types and get the general device
		   status information and (if possible) device-specific status.  The
		   general device information contains the device handle and flags,
		   I/O queue information, event information, and other driver-related
		   details */

/* Try something like this again.. and ur a dead man, Peter ;-)
      -xmath */

/*		for( count = 0; driverNames[ count ] != NULL; count++ )
			AuxDCEHandle dceHandle;
			short driverRefNum;

			** Try and open the driver **
			if( OpenDriver( driverNames[ count ], &driverRefNum ) )

			** Get a handle to the driver control information (this could
			   also be done with GetDCtlHandle()) **
			Status( driverRefNum, 1, &dceHandle );
			HLock( dceHandle );
			addRandomData( randomState, *dceHandle,
							 sizeof( AuxDCE ) );
			HUnlock( dceHandle );
			CloseDriver( driverRefNum );
			} */

		/* Get the name and volume reference number for the current volume */
		GetVol( volName, &vRefNum );
		addRandomData( randomState, volName, sizeof( Str255 ) );
		addRandomValue( randomState, vRefNum );
		/* Get the time information, attributes, directory information and
		   bitmap, volume allocation information, volume and drive
		   information, pointers to various pieces of volume-related
		   information, and details on path and directory caches, for each
		   volume */
		if( ( queueHdr = GetVCBQHdr() ) != NULL )
			queuePtr = queueHdr->qHead;
			while ( queuePtr != NULL )
				addRandomData( randomState, queuePtr, sizeof( VCB ) );
				queuePtr = queuePtr->qLink;

		/* Get the driver reference number, FS type, and media size for each
		   drive */
		if( ( queueHdr = GetDrvQHdr() ) != NULL )
			queuePtr = queueHdr->qHead;
			while ( queuePtr != NULL )
				addRandomData( randomState, queuePtr, sizeof( DrvQEl ) );
				queuePtr = queuePtr->qLink;
		/* Get global script manager variables and vectors, including the
		   globals changed count, font, script, and i18n flags, various
		   script types, and cache information */
		for( count = 0; count < 30; count++ )
			addRandomValue( randomState, GetScriptManagerVariable( count ) );

		/* Get the script code for the font script the i18n script, and for
		   each one add the changed count, font, script, i18n, and display
		   flags, resource ID's, and script file information */
		script = FontScript();
		addRandomValue( randomState, script );
		for( count = 0; count < 30; count++ )
			addRandomValue( randomState, GetScriptVariable( script, count ) );
		script = IntlScript();
		addRandomValue( randomState, script );
		for( count = 0; count < 30; count++ )
			addRandomValue( randomState, GetScriptVariable( script, count ) );

		/* Get the device ID, partition, slot number, resource ID, and driver
		   reference number for the default startup device */
		GetDefaultStartup( &startupInfo );
		addRandomData( randomState, &startupInfo, sizeof( DefStartRec ) );
		/* Get the slot number and resource ID for the default video device */
		GetVideoDefault( &videoInfo );
		addRandomData( randomState, &videoInfo, sizeof( DefVideoRec ) );
		/* Get the default OS type */
		GetOSDefault( &osInfo );
		addRandomData( randomState, &osInfo, sizeof( DefOSRec ) );
		/* Get the AppleTalk command block and data size and number of
		   sessions */
		ASPGetParms( &appleTalkParams, FALSE );
		addRandomData( randomState, &appleTalkParams,
					   sizeof( XPPParamBlock ) );
		addedFixedItems = TRUE;

	/* Flush any remaining data through */
	endRandomData( randomState, 100 );
Пример #13
void slowPoll( void )
	RANDOM_STATE randomState;
	BYTE buffer[ RANDOM_BUFSIZE + 8 ];
	key_info keyInfo;
	team_info teami;
	thread_info threadi;
	area_info areai;
	port_info porti;
	sem_info semi;
	image_info imagei;
	double temperature;
	int32 devID, cookie;
	int fd, value;

	if( ( fd = open( "/dev/urandom", O_RDONLY ) ) >= 0 )
		BYTE buffer[ ( DEVRANDOM_BITS / 8 ) + 8 ];
		static const int quality = 100;

		/* Read data from /dev/urandom, which won't block (although the
		   quality of the noise is lesser). */
		read( fd, buffer, DEVRANDOM_BITS / 8 );
		setMessageData( &msgData, buffer, DEVRANDOM_BITS / 8 );
		zeroise( buffer, DEVRANDOM_BITS / 8 );
		close( fd );

						 ( MESSAGE_CAST ) &quality,

	initRandomData( randomState, buffer, RANDOM_BUFSIZE );

	/* Get the state of all keys on the keyboard and various other
	   system states */
#if 0	/* See comment at start */
	if( get_key_info( &keyInfo ) == B_NO_ERROR )
		addRandomData( randomState, &keyInfo, sizeof( key_info ) );
#endif /* 0 */
	value = is_computer_on();	/* Returns 1 if computer is on */
	addRandomValue( randomState, value );
	temperature = is_computer_on_fire();	/* MB temp.if on fire */
	addRandomData( randomState, &temperature, sizeof( double ) );

	/* Get information on all running teams (thread groups, ie applications).
	   This returns the team ID, number of threads, images, and areas,
	   debugger port and thread ID, program args, and uid and gid */
	cookie = 0;
	while( get_next_team_info( &cookie, &teami ) == B_NO_ERROR )
		addRandomData( randomState, &teami, sizeof( teami ) );

	/* Get information on all running threads.  This returns the thread ID,
	   team ID, thread name and state (eg running, suspended, asleep,
	   blocked), the thread priority, elapsed user and kernel time, and
	   thread stack information */
	cookie = 0;
	while( get_next_thread_info( 0, &cookie, &threadi ) == B_NO_ERROR )
		addRandomValue( randomState, has_data( threadi.thread ) );
		addRandomData( randomState, &threadi, sizeof( threadi ) );

	/* Get information on all memory areas (chunks of virtual memory).  This
	   returns the area ID, name, size, locking scheme and protection bits,
	   ID of the owning team, start address, number of resident bytes, copy-
	   on-write count, an number of pages swapped in and out */
	cookie = 0;
	while( get_next_area_info( 0, &cookie, &areai ) == B_NO_ERROR )
		addRandomData( randomState, &areai, sizeof( areai ) );

	/* Get information on all message ports.  This returns the port ID, ID of
	   the owning team, message queue length, number of messages in the
	   queue, and total number of messages processed */
	cookie = 0;
	while( get_next_port_info( 0, &cookie, &porti ) == B_NO_ERROR )
		addRandomData( randomState, &porti, sizeof( porti ) );

	/* Get information on all semaphores.  This returns the semaphore and
	   owning team ID, the name, thread count, and the ID of the last thread
	   which acquired the semaphore */
	cookie = 0;
	while( get_next_sem_info( 0, &cookie, &semi ) == B_NO_ERROR )
		addRandomData( randomState, &semi, sizeof( semi ) );

	/* Get information on all images (code blocks, eg applications, shared
	   libraries, and add-on images (DLL's on steroids).  This returns the
	   image ID and type (app, library, or add-on), the order in which the
	   image was loaded compared to other images, the address of the init
	   and shutdown routines, the device and node where the image lives,
	   and the image text and data sizes) */
	cookie = 0;
	while( get_next_image_info( 0, &cookie, &imagei ) == B_NO_ERROR )
		addRandomData( randomState, &imagei, sizeof( imagei ) );

	/* Get information on all storage devices.  This returns the device
	   number, root inode, various device parameters such as I/O block size,
	   and the number of free and used blocks and inodes */
	devID = 0;
	while( next_dev( &devID ) >= 0 )
		fs_info fsInfo;

		if( fs_stat_dev( devID, &fsInfo ) == B_NO_ERROR )
			addRandomData( randomState, &fsInfo, sizeof( fs_info ) );

	/* Flush any remaining data through */
	endRandomData( randomState, 100 );
Пример #14
void slowPoll( void )
	RANDOM_STATE randomState;
	cyg_handle_t hThread = 0;
	cyg_uint16 threadID = 0;
	cyg_pci_device_id pciDeviceID;
#endif /* CYGPKG_IO_PCI */
	PowerController *powerControllerInfo;
#endif /* CYGPKG_POWER */
	int itemsAdded = 0, iterationCount;

	initRandomData( randomState, buffer, RANDOM_BUFSIZE );

	/* Get the thread handle, ID, state, priority, and stack usage for 
	   every thread in the system */
	for( iterationCount = 0;
		 cyg_thread_get_next( &hThread, &threadID ) && \
			iterationCount < FAILSAFE_ITERATIONS_MED;
		 iterationCount++ )
		cyg_thread_info threadInfo;

		if( !cyg_thread_get_info( hThread, threadID, &threadInfo ) )
		addRandomData( randomState, &threadInfo, sizeof( cyg_thread_info ) );

	/* Walk the power-management info getting the power-management state for 
	   each device.  This works a bit strangely, the power controller 
	   information is a static table created at system build time so all that 
	   we're doing is walking down an array getting one entry after another */
	for( powerControllerInfo = &( __POWER__[ 0 ] ), iterationCount = 0;
		 powerControllerInfo != &( __POWER_END__ ) && \
			iterationCount < FAILSAFE_ITERATIONS_MED;
		 powerControllerInfo++, iterationCount++ )
		const PowerMode power_get_controller_mode( powerControllerInfo );

		addRandomValue( randomState, PowerMode );
#endif /* CYGPKG_POWER */

	/* Add PCI device information if there's PCI support present */
	if( cyg_pci_find_next( CYG_PCI_NULL_DEVID, &pciDeviceID ) )
		iterationCount = 0;
			cyg_pci_device pciDeviceInfo;

			cyg_pci_get_device_info( pciDeviceID, &pciDeviceInfo );
			addRandomValue( randomState, PowerMode );
			addRandomData( randomState, &pciDeviceInfo, 
						   sizeof( cyg_pci_device ) );
		while( cyg_pci_find_next( pciDeviceID, &pciDeviceID ) && \
			   iterationCount++ < FAILSAFE_ITERATIONS_MED );
#endif /* CYGPKG_IO_PCI */

	/* eCOS also has a CPU load-monitoring facility that we could in theory 
	   use as a source of entropy but this is really meant for performance-
	   monitoring and isn't very suitable for use as an entropy source.  The 
	   way this works is that your first call a calibration function 
	   cyg_cpuload_calibrate() and then when it you want to get load 
	   statistics call cyg_cpuload_create()/cyg_cpuload_get()/
	   cyg_cpuload_delete(), with get() returning the load over a 0.1s, 1s, 
	   and 10s interval.  The only one of these capabilities that's even 
	   potentially usable is cyg_cpuload_calibrate() and even that's rather 
	   dubious for general use since it runs a thread at the highest priority 
	   level for 0.1s for calibration purposes and measures the elapsed tick 
	   count, which will hardly endear us to other threads in the system.  
	   It's really meant for development-mode load measurements and can't 
	   safely be used as an entropy source */

	/* Flush any remaining data through and produce an estimate of its
	   value.  Unlike its use in standard OSes this isn't really a true 
	   estimate since virtually all of the entropy is coming from the seed
	   file, all this does is complete the seed-file quality estimate to
	   make sure that we don't fail the entropy test */
	endRandomData( randomState, ( itemsAdded > 5 ) ? 20 : 0 );
Пример #15
void slowPoll( void )
	static BOOLEAN addedFixedItems = FALSE;
	RANDOM_STATE randomState;
	BYTE buffer[ RANDOM_BUFSIZE + 8 ];
	struct batteryInfoType {
		uint16_t warnThreshold;		/* Percent left for warn */
		uint16_t criticalThreshold;	/* Percent left for critical warn */
		uint16_t shutdownThreshold;	/* Percent left for shutdown */
		uint32_t timeout;			/* Battery timeout */
		SysBatteryKind type;		/* Battery type */
		Boolean pluggedIn;			/* Whether battery plugged in */
		uint8_t powerLevel;			/* Percent power remaining */
		} batteryInfo;
	const FontType *fontPtr;
	MenuBarType *menuPtr;
	void *stackStart, *stackEnd;
	MemHeapInfoType memInfo;
	RectangleType rectangleInfo;
	EvtQueueHandle evtQueueHandle;
	DatabaseID databaseID;
	FontID fontID;
	WinHandle winHandle;
	WinFlagsType winFlags;
	PatternType pattern;
	uint32_t version;
	uint16_t formID;
	uint8_t value;

	initRandomData( randomState, buffer, RANDOM_BUFSIZE );

	/* Get the handle of the current thread's event queue, current resource
	   database ID, start and end of the current thread's stack, ID and
	   pointer to the current font, ID and pointer to the currently active
	   form, and pointer to the currently active menu */
	evtQueueHandle = EvtGetThreadEventQueue();
	addRandomValue( randomState, evtQueueHandle );
	SysCurAppDatabase( &databaseID );
	addRandomValue( randomState, databaseID );
	SysGetStackInfo( &stackStart, &stackEnd );
	addRandomData( randomState, &stackStart, sizeof( void * ) );
	addRandomData( randomState, &stackEnd, sizeof( void * ) );
	fontID = FntGetFont();
	addRandomValue( randomState, fontID );
	fontPtr = FntGetFontPtr();
	addRandomData( randomState, &fontPtr, sizeof( FontType * ) );
	formID = FrmGetActiveFormID();
	addRandomValue( randomState, formID );
	if( formID > 0 )
		FormType *formPtr;

		formPtr = FrmGetFormPtr( formID );
		addRandomData( randomState, &formPtr, sizeof( FormType * ) );
	menuPtr = MenuGetActiveMenu();
	addRandomData( randomState, &menuPtr, sizeof( MenuBarType * ) );

	/* Get system memory info: heap base address, total memory, memory in
	   use, number of chunks allocated/free and chunk memory used/free,
	   available memory block info */
	MemDynHeapGetInfo( &memInfo );
	addRandomData( randomState, &memInfo, sizeof( MemHeapInfoType ) );

	/* Get the handle, creation flags, and size of the active window, the
	   screen window created at startup, and the current draw window, the
	   size and clipping rectangle of the draw window, the current pattern
	   type, and the current scaling mode */
	winHandle = WinGetActiveWindow();
	addRandomValue( randomState, winHandle );
	winFlags = WinGetWindowFlags( winHandle );
	addRandomValue( randomState, winFlags );
	WinGetWindowFrameRect( winHandle, &rectangleInfo );
	addRandomData( randomState, &rectangleInfo, sizeof( RectangleType ) );
	winHandle = WinGetDisplayWindow();
	addRandomValue( randomState, winHandle );
	winHandle = WinGetDrawWindow();
	addRandomValue( randomState, winHandle );
	winFlags = WinGetWindowFlags( winHandle );
	addRandomValue( randomState, winFlags );
	WinGetDrawWindowBounds( &rectangleInfo );
	addRandomData( randomState, &rectangleInfo, sizeof( RectangleType ) );
	WinGetClip( &rectangleInfo );
	addRandomData( randomState, &rectangleInfo, sizeof( RectangleType ) );
	pattern = WinGetPatternType();
	addRandomValue( randomState, pattern );
	if( FtrGet( sysFtrCreator, sysFtrNumWinVersion, &version ) == errNone && \
		version >= 5 )
		uint32_t scaleType;

		/* Not implemented before PalmOS 5.3, requires the 1.5x Display
		   Feature Set to avoid generating a fatal alert */
		scaleType = WinGetScalingMode();
		addRandomValue( randomState, scaleType );

	/* Get expansiode card info (capability flags, manufacturer, product,
	   and device info including unique serial number if available), and
	   media info (disk space, partition info, pseudo-HDD metrics) for all
	   expansion slots */
	if( FtrGet( sysFileCExpansionMgr,expFtrIDVersion, &version ) == errNone )
		uint32_t slotIterator = expIteratorStart;
		uint16_t slotRefNum;

		while( slotIterator != expIteratorStop && \
			   ExpSlotEnumerate( &slotRefNum, &slotIterator ) == errNone )
			ExpCardInfoType cardInfo;
			CardMetricsType cardMetrics;

			addRandomValue( randomState, slotRefNum );
			ExpCardInfo( slotRefNum, &cardInfo );
			addRandomData( randomState, &cardInfo, sizeof( ExpCardInfoType ) );
				ExpCardMetrics( slotRefNum, &cardMetrics );
			addRandomData( randomState, &cardMetrics, sizeof( CardMetricsType ) );

	/* Get attributes, filesystem type, mount info, media type, space used,
	   and total space for all mounted volumes */
	if( FtrGet( sysFileCVFSMgr, vfsFtrIDVersion, &version ) == errNone )
		uint32_t volIterator = vfsIteratorStart;
		uint16_t volRefNum;

		while( volIterator != vfsIteratorStop && \
			   VFSVolumeEnumerate( &volRefNum, &volIterator ) == errNone )
			VolumeInfoType volInfo;
			uint32_t volUsed, volTotal;

			addRandomValue( randomState, volRefNum );
			VFSVolumeInfo( volRefNum, &volInfo );
			addRandomData( randomState, &volInfo, sizeof( VolumeInfoType ) );
			VFSVolumeSize( volRefNum, &volUsed, &volTotal );
			addRandomValue( randomState, volUsed );
			addRandomValue( randomState, volTotal );

	/* Get battery state info */
	if( SysBatteryInfo( FALSE, &batteryInfo.warnThreshold,
						&batteryInfo.timeout, &batteryInfo.type,
						&batteryInfo.powerLevel ) == errNone )
		addRandomData( randomState, &batteryInfo,
					   sizeof( struct batteryInfoType ) );

	/* Get the LCD brightness and contrast level */
	value = SysLCDBrightness( FALSE, 0 );
	addRandomValue( randomState, value );
	value = SysLCDContrast( FALSE, 0 );
	addRandomValue( randomState, value );

	/* The following are fixed for the lifetime of the process so we only
	   add them once */
	if( !addedFixedItems )
		struct ftrInfoType {
			uint32_t creator;	/* Feature creator */
			uint16_t number;	/* Feature number */
			uint32_t value;		/* Feature value */
			} ftrInfo;
		uint16_t ftrIterator, romTokenSize;
		uint8_t *romToken;

		/* Get system features.  This includes a large amount of
		   information ranging from fairly static (extensive hardware
		   capability info, OS version/configuration data) through to
		   variable (default font, locale, etc) */
		for( ftrIterator = 0; \
			 FtrGetByIndex( ftrIterator, FALSE, &ftrInfo.creator, \
							&ftrInfo.number, &ftrInfo.value ) == errNone; \
			 ftrIterator++ )
			addRandomData( randomState, &ftrInfo, sizeof( struct ftrInfoType ) );

		/* Get the ROM serial number.  This is somewhat complex, for it to
		   be valid the function call has to succeed and the returned
		   pointer has to be non-null and the first byte of the returned
		   data can't be 0xFF */
		if( SysGetROMToken( sysROMTokenSnum, &romToken, \
							&romTokenSize ) == errNone && \
			romToken != NULL && *romToken != 0xFF )
			addRandomData( randomState, &romToken, romTokenSize );

		addedFixedItems = TRUE;

	/* Flush any remaining data through */
	endRandomData( randomState, 100 );